Milverton Sun, 26 Nov 1915, p. 5

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SHADOW TEST “He Looks Into the Eye” } ¥ THIS METHOD, it is almost a error, as done by looking tuto the eye thereby locating the de- fect right at its Weak Muscles Strengthened Headaches Cured, Cross yes in many cases seeniente. ced systei rately examined without asking questions, SATISFACTION. GUARANTEED! P. H. BASTENDORFF MONKTON BRIEFS Miss Gladys) aos at London, is ister, Mrs. veatitg aa penning: een r. H oN: is i i: annual e Ontario Beekeep- M Adair contributed several sloaptionary, numbers td the "Hampstead Wom- e me. Mrs. H. who uae en spending several months in th Gicpadinn = Nortliwest:- returned fe ae as aopete on Monday and is.ex- neir, ‘Renhick | “ Eyesight Speciali ma eae fat hi : parece ; tratford where oy bas peas MILVERTON, ~ - ONTARIO jobs at Rae oe mere, == ——— r. Merry field, of Guelph. accompanied by his fips Mr. Hi old Hu athe spent Sun moos New Suitings and Overcoatings v Gass eames who have a areful regard for their |] appetance oni find an adv to in- spect o} ew Suitings and Overoatines: tock rges and chev iots, brown ie y worsted, with advance in price. We have a large wig inal tae FAST Sgt perf it, prop- style, Sad first- ai S a eraremanats. We piare clic Geaer ‘dow, J. M. Fleischhauer Ladies’ and Men’s Tailor MILVERTON, - - ONTARIO Huston, of Mvi'lind bh returned home again after t: and e with a? pane fores ss hi: . William Baillie Hamilton farm pl old acquaintances in the } vicinity. r. Samuel ed again from the wi find ern provine of neointa ary west with her cousin 14th con.» at in St. Eons erene E, Doan is attending the Conve Rubber Season Men’s Heavy Rubbers, Sponsor & Spartman Redmann $2.40 pair, Gaceit Redmann 2.25 per pair. Boy’s and Youth’s Rub- bers at prices from— $1.25 to Royalite Coal Oil—15¢ gallon, in 5 gallon lots 14¢ per gallon. 1.75. JOHN REIS, JR. BRUNNER PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE™ pues to the: social held ‘last y service pn Sanday were Turner, of Blyth pulpit. ‘The offer 260 which wil ig of rt Rosewood No e held in we hall on nin, en election tford, will at Monk- lay ev-| services in > Empire by jo'n'ng the ord. Mr. Ei v his sa ats ieving glory on the will be held on Tuesday evening next | Nov. 30th. when = election of offi-{ cers will take plac he A Patriotic sigs are anxious that who RAILWA' RANG TRUNK Sy'sren DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO-CHICAGO AND TORONTO- MONTREAL FOR CHICA: GO Leave TORONTO 8,00 a.m.,6,00 p.m. and 11.46 p.m, dat ally. FOR MONTREAL Leave TORONTO 9.00 a,m., 8.30 p.m. and 11.00 p.m, daily. ‘telnet the finest on afl trains, PANAMA~PACIFIC EXPOSITIONS Reduced Fares to San Francisco, Los Angeles & San Diego le! Fook pe aed berth reservat- plication to Agents. a ‘ ‘CUNNINGHAM, Phone 1, Local Agt. Be » Look > Well aes Dressed t= +The ‘well dressed” ~* man will secure more business than the slov enly man. Be in line and get one of our nifty suits. § Fit and workmanship always guaranteed. : S. N. SMITH Ghe Up-to-date Tailor MILVERTO ) | Ms is Fe 1 send in their: names and memb p fee of e treasurer Mrs. J. time before the New some r For only Gill wi ill give the -remainder le pial pecs ith : 50-cent h The Minow FOnvistman entertain- n= ings. ete ore pelouy White for his premises, Mr. August oe +e ance Co. spen ton this week looking up prospects. +. GLENALLAN Dr ‘daimpbe bell and son, » of ritigel ack at Present the qyaestaot Mr. returned ‘home after spending a few days with his brother, Mr, David Steenson. Quite a nu ed ithe anniversary services Hollen Methodist church. The patriotic concert ‘held }6!' hous riday evening mber from here attend- of the were the aie of Mrs. Bessie John jacon: on bb the sympathy of the community. and Mrs. yberry spent last Thursday at ome of and Mrs. Jas. Hi mn Se INTERPRETED i—— ‘Go be! war men.” cries: Mrs. Pankhurst Being Interpreted in the light the late Gei man’s definition war, such an appeal might e deemed to border on the impolite, © 0 Hari » 14th con. | Blair. day or two Ohad Ellacott's and |y Thomas :™ in the tree ane Bewtapayer and ».| Why Demanded |: [movements in Pills did for my husband and m¢ Widisie oeiee Temedy could. Thave aaviacd two other parties to tee present posi- t to pitriotic funds and ay a| PAY WEEKLY | | tft fr cl ey making speciattie ies are the best in the bi h S Patera t that charge would = eae P for the publ g shing of not-! ices of meetings es an other eveata ee which there is ‘no s admis In other ie the ofthe hem, Thas bcenagreat sufferer and one box cured her, | ide, s zw od money can be mad “a grot full particulars write na, PELHAM NURSERY Co. 13-40 ‘oronto, Ont, ae | concerne ed. er e .. In no er business as much given for nothing as in the | mm mame ae — newspaper m th Gin Pits which ered and for which the is ever ready to speak in iF termis of praise. business | ap | “MRS. THOMAS H. PLESTID da hundred and one Sag aN oO. oe 5 a “news me ome | § pox? YoU" druagistsclls GIN PILLS,—f0e. the parabens * ENRO be NOW box: 38 Sat e in the pap-| # National Drug & Chemical Co. en in vogue : LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE di spapermi of Canada Limited, Toronto. _Derson. would ‘never!'$ Thorough Courats tanght by Come xe f into a grocery store| $ petent Teachers. and asking for even an ounce of tea. | $- Bocca sakes SIR De ae FOSTER CONFIDE se to a dry goods store and asking| Sena eae UCOE |for enough ribbon for a badge le SOWING, MATTHEWS, Principal ed |mot pay fir it. but. the > is ea! to gi Optimism and a jin the successfi ‘present war | Abaxattenans, rge Foster e's Hall, supreme confidence he George Fast “Daily” Service TO WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER VIA THE TRANS-CANADA Leaving Tarek 0 6.40 p.m, ntly Br wou Did it c had failed ul EY y to rain La which they ha ad leas sow ould he. MILVERTON AT 3.54 P.M, Through Trains—No C} ice See that your ticket reads vith Gi} aden, 438 | CANADIAN PACIFIC Be EAS From wit ‘ull particulars fro nit adv vantage ag L, Crawford, - Local Agent or write M. G, Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto re Fooality is 12 |eompétition.” new: apes r | a Russians out of Pos = the other hand, the — speaker pointed out the ‘Teutonts allies had lost “immeasurably mo ind gaine Britain ge the ieee Ene hed taken Germany so many | and so ugh money, to buitd | " at Tea he out: . prior to the war, control of vast industrial a many lands. gained | “Wh land a “MADE IN CANADA” Ford Touring Car Price $530 ions. § h 4 tremendo n man-power. i If you stayed indoors all winter—you er? nd in. colonies, ‘Th, Allies were might not need your Ford "till “ still united by bonds which Stl ge ; F « duplicity asunder grass” time. But in the wide “out-of- could not cut were ahead of Germany in munit’ and manev “+ doors” the Ford serves as well in Jan- uary as in June. It’s the all-year-round car with a reputation for service and economy that isn’t affected by the DR. MILLIGAN’ Rey. Dr. G. M. Mi Higan, pas emeritus. of =o seasons. and formerly y eral Assemb| 4 Chureh in The Runabout is now $480, the Town Car $780; eral who ¥ K Every year ‘for many rs e speedo t _particulars fro to 1914 he spent two months Gropp, Doron Dealer, Milverton, Ontario. and always hi i German menace im pre 1a pre eeashing his farewell se ermon as} Andrew’ ‘regular pastor of Old Si | 1910, 3 i rr * dines un" ‘on ¢ Germans.” Crossing Caaaa in ae after ched ie General Assembly, Bes at ancouver. Culgar: ir case, warning eesicet Fae {pending danger from The dey r the Calgary |The Caigary Athertan warmly at most the views, or them in the | BS... Se ome ‘or expressing history has fur- igan with ite vindication, a genuine Ra the Ca'thness type, who jPartyism and considers rather the J Milliner at Cost OR THE NEXT SIX WEEKS ALL Millinery, Shapes, etc., will be cleared at Cost Price. We are desirious of clearing out the entire stock to make room i nih iw ‘Of the political enti Hy enmategit: anti ing through f: abit oes fered fe future, Uae whi Can: Bae oes Eee #8 aes PaEE Zo = ee es es DIFFERENT CIVILIZATIONS From the New York Outlool Mr. Owen Johnson Chg ask.d General Joffre on behalf of eekly whether he thought aFrench subina ine could hive been ordered to i . Now is your time to se- {si e jitania, Joffre (replied; for spring goods y “| “No Hrexiely, Gores ould cure real bargains. :::: COME EARLY. I iF uch an r, ing he artiy is. not’ the master but the servant of the nat- nation reposes on a pub- is the |the consciences of its soldiers; and our, responsibility to that conscience than any military neces- i W. 0. BUNDY, Linwood I aig sien? of which they are a part senlly to give us a new faith : in demodracy. mocrati tees tal that there are some or- ders that it cannot give to it Winter Suitings and Overcoatings Ragas the obedience of its: army to orders ee P daa the a Seaene opin‘ons of man ii [anon Say SPACE COSTS MONE'Y | MMM WHRA HHA WHR WOR (HR Tam ams | AND IT SHOULD BE PAID FOR, | | Gitt ills |. cotinevos mares | Wanted Now J arrie Adys anti Reliable Salesman to act as agent In FOR THI KIDNEYS e Barrie Aare menting | able Salvunia to Act fs agent 5 WINTER IS COMING YO! HO! YO! HO! But we have ipsked ahead and are well prepared to eet the demands for WINTER DRY GOODS and CLOTHING view of the extreme advances on many lines owing to conditigna tee placed large orders for these goods last pita kat ae giving our customers the benefit, Space will not permit us to mention all lines and it will be necessary for you to see these goods to appreciate the values, 1 case Empire seul Se all new patiesee and fast = ll colors, r _ Str “Wannelettes, 36 inches w ide, rete 12 1-2¢ yard selling a erd: i regular selling at 9 yards for 5 Grey riannels and Shirtings all at old prices. EXTRA SPECIAL! 11-4 Flannelette Bed Blankets | 12- bis Flannelette Bed Blankets zrey or white, with eavy, grey or white, with pink or blite border, ear or blue border, oe pa 1,35 | Bony ch Grey or white Wool Blankets, colored pode at closes WINTER MILLINERY As the fall trade is practically over, our Milliners are now busy preparing for 'the winter season and have a splendid dis- play of Ladies’ and Children’s Winter Hats. prices 'e have a good stock of abe and’ PR a Silk Velvets and auc Mounts on which lines it le to get any repeats as they are all import ce, We would advise intending buyers of Milunery to come early while the stock in these lines is complet A CAR OF CHOICE ALBERTA POTATOES is to arrive at station this week. $1.40 bag off car. BRING US YOUR DRESSED POULTRY. WEBER & BETTGER WE HAVE JUST PUT INTO STOCK A Garload of Coal Oil € ha’ > the best oil in town, Our nies ary Give us a trial and {be convinced. ht either by the single gallon or by the bar The co! ‘weather is here again and we have a large stock of HEATERS AND Retinol ped nin you give you a THIR DAY’S FREE TRIAL and if not satisfactory we will take { Ys We have a full line of Dr, Clark Breton” STOCK FOODS 2,ciere's M. E. BETTGER & CO. Hardware Moronante = WEST MONKTON EVERYTHING MUST GO We are going out of business and intend clearing out our stock regard- ‘less of price. HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS RINGS and NECKLACES $35.00 Diamond and Pearl Rings pn sale at $25.00 Twin “Diamond Ring $22, ee Pearl and Diamona Necklace . WATCHES CLocKs $18.00 Wat for ...... $18.00 | $10.00 Cocks for 1600 8.00 , 14.00 + ee ; 0.00 + “ ec teen pamper. 850. «4 Everything Goes at Same Reductions mwe- CALL BARLY AND GET BEST CHOICE J. A. HANSON, Monkton ath? a es WITH, LIFB MEMBER Listowel “Btandard It is now time to order your Winter Suit or Oyer- leo Tuesday afternoon last fron coat. While Tweeds, Cheviots and Worsteds have ltheee to six Mrs. W. kone Baye advanced very considerably in price, the advance la Red Cross At Home to the mem. ‘ . ‘bers of the Women's Patriotic Lea- | in the price of. quits hi ‘gue. The attendance was very large We purchased our stock early and have an advan- |Sverything ywas parried out alon: tage over those who purchased this fall. Leave | Red. Cross flines.' Those who ‘wer your order now and we will turn you out a nice a tire yzton-aga re? Gay up-to-date Suit or Overcoat — with workmanship joured the tea. M therland unexcelled. No trouble to show you the goods— Ta : ecti ri “ whether you buy or not. and Miss Clay! the Red Cross Society by the mem- BESS of the Wi i e. The members took this w: rye eee their Qoppreciation great work that Miss Clayton dane and is doing for th gue. The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, - Ontario O. DUFFIEL hi has e Women’s Cream Wanted! \ > will pay the Highest Market Price for Cream delivered at the factory. ixez.'" Pearl Creamery, “vet {Fatriot’c Leig

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