Milverton Sun, 7 Oct 1915, p. 6

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The Milverton Sun d Monkton Theses a PUBLISHES EVERY ap bage cad ee. The ot Printing Office Main Stre - Milverton, Ont YBSCRIPTION RATES 'e year, $: 50 cents; ¢! monibe: 28 center inv advance, Silerihers 4n arrears willbe ilableto pay $1.60 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES A Sleepytime Story. Bight cents ine for first insertion and | off in Java, pei mae far cack guoecquent inser 8 were a little petite girl and lived way| board, wi mi | you’d slee® on a Soft silk quilt onthe “I don’t want to go to bed,” said, floor. If you were a little red baby—” little Marjorie te é pout | “Oh, I know,” said Marjorie. ay 5). “Wh: i se aege “if you! sleep in a little cradle mi = rpabe cts cing iv rica, you wouldn’t| mothers hang them up in the trees—” All be eh: for all transient adver- ed in A i | Ree ee ave any nice little white bed with al “But you never could guess how the Rae annie a maont specifi directions | 50 mattress to) sleep’ on, little Eskimo babies sleep.’ will be inserted unl forbid and charged act bag 4 avert |. “Ana ave a: go to sleep at all? anges for contract advertiaements mus bein the office by noon Mo sie Marjo: anal » Yes, iiledi)” her panda eC RT lat fear “but you would sleep on Publisher and Proprietor et BusinessCards weeny, teeny DRM a Ci TINDALE, a D.S. hesciseck Caine toler time you wou yuld go pu aunt said, a in the | too,” said Marjo dayt Pinay Hua Like eroed as she ran and played; or at night bed the best.”—Youth’s Companion. 3 “Why, right in a bag of |feathers, hung up in the ee “Tittle ‘hut. The little Lapland baby cuddles with | down into his hammock made of warm | sulores science, ir if|deerskin, and his mother hangs it d hut.” “T think I’ll cuddle down in zy bed, rie, yawning. “For clean Tittle white THE SUNDAY LESSON Fashion Hints INTERNATION. AL LESSON, OCTOBER 10. FP. PARKER, M.D. P.L. TYB,ALD. DRS. PARKER & TYE CFFCE + PORLIC DRUG STORE, aL YERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 2 o 4| made erelock p.m, and 7 to 8 ortioek' p.m. Ruffles and Fluffles. skirt portion being cut circular, J. R, FORSTER, Bye, Bar, Nose and’ Throat only. House Surgeon es seam cut on a true New York aes and “Aves Tnsti- juvenile oo ie broad be tute, Clin ea ait eentaies ole style. 12 age with codeine Fallness, the with a straight thread in ore nd Pik Many 3 oe ape Se) for oe Lesson II.—Elijah Taken Up Into Hea- rer yen, 2 Kings 2. 1-12a. Golden Text: Psa. 16, 11. 1. Elisha Refuses to Leave Elijah elt, (Verses 1-6). Marjorie shook her head. | Throat Hospital, Goldes ‘Square and stunning coat of two-toned plush| Verse 1. When Jehovah would ake Mooretisa Eye Hospital, London. | in brown has its skirt part extremely |UP Elijah—The narrative of to-day’ Bods Cea Water oo ft. opposite | full, the sleeves are set in at the arm | lesson Was; of course, supplied 2 seye, and a standing Fifties of _bega sg Ki Die SOE Maen 2 ware aes oe throat like a ee H. B. MOREE, K.C. is beaver trimmed u, Derr, Notary Pee ‘Conepane of Joffre blue ‘broadcloth, The jolicito: eet Dank of Hamilto: Vi. black skunk, is employ. Itwears well and looks. well, more can mortal woman ask F, R. BLEWETT, K.C. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto fitch | Elisha, omes up straight and snug about the Plijah was caught up in the chariot of | Another coat jon a speaianone ith ed extensively. and what only he was present w hen | "From Gilgal — Not the Gilgal A ‘Josh. 4, 19;°5. 9, 10, but a place of the same name in the hill country of Eph- ck, |taim, probably alluded to in Deut. "| 11, 80. 2. Tarry here — Elijah knew how haar ee carr would be, so hel Fa would mean to Blisha, however, and Office Cerdda Block Velvet will predominate this winter |so does not insist on. m: ing the STRATFORD, onrarro | and faille will be rong. Sounwet dnan rem afii t aged: Geis ats are attach-|" Jehovah hath sent. me—The wl So eabhrevinted: oie of the last journey of Elijah had rie J. W. BARR, eVeluucy Sarge: s that fon come from Bulloz. | divinely pre-arranged. A fitting exit | Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Vetorin Treatsall disease Calls by tele and quaint, othe phone or otherwise promptly attended to EG peeateihetaiia. iahopaethsy best mater and designers ha‘ —| that it is particularly beauti | ful when draped over metallic tissu usual laces. and-embroideries. coiling a new wire as he ra widdwill:seeura mk eee ies tela oe vet Sprit auld | a perfect rain of bull basi é & oat 9 ‘3 petticoat, which is gorgeous | se a ers besides Blisha had | yo}. He zot the wire fixed, ai business than the slov 1 Le ’ i wearin »Beey. W.d Smiths Wil enough to be a frock itself, is made intiations of Elijah’s coming depar-| way pack he actually stopped to re. eal mans Be intine itie.d p of peachblow silk, veiled in spang-| ture. B hgh others did not notice | pain sadtiies He stood there quite * fuss F., “Silver Star Ted tulle. The effect of iridescent fish | the prepti etis solemn mien, nor, like | calmly, just as if he didn’t Imow the and get one of our Ieee 202, Milverton | scale spangles, rosy-hued silk and Elisha, appreciate the full significance | awful tisk he w 5 ‘fe su aE aad i is i i-|of the fact. So Elisha told them le ‘edt. seoxhi nifty suits. it and a_wel-| of jotted a abruptly “fo hold theit Pears; | he ran ieee to the frenches untou workmanship aye ‘ of jetted net over black pussy willow | and all i See: Meee, Nu og K, both, | tarteta, jounce is outlined in| Ii. At the Jordan (Verses 7-12a). |4n¢ 2 guaranteed, :-: close quilling. th Notary | Publ batt . D, WEIR, Notary Public, Aue tioneer-for the Count; erth and Waterloo, Conveyancer’ Desa, Wits and Mortgages drawn a: nd Atti Village Clerk. tafe has.+t] of the ski A, CHALMERS, Monkton, Ont » No- tary Public, Conveyance, 1s Lauer af Mae? riage Licenses, he County of| ®! Se yrore. ate = very. Bhort port of rod out of it, reminding one of Porth, Real Ret BA Re seen Nile green tulle and a large and hia coda the Nile (Sixod: je ahclcetormator ieee. sale, tterfly oy with sash ends of tulle 7. 17, 90). xtends from the centre-back closing. When the: y were gone over—“In Hotere. An afternoon dress of bl pe has! crossing ‘tie eens Elijah stood RAND bib ec HOTEL, Mil- aayioa: First-class Good Bent brands brands of liquoss a i Chane deine: randt of Nawors and cigars, eis See ca UEEN’S HOT! he bert NOTE, aren sete travellers and others, ‘Two large Onty th chotoest of x ‘nes, Li-] "A simple semi-mourning dres Good-warm | princess lines is of chi ness to the sk: wines and liquc Rates $1.60 per da: pes at the ley Wa. Wirt, Prop, | brown and black, deep yoke bi PUBLIC NOTICE! M*s, GC, BORGEL, Lu bt govt folds ae the waist. Are You Insured oun cath ; THE, CANADIAN one ie ORGS’ tection for fe ‘and fantily a cetinate a col the nee ahs th ai . Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand 2 4 are wide bands about | the long sleeves, and the apm edge ; ‘ es, Coal, Cement and Lime re hog atm tee orig Motar Stain, Etc. power of over a thousand shots inute. svi | mint They tice a flaring silhouette that | for such a man of God. hermit conte i in Nile green| ance Pratl beads go over the shoals and end in tassels at front ack. Th A doub! ids of Saal the first-born (see Deut. 21, 17 gilt. Festooned eve gives extra full-| 10, A hard thing — The Spiri irt, 2 & e & 3 =. z 2 ss 3B = ca g ¢ 2 3 mn eis Bor hes and vestee are of crepe Pera in ita striped taffeta, older prophel h ine! ies, scat pina it the wise RAVAGES OF Ruse. te eons the alert and short-| pie chiffon drop A Corps of Painters Are Constantly sTeeves = avetalesves of the’ silk. | Employed on Forth Bridge, Few people comprehend ite extent Us There are:tw styles of, fur coats! 3 a ee year, the coat that fits and the § SO ee oe wie ie ig, don. Tit-Bits says that one ae v 13 ave em suffers a loss of more than t 8 era “ of the fur.coat are made of ° i RY. FISH &CO, trabting fur, . This contrasting “na tae ri awh On the weath udson seal eoat is generally, P # since ii LINWOOD beaver, otter’ or nutria, ’ oneend of this large structure ne- ~ ar; th —. , ‘An attractive bondote tn very’ pale Dealer in blue erepe de chine has wide, deep “reache Cee ed ith fri he haw! collar is also edged with| © oni fe ea i PPEF | duction of rust, _ ront, over the shoulders, and across Grate; Flsue and Feed the back there is a. decorati design) mains to ees en, in rope silk. embroidery of the same) ees ‘urniture Sees | ele ave Some machine-guns have a fir site to Red | As Jehovah liveth, and as thy soul ial | liveth, I will not leaye th ave | Judg. 8. 19; Ruth 3, 13; 1 Sam, 9. Al es. | 25. 26; 2 Sam. 14. 19, “Elij ¢ frocks are elaborate-| ter may be withdrawn toons vies he| ly trimmed with paillettes, and un- a snot be withdrawn from his Mas. i Such bands are mentioned at other places also. 8, Wrapped it. together — Made a j gain on the slopes of his hative Gil- Before I am taken away — Elijah e at last mentions the fateful event. to best on| himself. se ood tat come into possession of God’s Be Acai ot ie and horses of | Bro—-Compare 2 Kings 6. iy father, my fath thee title ess the younger prophets to the lefense to | eighteen tons of metal daily, ae sole- ie » iy to - Bs of rust. tive is to Be the always covered aa a int. — Som ut ee r dd. The Conception of Home It Is An Influence Not Only for the Body But Also for the ‘ Soul. ‘And they said unto him, Where pure fiction, a picture or two, a Bee- is pau thy wee and ue said, Be-| thoven or some scene from a favorite hold she is the —tent.”Gen. few e_m« xviii, 9, an environment that is restful . and in- hese’ words relate to a touching | spiri i e—| The home is the at SS life. It ‘ha host, is a microcosm. There are found al q_ tertaining three seangers, while: hi| tha evils of the world in-thelr native, ‘ah, is within the tent pre- naseeBk state—selfishness, paring everything for the comfort of| envy, greed, avarice, er husband.and his guests, The sim-| avercome in the home or they will ple grow and rise up and conquer man in and quiet that as e have -pervaded | the world. jo) a 0 ’ 2 @ 3 Ea 3 = a a : an 8 2 e is the citadel of human- hich to attack all the ii inimi- id, in its paperial cal forces of society. Th hom a bygone civilization. Tn all Ui whe gain| ity from wl of the modern wor +o’ - FLOUR BREAD wrpiocae WE HANDLE: “Three Stars” and “Purity” Two of the best on the market WHOLESALE and RETAIL Yel Gash or $k for EGGS ~ A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a@ specialty -~ 4 MONKTON, ONT i as aoe — eb Se The Bulwark of the State. erty, we have lost something | whatever is” doi Soh and Ap se Riian eaten sion then: its UG easatOk Ye Lligae m Of, home: Ta "rather 35,5 atellegtual. endjancyeligbelng. af but, a/ man is a service to the nation. Let men make the laws’ of the land, build its enterprises on land and sea, fill its armies and navies; those who ®| make the home are the true arbiters of the world’s destinies, uence, an atmosphere, breath of love, a vibration of fenien ness, : e three messengers of. God who A Wave of Sympathy, partook of Abraham’s hospitality 8 series of heart beats, an oasis inj realized his great mission. in the wilderness; not only for the body | world and the potent influence there: the soul. {on of re and inspi . The true home should cater to the| Thay dine | & pedvet bt-chat deguaes soul. It should be an Intellectual and tie love and peace snd. power. “And “Where i cultural centre. Em has_ said/ therefore ley as) is Gey a grammar and a eae ushered | Sarah, thy wife?” nd ‘he; under- civi st-| standing their query, replied, “She is Ss books, an/ in the tent,” meaning thereby, “She is English cee sa saetike or prose,| the mistress of my home and my a Browning, perhaps; a Bible, or some. life.”—Joseph Silverman. BRAVES DEADLY GERMAN FirE.| | ||FALL TERM FROM AUGUST 30th. Signaller Strang *Phone||} ) 7) GENTRAL ey : ire as Bullets Haile | m Canadian taff officer attached to one of . oe bab ait 8 ONT. the ace divisions at Folkestone | bes We have the hest Binder Twine : Gold Medal, Brantford, McCormick To = Gustomers: ‘n order to secure your sales stip: Holder to hold our si Appearance on each sales s sonal application to you or to the successful operation of the We your wants to merit a your account with us, for we have no tecord of which you haye not an exact copy, because alkcharges will be hearty co- pbesatian, we furnish you with a ales-slips and wish to assure you that the slip of Your ‘ota indebtedness to us, has no per- ts ‘ustomer, but is merely a part of thank you for the past oe and hope by careful attention to a continuance of your trad Hardware Merchants M. E. BETTGER & CO. iteniton ont ES Try Dr. Williams’ Fly Destroyer on your cows while milking actical training| has just returned from the ae conimercial Secs and in ance Twelve months ago he | ough and instructors. are exper, Place graduates in postions 8 a civil engineer in Western Can-| ogue at once and ests as but he was of the first to! lb: A. 'McLACHLAN, ~ = Principal answer the call of the nother country, | See and has several times been at close} ——— FURNITURE hike has witietee| e V.C. and the inguished Condct Medal you i} a 2 Bs i Saat Pym cee at oo vel! BB was the ler, need hha ever | e Look seen,” he “I could Pick ee | Brame certain ae whose name I do! Your not know and whose gallant action T) e Best beli ‘looked. —_—__. le a siete Canadian. I had ApEn, ight in the D d trenches.” The. morning shells were resse nd severed our telephone lines. waiting for he onaae this y Ps naller leaped over the —The “well dressed” Rugs and Linoleum; : Lawn Seats and Hammocks Baby Carriages . Collapsible Go Carts Express Waggons $1 WE SELL $10 up -75 up Auto Wheel Coasters $4.25 Gerhard Heintzman Pianos $5 up Robert McMane Furniture Dealer Milverton Funeral Director and Embalmer: S.N. SMITH Ghe Up-to-date Tailor Germans, is 0 m ets of “dea ews to be out thee! our men who. wer e Saxons are staying in this hotel, a the husbands up a desolate ery sherother dag fate the prisoners’ camp for their tennis flan: the whole, our men hav. well by the re not. They rentinent-ba the t ‘0 Germany, icer related a fresh - mine «| Particular Choice Stontyattrwacts me Corman coe HX OPENS Suits story up a dummy horse oi the parapet. Our men vied ae eas bullets. The tient at will find a igh oo i ion of the very newest patterns Eran: 1por ivsd wa ands it in Plain and Fancy t patterns reappeared seal in bandages. “Oty men kept up the joke ‘Hullot made ap in the very latest style at moderate prices, It Pays to Dress Well lng gives a man more prestige than t to 0 be Well Attired You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shop .,. ++ did li terns here. "THERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- ¥ ne of Summer Suitings and Pantings—all the new pat- and colors will be found We invite you to inspect our up-to-date stock. 0. DUFFIEL The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, + Ontario sas Jone at tl “We Plosse Young Men and make Ofd Men Feel Young.” em together tween two aa er erst But tne Gemans | J.M. FLEISCHHAUER an wisely ‘kept ‘their heads down.” Ladies’ and Men's Tailor, - MILVERTON, ONT? Buy a Victrola for the Home. The easiest way to make things pleasant for all the folks and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy. Come in and we will play your favorite music’for you and explain our easy terms. Victrolas from $20 to $100 J. E. WEIR MILVERTON and Reet n Crui with all the later ikios travel on the Largest Lin appointments and Dicwane enjoyment nts of ‘ocean Fall, —torerentng Por and fh able berths all included. Cream Wanted! ‘We will pay the Highest eieckete Fuse for Cream delivered at the fac CANS SUPPLIED FREE Yours for a ign" Pearl Creamery, onsic" Pape ‘enchanting Superlor—<y Bay, eave rearing eve diferent ‘Check the ones that Inerest you and ous Locky—Fishing Tripe—Basket Plenlcs to Nature's Wildest Nookr—Finest Meale—and comfort | 3To deal hg William, Port Arthur, Soo, | Mackinac, Georgian Bay = _and the 30,000 ieleids ral No, $-suria, Om. ta Dus ‘The Big Nonbern Hartgation Pleet covers all the | GAMMA RSE us, sage, rh the waterd of Lake Jn Bay’ and retuta, via B00, 6 fe" sate eal sis he ber Jo ‘te Duluth, Minn, a5a re. From the light draft “Waubie™ which wend er prods ts Daath Mian, ahr ing Hotel ea are admirably 5 8 om Toes, $e 1 the routes E,W. Holton, Gen. Pass. Agent: * send thi ad 090 Island Cruse, “for all: Geran, ayrerulses. Parry Soundto Penetang

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