The Milverton Sun ee aa BD EVERY 11 Tuunsbay MORNING The Sun Printing Office _ Main Street, iverton, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES SOc Seu, $1; 81x months, 50 three onthe, 26 cents, tn advance, “Subscribers ‘arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Year 6 Mos. 3 Mos. Mos, $70 $40 $25 $8 22 12 12 Zz 8 E} 2 a ine for first Insertion and four cents per line for each subsequent inser- flon will be charged for all transtent adver. ‘Advertisements without specific directions mili. be inserted un‘tl forbid and charged ac- cordingly. Changes for contract Advertisements must bein the office by noon Monday. attention. MALCOLM MacBETH. Publisher and Proprietor BusinessCards DR.M.C.TINDALE, L.D.S. (Suc ry ry. Office: Over Metropolitan Bank, Milverton "Phy fo. 88. P, PARKER, M.D. P.L, TYE, M.D DRS. PARKER & TYE CFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILYERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a, m.,and 2 0 4 @’elock p. m., and 7 to 8 o’ciock’ p. m. D J. R, FORSTER, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat only. House Surg New York Opthalmic ‘and Aural Insti ite, Clin. “Assistant, Kar, Nose an roat Hospital, Golden Square and Mooretiold’s Kye Hospital.” Lond fog. Qfice : 98 Waterloo St., opposite ROX Chareh, Stratford. Phon Lega be sid: “A good soldier of J I. Timothy, ii gical phenomena. war as the sum of all, peace a: The confusion of militarism with the martial virtues is one of the most curious and discouraging of psycholo- L SOLDIERS WELL WORTH PRAISING esus s Christ. eed man describe villainies at of al Physicians, Scientists, Explorers, Social Reformers, 14. Tool Champions of Truth, Brophet® f Right. , ‘When roll of drum and battle’s roar Shall cease upon the earth, oh, then “Twas said, ore The. ‘deed, the race, the heroes in the Tani But ‘scarce that word was breathed one ay ag Lita Dlessings, and at reviling the courage and ignoble fear. Than this charge, thing could be more thi be worse confounded. hates war and loves p and admires as much work slaughter? death and destruction foe? him who draws sword, ket and marches away killed in the shambles To believe this i ains. “Twas said,” peels Wscieed soldier and ignoring the self-sacrifice displayed as a cloak to hide the shame of his is confusion or ideas nothing could The man who | Did martial virtues. ea, polized in the popular hideous operations of war. of the best heroism that li and on ese of course, no- unfair, Than eace recognizes as anybody the imind. by athe of Has cour- than that of crifice direct itself o no higher end than that of bringing to a nameless | ws shoulders mus to kill or of armed e is to be ar e con- writes Richard | way Watson Gilder in a noble poem:— iat wrong, ‘That had its victims crushed through long; Some srorhsh ‘set her pale and quiver- ing fac: Pisa sa’s Poke against:a man’s dis- grace; Some nice scholar flung his gauntlet And zsh in 2 great name the ’'s fro BE avie hero, in Ceca Seales of WS, t which suddenly drew a world’s appla' And pes a thee et his lithe young That reg a neoeai lives might save.” on ee of peace seeks no end of not unaware of the oie of the maldiee gains corruption, or—these are sicians, pestilence, bigotry, civic falsehood, greed, dishon ars worth gi 0 “good soldier” save] scientists, explorers, social reformers, | such soldiers in such wars display a pauaet lofty, pure, rare in every the cere of the pattlefeld. Mas Toutices “® WB. MORPHY, K.C. 2 seer + Notary Public, -’ Conveyancer tor for Bank of Hamilton, EISTOWRE, MILVERTON, ATWOOD 3; Listowel, Milverton F, R. BLEWETT, K.C Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Office : Gordon Block STRATFORD, ONTARIO Vet ary J. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeo! Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Vetorin ..,Treateall disease nimals. Calls by tele phone or otherwise promptly attended to Societies. aa aa LODGE, No. 478, A.M., G.R.C. .» Milverton, Monday evening on or elore full, moon every month. in, their Hi ir'eBlook. Visiting breth- mith, WM. iene Wr Seoy, 1.0. 0. £., ‘Silver Star oe ge, 202, Milverton ery Frida, a he a 7,30 p.1n. in nna hall re mi fio Visiting brethren. alwaye <4 gome. N. McCuire, N. G., W. K, Loth, F, Becy., J, A, Brown, R. Seo. Notary Public. D, WEIR, Notary Pablic, Aue for the County of “over the ye, Ole t Ban A, CHALMERS, Monkton, Se No- Public, cesta a Taster of Mi ite 88, ¢ County of h, Real Esta‘e toaphiegd d sold. A few choice farms for immediate sal Hotels. So RRR Ree GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil- _ Nerton, | Firstclsss scoomm ation for mercial travellersand others. ‘Three aplé ‘room tabling. brands of liguors and cigars, ee PY QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont, yamodation for rei Proprietor, travellers endo ‘rooms, ee Young Folks In daddy’s barn th nest in the barn, c On th = en on the come to no down on the chicl pele eggs, eggs in the eae nest in the He icks go eat $0 oie chicks, ai chicks in the just when. T was s going to com ‘ohn. fan his sister In e way his he: ak “his complaint; cried Rutl John side’ by side In the nest are ten white eggs in the nest, hen on his nest, Eis “rat, A Nest in the Barn. ere is a nest} n the nest, nest in the barn, come to arm. eggs; are bab: y chicks; chicks in the eggs, eggs in the nest, | 24. 1. he nest, nest in the barn, rm. Baby chicks are covéred with down; chicks in the en on the| men. ny, come to no tat, tat”; down on the eggs, eggs i The Cloud Pictures. “O dear, there’s the rain again, e out!” giana Little ath, the mother must have cent paper, for the rougher the paper the better it will be” , What are we going to play?” and“ Ruth placed the saucers mn the low window sill, l}and then their mother told them mercial, Shorthand. peerieiass aucceed aude ees eat ine, free catalogue. Write DA. McLACHLAN, ~~ Principal _ and press down gently on the paper it until it just oye the children soon h pers, Sunt on tl John, you have a dee Sth cal prett; piceiree like thos paint Youth’s Companion. PUBLIC NOTICE ! . BORG LINWOOD keep: in hand Coal, Lime, Cement and all kinds of Buliding M Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ete.” Cider and, Apple ‘Butter of the best quality jacob V. Meyer, Manager Just what amount ee .FISH&CO. _ LINWOOD ue Dealer in Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Ete. Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture ‘Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand ~ world may escape the dinatiena if they are right direction. pretty!” one earer. this case are simply seeking to do on a large scale what they. have hither- | h Frequently the} is all right to follow your the sw aie wai ke your up auieldy, and age te cut Hat to a eld up their pa- them were the strangest exclaimed and mine looks ‘like a fiery dragon,” said little practieoy in “At stirring aa mixture,” explained their in make ings horse Stee or the some very k Frost s on the qindawrs in winter.”— es ase ees Zeppelin Raids on London. of havoc raiding Zeppelins have wrought in is not revealed. But it must Se terror yet packs of such sort | Denbtleee ores was Davi As they revealed the monu- ments which really belong to all the! uni ‘ate of Louvain University and Rheims Cathedral. y're Not. in- Boing in the ‘Id his hair also became entangled, he did Tt SUNDAY SCHODLLESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, Lesson I.—Absalom’s Failure—2 Sam. 18, 1-5. Golden Text— Eph. 6. 1. I. The pages iactagi Versa 1-QUe Ver: Numbered the people— rand tok “amber?” here te outer ent from the word “number” in 2 Sam, Ther ae count.” Here tl ing is “to muster,” “to inspect,” “to review.” David did not want numbers only.” Like Gideon, he wanted picked Captains of thousands and captains of hundreds—The usual disposition of ry army (see 1 Sam. 2.7). This mailitary division in nded to the civil ‘ivision insti @ nest, hen on the nest chedtean tie reaonde tthe elt div 25.) eet tuted by nod (Exod. 1 tm, come m1. asa ee oi ores were out of the trenches like we chicks 7 Beep; PeePs| vious lessona this is the way in which | lightning. It wonderful ee Rani say the chicks, down the Hebrew, sparen divided their | were like a storm. In ten’minutes we on the chicks, gone axe the eggs (see | armies (Ju: 6; 9 48; 1 41, {had won’ the first line of nothing La shells! » chicks in the | 11,9 tay fi 5, 6). The Philistines, | trenches. But there was no stopping nest, cA A are (© my, 80| ot ’least on one occasion, followed the| Us. We kept it up hammer and tong pet. nest in the bar, ge practlcg of the Hebrews (1 Sam. 13.|for an hour and a half, taking three farm. 17). King intended to take the|lines: of the enemy’s trenches” and field as chief commander over ee driving the enemy in front of us. at realized what his uld De down in the Sighting asd Fx retreat were nece: encourage a: sisaiken by this ane interest as they moved out to battle. ii, The Fight In te Foe of Eph- aim (Verses 5-8). 5. The king Sanaa weer vid did not merely request his generals. not to hurt Absalom, he “commanded” them. “And all the people heard when the king gave nt shi aptains charge concerning 6. The rane of Ep! ‘phraim—As th jeder) was fought sets of the ire is forest could not have been in the per part of Bias where the forest of Gilead, east of which, in fact, is a continuation of the great forest, of: Ephra aim in the west side of the Yor 8, The forest devoured—The retreat if “Absal of loin’s. through the for- est was necoditiy ‘hampered by the trees aid’ undergrowth. men were siain in the retreat through the toe Gora ‘than in the setae battle. Til, The Fate of Absalom (Verses 15). 9. Absal the rout Absalom found imecl? in the midst of David’s men, So he took to the densest. forest, hoping, of course, to escape: | His Mule—The mule.was the mark lom: at to mul aot ono reads, “The gr ebinth.” ‘The definite |g You can havo j article indicates ie the tree vras well this done at nown. erebinth is a turpentine Sai | tree, something like the oak, In the the minimum ed on forest on the east of Jordan cost at This were far more oaks than aretha, Shon’: ene! terebinth» would be more Ops yeae easily marked, especially if, as in this ae it was unusually larg His head-caught Hole Doubtless i the low forks of the tree. He was stunned by the- eee as this mule was galloping in wild fear. “Although have ae a promise from im at all, it would not Joab to be trusted. He was a great general. On this account David used him. nal ethical stand: « * y 1k three darts—Absalom was not ae outright. Joab brutally stru tt him with “rods” or wdtavaa”” (a the “Hlebiev-ovordindi- cates)—that is, anything that oe Are You Insured EB CANADIAN ORDER OF THORESTERS ofers protec. tection for, wife and ac ae oe at 5 Spencer, GR, «tN. Zimmermana,R.S Cream Wanted! We will pay the Highest Market Price for’ eae : . deli Ket ‘at the factory. cafne to hand. His taal killed the unfortunate Saath Sai ) — Joab doubtless ‘ckest way to end the thought oi aug rebel. es was to kill the Darling, I am’ growing old, Silver threads among the gold cE eA aS. e SILVER THREADS AMONG THE i GOLD. EN ROL NO w LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Yours for a Saua Busine: eans SUPPLIED FRE Pearl Creamery, Milverton ~ Ontario Thorough petent Teachers. For eee) address EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal by Com- Yes, my darling, you will be Always young and fair to me. + When your hair is silver white, And your cheeks no jones bright ith the roses of the May I will kiss your lips er say; O, my darling, mine alone, aa have. never older grown— Yes, my darling, mine alone, You have never older grown. Love can never more grow old— id gold, ever Winter’s frost and chill Summer warmth is in hight still. Love is always young and fate steps ‘grown slow ‘aded cl ° ‘To the heart that beats below Since I kissed you, mine ane ‘ou have never older grown— Since, I kissed you, mine alone, You have neyer 0) grown. —Eben E. Rexford. oa Sear ass See FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION. Have Lost a Great Number of Men In the War. A London déspatch says the French Foreign Legion has been doing bril- liant work in the fighting north of Arras. The casualties in the legion have ben very heavy, and a letter re- cd rom a wounded member states that in his company of ee men only 60 are left. The letter eThe legion had the honor of being chosen to be the first of the trenches and to take the ‘Gofinaii ines the bayonet, This was at a point between Souchez and Carency. Pre- vious to the attack, there was a terri- bie’ bombardineatof tle Germany Gost tio mch guns of all calibres were firing “ogether oe es hours without interruption. an earth- ake, Sidenty, punctual at ten pale i the morning, the ‘firing ceased, afd the ‘Chatge waa nantded: “By this time all the officers of our company were either killed or wound. ed, s0 a sergeant: took command, and re enltrettied -ocveelver fa, BERG could; but pay Sedo tore anonye jundr Herat aoe roswoulde. Bout 16 Be tthval implication is, “But there isnot one u Se ee ras like you.” “Doubtless David was quite |every five of our,men were either panttagsswdih ctwa-eascarasal-paberdn | Eeauese0. stay. JH -te tamip, a8 He did |Kdlled or, wonrided .tnsthat = flerce. her hands. not-want to 0 personally against his | charge.” “Get me the indelible ink,” she ere arene said. “You may bring two bottles, te es us out of the sityto send N a the red-and the black. And y iy wensttanceiiien tsar itp commandcther #91 2uave- you Sooutt of the expense |! 0. fry mig. daughter? ” a “They haven't Nobody will trust me, si an_who clings, to an Weal Siete very low. Shine upon m d ; ife is fading fa y fe But, my darling, you will be Always young and fair to me; NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS WOOL HIGHEST MARKET PRICES \ Particular Choice 4: in Spring Suits — Ze. Here you will find ; ) tion of the very awa tb in Plain and Fancy ted made up in very a st nigle at moderate p) make Ladies’ and Men’s Tailor, ~ J.M. FLEISCHHAUER MILVERTON, ONT? CASH or TRADE Te will pay you to bring your wool to the inills—we vill give you. faic deal. Bu help us and e help you in giving you and inds pure woollen Blank- Be, ae riweeds, “te.;, Ete. HENRY C€. WAGNER, Prop. seme Se Be Look Y Well zest Dressed —The “well dressed” man will secure more business than the slov enly man. Be in line and get one of our nifty suits. Fit and workmanship always guaranteed, :-: S. N. SMITH Ghe Up-to-date Tailor KX MILVERTO J dune Brides HAVE a very ne Leal of E: Silverware on n hand to either for your own a birthday or wedding | présekt itor tends we are sure a visit to our store would interest you. WE DO FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING P, H. BASTENDORFF Eyesight Specialist - - MILVERTON, ONT. Come in-and we will play ‘explain-our-easy terms. yo Victrolas from $20 to $1 \ Buy a Victrola for the Home. The easiest way to make things pleasant for all the folks and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy. ur favorite mitisic for you and J. E. WEIR MILVERTON FLOUR WHOLESALE and RETAIL BREAD wirnec A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty - - ‘WE HANDLE: “Three Stars” and “Purity” Two of the best on the market Cash or Trade for EGGS MONKTON, ONT FURNITURE Rugs and Linoleum : Lawn Seats and Hammocks | WE SELL Gerhard Heintzman Pianos Baby Carriages ......$10 up Collapsible Go Carts $5 up Express Waggons $1.75 up Auto Wheel Coasters $4.25 Robert McMane ¢ Dealer Milverton Funeral Director and Embalmer THE HOT SEASON IS WITH US AGAIN ‘We can keep you cool by buying one of our : {OIL OR GAS: STOVES: like gi Mangel Seed: eis Soa ’ We havo them in all shapes and siz0s: THIRYY DAY'S FREE TRIAL. The oil stoves we sell are the best on enti ate Detroit Vapor Gag Stove requires jist One lighting ‘and barns ho Detvott apoe Oil Stove has no wicks to burn out or to make rst dost ig the only cost. eo New Postion Oil Stove is considered the only wick oil sjove on ak market to-day GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS of all kinds on hand, nd Corn--Only the Best Seed to be had. snd sill give Voi one on a ‘M. E. BETTGER & CO. Hardware Merchants Monkton, Ont. It Pays to Dress Well “Nothing gives a man more:prestige than to be Well Attired” HERE has just been plac- the shelves a splen- did line of Summer Suitings and Pantings—all the new pat-_ terns and colors will be found here. We invite you to inspect ~ our up-to-date stock. O. DUFFIEL "Monkton, - The Up-to-date Tailor, Ontine o anysalt agsinst me—In no sense. was. - pies Northern Naviati PP a : ket deplete yous send (Asad Tae Sarnia roonally Conducted Orulae No. 1-Sarals, On. o Dalth Sine, andreas, was Bo, Nos sina, On to Geor. tnd return, via 800, 6 wea raend to the big all are admirably —