Milverton Sun, 21 Oct 1915, p. 4

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| | Roasts retain their natural flavor-- bread, ¢ we cakes, puddings, ees pakee in a pts y( ang e from its perfectly ventilated oven. See the McClary dealer in your town. Sold by A. C. CLEMENS MILLBANK sea | Se Hugh Siac spent last ughter, Mrs, J, RAILWA’ RAND TRUN SYSTEM DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO-CHICAGO AND TORONTO- MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO at gue bon: ve ch ssinrges home ‘OR MONTREAL with. friends Leave TORONTO 9.00 ayn 0 non, and 11.00 p.m, da irs. Wm. MeKee and Miss a Equipment the finest on all trains, | Crook-hs ere appoi distri delegates to mate md the Women’s In PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSIT! stitute to held in ‘Taronta Reduced Fares te ons Lon don wale B: D. B. Grieve a San Francisca, Los Angeles & San Diego Full particulars and herth Mr. Herb, Kettel family igh ow application to Ag “ Stn E, Moo =P yepent Sundav-with fr anda ‘in. Water- J. 6. CUNNINGHAM, Phone 1, Local Agte a 8 pee eee ee fr Smith and Misses Sarah |and Rimily. of Stratford, E anit, Hammond and Bhima Tanner — at-) Ered. Kruspe Ne ew _ fi ve ee — | tended Teachers’ Convention at | Thanksgivi ind Mrs: John Metoex, mot | SS. Sk Stratford on Thursday and di and ae = f = Ins Mr Flachs. Mr. C, Heinbuch | Wanted Now pox M. Ruby’ of Listowel, visited aly cna ate s paar _-spent Sunday is jc M N ast | UJ ae 0 in Be: Shee oe a his broth Xe ont maby s,! [a Gere: exh” Wokisenolernd | Perth County, i eet uloshy_ and Miss Mary. spent oft Bamberg, ‘spent Sunday | PAY. WEEKLY Sunday wit! I frie nds at Listo jo d Mrs. Norman. Schlegel | € | Frank wrie has enlisted i i y al ve M Col has the foundat-| en boy ith the Ziat, Battalion of ‘strato a. Mr. and Mrs. of ‘Kin- ion con ‘ed for a new garage "at we san Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Hoel G. Scip’s hardware | | rs p Mr. Jes. and Miss Mabel Magwood, of ‘s vil not be com ed on Saturday to their home| Mr Brads! Bee e a : : F after spending a month vis-| spent shins with her. siste at present en- . "Por full par a jars write Sales Pi ieve | ende: new house on | Manager— M iss. Ww ; ei | | PELHAM NURSERY Co., | 5 hi ys homie in St. | Umbrell Jack was in town this} ae, tye ut aeeae ak M Mh, of Guelph, Ag-! dk pets eee sols, Tt is) nol = = = = exe: visite Stratford. li e a Icluacivatinaden ie ed Soar b his parents, Mr. in pring a Pistoe the eatly jure of eee a tn Poa Bind) of Rijox. chuceh Beatrice Richardson, of New on t ‘of hia month fn ol peta RTA Wilt hold. the ental tThaskoffering |Hamburg, spent Sunday at her par-|s is expected that _ the THREE EDITIONS} in the basement o chureh, Bri-|¢niet hom, morn'ng. tain fromthe és be he C ner ik Messrs. Wm. Harloff and Dave | ear tad he ates Goancteah ‘evorn | MORNING ‘i is + Ghitdren's | Karl, of Gadshill, spent Sunday with, the oe | aoa NOON when the former's 1 Memo ONGON = evenine gosaibecs oa Sonia, of! es >» {th, Rev. | witverton, spent y with Mr./Duench—Im loving memory of Will- vertiser— the Re: as Mrs ae d. cpa ae daleaiteh {| iam. Due ench. who died Get. 17th | a Mr. and Mrs. Frei edite, 7 1914. a { { ‘WESTERN ONTARIO'S GREATEST DAILY) At Knox | son § Sti 21 Moa Seca’ tee gate eRe © ay six wmem-, a as passe : All the News all the Time. T ddd th tae wocieumigal. Mes George Harlof?. of Stratford.) Sinee father from us has gone Sa ee ee | spent Agnday at his parental home. | That he has passed sheotely the | ‘Mrs. C. Matthews, of Wallenstein ee | cold dark stream, and Mrs. joe Bruee, of Orangeville NORTH MORNINGTON __ | Into the great beyon: after. visit~ caste | ice See je Noztn| He Hye crossed fhe river dark and) socl 2 wilte} orn next wide — -aeaeeees ‘of the Red ext With the boatinan calm and trae ool house. of {> Bue we, knw is safe on “the |a LEARN t other si tober i | F fhe, Bis (uy eae abate wheel. i DRESSMAKING |: cheon mtn fexmecting saak= ta li He will come no more to those he -_completion of the | the rth Mo x, love * ‘i programme Robertsong AGP Pw 0 Se tes borg eam| WG on the carth they roam Quick, Simple Method Feeve, will BG rot le |But he is safe from sorrow a ° HAWKESVILLE hose who were guests of Mr. Geo,|!" hit happy heavenly home. Atlaa Susie Pe ae And when it comes our time Louis veh and daughter | 4 oe Be j Tuesday for the Torrance Stanley majority gone before. piesladical of Listowel ‘at we trust in One who spent Sunday aty of: Atwood : father’s guide cere wit Pi {| To land us, safe ‘on the other sho | Mr ive: Hawerd Memane, of | TPE CAND. CHILDIGEN ich pia te ‘Atwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and _ Folin pups pcenen oe Berli Mrs. OL : | ~ CROSSHILL SS Mrs. A. Dentinae and Miss Irene| - 3 mis (4 pirbta ek: ae 1 were visitors: to Elmira on | from the Guisiek bE xgamect Tho: camppett is renewing ac- = —- ednesday. z | Crosshi “ CENTRAL" Mrs. Brodley. Miss May Sullivan, | pent e wee cenit - atthe heme: af (rar Wits Haatinges of B ‘d Cc I and y i Bujeene = allva| Oy ME yoni people attend- Waterloo, were Sunday visitors at usiness Co ege “ Stee te a gothee fowl scunsee et Donegal .on| Belmont Pune oo Sees tae Stratford, Ont. Theirtinise ‘Sonny event evening = hone ee 's Best Business College) . eee | Se attended the Teu ites 3 i they. will move: into Miss; WELLESLEY e-Convention held in Hevlin z 2 | ccs pe Mi ie Donald and) Emma} : 5 Aen ee tLl ise “Thompson. of Atwood Lackner attended the School ‘Teach-'.; ity attended the Fe ae with. Crosshill : CO Be Suneeee les elk af ert Sop: meaty and: Fei that (Mr. Joe Ken- ir. M, Donald, of Preston, visited ear, Travis ant friends, of his aor! here over. ee ‘ Courtland spen’ afternoon we Mona awe es asinger spent | “Gen the former's daughter, "i soe secured a oan Domi nent i ‘Tavistoc! Mr. Mrs, James Ertel attend: cies Seton this esse eda he at Macton on : MeecGok. Oteann spent Sada = pith read east Betiwe'ten eee with Mr. and Mrs. John Berlin, apent Sanday with ‘the iat: Hoblcin Lieb ‘fter's: ps Men W. Mr, Mrs: Louis Schaub on Fri- ante Bir. and ‘Mn Ruswel Wood and day last. visited their daughter, Miss —S | Sites spent |filbent who, has graduated as a nurs Spells Kidney Trouble ‘7 t Guelph hospital li st Ah s % There's no use putting on liniments Free Passage to England on siete Manat von thu vas @ business) “afr, West. of Ehinvale, is spending) plasters to 0 Pee hasieur hiisor bark t Steamer: 4 few, days) with “her parents “the trouble is inside, » Your kidneys are out and ler. GIN PILLS go right to the cause MORNINGTON ‘COUNCIL The el of eee Commission- ofthe Dackaotie: and Heal. and regulate the ROBERT VERITY, Toronto ers for Ontario paid our two hotels Tulle permanant yal i jen, you: get hela the regular mon- cil Lac sh vache sa died ateteee tly “meeting it Donley's hall, New ENROL NOW — at the — LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE ‘Thorough Cours petent aught by Com- achers. Por particulars address ed EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal yas made in the amount charged for | benefit only r jjuring liability remained t = It was moved by ae ~ {onde led by. Geo. Miller. enre DONEGAL |peal of James Hamilton he dismissed }and that this Court do now Miss L. Reteernis of Atwool <p ni council v sofas h her friend Miss | Carrie 1 | Mrs. Catharine a Husser, of Atw 25 pounds of flour jeed with her friend, Mise Ruby Bar- oe eee ‘on on Sunday Rev. R.A. Miller, of open for general business. Voll was granted and one — doll the balance’ ce for the y p-ssed a lise, was, passed Tix ¢ for completing the Gol- is to be not tater than law MeCloy drain Milverton, Nov. 1st, ers were “mwount Rat! ‘and Miss Incas, of Atw guests rand Mrs, Joha Hymers on Sun‘ issued’ for the follow- ing J. iE Hymers = ing the ae 15, aS wi nd repairing culver pean “Wagler. ry Mrs. Samuel always come fresh and sweet coun! |e m il courier, is ‘now leaving heré vot lat. 7 for Baden and arrives on his return half an hour earlier. ‘The change ue te Re closing the Philipsburg office and is an added convenience to the publ e © here, Seas ears oe MACTON. |ed from the West and reports ee! east. half cost; Corrugate| Fip: Co., Stratford, 80.00. culvert sup- plied to council; Alex, Nebineon, eho grav Tractors ; repairing. triage et Poa en townline i i adjourned to — ine t Mondvy in Novem- | ¢ ing called by :| | Henry, sr. | Mis a Harlott, Millie Den- {| stedt an nor Murr, of Stratford, | {s at foe pera ae ee | Mr. en Hen) Stratford |spent eaace with, Air, Robe. Henry. \s M Mrs. Litt and Mr. or a visit and found everything: satisfac- \ tory. Edna Newton spent Sunday r. and «Mrs. Mr. Fealaser" “Alinghi has return- 1 | Oey of Buh a hore ja leon ack Mr. Robe. Ainghan. of Millbank, spent a day last w ther, ae ama. ster Willie Newton bene ae urday with his consiny Mr. Allingham. Baltes number, trom: hele atten # chuteh in Glenallan ing. Mr. Jeotured on ook and also rendered seveta ioyabl solos. Edward Birmingham, of the nh ‘line of swag ae apere Sunday the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson. of this place. ——— + ravel 200, [sr ‘a elling ana rep irng culvert on, fat st juchan ane ‘son, of Monk- to centractor: Mittle ae ‘3. ton, is visiting in this vicinity. ua ring pe ees live poultry. and & So: ching ‘sunday te "plore al an ee the township ma cord “spent Sundav in Bestn, =| hehe och in. “Special ‘en ‘LINWOOD TOPICS Dp ae Miss Seip-spent numb: <a ‘the anniversary services lle on Synidey Jast. Alex, Rennie and J oun lin, end collection will be ville on Sunda: Mr. with friends in Berl'n Friends of Mrs. “R, Berlet, | Berlin, formerly of amet will re- gret to hear that she is at present in a very precari dition 0° health and her recovery is despaired’ trom here a h of Millbank, spent with Mike irene pee taken in in Gar oof Linwood Committee, The: intend sendin a shipment of. jams = journe jellies to nthe Ted_ Cross... Anyon: | iiliam Wa adel | wishing to, contain ‘wilt Ieaves same ff Mornington | at or before | Sian ee fo . [October 28rd, e Smith who is training | WARTBURG in nursing at Stratford Kospiial spent ew days last week with Miss Kat eshing is ‘the panier: at. the day {Seip ia. “this -neighborhoo tr. and Mrs. August Dama Peart Se and Mrs. Wr ip spent Waning oe day arith taiebge ak Manuheine fg ae Henry ond Robt | Mr. John Petch and family spent onary deliv ne neh of Sunday with friends at New, Ham- cattle to. Mi ehell ast, Friday ¢. local Orange bre Bran: | Go up to date has been y of the, made ew school r 5th, by| has. been hite 28 la Jsome. of t e ‘i Mrs. | however, capes to. lave everything By Same lin readiness before the new Iles, w-| ‘The Mes and Misses He imler ‘ spe Gay ith hE ene Mra with friends St. |tobert nace ville. | dieses 3 Rear and Annis| wood Pr sbyterian choir e. spent few assisted with. the s rvice at} |aays ree Maat week with Mrs Samuel! the anniver: ser in Hawkes- ev. H. G. Fitgernld. Spent: Headey LOOK THROUGH THIS ADV. FOR GENUINE BARGAINS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Bargain No. 1 n’s Raincoats, beaver cloth lining, worth $yo, for. Bargain No. 120 Men’s Negligee Shirts, regu- lar 75¢ to 1.00, special $1.95 48 Bargain No. Men's Rainéoats, regular 5.00 for > . Bargain No. 8 50 Men's, Shir! 1.25, specia regular $1,00 to 19 3 2 . Bargain No. Men's Raincoats, regular 5.00 5 now ‘ . Bargain No. Black Watch, Stag, Seal Skin, Queen’s Black Bass, Shamrock or King’s 3 plugs for ‘ Nay Bargain No. | years, regular 6.00. School Sues, 8 to 16 Bargain No. 10° 1 lb, of Transfer Smoking Tobacco special © $3.89 ° 5 Bargain No. $6.00 for 20 Girl’s Coats, regular up to Bargain No. 11 Ginger Snaps 3 Ibs. for, ir 25 cents Vanilla or Iemon Bars per Ib. .1o cents ° $3.89 | Bargain No. and 2.50 for 50 Men’s Felt Hats, regular $2.00 Bargain No. 12 Sranulated Sugar per cwt 9 $6.35 } WM. K. The Square Deal Store” 5 MILVERTON LOTH | OBITUARY | | MRS. JOHN CANDLER, SR. i On W oe night of last k ‘irs. John Tr, 8r, whose maide! was re Ramm died at the |residence of her son, John Candler, lot he North end of the. village. Mrs been sick hardly ee ee |Ca w weeks "when the summons @ native of England. Where ne d husband who prt ey om About 56 Mads: asia; cettion ee *Niitbrooke ae fers oe removing to Huron county to n, of a daughters. aes James, whom y aa place Greenwood | cemetery Milverton on Friday after- ‘noon of las' st_week, er oun $60,000. The res cows now ve ade a showing practically double that of the ordinary dairy Aon and wom: doubled up with shooting having to stop and uene lief, has Sede uh do the baat wn to gets litle id comfort in ills IDNEYS. LowerSelma, N.S. Soule with my back since,” he say: you hav Seoul get-GIN, PILLS Nabors Pas. &C Co. o} ‘*U have never had any ve a lame back—or 2 sign of to-day and emical Canada, Une 2 patients, it costs the provi 5 cents t will be gained of the profit cake a to the province fro. nagement of insti- tutional food aitaizs, In addition the capital cost is kept down by main- taining a ‘h standard anit proach the sfandar lemonstrate the in general will make use of it on the farms. A LOE Ford Touring Car Price $530 Its tn’ ot is bigger than its price. other motor car will do, the Ford will do—and more. Yet it is the lowest-priced real motor car on the market. Because our output is set this vere at 40,000 cars, we are able to sell ‘the dependable Ford at so low a price. The pvr is now $480, the Town Car $780; £0. b, Ontario. et cars completely eanlppeds including electric headi' ia Equipment does n include speedometer. La a) B, " Gropp, Ford Dealer, ‘Milvetioay Ontari FURNITURE Rugs and Linoleum Lawn Seats and Hammocks Baby Carriages ......$10 up Collapsible Go Carts $5 up Express Waggons $1.75 up Auto Wheel Coasters $4.25 WE SELL Gerhard Heintzman Pianos ee Fires In Can a of the aetient Lon in- ester for the Dominion Department of the Interior. Last west, which de- acres of forest and | could for manufacturing by railways TROne ee fires are caused ees: eas with the cl ond and campers third Robert McMane Furniture Dealer Milverton na. balmer: Cream Wanted! itl ‘the Highest Market ae for Cream Wew pay delivered at the fact —_—— ' Milverton. _ Ontario CANS SUPPLIED FREE ’"" Pearl Creamery, Yours | Bosinoss

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