Milverton Sun, 8 Jul 1915, p. 3

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“Tho Blood Supply is Defloient: and 4 olen tho Trouble is Remedied ~ Consumption May Follow. 1s grow weak, pale and| ‘with nine girls out of every ten. y grow weak and depressed; lose their appetite, are breathless after | the slightest exertion, and suffer from headaches an ackaches. en girls are thedicine can compare wit Wil- liams’ Pink Pills. In the use rae these sparkling eyes, for pale eet ge eek tiga on itched state Roath This “is why thousands of |< girls and fmamen, ew robust and at- tractive, are constantly recommend- ing Dr. Williams’ Pink: Pills to their Miss Edith Brousseay, sa} slightest exertion. tite, and seemed to vie Wiltens’ Pink Pi short time they gave 01 plete health and enabled me to ae my studies. I have enjoyed thi best of health since, and owe it Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.’ | These Pills are ee: oe all mages dealers or may be had by mail, post paid, at 50 cents e ox racwte nate $2.50 fro Dr. Williams’ Medisine Co., "Brockville, Ont. case ge a Reached His Limit. soa doctor had been a in t a new patient. As he stood be- side the bed he eyed the sates man coldly, and then sai “aid you ie gy Wao other ciaifeat Ae “Am I as bad oe all that?” gasped the patient, his face paling at the, t thought that perhaps his Zt hand. “Well, I can’t answer ‘that hand,” replied the doctor; “but I do know you are the lawyer who cross- ae me in that law case last nt what’s that got to do man shortl; science won’ let iar kill you, but Sta hanged if I’m going to cure you. Good after- noon!” ———S What She Had, She'd Hold. It was the happiest moment of their He had just proposed, and she is pocket and slipped a spark- aig ate on hei ia finger, while she eamed with p “Yin afraid Yes wather pier darl- on he murmured. “4 oe take it vac and have it ergs ler?” e damsel shook her. ier decided- ly, “exo, Rupert; she said calmly. “An ring, even if I have to wear it round my neck.” Heard and Recorded by the Famous ke a throng of soldiers in dressing~ e great trouble be e in this condition Le|young mai i T said, although it ‘peared in an offi- was hard te the deliberate, ool blooded torture of : “At the age of Te! ie a : the Russian ar was at- | 8¢ useful informatio Ne to ee linew THE GERMANS TORTURED A SCOUT CUT ONE EAR OFF WITH HOS- PITAL SCISSORS. Correspondent, H, Hamilton Fyfe? camé into the hospital ered roun When I read the first, acount of it 1 despatch, “It is credible. _ It to believe that a group of n._ officer: have consented to 0, true to his nas date hen they catebt Panasuk ‘might have accepted his dis- quise as gentine and hanged him as By Had any eviieace that ying. Civilian spies foenised: a the man who had so Sitten ale I have Told in telegrams what hap: deep in the an lines. His cap- tors took him to the nearest sta? headquarters. “I was offered cigarettes, but I said he told us. “They ee. ley ‘aid ‘hat if T Med 1 conld be 8 rich man and hav .@ They would tell ell 1 knew about forces and postions. give tue mone tI would the Russian I told them I} 4 n the officer who was speaking He took me into a room where nine other officers were. “They si if I did not give them the vaabada teh they would cut ed that I could not tell thing because I had nothing to tell, ‘hough I could have told them hospitals, and, after threatening me again, one of them cut off the soft part my ear (the lobe). It bled all down my , after a did ae Sererel ‘times. me in e with his at He broke my ke cues the ‘idge, which | ® makes it te 2 Se pers ‘He hit me on the jaw sw “At last they sald Pewee tite “ up until the morning: ey sent with a sergeant and two men, I felt that my chance to peer had come. I struck out at tho two men. The rgeant was I ran, : Solves the _ AN ICE ‘CREAM BRICK Clry DAIRY ICE CREAM put up in attractive boxes is as neo : convenient forthe hostess. ge. Tt is the ideal summer dessert. Difficulty. Ea For sale by is 1 ting TORONTO. | mysetttn-the~ftelds. fired, but’ aie ane too dark the peat epaseien frontier. He was|bly -|in the negative. Maecenas’ retorted ka medica off my ears and nose, then hang me} ” se) ehind. scrambled over a “fence, and fout nd. SS ‘Jother popular theory is that, the ‘one of fhe most ae of all dogs, | i claim were: aud Pees to see me, I ran on until I ¢ Thid in a re hal sl a lon; fs ear, hott he daked: “Yes, if the sis-| ter allows.” The sister herself un-} wound ‘the bandage <I saw the muti- lated ear. eut just ag he had ps ewerinet “It rs healing ae! she i ‘Yes; it does not pain me much “T can’t heat worse. Yes, it might have been Syoree for him, poor fellow. If he had not es- aped he would surely have been no idea t Teting the ile of eee infamy be told. any more cases of torture there pave nes we shall never know. ORIGIN OF THE COLLIE DOG LOST THE GREEKS APPRECIATED THE VALUE OF THESE DOGS. of the Early Sheep Dog. If ten dog men were asked the dog s the most natural dee, painstaking study reveals that s he The striking similarity between plebeian has done mi spread the theory that the collie is ‘aie nearest kin of the wild do; The ‘ollie, the wolf, the jackal, the husky of the Arctic regions, an semi-domesticated dog e Ameri- ean Indian, it is true, all Sate ate ne question and one that causes endless debates, but in the case of the collie the bulk of the argument seems to he Collie Is British. The first authentic work on. the collie came from G@ lef drawings of its they had left records of the appear- would not have undoubtedly of ba one origin, and with the dogs the descendant of the wild dog. ly is true in that the first dogs wer: domedhioata for the purpose of f tend ¢ the sheep, but that the collie is the parent root seems more than im- probable. Original Shepherd's Dog. A strong proof that the collie is nts. nd, irish Wolfhound, the ean the sealdog and the collie all sp rom a Cot mn source, old ish sheepdog, of which there ‘are earlier records than ‘responsible for the later 2 g 3 g & 2 & 8 s Even the name of this beautiful breed is of doubtful origin. Cooly, cooley, colly, coley, colie are a words ae it game 0 be applied to this dog Het een shown. Webster gives collie Ga preed remains an unsolved problem. ‘The collie has long been regarded as it he should hold ee No Escape, istrate smiled at the of the wiz istrate indy, nies did you meet this woman? The little man lanced ae | Occurrences In the Land Gries Probably Not the Direct Descendant t ¥ | unanimously decided each other, but be-|; ~| tempted to te photographs as his mee e Hepes is additional ae | Was annouwi + | tere 8+! one thing; “|may happen. =|much harm even if they did take fire. luce the collie be-| a le man who was cane for protection are Bie sete, $y burly, square-} eves “In the fi asked the mag-| NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. uring the present war there have fee pee Victoria Crosses conferred. eashire have been. abandoned. in the Manchester dis! are nee ee #20 per cent. crease in wages 0: in- has been completed at Rossington, near Doncaster, for the Sheepbridge Goal and Iron Company. Sir H. H. Raphael, M.P., smillionsice. seringetn therm of the British army, hes been ‘promoted from private to corp ae only The war office ia ee asked by Jamaica if it will accept two or three hundred men, passage paid and medically certificated. eens Wi Pant han ee aieds a tal, of ag 580. Another mile of pennies aes completed and realized $11 aths ope ‘measles ritorials took part in the recent a gagements around Ypres, and mi of them, have ier lnlibscorannaeil Air service were enrolled in Birming- ham. Flight-Lieut.. Murphy said the inspecte county meeting at’ Dorchester =} > the War Office that a national scheme of compulsory service is immediately desirable. The operatives of various cotton mills in the Manchester district are foregoing heir cael pienies this sum- mer and gi the money to local charitable Shi Capt. Vilandi, master of me Dan- $50 ship was entering the RHttet an tebe comew in oelved at Lype Farm, Charlton, near Mal- mesby, Frederick Stoneham, a of thirteen, son of dw Stoneham, was gored to boy William death by onference of National aig “of “Cler ‘ks at the iat Cecil it nced that out of a total| membership of 8118 no fewer than 1, for active service is 2,000, i cluding 288 men specially eerie ror the A.S.C. * In view at the fact that the Gstae: leasing ny they have iss householders and shopkeep. their own street sweeping, ers to do Soma 8 eneedenids SAFETY IN TRAVELLING. The all- steal colon cars built by the 5 e bill to a nicety. On the long Gea oe the “West, these ing and sleeping and. living rooms veal ine They. must have cookin; self it was rious fire in Richmond» Park| 9, oat ht col as unendurable, nr Se eight acres of mhodo- eek crerrhing, it abthing lendrons ae gor: = ve tl in relief ae Owing to the war, many of the|camef rom Dr. ema Pills principal serene shows in Lan-| Mandrake and Butternut. Instead oF eg ton are Sheffield manutactrers ee trad enc the “German | cine as Dr. Hamflton’s Pills.” Silver ry aes substitute ee tlie words rery woman should use these pills ‘nickel silvei ularly, becaus ays, ‘A-new, coal shatt 880. yarda deep,| am A hundred recruits for the Royal |; recruits were the finest batch he had| , to represent to| war say that Was Fostocrd to Her Anxious ¥ Ranlly n Hope Had Gon it. John, NB, ‘Dec. toi one nS it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, and kidney trouble began yea For six years that pr petits pate ee been pi t. exerted wribly Naitenel ied. itl Mandrake and Butternut Pills. YR A Wise Precaution. Very few. peor. as ambidextrous; ae and skillfully as the right. But there is an amusing story of one Tahaan who was careful to cultivate that art. When was signing articles on poard a ship he Ee to ”! sign his name with his right hand, and then aatiged me pen bs his left hand and finishe “So you can verite with either hand, Pat?” asked the officer. “ ” raat Pat. “Whin e father (rest his soul!) always said A me, ‘Pat, learn to cul yer finger nails wid yer left hand, for e day ye might lose yer right!” Shooting Civilians. According to the laws of war, any Th his possession ia liable to be shot erey. Although this seems absolutely necessary for th tl whole civil population, The rule no men wi nized as combatants unless they wore a distinguishing badge, which can be easily recognized. were not’ for this, any number time band themselves together say they were belligerents. If this ee allowed, therefore, invadi troops would ard_ themselves against surprises by killing ever marc INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY ‘Wanted capital to develop one of the most valuable natural resources in the y of raw and large returns. s P.O. Be 102, Hamilton, Ont. Nothing Doing. sun filtered ing house sittingroom looked almost cosy and attractive. The brightness | © and comfort thawed the heart of the oldest lodger. toward ae Bete: oly was his onl room, ‘and, casing hee” have tonal, murmur- Sevan you be my wife? The woman did not start nor blush, No ee soyhees shone” trem her clear, cold é “No, sin;” she replied, with calm deliberation. “I’m sorry, but I can- not oe you. You’ve been here four y and are much too good nt a taerdes: a be put on the free list. vt ethers is always Gare or less danger when several people are ne the stove that accidents r that reason alone the all-ttesl. Gar eetai in handy, as e is absolutely nothing to burn, Well, there are the cushions on the steel seats; but they could not do = a ‘The seats, floor, roof, sides—every bit 0°! ace fixed t e erat: at the rate of 40. miles an hour. be foolish enough’ to f to fi Minard's Iiniment st Carew Garset’ ©: ; | drawing herself up coldly. n I'm me taking you from him. oe Don’t call a man * Seale may Ought to be Glad. Old as the hills was the subject of their quarrel. She had been spend- aoe pints money than he thought she ou; i 08 spend as much as ae ae @ you married me?” ase husband, in the thick ot the > ight. “Certainly 1 did,” replied his wite, . “Pather- Dest” interrupted her ihosheed an blest Crain A Good Suggestion. . “And you say» that Jorkins was cured hia = bad case of insomnia by suggestion? aor purely by suggestion, wife suggested that ines he not sleep he might a a the baby. it eee a His ‘Tew Bronswick tay : yf 3 White St. would succumb me the |* kid et is, able to use the left hand) Lo: T| stein has man in villages through which they |; hed. 5 | material ‘to esire to see Great Britain defeate Fegan eT which: there is an al-| The Duchess of Albany draws an an= re at te tive Mander dolla ae | eee ue, Cearereee Oe vere to invent wliere your investment at Soo. vents wane 1S eee will be well secured, then write for oe pleasant to them just f particulars and prospectus which will| The Duchess of Gannangis® a Ho convince the absolutely sure sastlaen princess, and first. cousin A fhrough the lace curtains, the board-| an expansive moment he turned}, the | vice. es zs MANY PROMINENT TEUTONS IN GREAT BRITAIN, © Many Titled Financiers in Britain are] Also Germans Naturalized and > ~ Otherwise. — ie public rage in Cg esl against Prince Louis of Battenberg nd Prince Christian of Schleswig- Holstein, because of their German birth, toucl very close to the throne. In addition there are ‘ing’s immediate family, wl German blood, as well as the: wife of Queen since she came ve eg sa asa bride a year ene a hal Prince berg is the es sister bate the Czar- ina of Russia \d Duchess Serge, but sire Scat with Bri- tain’s ally do not offset the fact, as far as the English people are concern- ed, that she is also the sister of Prin- cess Henry of Prussia, an¢ the rand Duke of Bee an officer in the German arm: | Prince Christan o a Bela -Hol- been a ralized British subject for ia Hane but he| as remained v n in his} aa tario. All sting Bai cenber, since Ni of Batten- | PA _FARM FOR RENT. FOR: A FARM, By NS Taare over Two Hu aa ist, located ti ihe, dest feotlone. of On ow" Dawson, Brampton, | NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, ROFIT-MAKING NEW: a” ca MORS. LUMPS, BTC. CO iierial aon on red withe out pelt by our home treatment: > a before too late. | Dr. Bellman areata Co., Limited, Collingwood, 01 Kerm att Maine =) Engines Motor” regiment, _idest on gave pa Prince Albert England. His sister: toria and Princess Marie Schleswig-Holstein, have been indefa- tigable in working for the British sol-) diers. A Disloyal Prince. e Duchess of Albany, who was Princess Helen of Waldeck: Pyrmont, | small ees eo the admin- | is the wid JULY and Avoust (een SCHOOL OF MINING 5 NINE CHANICAL eee BERLE GTRICAL Gotha, relinquishing the British title for the more important one of a Ger- the Emperor William, is. the sister of Prince Leopo nzollern, veh ied the sister of the Em: ‘PRESIDENT SUSPENDER prei Sir Ernest Cassel, King Edward’s anker, who alleviated all the King’s multividinous financial dieu, is ‘mong several German born bankas in London who are being at- ed, title he Sean Bruno Scroeder, —— gust, as his banking partner Julius Bath aussen. Iix Schuster, the Governor of es ‘Union of mesg Smi ber of the Couneil ‘of il at Hamburg. Sir Waechter, a leg and steamship magnate, came 0 London from Stettin, a Baltic Pro- ree Germany. a George Albu, one of the mining m in Bri- tish South Africa, Hats rion ‘Berlin, All have long been naturalized as Bri- fie I subjects and have received “titles e Government in recognition ot valuable political and financial ser-j But all are now objects of sav- age criticism. Sore e] as 10 Pe . fo press: Orns { ere ot ad wet G ‘o! ! butn Extra out. anee sting gover slate —leave: Putnam's "Corn Extracto: ee “In Its White Shroud. Tuncher—Is this ,meant to be shortcake? * ‘Waitress Yen, sir. pie awe ly for lore money. is spent on ise ae Kingdon in. tight di Soldiers on. active military duty, nee may disp ose of their Property ekear ice Sea ae in the presence of’ witness: =U lays eh, mtributed to. the Nation *| al Relief eam eight weeks. not make wills ii Minard’s Liniment Co. toner Gents,—I cured a val ble oe ee ange with MINARD! LINIMENT after several veterinaries ad treated him without doing him permanent goo ours, : ftiD GAGNE. Prop. of Grand Central Hotel Dru reumipniy lle} Aug. 3, a ‘Then reaver s ake take it away hs berry ‘Minard’s Liniment cake Diphtheria. -| of the latest recruits, and asked him: Breaking the Record. The regiment was drawn up ready for” inspection, Smartly the men were standing, chests out, eyes front, ete. Round about an admiring crowd | had gathered, A wi eat anxious to show off ee fore the tators, approached one “Well, Jones, suppose you were on. outpost duty, and you saw the Ger- tian approaching in massed forma- ie do? looked — stolidly Gheadt but his answer came clear and ae oe the listeners: a minute, sip—a mile a mninutel” ie raandiviGh a C66l palltion always gets a warm reception. Minare's Lininient Cures Colds, Eto. Every able-bodied fale in the Ger- man Empire i is liable for military ser- Mee ‘one, two, or three as ye Ww years with the infantry or artillery, or three with the cavalry or: horse artillery. Sra slated 8 Lid: Sore f= "" ee Puen aeredts ‘Murine 25e, pottle of r to-day. Your ‘Mrs.’ B.—Such ba eat are ones men insist | on ve ea Adapting Tt. — ee noe said the. ou to mi} that fe ee oe at ‘the ae “of a je place of.’ es we ee Afghanistan—the place f the at on Hindus. FY SRUboty appeared very do so little J tone ee joy of “his eee and t the cats, $2 oudly: ” fghans; also Hindusts Ee the Piss | Can you ‘get, anothe) mi 1 every town, — Ye ah * Pte Unbrla | the place 3 dmbrellas.”

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