Twoanted Now j MILLBANK NEWS REMARKABLE —e rn : The following is the report of 8.8. ilable Salesman to act as agen siferin County, | Mr. and Mrs. aiewartsVaunacs of CASE of Mrs HAM aes, Mornington fpr elecbiant eae Y Dunnville. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. r Det ee Nae ea ae a Bat » excl i das week. ing ent one ©) TT. Reid last. we gen ieee . McDonald of the Daly ‘Tea Co r more exam- < THE ARCADE This store enjoys an extra full measure of success. Fi Because it has Always an Extra Full Measure of VALUE and SER/ICE, . was 4 Visitor Bere Dist weeks Declares Lydia E. Pinkham’s son, E, Reid, Will- rs. Wm, Hamilton and Mrs. Wm ; -B nathtrrord were visitors at Miver-| Vegetable Compound liam ‘meas, “pible MeKay “ene Ri ton one day last week. i an Mrs, Barton. of Belmore. visited Saved Her Life PGS Sane Far: last week with Mrs. Geo. Edwards and Sanity. tien d 8. is i Petter id. ~ Mr, Robi. Leighton, of || Guelph, ae Sur yeu eae Riera ea ie Re ea called on friends here lay. ane y 2 = www Bw oe ae fo tall the gallo the condition of my RE Huet. 6 G. pe agete en health be mee SS : rH Mr. and Mrs, T. Hawthorn and i a =|sons Roy and iowneg spent Sunday Mogerner x. z Met Success comes to those who court success — and this store has been tremendously t Mr. W. Arm rong’s at prcle: BRUNER “rs, W. Morsay pent few days pee, eran eae this pa at week with her mother, Mrs. Tara (MoGregor. ‘M.Bmith, successful, because it was founded on the right ideas of Service and Value Giving. Mr, Edward Rrenitod returned ie his home in Rostock after completi f comers work at the cheese dastory E. eae Charles Schaefer. of ope J. rst. erage 29 pis ere Sunday. with or dpgauate 31. average 29. Mr: Let us demonstrate what we mean by “Extra Value Giving.” Mildred Jewett, Teacher. - J. J, MeFaddin an 1 Cecil Mra, Welker tie 5 incom and Miss cd friends et Grenge Hut during oS Struthers motored "to Ou Iph on the, ng ad ev. Walter Moftat attended the Osten Hebont rare. va p Pe eg: ures Wi eter St. e aro aaa ap Sora Jost week. ington, Names arranged in ears of In our Boy’s Dept. Stanfield’s Under- 2 an ‘ive a repor! ie con- it : spent 9 few days of ast week vention ‘Thursday. might inthe Dase- “Gis ee ea We sell you suits reg. $4.50 and wear _ en <nox ehuré "clock. e Riley, R. oe E. or $3.8! In the finer grades in large sizes, F.(Bass a tre Warnick ac, | "ay. c.0. Phill attended | the ee ee SU Re cha tetabc CNEL eR ee Mls, Perth Deanery meeting at Stratford pe | ea. jae Gascho, H. Kipter, L $7.00 Suits for $5.90. Penman’ pDomblngsian Guile + Mre. J. Reis.) this week Kipfer in all sizes 84 to 40, Ts ces Rach 1 Nete'ger epent a tew| There was no_evening services in ast pps in my right side intr sr I Tite, Zehr. H. Waller Extra values in Boy's Bloomers ie hoc eens Caren nee LIOR, oct Aubttonn os Pxeabytorisn hurd choi Reo IG, Opper. M, Chalmers. 8 double seats and knees. asdies GHA OES eee M lbink. + fl es Sunday last owing to auniveraaty Weigtof my clothes. Retantianes Fe wie C. Gasctio, H,. Neunielater. Me iety, at from 25c to $1.50 each. 2 in the Methodist church. doctors, but they did me little good, Mr, and Mrs. David Roes and Mr. fer. Rev. Doan, of Monkton, conan vee ond I never expect to out again, Second. Waller, I. Manz, H. J Hee ete Tr arya. anniversary _sexvioes In. the I got Lydia E. Pinkhans eacuabie rouge F. Kipfer. G, Schwindt; Special Sale Men’s oiled tesa riends ia Arkan-| gist church on Sunday last ee ae Coapaued ahd ipod Puritias- ona Ucar: . Brenneman, W. Forbeck seftand Hats Special Friday and exe £ sermons, The ii * ri Mr, ©, Stock visited with Rostock Tverd: tho, excellen: tainly would havebeen in grave or inan | *Psent. oi Saturda) friends on Sund Bey are soca “ousthes 8: 8.| asylum if your medicines had not saved eure eo ess Fe ae Regular from $2.00 up to $2.50 y Pare Sto ree ink and children, of Goa. fidenings then Nor.| me. But now I can work all day, sleep | yy? Gres Se aa 3 GROCERY DEPARTMENT tratford. spent a few days with Mr. | 5° wheal in the ife.”| Well atnight, eat anything I want, hay Special 79c . F ‘in! ye tee Bt = NB ie Liat ea he ‘attended | 0 hot flashes or weak, nervous cones Ss. Opper, Granulated Sugar per owt, $6.35 pilin’ nota a hale gnd daughter in’ the Gvening many were unable to| All pains, aches, fears and dreads 2: t Corn Flak box ed to Mitchell on Sun-| 715) ‘admittance. gone, my house, chen and “bosband Men’s Mackinaw orn Flakes, per !boxs, +. «407 The Women's Institute have decid-| are n ed to send a box of homemade candy | entirely free of the bad ie to England to be given out to our} before taking your adam afi Canadian soldiers for Christmas. Any- lsesare a stooge tn ry home, ”?— os willing to help along this noble . Josn Hany » Re F.D. 1, Box Quaker Oats per box. .....5 i) 11b, cut Smoking Tobacco. .25 Roman Meal per box....s45 025 Coats 5 to $6.00, for $4.89 day. Mrs. Wolk der and Miss Tina. stock, Monday with Mr. Z At an “enthusinatio Apart at lad- Regular the ee a Le Oe She a RS TS ae hy Pe eee eee ee, Se eh eee Se SE Bae mE Sar Mp TN pe ty % a work can bring. or sen same 2 were absent one or more exam § ay runner on fee Miss FE. Crookshanks on efore Shamiock, Sr, 1V_B, Diamond 7, N. Corry 62 Fall and Wint ab, Seeder Bats sors 10 tera. of the Empire. waa ened Nov. 13th and it will be ae accept- Stvuuiwanttocets l advice write ei allan inter Stag, Black Watch, Sham- . setresoiypy ae sain e BP PY able indeed. ee ydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., TH—A. Albrecht 49. Caps rodk Tobeide fiegetan 5 5 Role raged Oi) oh ater Mrs. Pherrill bas returned sd (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Le Vibrecut rn "I. Dowd 0, J. Kuep- 3 plugs for... .25 were enrolled. T! — ee n a great variety. See the extra : wa Mu attr, os her —=|""5> ircoreon arbreene a7. curse] FESS: fe i 9 e= x Phat ea is] ze) tna oo ae rill at the rectory. ROSTOCK — Kue enter : s fine finish to our caps. jome in and See Our Stock. . 4 —- Te rry 86, M. Corry 71, eS 4 ae oe H MMitonell 67, N. Kuepfer 36. e; { HESSON cot, ad Mee Fey aieh extra |Tisst Class—B. Roth. R. | Roth, ; i ids phadter amerie «| Baumbach. : cLaeeene echt. M. Kuepfer. A car of Deleware Potatoes from New Brunswick has arrived. iss [da Helm spent a few Gays) Mtr, and Mrs, Bd. Gaul and tamily|!* "OQ Toe Good keeping stock. Unloading on Friday. $1.45 off the car. under the parental r Bhima L, Tanner, Teacher. Cee ere” Gahldiel “xatiacd: so aac Sunday with Mie. and: Mr se S ae Seen oF; Smith; © 8 Mrs. Clar j . Westman, Miss Ai . Mrs, R, Schrenk, May- 3 - Mra, Alex. Smith,’ Mra “Gann. aa bg eA Cansei Miss Minnie Schenck, of Tavistock, “The Square Deal Store” M. ney, Mrs. By Peters. i eek cxconec Aad by hareelee Hisiting friends in and around) Report of SS. No. 6 Mornington ee ee ee The “motto rennete for the ty was 4 ‘ostock. for October AR es y Miss ‘Kate and Miss Adeline Lantz | Sr. : on a a 5 MILVERTON ings are to the Emir . and Mrs, A. Eggert spent Fri-| “gr, IVS, Watson, M. Meadows. spending a few days with her moth-| Alex. Mose er. Mrs. John Welsh who was seized | time ny “ove OF be held rel SANA eee in the/day at Millbank with Mr, and Mrs Je, IVON, Dowd. 1. Waddell. |\\ re ah destavstive: tice: waacnacrov lin ae Fae: © _ Moore. E. Reid, the next meeting being held at ond ae ie oh ot Keeton when ers eee eee ee baale iS I. TMstows, "8. Henry, A. Erler, E M. Whitney on Satur-\ with the help of neighbors a blaze See gree Nov. @ are cordial-| Which had started in the straw stack | “inn ™ir and Mrs. © Eek es TI Class—M. Waddell M | ly fayited to ‘attend. vas Haenohed bel ie dnd oe bes ydro men have been busy) | lass cit Robinson. IORNINGTON COUNCIL wea Se nee onneetice ibe got be-| trimming trees in Rostock. Erle: " Aa ean ole ERE ee eee: qutimersM, Ener. H, Waddell, Gy Pree ee RA ed was started by Pohtldcen playing ci ; . _The council met in Donley's ha T Pee with sistent ee ee School report No, 9, Ellice, for Oct- roll 17. average 15 Newton, on Monday, Noy. 1st, all the) reed euchre party, was|0 Mary M, Little, Teacher. Lean teks The amin- eatcae oa i eee. eitee ; IV—-M-x. 30). 7. MeDonn 1 2B pS Sas utes of the last regular meeting and | «| a. Baumbacts 244 ach 2 ; 0 . Arms ay es WARTBURG with a paralytic stroke nS er t fei and foo Ie Be qummbasl OL ion slo ue S, i d Mrs. D. Harron, Millbonk. |in&. being “never reit ee Donnell MoS. Ti Maloho 40 x Hanson, of Delhi, were visitors at t il and. presented pmb Beda uM ope she will preserve it for th See : zi * : i estes La age he ae ane eae. 8 fature A dainty. luneho ser-|. Sr, Iv Max, 300. T. MeDonnell 254} ftenry last ets ane Sirs, Rober a pet ition Slog ates ie! ahaa ey | Myvile ates guests de-| 232, M, Dalmer 212, F. De ain arleths w r ct anes disetie Patras rents) 00 ey aT Savana at thanks to the |Dicbl 408, G. Kneehtel gh Naa nee Ss ee OL ane aes ae oe dollar be tevied on Mr, and Mew. Me Gareyy nent Sun: [host and hostess for the pleasant] Donnell 128%, M. Yundt 50 x. Ee aae Ban si Sel ba ara wares ve chet eh day with the latter's uncle, “oi ae ead SP bere 272, | A {Ms Tota. of Win ipeg. spent adi Sa Ge fun Beate es. 5G Sosa: 1, Schnurr, 0 psville, re-| 2 a, ’ “ Mrs. H. Hamilton, th ling, Mary-| Rae re ore tines tite Orally Be ich, ber sunt mmade | ‘Miss’ Florence on Beiiee Bunck 206. A. 5 Ree same Pe oan ue rede sero Mrs. 'T. Anderson snent Saturday | 146, ae are lhe Pada’ or ouring Car a 1 ‘ a : omas. Dewa | at Berlin. Wiekic ihe, es nae moving shortly to Se-jadvocating the hi 122, Fol 8 very successful shooting mateh| 74x. R. Bek 70, ©. Schnejder 425 Jos. on Mon-|E, Buuck pringville ‘where he will take”charge|fund by the the cid Price $530 spe ipo ae Bath ty Nae 2 ee tal resarere tie tages ide aaa snayeine mill which Whilst not “opposing ate e. peeen’ ase vocated a wid of giving Wood left Saturd shat 5 Mr, and Mrs, T. Henry, _ of |and thought it should be made pro- { er hunters a Mu Krug) Stratford, spent Sand with Mr,|vincial or for the county, After con- Most men can afford the first cost of a umming: isiting M,/and Mrs. Robert Hen sidering the matter for some time car, Few can afford the after expense few weeks with fr ear Moore-| tiv to: tit ed granting — the chy apene Sunday “with | resolution war the ° r M ple opal specimen 8 iy sma field. & y G. Matcho x ; Stra stford frien tion. + : * < Mr, and Mrs. J Bae nae enh ahha Ne A Pi in Baumbach L.|. The many friends will ronret, to ssied for te follow of most cars. Like its first cost, the after nt aa day with M C. ards Wi Yundt ‘aud M. | hear of the death of Mr : m. en- | i . MacB 00. ‘ ears. : regularly and many poe lw ws a Taasa, M. Malcho, H'| ry at souinamyton a ice aeonaae tor is cost of a Ford is lower than that of any } Snlt snd: fam-| ed there is. entire. satisfaction in: hey 5; Ths fur aoe 2 tile other real motor car. The Ford has made h 8.1 supplied to coun 5. grave a al rd. Mrs. Geo. * 1 th ks d h Ak, K, i ily, of Millbank, spe nt peat ibicg Sho that the marauder has | B and. ¥ 2M. Me Ds Dom ila, Bf from the. ti 5 ‘Mry and-Mrs: John Ba be Grever, 1. Yunsbhat ar, W | cemetery. Sirattaed Hind was lara walking an extravagance. ch, C. 3 r d Mi: 3 An f ite ag spent Bandey. with| v TR rhitek y attended. Der igs au ched Mr. salt. } Veitzel, H.|the ripe old age o a “WELLESLEY jHotey, VW okie a Breyten, Me} husband prodece le The Runaboit is now $480, the Town Car $78 ai wel, HH. Knech Kuehna, | ago. Ford, Ontario, All eats completely equipped “LINWOOD | RS Bhs Bes Ges eee or det Eo ees ne = | reach broker at ‘Milbank tcluding electric headlights. Equipment doe aie 3 and fo former Welles 00, wood. supp fed to “Cat include speedometer. Get particulars: "trom e. i and Mrs. Christ Lantz. and)t Seay , Wn Wade Gropp, Ford Dealer, Milverton, Ontari and Mrs. Robt, Leighton, — of : M it nk wisite a the former's broth r Wm. he Sunday eked ol raha. Mot Stratford Colleg- ays 5 si ad sie Monday in Baggs onrioenss hos. purchas- ed. the we tly formerly owned by] Mr. V.-R. Berlet. | Mes, Ring spent Tuesday in Listo 19 ci oval Seoribrakt A.M i rt on tl. Anon adjourned ‘to saat again on the first Monday in Deo y. 88 ¢ the uaa hospital s' ae spent Sunday wii Wn. Leeigshtn sa paraats her a’ with William Waddell, Cleik ‘irs. ee — = = fi Mr. and Mrs. Simon ——— daughter near Listowel. spent a few days of ‘Mrs: A. rawford left ~ucsday | Toronto, to ationd a funeral at Mona Road] 3 ‘Mr. and Mrs, Henry Luft, of Ham- tg. renewed acquaintances here on Messrs, Addison Grasser and Wale| Sun tay. a spent. Sunday Mr. Jacob Leis who has been em- a sistema dat the Queens hotel for some the time has severed his connection and changed alto; aoegtad a position with Mr. a. ‘Tt’ Toi HAWKESVILLE : eee See pus Edith Martin and Mr, Lewis ON of Guelph, spent Monday with the former's. brother; here. Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Lackner, Mra. ke a ner hte: 3s Em 2 nda; i Since purchasing the Furniture business of Mr. R, Y, i Tipperary. sonz whit since it now goes, Stahl fvet.* ‘ John Keeb a by, fo aS ees Welsgerber. of yates sonnt se Enlisting g wiaited. afre, Weiler a unt Fish I have added a large amount to the stock, Call | DONEGAL (ete dae <. am mite hot a sitonde| gy in-and see our line of SIDEBOARDS, COUCHES, CAR SEPE a NS “KINGWOOD ~ Tatra ae eb | BUFFETS, DINING and PARLOR SUITES, der the Parental 20 Ist ope ae ic cee When you put a telephone in your home Mr. Fred, Bulmer, of Milverton, FANCY CHAIRS, BEDS SPRINGS and MAT- r, and Mrs. eslnotte am intended for last wee! i 3 G spent Sunday in our burg. 4 ee % 2 ity spent Sunday with nd Mra |’ ne elder willl whlch ‘has beer! in you enlist our staff of skilled workers in the ‘Mr, Louis Sacchler “Mur, and Mrs TRESSES, Etc, PICTURE FRAMING done. | R. Mayberry. of Bri 5 i coe ‘ Gore: ell and M B, Herr- Mass Bell. wasten 9 eee Bands) at oe eee service of your wife and family. a iO A ra nee : her home her 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Omand, | of : Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Dorsch, FURNITU! ALER and wii, in, ont air wal No To hen the bs of the build, use gaa kl M,C, BARLET canons om 4 ethodis' are! pe latter’ ts, rs 4 " ‘ . . : ome OV unday. Bi: day Sree at 7 pam % ty (eon Se ee oe to keep the family in touch with their friends ‘Mr. Will, Wood left for Paris last i. Mrs, M. Lang, of North Morning-| yrs, R. Yost, visited a few . : Week: ee me ee sat ai Meaney eet ges age Ligne Gree Eve oe grey a iIverton, called on iy s Mr. nae lewar ende: xtl i ‘~ Mr. an Fi ‘ye! on on Re Jag. arr on Sunday, eres fanouat aay eee cut, sits lem phone is alert and ever ready, day and night. Le ror ot be _ ‘evs i ~ r. and Mrs. EB. “ling. of Belmore on Wednesday last. ‘ ‘ present report a pleasant tim ° ee the former’s mother, Mrs. ttt, and Bers John Schneider, “of - peeere home is a boon at any a John Walter of Macton:apext ‘ on ilverton, spent Sunday at the home ‘ ‘ ‘ i ‘riday at his home ey oe of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schneider, time, but during the inclement fall and winter ‘Mr. Albert Martin was a visitor to B Vi t I for the Home dive’ the ministers of alt the| We regret to hear that Miss Liz- Weatheritiainsalisble: g Guelph on Sunday. uy a ictrola ° district decided to | zie Schmidt is at present suffering Es ees Eis natn dt leh ne ene Gus. ula j a : observe Tuberculosis Sunday’ trom a severe Soe of la grippe. Ask to-day for rates and iatiinidlion. MACTON ES Enlist in the great army of enthusiastic home- —— _ The easiest way to make things pleasant for all the folks® GRAVELRIDGE eh ss Ath, and Mrs: Albert Burnett, | of and to furnish entertainment they will oeeuanty alot ts THREE EDITIONS) Mr. Sam Jacobs bs lett on eshandas to telephone users. Fale a een ae ee on Se Hers mie _Come in and we will play your favorit ic for you ani ‘ 5 é I ‘he join the other members o} Red : co. Beggs. : explain our easy term $ i ee MORNING pete Club at Mowat in ‘Parry Every Bell Telephone is Mrs. Jas. Richardson spent “last son m : : . NOON : Se Lai a week with her mother, Mrs. Bure- * ’ Mrs. Attridge visited her father. a Long Distance Station Of Milvert Tie. jn te _ Be London EVENING Mr. J. Rowland in Monkton on Fri- : eae on See Victrolas from _ J: Bs WEIR 4s day. : : Mr. Newton Allingham visited with} $ $20 to $100. _ MILVERTON dvertiser— AP Raa eh attr Soman Z his sunt, aise J. Allingham, of Mill- ore attended “the Methodist anniversary The Bell Telephone Co. ae : services at Millbank on Sunday. st ee hi eaxamh K@' WESTERN ONTARIO'S GREATEST DAILY |“°Sy°"ana Mrs. W. Orr, Jr., called g ie Ves Ae xenon All the News all the Time. on friends here on Sunday. OF CANADA. spent Sunday at_the ngne’ af cael Bite Ne ee | “Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coxon. of Fae 1. hardson. - ? i : Bacehlerville. spent Sunday with the ‘Mrs. Wim. Holt and son Henry Rate by mail, any Edition, $2.00 year | 1 tti ms parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S spent Sunday. with \the . former's : R NEAT JOB PRINTING ji { : Jee Mother, Mrs, Louls Smith, of ‘Tralee. |M) | : ai Mr 5 Ba : 3 See i Dept. London Advertiser | Orr, fie SS nt Messrs. I. Westman and G. Jacobs ‘ 9 eo. Smith ek Soe motored to Unionyille on Sunday. Se with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Holt.