church on Sunday Andrew @ on iNtness The death of Mrs. of Bamberg, took plac of last week after an cancer extending The remains were interre Clements cemetery on Monday. r. Andrew Hahn has purchased from Mrs. Joseph Walter, of Macton. r the sum of 6 4800, rawford Bro Pri t entertained a Malet Thured from ral years, Be the St he ber farm ‘iday of n Armstrong. oe murr. n hall this “wed ening tinder the Methodist Church Lndiew Aid, der eager DIRECTORS? | MEETING ting 0° be. Directors of the min- meeting were read, este and signe A claim for damay age to his ae eee te the am roon' o Applications for (nsurance accepted amounting to $64,700 the sec: este. wi fears ected to sue_ policies according! Th: meeting eaoutosa baa ae “7 the 2ist ‘d: meet at the ust A R: Hammond, See'y. NORTH MORNINGTON evening service at the North Cs to some Sefects in fhe lighting sys tem. Miss Busle B. Torrance spent Sun- day the guest of iend, Miss Thats Pes Mr. L. Loney is vis'ting his parents Lon a Mri Ab. Waddell spent a day re- home rr. for Wil'rid baal of Stratfo-d nt week-end at “Dellson Brac tatui tae tonmptio€ he parents. M Fridav night was a decided success considering she a Giceey nae : ROSTOCK re very sorry to state that bere! Shute is laid up with blood poi:on'ng. Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Dill, of Wart- burg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis . Gaul. Hamilton. #% at at the home of Mr ee ee Miss Mar, rgaret Kreuter returned home after spending a few weeks in Milverton. PRSSS Hae os The Sun will be sent to any \ad- Subseril ay W; We are enjoying sleighing at pres- bs fimoral of the late Mrs. Pate- Me, and Mrs, W. Dill. of Strat 4, ae Sane ase Mr Sinclair ‘Little, of Toront : ae: eet HOR ie golumie 1a 8F Aer Gale ane PEER hae arent the week-end with his sister. sense MUSUsUNFeD ces RATE Ae -SAE ee Rope enue ete ees wien Wieroeranier aco Mrs. D. McEachren here last i. bringville. M'ss McCormick. of Millbank, spent] ptCowiting officers were Bere last muons of the Oldest | nee ca wrehee ‘Martin whn ‘ealobed a day or two this week with friends| 12Unz02 As in E. Pinkham’s Vege- Weidner atter which! jtith the Perth Battalion left for ere, F. ott isit- a 5 tratford on Wednesday of list week Miss Ethel Baker, of Stratford | oq gt Se ee eee Compound Dispelled | scrompaniea friends dnd |His many friends wich him every suc- use a uieee a home. ot essrs. eidel, Jacob Meyer, P. Backache, Headaches = ‘{ the place of burial as a last trib- eo sans hae ar pA et R 7 d % a Ear! ‘reeborn, of Toronté The Presbyterian choir will hold al G,,o Umma of St. Clements. and . and Dizziness. Pitan i one oan boos |spent a night last week with his sccia} in the ch basement 0! making short. calls last Saturday. lind for several years. She is sur-|Parents, Mr. and a). nee Thursday. Luncheon will be served We Tetet to report. the death of| Piqua, Obio.—“I would be very un- vived i er corrowing pane, is S25 lborn to say Monabeetntnat etting programme, Admj sion 102 f our esteemed citizens of thi crate if I failed to give Lydia E. ‘one son one daughter namely.| Sl! for England on Saturda, The friends of Mr. Joseph Kochm=| istrict “in the pers . ra Vegeta ‘Mr Jamea Moris of Peel and ais Lt rate reecived stendt, of Macton, will be pleased to Lichty who died last ‘Thursday pound. the ‘Josvph Weikee of Macion: “dhe nnna|word from. thelr Corp. x. t he is convalescing after the age of 69 years. praise it deserves, ‘pathy of the community is extended| Watt of his safe arrival in England, took place to the Lutheran cemeter for I have taken it to the bereaved family. Bugler Frank Lowrie of the ist on Saturday afternoo: at different times| Quite a number from here attend- Battal‘on: ot“ Woodatook: visited. over course of relatives and friends pay- d it always re-/°4 the Presbyterian anniversary ser-| Sunday with his p MirAcoand z their last respect: (Vi tects rs, Jas, Lowrie, wall ja eae nt Na lieved me w en | Neonat as Glenatlan. "Rew. , AR] Mr. and Mrs. Ruby, of Hamburg, Non Seka ot Cue tine other medicines! iit! spent part of last week with their d| Sipat’ officer. “He leayes failed, and when ed Threshing is the order of the day Any. fe oroas Haby widow four sons and. two daughters hear a woman coi y and all report a good| Mr. Dave Mulcahy. of Ethel, spent 5 * to mourn his los plain I always rec- yield of grain, ieee cat with plincinetees toe Mr. John Duench spent Sunday/ity have the ie He "ot ommend it.Lastwin-| Mr. h Koechmstedt™ are with friends in Welles! munity in their sad atttiction, I was attacked pleased to report is recovering from and daughter. of Bee WP, Carel ‘and daugh-| rhe death took place on ‘Thu nie-weakness. an attack of pneumonia. . Geo, Coghlin ter Jean’ spent Sunday with Mrs. W.!jast of the infant ‘cl f Med Rasbictis belts incme hipe aaa Mita, soscnll- Welk entnas clentoed oe B. Freeborn, of Mil an, ree D. Lebo! rm: as Kidaavas headache: diees pee tatcke Mie wna Ok Soon. Mrs. Wm. T. Reid is visiting with The Ladies’ Aid of the P: the Amish Mennonite cemetery on| Over my Mlcneys, headache, cizziness, 71 purchaser takes possession on) friends in Duluth. ian church on Monday last Silene A Bates morning. ‘Heaxtfelti : «pm - nergy, limbs ach: As Ist. Mr. R. B, Hamilton atténded the Halifax for the soldiers overseas a pathy goes out to the sorrowing par-| 8d Iwas always tired. Iwas hardly |“ 5). . i . : f pa a eater Bick. Wades opAit Buemael ebeatined District Methodist convene Pen nex Ut homemade candy e able todo my housework. Ihad taken with his friend, Mr. Earl Tabbert.of|tion_at Mitchell last we Mrs, August Holzehuh accompanied| "Mr, and Mrs. Pe Lichty are] Lydia, E. Plokham’s Vegetable Cat i “ee geen ds ‘ ee by Mrs. B. Helker, of Berlin. spent visiting friends and alscfee stadi Ge" pound on aha ol other occasion, and it had | aoa ee enpemnen art ia striet several weeks with friends in Howick] jgan for a few ‘weeks and. will also| helped me #0 I took it again and it has ti a ry f about 60 a i Acct. tee Gage i od fo weeks with friends "in built up, Tedinow iol tks enor CARTHAGE ast fas 0 sigan ataesaaee last "week with Bra, J. Mewhinney. sori aceoneigte Gnade Bow ask ana: SUE DANS BY hearty consent | Maa. Hibalsuerson haa “retueonal of M'lver' ta be given by eT PESeit ell tenant suites hare atten epee week sagt “BMutaby and J. B, Me- berversuie igestion: (aigaumart| actuate a _ay and I hope it will benefit suring |home, after spend a waaay oye ion with the committee of One “ae hall, Den. tae vi irs. ORPHA TURNER, 431 ia ee Ge Ploreec enmiie GER ah oak oe vie st, "Pigs Ohio. jend with friends in Streetsville. The question of chureh union has i 4 ts the John Marti as returned | bee! n_by the members HAWKESVILLE Pleo Mee fering trom (1080 | oe’ wlior enending + eouple ot /Adherents of nox churoh during the | sho sii not dccbt the iy of Lydia ith her dang hier Stes 0 past, tore. weak: The. Hallobseloses eu r. Thomas Walter. of Berlin, is Pinkham’ Vegetable Compound tape: of Lebanon. Stas a ve he iting at his home here, atore their’ heal zie Me of Exeter, is wing to the inclemency of he re essrs. George Forwell and John spending the winter with her weather the illustrated lecture on entire. suppression at nis traf. Reidel attended _the fune ral ot the you_wi ane special advice Askin, al the war given by Rev. W. Moffat in ; seat : es rc i ‘Maybi Listow a i s ing afl te cndmato the, be, Me etm chy at tition) write Lada Baicham Med Mapbure of Holowel, Hs | aod ebusah Munday, eveng. was war, Fail vodk Me F ulmer. of Wallenstein. | ie ak D the lecture the like: ee: ne r. Bulmer. allenstein Mass. Yourle ie’ will be opened, e. een. Durin e lecture the like- Friday in the village read and answered by a woman. used M. ad 14 Ankin. spent Thurs| ness of Corp. Alde, Watt. was thrown E, 6, Boyd was|"°Mfiss Mary Sullivan left on Tues:| 7 Ad Goede WIRY: Megs SW |upon eanvass and brought forth of the conveners for’ aay for Hamilton, and held in strict confidence. Gilmer, of Atwo Ja prolonged round of applause. All | J. Doyle, of St. Clements, was, = — metecoiieeens: | M & Stewart v' | presi elt the; a enjoyed a we regret - to it urg on Saturday. | eek. |pleasant and profitable evening and Quite a number from here took in| DONEGAL | le evening, was spent a hearty vote of thanks was tender- e dance at Linwood on ‘Tuesday ANE Ore as ze ait last Wednesday by }ed Mr. Moff ght. | Mr. A. Batr spent Sunday under e this vicinity} The Woman's cae A will hold . Hackett, of Bamberg, and Mr.|the parental roo! entertained themselves to ener egulie wonthly, testing wtthe $ {the late Charles|A#Ton Duench ae mother, of nea i nid McCourt has returnec ter doing justice to ances on Tues- ; gy | Eiaweod: apen yawe ihe bow a |trom a vaxtended iit with ‘her ¢ 8 provided, the eve a Sole gary Rng body of rund < White Plains, N.Y. jing was spent in games and music. |Report of ne éonvbution vat aeaadon se reales np * ir Dou “tn and Bi Al- | R. B. Sptitons of Millbank, —— —-—-— Mrs. Jas. McKee joan rtin spent Saturday night at tear occupy the pulpit of the Metho ‘amme will 1c me Lh A ep isa ec [alse church on eaedae ae HE KNOWS Roll call to be answered ure ae yeah secele od ton.| We are sorry to report the illness 5 quotation, “AIL ladies Xo Tratealua hive pot vat hen: receixed spent a few ae ses Ge of the Misses Seelhoft but wish. for | tebies, Willard, the champion prize-|chether members or not are cordial- I aaah we ; zhter, declares S : “Mr” George Dehler of the civil Se eens jaan SLL a oe Segre Bon 5 ie wn |ly invited to attend, ‘ Service Depirtment Ottawa is spend rctheslate Mrs, Astadal aS a United denenerate into ea ae Rrajaefski and childrén ing bis holidays here renewing friend-| “ROUGH ON RATS" clears is ith ars. perid | ation ‘af white rabbits, Te of spent the week-end sey | Rats. Mice. ete, Don't Die in the} ES aes Las béed Youalngcur: | With the tosione panehty Mr. H. Ritzgerald spent sel 25e. at Drug | nd noting American nd Edith ‘Smiths spent ia Bevel, Cauutry Staies Ji-6m | ‘Ladies’ coats at Engeland’s. skill at writing note 8 with friends neav Linwood. The dance given in the to [SSS] =] 5 = WAR LOAN DOMINION OF CANADA ISSUEiOF $50,000,000 5° BONDS MATURING 1st DEC., 1925 REPAYABLE AT PAR OTTAWA, HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALGARY, VICTORIA. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY—Ist JUNE, 1st DECEMBER. ISSUE PRICE 97% A FULL HALF-YEAR’S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON Ist JUNE, 1916. THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PUROSES ONLY. |(—]o}colfoyfcsala ‘made by the Government, for the purpose of the event of future issues (other, than ate made abroad) bein 1, pls accrued interest, as the equivalent of ans ng om thewwar: bonds oF this issue will he accepted at the issue price, chsh for the purpose of subscriptions to such issues. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers herewith on behalf of the Government the above named Bonds for subscription at 97} payable as follows :— Delivery of serip certificates and of bonds will be made spade the chartered interest on the ray site bonds will be aid te Chequer iter wile ne ac iamoee nr apne te Terest on bom coupons will be paid on surrend- “ Ist February, 1916, er of coupons. Both cheques and coupo ill 50) NTE a TE Marche payable free of exchange at any branch of any chart 20 “ — “ Ist April, 1916, ered bs Les he pecans Holders of fully registeréd bonds, without: ox. he instalments may be paidin fulloh and after _~ Pons will have th Meal lari ced the 3rd day of January, 1916 under discount at the Coupons, ig to, Dena ae neg ih rete yao rate of four per cent per annuni, ayments, eeUe oil; uneo cheriabt toponmeies wikhout £8. Iat0 to ie to a chartered bank for the credit of the Pons Will Rave the righ te open ny title Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment ated iting to the Minister of Finance. when due will render previous payments liable to ©” 4pplication in writing to the ‘ forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. ‘The issue cll be exempt from taxes— including ae de oa oh tee any income tax— d in pursuance of legislation ada. enacted by the Darltathent of Can The bonds with coupons will be issued in denom- inations of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 or any authorized multiple of $5,000. thi wilt bees a eae receipt. Joan is authorized under Act of the Parlia: ment ae Gace a ‘h principal and. in will pee unen tha Conselidated Revenue Fund. Application will be made in’ due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Exchanges. rms of spelen may be obtained from any gaol of any chartered bank in Canada, and at the office of ney. 4 ‘Assistant Receiver General in Canada. The loan will be repaid at maturity at par at the Incase of partial allotments the surplus deposit will beapplied towards payment of the amount: due m the January instalm« TSerip certificates sie to bearer will be issued atter allotment, in-exchange for the: provisional re- ceip er General a¢ Halifax, St.John, Charlottetown, Mon- treal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria The books of the loan will be kept at the Depart- “ag WeAre Heady. : — Nothing like a whiff of winter to test this store’s Feadi- ness to fill your sudden needs—almost every: thing, net everybody wears and uses will be found here. In Order to Make Room for Christmas, we will Sacrifice some of the goods that take up the room: Mtewular $1600 for. , 12488 at f a Fh 12.2 a 4,59 * 6.28 3,75 12,30 Men’s Yweed Sui gular $10.00°for Men's Toad Bolte — re- gular $8.01 n’s Overcoats — re- pee $14.00 for Men’s aes — ede lar $12.00 for . Boy’s Suits — regular $5 to $7.00 for ,. Boy's Suits — ‘yegular $4 ‘0 $4.50 for. Boy’s Overcoats — velvet collar, reg. $6 to $7 Ladies’ Week cae $25.00 for. oe GET YOUR CARDS Six Fancy China Tea Cups Given Away Free PARTICULARS AT STORE. Fur Coats We have a very good sp penrement of Muskrat Coats for ladies ai ea $39.50 (Worth $60,00 to-day) Fox and Wolf Sets at Cut Prices, Come in and see our Ladies’ Sweater Coats All styles—all prices Try Loth’s for Your Silk Dress We want you to come in and see our stock of silks, No trouble to show goods. DON’T FORGET! New peers Grocery Specials 2 lbs. California Raisins for 2 Ibs. Se edless Raisins for .. DINNER SETTS AT THE OLD PRICES NEW RAISINS NEW OCURRANTS ney’s in tins.. «i 23 cents Robin Hood and Quaker Oats per package ‘i +25 cents Toasted Wheat Flakes per package ...... « 0 #@- GET YOUR XMAS WANTS SUPPLIED AT OUR STORE WM.K.LOTH “Ghe Arcade” MILVERTON y SS ni The Sin. ne Jan. Ist, 1917, $1. 00 FURNITURE 7 See our display of Parlor, Den, Diningroom and , Bedroom Furniture. A large assortment of Rockers and Couches. at all prices inoleum at Old Price, is Rugs of all sizes in Wilton, Velvet, Brussels. ~~ and Tapestry. \ Sleighs for the Boys and rls, he When i in tow shave a look through our store (Sp.keounsse _ Robert McMane | <a Manto Milverton bt y may ntged ment of Finance, Ottawa, Recognized bond and stock brokers will be al- lowed a ‘commission of one-quarter of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications which bear their stamp. and payment endorse the money. coupons attached, payabl to principal, or for fully Saaiarel bonds without Subscription Lists will close on or before 30th November, 1915 Finance Department. Ottawa, 22nd November, 1915. SSS] =]0 Sb SS SS hr iS) ES) SS Eb ES Es EES Buy a Victrola for the Home. The easiest way to make things pleasant for all the folks and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy. Come in and we will play your favoritemusic for you and explain our easy terms, J. E. WEIR Victrolas from to $100 ES) FE) 2 >