Milverton Sun, 9 Sep 1915, p. 8

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ZA = SbSl= Shhh Stl SSeS SS ma “The People’s Store? ae. “This Week Will Mark The er Transformation of Stocks’’ HE merchandise tide has turned and the new stocks ADIES’ Ready-to-wear Displays’ will be particularly are flowing into the store. Visitors will note a com- attractive and doubtful if again this season you will plete transformation of stocks in all departments. The view such a fashion display as will be uncovered at this display of Fall Merchandise will be at its height. store. The fall and winter Suits and:Coats are marvels. MOST WONDERFUF VALUES IN ear CNG ° . Py WANT you To | Ladies’ White Waists and WhSewne Reduced A Cc WE WA ; Women Ss utumn oats SEE THIS Ladies’ Silk Angle Stockihgs aes and 50e pair scr icea tasMilverten: Children’s Fine Ribbed Cotton Stockings per pair.. . ‘ Boy’s Scout Stockings, the heavy cotton stocking with wearing aalites ‘ At $7.49 and $10.00. We specialize Crompton’s C C al a Grace Corsets Beautiful Black Pailette Silk, 36 inches wide.. SIZES FOR LADIES. SIZES FOR MISSES. i. Black Duchesse Moussoline, 36 inches wide Se Duchesse Paillette in all shades. Style is the most essential feature in a Woman's Black. Sateen, Moire and Silk Und & Coat, but it is not necessarily an expensive feature. That AN is why we hear such exclamations of praise for our new : BU) 2. ‘ lines of Fall Coats that are selling at $10,00. \ Men Ss Suits and Overcoats ‘ i In neat small checks, mixture and stripe Tweeds, Chincillas, Novelty Weaves oy! HIN effects in fall weight tweeds and smooth dressy ‘ worsteds in browns, greys and greenish tints— Warm Blanket Cloths be but mostly browns—the favorite for this season. ee i Prices $8,00, 10.00, 12.50, 15.00, 17.00 to $22, In navy, black, brown and fiovelty effects—large, roomy generous in every line and conspicuous by their new and exclusive style touches. Wi, I { Men! Let us do Your Tailoring 2. ’ = LZ IV} pa Clothes made to your measure. An unusually Ladies Fall Suits “ Wat large line of samples to select from. Style and S Hts : fit guaranteed. Prices range from $15 to $30. TAILOR MADE—A well tailored suit of all wool } Cheviot Serge. Coat in smart, plain tailored model with manish notched collar and lapel, 4 button clos- 12. 50 ing, lined with extra quality: mercerized lining Over 40 suits to select from at prices $12.50, $15.00 $18.00, ages and $25 00, A IT’S A WINNER AT Women’s and Children’s Sweater Coats ; th 54 99 For the Cool Evenings We will let you be judge when you The Sweater Coat has become a See eel coat. —lIt is one of necessity. It is the handsomest and [YJ Za ( i } the most im- newest and most comfortable garment | i \ portant things you buy, not for what it costs, there is for the present cool evenings but what it means to your appearance. We'll and the coming fall days, No one es: X Saxony Flannelette h ¥ put the right hat on you, fit your head as well ere oe ever had cals coat would as a rest of you, We have the finest hat made be without one, 2 have an excep- A i and a good hat is the most economical purchase tionally nice range to choose from. Children’s Sweaters, all ous it See alti? you can make. Prices range $1.50 to $2.50, sizes, 50¢ up to $2.50. Ladies’ Sweaters at $1 up to $5.00 finish, fer dediés’ ead aed: 2 . ; i :; ; ren’s underwear and "10 Men’s and Boy's Women’s and Children’s Wool Undewear gowns. Per yard... C Sweater Our Underwear department is now complete with t i fall and winter underwear for women and children, New as Coats stock and full values to select from. ; Ry ' 10 pieces heavy white Sax- . 7 . Plain and fancy en . . stitch, made with Ladies’ New Fall Raincoats cn eee ne 4 Including the smart tweed effects in all the different. sizes, Ranging in gay collar, two pockcts, close fitting cuffs. A large price from $3.49 up to $10.00. We would like you to see these coats. g ys and varied assortment of plain and combination _ colors. All sizes. Prices range $1.00 to $6, 00, 66 sted ° ° ” wa | x i Men’s Raincoats—Our stock is most complete This 18 the Theatre Authentic Fashions ‘ including all the good English makes. $5 to $15 A complete autumn showing of Dress Goods and Suitings, The enor- i aN : est Nes: Ei gh pa ulnar hee ie = mous demand for wools by Great. Britain and her Allies has made woollen goods 8 ‘ipities ever‘oftered: prides aeiand US. considerably dearer, Away before Xmas we were planning for this season’s wine te Sette 7 supply of Dress Goods and Suitings and the result is we have the largest stock we have ever sh iting your Chiffon Broadcloths — In every Corduroy Velvets—Our stock is / q ; : ‘ new shade as well as the staple color- now complete in every wanted shade. { SESE Sh | : vow its fom AG pied Frshed Tae ings and black, French dyed goods of including cream and black. These : | a j and diagona \ as ae in fe le braasi r unusual finish-and quality, 50 and 54 | Velvets have arich’silk finish, See & : ; ) y Norfoll style with fine twill body 1 Inches wide, at $1.25, $1.50 to $2.50, them in Dress Goods Section to-mor- “angp | i p enone bloomers. Prices” $a, British Serges—True blues and | SW» 5° 65¢, 75¢ and 85c per yard, : j : fast blacks, indigo dyed goods, Our _ , New Plaids for dresses and sep- good lines that - guaranteed | arate skirts. Plaids will be very fas- ade-proof and all-wool, every weight, hionable this coming season. We < ‘ : Clearing Summer Underwear every weave. A complete stock at | havea full range, all pure wool, 44 a AND’ DRESSES 'gan,. pease and sce arhniiras Reg. 50c 5oc to $2 50 per yard, : in, to 54 in wide, at ee 75¢, 5c, Seon tate ran La lor 39¢, reg, 75¢ for soc, reg. $1 for 790, etc New Suitings — We, have just S125: tondaco0: pet Yat "Ball Caps—Always the newest in men siti nes in plain pele “Ottoman Cord Dress Goods. allo gs “APRO NICS BE \ N =S and boy’s*caps at 50c, 75c, 1.00, 1.2, iecks and wool, in shades of rose, tan, ‘brown, tae $e 1, ZA) il <a : : y ‘new autumn” “shades at | myrtle, cardinal and black, wate ean oe en gage . vy \ \\S Men's Fine and Work Shi 786 to $2.00 per yard, 730, at 60c per yard. ther tee a 4 WKN } large stock on hand to select from. ; j FASHION SHEET French Bedford Cord Dress Goods — New Cord Velvets—Almost e every egy ‘i in navy, wine, tan, Lrown. myrtle and | wanted color is represented in these : a ae There is warmt! gray, all wool, 40 in. wide. oe very popular Cord Velveis for child- Sander Pattern Dgartme t ee $ Tots, $1 to ) 4. at 59c per yard. : ae suies and dressés, Special 396. ; ; = 4

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