THE DAWN 0 YOUNG WOMANHOOD irls upon the stliveahold of woman- hood often drift into a decline in spite THE GARRISONING OF EGYPT THERE. care and attention. Even _ strong and lively girls become weak, ae, ‘ depressed, irritable and listless. It is] Porees From Austr: New Zea- @ dawn of womanho: in ts the life of every girl—and uromipe * land, Their Life, Pay and easures should be taken to keep e with the red tnt of health. If the bd is not in healthy. condition at this critical Midge: “grave disorders may result, and es life become a burden. Deadly con- sumption often follows mee ake in the lives of young women. Dr. Wil- idism or ear a blood-builder of icearaited > tee, streigiacn ageak Sioa and prodiiaee Uber tase rich, red blood, needs to sustain her atreng x and over again Dr. Williams’ Ove: Pink Pills have Brave their value ie pa women and girls whose health wi failing. Miss. Jennie Gerean, St. Jer. e, Que. says: e age of eighteen my health ani completely and breathless at the least exertion. and my face and - EA Ay s Ss friend advised the use of ills, and thanks to this great again enjoying good | % good appetite, good color and a spirit of energy.” ery anaemic girl can be made well and strong throu; the use o! i. Williams’ Pink Pills. Sold by all Spline dealers or by mail ant box or six boxes for $2.50 fi Dr. Witla Medicine Co., Brockville, i Se USber ae eas LET GERMANS COME OUT. British bee ‘Expert Replies. to cism of Fleet. ie Carlyon Bellairs, the eat British naval expert, replied to suggesting that navy might try a little initiative RosaRADS ally, p otiee have: and Heligoland. Conte mandes panes sai ‘who wrote that ought to proce a. sbele chart, dnd study. it for a few minutes with an American naval officer at his elbow. Then he quite a lot. It is just a question of common-sense tactics. “The German fleet only needs just hours in order to get at ae sums it ever will be able to s i tae The trouble with some men is that bat re satisfied with merely want- g to do the right thing. ly {ested in the questi which every girl] The great Cuxhaven | ¢},, a behind| 5, miles of heavily mined sand bens, elig Bearing. Writing regarding the life of the British troops in Egypt, the London imes’ it at Cairo, fur- nishes an interesting sketch of wal time, recreation and organization of the Dominion contingent here. He says: eid To soldiers and to civilians inter- ion of national de- fenge the onganication of the Austta- lasian expeditionary forces now sta: Maried in Mest ta Gall. worth study: war caught the Australian Commonwealth and of New d, not, indeed, unpre- red, but in a period of itary transition under fro sys' which the aul citizen troops were pulsory service on militia lines. force raised on basis who have passed through their recruits’ course, have to be supple- mented by the txlitiie rallitia force, us ihe! citizen army begins at the age of 1, no recruits “ander the universal compulsory came into force 1 re Trainee” ws those o! o-he gradually succeeded by the new compulsory tained troops and cer- volunteer ie a “ee roblem set to the military sei tlete of the Dominion and he Pegi Babee was, therefore, form a volunteer expeditionary a as far as possible on the basis of the existing organization. In New Zealand the Government has not been able to apply the new compulsor, system as strictly as did the Austra- lian military authorities, but when, it was stopped it retained 8 relatively ie as fe 98 tg ers. at larger proportion of trained pa vat! men than did the Australian conting- naval warfare one goes by Drobabili-|forc9 ‘also’ contained’ a. relatively ties, not possibilities. ‘The. British eerie of Gaunt nlisee submarine wouldn't have one. chance |e organization of the force pre: DE ratis alae the © hide| SetVes its connection with the exist- stone walls where the Germans hide! ing citizen army with remarkable : thoroughness. It has not been pos- ia ia ro. senclon oe, MRE Lit 4p the, Australian military au- ‘scouting around he and teidioed to f aR ger Pha seo and nelica eeeves this.{ tion between the adult citizen force and the expeditionary troops. oe vty principle has ae follow- far as recruiting is concerned, Suave this has been possible. Officers and Men. Of the officers now in Egypt a y large majority have heen _ pre- The remainder consist of Imperial offi- cers attached to the Colonial forces, |i officers of the permanent forces who) ji: Y Ss: A FOOD :: a A VALUABLE food if it’s ‘pure. City Dairy Ice Cream is made ‘of the purest ingredients, in 5 meet new sanitary building. gallons to all parts of We ship thousands of ‘Ontario. The size of our business enables us to employ experts and the most ing the summer and co! r Iee Cream. Everybody their health, up-to-date methods and equipment. Keen business men reduce their meat diet dur. msume more foods such a can do so > ‘with benefit to “oe th DOMINION OF ‘CANADA TROOPS Ef ace mostiveguinicy Wate anil: in raised b; untary enlistment on a| New Zealan paid militia a a to one of universal| among the n Australia, where service | in| mu ers, 19 among the Sie Their | p! | deep-chested, they carry .| from camp, while their e| canteen. The are as essentially Sete “as are those of the Brit indian armies, and finally, a nent ne young officers from the pe ie sae es e Dominion and wealth, the Royal atltary “allege of Australia at tingents. There are shepherds and cattle men, owners of large estates, ‘work- f the Australian first contingent are urban, w contingent is largely composed of cout a large number of “bushmen,’”~many of whom have come from the of i Agar aliica. At present, however, the rank and do not Beh ieee tan Coven “eda and the balance will be received by the them in a lu am- alan ta agers A tke e sinabee Oe the men have sountgatable private means. Twenty years is the mini- m age limit of the New Zealand- physique is admirable. The mini- i Helge inccepted te © ft 4- ing many battalions of nd in every corps. Ton ates toadielonldered, arid no super- and fluous flesh, and move lithely Their Life Off Duty. The oe between the conting- ents satisfactory. . The frequent bop pontedta ia cold. af sick oe wounded soldiers are large- ly ended, fairly and pluckily fous paid ‘unmarked by ioccantl y and provincial champions and Suu ot I yreightas smietear and _ professional, or bleat at one anothe! express their conviction ~ that ‘thelr own occupation is infinitely cachet to that of their rivals. “The race: held two or three times a ‘month at the Khedival Sporting Club attract jose who have Teave| gymkhan: are well worth watching by all “eee admire good horsemanship. Steps supply the recreation, | g, cinema shows ve been conced pressed. with are agreeably climate of E; airo as a city, and surprised with the ypt.. as one of them r wrote, and found a sanatorium in- rt As “far as material goes no Cdlonial pie nt reeds better e re The ers supplied, |” 2 mot ‘mies. AT ahant te, euperlativete gbed Bid a large nursing sisters, % 3 By = & g 5 & 3 3 FI 8 2 Ss a § g 3 3F g 25 talldut att he veterinary service is ‘cane efficies ‘eylon. m Contingent? which has sent attached to the New Zealand con- tingent. aS AS GUARD wa HEALTH ¢ summer months are the most hot weather as is Baby's O = lets regulate the stomach and bowels and are absolugely safe. » old cine dealers or by mail at 25 nits a box from The Dr. Williams’ Gfedicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. Se Se) eecvaly _ CRUSOE bs 3 LANGUAGES. Defoe’s Great Book for. Readess he ver the World. > oer oan Lal found delight in story of Robinson Crusoe. An article et the Strand Masasine elt that S. Lloyd of. Philadelphia has ae for rare and vi cu es | tions in aie manifold, Sai a striking feature. There is a fi of Defoe’s | Sant book, however, Ly has riot found its way into Mr. Lloyd's Sas and that‘is a Shiaed exhibit Sir John’ Soane’s very ieee habe re Lincoln’s Inn’ ‘i is not ‘ani. ld, French Aviation h ie day to time, when other argument ails, on “moo” eal t troops are frankly a: THE See: wo! ud-| printed in blue ink, aie made A THRILLING AERIAL DUEL. French Machine ‘Defeats a German. mene the many stories of aerial enture growing out of the war, gar “of the best is told by Frederick A. Talbot, in The World’s Work for June, comprehensive survey of the advance in aviation. The hero an American aviator, Hil a_ vol ee oo in he wee aloft upon a re- Sate ather was that ¢ glionte « of what was transpiring on “a hostile territory be- neath could only be obtained through rifts in the bi lhe a small number who claim German| of clouds, with Hild in hot pursuit. descent, the s or ieee f| The latter worked his machine up to Germa: ers, in whom ir Brit-|ninety miles an hour, and was just Australian chiefs and aa haye| about to dive into the cover when a full confidence. erman biplane was seen emergin; is high—from a minimum of|from the cloud. The latter spare no Gremiten to run. It wa: with achine gun, while the pilot ead tahoe Gere well equipped wit! Mauser rifles and Biatols, was concentrated upon Hil machine. The American aviator was caught at a disadvantage, because the attack was unexpected and for the reason that the German machine had the commanding position hanoeuvring Smmiesiately over the French aero- an This diversion precipitated another denouement. ‘aube which had dived into tie aoa cloud, ascer- taining that it was reinforced, now ternel kouud Gd alioered fight. Hild was caught between two fires. The Taube was intent upon ramming him, while Hild was exposed to a hot fir rapidly. To their physical advantages) He returned the latter spiritedly, but | they join exceptional quickness and|was threatened by the Taubes Phere intelligence. was one possible m of e cape—to dive vertically Eicbts the ground. Without a moment’s hesita- tion he jammed his elevating lever hard over.” ‘The aeroplane quivered and then answered her helm so com- pletely that an inyoluntary looping of the loop appeared imminent, rilling “nose-ending’ hine baling so vertical its descent that Hild and his observer abound among | had to stand, leaning backwards, from them, and oe ser bee PSs ies precarious Bexitiat he “let te Sania: a final series of quick sh There ‘is nleey: of "endl rate, was so precipitate and Cretiar xin and amusing chaff is som: aguas -|the German sates an firing, changed tacdeeh ras s the/ thinking that they had sent the cattle-raising districts and ae from | Frencl monoplane he ares account the sheep country, who, f time} ani cligeb with all the speed he could mus- er, The German* machines, realizing ‘8! that they had been tricked, es the pursuit, but ela now held the vantage. eed of his ake ree invelosble. The Taube a hot chase, but gave it up directly t saw that Hild had regained-his ori- ; | ginal altitude: and was-quii C3 but Hild had his report to give to his commander, so he abandoned attempt- ing pursuit and returned to his own li INVESTMENT — OPPORTUNITY e Ave name tional aia against forgery and as a help to the ignorant, a pictorial Sea ey feds alien amount al to the face value of the note. noe were, by an to “Produce all the notes ee of pa- per woven from the fil oof the mal l- can ree. e notes ore also a werning of fnseaneiut the nalties counterfeiting. é Bers Sess - ‘Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. : "An Expert. - First Trooper Imperial Yeomanry (discussing a new officer) —“Swears a bit, don’t ’e, sometime: Second ‘Trooper—“’E’s a master- tae ’e is; just opens. ’is mouth. anc ae lets it ‘say wot it likes.”—Punel is Frederick ao the | ca: e,| improved. In six uh A Nova Scotia Case of Interest to All Women Halifax Sends ¢ Out. vas of Help Hal » NLS., Decem! r 15.—When iatapeictead at her de at 194 Ary ie St., Mrs. always ‘blue’ and de- pressed, felt weak, languid and utterly unfit for an; 50 disordered that I had no appetite. t I did eat disagreed. I suffered ‘ist’s Er aticy milton’s Pi “f felt better at once, Every day I weeks I was a well woman, cure apletely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. Ee for this reason that I strongly e sufferers with stomach or diges- at troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's | ;, 3 # 3 3 ig F iS ag ie 38 f 3 2 : & He a point effectually chase away Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake an Butternut. SSUES SIR JOHN SIMON. Youngest Man in eee Coalition Gove Hardly any a er in Great Bri tain has attained such a high distine- tion at so early an age as Sir John Simon, | who ad represented the he sensational cases aa tulad a ata Sia Sattey Sh etary in the British Coalition Gov- nment. e was appointed Solicitor- eneral, in 1910, Sir John was aly thirty-seven years of age, Englishmen ike t by sheer ability and hard work; for Sir John Simon is the son of a Con- gregational minister, and owes noth- ing Es birth ae influence. it wit induced, too, on one some -reminiscenses “My first patlioal remarked, ocea- think it a very small boy going to a dam: Side, Manchester. going out of the, Moke Seese iny Ptather lived <thieet and as I went out, carrying my sat- Biel c0 sthobly ond of bis friends came running down the newspaper and shouting something to my father. to his power of holding at- tention. DECLINE IN LITIGATION. One of the ie at the War Iv So rapid were ae jug methods of Sir ee Jessel eee ie some= times did not sit in cow because ae were e Sante left HOE him to A judge sat on ihe iutemegs seat, A He said unto the cupiteat, yr me.” lee}. “A peers wit has despatched ‘them rk eat call no cause for thee.” The King’s Bench judges are rapid- ly aus a the same position, says ie Globe. They’ started their sittings” this week with only. thirty- five jury actions in their ass, gor they have disposed of them all. If that nation is happy which has no liti- gation the war promises to secure for us at least this measure of bliss. ‘He Was feces They were ern the roughest, raw- est lot of recruits the sergeant ever ~ | had to tackle. He worked hard at them for three e and at last thought they were into some sort of shape, so he eh 8 test them. turn!” he barked. Buse ay had ‘ceased to move came Medietondert chert tard One yokel slowly left an ranks and made off toward the barratk room. “Here, you!” yelled” ee ca Then be- eruit, a seeeeed tone. “Tha does- n't know tha own hina for two, min- utes pauain'?” " Minard’s uate Cures Diphtheria. api pes se Ros * Sa. it tomach was | to- way|had done their co Pp gate of mae wee had enough,” road ae re-| | NEW FRUITS AND OLD. No Possibility of Tracing the Origin of Vegetables. a So popular has the grape’ one on eur ae that it ie ‘Titicalt to remember that thirty years ago it SRE ae methods of transportation end cate vation, many other bear aad Senits, as yet exotic or rare, may bec day are middle-aged! of us are yet acquainted wit plumeot, that interesting fait, half apricot, half plum ompany ou} course. Only a few of our common fruits are native, a ‘ewer—none, in- ies—are useful unimproved. peach, or malum Persicum, Persian Qh es srizioally: from Persia; the quince Crete; Be chestnut (Catan from Castana, the plum from ia Dapasets, aes a0 douclcaced By nace ot fen naga or damascene, variety. The filbert, an ae Se | old chronicler records, was “so named <e Philibert, i kin; g of France, who a ee kinds to be tae by Lueullus, who, afte with Mithr br the king of Ponta a's city of Cerasus. Their Frencl Pomipient ones erda origin more obviously 1 lish cherry, although the craton Pt the same. | the oe in ‘Enea se eaigeah cs it was not reintroduced sindll dhe warerdenes sop ees oa ought it from Flanders, and plan the fi sae The Romans lightly valued the ine the famous Kentish cherry morning cereal quite as a matter of deed, except certain varieties. of ber- ag ernal, cured wi ed | out pain by our home treatment. F me. T have Ust, looat tarlo. All 6! ‘Dawson, Brampton, RT FOR SALE, , Penis MAKING NEWS AND JO} OMices for sale in goqd Ontario ow st useful ané esting Of Git businesses, “SCHL, Gomiation oe Application to. Wilson Pupieanta com- pahy, 78 West Adelaide St, ‘Toront woot, WOOL. ite bought, same day shipment gevetred. Sons, 92 Wellington, Montreal. RECORDS. aut RITISH GRAMOPHOND RDS. iin. double cide. We, ena Sond $1 for speo'al introductory. offer of Sr ency, 210 Board of Trade, Montreal, MISCEULANEOUS. * MORS, LUMPS, C*s ‘CER, TU! internal and Write efore too late. Dr. Belime ab Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, O1 troduction of new fruits and flow j , took mt in giving them Slieit brig nantes” eR aaa sime great. serpice |4e“pleaare hey untry; so that n only laws and battles, | but iefeal sorts of apples and pears were called Manlian and Claudian, Pompeyan and Tiberian. ese services of the Roman cap- Ce, m, wever, holds me-| tains were, however, merely inciden- what humorous view of his ieiteanioa: tal; of them rival in’ horticul- z ig by the remarks he made when | tural devotion the act of the elder entertained a few months ago by the] Tradescant, gardener to Charles I., chester Law Students’ Society. | who enlisted bo: privateer Although, on account of his taciturn-| armed against Morocco solely with iy | Sir John has often been referred | vie fi ayes 9) pporunnly: RY yy his friends as “Silent Simon,”| steal Apricots nee Meseearioe only partly fits, for| ceeded; what e todt to Reale! ‘ood. e tongue is neces- shed, dintaeaey, AUTO AND BOAT TOPS Ford owners write for ~ our catalogue. ~ SEARS-CROSS Speedometer Station. 179 Queen Street West, TORONTO, - ONT. or flag of truce, we “ There is often tracing the mighrth know, however, that oe Waltee Ra- leigh introduced the potato into Eng- land, and that Sir pees “Aahleg of Wimborne St. Giles, emus first.| sculptured cabbage that 5 feeplnhaaes his feet upon his tomb. Corns 1 4 Sons rion Ng ip Co., Limite ;—This fall I m: war plied on my breast, cured pletely. C. H. COSSABOOM. Rossway, Digby Co., N,S. eae Wanted capital to develop one of the | MAd¢ ieee feet Furnishings. most valuable natural resources in the | othian campaign, an my ~»/ Oured fr: from cormpinched |]. eo Dominion, ited gua ity of raw | Mother calling ee ere: See Lose bi Tipe ee The ae materi e manufactured into a| wearing ie. I can see her sommodity for which there is an’ al- litte figure running upstairs and run= Quick ®. wacter by Te hours Poterbor ough Canoe Co. ‘ost unlimited demand. If you hav gz. down a ain with ‘a red ribbon eoothes Limtteds:: Sse on nred 5 tt sia doles or aunt she tied around my neck.” ie that drewicy pete peat pect ar > per ONT more to invest wl our investme! <F makes sf once. ri Will be well secured, then. write for | jga%, te Mouse there i Ud tela 160, Bote ot "Putnam'e today. || = parti a ani prccpece Which will he like x * Convince ctuolutely” ware jovs the liking of both sides in poli- SE Ae RESET ae returns, “Adireng 03,05 Bbx a is not always possible to 2 i 1¢‘To Hime on ‘amilton, Ont. uch keen intellect and|”"She—But if I can’t live on my in-| Mfrs, Williams, who had recently Beg as ‘shat popeen as himself. He|come and you can’t live on yours,| returned from abroad, was attending has never bee! mn to lose his tem-| where would be the advantage of our} an afternoon tea which was given in Paper Money. per, and. the oe ct that in one great marrying.’ jonor. Chinese anticipated what we | ‘tial in which he ap; sabe the ju He. (houuhttally) Well by put- “cAnd did you really go to Rome?” might think to be an essentially mod-| after five days were as closely inter-| ting our incomes together, one of us| asked the host ern. convenience — banknotes and| ested in the details of the case as they would bs able to tive, at’ any rate, — cently: =e Know, my deat,” « 'so long ago as 2697| were in the opening day was striking rs. Williams. “You see, ars ‘ago! One such | te plied .M my, husband always pe a uae ~ Wore "Em Out. A teacher had been at great trouble to sypisin 0 her class the meaning of the word wnotwithstanding,” and, on cate for a-sentence in which the word occurred, was) 801 ete aie “My dear,” lenpeck, “Ym positive that our nee is Rsced seriously of matrimony.” + “Well, pé so,” returi Hen- peck with unusual Loe “I would I/mot want any boy of mi be si it as a OE they bot end: joke.” ie ‘Minard’s peewee Sbdag Garget in Cows England lost only one ship in the ‘out of the Spanish’ Armada;. Spain lost thirty-two. 2 YOUR OWN pavoaist Bry Murine ‘Seaalstl rel for Pees, et e man who sald all's fair in v ‘was wrong; nothing in pasa: fair. aeinarere Tix “ Jay Safi jin "The Pen <Line’ ga and Ganees. “Overstern” V Bottom otor Boat : Freight Prepaid to an Patero: Length jepth.1 Fty 6. svecttcatton No, 2 = diving engino prices on reques Commer THE GIDLEY BOAT CO, LIMITED, PENET NG, ca ih celal and Pleasur a " hat to receive the following — : noo of 15 F., is