& . oe. out the new road from Attra to Bek DEAT TDTTTME This Advertisement "Fete ied vy eth rr. [REAL TRIUMPH may induce you to try the first packet of | | THE QOLDEN KEY || grins! ees, me FOR RUSSIANS |Mando, and the King, has been shut ese : ” up for three days with the priest an ee 55 Or “The Adventures of Ledgard. | never opened iis mouth. "We were WITHSTAND GREAT PRESSURE By the Author of “‘What He Cost Her.” on our way from the interior, and re- “ j Med on them for, food and drink. FROM GERMANS. | They've always “been friendly, tnt =e | this time ne lates canes ee sivas nig After Months of Enemy's Favorable eee XXIV.—(Cont’d); | flood of yellow moonlight which had | Trent's face grew serious. ‘This | 74 ‘ | . {fallen upon the country, From this Was bad news for him, and he was) Opportunities, Russians Are nd nearer. . boy nearer ai i but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour Finally nea kanen a the rank, pole oe vanes. rope out their first plan and commenced | Intact and Courageous. fi tl be: } and quality to make you a permanent customer. a eee ne srinnefl at Mont Wicvnuny milled the white poste late by ele Prospecting at Bekwando vil-) cipbapdhat GELtkS SEGINES We will even offer to give this first trial free if | towards him. He fumbled for a mo- the surveyor a were visible, | and } “We have a charter,” he sai, and Times with the Russian headquarters you will drop usa a to Toronto. Bis ment in his loin-cloth. ‘Then he drew in the background rose, the mountains i9 oesary, we must fight. I'm glad in a review of the general military gut a long bottle and handed it up. of Bekwando Hie “had to be prepared though,” position, which he considers entirely Arent stepped out as Monty’s nervous | Wome Mork tor samt despair, charter!” Francis pulled him- favorable for the Russians, says: ingers were fumbling with the cork. af i a self t together, and looked curiously at «rh, i bis tor tk fhe boy, who. giid. | English agent of the Bekwando Land £0 * i e situation in regard to the ’ oft kG ee ede Reo eeetia- Company was. on the point of cancel- the man’ who was vst ben ing over higher command, probably is more ped ont a revolver and covered him. | ling his contract, the surveyors were him. Heayens!” he exclaimed, satisfactory than it has been since the About the Household Come’ here," he cried. making’ any Teal “atfompe. ty start “2, YOu are Searlott Trent, the mani ieeption of the war. ‘The opinion of the? Bey Tok bis ben! te Gules Tee aha ieee mica teal whom I met with poor Villiers in Boe wetlly the wiice Russian ee is | ” : c wando years at in General Alexieff we é th p Rent von here, with thal AlGhy Te aromceusion ot Rls nchomes (eer nodded, «ag, [ou head the highest military: ability | cube She vented “You'd was an impossibility. ‘The road was «We waited for you,” he said, “to that Russia possesses. He ie a auieh, ‘ested Recipes, stiff wire whisk to get the burned hogy anawer, et eens tg re witness our i renee I. thought rather shy man with an enormous Cut stale i oon into thin pieces, food off the bott ttom. e Kru: boy, shrinking. away flatly told that the labor they ember.” pacity for and in a crisis ea, Pieces together with grated If you use cleaning powder. for revolee as pe Ce jationiess ed was absolutely unprocurable. For- “that there sa rprancia said eae netually: directs ‘pebsotally «the: tort cheese “between them a mix. Saucepans be sure to wash out the Shook his tunately Trent knew the country,and 500; 130" I ber it all important movements. It is stated Gare at soggy awell penta andeinianay ban afterward with cla water. peeeNe Gate hal Sowa a saat Ses eave ORO. Se sorte CIE wil nce Pelind durlnik Che eateee ten Vilna abs with - ee ilk and fry, and you, .The good housekeeper should go! There was a flash of light, a puff Moment when he Be enptered aooy old Mon nty for hig ‘daughters picture most every detail was directed by will call i over her supplies every day, By this | of uid report," The Kru Coe ie trams hee Regt to MBL a rainat abode ot im, while there was no doubt that "Owl, eae dates of good means she can avoid food spoiling. | boy fell eae on his face howling Cctapiished as a sort of taskemaster| Trent winced a ie he directed personally many details | size. h icing mark eyes and,. Figs are nice soaked in lemon with fear. Monty ran off towards the id contractor, and had promptly dis-|, “You have an excelient memory,” of the ‘sweeping withdrawal from ~ heaks of owls on them. Gut and shape Juice, stuffed with marshmallow or house mumbling to himself. missed him, with the recult that. the he Said drily, Warsa op of dates into ears. Have ready Muts, and rolled in powdered sugar. te ee The ext time,” Trent said coolly, supply Kratos wass tusta nth Francis raised himself a ait and| : theahly, shakedsved teoeted mioices tting a coat of varnish on the! ¢! shall fire at you instead of at the doubled. He had found other sources. ® eee SR Pressure, spice cakes. Press dates into these, linoleum yearly wil? make it sate te ee Bie IT abent d of labor, and started them at once wy ponacperns, pack to me,” he ‘sai | “From May till October, the Rus- use citron to form branches on which Years, and look bright and ne your-kind. You can nadertand ‘me on, SIgATIDe work, mcbrnstilly ANSIRGr=” scarlett rent. “Nous aa teak orang ni army aa tena owl sits and with chocolate icing) A little satt added when Cooking very well if you choose, and eo ene & re, Caen er mens the ree who left his partner to die in a jun- interrupted blows along a front of outline feet, |Sour fruits greatly reduces the quan- just got to. Who sends’ you here with bility of making the road at all He #1¢ that you might rob him of “his 700 miles, ‘The Austro-Germans have Hobgoblin Cups—Use ‘cups made tity of sugar required for vata’ | that vile stuff?” fad chosen overscbea sith thatawae: snane.in the concession, yes, applied every. possible means, not ex- Gi oranges with “pulp removed in| It is best to give linens a long so i hie Massa, I tell! Massa Oom Sam, ind chosen overseers with that switt J°g,ce° mY memory is coming back! canting wuch’he ine Sociaien by in efore was! t] i i is ¢: = * } which to serve the sherbet, first ing washing. ‘is metho a and what eo stuf a” | which in his case amounted almost to). tw | ternational treaties, in order GREEN Woop. marking faces with different. expres-|{s followed stains will wash out e Tse fae g ot aune win 2 nS a lie!” said ‘Trent passion. Pease the:pressnre against us, Masia of skins with choco- “When I left him, I honestly of thelr troops wane ht aalnsGHNe: oS wi cua tain ava as Much | iciHambureh gin, mass liquor! Please, massa, point him pis- late icing. Set on plate surrounded | "When boiling cabbage put a small to] the other way.” vhi mi weht., believed him to be a dead’ ma: ront and sent to destruction regard-| © . . with paper Pies Thee leayes, To m: ead of celery into the saucepan. This | Trent took up the flask, smelt its an in ne e-| x many people will Stbsilera ja of losses. Military history does Water as Other | clden ateehee: disoge cicee te rae will greatly improve the mtents, and threw it away with gel ee Francis scoffed. “I shall take ; not afford another example of auch| a ent paragraph in “Nature and i abd’ add'h Iheele lemon juice. "When give a delicious flavor to corn little exelamation of di with me to Engla have | pressure, | Scldnce’? eseplutiod sohyy (tts LER eet ' frozen to a mush add one quart cream ™ush drop in a few chopped dates| “How often have you been coming | fs tl finished with this country for a/ During these months of centinons S28 ie? exp! moe why 1 is. impossi~ +> ¥ to e ip sd gts of des used and fin- aust before i from the fire, | here on this errand?” he asked, stern- zn ae id Scent cae aan 4 d prolonged action the high uall- | menor Ashe tale ee ae = ‘ ) seh Be Children love it. the work of preparation had begun. | Reith nce a Ma aa ties and the mettle of our troops _un-| i . : hte epera Cer sas Sed ‘gt? TO:wabh: “anything that is greasy, | y/, Most every day, massa—when him Hundreds of” natives. left in thelr speechless. es monk at and watched der the difficuities.and arduous sl eee Mae Saree six lemons into the juice of 12 and USe hot soda water. The alkali turns| ‘pronto ae ete See Bom. ing and They two were a little apart ditions of retreat “have been demon- | have given'to lumbermen information : let it stand over night. Make a the grease peti soap, which will do its to Wey good,” he said. “Now listen maki the cae everywhere for that others, and.Francis was fainting, A’ strated. afresh, Notwithstanding his} of the utmost value to them, since it " thick syrup, using 12 cups of white Wn cleaning. If atch you round straight, wide thoroughfare which B&"d upon his throat—a dro} from | obstinacy in fighting and his p persist-/has saved them many thousands of # sugar. When it is quite.cool ‘strain 5 cae Piano keys are washed with| fog Sgain ox anywhere else on such. was to lead from Bekwando village to that phial in the nedicing cheat 1 ancy: th cite ut manoeuvres, the | dollars in freight charges, Accordin, 4 the lemon jiflce into it, squeezing ® Soft flannel dipped in alcohol Sa A ean eet La he sea-coast. Cables as to its pro-| 2nd his faint would carry him into’ enemy is still eonfronted by an army to a writer in the Master Balldcn © some of the oil from the grated rind, wal i os their color and not gr phe off.” ‘gress had already been sent hack to) cmcmiy- And still Trent sat and) which fully retains its strength and thousand pounds of green lumber Bottle and set away for use. A Yéllow as they do when washed ‘with grin ae i let trent walk tre on Th Rare apn Oy Stee a8 | ebliepbontul ta i OGiber Bon v up to sult, ‘Trent knew that he had save P FSP! pea 5 tan the house and a lor ‘the ‘miasion- the Syndicate a fortune by his jour- makes a delicious drink for a hot ‘0 preserve rubber heels, scrape all) ary’s wife. She came to hi i oa y. i GERMAN MARRIAGE MARKET, | ut to assume the offensive and in- | hy indred pounds of water. Nearly all day. grit and ee out of them when clean-| what was called the parlor. A frail, “th cht of th | fict blows, which has been demon-/ fresh-cut wood is at lenst one-third A “Make Over” Meat Pie—Chop ing the boots. Grit ey small stones| ansemic-looking woman with red |, e light of the moon grew strong- | 4... Royal Weddings Must Leave! strated by' the events of recent days. |water. Some wood in twi ns | fore him like “a map. With ‘Trent Them Out of Account. epee at Their Best Time. bis water as others, and the same arms and a freshly lit pipe Trent Princess Cather’ Radi “This affords the best proof that ee with his back against the tree liziwill the Rass atta have’ failed (To be continued.) | -|fresh from the saw and cut from See Fe staunch and successful resistance, | green logs contains from four to fing if im some time now, | mashed potatoes. Brush over the top the oven. By having it covered thus| “About fou ears,” she answered, | with oxen-drawn wagons. Then | war places German royalties in com-| “uring the five months w ain ae WHE Gai Wil bake tS eee the steam will prevent the meat from | “Captain Francs. left him with my the fancy suddenly left him and 8 | plete isolation as regards matrimon. | Most i \a_growi golden brown, becoming hard and dry, and the joint husband; I believe he found him in fitl’s face seemed to be laughing into fat attieness, Tt also effectually | impossible for them to repeat the ‘wi Sandwich biscuits require four eup- | Will get hot through in Tes less time. | one of the villages inland, a prisoner. A im | erushes the cherished ambition among Galician ea Vistola ‘exploits that she : fuls of flour, four tablespoonfuls of en a child has the slightest peo Brent ‘and seductively beautiful the’ next,| “erman princes to become allied with 4 mer, notwithstanding the a tte baking powder, a teaspoonful of salt, °NcY t0 crooked legs he should have a| ,,, He left you a little money =e smoked =e pipe furiously, per-|the Russian Imperial house. Apro-| have complicated the strategical posi-| 11", ts cantn vin * ‘ two tablespoontuts of meat t drippings, very ‘special treatment. His rie hi fe | pos, the princess tells an amusing | tion. gat half a cup of milk and z to sone anecdote circulated at the beginning| “The crisis has posoed favorably for | of the war, relating to a certain Ger-| poston issued safely from a difficult 52 Es 2 3 ae te 3 5 = > ki ils. inne eS eat so. ety Watene his life, ‘The euri./Sent an ultimatum to Russia, ex- ae hat he wa been a drunk- | ° Se then lay on the covers and bake, || Wring a coarse crash towel out o: This is a nice way to cook cabbage: Wter and spread it smoothly on the entim ich hi . ‘ ; "jted him to gamble for the child's pic-|_ “How could he do such a thing? there is still much fierce determined Chop one head of cabbage fine, clean "Pet; iron it dry wih a good hot iter equal sudden- | It is perteetly monstrous; we shall Sghting ahead; there may be move- coming of never now be able to marry our girls ™ents rearwards, but there certainly High above for 20 minutes. When cooked spread Parts of the carpet infested with the ewe h Saks ae to leave him toa grand duke!” will be advances also, it out to dry. Make half a pint of moths. ere is no need’ to press, with us. He knew that we did not ardowéelth, fa ectshet ee in | The princess notes that, with Ger-| ores General Offensive. | r sauce with butter, milk and flour, hard, and neither the pile nor ae eh allow snesin i the house.” Howea desire which had become the |™@ny beyond the pale, and leavin, “Our ai lives in expectation of a! i Spread a layer of cabbage in the cas, OT of the carpet will be injured, “Tt ae pits Tame lal i is life—a desire out Italy as be Catholic a country | general pisoiives and looks with full H serole, then a layer of sauce and the moths zu be destroyed by. the eG Rau TA ly im | primitive but overmastering— admit of mixed marriages, the confidence to the armies of its allies. | . gnats 9 ttle more out of it. “Why, his brain | | “ ‘ pipuikle ‘ova ties, ated cheese. be and st. guecies Bute. cut sine aaa |site of a strong man for the woman aly counted ir Europe that can It will march boldly and cheerfully Continue these layers, “finish is aveaiiieg to see the amount of | 8 g04 woman yas obviously honest | he loves. In London he had scarcely | furnish princesses with whom Eng- forward, conscious that in so doing it | dared admit so much even to himself, lish and Russian princes can be is defending the interests. of our | fow can that be?” she exclaimed, | Here in this vast solitu Ifdrenms United are Denmark, Sweden and country andthe interests of our| the top of ‘the dish with several table- Succulent juices which many owas | a her ama: ‘01 i} ; le 2 minutes and worve tn fhe cagerle, 12" 18 Which vegetables are cookad| “He has atest so, one ond he MOTS taster of ‘himsell—dreags Ta |at The First of ALL Children are very fond of molasses Should always bo saved. Onion water,| never goes off our land.” |fal and the most dating which he had Princess Radiziwill refers to the| “WA allering atrighie With che fufaae “Home Remedies” pie. To make this you will need 1 1b, £0" instance, gives the necessary flav. ieee an need,” Trent aneweret ever conceived, filled his brain and current rumor in Berlin that little! of nature has schooled the Russians of flour, % Ib. of bread crumbs, % Ib, °F to a tomato or vegetable soup. No eo ate Mi a eta ange in ig | stirred ‘his senses till the blood in his Princess Juliana of Holland, now ee to hardships and ingrained in them COV ASELINE,” in its many , H ot molasses, 6 ozs. of dripping, juice Matter how carefully we boil our| been doing their best to hurry him off. | “iS Seemed flowing to a new ani | Six years old, is destined by German the instinct to hasten to the succor ms with their innum- a of one lemon, and one teaspoonful of £0048, more or less a the flavor and! f Malight need boy bringi i him gin {Torta mo music. Those were won- jiplomacy. for one of ya! sons of the and relief of a brother in need. Henee erable uses, is the foundation baking powder. Make a paste of the ™ineral salts are lost. Cabbage and| ),<" afternoon. Evidently it has been derful moments for him. ‘own marriage which, if an appeal from our allies will always of the family medicine chest. > flour, dripping, baking powder, a little ¢Uliflower waters make a good found-| a regular th ipe was nearly out, and a cool-| ever contracted, een bring Holland Grid a warm response from the Rus- a yj water, then line a greased pie-dish ation for a cream or vegetable soup ‘am. very ee. indeed to hear | breeze was stealing over the plain. geet into the sphere of German | sian army.” . with part of it; warm the molasses in paul meat pas, pes water and thy the woman said sand 1 am gure ea all, knaees Saree ae a influence. But Holland, she adds,! The correspondent remarks that] tendel ase Ine» & basin and work in the breadcrumbs the first water in which old beans are| my hushand will be too. He will feel | sleep wou himself and yawned, cast | ‘does not care to become a German the concluding phrase, referring as it : Eee ee ss Smee Sp ane OEs teh desing Tas ach Snake age ie mueanay he bas bed one more glans across the moo ent, Provine, nor ven tobe tied down doubtless does to ch types the Petroleum, Jelly en spread a layer of this mixture v De-| the same time neither of had, Plain, and then stood sguddenly still, | by an alliance ‘ermany.” Some in-. deep-seated instinct of the Russian to 1 ie eke pot and asthe Bkdkar aoe ane ehbthee: ver ot fore they are baked, may be seasoned | tind thnk "anything ot thie. a2) stifened into an attitude of Breath teresting pages are devoted to that in- respond to blood tie Wisinarheniert | unas paste, then more molasses, repeating, With tomato and served as a bean| wey tn be fess OF tt have |Jess interest, “Yonder, between _ two | dependent Indy, the Grand Duchess e ery for burns, cuts, insect bites 7 till the dish is full, but finish up with, bouillon. When you boil rice use| kept eat : |Tine: aes shrubs, were moving bodies— of Luxemburg, the youngest sove- ete, Absolutely pure and safe. 3 Varta. Bakacta'e fod oven for three plenty of water and save it, then u: ls aiveu cannot be blamed,” Trent ae oe eae crawling | reign tn: Europe, who hasse far re. In Days of Yor AVOID SUBSTITUTES. quarters of an hou add nutriment. to a vegetable “Tam satisfied that you knew |#long, with slow, painful etareea et ‘used all her suitors, and therefi ore | Dasahter 48 tithe 3k young sist on “Vaseline” eof! Santis eaei ee or boil it down and make blane| nothing shout it, Now. am going 40) 204 Be serethae distance ‘Trent vould | “Femains the despair of all the ambi | | wasn’t he more romantic? kages bea veal, onesbatt pound fa tenderloin, Manse of it. cman tte had his rights and {tell that they were in grievous straits, | tious Toyal mothers, whose ons Mother—He was less rheumatic. CHES BROUGI * o one-half pound sweetbreads, one-half + want to help him to them.’ I shall He felt for his revolver, and, find- | would be in the position to aspire to) dlited, ‘For sale at ail Chemists veund ean. ham three Gigs, one’ cp No Swindle. take him back to England with me, iP i ro in his belt, descended, the hand of the richest heiress in Eu-| Up to date, at least 1,700 men of aid Generel SMe q white breadcrumbs, three tablespoons but I can’t leave for a week or so. If 'Y towards them. rope”; | the London Police Force are serving . cream, one tablespoon salt, one-half pe Te Ce = Some | you can keep him till then, and bi e| With every Ste which he took he| She is' extremely beautiful, very! with the Navy and Army, whilst a Tousteahis maeblin trea: Wn Laveerk =| teaspoon pepper, one teaspoon onion -restorer when I called the other | some ‘one to watch him day ai Panes cma. mitted h them more plainly. | talented, and moreover possessed of further thousand have been drafted CHESEBROUGH MF'G CO. - epigne! haa, t - day to get shaved, you hoary-headed | I'll give your husband’ a hundred There were five boys, a native of | i ‘ ' ish i done cup of canned } il, which lis for th ligated) fit: pletea: (Petrathon weg) Old thlet?” usred ‘tha tudignate| Semen tor your work here, and build /® tribe which fe dia st recognize, |Oy trons wub which she never show- ‘out of the metropolis for the protec GARG Paws caechciacAn f set cork pieces. ee all cot Mi castomnan.“UEGE eld ane etch Ws all Hight Don’t and a European who walked with reel. | C4 more bravely han when, alone in tion of dockyards and military sta- 1880 os ice, m ing footsteps, and who, it er motor-car, she met the ae tions in the provinces. thanvadd all of thé thee Ieediont Pretenses, sir. You said it would re- look as though I were saint DOU: m Gul Ge Rou aah lariay which eartaneanc hee ten my head to its original eondi| Very 7ich mat, ehats ail aad rate Pi haustion. | and mix thoroughly. | Pack in a bi io ginal cond! | TTS tha money, bunt wh ant to. fee] Soon they saw Bins anda feeble shout Duchy and protested in person | ~ Sere gree es pan, cover with buttered paper "aad of : ; Monty is safe. ll start greeted “his approach, ‘Trent was! against the violation of its integrity | bake in a brisk oven for one-hour, | “vel, didn’t it work?” asked the back f0 Bagland, ve ‘ou ondaeeke within hailing distance before he re-! aed. in ye ehe ta ae BanHeh ; a 2 JA JET Thueoyee Eich oe wad baie hour long: see this | comni ropean. Then, with a! Gat WwW | beheie Sra teen Work? No. 1's faken off what| Yes,” the woman aneworea ttle, jpiclamation of surprise, he saw ; e [en tec "an pom, WA" Wen aS" a ERE Hs Seats penne Why those Pains? 3 as bald as the pavement now.” onest vist ‘ace to face in a i “the | Household Hints. “That's quite right sh, Wo false| Trent Tadobane note onthe table. | but “ranels never Tecognized, him | C2ar’s charming daughters—‘the | jpg il : Hattermille with @ tablespoonful pretense about that. T said it would| “Just 0 show I'm in earnest,” he His eyes were bloodshot a eons greatest Pee een te se ae a a of freshly grated sree Tar Renta: Hatare ccs hase ah ae jtemarked, rising. “I shall ‘be up- beard disguised his face, and his Marviage with Prince Carol of Tx. al Hero is a testimonial unsolicited _ 4 oe restore yout head to {ts original con-| coontey tor a month. Look clothes hung about him in’ rags, Hyi-\mania is predicted for the Grand) Ji Ja | ie eine hae ta q| (ition, and you know, sir, most of after the old hey well, and” you'll dently he was in a terrible plight, Duchess Tatiana; while for her elder x ie te wallet weal 4 i i eds boiling and|us are born bald. never repre When he spoke his voice sounded sister, the Grand Duchoce, Chen be ndvettted on every ere j : some does not—one must experiment pices Sent wait ‘thoughtfully back to shrill and tracked: |foreign prince who did not profess| Ja ee ee nnd ( to fin chelor who reads the marriage the town. He had commit ed himselt @ are starving men,” he said; ie Gresletenh ori herein x that has sheumat fem an na ae 1 When pans are Scorched, use a | notices isn’t satisfied with his lot, thee to a definite course ae tion. He “can you help us?” wo 1 popular—un« { to ne rete al made: up his mind ti ke Monty | pene cnee aul} can,” Tr rent enswer- eee eas eee patel jt) Rl earl Pe 4 == | back with him to En; ie " face , ed quicl ly... “This way. We with a personage whose choice i | | the eet aa Loe ae ees a: Moe plenty, |is looked forward to most eagerly all Lt Dyke, #5 0 i A i | The Tite party stumbled eagerly over Europe, and whose entry into Lt > : DOMINION Gane __ after Rim, Un a Yow moment a ei would be “hailed | if Sl oan’s : OF CAN ADA On the summit of alittle “knoll, companions, packages were me ies Waort bucets. eb: énbbial: Fat with a pipe ‘between his teeth and uhdone, and a meal prepared, anny | 86™s L_mean the Prince of Wales. EI x . ||] his back against, a palm-tree, ‘Trent ly a word was a5 said or a question asl aif Holy Rosia would look through ve A ing away an hour of the Gh Oost oe ee Nes [her fingers if onclof the daughters of | i inimen ; bed eene ct ecale ie foes seel n tl ieee of nahin Slits zar would consent to embrace the a ‘Wo will i s sleeper, the “wal yess: Which had | Francis himself was hysterical and | Anglican faith after her marriage to ie Ble a fercales ead ae heap a puree uit Poe a ed Hi pais e ee i eiled pte ae ade the heir to the English Crown, : of y a eef-tea himself. 4 desired,’ delivering. the bonds to you at the Government's low an hour or so back, was not only. mouthful Trancis was mable to AER Peete ale Sas <j . SGT Which seuned ‘proc! agaitat Gi mow; Tis,throat hed awollen and his’ Prives of Berbia. hie sister Helene a rou interest i i any ef- "eyes were Lie ur! bl J * fis Feeds ta tely. Re eons ok thin pee waite fort, on his part to overcome it, ,So | Trent, who had ‘seen men betes Gt married Prince John of Rus fe he had risen and stolen away from | dire straits, fed him from a pocn Pore es ‘ fs little sant pees re Eats i ou, forced brandy between his noon | Knew What He Meant: * | lay wrapped in heavy slumber. ey , Certainly, at ace time, h 7 i post Canada Bond .£orporation had closed their eyes in a dense and ped to consider thet hese Helping Mer Nea sent man could heb | fopical darkness—so thick indeed hack to life the man who in all the | tans aerate abe ase & MUNICIPAL — jing theetiing iieht, 18 cemiove thet! 2 we Tata en iin experis ‘onge Stree vague feeling of oppression fenced man. cou! 59 Song COUR DGt ll ioe i ae ee we ui : | with it. Its embers burnt now with! ‘Trent shook his he: judge a women by the com 3 | faint and sickly glare in the full} “Not at present. We're planning ing oe is compelled to entertain, ee Bw a