‘WORRY AND WEAKNESS! “often indicate Ov Overwork and a Run Down Nervous System. Oyerwork and worry have an evil| ™#ns ¥ak% e system and afta give RESORT TO DEADLY GASES. Kaiser’s Allies Amazed But Are Silent. When the news of z asphyxiating gases sh anes are reached Budapest from ue of in Bs war r- | ani THE ONLY MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own ‘Tablets are the only medicine for little gui ov absolutely free from injurious dru They are pleasant to take, act mildly ut, effectivel Steck a weak. back, headaches and indigestion. In time, matters are neglected, a complete haustion who are ut with thems nervous, debilitated state having fled al Sedinary treatm It y baf- co rian « Eg hie serie seribed above, you need Dr. Williams? are fed, Under the tonic influence o! Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills all traces of nervous weakness disappear together intense weal pression of spirits that mazk the vic- tim of nervous ailments. Here is the pr r. H Marr, Port Felix, z s: “It gives me greatest plea- sure to testify as « the value of D Williams" Pink P' en I ees their use I was a Saves $ nerves wer from frequent headaches aches, and was almost wholly y aitied or W decided to gi Pills a trial. they made me What ne Pills. ‘tia Mae for "Mr. Marr they will do for every other weak and heat man, if given a fair trial. Sold by all geniting dealers or sent. by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writi ting. The Dr. Wil- Giams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, ‘Ont. pau D3" SOME NEW FACTS. Crys: itrate pure aad per Mrs py formed thet they can sed in optical: instruments have Been made bye Paria ecient is je globular life -preceryer to be strapped upon the shoulders of packed flat.and use by revolving a Massachusetts students of less have had Sood ee with riments in sen ing messages with paceieTa laid the ground. on um caps and masks though which hot or cold. water e circulated havé been invent- y & Vienna surgeon for use as surgical compre _| scription of fe gases, “led that the war ip, extracts from. French itis the repro oduced peed giving a technical de- although at i upon pest journals items in full, the same time ent. victim of exhausted | ™2" rt obtained no credence, 1 cause of any high conception of Ger fairness but because the resort to such unworthy devices ap- eared to argue naliters) weakness on Germany’s part. n the-use of ti s ynalcondikaesl tear there was nothing else for the newspapers keep silence on the subject. ‘The “slanders’’ were, after all, not Ni{slanders, but, the popular disap-|< sion are so deep and thorough that it will take some time to recover from their eff. estion, simple fevers and regulate the stom- ad Concerning them Mrs. Donald Ettinger, Georgefield, N. , writes: “Baby’s Own Tablets. are Shastrly Mauctierk cote hat al- a ways do my little ones good, and I always keep them in the house.” ‘The Tablets are sold by m medicine “dealers by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. SWraliacns? Medicine Gan “Brddl- nf ville; Ont phur black derived from so-called exhausted tan bark: One of the hest_ known research men has de- inexpensive sour ntioned, the basis of which connected with tannic acid At a laboratory it was said that Be name mending certain tra arther eS lobby sur- rise was ao that, Germany, 8 e their a Hungarian is incon- why Germany with all = faethe Jesenars ina against a foe ly has eee to be weaker and inferior, should have to resort, unscrupulous tactics. It is aie that Austria-Hungary, in fightin or the un- Austria-Hun- gary and Russia was in the main wae on humane and self-respect- ing lines. Of the 1 many chivalrous indents supplied by the om campaign it is only ry take-the ais ok dite. Rerbian ol: s| whici haha speraiotent- [of mentee reheteainat be able soon to improve greatly and present a fast black be of great en to tex- He manufacturers and at moderate S Although considerable quantities ig out a shortage this sum- nd the © chances for the eom- on year are dubious. The sulphur black substitute is bacealy adapt- ed for cotton. rehil; a ‘vegetable, dye ools Vary pe tee which strength from it, has been quantities Lower The plant from which the dye is ah tained is r found the dye sudhustig in this have been in a state of suspended animation mare to the ability of the Germans, with low priced y labor to with fahich no produce products at prices other people could flu TANBARK. the process] } | any SWITZERLAND 1S IN. PERIL) resce WAS ANXIOUS TO REMA NEUTRAL AT ALL COSTS. 4, Invasion by Gérmany and Austria ‘Certain ‘to Follow Entry of Italy, on Allies? Side. For some time past the question of peace. of War hag in ange .with, regard ‘to: Italy. | Rom hag been the seene,of a Feninskabe diploniatic campaign. The: Kais ablest diplomat, “Prince Buelow, former Chancellor ¢ German mpire, brought every laters in? Victor baits 1 ‘be ob out any fighting. Prince Buelow’s offers would, therefore, have beén more certain: we shad. it Satine Austria, who ictor Emmanue! vie nica aught to look upon as their arch enemy. importancs of Italy’s deci- sion as to her policy with ‘re; the war lay in the fact that if she fiepapitineel upon joining in the fray other neutral Powers would be 5 if are dea the Al follow suit, and fo this Gor “hetwoste Hane Bucharest was known to have been in existence for some time past. There is one melee, agen that is anxious at all to ad- here to its neutrality pe (ia sedis the care which avoid incurring the resentment of of ithe belligerents, and not- pany we: militar defence of the neatraly of out. inducements of a|é: iy les Catarrhozone Co., Tallest = any breach of the would have of a rifle must be shot, irre- spective of age or se: his razed to ground. The Witancn ‘of ae een gies town or village where hi must be Healt with im ‘the same ne: way.’ Will Quickly. Cure any Sour Stomach Relieves Fulness After Meals. BLACK DYE as Ei “When, I was wo! “working around one t Widiusn them do adver anes farm last winter, Lhad an attack of in- Wra shattte Results in Discovery| icy of neutrality; while, on. the | #8™ ei : 3 Cheap Substitute. ee hand, France. am ussia.| por Seon elena j-was Weak One a the first results of the | 7°" ene ea to persuade Italy }work until spriig But something quest of ch or substitutes cee a erage h the: Allies Went wrong with Thy bowels for Thad : 12 e salts for dyes made in. Germany is. sul-| "poh, the Triple Entenite and Ger- orp! tac all the time. My re 4 11 K| character, but involved expendi-| used Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Instead of tire of much Italian blood and|urting, like other pills, they acted treasure. Those offered by Ger-|¥¢Y Mildly, and seemed to heal the and Austria were less exten-| ¢¢ es sour mach, a good appetite, able to di ie gest anything. This is a whole lot 1 ‘or ene medicine to can say est ait ite my letter, I am sure, airs "a. substitute for Dr. Ham! inure ‘pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes’ 25¢. All dealers, Kingston, ——shepinas: ~ PERSON L. Presumably itis an unintentional complitient, but the fact remains tha acnamara alone of the Mins follows Mr. Balfour in the charac neckwear He ie os low, turned-dow collar, and the séme habitual black S| tie. Since the. establishment of their truce the Suffragettes have also made a bass with the . fashions, judging more stylish cut of the ‘tlothes of the principal lead- ers. Mrs, wurst, while not ressing conspicuously, is always. clothed very becomin; Eranehoved at the oe funetions she attends, Lady TJellic Gokepiichent ary abtenejots very good-naturedly and is sometimes so amuséd at the ‘ogeniiy. of the Photographers to pose of her ¢ is peas laugh i hind saddle has hoon patented by aa diers who found a wounde her territory in guar ainist . sees the camera-men best oF rsey inventon which ares officer ay in a wood: one ats eae the slightest ieee of it -by any: like. ahd leather 3 to cover the stent the Austrian line was ‘A Roaring-‘Trade. of the neighbor: owers, it is re-] Mr. Lloyd George has easily be- nckles which frequently wear out] the ites in order to save his life garded as secre | Bee the an-| come the most°fuent “member. of Bisco! hg ing. they brought him in there, and], 4 friend of mine who is a seafar- ponnceeny that s thrown] the Cabinet. A long speech from Co arches resting upon| they asked for permission to re-|imé man had an incredible and|in her lob. with the Allies will be higd; ‘Sébupyidy thrke Sohimita! + Haccar tine beenthuliene Neo Eis: Gita ow re.| amusing experience selling salt wa-| followed immediately by a German| ‘The’ Times,” is scarcely an effor Hampshire cemetery, to support) ten for their courtesy and _hu- wae standing on the quay} and aan Wivementat-Swiee teks| ie hee Aes. ose that he thinks and too soft to} manity they were eseor | one forenoon. when. a stranger came of some of his best phrases yas f. ts Compared with in-| up and asked if the aie tetngedh lise io beta datiiest col | golfing at Walton Heath. It mitter and re-| tances like these, German .“‘kul-| 0 my friend. He looked at the man|| probability, but as» certainty, in| it ought to Soa hint te Tegislatone y French telephone poner Fae ‘humanity’? take a very} and jokitely replied that it did. cial a itary circles in Rome, | who ee themselves lacking in im- ban nin a vase of flowers, | secondary plac _ The tide was full at the time, | in Panis in Piano, and even at}.aginat w table ornament or any other in- just wanting two feet from tl Berli: Vienna, ‘They mite in} Mr. Borba cannot plead he is sonspicuous object. —_— br —__—_ of the quay, and the newceomer’s ee that the Saree Me noti-}not well known. He is better mais United pieces ese will es- His Promotion. ech! ner meee start! seca ak f Bo haa a te Sener known, pavers, :b5 by his writings, ish a wireless station on r . “Can. I get. som uy?’ he} feels himself under any obligation | apparently, than his features; Cod eepecially equipped to. guide eee cere wes ery Prats S| ceked.- He “Was el career we eoule| to f neutrality, which | for dining in a West: ind eettear: weoosis, along the At lantie coast in hoc! fod to. th have the lot if lie liked and prompt-| according to him, has already been|iant few people recognized grag, He yan much stached tos) Jp QUeted y qyay| Leva tights ore Helv re | eae , “7 hay. ‘ing: e it away|aerial flights over Helvetian terri-| Not so long since Mr. Jolin Burns Members be the German Reichstag fst grade Benen, Budewageleeh. te) 5, tee: foontinnet “but I will go| tory, a1 at, moreover, Germany aaibed he recreations as cro are fined twenty marks for every. day| '“N0. 1h said wid tears in| uP to. the town and get a jar feels herself bound to protect her|et, skating, rowing, and boxing, they, fail to, put in an appearance in his-eyen. “1 do deve hold it. interests Gothard Rail-| but it must have been years since the “house.’ ars to ta teach second grade se Imagine my friend’s 4 aries: road, which, built mainly with Ger-| either pastime claimed ‘hi 3 8 eatnnna te dolce vert when standing by the side of the| man capital, is under German and| votary. Beyond reading—and: he el vessel after the tide had gone out, | Italian contr ta is always adding to ae fine» li he saw n coming along the} Years ago i ron sees out that, heaey as his on A ni Common, quay with a pitcher in each hand. | if Germany ote permitted con-|in wi the chief treasure is a The water- hee was. staggered | tribute oe expel to stone funds need- fat ise ‘of Byaknepeare “tne prin-| with ama; snot 5 ed Hae oe enterprise, it was with] cipal amusement appears to be bil- “You m lave done a roaring] ulterio: sooner Or] liards, at. wi he is not. very, iiss site = mae been away,’” he tage’ of iif. exclaime in the} A French writer has been enthus- — os > ilroad to endeavor to secure pos*| ing Pe ithe mai beauty of SHE QUIT. session not only e line and} General Sir Arthur» Paget, just —— tunnel, but also of the greater part| back from the Balkan States. When ‘But It Was a Hard Pull. of Switz @ was ¢ommandai the, 1st Pure Ice Cream for the Children Include plenty of City Dairy Ice Cream in the children’s diet. In the summer time there is no- thing that can take its place—it’s cooling—it’s a ‘ For Sale by food and the child craves its sweetness. . them all the Ice Cream they can eat but be sure it’s made by City Dairy becanse “If it’s City Dairy, it’s Pure, that’s Sure”, Give Look for the Sign. It is hard to believe that tea or ¢of- fee will put.a person in such a condi- tion as it oe this woman. She tells her own stot “I did not Sateve coffee caused m: So ies frequently said I liked it id could not, quit ‘SHnking it, but I was a miserable sufferer from heart trouble and ner- vous prostration for four years! ” aren is just as injurious as coffee, too, contains the health- satiiene ‘I was scarcely able to be around, and did not care ro in aro thought I could Bet ne “Frequently I had Betas chills and the least. excitement would drive sleep away, any any ute noise would upset me terribly. getting Soren te myself what’s the use of tala sick a ing medicine so that my Soe atl T directions, and I w: change was the “erates step in-my life. to quit coffee be- sige Toe like: Porta. betas Shan PUNE by Bie St ths old troubles lett in splendid health, Name ‘given by Co., Windsor, Ont. Read “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs. must be well boiled. 1be and 25¢ packages. Insta ieee Laas ae fee ile & a cee ieenerest instantly: Oe and 50c tins. Both kinds are equally delicious and cost about the same cup. “There's a Reason” for -Postui . =sold by ate tant Postma soluble Boaee La ‘The Swiss Government has been aware for fully a year past of the existence in the archives of Me Ger- man great General Staff at Berlin of a carefully elaborated es uo: to-date for erman and Austrian invasion of Switzerland. The Kaiser. knew very well prior to resent W am the military ene of the, te have shown that in espect he saw clearly—how diimeule it would through France’s fortified barriens, eelsnauid from Verdun to Toul and trians way through Belgium in the north and through Switzerland in auth. The violation of ane neateal! ity proved a far taller order and a much. more costly operation than the Kais r had been led to expect. Now leave ae feels that sh Bee not ing more to. los Switzerland’: ae “indeed longer of a fri ney uatiendlly the institution of 1a land of Wil- pierce ties francs-tineurs wo ma fe Seung sone to the proj Progress of our troops and: Scots pues all the, officers could claim to be the most striking-look- ing eemearatice of Britis manhood, If this French. writer ol his staff then, ngusen for saying that the British-officer type cannot be excelled in point at looks Lf wor! ut, after all, what looks compared with military Tieiset in an Cente And Sir Arthur Paget has Fan Uses in Europe. cay are put to all. sorts of curi ous uses in Japan. At wrei ane and fencing matches ie tone al- ways uses a large fan, e_vari- ous motions of this mis ee a Adieu Soar ODEL Bullet of stone were used in the) pbctenne century, had seen Sir Axsthur Paget with the] su and physique by any, army in the bee afte THOUGHTS an as fruit -| erow flies over.—Bunyan. The Lttersiols object in education a young man gradu- ily to m3 is own master.—Sydney ae ated oS crest of t! man should fe |?? “There is ever see janybo Mrs. Jinks Mr. Jinks: trousers !’” pigmy standing , on unde rstand. Chast lotte Yo: no luck!’’ ‘‘There isn’t, eh? Did you FOR THE DAY. ie Valley oi Humiliation os of @ plage as. any th his nobody else can nge. never be ashamed he well known to hundreds of persons he is glad he doesn’t know. to a suburban Sunday that an ‘‘epistle is the wife of an such thing as dy upset, an ink- yt? stand when it was empty ‘8: ‘We women have o! ganized a society to reduce rent. “T am yery it! You can begin on little Wiles 's glad ti fi that of the m: xtyred. patriot; the bay ects most splendid that of the hero in| [%Z0QHX@, FOR A FAuap, CONSULT 1 have over Two Hui ndred on my. hour of victory.—Dr. Southey. | list, Tocated "in dhe. beet gectiona, af One Every rightly-constituted mind|t#rio. All sizes. H. W. Dawson, Brampton, ought to rejoice not so much in “ST NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE ‘ing anything clearly, as in LOOTED OIRLG BLS re is i ely more | PPROFITMAKING NEWS AND, JOB OF , A 3 ood On ‘owns. hich it cannot x) —Ruskin, and interesting” all Life is made ip, + of great sac- 2 a ppnines: rifices or duties, b unret litle things Ae emp nnaty les and ‘kindness, and ions given habitually, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ‘in the heart and e R EM. F comfort.—Sir Humphrey Davy. nding in every neighbor. hood of Ontario and Quebec Provinees, to Et obtain dit OF valieble’ Boone, iyho ats ‘hase . + * ee WIT AND y WISDOM. snneha ‘staple Mindi. rssleoted Re vitae one log tablished “Montreal Depart, ee matter howd bad a man may ment al Rid fe. 0 rig Degxone — offer aturact munoration, Write ime , there is one woman who can find | Gh tts fOmuner nal le ape oe good in him: ience, with. references. Character bass A celebrated man is one ‘who is| POTS pmportance then, experience, MISCELLANEOUS ANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS, iter Hal oma. eekerna ence out pal an Caters eee dat tS Bettman at Go. Limited, Collingwood, Out Corns Drop Out fe] g “The only way all about rap “And: study th ©. = Listen aim wait other “Putnam's” Extractor Sure * Instant Relief Paint on Putnam's Corn Extractor »to- night, and corns feel _—___-- Method. for a man, to learn is to get marrie e ways of his wife, to what she women, Lng asked e only one we mane e people Pleasant Bay, C.B. MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only for mat nly “storeand AP keep for sale. use it. ee IN FULTON. tells cisor What It Was. Pat and Mick were working Glasgow and Went to, see the’ in gorra, Mick, y didn't think you so eae pa sure, that's the Micland Flinj ereerener Ts LOW FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA EX- COSITIONS ¥ SIA USEOARD & NORTH: Four eslondia ere ris “Mow thp 3 Passenger Terminal, Chica Angeles the way. Double: track, tne safety etenale ail the ways Lek planter nel aeons Rider, oe full partion!an Hi, Bennett, "6 Yongo St., Toronto, Onta You can tell by. some men's actions t they ate used to eating off « red tablecloth. PROT suvurrequmag yuouryT #,pAvUTHE Getting Back. because I asked her dinner for a few friends of Bessie When topie of much to pledge the daughter Accordingly she er BS > Wek ir of tox — thing a matter ecacee a young lai to be married visited an naturally the coming event wa: The young woman not yet made public, thought it wise of the hou: Minard’s Tiniment wsed. by Physieta Promised. dy who was about. old friend of. the conversation. whose plans were little foul ee -old | secrecy. called little Bessie that soon she réat importa) ai while ‘hee mother and the pre frecn Some ten ‘The Self- arate Young Doctor—What kind ‘of tients Fs yo find it ecdeet to cure Old pa- who aye no- with them. Gu eds y Co. Chiewg Bay prompt attention. servant | “The workmen’s compensation law F # irl has a flat fan made of rough’ aoesn't entitle a man to damages for SEARS-CROSS pare ‘a; HN pleaiey Fake with,| the accident of birth. Speedometer Station. or uses it as a dustpan; the farmer x a tt aye er has a stout fan to winnow his. grain.| asx for inardte. week TN 179 Queen Street West, Another variety is made of water. : N’ 3 7 f paper which can be dipped in The Paradox o Poverty. > TORONTO, | ONT, water, and creates great coolness by| “It’s so hard to be poor.” ptr aaa: “And so easy.” x “T hired her, my dear, and I don’t mind giving you \a to back at her. Bring your friends over to my house for dinner.” CUTTEN & FOSTER AUTO AND BOAT TOPS | } Ford owners write for our catalogue. “My cook left this morning: merely