Milverton Sun, 16 Sep 1915, p. 4

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MONKTON MILLBANK Monkton Methodist Circuit. Sept, The Women’s Institute of Mill- 19th—On account” of Bethesda ann’-|bank are being assisted by a num- versary there w lig “ho: preaching tbegeabepentiairese-otsthe village. whe | services at Monkton or Willow|are donating prizes to be. drawn for Grove, Services at Bethesda 11 a.m.|at the Milverton Fair. ' and 7 p.m. A special invitation | i ~ Jos. Tillatson.. of Detroit, call- extended to all who. can attend the nds here the early part of| vices Gt Bethe: Mr. Blowes, | will oe Mitche Ll. singing the Jast } Sus ‘onvention in n Brida jg The Methodist echareh suet were presen the 5) the addresses Miss Si a returned t scholars and Pri the pre- | To t adhe rs of : their ti vA aplenala being prepared and y plan e present. Mr Mrs. J, Hineks announce engagement of their daughter es Sanders| Miss Jessie Edwards is: at pre Rowland. The snarriage will take jill with fever.’ Miss _Fisher place about the end fp Sententes, \towel, is th a Mrs. Schade. of Buffalo, is at pre-| ir “her sister, Mrs. jite Leba | Armstrong. of V | Miss Li MeKee attended the'| sent spending a few) funeral of her cousin the late Wm.) eye. in, Monkton with his son, ‘orrow at Gor | Fred. strong of the ate Mrs. Jas. Low isiting friends] Bank. at Toronto {hb week leo, her mn | Rey. JD. Ferquison attended the| Howard who is with the Army aed e Presbytery meeting at Stratford on d expects to — leav Tuesday. i . Rev. Mr. Landsky, of Eembrot e say Mrs. W.| former pastor who was taken suddenly ill| Cie and one is improving. | regard by his people exchanged pul-| M ter has added much to} Tits on Sunday last with Rey. T. G.|the appearance of his general store] Huegli. in the post office, block by a | With every 10-cent sale of chew-| coat of paint, before moving goods ing gum Gili will give as 2 premium|from across the stree | colored kite. Offer good for one] It is expected that the new pro- onth only. jp. who has purchas:d the Babb Small pox has spread to one or] st take possession the two more families. one in the village being affected. The malady Wray has to y the “patients have It oped, however, th: arrested and| up a missionary from | W.. § Mrs, Rache! nday large | Muleahy at Lon Mr, with and ar) Mbanke M.S, cony: iday. is J. Met > ¥nto Me iedien are to spore ets: called on k on Sunday. 4 Magwood Cee and Miss nib Curtis, v nds at London this we r. ne Toronto. is visit- J. Bitte 1 Mulea hy Mr. ane over Simon Mrs. ethos) Kincade, af | Mr. and Mrs.} so Sa | the | he sbiontan ‘o of | the bedside Curtis who Cormick is RGAIN WEEK AT LOT N SILK and WOOL POPLINS—all the new “African”? brown, “‘Horizon’’ blues, NEW. SERGE in Says black and ee See our line of Dress Goods gt THE NEW FALL DRESS GOODS ARE NOW IN STOCK very Special at. shades in black, nav ee “Russian”? green, 1,75 per yard hagen, 54 in, wage! at. $1.00 per yard 5o¢ per yard BLACK PAILLETTE SILK, 36 INCHES W! IDE, EXTRA SPECIAL AT 79c PER YD. saa 8: New Fall Coats °t forget to call and have a look at our Ladies and Children’s New Fall Coats. All the new styles and colors are shown here at very reasonable prices. New Sweater Coats : ‘or men, women and children. A splen- did range in all the new checks and plaids also plain shades. SPECIAI—Men’s Sweaters at $2.95. Come in and see these coats. Men's Shirts at 79c each Just arrived, a shipment of men’s white and striped shirts, eee and 1.25, special this week. : For the Boys Some new GE et and Cloth Hats, also a nice range of Fall Caps. Come on in and see them boys. LOOK OVER THES Infant’s Delight Mother's Fayorite Sweetheart. ‘Transparent E SOAP SPECIALS Glycerine Oatmeal ere ae Gue: G tye Ce 3 cakes for 5c 2 cakes for ro WHEN AT FAIR ON FRIDAY, SEPT. 24, COME IN AND SEE 0UR UP-TO-DATE STOCK side! handsome. bungalow <i Just Arrived the New Fall Butterick Fashions also October Delineator. Ladies, Select your Patterns now eradicat-| also built a — = — {the front lot. It is nol expected | WARTBURG Rea a ts ai Wee Ret Is Hiei 7 2 ill nstens| that Mr. Wray will occupy the new | THE ESSING OF THE WA v. M.S. IN ESSION. tchoie ‘vesches, plums an & | pie | RGR RG oR | oh = ‘i . Inatitute: Bic n-|" 4 number from. here attended eee an papel? to Pa Moakton Meeting was a Pro‘i'able | sia ania prineipa ot ing in anyone ‘ti he halt the blessing of the war. . " aie Monkton publie “school for the wat king to's "sew ean call at th Seer dnd grounds ce tee acy evensng ple regard it as an unmixed alan ee, Every Respect. | ee ag fe i if ity and regard with horror those | |and report, having a ood in the ‘Who have been responsible for in- g The 15th annual meeting of the) The question of the da jonal, Exhibition. last flicting it upon the world, The Buettord eS te wens 8 Mission-| Ding! your, potatoes, rottent— aoa a ie elors Bob and Moore is: However, at least one man, and S77 Hocety of the Meet church, 5 thy. pail of PEAS PRET: forme r|” Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Pickl es} Hen! ary; Misses Dora’ and Emma and one of eminence i world, who re onkton Friday after-| = Se eups, 3 of CAUSTIC en re-|and son Robt. of St. HE Fe spent ataster George Becker. seemingly holds a different view fis ee ane Sree ant was voted the) = — 8 ‘or SODA for Ss There | a few di ze aE Br Thos. Hawthorn’s| Our’ teacher pris G. Miller spent is Rev. F. Meyer, D.D., »: of s ssful for severa 3} ‘ xpress f at Mr, 4 Sag mmotor SCS sal ny with, Stratford friends. one of the prominent Baptist church: Past. | Burnett's deciston Monette seaghin cuberiote Bie teuuaS ie eg et es. of: London. and ‘next, to. Revidobn Mis, (Hev.) Doan of Monkton, ex; 5 gal ROVALITH ton where he and were ss Petes Sunday ‘with latter's parents, | Clifford, D.D.. th eminent’ fe! he aes OIL 75 he aly in mulvensal estee e aa MESS: aes MeMane. of Don- meailer of that communion in Eng- ta it 2 ane ° err: sgfield, ee ant LINWOOD land. Dr. Meyer in a recent * ser- ‘ ie Minnie Lemky. of Strat “treated the war as the very 8 = = re Sea s sing c snlvation of the British people. “God . Mrs, _ Erskine Produ Wedding bells are ringing around spent, Ta abor Day with C wartbris pL ie nie x, Presbyterian ghurch. ‘Monk-| E JOHN REIS, dr. Bakers ) BRUNNER D Brewis left Rev. E. Bruar accompanied by oi perdition.” — Englani soar fc che: hy exe greeting | i ape Do = : eialate: cir and Mr. Henry Ebgoetz attended \ the been tempted to turn “the Bab im oe nc : Sister ,sosietic ma oii 1 m iat on) afer afew | Missouri ‘Lutheran Conference sae ease, luxury. The ath ireetings ‘were ‘on riven by Hew. | SAA et hom at Wellesley last week {had {been destroyed. There were 7 : I. | he fall assizes. lo ort ‘Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Henry and more people at gold and. the cine- . wood, on behalf of erie Mr. dnd Mrs. A. Hays left 0M week at Mr. Wm, Carnoc son Braden. of Stratford, alled on mas Thi at church. Virtue and shine reception Pe RR YUEN OFS Cane ae a ae hed Sheonat for London to visit s Miss Ruby Goetz spent a “Yew days{friends here Saturda ae cee ee sacri io Seana rep at tate | estern Fair. ® |this week with her sister in Toron- ber from here attended the theatres had becom ‘ Mr. (John Sanders Rowland has erck: by the 84th! scandalous undress and aaa purchased Mr. ‘ays’ interest eR Se ton.| battalion at rises Hien Labor Day. #lorifying ‘immorality. England Atwoo he bakery here” and vil |preached at the an nniy: vices Mghly. of our ‘soldiers Li had great paintings ae cent arvon, Carling ais “AMiltbank, Milver- charge of the busi Ditober Ist. lheld in the Presbyterian tenon a jocts, “We had to go to Germany hee Mite! hale a Trity Betta, st ‘Mr. Hays intends removing to Ham- sunday. | y. of atfo for all our thinking.”. ee Stratford, nity and Cen- ilton. mi . aii summer at itn Hd |the reverend speaker, * Maio. Cirek's—Str tford O:n- Mr. Charles Rowland, of —Embro. | feet ser idee nifA, pea to his home on'am going to take your hoarded gold tral and St. M orys, M len sands spent last Sunday at Maitland. | spent Sunday at Mr. August Dam- eae jand lay claim from you oy gyre rattor eGentr and sel _Mr. Wm. Marshall and family of mojer's : <om Misses Myrtle and Sadie {tion pounds every day. I am going sand 3 arhel Fevorted LE aeire oe eS riends in) ‘Mr. Pem Rennie and family, of; Spent. the holiday with Rigattord ~ Hee up alae ‘accumulated: pins ne "Drape ~ ey n sea wees. _| Listowel. 5} Sun his home| friends. in grenades, er, shot e . - ae Ae Mise: Thompaotcut--} fs has| Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoch and fam shell "We shill be poorer after this, a ag et traders again after taken a position in ry | iy “apent Sunday with, Mr, jsrar, but there was a new Forerehee Ota auatiany i 5s ; prodented pleasant visit with department at We Bonay's eke Ed. Wei ie nation, and all the natiter is a ‘y meeting under the (*% f ay «moved and Geo, Ehgoetz Hiner attributes of our characte direction of Mrs, Tovell and a fine is bout attacks, Mo elmica 1ast week | motored to. Wellesley. were coming back again.” ee 4 reat Sloe 'Sprtng was Ri: e on nday. | ‘Phe ordinary man will find it di- s , 3 oN tie “fe in reenterd, "|e, and Mra. Dave Smith end ficult to accent Dr, Movers te Marya: etunlea ssalealonkay A, ennie and eens rae family, ‘of Kuhryville, spent the, ment that the war s been a bless- te Fallart axe from aMotitand att si \ is| holiday ‘with Stratford friends. g. But the correctness of his view convention in Fallarton was extend- of jes green na guese pete ra ak Se tit this dreadful conflict, and the eae Pullarton, auxiliary and [e) Touring ER : HA ; . < stig Mr: J Seip was a visitor in New duti¢s and the. sacrifices to which i robab Quniaeehb. Higals RI 24 Deby Vonteaciats oer iy acted ar on Monda TRALEE as called the people, ‘have Brought aan ase inst week in A very ap pease eerie was held ob ing, of Burks Falls. is a aoheeceas of hi d ie Husser and* Miss. Spar in ethodist chur¢! which : ; nen : rans h ve a deep im. ser ani iss - Rev. Husser had cha The again in charge of the millinery Oe") “We are glad to report that Miss wie tat Lea y tea ate ling spoke again at the evening ses- Bereaved: feuilly Neve tho: | -alnsere eee pordtoata have bonne Smith is recovering from her not be disputed. sion and the delegates were enter- RUNABOUT $480. TOWN CAR $780. sympathy of this coi he li recent illness, acti a eee ine program of music Mr. Wm, ‘Marshall, oe “Sault Btes| Rae See Sas eS They are owned) Mrs. M. Dunn and s0 me! y the Monkton choir, A yote ; Marie: accompanied by‘ his’ wife ana) 0% Messe, Sue: Dan Toronto, are spending a es days at! HE WAS NOT MISSED. eta was assed to the Monkton We are selling more Fords in this year than me family motored Mt Monkton “visting man Schloegel. in the Meth-| the home of Mr. E. Conn | y for fine - dinner ause Canadians aan the best Mot , his uncle and aunt, fi eat venoay Ree rioee, in the MGth,| Mr. John Cherry. of “Moorefield | piers lo. MOR a ee pplicd tee _ delegates and “Made- in-Gena a Alvin (Ludiagton, also “his. iitatt oa mre: aca” John | Yisited on Sunday with his cousin, povitician who has ean paiaate fine ‘reeeption given Ford is a necessity—not a luxur Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ludington aso rete git foe Hesiin Sermon lobert Cummings [eee Gaveuor vat Blicaaianine Wie Seine oNe Megat hee epere Gill gay where they will act as vurpmen | Migs sary isley spene Suunl. taker dws iad Ounente felow's sail MY SOUL CRIES OUT FOR THE The above cea Lo.b, Ford, Onty, effective August r. Z. By Gill and tthe * Fenda Patan? of days last weel cousin, | |so effectually as an old fale CLOSED BAR. 2nd, 1915. speedometer include er who “were ‘glad to see their «jolly iss Anne’ Basler. of Dorking. ly, Missourian. For exami patligapenty otherw ise cars fully tered noes on dis- faces again, Mr. Marshall was born eee Miss 1W. Dowd is at Aen Roe va twalveeraa cd! Sepa Gachee Foster auekad atthe play and for sale a and partly raised near here — and HAWKESVILLE teaching ou! im the absence | éq Pepin 4s rraduste PMR Re a Lat El naturally cenjors a visit around his f the Tegular teacher, Miss a jnte arly: te Sree ad Sbacate esa N [GARAGE vine Women's Patriotic Society ot te Pane enintel ae te are sorry ‘to chronicl fev times and bought anew "°°" confess to. you thut every time MILVERTO Miadhy Weld lear tunual meeting ou, GneNCCS, LeOUss Pa Ar eee ate death ots Me (Ae ie eve hee atari todd ts Rahal Be uri they {02 S gHerOr Bir. Reters LOOK, piace. at: his ‘residence yor d Beck ears Sole agent for Ford Cars for ap reat and vicinity. shipped 10 bales of goods to the Red; nrday at the home Thursday imorning. Deceased. ng in, every time T pass Gro:s headquarters. ‘The total value | PS Shea, Musselman spent Mon-/ his PSE es fiat, REViae peahausa Sane ae hae of the made-up goods in the baled ailing for some time, deat! Dench Was $815, They... shipped: alco. 2{ Cay, Re elm adam: “of [ane to. heart fallure.. The winy old atqiiun aad aiaNE De Denna Peete was Dow is the 102 | Macon, spent Saturday. in, the vil in St Duds Jacthli-ureetcOataun Ked Treasurer's report for the vear|'fexsrs, George Huetuer, Sidney dine Taser WUAE H enibecie aet| Receipts guider, Joscph “Bacehler, and Perey sometimes deforming | Goumetio # 302.11 a Ta the, Mtebibition:- at extravagance tin the dre in| Toronto, fora few. days. last wee ne even women, and, though not so mucl Donations” an Collections 394. : i ters. namely. Jas., "5 Other sou S043) Mr. dnd Mrs. Harry Weiler and yon; Patrick, of Woodstock: Al-|®1,.0°¢ Aue ne ab en, who might adopt| —yigy- HE _ENLISIED, ARS : aS aa Mr. Dire, Hause, of Waterloo.| ee ee Saw: John and Edward as piqued-améa, in rand leas expensive waysani L aking the supreme sacrifice Total 6 tl be of cass vid Mi Se Ghelba. and walked back to the stove a get cxercise <ehsl fe | {such a’principle as is at stake in the ish = vin. Ot ys Wigceuees at aaah eeaioeth riant in front of my old friend, so well; epiaking on ths same! He was a fine Bp type of Canadion present War or by holding back and Expenditure MrJ and Mrs. Pe oe “Dentinger ats ie ice ie tse Yj that he had to look upon me in all toples HAE “If we have in our{ cane Siete within an i allowing some: other mitu, probably For torial ended the funeral of their niece. Pi today an institution which is of feet, mi not so well ‘prepared to part with: Cask ria! Weber at St. Agatha 4 “Slowly, casually, he looked anding sums of money for its| Beyond the vakginaxy for his 24 _ {his life as Iam, to go ahead and Butte 1, ROSTOCK from under the flap of his Bld white, protectio n, and is giving no return eae lived a clean life and was vite ws ae A the on that’ 1. Fowler, of Listowel ong hat, and remarked; bi ‘inclined to take life a great al | Shou! ave filled? fasn’t Ly aie 3 the “parental roof over i 5 . | “Arthur you been away of thi w ¢ in earnest’ than many of his |eas¥ matter to decide, I have’ only Total, gfeit- sens 855.39 | Sunday. pe auee cet y eee e vie Cree eld Mi avehiers haven't. yout” tere is only one go, Bors He had taken his enlistment |one lite to live and one death to die. een band 11081] "yfjge “Mabel Ballard xeturned to} Rostork “Rvangclical church. on, Sat: oe ae ; itizen, |Serfously, He bad mot been carried |I-may Ro thotinh the campalen te eee ited .and ce te | her “home ey Are spending a tf <3 hat Se the, eta ue his. ai away by the glamor of war or safety, or I may be buried with the pegs ge Maite age) bint! few, months with her mother. “at | Sas assisted the: pastor “Rev. AD). HOW OU CAN: DO-IT. Te 1" he ined out the [elanking of his accoutrements, ° Fr . . ALE. Doan ‘oronto. M. o} open mt a-long s.ssion prayer= at chalinerss Mr.-and Mrs, H. Letson and Mr | yccrince Diehl is jimproving the ap~! Would yow like to know how | to sit hs ia _the courage todo) {8 thounbt-;and.-conslderation; tor J, Steadelbauer and little son of | by civing it a-coat of a ers fl0re make to-moriow. a more satisfaciory rh aly he hnd‘spent ‘some: years. prepatinid t the uw Teng Fa Fe, ESET Berlin, spent Saturday at the home| YAO De yn ow oS ® cre g/day. than to-day has heen. he ert own himself for his life’s work—the min-|never had a, in my mind sinee: of Mrs. Steadelbauer. aby. Rao of aga Ms igin’| row that will succeed that r in Great Brit-|istry, Qne might also stop and won- war rs Tdia che. Tizht and, —(proper. LOGAN CC COUNCIL Messrs. Stanley Zinn, Bert Tes mice and Mise tla’ Herlintor cof Mil: | Satisfactory still, “and. all’ th ee gin cthdy*bayaseus ede hours |der why he had made the ice | wig, Vernon Lackner, Joseph an ete Ue inset eis will come and go from this to {o five an |when he was so well fitted for the f the finest views om Council -met tage 30th. SAE Harry Huber spent Saturday wight evening att Miss M. Hart the very last day of life keep of | Work he “hid intended to follow Bre: the hatiay” "ot enlistmen t has y of last’ meeting and, of specia at St.-Ja Will Kreuter and Aine Clara | tat record? At may sound Beiue crisis t he height ne vious to the outbreak of the been expresse ch easier to ing of Aug. 9th, wére, read: swat - eee SOEs ze ger a ttedided the “ious, but we believe We can tell you sary in order that this thing shall eG story was od in a utets enlist, or to make any. decision for ed and: signed; The following | reso- é nye®| how it may be done. Ju foie each be done, and done promptly ikea bj that matter. when the company of lutions Were carried;—That,.° the . COMMUNICATION fea se a3 Use seal ‘Assoviation| new sday a better da the eh inated ere no|the crowd is there to ure | you tender of Hamilton’ and Hilton”. for, saan cael ng hisne Save a very thing will be realized. Put | better ion hind . ‘The man who is. truly, brave e “construction of the repair of the’ order t6 ‘Set-at rest certaindi Séght. SWednewaay work into it, and let the mind rang DRIFTING te ae tere tyoatkea the Faeapeat is the one who weighs all the chan- er portion’ of. the North West iageees able rumors the pai tr up to those things that a mai zh conviction that he had fought bis he situation — from Drain for the Sum of 17 cents per/| sible has signed and given i PNET easres John See and John |‘? think: about. Pug better ambit- » more common secret of want first battle. and after making © the ale. and then resolutely and - Ritie yard amountiig, to-@6791.50, be| iam, R, Freeman the following 1et@F/y oye gre doing” the Western air| (One 9hd ideals into, it Let ib see/of suetess in life is a tendency to,decision he would be a Soldicr wor-} alo ne ead in the path that accepted, That the tender of John, for publication; ‘ latter’ —-enjo’ first | Petter deeds, less ‘selfish, more kind- a yaaa drift. It is ae as much thy of name, ‘ked out for him.” id for the i Mornington, Sept. 7th. 1915. | railroad ‘ourney On Tucs "av although !¥ more | brotherly. mon | ‘tints counting ee eee : me how I viewed the 3, DOCTOR PS TareD tink ; f age, He wi : ; : se Doc! Ru Be Feceme ty: his frst: & in of astrept cari we believe. the Pala dome eae alenee Sct h wt Story 18 told of an Bnglisbman the repaig of the MeNaught Drain|” f wish’ to withdraw and retract | white. figuring ‘out Pee tntracacies of have said. ourse the only. nt s which in various shapes fos n| who had occasion at $399 be accepted. Tha anything IT may hive said jn haste) the Forest’ Cit ve prove it i try the ex vari within the grasp. It is the | bigher calling than t which 1 ae etasion, in Pekin, cillor J be appoi! to which would impute that you ney And the ee is by loveliness of mén and women which | was ay \derstudy, a test doctor.” ad- complaint ‘of Jame: bl in any way responsible for tamper- jane eas) on tf tie abject to - eae the most part makes their lives). “It t much to "he con- wiieaet Bi native servant, * He sivee at saaw fro! if : ier’ aad gain endous » one!so- unsatisfactory. Theydo not sit)tinued. “i thought the le mat-}my life ng owith my father's imilk an | ' et 11, ith power to \ict:|regret any unpleasantness or ann tht it is ee Avert “the tort. at the loom with keen eye and deft ter over. I can truthfully say T en- “UReatiye™ (ineried oe eat That communication fro! . Gk\ance which may have been caused FRUIT BULLETIN! fi : bi ok li tl sly ist] listed op my: knees, My vie on! “¥es me tellible awful.” t Mavhero re Connolly Drain be| you by reason thereof. I. have out a sedulous “are to piece to-|the miatter miay be homely, — but | reply. led. pround for suspicion that you were Rea eee sand | QUITE ome LaRELY ae they may the ere Ue how it sei ap T am a "Me callee in east doctor, He eG nting to $68.91 were e < men, a e apt iain [pared Se ease te Will] givee me mei Me velly. ~ velly. eo Deere fF eidthad fol ict GE jacaerittan eee atin af Eewaeeand cul dower en erica sup hey are bull a big umbrella aie RUE IS suppose t a mean’ even more than life could. The| bad, Me callee in ano paren vane September 27th. thelsasina ane raiser Bhat ey Hane Bese rene eee | le Ei aalte at nkee summ-r single breakage rui e | question is settled, so let us on usual time and place. Gufrom anything I hayes.i ing. Prolt means food hea a i pal Te Ubsatehc peek thst tomcat, [alot The men who get on a See The next matter was what z shoals Hee wal borrow it and forget to, eee eee the best use I could make of my Marvin Leake, Clerk. ©, FREEMAN. je thousand breakages.—John “Mosley. rite Could 1 do more service

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