Bulgar Gobeil Fights for Russi« {HOW TO, CURE The Disease is in the Blood and Must Be Treated Through the Blood. are almost as many ways of treating rheumatism as there are doc- |be tors. Most of these treatments ore directed at the symptoms and are sidered successful if they reliove the -| pain and the stiffness. But the pain and the stiffness return eaealeee by the treatment employed. Rheuma- | tism can be relieved in a ways, but there is only one way t cure it, and that is through the Pod, | expelling the poisonous acid t causes the aches and pains and sti id seh the blood ine can equal Dr. rm, was located in my legs, and for a long that I could not walk. eatment did not help me, and then s, but with sree Se vised to try Dr. Williams” Pink Pills, and although I had begun to lo faith in eee 1 finally y decided C *\ give eh are is pega aid so, rear and could walk as well y life. I have since taken the pills oceasonally as a pre- cautionary measur mot | speak too Highly: An, distr favor: ‘illiams’ . RADKO iets 10 is one of the most! t his countrymen, Eve Re, 0 SENSES OF TREES. Meateine Con Brockville, Ont % THE GUELPH WINTER FAIR. Perseverance of a Poplar in Sur- ee ounting Obstacles. . James Rodway who is the|y lecatioot the British Guiana Museum The ae Live nent, botanist, declares that ee Dominion. pe a ha start in 1884 as a fat yh and cake pure- fy aeeolinral eahibisignin tha minion. At vided for. The classification has been qustaed: | 3 ‘om yet first s ae Taultry. weve edad Th 1909, horse show was added, and this year that certain ‘ufteal eer smell water distance and will _ move tight toward i But trees not in the tropics can do ar for catt judging of Poultry will be com- pleted by Monday morning, Dec. 6th, placed on the coops, so sibs rodta Had moved steadily | | fast visitors will be able to note the oot the house and had penetrated | prize winners. .The dairy test will be | W' below the foundation 23. across the | completed and oer eee the Be basement until ‘ached their|sult posted. on Monda: As goal, the waste pipe, a Eimear anti if fifty feet away. Then they had pier re | swine is judged, Maine showing the ed a cement joining and had worked | catalogue pare their way in. mae seems something arene will be put “a on Othe stall almost human i erring in-| 0 ‘0 that the ideals of the Dees Berean tecterereee icennocot:| an be Bioliewed-by tae viastork: All Ing obstacles. eef cattle’ and dairy cattle will be some thirty sari AneY: on the oppo | on ave of the ~——Ft The comfort of visitors haa received coneideratle attention at the rd, seating accommoda- tion Taine been provided for seven hundred more people than in. any rmer ye GETS V.C. AT AGE OF 18. Lance-Corporal Dwyer Held Trench Against Germans. youngest soldier of the British is | very night from Saturday to Thurs- day. In addition, y and Thursday: sventuge,- tote: will te : competition for officers’ chargers ani Tiditig ‘exhibition: by the: 2 at Bats tery, which is stationed i ph, A series By Tectufes will be deliver. * each day of the show upon live ‘ock, policy or seeds, and es 68 si that the visitors will be able to hear the lecture and ‘see all of the judgin; A ing, ineie handed, a trench against rmans during the. ii around the famous Hill No. 60, in Trafalgar oe and delivered a stirring ap- for more recruits, which was Toudly. applauded. eting Corporal Issy Smith of the Manchester Regiment is the first sol- dier of Jewish faith to receive the w feature this year is a judg- ing competition between the diderent counties of the province, each county being represented by three men pick- St. hele spying, tersely says the sapper. of 01 oth: pills the a Stock Show Held t Do-| i first only fat cattle were pro-|an arm ieritenbectacatileehicep seal ene will be judging of horses|“ SPIES AT THE FRONT. 5 British. Sap) . There is no limit to he eae. and effrontery of spies in France, and s0 necessary is it to take every precau- tion against that si deel between goldiors and civilians ith great disfavor by the atte js Nagtes Seon as ries #9 the troops that no informa- ‘0 be ae to anyone, either Sil or milita Nhe dang o¢ alan te Monee by. an incident related by a sapper, Sig- nals Section, one occasion -d certain information. ig! woe “th” proved their Eidoing: “Th ee cunning enough to avoid word beaite he see “dis” for soon tl eid tt occasion a dispateh- rider ony tearing on his ane cycle field, in which a ploughing. Suddenly a bullet went through his cap, twisting it round his pressing in his chest. The other two soldiers searched the hedge, and found tried as a would-be murderer. —_—_* MEANING OF HALF-MAST.. A Sign That the Dead Man Was Worthy of Universal Respect. = eh you have noticed prominent person dies, ects if he is connected with the Government, the flags on public build- that jth at was not properly hoisted and the death of a great man since flags were used in war it has been the e inferior or vanquished. When y found itself hopelessly beat- en it hauled its flag enough or the fing of the vietare Gabe placed | © above it on the same pole. This wa token, not only of nobmiaalot but Be Penpeee Mims aya famous soldier died, flags were “ices ry purely military usage to public life of all kinds, the flag flying at half-mast ae a sign that man w: thy of tiers respect. Bele left above it it for the flag of the great conqueror “of all-—the angel f death. WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABY’S OWN TABLETS Thousands of “mothers throughou' Canada have written of their pee ave done for their little ones. Among them is Mrs, Tes Wright, Clifford, | Ont., who says:—* without Baby's Own Tablets, a8 they e of great help to me when my little boy was troubled with cons ag n and sour stomach.” The Tablets colds and “Sime worms and p They are sold oe il 25 © Dr. Williams? Medicine Go, "Brock, Ont. In ten years in persons were found guilty of murder in Austria, but only 23 were put to death. Minard’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria, Dangerous. Miss _Caustique—You smile so much, my dear. gerous. ara a It is Victoria Cross. His reward was giv m him for having assisted a wounded rade over 250 yards of ground un- der heavy shell fire at Ypres, ed by the District pea Sree SHORTAGE OF CLEVER HUNS. Not Enough Autocrats to Run the German Army. East Prussian and Pomeranian families have by no means a mono- poly of high posts in the German army. In that army there is a point in the advancement _ “I girees ainabst Believed that the} “now? ema WISE WORDS A Physician on ‘Food. A ve Cg Res kame has views t officer fans it, and, perhap: foal the of * Cre trai Prussians to go ro side with offici “Enmich feaad fe as oe Otto Em- att for the German navy, that an {vice never was looked up to by the ners as SES of the attention of a well-born man. All its principal ofticats are middle-class men. Grand ruts ies creams rand Tf think 4 ie wy necessary not t« id the stom-| the s - at the seni tate T also know | k the great value of Grape-Nuts when |* the stomach is reak to digest Pe ed fro1 written after an ex} an 20 years treat mn in 1899, and Von Muéller, head of the Marine 7 Catal was the son of a m: ‘ ne se the x Be food. ‘This is m sea as. Chemis ih a par- ed Mis: ae Be) ? wustiqn Whe: mile Tie ny as as ‘it aight: Fy his back, with a knee] you’, fulness for what Baby’s Own Tablets ati ANTI-TYPHOID VACCINE. RHEUMATISM / tnustrated By An Ine sees Related by | How the Preparationsie, Made, a) a French Institute.’ A recent article in La Natu scribes how ani prepared in Fran | Val-de-Grace, whee Doctors Cha: se, Vidal, and Vincent have done sucl remarkable work for humanity in the great field of protective medi- cine. The vaccine is polyvalent; fist iis to say, it isa blend sana not from many differs ae Bacillus typhosus. sterilized by the mo e de- i¢ up in small am- mumber of jesteniar Siena “pfice and. peremptorily poules, or glass vials, in sets of three, h of which contains one billion every ‘e mort: vigilany praises ‘women, 88 || tal orderlies, all working together.” pues nisi dat et, How to Save Your Eyes/; Try This Free Prescription your eyes give you trouble ? ifeady swear eyeglasses or epectacis} aera of ee ‘work you sit down a rest your tscles, bat how about your ss Do -70u, m ?. know Fou do. not. ator aa “someting élse that keeps pour eyes uy you work bed. ‘That, ts eyes, and fin- ly ‘other eye troubles that dreaten par- 1 or total blindness. Hyeglas merely crutches; they never cure. ‘This free ‘prescription, wich has benefitted the ork equal won. ders for you. Use ‘Would a like sour eye. ironies ‘fo ‘ais pear as pt Go se uiicaeeie 4 bottle of Bon-Opto alietss fll a two-ounce bottle irop t to, thoroughly With this liquid bathe the eyes i four times Galles Saal “Robe. Bow fckly your epee: clear tap and Bi inmation will disappear, Don't be fe ?'it 1s absolutely. harm- ure now bund might have saved tnale Sper had, they them fn time: 5 PI 10 to thank lishing ala prsecription. ‘Vaimas Drug Co. rents wal ail the above Preveription by ma! your drugs! Fewer “HERRING SOUP.” Scots Guardsman Tells a Remarkable Story. Private James Law, Scots Guards, has returned to his home after spend- risoner in . He was captured on Janu- ary 25th. About 100 of the enemy entered the trench where he was and and found himself in the hands of the One big. soldier Adena a3 ded eo Lin ad netsh that Sac; oak Acareanea thing. a te: mained in hospital for ten wi mp was very’ miserable. swkee see able to work were sent out in batches to pull ploughs, sn bitte aaa a splendid. “substitute for Tost of tthe? men all: “Datterly..Law subsisted almost entirely on ifoodbvent from home. worse than the read was the potato soup.” The prisoners were given a wa- tery mixture containing an atianpanes of potato skins, but it is Law's belief that the sentries got the potatoes. Another dlish, was herring soup—with HEADACHES, 5 BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION Nearlyall our minor ailments, andmany of the serious ones, too, are traceable to | some disorder z the stomach, liver, and > bowels. If ys es. of ingestion, acidity, Hone headaches, aotarts and a host of other distressing ailmerits, you must see to it that your Itisa simplemiatter 's Syru totake 30 drops of Mother Seige tressing consequences in just this simple Profit by their experience. Asa digestive tonic and stomachic remedy, Mother Scigel's Syrup is unsurpassed. 2018 _ SYRUP, _ ‘CONTAINS 3 ates. 45 coos Lin oes coma srs jit nie Continental Liar.” ig in a —skin, nealge, enteatls: cyearand ate i e1 ye eit ott pulled him off his seat. Law learned afterwards that he had ‘ust the truth. Many of German sol- | diers were dbnpnboarted regarding the issue of thé One man said: that in peace tinie he was given a bread ration of 4 pounds per da, ah vd wife and Saas That w: Saal to.1 pound. A Mees sett i the Continental Times was issued the pen Lae ts to give correct soldiers re-christened Twice a month the Russian prisoners . were forced to hoist flags in celebration et supposed German victories. Law wa: examined by German professors Wass times before being anged. has almost lost the power of his right arm, and, his left leg is stiff, hopes to improve, but waoes not expect - return to his former employment miner. op declared. om (pane Two of a Kind. tee ee do you think of a yy who throws orange skins on the CT Son—I don’t know. What do | think of an orange skin that throws | f }@ man on the pavement? ing that Pas Betas : It was Rg ce ae made }-# " foreign ships on the a therhigh seas, He enlisted after war FINED FOR MISSING WORK. Munition —— Must Pay Dam- 10 Employers. what certain Sheffield: (England) a ™- | munition workmen Lies not Sealine their line of duty in these times, wa: evidenced at ie shafted aa Bole Court, when W. B. W. R. pet hadito:déak arith ores serious cases of alleged slacking on the part of employes of Sheffield firms, now engaged on work for the fleet and the B. Burdel in, Sealiciiar for one of the companies, stated that in three months men lost 16,000 hor rine Allegations of periodical drinki were not infrequent, while tt oa proved that the men were often. wont to take time off as they. Plaats Dr. Hadfield (Doctor of lurgy) gave: evidence in Soe of his firm’s cases, and appealed to the Mr. ents. Horace W. Walker was summoned for 87. 4s, damages for neglect of The. money went into ses are | th s Smith was summoned for losing 104% hours, ee the company asked for £8 4s, dam Mr. kin stated that the “defendant Md bench to deal strictly with the delin- a . a summoned for £4 9s. damages for 31 lost, boners sae was 0 7, blacksmith’s cae, fe his work through drink, for cight| days, was ordered to pay the £1 swith | costs, 7s. 6d. mn H. Howson and J. REN oe £1 for losing a e ple was ordered to pé lost. Banal Coldwell, nings was ordered to pay £5 and costs. = > A FAMOUS: DOCTOR WRITES “Dear Dr. Jackson’ “T can truly say your Roman Meal it has not failed me sper latter condition in a single case, Roman Meal is made into delicious all grocers’, 10 and 25 © The Comforter. es understand Mrs. Green is “phat s What's the matter?” quently prov: in cases of reise ‘You urs, W. A. HUTCHINSON. Impressment—the seizing of _men imes the crews were taken from ‘Granulated Eyelid, ee gutnteeedby aa { Sore: Eyesiv= jr B e eye, Conlon t | nes ash Je pel ttle, Murine Eyo Baie 25c. For Bookol heEye eFreeask Chicago POPULATION OF IRELAND. — An Increase Last Year Over the Pre- - vious Year. ‘The report of the Regi istrar Genel of aceisnd sad 1914 shows that Ire- Jand’s ine in population has been wrrened and alate her rion, Last year shows Tation of 4,381, "308, sy 4370012 the previous ys the lowest year, w' Het een rate since 1851. Marriages Im- witn te ed 88 per cent. over anes aca, is shown ieee, which is rapidly Rega igures a eabales ay wives na signed registrar instead of making Bhs ae give 94,6 Ne hus- band and 96.4 for wives. “As regards aleeiamney: Ireland compares favorably with ‘most coun: tries,” says the repor' ere only 8 per cent. of legis births in the whole country. Diatee swisg os highest rate of Uys unty at per cent, and Connaught the jaweas The general ‘birth rate shows.a. light increa: A drop of .8 per cent. in the death rate is also noted, “old age” heading the list of aan wigh tuberculosis as second. Last 's death rate was 16.8 the Sind ‘Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, &o. The man who knows it all is never too full for utterance. e Turkish mother loads her child with amulets as soon as it is pany and a small bit of mud, steeped in hot wa- 6 prepared by previous shee is stuck on its forehead. HIRAM JOHNSON The Old No. 494 St. Paul St. NTR Established over 38 years ds Raw Fur Dealers No inflated price st from us, Send us your Furs and get the highest market price, _ 4 TRAPPERS ree fal super, Wopat fucken We have (aed aoe | in. ng for Fu rs, Hides No. eon today, for, ca eee fist moaERe TUR fa ceupaties at ‘Depts SK. boule, of | 207 sppttention ¢ pany, 78 We Ww FURS, = {APPERS, e raioN — RA} See mee ears Ai list. 1. “etal OT Main Brest, Paterson, Nad a ADS rt LOO AckES 34 iN | SIXTH CON: Ee ike Doki ae CELLAY Cc 7, TONNE aS, aie out, pain’ by our home treaiment. | Wel Se. aS oe NIACGRADOT wyandottes “None Better.” Winners at biggest shows. Good cockerels $2, $3, $5 each. Catalog free, MARSHALL & MARSHALL Box. W. Niagara Falls, Canada, sive ean reelana that he used to be a chum Red, White, Blue, Cross, pulivess STRUCK & B R from Bvery raw- fur 8 ar shipper who. te looking for a better outlet for hou! FU RS ts ire a position ie pay | tp © Our Price List—wWow Ro Reference or ierminciont Unies xchange National’ Bank, OSSAK, Inc., Exporters of and 140 WEST 28th STREET, NRW YORK Black fin paeete ae nee for our price list, We are t prices, and will do'so at all eady. We Buv Ginseng. ‘New Yorks Dealers in RAW FURS Victrola IV $21 15 _ ten-inch i ictor y aM, $34.50, Easy Payments if Desired. for Christmas You can get ten-inch, for ‘oe. including any of hear them. If the z a FOR A Genuine Victrola is both a gift for the day and peeps of entertainment and happiness the year roun It will bring to your fireside af the delights of music the world has to offer—vocal, dnstrumeaial: dance and orchestral; and make your hou pleasant.as those you have yes when lis' ty the Vietrola at the homes of your stint are 6000 Vi ee Records from which to ch , double-sided Victor Record elect ‘ standard and popular songs and iota ence pieces. Any of “His Saeed fe dealers will let you notify us and wwe will see that you are not disa) pointed on Christmas morning: ERLINER. GRAM-«O-PHONE CO., 601 Lenoir Street, Montreal In BVERY TOWN one NE PRION FROM COAST TO VIOTOR RNOORDS—MADE in OA: \ ox “HIS MASTER'S Vi TRADE MARK. — New Agencies Considered Where We Are Not Properly Represented. aired ry 50, to $400. urs friends, your favorite s of. not one in your bed Limited Oatmeal is generally adulterated Sith Baplegagiage 46" give 18 a hieer appearance. Minard’s Iiniment Cures, Distemper. Officers and crews of some ari submarines haye already nice sums t thee creas; pensere the Amieaty wards a y of £5 per head © of the crews at alee ships sent to the bottom, even if those aboard are not killed or drowned, YEE e Arena you te see tl BEST FARMS in CANADA will hear how ‘they were Railways. WM. SMITH, M.P., President, Columbus, Ont. 32ND ANNUAL Ontario. Provincial. Winter Fair GUELPH DECEMBER 3rd to 9th, 1915 eG alert oldest and. bi biggest WINTER produced. YOU et ‘AFFORD Yo miss: it. FAIR. In EST STOCK produced on the | and in: the Lecture room you ‘Single Fare on all | Ba oat Toronto, ORT SG