Milverton Sun, 1 Jul 1915, p. 5

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(in the Face of a Rising Market) Mien and Boys, Here is Your Opportunity ! Mid-Summer Sale in the Men’s Department The Season’s Smartest Designs, the Newest Fabrics, Fashions Most Wanted Styles are offered now at a most commonplace price. Xe ( In the Face of a Rising Market ) YOUR CHOICE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK IN THE MEN’S DEPARTMENT. This Sale Starts FRIDAY, JULY 2nd, and Ends on SATURDAY, JULY 17th—for Fourteen Days Only Men’s Rain Coats Co‘ors Olive Brown. okt Tweed lag Men’s Felt Hats Fitwell Derbies Seaaee 00. for fect. ‘Square or Ragiam Shoulde Regular $1. rom 80. Regular $1.25 for ar $5.00 Raincoats at peknian 4 is egular ‘$6.00 Rain Coats at peae & egular $7.50 Rain Coats at ‘ 2 egular $8.00 Raincoats at ‘egular $10.00 Raincoats at > egular $12.50 Raincoats $9.99 Men’s Straw Hats ‘egular $15.00 Raimcoats Re $1149 ‘egular § .00. poke 4 Men’s Odd Trousers y Hats for Extra Special 100 Men's Straw Hat ranging in price from $1.50 to Pls Ween bine Ghicts: 0 750, Working 00 Neg 00 Ne ‘alge ee Shitts Men’s Shirts Men’s Panama 50 Panama Hats for ... 00 Panama ts. for 0 Pa a Hats for 50, Pa Hats for $7.00 Pamama Hats for ... Hats “$4.99 Overalls With or Without Men’s Suits epaler Py 00 Pl Men’s, Underwear In Balbriggan. Porous Knit | in two-piece suits and com- ie is Regular $1 Regular §$ Natural Smocks at same reanets aie 9 and Bull Dog Brand. Bib: ions. Rwegular 50c Silk Ties egular 25o Men’s Ties Silk Ties .. Regular $8.00 Suits at ‘e are responsible for img is wrong. Regular $18. 00 Suite be allow us to correct them if our mistakes any= Men’s Braces Regular 500 Braces for ... Regular 250 Braces for . Men’s Top Coats Men's light weight Sapets Overcoats in Brown. Black © r Regular Regular Regular Regular § Men’s Hose nee Ste Hose for Regular ye Ed Ey Men’s and Boy’s Caps Regular 250 Caps for < ive egular 500 Caps for -39¢ Regular 756 Caps for .... fe Umbrellas Regular egular Regular Regular Regular a Regular $2.00 for . Regular $2.50 for Boy’s Suits Our range of Boy’s Suits panne Ss mie: ‘or for for for” for $5.00 ia s for 310.00 ‘Baits for Regular Boy’s Odd Trousers Regular 50c Trousers for fi $1.00 Trousers. for. $1.25 Trousers for egular $1.50 Trousers for .. Regular Regular Regular Boy’s Shirts S00. Shirts 0 Shir aK 00 Shirts § Regular Regular Regular Leather Belts 250 Bel 500 Belts a 75¢ Belts for Regul: Regnier: 50c for Regular 75e for Regular $1 for .. Boy’s Straw Hats 250 for Boy's Jerseys. short and long s: all shades “and combinations is War Bo, for 9 Boy’s Jerseys Boy’s Felt Hats Regular $1 and $1.25 for 1 All 400 Wall Paper Wall Paper Floral and Block Patterns 4 tip aew ea ben phe Diitloehe ise ‘or Oil Cloth Regular $20.00 Suits at .. ‘i e| ENGELAND & SONS, - Milverton Sie Regular 306 Regular Window Shades © ete 850 for | = 4) Millinery No Goods Reserved--- MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE A Clearing:Rush Out of Summer 1 In order to, clear out the balance of our Millinery Stock in a Bares we have decided to sell All Trimmed ‘3 and Untrimmed Hats at Half Price. The seaso: ie This i8.3 great Oppo of Monkton and vicinity to get new ood Tey] actual cost. Everything on Sale. worth. ‘LINWOOD TOPICS y largely aitended by friends HAWKESVILLE WARTBURG WELLESLEY deep regret that’ te! Mr, and Mrs. E. Winn, el Stur-|"" The’ frost ‘on Tharada ‘sday night nip-) Mr, A. Stahlé, of Berlin, spent last Rev. J.J. Gehl, P.| geon Falls, and Mr. and M N, some of the. gardén truck, Tuesday combjn'ng bu inoss wi h plea: we, Stk Ge Seats wins B. of josa. ‘heard of his death at} Winn an Sauighier. Edith, of ‘Bmira Terve rs ‘are busy hocing roots and | sure a “4 qaecberi eee a) the Parish House. Drayton on Satur- | spomt euncay at the home of Mr, B. ee statute labor, The haying 0} . Battenberg gael con- ie ines’ visitor: to’ Toronto“ on’ Mon: day ay eet acu ence Pea f Bal. Horas 2 = - io am this year ference at Mitchell last, e Mr. pel Mrs, Fred, ckner an ae to the backwa: pring. Theo, Becker 388 Min. Tod open Gn band ag eats on nae Berlin ‘on Friday advertising the big Mr. a seorge Forwell attend-| (Miss Miranda Brown, of. Zurich. ae ‘Ferueger, of Prestog,. wore vislt- oR “i ho vey eds the biicevte will Be ed Yhe funeral of the late Thomas) spomt a couple of Weeks’ visiting with |ing here among friends, for a week, | | sonia : Se il rat St. Agatha on Mon- tients her here, of trator, mG), Mallen, aod Mies Kate - rs, jenry, ratford, is} Do-rsam atte the funeral of the ‘pa pfartin Poca isos seetin io oe Raymond Peterson, of Hamil-| visiting “Waataa here at pre: ‘ormer’s sister last Saturd ay The ft fe Joba Back: Rete Le ton is speotng a vacation with his atrick Carty is Visiting with | death took place at Butfa’o Tee iiss AMeTotyrs. of Kingston. spon friends in Wisconsin, at present. | maine warg. brounbt to Seterion tor, Rae week-end: with Miss Edna Me- en Ne ‘ t. o fa few days of lust rhe veniial ieee ne be Bell Tel- week visiting frie! ere, en. remove j wee ee eae ot { ire. (Grinas: “or” Reabeat ai WO viet | joe former Mathes Ae Dre Galeton’ me Ot Stan ne Mote wick i Wilki ived Bete vn hide $5 visit her | office. Nor. sees on. Bon mente | eof B. in rén-wed a’ quainten es reg | parents, im, Quast. EE ie ge Hohl, of Lisbon. | et L rs i il on wu The eittets ‘of the ole on the 24th visited (Mr.,.and, Mrs, He ixtriaan on aoe ee ‘Avoad Of womin journeyed to Wat-|are felt already a8 everything is dry- Sunday, abernanas’ Te ead "Mires ‘Aktion Ge pia erloo on Saturday and took in the ing up: seems too bad that. El J. Gingerich, Mr, andat ae fe, pila Mize.’ fede Dielem, of Li Institute ‘olonic at’ the per All re-| lice, has to sacrifice ther liberty , for ing casichs Me and Mie aig, of me ay Aistay with ive, Bony 4) port ‘havin; a hha aa gool tim h. Sa-roum}inz townships. Berlin, spent the week-end and Sun- Se aE Te ion teat al "Str pind Mire. Peter -Dentinger left] “*our schoo don Friday — for | day. the respective homes, Sak Betas ent Lae be a at) on (Monday for Formosa where the summer ho'idays. Miss Robitison h Gregor and McMillan oak, Pree kare al Which ° will att the funeral of the late] left for her home msar Mitchell, ep Baturday a ex day with rel- oie ce Donan aat +4 De on! Rey. Fath {Our school board has d Miss ‘and. frie i “Stratford i { ew obese nesta wi pen rat mn | (Mir, ay Huber, Bar Weienberr. C. Miller, of Wingham, aa teacher for |" Mr. Henty zh. 8 Fargo. Mich aes it St lt ried es com: -| spent Sunday at hi next year)at a salary of $ Her | is ing ails, eae amon A Sabah 2 aged sion jeer y 3 (Mrs. Frank Ben‘er te "dauehter, duties commenze after. vacation, - Bae and Sonenr old acquaint- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and leaves a wife and Doris. are visitime relatives at Pre irs. Corder. of , Tavistoc Zulch was former Wel Brussels. spent Sunday: ‘with “rients children. He was a son of Mr. Dan-| to, Sunday wich Bf daaghter, Mice "Geo! Weatay Sy 500 mov to Fargo, Mich. in sand around our. village. ie] -Hinchberger, of St. C:ements, Tacdd, Heme and pout 92 reat ’ her pnt to Bact ag ae Dh aoe August, Rocke). brothersin law aaughter, ot, Heidelberg. spent, Sun- “aus ¢ mumber trom, here attend- | ire, Alf, Bellinger, of ond with relatives in of ‘Mr. zweiser, died at his| day at eof Mr. F, ©, Lack-|ed the lawn. social he rae rs oL eng here at prevent (Miss. Millie ‘Sectntt on itverton. | Poe Tae ay Yaak Tarbes Lanes on iucadny ce tonite mes Ane Bana ee pent the *ol'o ving an attack o7 pncumon’a, ‘Miss Louise Huber is spending’ ./Jun> 29th. by the YEA, ‘of Bpatook oe a of the sAVeilestcy bow t Secret i rete T'00. muimh ‘rom_here atten ec lub went to Preston on The" farmers Sauk Re eae Prati sara gett cn By Maa Oe Galt visttel barn reba ot red, Hender- ‘eve Miss Marr actaad. wee Uonliee of tertainment to he. Riven in the town renta} /xpot eee big Ne agi tagha gir : - u ‘al ein. ni ol tO: aioe Seventy SaAGeY | With he eA wedding Sat Lanwoea jou “examinations bald at 8, Nes TRALEE | Paes 1 otz. sy Te Goad is Beggs spent. ar Huter Woon the aisk| “Fe: a Pasa 528, “horiors 680, Ry eM Seat Meas ai] the week-end vith spistiges in Ep- Se eaten: Sheedy: recovery ie *crayey yh AS ne ond Sire ; lofi lev attended the funeral c the a ite * i i 530, abt, i Ogram spent ‘Sunday in| Dorl ats Mokbed OER Dd ete hat iMr. Pommer, spent. a aie _ | sepa Bo Dest A M6: | Med. @rbella Smith. ‘etugond howe a daughter fr, TIT—Pass $72, F408) ME patter Sina: mons. Dpikein aorontas gays a ‘ast week with his brother | retu i Korewrdeys id Lika ere! 18 Marshall 432 Leena oe mh mDeber from er ‘ nd cance: ily © imvits yarry’s ed ithe dance given b; ‘asse sa gmember the July fin be ae von icon Mir and’ Mrs, See tn and little Piakey 507 © c. Harloff ‘7. E. Ertene jr. in Linwood on Tucslay night. Bis the. town hallon Tuesday ad) on | 481 A ee Papa polars ak n party.ate 5 2 r re Ae se an ona “has eck f orkeute rie Nowack 20 Noha ny night. i mer | 5 le r 267, Mies Gertle Han visited Miss” morly a teacher at’ Macto: : Schummer. on | Brook tga wit the exe ape one: Sanne Parker 248. P. Murr 992, G. Weise a wary “ade ie ey iD . le K. Seip Lagat Sinday with ira. len Mary: gets 8 retul ienies on Peale Shea the hatte ae rid ee, ie ‘Mise Chere Recipe and. ‘Miss ai : and ot Newmarket, ares Sending their er Winnie Orr, nor Brantford. are avanti their friend, Miss Ethel * ioe 202. O. Krusy ena ‘Miss MM. wich payers on Hydro shod takes place om July 1 Doell 242. Le Een ty “tobincon Teacher ai acaoel The ‘Harriston town tinal has de- cided to submit a by-law. to the pte The x inereting game ‘of: foot- ball aa playe me Tralee on Saturday re being 1~ e: ih favor of aire we you a telephone? "Those will t ‘al | you that itis themnost Precious of modern aie not order to-day and have your namo in the new directory? The use a é Telephone Directory is now being, prepared. nd additions and ‘ feritenoulbe re toto sur Local alanaper <<; sported to our Local Manager who have 7 r from here took in £ i ‘spded_po | ne Foe bes tke (ae Aten Winrdagion -gerdep “party = sy uslding will eee up-to Which gras Setcied sales es A imaneteteh ieee heeta Dr Be= in} sn ARETE TE nan tent by- an a in| or doliversbis. farewell message in : ee Tt has not been 2 agente de-| © The .Ex: Glaes of the Metho- | Listowel: last Sunday:! os as eats eee aa ai han 3 fist’ Buntay pe emt és bt a ie At ? ntertained at ; a ll gither be. im. the:town hall or| 4 of last ths swk hall. he trustess ingherge |e ee etme Mr, emi Mrs, Peter Spenler_spent ¢ the work are . Levi Striek-| te ‘Jon, Sehaucr and Mrs, M.|the ‘week-end with frien“s in Bad n. er. Jas. Beggs and D. William v meefingat| Mir. Albert Dahms ughter. = Sete us Belk nar Malan ‘is rook” es = ma re oa, Sunday with’ friends KUHRYVILLE Denstedt 439 Saray et Mir CW. Parsils< ce itn th aa of arer. of Listowel. is visit es ase 360, M.| “Mic. Joseph Walters, aged 38 years stones Mr. Johui Er Crooks img with: her elater, Mra; John Fem: Kenney and baby Babi + Davidson | gina “at his Ahome “mear Macton on ie itera. of alten, visited Mr. John teat 310, N. Denstedt | sunday morning following # brief | ——>—= = A Kirkland, of Newt on spit - Jr Total 290, 0, Mog ot illness aused by Fo attack of pneu: Sunday. Saga “bet friem1,, Miss, Mar- ‘Mrs, "To ‘rr. I—Total re bro: ‘on throug ing ovei- ae rea : garet le; Ryteeasrit eka hoger ‘Sinte| Te Se tial 21 ee heated, a catching, co'd.. He | hr F. D. HENRY. Mr. G. iar, hice Bb lett for his precteaste te Brozhag: unday. I.E. Mt a LinstRucror home im Chi & Tie aad. Meet dakar’ dinate isin | 104. sek: iehl. 304. Mogk 1 SCAR Mr. Walters oa VET | ccs time ey en fiiaa wikia i of Milverton were guests of Mr. Jas = Jessie “Fleming, Teacher. by a wife children ~ under | SP<iatizing the Mi Parrot. of Logan. Sg eaht aie min VOICES TESTED FREE. ale. cPhiuar hed apent Buiaay eS ‘following eae. rt of BS. a Sun ates has a splendid line) held in very high regard by his oc eran er: Pg events with the isto parents, Mr. - . 10, Ellice. promotion examina lone _annow ..| neighbor ‘oo! ‘place:| 2o5, To —Total 780. = is mare t 1 i ie i on Pee! side of [Mirrs. MeTavish and children, of ait Ba 824 ae ae ike nery on hand me te taictlion to to the R.C. cemetery at gen for Concert Engagements Bhaksprare, (¢ visiting her mother. 0 Sr. $rd—Total 620, pass 373.7. (sontetti; Macton on ‘Wednestay morn’ng and Mrs. Peter Dew: Det Ween. fone |

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