Milverton Sun, 1 Jul 1915, p. 1

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_ NOTICE! Z \ , -: i Lawn M ‘There are a couple of Dk dealers go- 2 Y Sees ue eigare stating they Be, pe | i te Z A : oH for me ; ave no one working for me ~ and would ask that vou heir vou ot f \ ! | - 4 SATISFACTION GUAR: Tce rags, iron, etc., and I will call and get il —e : Ks Pp. NEUME ns Per =He Shines For A” ross tg S. Gleeckman, Milverton we FFTT = TTT tor ¥ TTF Vol. XXII_No 52 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, July 1, 1915 eset 800% Milverton School Report { Eggs 2io tradé. Bngeland & Sons.! Eggs 2lc. trade. Items of Local Interest. hi s | aah. ial for eggs at the Pearl ae accounts-are now due. Enge- “ : | Cream land. & Sons. fe aati oat a pt at Zour home, are aul aegounts are now due. Enge-| Don't forget the big summer sale| |The following is Le report _ for “ iknow of any interesting mews,” | [80 1d &. Sons. {at ngeland’s, Be ithe <eoreienr hk for: the school : | a ey Ginnie aekaeciate | Ladies’ alls sind. coas elk reduged Highest sash price paid for wool was 176 andthe average a | Mia Atrases speeeciate | eet & 80 lean ‘es af Kelterbor ER SE ae : romotions—Form I to Form : és | All xeady xoofing should be paint-| Large size granite preverving tile| ‘The papers were set by ONE ONE | Dominion Day. +. ed. ms t. mars tout the best roof-| extra w ppecial 29c. Engelan = Sons. | ment ueation: and mai + WEEK WEEK |, Dir, James Tansee, M.P.P., spent [ioe Paint at Cle en 's hardware. lisses Gladys and Viola mer- | th arincipel ‘Maximum marks 1100. RO NEY ok ge ‘Tuesday in Toron‘o on business, meeting LOL. No. 45. will| mann are at present wating friends Fequir pass 200. ae Mrs. Geo. cocaine and “chadeen| field in Niavérion on July 7th at jat Tavistock. 800 Sosa Thom: Pearl] B ki Date: Servic are spending-a-few days at Brant: | 830.2 All members requested to) ‘Tho post office wicket will be open |» he r 706, Gertrude Paw'i oe James an ing e ford. te presen jon Dominion Day for the “dissibation r 601, The following made the : Mr. Christian Sutter, of Baden Mr. Chas, Schmidt. of Mornington.! of mail from 10.30 to 11,3 required total but failed in-one sub- ‘This bank undertakes every had potatoes in blossom over ten| “ROUGH ON RATS” — out {Jeet amd are recommended for pro- description of banking busi- ies | at present visiting with his cousin, Men Beane meee at », 50 Ladies aren ? 50 eo pars eae 2 “in | days ago ond the stocks are now over | Rats. Mice. ete. Don't Die In the | motion. Lottie Gowing 665. Olive Roo : everyday or Sunday.. pumps cloth backs at ; | ities Ida Hastinies spent from sat-|20 inci 2 ig] aay ‘Ibe. and 25¢e. at Drug and | 90 d our aim is to have | urday to ay her -éister,| > 2 Guilfoyle. formerly of Country Stores ji-6m Ww. G. Fas ap Principal each. pasha feel assured of “ Men’s gun aber ox- a 50 Ladies patent leather ce] 90 | Mins. A. Hampel. of re [attvenon, mas ve ae jn rence) Anis Aitciican. formerly teacher Ske d attention in our fords, reg. 4.5 pumps at 4 ae pr aie A to. Ford a ‘and went to the front with tel silos iene oat ne eingion art ities ae i ssa Skea Hh Nees os 3 \ppcaet nied | ehureh, Sunday, July A Hest panting {Mrs B. W. Geclhoff, of Milverton and ae Aikens mp neve in a anaes Men’s tan oxfords— Ladies patent leather eae ee eon rhe Jeading merchants and busuess) friends in Bias hie ple. be Bas: are at you sal; and every reg. 4.00, for..... pumps at .. lcetoatieee Aiea? where che Bes mt of Exeter have agreed {0 close mk Upton, of _ North tendgatt. “Pasa Bs E. Lucas, B. good business connection, large to peoure. 4 school ad folly oo places of buéiness how: Traticons. - eu rb of “Winniper, is sera mi “Ri Schou r, W. or small, is welcomed by 34 ‘ profession at teaching. m4 i in| Miller, Men’ a easy Teathier Ladies’ fine impress’ patent jie PRE SERS HI to Sr. if=Henors, D. Whal- oxfords, reg. =3 leather shoe: or rss ae ee ag ‘cobs. R. Bundscho The Bank of ons, Pass Nova Scotia posi S bri me $75 a month with has weeks leave P | eee ee eet button, a knocked down by some ke in the - rer ire 5 i Slater's tan oxfords, 3 50 —— | og he mideayoring. toeatch one | len of = ence stat year. Bhcther 1 Berkner. Mi: Pepple 2 gett f | z ie. i ae Sees terborn. Teg. 4.50, for Us Ladies everyday shoes | Mfr, and Mrs, John cider, Mr. | Ye iss Dandie bon | ee ee ae aaa atz, A. Sch PAID-UP CAPITAL ~ § 6,800,000 fh ia edo GERSON ont, ; |and (Mrs. George Hopf en ae eee on| New Mamburg. and, Rev, Bie, myth Mohr, ba cat D. Hopf 42,000,000 ‘and | : fe ish a Seay Boy's heavy pebbled shoes in |. rrr ns oir, eats here they Dandie, ‘Teacher, TOTAL RESOURCES over 90,000,000 sizes 1 to 5, regular §’ school shoes | 50 | visited friends, Oey : Tor het board Sa & MILVERTON AND z : eachers for the year 1915 | 0 MIL 2.25, for.. mages 5 sone Fe ee pea eee ad Dandie | of. the Boantford, curcti se eee eer ae, ee SNe AL spent 8 re | resigned. (Micecshtae Gjenn and Lily| Mr. Snyder for a third year, ‘They Ee eae D tie peek D.C. Brown, Manager Boy's patent leather Misses’ patent leather and ‘Mes. Con, 6c Be Money aesrestey at a salary co elena ge Bee Woltz, ‘Siringtord. acho: st kon: Alma Schiel. fine shoes, teg. 3.00.. Z, pumps at 2. . | im Si Races and we D,| = sachet ae eet 000 fe hae the sucks |STRATFORD HERALD SARNIA- — — ended meets} iam eliet Mage te DETROIT EXCURSION n s fine shoes, ae metal or | Misses’ dongola oe sie eerean Geaper Flam. | Since that: time ‘this faa Tas x nin, Lorn: u- Temperance Act bea lace or b a 00 shoes, lace or butt SY. 95 iiton last week as delegates er uae SS Fs a es The big Herald Sarai roit_ex-|Kery Beata Moir. ‘Aitred amet ton, from 2.00 eis fi Gladston:, Newton, pee, iS = i ion, which for so many years has | Fr elt . Stewart - . Ones rom 1.75 to x New op. | that the total 1 BY, tis time should be | eon favorite outing 9 Y Pundrede |Pass, Ji mdorff, Lavina Jac- gate in Perth Soe ay eae ; : ret Roe. Norman Wool- oes Belgians: require. cre (2 mty. is goi: ie to be jus le Le T Gibshiers Roy Bethan ritton.| thing that we ean do for them urable this year as ever. Prospects Ryerson “Dia ff, Howard Gatoke. Now is the time to get lightning to it being more so. Vacations| old (Mohr. Meredith Pugh, Jack Pop [ae rods on your barn before you i erthe | {rem filled with hay or grain for" it} querters this y Schoo | ining strikes the barn eae Cee ion will open a way to escape | el er’ | iy contact with the gas e hot weather for a short period = i lawn on Tuesday evening, July Gth.| fresh crops it explodes anit generally gs Bauiaty Boom “The Shoeman”’ R. MILLER, mitverton, - ont. : f ‘hota Ada beta yt Teacher | the part of both parties was carried, = | Good inusical programme. ihe sidings ae, conmamed by frs| he excursion has been irtatgsttG) F op ena Ene wa Hi Mrs. John Dobs r Leavy r ith J. W. th oa "2 " 8 a A hew Dobson, cere: midt dflverton, Only. the Bost towns of Perth nee ara pest ihe ee Racamood, mae meas and workmanship depots lee ing flag yet niga jobs, fog de nd s whit: ded: J guaranteed. M ’ = Clifford Langford at Granton. Within the past six months aero- be: st = ir. 8 1: ories.. both in the United i fi i ip States and Britain, have been turn: | am api wi tia (ore Saba) Oe ee re Ee is “ir. First Book (Class A)—Honors, the | mjeanor Carter. Earl Capling, Ralph Spencer, Luella Bundscho, Ee oe Vanilla Cakes per Ib. 12c = | store Spee comprises, 2 d50| wi de for passengers fr ee c hed . Miller. ‘Odell Pfeffer. Molasses Cakes _12¢ Or, (Wim. Zi eS hh Lag Pamoptiaer the niall | Pearl Stewart, Clara Woolne: trained to ave mini ny n : Isabel Siegner, Flizabeth Hottman, out Zeppelin and aero} fast | special wi Sarnia wt a ete factories can manufacture on 00 ee ee ae Senor Primer ae y Homespun Cakes ie ib I oney. Cal ae turned ‘at night with — | which fhe expects to dispose of hen ten lenry ae rold Hoceahe. | ‘20 5 | an itd date. ‘The Rargea 3 patty held under the|/0 An a 7 -| Walter Mohr, Kereds, Pass. | ton mic Winder the auspices of the| auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of the x 3 Mazel Stewart, Ce Epworth League of the Methodist Stats ehurghi on. the churel lawn | SoM Waa oe eacrival ot} Promoted to ¢ ee Be fh will be held in Milverton park i of last week | HAY whit ig esas SC mt Nellie ™ Ba Al very aucoessf ul oe ‘Bo oes | Detroi oats Birrse.t rah sa Ss Bean sinned Finkbein |. eS er ks remember that the old_¥ on ‘Tuell Re eer woe pk work and no play makes rig haan Nae neh » bas Hamley Hennick. Art’ der. ce Cream per pint Large Prunes. per Ib I wins to be present, Bring your bas- te v WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Est Ee The garden party held at Mr. | : c,| tra a te i ——— HAMM ES 9°" rok on SPriday “evening last cirawh wal ‘a mos' A ans a muscles. ange 793 hagen bind furnished the music. The A mew species of worm was been are dene, with pleagant, surroundiags. | POOLE PUTS ATWOOD ‘OUT’ .OF m1 isth, F HE eo ment 58, Senta attend! 47, 8. Pomecnttes ‘Teacher. of the evening amounted t RUNNING. vered ae of | ot he 43, re wha effept, “Som ightens th di on h i “The ae G. HAMILTON oo iil aa pre xe mate meet 2 dae cudse tal mises: work Syebe i On Friday rating at “Milverton vee hese y.{ long. black and green in fo and | 32 mot’ the only Poole tists der : i : , Sole Agent for ae eee al § rs D. L. @ W. PORTLAND pen star ‘Presb: % elas: re ? yterian congre-| < 5 ‘ : { SCRANTON CEMENT gation to Rev FG, Mabatty, of Tab-| its hind end slmcsk to oe ods i and Wi j plea- | P, : 2's with |grocth Ward Ses STANDARD oa ST.MARYS . Alta. [Alone Patwers Sy the wiinity “ot [Sinn aothing ean be better = wat ie tee War : . ME bner Clifton Langford, an Soe Wingham have written to the E plat “ nm alin i At Totals , Pas te of 2nd year bagi iN8| perimental Farm at Guelpe to find | wood goal, The bombardme Majority for Act. 38. out ‘what they ean: do abou We have been Goa that a ‘ ELLICE ANTHRICITE 23 « ta LINSEMAN 8001 TT A yery pretty Joe wedding was | Sack it St. eph’s — Roman| clever i be: i 5 e: ind Huckle mn \iperen, Autnorized genie Mae ork teks Graber ae : T|atto, eldest daughter “of Mr. and, was in Poole’ Lage ah. ah tet aree! : re 4d trom| the future and are. preparing the Sa (Necrdestisegrtp ag — Gurpte + + + $3,780,000 Mist Lily Mayors received | from alee or the nemadio Mle hy taking 4, Michael Scott. beem Hide |scorcs were ma Save Safely : mptod on Bfonday a" curse ia home cooker’. They have | OE Linseman, was ; ae ; } set p bone meas sE IN| fs seek pee of a kettle ‘pridé ook al Totals ... S: Seite t i ; wh wi attalion which they ees pee ao white satin Sith net aI citer pnt handled the shots Majority against Act, 364, Safety is the first consideration and “ ingent il ros. O het vinnie casi nee ded and pearl | trimming! aly. *Rithongh Poole layers ap: : - in Action in France on Fi Ag ally obtained | cas aoa! ie a ae peared weary they occasionally sho} \.. MORNINGTON the matter of interest earnings of | yfusn sympathy by. the og Be Iloncy SIE ma rida, yell i Lin the form of second or even third importance to of. Milverton and viel Mabel pf pipes and oe ak etd et a Dee ead iysot-the rs tor le rea ie ‘hours tween , careful people. Ontari board of license com- Hey aera beat Mise Mary Geott, sister of the ilk mid enalty Kk’ "5 went wie bt nll oe siade\e mice) wave of the 1, Such = ann will be* notified’ to put in} pt to develop thugs an Vote was a “tie, sMererros BRANCH ‘ep G. SHAFER, ston nate s tat Ss J te re ne b Ree 4 eossege an. Mg ir appli ‘ions ter an July | at ae “§ an brave and heroic men. eee i ‘After the ceremony the bridal par-|has always been a favor with M “BY BEUN' yriEs Be BS eae ty together with the immediate rela- roe TOIPAL i : me of PIGNIC ¢ s-paren's! where a sampiuo 5 i if fo’ The| A pienio was LA int he Mndrewy eb ion ne young ovgle satanithe atten: eee arn Push by the .etinpeen (noon train for Toronto. amid showers) P sof ice and confe bride's travelling suit ae of bie with large é : : vas | ; i He Be nd French Listowel juniors will mest Tavie- é $ adrop ‘nthe Tey oe: tite, = ; their return the they will take up inthe” semi-finals 1 \\ ‘ Bank oF Bas ilicig ESTABLISHED 1872 % , th i ‘ BRUNNER spent ol with ‘Mir, and Mrs, J:|Gecos the “differs cs 3 woes a nd enjoyed by he! 3 e_ roenn's farm one pails nical sh oe great as ove: mg people, and a ut of geod- scort -. chats \Maude awe left last Fri-|. Sr. and Mrs, Maddess, a dee CHeSmibks Ad ngtonb: a ‘and fel'owsh' ait ree Hes ee Srterais sua econ Witsox= SCO! for Gotham where she will re- | fon. called on friends Kere: =| poo thes: (isis ies gathering ‘and this spirit was ite cae es A happy event nt transite atthe sit oH some time. day. | menace and Five Js| couraged and fostered by the chair. | Hite. cae ae CE teins ia Mr, Bam ‘Henry, of Milverton, vie-} Mr. and Mrs. J. Whitney spent) have recently ine into racial em, Mr, Samuel Scott. gath-| i Seott. Jot 1, concession as anerning fa pane attending the ee since the war s' cS ar! conclusion of | Births, Marriages and Deaths. | (5. ein Weines!35 June 2 iss Freida Smith yaltes ‘on Sun- mgt e last. to be reported is the- Daly T take it upon m: omere! pain ir Sear ay swith friend eee ‘ostock, jo say I believe it was the ‘ob- A wi from here attended _ the 7 ck. spent a day with Mr. and) were a im of the two teachers Miss} Fleming—At Morni Eepoate= aren ootball ‘match last | Mrs. - ed vieuely’ Dunning’s, the W fewett and Mr. Hui 0. gh to Mir. and Friday evening. Mr. Mr. J.| bine and the Arlington. It ipils under their a daughter. fe: md Milton Hanna, Mrs. Hunter reported “that two other licensed oo ‘ MARRIAGES. want epodticled iy “Rey. Dr. visited over Sumlay ae ih eee fe in and Jack spent Sunday with/ places in the congested district are y ba eee me Toronto, on Fine lanes Husser. heaeres minister. of | ‘Stratford nds in Waterloo = Finding. the eae ‘exceptionally. had. teaching be su reseribed — by See WT Ae Ca a. Amid the strains of “The ™M y bad a successful ee ‘o's. rural 8 iddies wi SE ee aT erainiie the yk i Bridal Chorus” by Taher played ‘The HL iter Beard- ice this sea: o" 40,0 io. bu! in eaching rainii G ing : ee et roto, ioeo fied for pro- ario's fine ils. 30, thelr shatge to: Tecoms ine istrect. to Henry: is foie. in Bt ~— | bate estate Ra id under th pices 1d - TL, tl x "sees see oe Bessie Lindsay < Bt Sonat ‘sa a divided between | the Provinti ara women and for this the ts Holm —Siemmler— At 8 ae -ch| an \ were the s of Mr. and = Mrs. Be oe 28. e purchasi | Soule be grateful amd edit t_ Wane eae June ain Rfesteessone a: Sunday. < th i will | tothe teachers who have worked and ae eee to Miss h | father. he e's gown wee em-| w: unity was ee Ss work. aaa BE the iooirtsnen oe graituat ( meetings re>| . wife t has been decide: aplishment. Tea-|¥ a1 Stemmler to be ego ct aire ¢ te oy it y re that b MiSs “ “t the ee ner. groom’ ~eundar|elace eat Woods - Se Lhe largest. amount of po-| of No. 5 tohisp fo. | of ir. ja bride was a pearl crescent and tothe |( seho0l, ceria party to b e held on| the residence x brother, Chas.| tatoes in weigh! : : aave had aa i See egnestay. th — of | organist. a gold fone deat ree Bebe awa on Tuesday. 7. Beatty. 86 Sanford presnae’ south, | children are participating in calle platform at the Surkes t pin, The bride's n oe “2 ton cemetery, I-|ty counties, and the competitors nui ne a victim nervausness pepe Valley. Geo. Wil Beott. | was Alice blue bine silk. wath ke Pao ‘Wire. C, Rochm spent the week-end | be irers werey Je W, Sutherland. , The coi yn Dr0Vi not uld bave wished.| to Jevelina Peart “Gueanerto, ‘ot ama hat trimmed with sr and Mrs. W. Peters. St. a sbson, “R.H,| for ‘one-ci of an = 5 Ae tha’ ank who pro- sot Elma. Tp. Co., Onta: amd ‘coat to match, ithe “Fepor coup 2 eaves an. of Hal Ft ete sermest obs | Yided the Tt Inch and refr Stour Byes At ean: on Me =| ett about. 4 pan. by, motor ear 2 and Mrs, 8. Steinman visitea mate ee " B, Gordon, erie : ii vay. Juno ith, by Rey. R. W.|their future home " eroe with the former's parents near New| Strat! c £ xen it | was git y ES ‘Miss Y ac yr a hard ee are of Pa hee a a Haare ee Gann, We sal eactes ond ile, Toronto and | bes ai oat [the gatherion | z mts) Mouicton, to afr. Howard 1 Heo Xou are eure a road tora if * Mrs, J. Fetter and Mr. ©. aioe = ae a Ep. ae oe :

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