Milverton Sun, 12 Nov 1915, p. 4

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! Thank You! ! | N. I desire to express my heartiest thanks to the people of Millbank and they have bestowed upon me since ness heré+-and hope that it will be continued. I haye come to stay and, have consented to keep the store open for busi- ness every night in the week. Come in and see us. deal, ine: Ss. y' Highest prices paid for We assure you of a square Any busi highly Bi ated alk I ask is a part of your confidence and patronage. vicinity for the patronage opening busi- at the people’s request, ou may leave us will be all kinds of Farm Produce E. RATZ, Millbank | cent. from lieves H. spent Monday with ‘friends in TEL Mr. a ion and tragedy for 80 right direction and that of the fiction could be removed with corresponding benefits ——— THE FARMER want Oa passing W h of lonliness dnd isola pointed out that last year 53 pe ° raped the both financially and intellec or eat wi its fast of five SEBRINGVILLE TRALEE Miss ea G. Hanley spent the An old Meets ain living ope bg week-end with her cousin. Mrs. John last week to reeve Armstrong, Schicbel. Micton. Ellice for permission to gotten Mr. and Mrs. G. Carey visited with| House of Refuge at Stratford. friends in Deere one day irae thing about it is that the ple have raised a family of eee? aah ais ler, Linwood. | 0 d and Mr and Mrs, D. Wright, Gh allan, spent Sunday last with Mr and Mra. H. Wright Mr. stro lived so long at- | it is getting along ht and is expected tills the i of Panada, Nee arent sudcess; of | Pad Seats Bermanent suscess. of ho} “BURNS without some ‘kaowiedse of renee h : bide |. Mlas 1 spent Jaa - week agrieuiture. The man “whe end with be o e aorta Wa tank, can take a Keon | Mis Math ‘Danbar, of AMilIbank. ahs ts Tnake a great suc-|spent last week on t line Sow ii Miss Jennie Moore visited a few] ~ Bee avis io cen oF recently with her sister, Mrs, M. Watso: Sg. B. Waddell, a student of Normal School, Stratford, spent ; h his paren ran id of Nature m. Wadd the door oi nd j Mrs, Neilson and Walabe to cack tian Mis Toad, H10 and Mz, John Barnett, 0° Str the final say in this hehe — Hon, |spent Sunday with friends on ‘Martin Burrill, before the Ottawa line. Canadian: Club. | Pte. A. E. Waddell, of London, net Saleen spent they week-end with his wife and MAY DROP FICTION (ia hei Thomas ‘Times | per will be dist economy. propose aj inion, Sst tah ise the “authorities of the New ‘ee perachene pate a “BkevID Public Library provides for the My OMe. Maha Ce imination of all. wo fictior . S from. the public libraries, as is being Se peda done now in many ern cities on Kage Fate the ground that fiction’ afterall is States ae Sree Baka a “entertainment” rather than “educa:(f Tralee | Friday Bue tion” In this — connet éetion It was Di byt Rope tor “the : er foveperee steer at | ing of the ae will be ae at W. 1 MILLBANK NEWS eg a. ae spent the week-end M'ss Doolittle sang Sunday morning at Grace church. r. Hugh Freeborn has returned after apen dink the past two e months in the West irs. Grave and Mrs. Jas. Me! Kee were aaelagates, at the oe. week. rs. 8, Rutherford, rt Mr. Rutherford and Grace ant rs. Gordon McCloy. of Milverton spent Sunday at Mr. Jno. ‘ewing' Crookshanks attended the poatitats “convention ondon. last week also visited her sister, Mrs. obt: ace Mrs. Chas. Pender Er. . 8. Pender i statist the ae sat with her mother, Win M » Mrs ihe and lespie locality. Strat- with Mr. visited over Sunday le the last m M-- ins of London wi with nein ala hes visited over Sunday . t into the side of i Rouen fLoronto. ite eben red a year and a half old heif- _ B. ‘Moulton ty deliver an were interred in Fairview cemetery. wedged inside, The beast was so address ‘on “ A.Y.E mbert Listowel. Those who attended Us Sactiaiaie that it could not stand, Go-|@nd his work.” at 8 af et pm. in ‘uneral from a dis were? » ing ightor's telephone it was|the A.Y.P.A. room, Spcci-l mus‘ and Mrs, J. MeCuteheon meroatst lew after enquiry that the beast |#verybody welcom Mr. Jas. Mira, Miller |belonged €0 Mr, Behneider. Me said| Following is the report of and Mr. Welsh. Sieeesitos The sym-|that he had missed the heifer for |Standing ‘bh 0 ¢ Stan tended to the be-|about five weeks and had given it] Public school up for lost. It is strange that | it| er in order of Th are entitled a ered p.c. or over | Bond, R. Senior Pi Ev ore rd Alice Wray, of Berlin, spent | Toronté, ie | Wil Gil Mra. ‘A. Wood spent Tues-, their family may be spared the tate ; day venta ios Mr. and Mrs. W. of ending their lives in a public in-| Miss Marion Helm i to: bes on Wood, Listow (stitution, duty at the post of! ee after Mrs. Jos. Basler, Hesson. spent a| Not much advancement has been|@m attack of oon endicitis. day last week with her brother, Mr.,made on the Hydro-electric line north} The Ladie Knox church J Hanley. of here beyond the placin the ;making ain Re tne anodal Mr. and Mrs. J. Carnochan, Goth-| poles and putti ms.| bazaar to be held the first week in am, called on the latter’s eset On Friday afternoon, while ‘Messrs. | December. . z here Monday evening. ¥amme and Cooper pean tree dispe in the Mr. and Mrs. R. Burnett, of|ing on the 3rd lin Me church Sunday SP Milverton spent maearlay with fates n in Mr. Schneider r| _.No service will be held in Metho- lake’ |dogs led them to a large fallen tree| dist church on Sunday next owing lah pasted away at | which was hollow. anniversary at Milver 6.40 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. Srd, af-jsuch a fuss that the nd Mrs. LangFord, of I Visited with Mr. and Mrs, oe BRUNNER Mey and Mis: Henry Webinlat apend undue lat tha Thorne cole Mte aan Stes Dave Gatcke. Mornington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fawn and Harvey. spent Sunday with Mr at present holidaying with friends at Holstein. Mrs. J. allner spent Sanay at. the home of Mr, Albert eee Roy Brogdent spent Sunday wit “friends. here. Tiss gata Schmidt reo ae with her aunt. Mrs. John Pt Miss May paele Lindsay is ecaal din ae couple of day s with her-friend, Mrs m. Hann Threshing. is the o-der of the da: Bua se See Miss Margaret and Master Robert Mr. Arthur White who has been|® is oe Gotor ot engaged as mail courier with Mr. He ‘ors on Sunday ai Pa Can te eRe aS Tobe He Kerr und Miss Mur- ~ garet called on friends here one day last. week. e lad to report, that Taek: Gro js able to arou again, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gropp_ot Milver- ton, spent Friday eve at Mr. Wm Lindsay’ ‘The ‘Daughte: 8 of the Empire at the hom, yon Nareanebe in- ten boxes. The Proc the peenees intend d Cc. Roehm Kate are at neat waitin ileus in Toron- to. Hamilto: d_ mother Sone . and Mrs. R. veek-end aan Rowland, Mr. Preston Walker. Mrs. Walker, and Miss Stinson motored to Monk- ton on Sunday and called on Mr. and Mrs. W. Bannerman. <4 HAWKESVILLE Berlin. is Miss Emma Miss: Laura ini kne: of her cousin. and J. Zinger berg. isen| Dorscht, of Bhetene Martin Sunday tise Rosie spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. ‘kner and ma Forwell mot- ew Hamburg on Saturday. 3f M <nipfel and ey sachhter Stella, — of yerli: ent Saturday P. Denting- ion pa was held here last M id..of Berlin, acted M homas Wal of Berlin, spent a pexnlete of days at his home here lis' Mr. fee spent a Becta of days at his sponte in Elor Miss Gertie Ruler. of Gienallan is her grandmother here in ihe vilage R. Moff | lyy of 1 and sons Harold Brunner and Mr spent Vokn of Sund with Mr. ‘Miss Ada Henry pent a g a3 rot bringville. ss an rs, Fred. Lig oe spent ewhgs auntay with Mtr, and Mrs, A. Dahms | 8. Hammond, Teacher ene : oe fe aii === with her “Denke Bes, Di J. Bmith, } ROSTOCK pale pe as oe HO | ‘irs. Sam Pechtyl and Lu CARTHAGE t to their me at after sending a few — Mr. and Mr J. mS ee spent tr. and aon Br pice Sunday with n Listowel. Lorne nek aevoinpanied Mr. Alex. cranes Peat Ar Robt. fle will ean there » few | adhnston attended the a) thei roiher-in-law Mr. J. amp ecks. e Pucg piu under the epics on ng bell ba toe 0 on Monday. rr hi Mr. | nd few days y h Mr, and Mrs. R. su Very Important News > want you to see them. moderately priced. Special Showing of Furs This Week Ladies’ Fur Setts'in all the different furs. We Very st¥lish and very Our Ladies’ and Misses’ Sweater Coats Are just it. Come in and try. one on. Bargains in the Men's 3 doz. $2 and 2.50 Hats at. Do You Want a Dinner Set at the Old Price? TRY OUR COFFEES — We Specialize in These Department See ours, we have not raised the price. Specials in the Grocery Department Corn Flakes... California Rais Chieftain Ont fine flak Garden City Beans... Spick and Span for cleaning. Deleware Potatoes ; “3 tins for nage q ... $1.50 per bag f WM. K. LOTH, ‘*The Square Deal Store” MILVERTON 2 Z ELLICE _COUNCIL The council of wnship of El- lice met at the fowaitte hall on the A 2th ult. pursuant to a agust was a business |; r. 4th—Honors, A. Reid, Me ‘Tan- visitor to Ber r Vs The members were all "Inex, L, Suitter, M. Dunb: 3, Ge ssc Woo i M Brunner x, A, MeArdle ‘hte hasty nan x, Bond-x Je “4th— Honors feLennan | 3 Mrs, F. Grieve, FP. Bitbertord Me vi 9 Hei iMePaddin, A. Tanner, A. Raby, G. Weir. McKee, E, McLennan, .7.| fo: Mer ‘addin x. - = | d—Pass. B, | Se ee ot ©, Moffat, J. ; rds, Knox, N eee Chas. Bionsgi ap- _ 8rd—Honors he council and| i it] The’ a wh i No. 1820] add and solicited the council to wthorne. held Friday November 5th, ‘a {make a 2 grant towards the Red Cross Weck Weeds Be: ‘A. {decided success there being about 40| Fund in consi coup'es Dress ered the exam: | Mr. and A Sim. Henry and son for ‘some time “a1 | ry z] ! Geo. A, smith, Principal (use rapt wna ny ant ok that t i "eecoue ed i s Eva and Violet. 0 f ‘ Jun‘or Room | Stra aan Sun with Mr. | Voluntary | s-.|and Mrs. Roy Henry. all sent in a |, Second, jugok Ds Jacke oh. So] mie James Dickson and “Misses and pnt up the money ts pga y, Mot. |Elossi# ind Kadie Dickson, of Mary=) ms ake tn the whole ihe 0 | an 3 51h week-end with he Rei i \t y. Henry. A netition to the | nM Me John id G | Relate proiile 1 he engineer. Jol hn ae Mr. Koch and ssvonted by Mr. sand : bas at the general for th hour at 2 o'clock p.m. busine Justus Kreuter, Clerk of Ellice: ----+ * WELLESLEY d Mrs, Joseph L. Roth were mn Hamburg on Monday OE maa Lyi a Ford Touring Car _¢ Price $530 You'll get farther—with less expense— by “kicking in the clutch” than by “pushing on the lines.” The Ford will triple your ‘horse delivery service and increase your profits, Give the econ- omical Ford a chance to cut down your cost of doing. business, The Runabout is now $480, t 1 Town Car $78 ; fob. All cats eats Sinpeah y Including esti Headlights. Equipment does not incluce speedometer. Get pa articulars, from E. Gropp, Ford Dealer, Milverton, Ont Since purchasing the Furniture business of Mr. R, Y. 1 BUFFETS, DINING and PARLOR SUITES; FURNITUI heen i H. G. BARLET imes™ EE UO Fish I have added a large amount to the stock. Call | FANCY CHAIRS, BEDS SPRINGS and MaT- ONT. i | a a in and'see our line of SIDEBOARDS, COUCHES, TRESSES, Ete. PICTURE FRAMING done. | ae =e dents i Thursday Mrs, D, returned. home| <A ¥ery 3! time was spent by et gk The, cds from avi friends in Guelph |a few of our, at Mr. Adam Mr. ‘lex, pose spent Thursday in Horas! Jast Thursday being his birth- A IATTLE Y WAR STORY D. ‘ { 3. 9 tr a Mosser is wearing | ch a panties gee ere ie: guttert Scar achias ne i Pa Sheesh Tino ithe SSE Bieoets Sead Pe Biers Of the ak atin Peel Oa ee , : ae gil : wen ners ; a ‘ According to a wounded officer sal Ruby Goetz left Tuesday as!; age J. Kreuter is at present verry of Mr. and Mrs |rerecovering slowl: 4 a day before the gre a cure (Banas Gr fs Mrs. J ty, reliet of the late jous thing happened, A board was 2 delegate to the Women’s matitute nae fer ofi the: youn haope moni” ola Me ayburry ade 8 busi-{Joseph b. Liehty. who died at the hoisted. in the Gorman a bear- hadi = AL baa Sa ha Rostock attended the Orangemen's i Monda tosltehbe {8e Mar eos inj inscription ; ‘orhne: 5 atte at Wartburg on Friday even Wi. : ‘Barnett. of |day- was -buri v English are Fools.” tng at few days with Miss Mt. Sein fn Wai Bosnctty 601 Te dcieaiite Yue spe cold a No one wasted achullet on such abuse! Quite a number from, here f Was no. presehing, service in and Mes, A. Ross. {Years and a few mont b ‘went down and’ reappear: fy sie Shenae Pade oa) late Mra; ical. chureh Sunday nertiskiwelee and ate: & ed with the saaltion « Berlet.on Saturda, o x oe Gee oh ety pastor.| visiting with her. sister, Mrs. John pa oe Rinecal oF » French are Fools ----4--- = Fe fe Gambl>, jaw the late Mr Tt was ignored by the British. Then 4 every sorry to report fe over, last Th lay the board came up again with KINGWOOD ; aa iniintproved = caiidituon sof Mr. A. B. Robertson moved into Wee Tas Ghee School. ol. Report. Morgan Johnston. oss Ps sslinger a Sond us the ., en late Tal ellinger on 01 ‘: A lively interest was now awaken- called io “ae bedside of the connate Report of 8 No No. 8. Ellice. for oy! Mr, midt was a business OUTEA Ieee PURE mot bt. eB mODaly All Ee BREE OGt DONEGAL visitor at Botiin on: Monds i scription home i ele a SoG y Maximum 600, L, Kerr 517 Mr, and Mrs. ©, Koehlet and Mr. eu ientony all €0 home?” seh el we penn fe etve i a Hoyard Inder absent naive Pru haat Miss ‘Seoott of Bivirs ay ae cepaai Abe Sun- “ " aa . Ke Ve 5 siting fri on WHY Nov Usk THEM? So ea Te eer er peste ar tee ofa Sie ny aa te cle eee ie Uist week, reston. ving i aad il Mt alee Aah aaa |e Rete 369. F. oe DD ary cocvepee pie angen pees Peter Wagner and Henry Occan® feeighitage bas become cost-| spent the ith the latter's. Tara ce eae Miss Alice Hymers but wish for a [Ottmann spent afew hours” of Mon: ly owing in part to searcity of ships. shen, He rene Of Bethel vo ae Horbtlseh tk. esdy: Kesovery: ieee Many Briti Be temtel oh oe een baby girl arrived to eaten oe MERE icin 6D ero ert MeCourt. of the 14th. tak “oy interiieds about /-U50'alto-| the: hathe- ot MIR, Dunean| corr 302,'L Rew 0x, i Poppert ent Sunday with MMe) Samet Me: GRAVELRIDGE gether. and over 400 German ves- x on Oct, Bist. i ourt. . sels. exclusive of the 120°) eanture ‘sq Chita. Hammond, of Listowel. ae aE ey ‘Pastor x. a a.) SIGE oe Nee ie at a aS? Davdson aiid gon nd the recent Iosses in the Baltio is visiting here with’ relative Ci Nafziker 304, W. Becker 296, M. dar Mee ter. Mrs. 0. Vast: ul of Logan, spent Sunday with Bex Ihave been put out of commis-|” nfr, Mrs, A. Robertson called Disner Sew ela 177. aphotdexiP aa oe Rae Mrs, J. Langfor sh = 2 f : a are glad to; report that Mr: a nefriotda hare: uns Gatirds Mbobe -abuetib for sone. Usmorl exeK Fey aT Pk SR ce a Mig, 3S Kerr| of. Wllice Why should not, interned German|” ae sec hinthighods Miaeked ORAS HUEY Meg cpovr en ser et Sunday at Mr: Geo, Miller's. vessels be pi usetlt cannot be es . Sa AS isses Ella White and — Ella food for them, to le: tdle, and. the HESSON Han there esol e for aster Bae ue poh apent He woel-endat Mohs use of them might lessen somewhat — -_ En eee ‘apes Sake | the bill of damages: that’ Germans') \ jy, MMB [Barr last “Quite Ja mumBer from here aes reg (iat Germans’) Mr. and Mrs, Leo Helm and Mr. eee will hve to pay after the war. Teland Mrs, B, Heltsel, of | Watérloo, af Wanted Now | Comded Cha hex eosial at Rostock last Cee Nana. Hae idle motored to our burg on) Sunday and | ce emeen CROSSHILL AS sy in in Raa eaten) Set: ying i te) |spent the day .with relatives. | fable Salesman to act as agent in Mr. Sash sa Miss Agnes» Hol- s ¢ doe ae ee Be _ Mire,” PB. Doherty who-has. heen Dees aoe 5 fit: apd wbttaven: “oF UDdon® eS baa era tues jill for the past month is improving visited her mother. Mrs. A. Playford. | parker, WILLING tO LEARN jesen epi A if is paved abe will 4 soe ‘nailng Species, gee | Mir. and Mrs. Wm. Wilford, of Bl-|“‘yrrs." ‘Charles Schmidt’ is visiting ea PEt trwks ot newtoan teat eles are the best in the business foewe mira, spent Sunday at Mr. Wilford’s! \ith relatives at. Gowanstown ell, Dinah, how and ©, H. Hawke, of Newton, intends highest ade t most see ter Fred. Attridge had the _-your new husband geiting “along {shipping several oats from feasonable ate as cot ana nes des p ‘Mrs, John Rennic. of Shakespeare. | misfortune while getting into a “Rirs’ rate. Miss en) Dorking. station son ee stock i i Newel isgcarsnd @ ils visting friends around here. ton to have his arm disocat Frank. Kieffer is erecting | Bae ade incite dis Jj Miss Bella Mastings spent a few | "aries fan the “Does he treat you all ie ” w hen pen and inten joing ex- trict. Mrortull parteulars welte Sales days with her brother in Exeter. kk EBontoi: the Pie, rath “Yessum, sh ain't tensively into the poultry business: | @ Mansger— Mrs, Coote is visiting friends in} Wyo q¢ hortl for rh her nes ‘ had te tl tT) The Maple ‘Leaf Club intend ‘hold. . ,PELHAM nunseny co Sons, jsci. ho leavers eatery foe OO never seed er nigger Jearn as “quick! ing a ballon Thursday, Nov. 11¢ | ‘We wiré iad “to Eepattcsiret Mi: : ag er whieh will be the last of the season, a <a ‘Wm, Wilford is improving. The easiest way to make things pleasant for and to furnish entertainment they will th ~ Come in and we will play your faye oe mie for vit and. explain our, easy terms, Victrolas trom E. 4 $20 to = OD mise st _ MILVERTON IR

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