—e =) a= SSeS oS SSS = Transformation of Stocks” RHE merchandise tide has turned and the new stocks are flowing into the store. Visitors will note a com- plete transformation of stocks in all departments. The display of Fall Merchandise will be at its height. ADIES’ Ready-to-wear Displays will be catenins : attractive and doubtful if again this season you will view such a fashion display as will be uncovered at this store. The fall and winter Suits and Coats are marvels. MOST WONDERFUF VALUES IN Women’ S Autumn Coats At $7.49 and $10.00. SIZES FOR MISSES. € most essential feature in a Woman's necessarily an expensive feature. That beqatand novelty effects—large, roomy vsee¥iline and conspicuous by their new and ; “agile ‘touches. Ladies Fall Suits Z AILOR MADE—A well tailored suit of all wool Cheviot Serge. Coat in smart, plain tailored model with manish notched collar and lapel, 4 button clos- 12 50 ing, lined with extra quality mercerized lining. ° Over 40 suits to select from at prices $12.50, $15.00 $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00, Women’s and Children’s Sweater Coats®§ For the Cool Evenings The Sweater Coat has become a necessity. It is the handsomest and newest and most comfortable garment there is for the present cool evenings and the coming fall days, No one who has ever had a sweater coat would be without one, We have an excep- tionally nice range to choose from. Children’s Sweaters, all sizes, 50c up to $2.50. Ladies’ Sweaters at $1 up to $5.00 Women’s and Children’s Wool Undewear Our Underwear department is now complete with fall and winter underwear for women and children. New stock and full values to select from. Ladies’ New Fall Raincoats Including the smart tweed effects in all the different sizes, Ranging in price from $3.49 up to $10.00. We would like you to see these coats. “This is the Theatre of Authentic Fashions’ A complete autumn showing of Dress Gouds and Suitings. The enor- mous demand for wools by Great Britain and her Allies has made woollen goods considerably dearer, Away before Xmas we were planning for this season’s supply of Dress Goods and Suitings and the result is we have the largest stock we have ever shown—awaiting your inspection. WE WANT YOU TO Ladies’ White Waists and Whitewear Reduced — Ladies’ Silk Angle Stockihgs Children’s Fine Ribbed Cotton Stockings per pair.. Boy's Scout Stockings, the heavy cotton stocking with wearing qualities , We specialize Crompton’s C C al a Grace Corsets oc to 3.50 pair Beautiful Black Pailette Silk, 36 inches wide., ..89¢ yard Black Duchesse Moussoline, 36 inches wide Duchesse Paillette in all shades ..25 and 500 pair T t NS, gi d greenis but mostly browns—the favorite for this season. 1T’S A WINNER AT ‘4. Wewill let you be judge when you see this remarkable coat. Saxony Flannelette 10 pieces heavy white Sax- eny Flannelette, 30 inches wide, soft and well napped finish, for ladies’ and child- ren’s underwear and gowns. Per yard... 10c Chiffon Broadcloths — In every new shade as well as the staple color- ings and black, French dyed goods of unusual finish and quality, 59 and 54 inches wide, at $1.25, $1.50 to $2.50, British Serges—True blues and fast blacks, indigo dyed’ goods, Our usual good ‘lines that are guaranteed - fade-proof and all-wool, every weight, every weave. A complete stock at 50c to $2 50 per yard, New Suitings — We ha i opened our novelty Suitings, inp and fancy weaves, new checks” . eed all the new autumn — at 75¢ to $ . seg Bedford Cord Dress eh in navy, wine, tan, Lrown. myrtle and gray, all wool, 40 in. wide. Special at 50¢ per yard, Corduroy Velvets—Our stock is now complete in every wanted shade. including cream and black. These Velvets have a rich silk finish. See them in Dress Goods Section to-mor- row, 50c, 65c, 75c and 85¢ per yard, New Plaids for dresses and sep- arate skirts. Plaids will be very fas- hionable this coming season. We have a full range, all pure wool, 44 in, to 54 in wide, at soc, 75c¢, 85¢, $1.25: to $2.00 per yard. Ottoman Cord Dress Goods all wool, in shades of rose, tan, brown, myrtle, cardinal and black, Worth 75c, at 6oc per yard. New Cord Velvets—Almost every wanted color is represented in these very popular Cord Velveis for child- ren's suies and dresses. ‘Special 396. APRON TUNICS are new features and together with many other lovely. styles will be shown in the STANDARD FASHION SHEET for OCTOBER Call for a FREE. copy at our Standard Pattern Bepiiment Prices $8,00, 10.00, 12.50, 15.00, 17.00 to $22. Men! Let us do Your Tailoring Clothes made to your measure. An unusually large line of samples to select from, Style and fit guaranteed. Prices range from $15 to $30. —Itis one of the most im- portant things you buy, not for what it costs, but what it means to your appearance. We'll put the right hat on you, fit your head as well as the rest of you. We have the finest hat made and a good hat is the most economical purchase you can make. Prices range $1.50 to $2.50, Men’s and Boy’s Sweater Coats Plain and fancy stitch, made with storm or shawl collar, two pockcts, close fitting cuffs. A large and varied assortment of plain and combination colors. All sizes. Prices.range $1.00 to $6.00, Men’s Raincoats—Our stock is most complete including all the good English makes. $5 to $15 Men’s Neckwear—You'll choose from the lar- gest and finish collection of four-in-hand and bat wing ties ever offered, Prices 25 and 50 cents. Boy's Stylish Suits Made from Ei finished Tweeds in browns and greys, showing c' ecks, fine si and diagonal weaves in single breasted Norfolk style with fine twill body lini full cus bloomers. Prices $3, $4, $5, | mate Undicwenr _ _ Balbrig: an, porous knit and combinations, Reg. 5 for 39¢, reg. 75¢ for 59c, reg. $1 for 79¢, i Fall Caps—Always the newest in men and boy’s caps at Soc, 75c, 1.00, 1. Men’s Fine and Work Shirts — An large stock on hand to Seles There is warmth in our Winter Coats Torlittle ae $1 to 4.50in latest styles and ane yard: