DURABLE-Fire grates are three-sided; last three times as long. Shaped in the M“Clarys ine Farnace to grind up clinkers when “rocked”: See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. Sold by C. SCHNEUKER Sad .. MILLBANK NEWS Gnlakee va fag ia week-end Frieda Mr. Hugh J. Begrrice, of Hespeler. mee over Sunday with his brother. rac Patan Fre: ap ee rived “hans » summer with 32 iS ‘at present and Mrs. teacher of the U fst Win, Dallner okie Bogert, f Milverton. spent week-end Pe: “the home of Mr. and) Mir Picanta aes of Windsor. s ath his” ei ee iMr, amd sie r All te el aae eee Limwood, @ ‘Misses “MoCormicks las Fleming, Miss Miss Grace e visitors Mr. for a fe awe) dye with his Sones Mr ©, Do: Bre, Scott and son Willard, © of ago, are at present visiting Mrs. i J. “Galt, . of Toronto. “Mrs. Ry Mul- . A, Stewart of the post of- tat pare = Bovgs nding be couple oie here, of Brocks- J, Watt's, ir : Miss Jennie Shore Stratford be jag a few days ith her uncle, Mr her ; ‘MaiMitla a eg sirade "spent “Sunday ‘at felder, of Rosi ee aie mater. School has summer holidays. All who wrote at ithe = are visiting old friende in Millban abn and Pinagltere trance examination. | Lizz # Mrs, H, Morrow, oF id Grace Nubn left Friday to sp Roy, Brogden Bas been) engaged for) 37a rth at Port Steaty pane around rs. Miss Irene end Buccesfal “pails at eee at Bleda Helm. Master Billy and Margaret Milne. of, Toronto, are gat Mrs. P. Hel: ‘Mie E'sie Coulter. awa at Ay we at the home of ber d Mrs, W, 8. Coulter | a those ito 10 spent! the holiday Mul a 466. Qui 9 ‘cates, 505 H Reis 389. 960, G, “Capling i oF e) is x " Gropp. V. Reis. M, Bec cer. Br. Thomas Ar) 1-6: Saath, M, Gropp. ©. Brogden, Treacher. HESSON — Mrs, W, Beafi and di ry returned to ete eir hom: Ha Iiton after spending: erates days with | is in our vicini at Mr, Jas, Hanley, of Stratford, is | Mrs, Joh Campbell spending his b erhae yacation wees Mr. 1D. eee an J. ©. Moran of | Te Women's Institute have pur- Chatham are tine friends bai Mr, and Mrs, foser and. Mr. Song sina it re Jose0 ‘Kocher noe Sun- wating aay a oe Clem | ob d_ (Mrs i ‘Mr, Alex, MeFaddin’ | auter, aaiarros, Ts. Mr. Pe: fille: Stratford, rat calling or sending to Lie iain sles ee Crookshanks for img to the illness of Rev. cer iL auch. has purchased | a fine A very oe able dance was held at home of Mrs, A. and re ith preached two ex: Pherrill occupied tha pulpit of ihe “Anglican church on tb hia: Ieauirucel smetions tn favorable impressions The Presbyterian Sunday Knox church, Newton ‘and Terskane, out the ‘at Drug and j1-6i tO ‘hare ae reece t Die in se, 150, and Be, Country, Stores. FOR SALE et O.W. Leghorn laying hens sol sale at. 150. apiece. JOHN tours 10 WANTED 10,000 one-i Sica "aatwotid white or |¢ bird's eye maple. H, EB, FURNITURE co. wi WANTED Young girh <weiilen to do house} work, a ply to GEO, CRUMMER. Millbas jl 2ipd dio | standing inations Pass ‘9 Sr. 4th—G, Brunner er WANTED A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED! gf FOR THE OLD RELIABLE FONT- HILL NURSURIES, To gell in Monkton and District. | d. | 68. J. _ Fewings 68. C. Moffat, ti. MeL-nna n 6 an ~ POOLE Kn B. chance of ‘a lifetime to do a bie trade among ‘armers in rait stock, ae ae as ornamental business! Pet entee free) Mr. and Mr: 3, Chalmers family, of Manitoba. are visiting with the former's parents. Mr, and. Mrs. J. W, Chalmers. Peter Sehmehl and the Glasser—Strei- dding near Wellesley on Wed- ae Sia 4 Exe) clare territory, and outfit. Write pe STONE Be WELLINGTON £5 RON’ | Comment ha $1 ot a ie BS a..-G,.H. \, R. iP. aeieadae oat at jughter te and ‘Miss Tekla Schmehl visited their brother. Mr. ae merston this we AaMiss FallWhe Barley per P bushel: Oats Emily Ramen? left Monday to spend a couple of months at Dli- Islands. ers, of Colbo: aot SF Peas eats an ewel Lia ew! oe Bowon sao Fri ni vd, Cha "polis with her mother. Menardier aftended the ance a How Harting on Thnredar f last week. ¢ Hamilton. Sere Mr, Rok = wv Sa8sse eon gash ied =e = we) ‘on | vi, | liott's, ‘Schmehl in Pal-) consider the adoption’ ‘Misse: of Stratford, are visiting theie grand Sou | parents. and ae Holm for Mr. Rol At in ranerate on friends it HAWKESVILLE Mr. and Mrs, Bd. Seip. of Berlin. spent a few days at Mir Fred Mrs. J. Hermann and ence Leo. pp Solumahats Ohio. ion with her sis- “Mr, and ‘Mrs, ated Donald are spending a week with their son ~ at H. mbert. H. feomeer a . Gernhaelder, — of spent Beniey *at the home of Elma, Mr, Louis Baee! a annie pon J. Walter spent Sa urday at Berl Pte. T. Wallington at coe of London visit George ronal over Sun in, us 34th bat- for England. Lieyd. Knipfel and Mr. Mrs. enter Beatrice wit ay ant Davi Keniptel rragre en Bundey m Chatha lance was ‘at mesday night which ed asuc — Te sent report laine had rece and Mrs. r. ee y Harte ert: Weiler of %ot tman's over Mr, ais Mrs. cob or the aperta at “Naw Trombarn| Inst ‘Thursda. Forwell and G. man. of Waterloo. fomnets home ne ‘Mis, Charles Peterson, of Hamilton.| is spending a few. weeks with Miss ,- | Hannah F Bete son in, spent and ily aye es spent the| | ata nein’: of Linwood with a friew here James Hall returned to spent near Sea NORTH MORNINGTON Don’t forget ~ the Patriotic whic is to be served by the Manse next Friday yf howl cate nd and thi work, ‘The com- md should it be vet oi nay as meements will be made to make you comntorta a Some ae “th rime r part of the account of the young gentlemen ei i week on echt en y with frie Joe ‘Teather spent Theres on lad visiting her cousin. Miss Torrance at present. LS. proper solentsiie ed the xillaries at Susic ce Missed Ackin Siler the program Tokicheow: was eon vas held Jobn ee last ele jetrich at Water-| her} | and held in si ‘LINWOOD TOPICS one spending a couple of | a S apd oni atn-ae Are ai nat ey ieee in. dys Kemp. of Listowel. | |WOMAN WEAK AND NERVOUS Finds Health in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Po! ton, Towa. —*'I suffered with fo- mie chica from the time I came into ‘ph Sheatey spent) the hol- | and ae home is now. | boy. Tam very gi Eerard 8 16 zt dd Herbs | femate ills. For forty years this famous root and | herb medicine has been eceninently socal bs neontolling the dis es of alone exit “sy stood ae edlefne this test 01 If you Paes ne L) that Lydia E. Mrs. pent sandy Bundy, of ith the former's Tor- 7 here, | Mr. C. W..W aes ored to fer het a | spent the week- ae with ex derantel: Mrs, Dierlam tT ae Ainpie Cathcart ndin, and family mot- 2 Bui t, of Goderich. /A vacation at her home oe (Mr, and Mrs. Leander Koebel and son Arthur, in spent the week-end rt Schnurr. | of inet ee x Sunday with his si ter, Mirs, Thomas Fost Thfiss: Dolly MeKay arrived home Thursday ofiast week (Miss Matthews. of Toro: ing a Rea yon Miss Tish. ar on ao Toronto, ma ~Gutheran cemete! ey here sat Tae afternoon. ovine gga doe Institute will ee f rs. Fran! FRUIT BULLETIN Cherries no Black, all Niagara Mpenneate, grown tifdl. The ek Sour is Rel soa a your grocer se Raspberries begin to arrive next week. A good: attendance rege has gone out social evening spent after ‘aol all A Ligsgee§ for their ham thanking pave thei ie MoCourt yu recent- Lang. of the ot ny if some drive topless buggies wet. on Sum ay. evening or if all that evening. Taylor visited a few sue ES friends at Burns. Miss jie Freeman, 7 peer event ‘Sunday with Mrs. D. B. Tor- ir Lines. rthage, la‘ of Ailverton eae Monday at the home f M Mr, and ate Will, Glenn and baby br pon: kpent-Bcniaey at Me, LOGAN COUNCIL Council met June 28th, alin ares oF Sete meeting ad, confirm med. .The aidjo yarned Court Ree ‘stn was reopened ee bss fon: Jor- drain ci Motiat and otHen (By4law ‘No. 510 was duly read and passed Reeve and Treasurer ‘authorized to sign the same and the clerk to attach the corporate ‘hereto, omplained of by James £ favotonits amounting wh ee! Priday, July 2nd. at 2 ion of Br Elwes No. jonrmed to me coe 26th at the usual time Silesia Eee Clerk. aS PEFFERS Fah at and Alice Holmes. sat indispos it is Ehertia bt. Steven spent Sunday in aoe hes ra few days bul oon. M. Tewett. eet for her home Jewett’s mo sation ene a i at Kelterborn, regret eae mate herself a oe open ta es burg. is spending a few Ltd a Mis. Stewart for | boas of Mae. Ge e ae oa. August. al vis- lay. as spending a few days with Mrs. Frank 5 bad Rose spending a vacati pel seal ing to $2992.71 | by Emma eee returned to d= Allison last of burg BS oetz. Miss Lila Tchaaeay of Mildmay is spendin, a vacation with her brother joseph’ Héimler and family. Bein, “spent Sunday with his ne rs her: *FRemenibe®’ all the stores” will closed Thursday afternoons during ionic given eines "Soho 0 mn the church 4 wn on Saturday itemoon sucee: ided 88, fe a number from here attend~ Mr. — sees spent Sunday near ‘Mil- vernee, Violet Edwards. of Milverton, spent the week-end with Miss Libby Ma Bee going to help. cele- brats The 12th in Listowel. Remember the concert in the town hall on. Friday night July 9th. is Pommer, of Toronto. is =n few days with her sister. Mrs, Frank Ament. eed Pommer spent Monday |} in Mily Mr; A r Ament and friend, | tavistock, ee. the holiday at ais Sonn E Tari Bullock. of, Michigan. is ce his grand- W. Parsill. Mrs. James Nagle. of ae Daag mraagite Dannington made. a short isi we Dra; — on Tuesday. Mr. and M Aug. Saetenkih et re oe with relatives in Hes- Meyer. of Berlin, is jon at ee Rete her (Mr, A, Koel wp ame area in Etmi C. ae Meet a desea ese ae Toronto on An interesting event was celebrated d Mrs, Wm. occasion, and to wi: another 25 years to He faetuer slated Saat. people Nee ‘iter de- his cele- good all classes ir- ao ues any side issues. and that all joitied ‘hai ele in the belief that all strove for t eternal home. The ee stecm in a ohta = the ies is “held was the at the ing th Joa he feo by the Lutheran | ® ¢ | de ent | Ms Sai m. At b- | o4ih. 1915 for general to - Listowel ae this NOT DISMAYED BY BOMB EXPLOSION PEABODY’S OVERALL FACTORY THE DYNAMITE OUTRAGE STILL ON THE JOB, DESPITE WEAR LIKE A PIGS NOSE” New Stock Just Arrived OF PEABODY’S OVERALLS, COATS, GLOVES, SHIRTS AND TROUSERS. “WEAR LIKE A PIG’S NOSE” We are Agents for Milverton SEE PICTURES OF THE EXPLOSION IN OUR WINDOW $2.50 hats for..... SPECIAL SALE OF STRAW HATS FOR $1.69 $2.00 hats for......$1.39 $1.25 hats for . $1.00 hats for JULY 12th. 89c 9c Ladies’ Cashmere Hose. Ladies’ Raincoats, just a price $4,00, at .. reg. $10 and $12 for SPECIALS THIS WEEK ONLY Children’s Silk Lisle Hose in pink, ~ black and white, per pair .. Special line of Ladies’ Vests .2 for 25c¢ Boy’s Buster Wash Suits... Men’s Straw Hats, new this week, reg. $2 for $1.39, reg. 2.50 for.. Boy’s Suits, reg. $6 and $6.50 for $4.98 reg. $4, $5 and 550 suits...... Men’s Suits, reg. $15 and $15, for. 13.68 20c CASH——FRESH EGGS WANTED——21c TRADE Boy’s Khaki Bloomer Pants, for the hot weather, per pair .. 39¢ at old oie GROCERY DEPT. (Saturday only.) .all prices . $1.69 $ few left, reg. | Ginger Snaps per Ib ......, Oranges per doz ....... $3.98 .-$7.98 Roasted Rio Coffee per Ib. W. K. LOTH, “The Square Deal Store” Milverton, Ont. ce them. by every er sae in reach up ang ough eucsess an a long time by all those who the’ opputumiy to take. spar ages ELMA \_ COUNCIL ‘he Qitlnscipal Bouncil of wnship ima met in the Agri- cultural Hall, Atwood. on a Sa: 26th, 1915, Members Reeve ‘Win, Soot, of ‘ast meeting were read, ne pated ‘and signed by the reeye ol Ue ‘A mote was Tead from the County pier that the amounts Be be Tevied per engineer's itertitionte “ accounts Were ordered Moved" by ae Coates and Ill Geo, Lochhead, Clerk, pian Feneeeann CARTHAGE (Mr. W. Walker and Mr. F.. Loder tape the week-end with Wiar- Fred, Behnefer, of and Stay 5 in Stratford x from here attended) the ers in thie Vicinity “have conyers Mra. Gray. of Tuaonburg. spent Thursday at the ‘homé of Mrs, Alex. Sunday, ea “| Mir, and *: | Rostock, ho | evening pie- i |mio held by St. Peter's Lathtran Sun- | have a 2 Sart Mtr, cn Sees spent a last does mi their aephew: ay Christian Schmidt. Sp) a etna from here, WARTBURG fe had a very. welcome ‘rain \ on Bonay Mr. Otto Erlach of the Royal Bank jorwich is: spendi few took in the garden! Ieee eh ‘Millbank \ on July ist and rey & good program, Miss Lyla = tt Lucknow, is spending a week with her coumy the ee IMir, Andrew Ey sunday mith ‘their Pauper, of Crosshill, who ha: a been friends ere: fay returned t home 4 parte 33 , Louis Harloff spent “the latter's vekees , Chas. Maloho, st. (Mr. and Mrs, John Becker, Brunner, oats Sunday with Mr, sa Mrs, Geo. Becke: (Miss thon Denstedt. “4 Ret er holidays at ther pai at ten ate ad Mra Allan MdMane, * Ty spent last Pay. with thelr Ae Mrs. John Hi mumber from sae vated the orn sage ioe ae ee ag Service to Highlands of Ontario from Toronto 2.05 a.m, daily for be pede ess daily be 09 aeeeey fo of Ba; hin Pai iver ort Pauls pee “Uhoniig Steattord Quite a number attended the 12. gata a er er em, Catly maak “Sin lay for Mus- a5 a Ly vr tet Lake va and Algons ‘STEAMSHIP beet to Leaves Toro! Arrives Santa Wist-4.g0nine Rach Monday connecting w ships f Fort V aay School mit) Fidt ana Chas, Marr Mr. and Mrs, Pred, Middleditch and EGR ate son Stanley spent Sunday wit amd ‘Mea’ Charles Moore aeration (Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Doell spent Sun- an. lay in A mumber eee here attended dance held-at Mr. Frank Fam's let ce, | Thursday: evening. day 5 J. C. CUNNINGHAM, (Phone ]), Local Agent : . ‘HO! FOR DETROIT. on JULY 17th to 19th. The Stratford ae eral opular 3-Day Renee to Sarnia mises to au ine event of the season, BIG SPECIAL TRAIN ! special train has been chartered both going and return- ‘ich will AES ane comfort: oe jhe excuTslOntaee saa eliminate any inconvenience a throu nal ieee Time table and round trip fates to Sara Listowel, leave 5.15 a.m. Britton =“ 5,24“ Peffers Milverton Brunner wharf 8.50 iren from 5 to 12 years Half Fare, By arrangement} the magnificent steamer “CITY OF TOLEDO as capable of accommodatin, over 1,000 persons will Bemis. ay will c es exchntionits toDe troit, ha a ie No ex} sense. te ing spared to pe ea ‘excursion Best Daily. ose Held sinter Cuageaee of Stratford’ Officials of The Herald will tickets for City of Poledo, Jil Base: Cheong he eo shown 4 “pment ‘which were “handed aon nies Stns a Sire ‘Moore's.