Milverton Sun, 9 Sep 1915, p. 7

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AN AVALANCHE OF POURED INTO GERMAN LINES General Offensive Foreshadowed of French and} British on the 4 A neues sais ae says: The ‘rench uring an ava- che of shells pacts an German lines is not believed that ing the Ger- against Linge and Schratzmaennele, ‘osges. After releasing the Germans char; no infantry ipo cannonading pla at se ces. German aiiiies violated ed the French | for SHELLS Western Front Swiss ei hc for the fourth time. Five German -y aeroplanes flew inside the Swiss ee opposite the are town of Delle. Although un- e from, French ertillery, the ok. das aged m: e down near the wigs village of Buix, but afterwards took to the air and escaped towards Alsac "The “Municipal Council is_making Government the early weeks ed. The celebration will be eld on September 12. FURTHER VICTORIES IN THE CAMEROONS Germans are Retreating in Great Disorder After a Series of Defeats, A despatch from Paris ze Fig! further victories. lows “Fre iii cuavera and ba custorn Cameroons are continu- frig_a vigorous offensive in the direc- Hon of Yaunde, capital of the colony. Aen their way. The deserters defeat- e Germans, and also attacked a eas post at Sangamelin: “Our right column, coming from the orth, attacked the strongly-fortified positions at the Dume station, simul- with an attack from our southern colw ss te artillery and machine guns, was arried by assault by, one of our offi- = and by prisoners.” a satel ay IN A ROPE ND KILLED BY HORSES despatch from London. says: horses, peel he lost his balance owing the horses aes He had been studying for the ministry previous to enlistment. —_h_—_ None Too Good. The minister of a small country lock was discussing with an illiterate r of his church religious topics The member e: e suggestion that even the this vale “You believe, of varying ifterest. as of ey and tribulation, ber, inet is, where it is lived up Oto pa eae Youngest Hero is Back From France. - |to begin with to tl A COMPARISON OF FORCES FOR WAR CANADA’S RESPONSIBILITY. From Toronto Daily News. In a year’s time we have setn our army come into being and grow into a force of very considerable size and efficiency; but this is no time to rest on our laurels, much less to indulge a tendency towards responsibilities provision for Sraited “Kingdom entered the war with a naval force of not less than 225,000, and wi military since the military force, of completely trained fant eaippad sdldien},. it tena thar 500,000. Adding to these the soldiers Teas. than 1,500,000, the total is at least 2,525,000. ‘The figures are ap- Seo only, but they will serve. pulation being sixth the population. of the United Kingdom, we eadily ascertain should now have available for service In we may estimate the rece of the Canadian forces as follow: Adding the few setisa sar we had hose organized dur- ing the year, the pene oF ined and equipped troops more than 60,000. Our omnidtely trained and equipped troops will num- ber not more than an ee 100,- 000; and that none of our fighting re- sources may be seen we will add a total of 161,000. Our ideal minimum is 400,000, our real maximum is 161, The result alculations need n ake us ‘0 comfort ourselves with the thought g | that the original forces of the United 8 | Kingdom were incompdrably superior to ours and that the British Isles were much better supplied than we were the means, both human and ma- terial, of creating a vast new army. But this will not alter the fact that been overcome, and men being accepted for overseas service as rapidly as they present themselves for enlistment. ny, Heparation other allowances jeer once, and they are clothed, igi and trained with all possible replat ut the real responsibility for the the men To the man without de- pendents the call to service is well- nigh absolute, and it comes to tl job with precisely the those with others BU alls on them, who would suffer ent. Some should not. No one may decide for _| any man but himself. ae ee ae ur conscience says if it ‘says to go, Ee ase Empire needs the men, & parccaeresssy Mean teal THREAT sable AUSTRIA A despatch to Amsterdam says: Following the example of Germany, Aus| ngs countries, particularly States, are warned not to work in fac- material fee e is punishable ne jm) y capital punishment under certain con- ditions. g 5 ere BOSTON BARQUE FIRED ON BY PECL! oe despatch fom J Boston s in barque Ruth San ey les off r Ireland, pees ee i the nder upon her do, common, ee bulls, about one- | ¢, naval force of 1,000, ‘making a t are antes entitled | $f; on twins, 16% to Lhe. men in this poaltion should go, others | P : ad: MUNITION MAKERS FINE HARBOR AT ZEEBRUGGE IS SHELTER FOR SUBMARINES ie aieuonnt, STaraeIes AREA of HARBOR - 250 ACRES "ANAL, NORTH Si BLOF German won He 2 Rencral view of Zeeprus ge, the se 2 he © waterways provide br itish_ warships s and vessels at Zeebrugg erman_ naval an have Pepcntenis. al shelled ne e. Markets Of The World Breadstuffs. ae S —Old « fering; orth +14 to $1.16; No. 8 Northern, $1.09 to $1.11, track, lake ports. Manitoba oats—None offering. American com—No. 2 yellow, 83%c, track, lake ports, Canadian gorn-—No. 2 yellow, nom- track, Toronto. 2 white, 5 white, 5 ic, raat to freights outside; new oats, the minimum inter of men that we | 40 t Ont ntatio wheat— ar lot, $1.15; n slightly tough, Be to 8c. worsted of ie Pid 15 to 85c, according to: sam- Baus SNo casper es lots nominal, araokdingte freights outsi Barley—Good malting Cantey, nom- inal; No, 3 3 feed, n nominal; feed bar- ley, ‘nominal, according to freights outside, Buckwheat—Car lots, nominal, ac- coraine to freights outside. No. 2, nominal, according to froights outs! Ee —First patents, in peal patel in ; strong bakers’, in ‘oronto; in cotton a8 100 ‘more. io flour—New Winter, 90 per canis ae nts, $4, seaboard or To- ronto freights in’ bags, prompt ship- illfeed—Car lots, delivered Mont. real Treigits Br ran, per _ ton, shorts, per ton, $29; tuidaltngs: good feed flour, per ‘bag, $1.85. Country Produce. x Fresh dairy, 24 to 26e; in- tenon reamery rints, 284 fo rie ee boli, 26 to 's—No. 1, 23 to 24c per rena in cats tts, extra at 26 to ce ney—No. 1 Uae Apailesriels ee ; do., retail, ge ams yuolesale), in, $2, iy to $3; No. ed, 216; 18¢} turkeys, 28 tobe. Cheese—Large, 15 to 16%. 15 Yee; do., Old cheese, Baled Hay ay and Straw. Baled hay, new—No. 1, ton, $19; No. 2 ‘ton Sore to sie; straw, ton, $7. baled jusiness in Montreal. obras Sept. 27. orts, 4. Mouillie, | ton, cal s., 0 45 pi an- ort-cut! bak, Aig "45 to 56 $28,00. (Lard Compound, 75 1 ails, 2 8. net, Tiger Burs, ae ‘ood pi 11% to, 12e5. pure, wood iS Sip he, net, 12% + ped United States I Markets. Minneapolis, Sept. 7.—Wheat—No. 1 hard, $1. Cee Nocthora, oe to Be a aay MEPS 94 to $1; Sits “ont No i i Norther, Tine ee bees! Northern, 9544: die at 625 Sephaut ber, $1.64 ¢ Stock M Markets : ‘T—Best\ ° steer: to e; 25, bashers cattle, choice, $7.60 to 30 (0 $7.45; do., htm, 3:4 ‘te $7. oront choice, $6.80 to 1 a wheat! $ G 30; $17 to} °78 j, butchers? 25: do. good bulls, $5.90 to $6.25; do., rough balls, i dow 0 $6.75; and Satated: $9.25 to $9.8 $8.90 “Montreal, Sept. 7.—Butcher good, aT ey to $7. "to; fair, $7 to $7.25; fai dium, 3 sows, $ owt., all weighed off cars. peak DENTES GERMAN W RE LEFT TO MOBS MERCY A despatch to London says: Honis: Secretary NEN lamveaia dettal Gt Hehe Punliched in the United t German women and chil- iret docaien Gi being exposed to the fury of mobs, whic aged Ey ie policttetianere diag ea ture out of doors, are prevented Frew g food, and are compelled to es relief tom the guardians of are destitute. It is aie ht asteas Sanpete on the ame terms as Britishers are accorded eeniien Oencay hha sATUCet whe they are ill, a: ns PARENTS OF WAR HERO GET VICTORIA CROSS va despatch to Montreal ake The ictoria Cross won b; i@ late Lance- Gea Frederick et =; ssi 18th battalion, at St. Jul killed, has been eave its the hero’s W. W. Fisher, Avenue, Westmount, pocomipanted by a letter of ee tion from the British War O} The deceased soldier earned the distinction 8 retreat of a battery, and later bring- ing his machine gun into action, un- der very heavy in order to cover the advance of supports. It was while doing this he was killed. He was only 5/20 years of age, Raergrk on rent! W ill Lead Force Of South Africa $ ne $28 butchers’ cows, | 5 omm to $50; Springer, : | the rae. do. si cows, ;|making, matting, surgical are et i ir | Jot, 4 alpaca, the wool of a sort of sea ALLIES CAPTURE TACTICAL POINT Recent Fighting in the Dardanelles "Has Been of a Severe Character. despatch from London’says: Fur section of the line has resulted in the capture of an important tactical 20g Yale ap- preciable gain of the ground occupied the Australians and New Zealand fighting was almost entirely |" hand-to-hand and of @ severe charac- ter. Very heavy losses were inflicted on the Turks, and three of their ma- chine guns, three trench mortars, 300 rifles, 500 bombs and a large quantity Il arms ammunition were cap- tured by us.” PRICELESS RUBBISH. Fortunes Made Out of the Tailings of id Ming ines. The tailings of the gold-mines of the Rand have latterly proved nearly - aeinptle as the reef. A new s discovered, and the tailings eho aaceathuoed. aid landscape for miles around suddenly became new es. s found that the Kea ffs gold lett in’ them swan eno Many fortunes were fasts vt of taal: in Th been much talk of cap- German trade in aliline yes, a process of exploiting coal- oe discovered by British chemists bu t di Ger saAniEnactitere Bat ge the earlier avd ae gaslighting the coal-tar was regarde Ther agit, turing “the e 6} ble nuisance, and cause, oy then the great discovery was made that all the hues of the rainbow dwelt despised and #l Ty -DEORiLEIS Of eoel-tar axe Gooated by ashire alone cotton-waste In has an anaual vah ue of fifteen millions | divide this stuff into Ca middling, | ® sold and bad, and it is at various prices for different purposes—paper- wadding, and, most of all, the making of shod- dy. Soap-boilers used to have great dif- ficulty in getting rid of a thick, evil- smelling liquid which was the chief by-product of their industry. They ran it into streams and sewers. Pre- sently Someone began collecting it and refining it. The result was pure glycerine, A young man who had been reduced literally to his last cent was wander- 0! looking stuff, the use of which nobody could tell him South Africa three and had failed to ‘oung man made a bid of eigh- B | tectinance a pound, and bought he three hundred bales. I months pitare like sheep. The chaser’s name was Titus Salt, the founder of Sal- taire, England. THE DEATH OF PEGOU IS OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED A despatch from Paris says? ports of the death of Adolphe Aas the dei aviator, mare been official- ly confirmed. The caused sin- cere ee among the French people, whe regarded him as a hero. , who led pals. 26 years of in the French ere he was Se) skit and dat is exploits won him the Military Medal and the Mili- Cross. Pegoud brought down his German aircraft e July 11. sixth JACONA SUNK BY MINE, T BY A SUBMARINE A despatch from Montreal says: Officers of the Thomson Line ges er here, brought wit sinking of ee Montreal steamer fae the crew, including the entire engine- , were Organ and the spe prised the night watch were saved, | and they owed their lives the chance that a boat was tae loose ang floated away. Wonders of the World. seven wonders of the ancient nine lon; the Colossus of Rhodes; ae Ivory Olympu: ew built ea the Pharos, pe antate pisos y ‘Some one thinks the won ioe Ea acta to-day are the nae ne, the marine, Wireless ‘T phy, the Gramophone, the mg ones ‘and the . The Rake. A small Reopee worried looking ike an examina. “You don’ sett do qe asked the physi- cian as he made ready for the tests. "No a a fast Wet, or anything of that sort?” The little man hesitated a moment, looked a bit fri ene then replied, in a small voice—"T | sometimes chew a little Bn gs.{the Lord Liputenant and nd a purchaser. | fu! ic tte othe idea of silver inti was born atl and Gold Statue of Jupiter ean “| 601,000 we From Erin’s Green Isle NEWS BY ane IRELA: GREEN SHORES. 'S Happenings in the Emerald Isle of Interest to All True Irish- men. ac aueeapeess to oe war anne id to amount to $60,000,- 0. At the Derry Harbor Board mi ing it was reported that aipticanion had been made for $10,000 of war loan stock. The Ulster division of Lord Kitch- ener’s army was inspected at Malone, Belfast, by Major-General ‘Sir Hugh McCalm ance- soacital R, J. Casement, 1st rs, thi Sy aes hospital at Glentres. dG. Hewson, of Castle Henan’ aes Askeaton, was art aha y the constabulary shooting his servant, Ellen Sastelloe, A fresh Rear s, appeal to irish Constabu- lary aaa in a circular let- ne ndgrelied to Trish county inspec- ‘The death is senna at Athlone, of Michael Coyne, is ea nown anglér and sportsman. aged 106 au eotadoed his oculties’ bts the end. In the Southern Police Court at HE, Jon Dunne, a plasterer, and his wife, were sent for trial on a charge of murdering a woman named ‘atherine Bi Kiltoon, have elicited the fact that kane amounting to $200,000 have made Mes Loan Stock in the ye of Kilkénn n pitt of black leg has oc- curred on the lands of the Congested beak bey near Tursk, and al- it twenty beasts have suc- ‘City and Coun- was stated that an application had 2 received from the ge dis- ict to form a “Pals’ Platoon. # is Sipe ic taet Dyncren has placed fhis residence at Adare, jounty conan at the disposal of his ie ea take up his residence there crew of the Lusitania was washed sits bike eee: recognize usitania victim by name of the liner on the buttons of the clothes, ing of in Corporation durin; debate pote a regalutiie demanding that the Home Rule bill shou! peration a all Ireland on Septem- er 17 The death of the oldest man in the n Franklin, ‘a farmer, living at Coula- murray, Enniscorthy, passed away at reached Tralee that Hallinegcoun House, the, bes resi J. MacGilli- cuddy, ter Fusiliers, has been completely destroyed by fire. Th damage is estimated at $35,000. partmental Committee of Inquiry on ae question of food production in Ire- the inquiry took the form—“To pete what steps should be taken by legislation or otherwise for the be purpose of increasing the produc- tion a food in Trelani the Batronage of the legeaueht and Lord Mayor of Dublin, the French established at the fro Tri women for wounded Brent blaleres saphena INVENTED BY ACCIDENT. a How Boe Useful Aids Grew From the Unexpected. How to ie starch from corn was lacey pee accidentally by . Thomas ne esto mechanic. day he tl ps a mes: corn meal e ed to find a small quan- tity of fee at the bot a s Bolsover, a Sheffield me- at wa mending the handle of of copper and silver. He ris the: together, and v Ca apt from: the in of “sheffield. iat jr aL of ane was made in ale te until electro- plating ‘wae inv Cornelius Bub let KS apes oh aqua regia (a mixture muriatic i on é Bar ate fell over; acid ran down over a win- dow and teqpael into ‘a bottle contain- ex! en of cochineal. This ned to a vivid scarlet. Dubbel found that the’ acid had dissolved expert ments added shelton bean color to the list At the declaration of fe war, the Brit- ish Army comprised 711,51 meni, . of hi in Regulars an serves, | f in the British Isles. rat s have been admitted to ee ty of Dublin Recruiting Committee it | go, Exeel-| pets Tt was of At ah! inaugural sitting of the De- ei ‘Wimborne, the | ° One | 0! JAPANESE TROOPS “FOR DARDANELLES Inference Is Drawn From the Words — me? peat Envoy | to A despatch from ery is says: “What Heh to ne an poeta that Jax pan may co-operate in t) i 2 foree the acianolica is ete unt rvi ee with Baron Ri japal lor to sme pay to a 2 Petit Parisien by | its Rome corres= ty contained not say much about that,” information about ops.” per Japan has e Ambassador an a. to the extent orld will be as~ aahee what we have what we are doing and what wo are willing ‘The Russians are be most use- thi every day-in the sacred cause of civi- lization,” kee ee i THE LONG AND EMPTY PURSE. _ Several Things That Have Made the Outsider Marvel. The result of war, of any war, de- pends upon the ability to continue to it ability war 01 Inquiries among postal authorities ~| marvel, says the Scottish-American. For instance, though it would verily appear tl y is now at her highest pitch of success and achieve- nt, it wou does not appeal to those end the Ba a arrangements for cari Th er- Hey hee height these experts thorities, and there could hardly be etter, have come to the conclusion, indeed, that however victorious Get nthe decapitated body of one of the | mon Lively seenes took place at a inset a be put into | ty. for with gold, her credit being under- mined. And gold has been disappear- ing in farting rapidity many, ‘Thus bankruptey faces the na- he other hand, Beg i Bes: a successful aot is Great Brit- e pursuance of war but one end et low must succur The tian fen ot a belliger- ‘ent verging on y is. what the foresighted and voneaigneed finan- ci the other fel- 18 oF & Y Germany's collapse will be brought ut from within. The work of crush- ing her from without, sega need ot, it may have en pushed with such feverish gh as had been planned, The shower of silver bullets from. the well-equipped financial arsenals of the Allies Bi have its decisive ef- féct, just as the apparently. Ryren ing rain of shell and bomb hays having their day. |The Ppa ‘will lie not with those possessing healt oe. oe ammunition, but with the ing the longest put cal ab eof serving the cause aie? the other is, exhauste pcan ewe IT IS A WAR OF MACHINERY. Powerful Mechanical Organization of - he Germans. Mr. sity ‘the British Postmaster’ soldiers th the artillery, th enormously ganization speecl the phecdad othe danas = Loa ond stated that a few da; Uae ‘which ear at oo of England, the sesble. Bn siherived a areual the fr ie see a1 eee ae jatteen vaillighs He rise’ cludii mes they ae A despatch from New Your eat baa says: Lieut.-Commander Henri G. Van Steyn, of the Dutch navy, was one of the arrivals on the steamer Noordam from Rotterdam, He said he held a commission to purchase an unlimited aeroplanes and yitto: Hee He “rota ee ander avi

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