BRITIS HOSPITAL SEIP SUNK BY A FLOATING MINE IN CHANNEL 300 Were Saved Out-of a Total of 385 4 Recently Conveyed Kin Across —Vesse A despatch from London says: The |mine and foundered. All her crew hospital ship Anglia, a about 300 | were save wounded men aboard, in addition to patrol veel, rucceded in eas bodies were r @ mine in mid-Channel and sank in a e mine is,supposed to have broke very short time. About 85 men, most | from its moorings in the recent storm. of them seriously wou , and,| An official communication says: (ga in their cots, lost their] “King shocked to hear th: which was) c “the collier Lusitania, ad ident, | been sunk, His Majesty is grieved at nearby al e of the acci famottatale cae *: the Lt of | the — Soren Bis trusts that the e Anglia, and her boat st | survivor Eaaaue suffered bona joneraacatlin aie slessetticc = from their terrible, exposure.” Markets Of The World $4.50; milkers, choice, each, $65 meats ‘tog eee an medium, nah ingers, $50 to $100; Tight ¢ Ae 's6 0; sheep, heavy, Breadstuffs. 5 to $5.50; do., bucks, $3.50 to $4.5 Toronto, oh 23.—Manitoba wheat, yearling ¢ lambs, ae 0 $7.50; Spring new crop—! forthern, $1.11%; | lam t., $8.71 to $9. ee Hocteee, 5 hogs, No. 2 Mcedisens $1. 09, et track, lake | matin to to etc $7. aah ports, immediate ship and watered, $9.25 Manitoba oat Cw., ntreal thoice_ steers No. 3 CW, tough, “is%e, on teak geld Sab $7 "to $1. 25, ‘pat the bulk of lake pore trading was done in stock rang- ica corn—No. 2 yellow, 7Ae, ing from $6 to $6.50, and the com- ee on and, ‘inferior’ grades | brought Canadian comm No, 2 yellow,73%e, from $4. 5.50, while butchers” on Fk Tor cows. past ee et 50 = £ and bulls at Ontario oat ew 3 | $4.75 to $6.25 per _ There was a white, comme o good de mand k at s of cows at Hogs, selected lots, oe ge 50 ‘per cewt., wei; ees, d off c pee eS (GERMAN DESTROYER STEAMED AWAY jarley—Malting barley, 56 to 60c; feed barley, 49 to B2e, according to eights outside, at—Nominal, ear lots, 78 ta Bhs, according to.freights, oa sid Ve No. 1 commercial, 88 to 60; tough, 80 to 85c, according to sample. 1 manitoba —First | patents, in ute bags, $65 second patents, in ju iti mas, {503 strong Baker mute Pursued British Steamer Into Swe- bags, $5. dish Waters Where Her Designs Ontario our Winter, 90 per cent. patents, $4.10 to $4.50, according to Were Frustrated. sample, seaboard, or Toronto freights A despatch from Copenhagen says: gna British steamer eee, Ima’s depar- ; leborg, Sweden, where AR had been asta sinee the Dein {ning of the arked by exi in a prompt shipment Country Produce. Butter—Fresh dairy, 28 to 30c; in-| by the Swedish torpedo boat Pollux. ferior, 22 to 2c; creamery prints, $2| When south of Landskrona, 16 miles ¢; do., solids, selects, 35 to 36c; new laid, Abe, case lots. Eggs—Storage, 30 to. ‘Bae per af 42 Wi ices in tins, lb., to Ile; combs, No. 1, $2.40; No. 2 2. s—$3.25 to $3.50. ltxy—Chickens, 14 to 16; fowls, 11 to 18¢; ducks, 15 to Beck geese, 14 to $160; eavesyeanres wins, 17%e. Pota 8 ed at $1.10 to $1.15, and New Bruns- bash at $1.15 to $1.20 per bag, on of boarding the si olux forced them to return to their boat, informed the erman: very means would be employed to ‘prevent the Thelma from being wie teesateae Iehichs bot warabipe Saadeh tae + AUSTRIAN AEROPLA Wholesale Hay Market. NES AGAIN ATTACK VERONA Baled hay, new—No. $16 to $17.50; No. 2, pe de oe to $14; baled straw, ton, FeO 50" "to Mt A despatch from Paris says: Ac. Theale ite, contin to a Havas xebor a pone m Tong clear, 15 to 15% per| attacked by hostile aircraft. While 28 ‘tb. eat case lots. Hame—Mt » 18% | were killed and 80 seriously injured 4 "i ve Si: } id ui i wt tee, “rolls, by a recent aerial bombardment, the Be; a only casualty was slight injury to a ie pe Ee Si, Be tot "honeless little girl. No great damage was done 0.2 Se Lard—The Peres. firm; pure | to streets or PURGE lard, tubs, 14¢; compound, pails, 12. GIFTS FOR aeLeas Business in Montreal. ADMITTED DUTY FREE ‘ontreal, Nov. 23.—Corn. eri- ean No. 2 yellow, 77% to 78c. Oats} Col. Hodgetts, “the” Canadian®™ Red Canadian Western, No.2, Sie; N i wl i directions that gift parcels of ur—Manitoba ;Soring dutiable goods sent to members of the estan’ patents, Hrste, $6.1 ; Canadian contingents’ on duty $5.60; strong bakers’, $5.40; Winter Great Britain Soa 2 be admitted duty aiatta phe 865 straight ’ rollers, a ree. The coi of the. parcels 0. bags, ould: be dealk eae Farther, no du 35.80 to $5.40; di $2.50 to rf “20 is charged by the French Government 10" goods sent to thé British eitben. | in France. to es beh dale a HAS L) to ‘OR THE 1 TIRING LINE A despatch from London says: r Sti on Banas Churchill, former o' ‘ate | Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, e uniform left for the front. His wife bade him assed unrecognized on the plat- form as he waited to enter a special car. Sea "YR oe NEW SOR ite 'S IR PASSPORT FRAUDS v. 23.—Wheat —! A despatch from Washington sa} y May, $1.03% if Further ciile eis of the activi — ties of Austrian C nneral von * + uber bod ly addoclten Swill Bel Sigh ? fees ? Yellow, 68% to 69%c. | by the Department of ice as a re- white, 34% to 35%4e, sult of 2 petieces York be- Fleer ei anged, Bran, $17.75 to tween A. Bruce Bielaski, ‘Chiet of fie y | Bureau of Investigations, and Balu, Noy. 2. —WheatNo. 1 seph Goriear, former Austrian Con siti ae Norther Vorthern,| sul, A department statement an 500%; Monta: No. 2, $1.08%} Rouncing this also said that informa feared Fie 0% to $1.00%; May, | tion had been obtained which probably * $1.04%. Linseed, cash, $2.08 to | Wo er indictments for 2.08145 December, $2.04%4; May, | passport frauds, 107%: Live Stock: Markets. NCE Eee STEAMER 28.—The quotations steers, $8.25 to heavy steers, $7.75 a 8; Brikeneha cate: choice, $7.85 A despatch from London says: Re- ports have reached here that the Nor- 0., $7 to $7.2 0 | vegian steamship Ulriken struck a medium, $6.25 to $6.60; do., Sisto. | mine and was sunk near Galloper 5-155 butchers’ bulls, chotee,| Light, . good bulls, $ ‘Twenty members of the crew of the Ks to $6; do, rough bulls, £4. % to $5. if; eee have landed on the east ae ae ae “oe Tete choice, $6.30 pace’ oe = They. say, ae ee oe in Sa * North Sea an at four o: e ae 5 to | $5.50 oo, “cammon, $4.25 tole missing. 73" The survivors assert that a Greek te sten $4.75; feeders, gocd, $6. stockers, 200. to 900. tbs., $6.75; vamer also oe with disaster. and, running between oe ee canes P in} tion, the German destroyer steamed | ¥@™ away. x | ricades. given | was in|tured position, and a wounded pri- the Admiralty and | 0 of his regiment, has| Li iS SUNK BY A MINE| shi thr ERMAN Spar \ EDI TERRANEAN ACTIVE has been a succession of w In Flanders and France there has ed a separate place, hay Nulla. It ing of the about inte: Bus ing with their plan of campaign, to wear dow ites easide of stullery, eal bomb: fighting. offer: been ustria by strenuous’ wo have resumed the offensive, the British 62nd Division occupying Turkish trenches on both sides of the Krithia ‘The Week’s Development in the War. ie enemy and keep him Swipine cat Gap tangent The week's fighting apparently has been very desperate on four frontiers, but news over the principal cable mofficial despatches, one contradicting another. vinsk have been witl It is obvious that Vor on Hindenburg from detaching men for other fri The Italians, rk. In Gallipol was sHpepale in Serbia that the most desperate, and at the same time the most vaguely reported fight- week. The French and British have shown increased strength, but the resistance of the Serbs is BRITISH TAKE TURK TRENCHES Well-prepared Attack in the Darda- nelles Was an Unqualified Success. despatch from London says: | Simultaneously with the arrival of Lord Kitchener at fhe Da tase comes an official report of the resumy tion of the offensive on nga ipo i thealtigg= nearly enemy's trenches bein ge The Turkish trenches on the c n in progress for a considerable time. were exploded: suc- were at once conestietad and bomb- ing parties pushed o} saigies Hott seenclian: Aoa-arsctatl bak “Simultaneously with the assault our artillery opened on the co-operating, and maintained their fire until the position was reported con- solidated. ie endmy’s batteries replied hea-| but very erratically, and did) tle damage. The Tarks in the neigh- boting trenches, wh heavily, were under 50 kille: 0 n in the eap- soner reports that over 30. were buried’ by the explosion a ‘one mine.’ PRINCE EITEL ares CAPTURED By BRITISH despatch from London. says: Lieut, Henri Koch, one of the officers of the interned German auxiliary cruiser Prinz Eitel Friedrich, who vio- lated his parole and lef a Danish steamer in the North Sea by, the British naval authorities. ieut. Koch, who was sailing as a sea- man, joined the * reer Oe Baltimore, ving his nationality ty ag Du GERMANS IN SPAIN; MADRID IS WARNED A deapatch from: Paris saya: Great, Britain has requested. the Spanish Government to keep a. strict wat _ along its coast line, especially that o: Morocco, to prevent violations, of ae ‘ality by German agents who are be- lieved to be ipplying submarines Journal’s Madrid eecriponur ehts ATTEMPT TO BU BURN STRINGS OF ra! lespatch pe New. York says: the se tnontee are three separate Boa whi com-| yea we fire bs, {fered consid-| the eh Py a “auitable erably, their fire eine very wild, | present for the tro " er-attack was made, but it ristmas is 0 pros sily repulsed. Our casualties Ae fe fewer novelties ee usual, and wounded. | as number of these come ia inne ualaionl SHOT AND SHELL. Pointed Facts and Figures Concern- ing the Great War. Blue was the color of the seammen's dress in the time of the Saxons. Union Jack, in its present form, was peices in the year 1800. | No presents of wine or spirits can} be accepted by sale at the front, ore doable that of Gear" ‘Britain and see land. ajority of French soldiers The m: have received new uniforms of stout casu: jernm: blue cloth. The anaes of the Austrian army, ‘ooting, work out at $4,- lay. it has been suggested that a na- tional peageterr shall = instituted for those who die in the war, A neHES in a Guba office win- | dow runs: “Business as usual during | alteration of the maj tchman” is anaval term fc al fees “of wood, or hide, placed under | available open spaces of Vienna are to aid out as vegetable gardens, | ving ies ions in Russia be- at the age of twenty, and is not finaly Gonsluned ant tie forty-third $ inno veisla: OF reeant tmiee have he public been so calm or free from panic,” is the view of the London police, Firing at its highest speed, a French battery would take thirteen minutes to cover every square yard within range. knapsacks weigh 49 Ib., swan considerably less than their weight oe the Franco-German se of 1 tis tinpeitaa that ewing gum, 2 Ft bt which allays thirst an ni pa antes and ‘Gien any, King Albert of Belgium visits his eo troops at the front so contin- that he hae lately been oe as night in his ae or-car. THE ENGLISH DESCRIBED. Equipped ei mati and Terribly . John- Paraneny the novelist, is of. an nglishman’ in the Fortnightly Rev’ Mr. Galswoxthy thinks t that For me Pele situation which ‘ishman has now to face he is ie. bly. well adapted.” “He does not look into himself; he ted not’ brood; he sees no further ard than is necessary; and he at ie his joke. These are Sen and: wonderful advant Bie eaihelle: fold of view the But of hi ah lights and and super- lishman, devoid shadows, coated with d attr: ing, as and dreadful business oe this war, the Englishman—fightin; his .own free will, riaisEnEve) humorous, competitive, practical, ne- ver in ext sha a dumb, inveterate optimist, and terribly tenacious—is th at with oe When it is likely to be wet, garden | spiders spin only short threads. t= a ERMAN LOSSES ARE APPALLING Bi The Official List Shows Casualties In October Alone Numbered 00,000. A despatch from London says: The appalling oe of the German losses is reveale perusal ee the official sualty list acid daily by the Gov- ent for the pect d of fami- Nies, newspapers are pro- hibited from reproducing it. Ge outstanding facts in these lists ‘are the enormous gaps in certain regi- iment and the frequency with which ire battalions aré wiped out, the REA small proportion of offi- cers lost and the great number volunteers kilte The latest lists available cover the losses for For Prussia, |Wuerttemburg, Bavaria and Saxony there are over 200,000 names, 651 pages, recal alled that at the beginning of No- vem! she Prussian losses alone were earned at slightly over two mil- lion. The list for October 28rd alone gives 10,000 casualties. ‘The Prussian list includes nine regiments of tl Guard, eighty regiments of Grena- diers and Fusiliers of the regular in- fantey, 81 regiments of reserves, and 21 of ees and many from the mal ‘nrtitler The second battalion of a eae regiment neu 437 and only three offi- mple of the terr iheeloali es of aan regiments is furnished by the 84th Prussian Infantry, whose third battalion ee ag out of a complement of A the pase ise Mate lost the following numbers in four companies of 250 each: 1st, 176; 2nd, 188; 8rd, 171; 4th, 158. In a similar manner companies of S : 5, 195, 157, 162, 164, 182, 216. ‘The full) complement of each company is 250. Reserve Infantry lost 1,077 men out of 3,000. These losses were probably suffered at Loos and Tahure. urm geneeally kept behind the firing line; yet they show heavy losses caused by illness. ne 4th companies of the 224th re- serve, 819 men an cers were * Tost, 507 men,and seven officers. (in stentorian Rea ce no mat one-half ie the worl loesn’ now how other half. lives " Vulgar cathe in the Rear- a m{ good thing some people mind. dite own business, , Prize money, abolished at the be- ginning of th glorious perauisite: in days. etimes as much as $50,000 yf ; was divided among the sailors, The it time a ‘pain is engaged she aeadrane herself as important as a heroine in a novel. The trouble with following your inclinations is that you so often take the wrong road. e n flee d several revolver shots, but the fugitives escap iremen who extinguished the flames slecneret The damage was s yaa aie ¢ 180. millio million Bibles cc oe the Bible have bee tae a the Bible Society in 870 odd lan- guages and dialects. Russia to Suspend All Enen All Enemy Enterprises A despatch from Petrograd says: to suspend all the remaining commer cidl and ‘The Council of Ministers has decided industrial_ enterprises in iterp: Russia belonging to subjects of enemy countries. These number over one thousand and employ thirty thousan d persons. French Warships Capture Austrian Submarines A despatch from Rome says; French warships: have captured two Ger- man submarines flying Austrian flags off the African coast. One was cap- | of impri: full ie battalion of | year ve The 138rd Saxon Infantry lost| y, WAR GOES ON IN GARDEN OF EDEN us, BRITISH ARE VERY SUCCESSFUL 3 IN CAMPAIGN. Country is Very Productive and Could | Be Made Vastly More Valuable. What the feelings of the Sone of the long and trying heat ies spell a new lease of life e jit climate, one of the worst in the ‘world, s taken a heavy toll of British snd Indian troops alike, and it spe well for the spirit of’ the troops er the enterprise of their’ leaders | that | the operations have been consistent- peditiona) eupation of an enormous area valuable country. ops who have opposed - British advance Turkish ‘regulars, and in included _ several of the Constanti- nople regiments who eee d&spatch- ed to the southern cam) lies. ty and ably assisted by Arab and Kurd levies; for Turkey, even in her most distant Provinces, enforced uni- versal military service. migl expected ache an this law was openly manipulated Tore the British dcdupaition, levied in- Jews, Christians, “and Chaldeans, In to the colors sturdy country youths who could not afford to pay so high a price. the Gi: its defences during the torrid months and June express doubts on its authenticity. first of- these actions was land fight, such a one as takes place daily in Flanders. The second, over ideapieally the same ground, after the loo ad risen, a naval action in which ships of the Royal Navy were able to participate. asts a. record vari- mer have added enormously to difficulties of the) operations. this country of infinite the Ti jovern- all. had their own petous of jogging the memories 0! calcitrant, and there are few Sheikhe or large land- owners WI contracted | by their predecessors. jin and Dates. The caus of grain, where every essential for its successful ae duction exists, was discouraged strangling taxation, and the Secibet action of the Turkish Government in | placing an teh ‘go on export did not tend to encourage trade in grain or in any other commodi ped The export of dates to Hurope and America is the chief abttea BE peal on the lower stretches ot a os Pri ots are large need little care or eta, ae 7 mufficlant Lvetthood 4 “willy yy, a mor which Boca Fan toking place. An cea yg pt a cs diers of the British an ere crm | and sailors of lavy one another half way. Stk oe coe HUGE COST OF 'THE WAR. Estimated ‘That It Amounts to Sum of $6,300,000,000 a Week. aon Heonomisy estimates the cost of. ar at about £126,000,000 weekly i, 300,000,000), or 540,000,000 (32> 700,000,000) monthly. six chief Seen the daily cost is as follow: Great Britain, 5,000,000; Germany, hs eae total of £18,000,000 daily. the present seale, ie cost ‘or sinather year would be £6,570, 10,04 Neutral accounts represent condi- tions in as spereatinl? grave. In Great Britain, the prosper- ity of industrial districts continues, but bankers feel that excessive ex- penditures and borrowing must spell inflation. Bluejackets wear their “summer rig”—white caps and singlets—from May 1st to October Ist. During the rest of the year blue caps and jerseys tured off Tunis, the other off Cyrenaica. intense and malarious heat in sum-| the thi S| powdered hair, is a jen! Aus- | Kj WHY GERMANY HATES US. The Rage of ‘Them Is the Rage of the Cornered Rat. ? “We all know that Ger has been able to persuade herself that she is enc if done by us, ene or Russians, ar for her venom-spewing against ieee Britain, we have got so used to is to be able to regard it on its Hibeenee side; many has sul |of humor she Nike Mes self vitor aufilency that si else with which it joes ata Saas She has torpedoed it, the same as she did the Lusitania; bombed it, son. mes not onl; the superiority of the British Fleet that swept the sea of her ships, and caused her oversea dominions to vanish like mirages, but from the suffering that inthe lack of any: foreign trade has made chronic to her, arte al ou Bremen, great pre-war sea- closed and dead, the docks are idle, id up, and closed, the bread of the people is 4 little cae and a big compound of potatoes, and it canno' out daily, bread tickets, one for break- softer attitude eouiinudiera ini practice this system led to a not un-| towards us. When it hothen te Saket successful result, amaiae oe local | well, it will be time to stiffen our Governors a goodly flow of cash and |backs and to tl al hate against the compelled appeal to our feelings.” eee DE SURVIVALS IN CLOTHES. e Some Styles of Servants’ Costumes Are Familiar to large number of interesting survivals, says the London Times in its report of Mr. Wilfred M, Webb's re befor Ethnological So- i elety, dress illustrates the innate con- Laken of humanity. these Oy is the hat- band, thi original ff whicl was to hold a piece of cloth or linen 4 olesard uta ot 500 found in the tails Scottish honnel and of the e clocks on Saekines cover the seams in the glaves of eas fashion, when they’ tired of particular pe of ways them away to their ser- vants, sey the practice oe resulted in some styles of servants’ costumes familiar to us in modern ‘The when riding The sag with plush nesect Ee an_of time of George IIL; the. riot ecoachman, with full-skirted coat an¢ our evening clothes to the waiters 0 stand behind us at the dinner + CITY THAT RULED KINGS. Great's rightful onge. Alexander the Revs In ey days the impudent wit of the young Graeco-Bgyptian «dandy a Papvedtita, says Mr, Arthur E, P. Brome Welkal | in “The Life and ‘Times of Cleopatra. Piper.” Seleucus they ni led-fish Peddler," and in later ‘times “Soullion,” of the fact that Agrippa was the clos¢ friend of Galigula, their emperor, a a trifling loan of six oboli, and some one made up a song in which that fact ‘ jed Cara- la a Sane the Great, although ne siete ued low the average; at ase they had not reckoned ors their Saiz His frightful revenge upon them was the almost total extermina- ih the city, whom he collected toge- ther under a false asters and thex are compulsory, butchered in cold bl Siete have al- . Against Vespasian they told with de. tion of all the well-to-do young men.