Milverton Sun, 21 Oct 1915, p. 8

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LOST a} eed faa street Milverton, on Saturday, Oct. 16th, a beoe wee atchewan ales finder pleas turn to Sun office, WANTED 1st November $3,000 b; next on Teation. BOX 8, Milverton. LOST — Between Mr William sTitea's Rouse a and Weber and Bettger’s s lady’s gold watch, Finde leave at Post Office or J store, Monkton. Eniguad FOR SALE land pony, harnes: ny is ren . For Pushers particulars ap- ply to REV. GISCHLER. FOR SALE —— A splendid’ new solid brick house on William street. i main house ant Good well and cistern lawn, a few fruit trees, new about 165 feet c Apply. to F. GUENTHER Milverton, FOR SALE House and lot on Logan side of boundary. Fine 7-roomed frame ‘cot- tage, good ood well place in nice order. $750 will ies a quick sale. For Sites ys apply to MRS. JOHN BANDERS nkt Auction Sale | si wert be said o The brick house and pt, of lots s|morn ond held in strict confidence: which are and 13 Daly's surve the ~ south j ide of Madison street at present oc- Ford, Motor ‘o. of | cupied by Mr. o. L, Adair will be} kitchen; aN ‘th his tap regent Ford owns sold by public auction on qinesdey A ants to tale a bath. Bring the oe sto t | afternoon, Oct. 28t e * ‘ indirect! | rwards ppeared| to} c! e K {| Crass Society? ousar | A. Chalmers, Auctioneer. A ae of etary goa.) Orgs Goel Pieodudeat tne hundred Canadians. over A. Chalmer s that wisest for?” asked | Society ‘hich ane thé matt al Bee the hundred of its | Geo. Golightiy. partments of each Arr y [enlisted for ayeracha Excoutors of the John Battin Estate. ssid the landlord, ‘yon | €. free thew sick end-woandee _Mr. McGregor ine went = ae aa anc ees|| bye to: dace up the creek.” pris f war. cite a list. of < s How does. the “Red |» adding that strely iy ae Cross Society” help the sick —_and| this list atiou id giiaicitenes the: pub: Debentures: For Sale aie SGiris ation © of | Jo, Milverton ‘purchaser for_Hydro Electrio iene and power. pehen: 3 tures $9,500 at 54 per cent. repay: | we able nty gears in pee Day- | hove: ments of $81.50 each. » Detenterss issued ist January, 1916. W. D. WEIR Village Clerk FOR § SALE. . Eskine’s | 1 a yo ice | and te mob {hems tb dull jnstend ¢ ole Short Stories Retold. A PERT The Rev. Tole MeNeill. abe Seneeh, lsays INTEREST OF CANADIAN CO. WOMEN WHO ARE | SHOULD NOT BE PREJUDIC- { ED BY i te See LOAN | 81 ALWAYS TED een ee ‘ot ps te official, ant che Ford Motor mada, Ltd, ~ ANSWER ra 2g San Fr nei at r at a loss for x ans-| py in his career smart in thinking to perplex him. ote request-| ‘er. j Ales. isa Saas of the company in respect to the cows Be statement Bes Stell me! Swan Creek, Mich.—“I cannot speak | : Shp See Mr. Ment too ons of a baa an When |. “J do not wish tobe put. ina Dos: E OS or | tion, of putting yvords in the mouth ft Mr. are absolutely he statement ng men) B tere pS who is president “of the especially—and | down and my appe- 2 adian company.” sail a Don't] iii tite is yr and C. “put I think Mr, Ford is ‘| jon’ to his opinion inj one matters just the same as any other raminent neutral an [Fetng Let ge citizen, AS a matter of fact. Preai= Vilson. “when ener patie’ talk- vg fi HUMOUR oF Aue BATTLEFIELD. | : yea proval | builds me up, gives ie singe atte ention me strength, andre- | should be. ‘paid Mile P6edk xew.on spre es Among id jnsidents Pe = Ataptibey ptt < between , th mans tela te meaitee th- | stores me to perfect t | thi subject at this date. a humorous affair of the wireless jHestih at again. Itis Lat lark bless- | “Mr, Ford -has expressed himself | thet the Br a andthe | ing to women, and I cannot speak in the press as being absolutely * op- ans aise Tae siusldexshie 5 rism - | posed to preparedness. taris aris ot iF ios ands ey eee Gee every other thing alate in his opinion cause war. His posing the loan was that o rten the durat- inage by wireless, the British tt mending it to® others.”?. at Luderitzbacht and the foe Camenon, RF:D., No. 1, Swan Creek, Wins e German offi ny Sitehieen : <4 qpudnandSwinelemiod to: the British} commander ; Another Butteren: Relieved. ur men playing football ros Me, manskop will make a good parade| Femedies T was at fan a grouni a That night a reconnoitring party | ay Bee Aon the British camp.| pound and used manskop. and riled fo} End teday thet He aitoh bee oe a UE ae ae Fatal comer We |hocs le Cor = Sante Wath, and |commiission and gen am an en' ey came trom | ii my | “However. accept Ford’s statements as they sobanten in “the esse rect, | leased ee hig ph scored four, YOUr medicine it was a dread. 0,1 Pier 0, intrest f Tne Fora Mot: na cte (prot PD, Cie anes ORL ailing r Co. of Canada should not, be pre- | & | women I meet the benefits they can | judicea in aoe way ‘ord’s op- tot | pec from your medicines,’’ — Mrs. | inion,” continued Tie MoGregor. | A PIC i ; ‘ “Tt wo mes us just as reasonable: to -ME-IN BATH Hebron, Maine: aay of € OR, If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med- icine Co., (confidential) Lynn, | many, an | Mass. nt eae oe the opinions aa Sentiment of and ans’ open oe rs’ in that com- A noted Ame MISPLACED | HONORS providing the Army Answ Hf Medion! Deparment with addition: It was a close. warm Sunday and| hospital stores of all kinds, from am-| Garge went off for a walk to think mulinces to drug: db: ages’ by | things over. an ns i i Sacana! Bi Jo: ni ag te a tt nip | i te to be a but cher 1 *twoul e ping, wholly or in ure hospitals, Thos-| pital ships and trains ibs! 5 es not Fhe) os work? = to weigh the ed nations. the ra fwould be my delight. value of yolun- bi Sh) td eof the} ful Meainioa me two young pinibere i i in’ up and down the ror . I tell ye, Bill the wrong chap'll get the bloomin’ medals in this war.” Making a Directory, organ' tate Soot -aesis: That pense. of i Tana pace sa pee lot 16 and ad; ive of Mbakte on, elds walk "past door, Fine young given any ‘time. ticulars vapply ERTS, Monkton, WANTED A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED FOR THE OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSURTES, To sell in Mofikton and chance of a Ne anh to do a big rade among e ers in fru Le a8 ad 43 an rartarneatel pas: tee olusive. ate ry. ia free outfit, Highest commissi Write for testi STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO. ay W. D. WEIR’S LIST OF Farms | For Sale) ‘West: Half Lot “y. Gite 12. Elma, 50 acres. welling, bank — barn. a atabling, Splendid land. nap. Ber Half of the South Half 4S Lot on, “ fornington, Com‘o.table dwelling iis the barn, No, 150 acres. . Price $2,900 ts ent gt buy the North half of Lot ‘woo ‘n, cement stabling. well drained an an up-to-date home, Terms to suit. 7,500 will buy the west half Lot 3 Gon. 9, Wellesley, i100 brie taitroad: ers 000 te sash; balance at ‘pal tea buy the east half of Lot iornington, be acres, Bane dvaiiags bank bar pace orchird, two miles from Milverton $825 will buy a splendid brick house and lot with good stable in Newton Ay ates Elliot has devoted his lite t “| headquarters in Montscal Mr, Elliovs 0} will be ) orop. t 2] the superior officer received ti “Have ari 6 aay Russians, two Fre Over seventy per cent. of Toro: Question IV. Why ge nswer; Unnecessary. suffering by a rublioieat supply slivered more buy. Of Bie Lace A page taken at random from last eae issue and correcte tite als of the 18 | anks gr Fe eae cans pall the o orded on it 139 have changed elther Pt iaaee Werk tHetr” acdtees, elt oocupetlon; ‘or rhe ERE ae? aed ane ctoime |Your scanty w ies ecto faretched /again will be returned to the a ir familie pudegoe prin A PROPHECY. FULFILLE iit rill be seen from this that com- spp erator os iD Ing. directory of half a million G aaderiee -ylon Planter’s Gazette | restless people is » | Healy one piensa Rie dead That Polowiapr esas dean’ Sie groans, he | feepe batt bier iais ts Bes tinseh a life of that distinguished German.|’mongst fat pork, say [iemaphapis thos the late Prof. Max Muller, written ev falls @ ever- | (uring 1884 ‘and 1885. must great changing population, recent director- fes have only shown an ayerage of fifty mistakes a volume. hives and has his bein and bones, goa of PAPERS $1.50. BRUCE, WEEKLY ‘The annual meeting of the Bruce Association was held in| Friday. Oc Has a Fine Record. 01 id a good’attendance of the * county | It is announced that A. G, Elliot, | stock. and woe to him who forgets! publishers present. Many questions general passenger agent of the Grand this. England will never, ~ be con-|of deep interest were discussed. Tt eee er x never before the last Eng-| Was decided to eke | arrangement of the duties of hi throughout the county and try \ eral offices, has ret! Pinata er the is our available eth Be orisis in 8 % a ‘ i of the general pas- |)? deep consideration was ‘the Be ee of printing material all line. These have SL aaa | {he production of papert to su extent that publishers find thay are ducing paper’ 88, er Mature delibersti tion it was pce te to pener age mkee has fallen, Mr, to work and in his chosen line | has acl Le hake Rl ere ae won the re- isco of rai was abot! 1860 and entered toad service In 1882 a8 cl etal ticket agent of the Central nt o | raise the weekly newep2per, to #iat Rallron at Montreal. In 1897 he be- ns would-be based on’a”” gradual Trunk at Montoral and tp theca raise, AN papers that are’ paid, in) ‘your: ¥anprbinoted fon clock ng |1¥ @ danger. has shown that Eng-|aqvance by January 31, 1915, will be} inst Mepactment Aeros lon. saree land’s enemies aré- her enewiics.” accepted at the old rate of $1.00 per e 50 wil 1 apes Meaiatat Seneral passenger an Sr era Gaaotad. CN sie a sod. all week- e became pas- NEWS Ni v 1 50 per. annum oe ger Tepresentative at Chicago and Fe a Bg tid Oy ee yng rates af rearran ‘as chos-| ony columns of Tocal news gath ein the price of ow 08~ ent with ed from the columns of its exchan d retirement took effect on Oct gee oe Cog sted eo eee eae impossible to sell these papers, i Se ee < ledgement to its contemporaries. The tion ri First Hudson Bay Report. Hehe ide Seer ee eee ‘The Srst annual report of the Hud-|# ¥ory convenient way of (getting a the line | udget © 3 ‘owns alr ira? eoreane the entire tenet Although 43 ee a tio! he gue 18 BALKANS i attacked ir Edward Grey is now ore men-lror the failure of his Balkan diplom- i aoy. It the facts were known, | iles have been com- |@PPly wit! aadid probably appear that ho had respondence each week is taken for | De a that good English conseience th ; shady Sone the 91g [here it comes from, — Walkerton |i ese Papers a’ justi- | Ha) S fied Ih ot giving ORE gee Silece aan tera Greece, go to Ee SES SS apeties as yee ia BNE with| the highest bidder. It i He Rounded Them Up. aryone. The editor first from | ert in’ wha} one ete e event is diseoncerting in Lon- The way they do things in some | $°™ oh: thas oad: colnet of the mayo, i Sine where they are comparatively free tou pens a on Ls interesting A Hom. wireless telegrams, is. very |@R0Ush Only, editorials and original lise a fe wan and ios urbe th charge of a |*tticles should be credited. BSA at rtain hinterland received from ee lization aud: democracy. is: deterining BRITAIN’S ees INCOME TAX | ed’ by the sa gee barbarians. The tax on incomes in Britain has as a result of the ble che and ed five-fold. A man rece co! 5 it all enemy aliens in your district.” commendal _ NOTICE aa 2 e of £650 pays £13 in taxes. One| Mr. Sidney Spencer who has tak- ply: in receipt of £1,000 pays £50. The/en over the tinsmithing apt plum! rested seven Germans, |rate increases in proportion to thei C. . nehmen, five ay received, the man receiving oumanians, and an oe Bove paying £140; on £25.-/ of Please say who we're at toa he tax is £5,145, and op 2 £5000 000. te i £170,000. Amstlesn, with,” | “The Store with the he Stock”- MILVERTON T I | “The People’s Store” BOY’SNEW TOGS Boys and men are treated alike in our up-to-date Men's Store, The same care is exercised in choosing Boy's Cloth- ing as in selecting men’s attire. The same widness of range and exclusiveness of style characterizes boy’s lincs here as_ distinguishes men’s wear, Boy’s choose this store because it pleases their manful young hearts to make-selections ina manlike way. — from stocks as broad and styles as smart as their fathers. BOY’S BUSTER OVERCOATS, BOY’S ULSTERS and BALMANCAN STYLES BOY'S SUITS. AT $3,00, $3.50 UP TO $10.00 Raincoat Special in Men's Store This Week MEN’S RAINCOATS at $3.99 Men's $7 Raincoats $5.49, Men’s $10 Raincoats $7.99, Men’s 12.50 Raincoats $9.99 See our Men’s and Boy’s Sweater Coats Over 200 Boy’s Sweater Coats to select Over 300 Men’s Sweater Coats to select from at ......... $1, 1.25, 1.50. Up to 2.25 from at .... .... $1, 1.25, 1.50 up to 6.00 Ladies’ Suits and Coats See our, Winner in Ladies’ Coats at $4.99 Over 200 Ladies’ Coats to select from at prices ranging $7.50, $8. 50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18,00 and $20.00. Over 4o Ladies’ Fall Suits to select from at prices rang- ing $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00. ~\ Owing to the advance in Wools and foresight on our part, we are prepared to supply your every need in Underwear and Sweater conte at old prices. Ladies’ Fine Quality Fall and Winter Underwear In fine wool, wool and cotton, wool and silk. Single garments 25C, 35¢, 500, 75¢, $1, $1, 25 to $2 and up, Combination Underwaaea +75C, $1, 1450, 2.00, 2.50-and 3.00 Ladies’ Flannelette Nightgowns, 50c, 75c, $1 and 1,25 Ladies’ Sweater Coats 1... ,....... Maa 1.25, 1.50 up to $5 Children’s Sweater Coats... 50c c, $1, 1,25 to 2.50 Full yard wide Black Pailiette’ Silk, scotia Pauehth. 89c yard Corduroy Velvets for children’s suits..¢........6650 and 60c yard Hair Ribbons, all shades... Wincint wchvvc snl OGY ard, Ladies’ and Children’s Hosiery, 25c, 35¢ and Soc pair LADIES, SEE OUR $2.99 RAINCOAT SPECIALS IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT Granulated Sugar per cwt.. England's 1 lb, cans Baking Pow- Granulated Sugar 15 lbs. for. der 2 cans for ., 25 Corn or Peas 3 cans for...... 8 Ibs, Oatmeal for 125 MéDonald Tobacco per plug ...... +10 Quaker Oats per package... +25 All other Tobaccos 3 plugs for 25, Coal Oil per gallon rpg 3 : ke WE PAY FOR PRODUCE EGGS 32c Doz. (STRICTLY FRESH) a (1 LB, PRINTS) Every print of butter must weight 16 ounces, otherwise it is liable to be confiscated, INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING DRESSED POULTRY SPRING CHICKENS 15c Ib. HENS... Tite DUCKS Lg; 1—Poultry must be thoroughly starved before killing. 2—All birds must be dry picked, free from feathers—we have no use for scalded stock. 3 Heads to be taken off all Geese and Ducks. If heads are on one cent GEESE. . . 14c Ib. per Ib, less than quotation. Dressed Fowl taken any day but Saturday We also pay the highest market prices for ALIVE POULTRY—talken ae n Monday | Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week, pa ONIONS tc Ib. “LARD 15¢ Ibe . || Engelas | BUTTER 27c Ib 15¢ th.

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