5 ; mat Made exclusively from pure cane sugar in a perfectly equipped and right date refinery ST, LAWHENCE EXTRA GRANULATED suoairias THE REPUTATION MAKER: steady excellence and purity ar To avotd mistakes buy St. Lawrence Extra Granulated in Rei Zerions, 10, 20, 25° and 100 te bager wNeN assures abe ren SUCCESSFUL CANNING AT HOME res Fruit perfect in shape and y and a clear well made Syrup, The aod miust be made with pure good sugar;as organic matter in acts like over-ripe fruit and-causes fermentation.. To avoid such cisanpoiet= ment and loss, it’s worth while insisting on-being supplied by your dealer with the old reliable more than 99.99 per cent pure St. Lawrence Standard d Sugar. JAM AND PRESERVE e'the secrets which assures absolute cleanliness and correct weights. Fieeret gholce af the three sizes of groin: fine, medium and coarse, st. LAWRENCE ‘SUGAR fees (6 LUCKY, and its even, moti at sealed packages, 2 Ib. and 5 1b, Any good dealer can | The Lady of Lancaster ; Or, Leonora West’s Love. strong enough to witness his friend's happiness just y s pains. He sought safety from himself in ig- nominious What was Lady Lancaster's dismay en she arose to her a note awaiting ed in the privacy of he CHAPTER ae tt De Vere mn his He felt a glow of pride in hax ae if she belonged to him ady. ‘You have done splendidly,” whispered, a8 he - hung delice “There is not a lad do half so well” ged to» say, “Give an re. “not “to a lightly won, ats beautiful witte * She was proud and sen- ie w ould. have to bide his with a smothered sigh he placed é her sever: ful face, proud and glad in the privi- lege he enjoyed of being. so near her sl played, several in- strumental | pieees brilliantly, ae placed another Jong | before i “Let ri can sing. as ou ean e glanced at the Longfeéllow’s “Bridge. es I wil ; and she aa ce as tush’ of lay sung ihe last line she looked up, into his “Will Play. 9 e. you so. mucl lave no mite voice than a raven, Miss will call, Lancaster. eee but, he said ing over S hurriedly; “I will sing, not rise,” but 1 shall eompanh She bowed ‘silently; and he, select- eda of music and placed it be- fore her her It, was that beautiful song, mt ae it. you. td play my ac- wee Be. Vere did not.like his. friend’s selection much, ame pagretled that he geasked im to ‘sin; whether to appropriate the tah. to er’ who had lingered jealously near the Me "ee Sglunded up with va lamile at Lotd Lancaster. r| Song plas he pleaded, | ong. was cre bend-| 7 self. ‘When the. song. was ended De Vere,! as ind tween bridge could. ‘bi loved ne hone night alo: stillness. m o_.with S /lives, I that ue all. | pendent “Well, re wete-naite handin-glove with her,” objecte: was felt and. see with ai bright e mischief Will Li “ it hei mit m his. face. “Yes, ee to Poss the le wei ae window aad pane ae the Laneaster, pene wise, chose tHe open| latter part. fad an innate con-|~ «yo le’ into the} viction that Tataoee woul grounds, driven from her pee by| Lieutenant De Vere. “Heaven hel; deeming irrepressible joy that night. she had li him e| Would hav of that passionate love wherewith he he raat at daylight this morning,” Seemed pa ee “The ert tn and chagrin-| The honey of poison-flowers, and all ain of her, coldness, her studied) erence. iat pray Witte: ddl wider at every effort he made to There was a bi I am a fool t she would love me, ee ‘poverty myself ricl ly and with ut on! istened to e known the whol ie did not even care said to himself with, “pitt ways been sh and Tight- ur of pro- anit now, but an found bitterness came Saat moonlit nora’s lone -in. the ie words semed to echo in his t] Foy tay, Neat was hot, anit: redtless, life see f full of c: wi the tangled thread. of wonder ? He went back to the. house, oe me 0) gone, Vere had Bryaielane : “T could not ae no peste pane the dowager. “She not in isa imers nobo » nie de niece of my housekeeper,” ut’ Lancaster and De one. by all im be relief. ‘e had hel ee I come Sip Be pat A; ey Li ” ing eves, and she s shinin fresh young ‘ouehtfal for She seemed to be makinj Leonora raved her eyes gravely to may come,” CHAPTER XXXV. impulses of men in oe rake =H will parse around the fatal wcner "am not is painy another will fly ruel madness of love, measureless il a5 without a sigh,) in her affection.’ ge Ried bear.” set at) ¥! rose from the piano h ith wil had Shad held| him—a. beautiful, sia she answer- ed, and. tl a turned quickly away. aid. ; accept Sgt ees never He did not feel from me. derogatory. to hi and rang her bell violently, ompliments to Licu- nage De Vere, ge ik him to come ‘or ten otntites,” she said, nkarpliy, 10! the debvant vag" dnewered =| me immediately, full of won- t| der at this a found {i = “No,” he replied, gazing at her | in surps oy “Well, he has 5 one—did_ you know that igh, she | that? she dem story | “Yes, I heard aa oe is groom to; he er “Here 1 is a note he left for me,” she ays he has been y urgent busi: | more, and wishes me to ase ent eo cuses and regrets to you and the rest of the company. “I -am very. sorry he had to’ go,” -| Said, the Treut “But do you ea that. he really has business?” she _ ing peev: he had—or re should e gone?” inquired the _hand- some young fellow, staring at her in amazement. “{ don’t know— puspicions. half tiie! hat he to| has run away fro Ly | Adela. If I were vauite sure of ‘it, Td haye my revenge,” she muttered, iraseibly. “What an old shréy! I don’t pie ™ said fhe ey. aloud, he with an-air of sur- y? Thi Lieutenant De Vere, but I ‘ieit not le- t be too hard upon him Give him time, Lady Lncaster. He will not br wi ‘tune ?” “I hope not” said Lieutentnt De mad with love for ae beadttoh pounilean aandriean girl, Leonora Vere had suspected it all slong, ong haat me ing futile jealousy heart. ly Lancaster came nearer Is there any woman in the in Lancaster’s confidence, e= making a mountain ue sudied him @ attentively. T shall find out nothing from you, I can she jean anything is interests —be sure of that,”” he replied, loyal. a | and_venom. prise: ity dear Lady | ancaster, T am il} war has made to fly in the face of eonet™ liv is; cleanses the sur: ©) dry and be dispersed to his friend in spite of reawakened jealousy. own anche ah rosper?” she inquired, ike a sneer, Baden changing the subject, He flushed indignantly. “You are pleaséd to jest on elie cate appre Lancaster,” a stiff] T beg ot ur pee: she answered, qu niche “IT did not know y so sensitive, aE Ts gone you that I great interest in your love rT unders' tand the ori- perceptibly: She di w whither her suspicions tend- § lare say you think mea ver meddlsoms ae and with your wealth you no difficulty in "iifting her to" yaur evel. “She is the most beautiful of © wo- he answ uu val lose no time: in-mak- Delays are. dan- More than’ half a Century of Quality is behind every package of BENSON’S Always order by the name NSON’S order to get x, yo gerous,” Mie se Swi” cS meaning in hee tone that made his heart jut I am a coward; most upon earth,’ her in those few. words a aie ae into his full heart. “Pshaw! you are a cor to marry wished. ancaster laughed a very dis- agreeable 1 “As lau: Tam such an old woman, you court Miss West you can carr, tune in your hand, well a Ag “What a very disagreeable old wo- man!” he said to himself, reddening with vexation. “She is full of spleen A Gol cres abel be tempted to say something sharp it, and as he ee leaving, she oS = ‘ast shot at advice, and don’t delay in. Don’t let you. Re- it faint heart never won ‘tho. be’ continued’ ——_ kh Col. S. L. Barry, DS.O. ough the name of Colonel Barry is sib one with which very familiar, he occupies a position of peculiar importance iat headquar- He is Prince of Wales’ os lately by id and intimate is} o $ s a= a & he gained his D.S.O. high favor with the Il off, is as good is a salir agit id ueraanalld tesa members. of the e the Srendably them is o the probably satel found men who been Caliietitg to- I! gether on active service, The Dust Devil. The loss of thousands’ of lives that exists prank aie that is able, if possible, than ever. thing that ean Pesdoue 46, stop infant ortality_m ne. wher months claim thousands of Title es. ain caus the fly peril and the dust devil. “The nation has been educated to the fly serves no mercy. It carries infection taints food, and is directly responsible for much illness. But there remains the devil” There is in wet than in dry seasons. face ofthe and keeps alist laden ‘with out. Take a lesson tra water the ground “dust de a house there should be no dry dusting and sweeping. The a st is disturbed, and germ: Se nalile on Dede = are Seg ed in with the air. over furni- fas with’ damp cloths, thereto, and serub and wash ‘the table refuse, to attract flies, or in the’ air, should mean that many valuable o Ale lives will be saved to grow d fill the war-gaps. preserved. |B Pu the public are Equerry at the front, to which posi-| ; t| tion he was appoin' ept between 5 «| be in infant ie more valu-| 1; EP ABOU THe HOUSEHOLD ome sausages. Warm some tomato an fresh or Add. a little "meat juice. ‘ry. some eggs in butter, and ar- range round tomato sauce. Souffle of " Fish.—Take has been left over from a meal, re- move the bones, and cut it into small pieces. equal quantity of uncooked marconi, and cook the a le in salted w: 01 iad.—Remove the pulp from four large oranges by cut- ii i alves, crosswise, and using a spoon. Sprinkle it with two tablespoonfuls of powdered su- gar, and add tw 0 tablespo onfuls of finely chopped, Teck rain tage es, an one tablespoonful 4 juice. Chill it thoroughly, and serve it in glasses garnished with a sprig of mint, If the oranges are very juicy, it is well to pour off a portion of the juice before serving. Bachelor Buttons.—Cream together one cupful of sugar and one-half of a cupful of ba eae one egg and beat the mixti add one cup- pinch of salt, a cupful of thick, sweet cream, well-beaten yolks of four eggs, half of a teaspoonful of salt, a pinch everything a buttered pudding dish, “and bake it apple wax is especially delicious Of. sce cream or other frozen desserts. ‘The receipt is as follows: Pare a fresh pineapple, and cut it into cubes of uniform size. wasted, a little stiffer than a marmalade, and when ‘it is poured over a frozen des- sert, it becomes a wax that is very delectab le. receipt was intro- a du matt to a a certain Houbehott by a ser- a cupful of Sweet eae bt an ae half a cupful of mn is first fried or broiled until igs vad then choppe muffins are haked in. hot muffin i the cxaeeges with the | a fish that wil will soften paint brushes that it juicy in 00 tible and ruin the flavor be / paper, the resin until done and they are eaten mith. out butter. The cS throughout the muffins give amnent flavor of the sort butter would supply. The Banana. The banana is the” _ ROueAS er’s main. dependence among fruit Tt fru supplies the table all ABE the hot fruit to a pulp. Hare ee the well-beaten whites of eggs, and while the banana pulp sh hot® rapidly beat together, with two teaspoons of sugar. en cold serve whipped cream. This is deli- cious, ied. Bananas.—Peel and _ slice lengthwise in three parts. Have hot lard deep enough to cover the slices. and very carefully Lightly sprinkle with sugar and gend to table hot, ma ieee of of eggs, erasiak Layer Cake.—Bake a white cake batter in pine pans. Ice each layer over the of icing one over the top and sides. It should e eaten while fresh if in summer, In The filling needs no other flavoring than the bananas. Useful Table. housekeeper: One teaspoonful of salt to one quart f soup. One teaspoonful of salt to two quarts of flow One SRLS of soda to one pint of sour milk. One teaspoonful of extract to one plain loaf cake. me scant cuptul of liquid to full cupfuls of flour for bread. cups of flour ne scant cuptal of “guid to one cupful of flour for batt One quart of water to ete pound | © yeas ter Wer compressed yeast to one pint liqui pe nx peppercorns, four cloves, one teaspoonful of mixed herbs for each quart of water for soup stocl Things Worth Knowing. ‘Vinegar heated to the boiling point have become dry and hari When boiling a ham leave it in the water in which it has been boiled un- til it is quite cold. This will make and tender. One ounce of Epsom salts added to a gallon of water makes an excellent rinsing mixture for colores blouses and washing dre: ow Wear and ttle ‘holes a pithy alipplyuaevoliois nee tear or embroider a dot over the worn place. If you wish to prevent green vege- tables from boiling over, drop a piece of dripping the size of a walnut into the centre of eae just as they com< If a aoe: splits &. the thumb or near & seam and permanent way to repair “t re a sputerabiole the kid eithet side of the split, ae sew the Bettie) edges togetl ing butter with hy the first thing 0 remember is that the butter should not be burned. Burned fats of any sort are exceedingly indiges- In_usin have the white sauce thoroughly cooked before it is added to the meat. i who make; used to make the Paper sticky is soluble in castor oil, toataet witl ly paper cleansed if the “Bal is soaked in it, in| the top b dust slightly with grated nutmeg and| bu serve, This table may help the young h two wi me scant cuptal of liguidito two] & When ia? and sermbrodred blouse} To use which is a usual procedure with the] wl e; French cook, great care is taken to When making a steamed pudding put a piece of well greased paper over efore tying the clo’ This will prevent the cloths from becoming greasy, and they are no trouble to sh. To keep ferns fresh and green all the year round get a large tub, ‘th Pp Pot flowers may also, be kept in this manner. sare GEES Pe “Boy, First Class.” Courage and constancy are quali- ties that appeal to every spective of nationality. they are not rare, even in boyhood. r has reyeale boy- Sone of the Lani te a lad 0) miralty, the King has conferred a him a decoration that men have dit 0 Distinguished Service Medal. R. G. H. Bamford, “boy, first class," of the battle cruiser Tiger, won thig honor during the naval engagement off the Dogger Bank on Sunday sorctests 24th. Soon after the battle opened that called for a volunteer to cleai glasses. Bamford stepped Lieber; the next second fe Ist Fears and ee away ai 5 ews, in Shale delight at getting OPE of. their anthnoninis again, at once began to i the excitement everyone nat about the youngster. Anyone who has been within even ear-splitting concussions that burst out round lad. But besides bakd the Tiger was. under heavy fire shi ips, and Danton 4 was the only member of her ak bins was not be- hind thick armo. When, toward the end of the fight, om. red. him, he was the glasses of the sighting apparatus. language, But he had only done ‘is duty, no ubt.. No one will grudge him the decoration that he now wears proudly on the breast of his canvas Senet “jist stuck it.” we aceirine For Eyeryone. in which Sir Edward Clarke, ict ctntrent Dukiotel was employed late in the rather exhauste case might be postpone ” asked the judi, rcalaly. “May please your lor the barrister ek ied, “I, too, state exhaustion for I e listening the whole day to Sir ward Clarke.” different muscular system too, must then SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists t ka Boon taxed too starts in the mucous be tm} Blends are materially “TRAINING DISTEMPER | Byer heat of this? Yer You ha’ aid, but undor a r? rey, the hol t and regu’ 3 Rete ‘ihe Voluntary heavily ub faces, and the digestive apparatus, ‘gins to cough when ests i the ate ‘and normal ‘The act! Prepald a: peas Fer and Baocteriologiats, Gos! Rew: products in'y- household use todas idged the gap from the primitive ae of sixty years ago as has was 1880, Canada’s first refined sugar, “Ye Olde Sugar Loafe” of RI pete stal eas to-day first fi rm caetiation of tens of thousands of Canadian famili¢s. Ask for “REDPATH” in Individaal Packages. ‘and 5 Ib. Cartons, CANADA SUGAR "REFINING 1854, was REDPATH ; so the first Canadian granulated sugar, in and the first Sugar Cartons in 1912. 2, Pea. lender ‘in evety ad 131 20, 50.and 100 |b. Bags. REAL,