Milverton Sun, 21 Oct 1915, p. 5

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“He Looks Into the Eye" Y¥ THIS, METHOD Impossible to ma all'work is the e: et als looking locating the ¢ at ite soure Weak Muscles Sirerainenta Headaches eared Cro Eyes in many c ae a q ted by this mica ayatents Culidren'weres rately cxaunthed without asking question SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P. H. BASTENDORFF ‘Eyesight Specialist” MILVERTON, ~ ONTARIO Our Tailoring In every thread of fabric yout not on that alone but Our Bill for making your seae will be t you iagane help feeling delighted to > get such wonderful value for so little money. Step in and see our large and well assorted stock. J. M. Fleischhauer ind Men’s Tailor MILVERTON, - ONTARIO SPECIAL! FRIDAY and SATURDAY 11b. tin Baking Powder for 11¢ Quarker Oats for 22c Toledo Corn Starch for 8c Gusto per package for 9c Rio Coffee reg. 22¢ Ib. for 18¢ JOHN REIS, JR. BRUNNER PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE Trans-Canada Express rying Through Equipment to WINNIPEG and NANGOEER Connectit MILVERTON AT 1.32 P.M. Hover ER eRy, EXCURSIONS Tuesday until Oct. 26, inclusive lian Pacific All The Wa: md lan’ PaNo Change of Cars or Depots sures” MONKTON BRIEFS Canadian Officer at srt as ot Some Voluntary Pris | PES, The following very totaresting sie The, Women’s Patriotic Sor jMoukton purpose holding low= ine’s ‘hall on Tues- rs ver, d to be present rour “help. Ad= | Army Headquarters, “British ee only 10 cent: peditionary ores, France,” and ¢ | mies godt oH Johiishou’ af ie: aoe i able bint to Cana. | towel oaks Bumes a Mee PE: dians writing fo friends at the front. | Johnston ‘ toimave: dal Mrs. Jas, Terry is visiting friends pa Mount morons this week. eoranant le fruits at reasonable pric- Brown visited friends in last week, rE NS maecseithee te Miss Annie Watt and brother Bob- contingent, Canadian Bxpeditionary |Pir, Of Mitchell, spent Thurstay | as ree. Several of my letters have : nly heen addressed be eaerag! Wesley Holman is -at tau Free ne iste avg: have.” been \@iking. extens've impro ements 4 t is being plieed on Forces Te ti ete oad feta hag [cement foundation and a new en i When ets aused six weeks’ travel from time of |(p, Me hacierention were ieaying monmatod ‘Misses Huggins and Bisler of the erman artillery have kept pablie ntl staff attended h Te . : the Christmas rs? ‘Aaeg a meeting me d week. Wm, R. net Beek in Mahony has returned ae a week with friends pub- a Wm. Pett inspector of schools made his s noe aay. it to the Monkton sehool Lord’s Sup-| able during this campaign. ff you| ‘The Sacrament of the anywhere within range of Ger-|per will be dispensed in Knox shaven! man guns an e of TO- t. SB vieke Ge planes is about dropping lights or} vice Friday afternoon wi e smoke signals, it is a safe bet to ex- conducted by Rey. A. E, Doan, B.A.. pect @ few shells in that direction | !-D 1a tout de suite. Anniversary ae Grin be nals “4 in Knox church on Sunday. Our aviators have done splendid 1" 05 Crier, or London, are Soloed d home after Sy sanding. aapeakeertt Barbican— For street wear you cannot geta more. serviceable cloth. It drapes well —yet gives better ser- vice than the finest serge, and does not catch the dust. Every shade. MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE Dress Goods— We carry the celebrated Priestley line of Dress Goods— that has won a name for itself the world over. When looking for something in Dress Goods, why not come in and have us show you our line. Serges are very fash- ionable this season and hard to get, yet we have a good supply ranging from soc to $2.25 per yard, MILLINERY! MILLINERY! We have had a splendid season so far but still look. for more, which shows our values are right. We still have a large showing of Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed Girl's Hats, Baby Bonnets, etc., which we would like you to see Sylvan Crepe T= wearing qualities ‘ this crepe. are unexcelled. The mixture of wool and mohair is especially fine. A good séasonable cloth in all colors. WEBER«BETTGER ELMA_ COUNCIL The municipal cauinetl of the town- {ship of Elma met in the Agricultur- jal hall, Atwood, on natetian Oct, 9th guucmbers present Reev. m. ott; Deputy Samuel Smith; ‘Councillors Win. Coates. some il- jman and Charl Minutes of In meet were read, and signed by the Reeve ‘kK. nace eit ittere bes any of our fel- mn js weparted “ lows around: seldo: gets back, Mt ss Partridg i % ‘ain deficiency debentu es . tri ditching the park) were sold at par and realized the Paseh praise, cannct he yen toy. & beeu Jet to a'Biyih man but som 0.10. the men who command the air as they | /}\* stopped owing to ere pres sented from Same run enormous risks to carry out their aaau b senditlon yar Meese EE ne was unable to do 14th (Concession drain vleaned: ott fa Carlingford. james Terry of « boa of Knox church By parent making some needed e to their supkeen| 1 y “Christ assed off very| quléey fa ‘tis district, On the aignt ¥ cannonading w Ported tot by the enemy to no cttect, the Germans tried t Ines on seven dif- John ie d Pacific Coast Tours at Low Pares including “CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS" Full particulars from— F, L. CRAWFORD, Local Agent. per teas: erie Det Panes Be Look apse Your Best Well Dressed —The “well dressed” man will secure more business than the slov enly man. Be in line and get one of our nifty suits. { Fit and workmanship eee guaranteed. S. N. SMITH MILVERTON Atwood, | ; kin iM by ‘the Guelph and improved and f: and others to have the Boyle drain, A including its branches mumbers one “|T love Old October 90 se OLD. OCTOBER Old October's purt’ nigh gone, WE HAVE JUST And the frosts is comin’ Loosenin’ on the oaks Coal Oil ithe he A Carload Le: is Segre Back from gi of Brown and yeller, with their stems ve the best oil i wo, hay Give Our nee are right either by the single gallon or by the bari PUT INTO STOCK us a trial and fe peaneiteors r every bree: Li ads we’ re scratching on! Old October's purt’ nigh # HEATERS A I can't bear to to me like losin 15 DAY’S FREE TRIAL and if tat Re The cold weather is here again and we have a large stock of We stock a lines as Clare’s uck's ner ot Thought ei ND RANGES High Oven Peninsular, McClary’s 810 you areas <0 ‘will and two cleane and improved which were DSi iled. ickernuts a fi Moved by Vallance—Himan that J. Banna down is more ike tears We have a , Denstedt be paid Shes sum of $320.00 nes on below — R oyalPurple is part pa afi of the contract Lagye ‘Ola Gotaier so! igibroreteit. Dress’ STOCK nce- that wwners of lands assessed in the Pos iff drain credit on the oll for 1915 from the collector’ in nd Goderich Railwa dizeclice ter pathmriaalets give: the|C amount due L Can't tell what it is about k: oO} full line of FOODS trance Hardware Merchants, M. E. BETTGER & CO. ad WEST MONKTON new d sausage. our infantry with the aid of the In-|b hollow te somepin* *bout ans. Two English soldiers left their ee a t Co., on their lands and that the sat Old October knocks tS ee At trenches and walked to Alber iteomb Riley man trenches to wish the Germans a were 1 a ee fe hristmas. The trenches at fifty ye pans THE NEED COLONTESt this particular point were not mor 8 - than 100 yards apart. They carried The theory is set forth vote : their message and returned to our) to have eet Sere seis torta th rieceeOthge ~|for two years. oy Hecht ae autiiot Pee at r = men infantry came over to our trench-| - Mit. Geo. Haron, of Tis ng of the bee, driven Germany” eavvivton™ sist) thing gives @ man more prestige than to be Well Aired es to return the compliment, These | cently araced to the 14th = con {posit "of the wioncy of Ee corporat- we botkony the Wear — eshte ee Anan two must have been envious of where he renewed old acquaintances! Pom be now read a fifst and second |termination the before leaving for Toronto. to join time: < ‘ Se nee ohtlaeete 2 od Baers the 48th Highlanders in. the ae Moved by Vallance —Mimén that wy . You can have to their own lines. tr ee enan Grants homie from Ban ey ie LA this done at "P'HERE has just been plac- sof re re ooune nie ea vagr cuabphotnted Sap rnin ot cmon "ooions Teele Ne tin ponpuss tien THe] fact that for 1 the minimum ed on the shelves a splen- | ; ort Hamm dto'now read a third time be fina eked: 4 SASS St elatin aan Berattord aie sary last |passed and that the Reeve and Clerk|tistion relative cost at This did: tas aE SumE eR Sain Prefer to finish the war belting our|, Mr. James nde. OF Sate the ttach the cor-land to the Shop... s+ uitings ts share “tb fat formerly. of Listowel took tes UMEEIOA: 1 Ponti 1 Te ee toe re tee oupthhough stbid digerict: dast Moved {by Coates—Vallance—that |f\s tony since. sunk to almost, neg. and Pantings—all the new pat- square treatment. eaeieente Sore sande stp de] oan, One ence: sunk t soe io nd- McCormick Red é om the town |oSty te sewe 1 00. SOE MEE terns and colors will be found Conservation of Fish. facturing C ship of Enna tor the balance of the i Ge Rds HE as oft : fish difeult to} Present Ser erate gee = whi'e steadily cr and, has an- here, We invite you to inspect dispose of the inferior varieties and : is — that} nually far exceeded the chell, w thereeeve “end’.clerke tiene orders 181 thie for. thi HS ait nin Bre | concessions Monday Io-|psyment of a number 0” aevounts Silene ats our up-to-date stock. mmers forget that little hah are tak- [cating and adjusting “drainage. ou the Pacific, extending over more en in the nets as well as large ones} ts. jeny “hung et GERMAN pownR waninar |{hin square miles, much of armers. are t- phy {) generally goo The statement that they that there is only a tmall demand) "'apra. Atvin. Ledington is ree0ve%-t outmubered-and this ie Tauat obtain highor priece for the bet | img, wisely after her recent oPer‘/y frequent asce-tion of the: Ger nan” O DI JFFIEL The Up-to-date Tailor, fond ee ia la/An Bapeck oF the/:= niohktton Atethpalat Clreuits “O8t- Vion-gives: inte nd meaning tolundoubtedly. been on weHour . Monkton, ~ Ontario =“ inf @ Rot-| causes of international. friction dur- casual- ing the past quarter-century it it now|has been in no degree the manifes owt : one a e eed. rullarton “will ‘ive Mes ULE al amenities az ee ee i ; 1 i ; ; ; if Widertambuve publish: separate li IS wus THE “rRUTH? ; | Of course, a large percent ‘adel ee ; sae thes ‘patent must men| Shortly ‘after the, w eens sar al invitation aeeien oe af ghily wounded, ‘who recover ani|’ lea oe ric y i | Ete \d Willow rove services eo to the front, Nevertheless. s> “will be special singing He mecantanat tice: . tae erlamd” sith ts Sa 0 " 1 C Mitche equel eG “| piving’ the vith 8 ce seen eae i a ea apueatengcind | aseer bens: eres ill be interested to Since purchasing the Furniture business of Mr. R, Y, 1d Mrs. Hy. Rossman returned gest some questions pbered au “li cnow trom its columns. Just whats Fish I have added a large amount to the stock. Call | ‘Wednesdiy after, spendin man losses been 80 great that-ithas|Peppening in this Dominion, Here is w ends in Detroit, int necessary to leave such vit-/the news as the re fberien Laas 3 in and see our line of SIDEBOARDS, COUCHES, portant factor in reducing the cost of and Pont ch. al points as the Champagne guardei|, “In al iidinn, fowns abe: x | | living. What is needed is more conf TEE yg [by forces that mist, be ontnam oer es nian erat and BUFFETS, DINING and PARLOR SUITES, gervation in connection with them, HENS BERG B_ON ER EGOS {ea t in porportion of one i Aioetse yt typtied himself with brutal "Cossack r FANCY CHAIRS, BEDS SPRINGS and MAT- | rds, mor ; ethene 4 ‘i ‘ Invsingentune.——A, “in ‘Conservae|_,What can be sald of this, inestim n-|{his rate of loss be endured with [deeds. He burned hous TRESSES, Etc. | PICTURE FRAMING done. able creature has not bee jout forcing the general staff tocon-)Shops and stoned ones | _ eady? Th> ieemuan ‘of ey meg oa tract the lines ape resort to purely | Women ~ sie ec ty ye ‘hi ited befor excel- Provinee Planning Road Prtrul. oe sonkd tbe dese vibe Fhe Saga was oa him. German, Custrian ao ak. H Cc BARLET cL ae ' If a certain Ww understood “ROUGH ON RATS" clears out {E07 Gad anal . . LINWOOD, - ONT. u to be engaging the sttention of than Rats, Mige. ete, Don’t Die in taste er oe tare pt tpt peroe Huse. 150. and Drug an 2 ee eee i ie Fle ‘bor: s acta aha. i ienvaling evi pra *|Country Stores. j1-6m miata the aa ughters wi rate ———— along Sayan or ten le strip ee Se anak a beer Gitte Mater pt Pe ASE le a waste of time to-comment on such He will have with i sat Ss Gat 9 conan fe cart ani ‘equipmt will be personal I. y ef or Hie “i a of| th tiie si loted to . His home| E: will be att vicinity and ie daily task w: to traverse the section, to mal inor repairs, and i flaws of great extent are discovered to communicate with the county road authorities to s¢ at it be Rew at once. lo Nas will be al- lowed to gain headw: If this plan is adopied it will like- ly be worke asts the pomaterous surges ye to hat ite y iner: achieves their deliverance? Ore i manner of section workers on a rail- ‘ d, road. enty years’ absence. and expires at « He Recognized Therm. his fect in-a paroxysm of joy at his return. British army brigadier, noted for up a-position ae LISTOWEL RECRUITS Wi Nevill. Britt tren bat suitin Revi. 9 Uritton fouely recognized the importance of inst: "SIbMEMOAT sacinees sentries. ne In the darkness he shouted the porn in Grey township. Hure turning Teg} = the Grenadier Guards, and oth- aie proper reply, ank Ebert. Middleton . tow folk county. Canadian. ‘AMictsomaber.” Pane 20, single Caethas. aa lt, wh pee i there?” he shout. as another- infantry. column ad: | he Up-to-date Tailor \ 7 busivess,” waa perc Ai aueetans be wetnae anced. None of your ' Oct. 13th, Ann Ramm. relict ase, Rea ahatbed ee, SE oe tsa tol Gandler, aged 79 isi : years and 5 moni age 21, single. farmer, Berved,im@ my ft im the 33rd Regiment, Hur- Chi torn in| ©?! Big Clearing Sale Ihave decided to quit the jew- nkton I am offer- 0 Aes articles too mention, and get. your, choice as everything is to be sold at a big re- auction J. A. Hanson, Monkton) ** palin ce Se Sniae THE ROUTE 4 TO INDIA Brooklyn | Beate The easiest way to make thin, #1 Buy a Victrola for the Home. ona and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy. be Come in and we will play your favorite musie for you and explain our easy terms, ft Victrotas trom J. E. WEIR a $20 to $100 MILVERTON In: gs pleasant for all the folks there are others like terests, The is its unique self, loved by ihe fstenda, hated by its enemies. 1 as dn oriental power. uring the past three generations = - as conscientiously, devotedly and WAR ARTICLES WORTH FOLLOW- vary Cas ntly served its country in ING. many ways notably in its campaign “ ‘Temperance, Righte: ‘The “Witness” articles on the War Situation are appreciated throughout wned and y | Wit John Re path ‘oupall being its ed-|forded. The welfare : es jan farmer in particular has always been considered of prime-importan pors ae noto. ously by the Bultor of the “Witness” and Pp at he hee! nae call of predatory me -|interests of the “Witness” has done yeomanser- © vice to agriculty, enerations ote our Pine Canadian families —. aoe eekly up on many of the no ominent posed ns wil testify, ‘hey continue its devoted xdmir- “Besides the moral and poli of this great newspaper. a5 hae attractive features embracing 8 mentioning ae ni of this paper. one trial year may ad for only 65 cents, or three months on — trial ae 15 cents, The publishers are. al ways, JOHN DOUGALL & SON,‘ Wit- ness” Office. “eal The “Weekly Witness has now ¢}connection with any aaah Roiaiacee and is the healthier for it. 4 : 4 4 4 ; : {

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