Milverton Sun, 17 Jun 1915, p. 1

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_ a There are a cou rw " eereess qs NOTICE! ple of junk dealers 5o- ing around stating they are working ¢; [have no one working ilar And peda ‘ask that yousave you rags, iron, etc., and Fwill call at get Mt S. Gleeckman, ?*°"*ived ‘Milverton FTETTT FTTTF “Ht Shines Fur All.” Nes) j Lawn Mowers and Repaired. ‘SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P. NEUMEISTER Painter and Decorator MILVERTON EL ‘Vol. XXII—No 50 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, June 17, 1915 BARGAINS! ALL TRIMMED HATS AT HALF PRICE. Flowers and Ornaments Greatly Reduced. ——— An Important Showing of Sport Hats Really distinctive brim effects including large apes ‘ko 4 straws models in wide or medium shi with Items of Local Interest. a guest nt your home, are going out, of town for, 8 vial, or |. “now of any Interesting news | icinaly tet ts hear fro ca a preci nee and for eggs at the . cash, 2le. aw ae at W If yo trade, — wea ei (Mr, Harry Spencer spent Saturday | Diss i atives in Stratfor ie n. of Stowel, pent fri Merced "ES aturday and Sunday~ with in ) ‘Gtrattord. ie Ida Yundt left aS ‘t, Jacobs where sh don. m as tailoress. iting her mais Mrs, ese Ms J. Pie Lyons ‘and baby Biller, ‘Rairview Far left ‘uesda: on the “cana Temper- | aa ‘Durham re Markdal ies. oa eet rare sane left last mth with friends dete ohn Ament, o! Phe head plano lock-Maimning Co. sia next weel tuner of the 5S) . Hender: James Torrance, M.P.P.. D. L. @ Ww. SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRICITE J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for Coal PORTLAND CEMENT st ah ge Tuesday morning for a bk executive ideas o! — 8 ‘unice Langfot aed I left on Mes ilton where she will) aining a8 nurse in|, iss ae age see | the General Hospital » s. Ge ae Diesenroth Doronto. are spending | Mrs. Wim. | Sanderso Mrs, Julia Hasemflug announces th ze will an! e jatter Seek of this month the many 4 mpaign for betier| ill reer: t! Miller; rnin after which | siliti friends et 3 Ey moore a to Ice Crea fasinige n abi Seasonable Fruits at Reasonable Prices at all times. eestite of Se kinds including Tron Beds, Mattresses, itchen Chai Rocking Chairs, Wicker Stretchers, Children’s Cribs, ete., ete. Also a large stock of Men's and Boy's Overalls, Shirts and Sox Is mam Gill's Restaurant Chairs, sold at Ex: ES: T. GILL, West —— able staff oi Ham-! aes whee: from workers .will piesa to New im the village ‘Iast week. burg. ‘Mr. egal. Ont. 1Ge their decond uanantes Cla to es ah A, Wilson, eldest son or T | 50. Levi Wilson, [Oa Batarday ast Mr. e will take Pe tee ly had a hoi i ing-in contact with a “stone jumping the fence Mr. Ste oe Spamenemiene ity desiring to enlist for overseas Jacob § R. A: Miller ‘or Dea of the Milverton and Rev the ao meeting held a’ y last to namin ay one fngton ToReDRNID the it tisiehe ‘the ‘death North hat e is ready to xen, ington, Moffat. Millba: pat ok bids for the same. He Morni a porate and Miller t. me of his town pee a Mar} ting of Burns two dollars! worth of p v2 The yecent refreshing Trains and tl Buy a Victrola for the Home. The easiest way to make things pleasant for all the folks and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy. Come in and we will play your favorite music for you and explain our easy terms. Victrolas from $20 to $100 J. E. MILVERTON EIR mode Senta a minister Gilmour. of W! on was one of the favorites has ask. /are gaking rapid advances, is} timate ‘of the 4 showers will assur est. ner | | Methodist church for Albe: it) | Ontario and part of Quebe ‘on boy raduate of harm to pros | ister Caieziate. Institute, making things lively Teats ‘ot sae bodily of the matives there. struck Milverton last | ndest hopes a for Togs Mane member place tots ssongrental e: Jono’ disposition wh liquor refused to serve. im. tory bt Toront' Oy Canadian “pistorioal wworles | ti a K, of , that Rink | 1200 people were present. eh Listowel, June 15th, 1915. ——$—$ TL inex! LL be paid for evidence that will) se") secure the conviction of any person for paying money, offering money or guilty of any other corrupt act to secure a a on vote against the Canada Temperance Act. The Perth County Temperance Alliance | ca HAMILTON, President. C. V. BLATCHFORD, Secretary. ‘0 deliver two! t a will until campaign on Rob'nson, The meeting he be | Listow s m ch ESL tee o every one. fash Secmer ta: ves of gramme has been weve constituency of Caribou 4 has been received that Maj. x (Rev.) Wim. Beattie, brother Mrs. frist brigade. who has been in a Lon- | Listowel. don hospital is rapidly recovering. |iceship et the Major Beal tic, while riding was Tun that town, 01 ihe Bs ducted jpap imson wi r ambulance. TABLISHE'D 1872 FARMERS’ BUSINESS ie was tak ‘tal, and has | Tie sunltsre and has been mayor yy now tos} a few |K Beattie at in old} h Grange, Congleton. | ham. manager before aa to the front. m cota mn Company ‘ ‘Mir. (C. 'N. Cochrane, of the Uni formerly editor of ‘of Toronto. representative ot the [Sorattora ‘Beacon an Ee aad Patriotic Lei p a ie Brit imac: te. img. sages Te ond, a s o'clock. he pest spe: sakkers eee Nee naa “will Reade in portori — duties “sn fee ate. 1859 in company polutely. fre Be assured Caldwell he prose! to the will ae able padpanes, NTs nce is look = from. el to be present The, pene for | what known he evening wi “toronto University. “and tb rial Mr, N. avidson, K.C.. of Toronto. from _ roy fe Eggs Zle. dozen, Engeland & Sons. Pea: on Monday e has taken 0 visit Sy aenta in this county takes place} 3’ yaincoat, strap across back, ai 0 ap. She en - in Milver- left on Toronto to at- th w Don-| young men pate Milverton and viene | ckly. lost a Bae ira suailay y e Seb Ee committee of the Lon-| | this way whe a fed want nt ting done. n- warm weather with e (ani tl ‘past to take a ban heel ie of sa {probably make. his home at Toronto. | Rev. di jor is an old Gran- eotat’ — he death of Mr. eer Bueking- 5) 8 Enge- Tate al = \ H unday ' present visting ith her “tend Mfiss Bunice Lang- (ity. Mr. 1+ ae nd Mrs, Sheldon Orr spent | coal abate convention at friends t | im th y M tle | estimated Moticar that ahevlal plo atte ended the from a severe attack of tou-| last w d | anee bs capa = Vice may have an opporttnity to oC Stec! il R s leg by a vertor fe Orders Je! ott at the Sun office w in ps Lereeoek mal ago A. and Sionkton to| ne * Methd dist ohorahe oa the | Evangelical church, J of will st. in i y night when ie is eats (pare Ite the Sunday |range late ‘a former yy th ir camdiinte at ‘the next. siestion| Bee Sale at the fohn Kne: J. Fasken chaplain of the| 1863 and spent his younger days as was itish Strat- time serie otieter of the rial “att roe “the niprauee. tel NRed ti a Wester the, "risat Pos pee in was post 2 ciation. It took six Neel ets teams ly my duce Mr. ing paint, at Clemen’s pexdwrs are, now un-| 9: til aie Bio, to any cies in Can- ada for 5 Chri Greenlaw for their ‘Ft esi pened cake ‘a me | Ne Perth F armers' Institute bank. ‘D. n ine Milverton, 8 ing Jour eRRs to Ae as Jaen 2le Foes 2le. fae Se get its rail Poa at W. a 9, Highest eash price veld for na andes at Kelterbor suits ie. ne seals great- Engeland & £o Qe. Hanove! friends in this eae woo] Haimilton is attending the Buffalo his Get circular about the best roo‘. mn will be seni Ms mits. t Ona will have f the vice on Smit! ee, ee Mr. |pegents. ‘ote “and Mrs. ©, 8. Grosch. 1s pee ken. of eae visiting ‘her acting: ‘Mir, and M Pat Babs Kerr. of and All xeady roofing should be pai ints fol 4s| iigntly and famil ni ff soft coal from Pennsylvania, md. Kerr ant Brunner. visited ar Sale Notes ane ee or fietar wer Notes left se flee are” secure age sal Teeueriae noted auifes of the due date. ‘When ree ee ‘money goes to your credit without any trouble We shall to furnish with the note eh int, chalge, The Bank of ; Nova Scotia uinntidge.—Mir, P.) Golightly spe ent Sunda’ ath friends iasken, manager of the "Banke of in Ethel D. iy “ of Wr atEonL Se ah ae br ttended the garden par mhich pdward Seah Jet mae Metropolitan 1 Bank Wi pee Geotte - guishene, On Monday a equa’ is ati pated and hoped tae “thi Sum office has a = Sea Ge = f wedding ae Lae ee me cctonery on ad ee Mr, Neil Saat pi ke his ree ular during t All pi having accounts in con- jon with the Christian shi rs gis are ee a them im to eo y before Thured By 8 Firest ae Papas and of See was in brother Ha: nd pany while ae ta Friday last Tet with an (accident | Sooart the car ae turtle whieh | as fatal to both mem, wthe auspices of the Red very successful a: been, a eabited for the sol- diers. ‘A delegation from ‘public Mr. Krug ed, Alvin ad Tavistock skinned 4 than pleased | gro erie: what they # — ‘amen Die, annual pisiine of the h Fan mers’ Institute was held is Brice oR | asihep: n Forbe iH. North Saaathlipe..- * aration ms submitted by the super: ‘armers’ Institutes, Geo, gs getting aman ee a ae a Julia ler, Mr, and Btiverion for a fw “divs “last wee E: A. Fe: North ic June beg usual. services at Mor : Brats Gro ; taba fble to enjoy such a treat PEER ounts over= = - Sash MILVERTON AND MILLBANK BRANCHES D. C, Brown, Manager we uable “Dlnekemiths sith ae w iin the person of ved to Molesworth We o fill his place here.—Mr, and Mrs. J. lia na and Miss ge: a ome a "Football Notes. Poole footballers Rcd ect Ae e last Smith of Listowel, F oi E rian Steele. manager of the Mount a half was enlivened by. which chased the spectators to shel- -\ter but bothered the Players) but ittle ns a good a: played throughout even nntil shortly before time when Walker for Poole, beat Holman with a neal - a AY Anat et and ‘Mr, aba Mrs, A. d from abso ‘hos = ‘Atwood amd Brussels played a tie rie at the former place on Friday Strate os of New: last Sw ple the pa cate schox taste was whiteraabed at garden ‘pty 2 bela on onkeds f 8. Jast, being de- aE re featedt by 3-0. Poole bosses rear aN on Tuesday evening * GR es ceil $800 in footbal cash By ir aiaeall ke se Pools t elub wi ber rela at the Queens hotel on Friday evening, An Interested are | reauested to pile CARD OF T THANKS ‘The Lattes’ A Sit ot te eapcelodl. chureb desir is who Sar towels 4 Church and the the’ is towel shower for the Red Cross torast the’ xanden Darts a lhe Soslety. Ninety two towels irate coke yal | tributed im al F. D, HENRY ENOR, INSTRUCTOR pons ee methods of Mons, Sbrightia. ES TESTED FREE. Fi ae oh 8 OF Ay intments write P. we XSo. vn 60), BLYTH, ONT, oF éali ar Su took a drive Rot fheay Jast Monkton Methodist Cireuit, Lento we 7 er 5 at Bethesda A eben 0 3 frie ol be - 0 pu “a coat eh the es Choir rave a ole (Meth pases adler The Late Mrs. Farrell funeral se Bhizabetd Farrell beloved wife of R, in for Concert Engailements. monton. ‘for ceatioee ce tao place from ‘amily residence. | —— Grierson Ave. ‘to the Edmonton ccm: etery. _ Barrell is survived by ahus Fileinger oAaleeheel: ore of the, prettiest Tune weddings Jk place at 3.30 o'clock on x aynet cb d in marriage to ar er, ae = dal roses and ca y ae of Wilamstong don Filsinger, will ee home on on the grcom's farm ©) near (Mildmay- - CARD. OF T THANKS (Mrs. A. Beggs ail family of thank thei $ They also who contribu d flowe! eee Methodist ‘chur oh, omni aye ave urday. 2th, to Mr. and M . Di f FY stman—At Reg'na, Sask,, 01 nee to Pag an ghter. ‘ Santai-Ae Merning‘on, 3 on Thursday to send UGAR GRANULATED — ed Re nmstrong, assi by. Boy, Meneame of SicDounall the The 3 bearers were jae G2 rors es residing in Ex A. |merly of, North Easthope and a 01 inlaw, ‘Gerald A. inher wa nach is sixtieth it fe | Die cold e ela Soy nship d Mrs. John’ A. a rae At Newton, on June 10th, to afr. and Mrs Sane wafbilach RE Ellice, on Getaiy. to Dir. ar a btea. George Retonkisch,. A daughter: of Morn: ‘Miss many laste

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