LOOKING OLD 100 SOON The Condition of ” of Too Many Wo- a irls. men and Too ea: an, girls look old ore before ‘her shoul Nas Be blood has become thin and da it is a fact that anaemia (blood- | Teens) more than any other cause, gi imes sean beat 80 fast that I y sensation. with- ir, beet and my friends thought 1| ie recover. Then 4 liao tak- ing a Williams’ Pink Pills, aud oe fore long could see and feel that me. gladly contin pills Mee T wa: “an Pink | Those (Ses a 50 cents a box or six box es Pee AERC “i aa A NEW ELDORADO. Alluvial Gold Deposits covered in Colombia. Rich Dis. the South American Republic of | and bad points of In Colombia is situated the richest aun vial gold dey cent years. Drake va jish navigators wines Mecca was ever ue Spanish Mai peo 7 Wit rossing nama, in 15 72, was first Decilitens to cast eyes on ae cific, The greater portion of the 4, 000 inhabitants 7 t the present f the olowets sg cutvantirasn, Alm: bier) io Subdued the native: ‘asec and ruled them ‘with a of iron til the bther ae Cortes, and eit Paugion uiters tito the every-day occu upatio of the people to an extent never “ke Keir’ aleesibes re. At os Pesiatiing - of any wo Sst dredge of the Nechi Eachus controlled ii Mines, Be n London, d., took place nat Jong 4g0,-ths duedgs who besieged the new officers |was blessed. b; the. priest in attend. they reached their ras may safe- ance, as was also ‘earth drawn. the first bucket Fe es A FRIENDLY GROCER Dropped a Valuable Hint ‘rom the time swish in Hed: » “Sometimes I-would get pan. ae it would be almost impossibl t dicine to delighte quit coffee aiorther and im.” (Tea~ produces about the same effects as coffee, be- use both contain. the drug: caffeine. id tannin.) = get aie: and in a, another per- ‘The aloe syaine Back to. wi me was able to do all m; ie atop ee oe ite a4 n by | t. nope form must "ba. well boiled, 15e and Phe! e per eason” for "Pesta, =s0) y Grocers. | the beens the the the Spanish | Conquistadores tra ives of South a Safeciortys is Na ways held, ang at ‘the launch of Ste ee The men to my ‘my ap- time. tengoncnee poe ors food. Consequently they save mite. Y.M.C.A. Work. i story is told of one green ‘private INDIA WILL BE | HELPED BY WAR] BRITISH SOLDIERS WILL SPREAD fail KNOWLEDGE. 8’ a cannot ae on esign.” The of uncert vain Senetie Ebaby never be ie The men have had »Y.M.C.A. Workers Help in Increasing of course. Understanding Between Britain and India. At the beginning of the alarmists found an o subject in the State e been strangers ich in a strange land, afte many pe uld have taken them e YM India would be ioe fo a ie however, _| man ne their | the fee dian Goons social life for the m ent i ‘Teht i nats front side by side with British. regulars an provide a seh lesome Yet they are doing Thousands bit in rae during the war, and it i: Teritorials eame to “india to take by no ns the ee of ius men who had gone , When ate wa nd Tomm: Europe or to the Persian Gulf. So comes marching apres “ay may eu [tae from India drifting or breaking continue to do their bit ‘for thei rom the Empices the presence country. ‘They have it in im eir cae relation and m Bri Ae of peerage emer iis Ghar arises Wine eee sacaly a better understanding Seeaes jain and her mighty Empire t. iCEMEN' x » India-would hare: een Hts | IMPORTANT ANNOU le more 2 than etame of ae if | Postage on Parcels Going to the ini woul Troops in France. oneihiied io an interest for a : a a retired colonels affected with | rect of applications. tha 3 nd Bs certsin Lords:in Coun: | aig 2 Peet sama ati er .. The great national upheaval | pone sent jcaused by the ee however, has sent | o¢ Pes |to this country thousands of men_ in, eu from all grades of society, | tg ‘om all rts of occupations, Even upon the most insular lettered amongst them of irrigation in ry life d ne and Ae war, rt erenpartanl, ue SR ag aire: | does ioe extent to parcele far troops [en Is = the Mutiny and of the days | engaged in active service, nor f th ry. oe within ie Bae of the Depazinient nd it tage required enue development pce eAdtecigt ce the acti pbes Jems of Gavarinasts If the addressee is in jautononiy, the ae of ofuenton [lands the rate on parcels for England the afalpiats me Poe land rev- i applies, which is twelve cents per ru co-opera- a the good | fale oie subject to the rates applic- sh rule, all ail to parcels for Hates which ard | are ever open consideration. ‘olloy All phases of Tan e Peveloutignt “oP Seana i dian st | college profes: | the waters Chanel.” The Terriers’ Troubles. A ed rates between England and France, Canada has dog pastes on, matters unk or | the em’ the see rates ‘as ae ae a ae ered sitor | war and must charge the same post- at Britain and fe idle: will Both ‘Shite by the broad- ¢| ening oe re bon ar nd friendship resulting from Trees ere be the Territorials, no monopoly e servants when must be addressed Care of Army Pos| | Office, London, Bieland, ‘ut this does ot in any way affect the rate of post- age which depends sietely upon the location of the address * DEAF TO-ALL WAR NEWS. e has Gn Wa iat ce Sa: e credited with equal wisdom and canning, One ot then hed: |portuning a youthful lieutenant. that | jhe might be the sahib’s bearer. os much ve you want?” ly ras- promptly named an exorbitant m in ees see English Convict Gains a Rare Dis- tinetion. To have lived in England for | the ast fifteen ou _withous Snowe. hat war out was the te distinction ote a iridiee piargel aa See at ee epinas police court. “Well, how much is that, anyway?” nw hatinicrswecentiladed, aya ihetaaio from ieutenant went away with a satisfied | tae an nd he smile. He had the light of omanee |g had Be him: a bearer is early years in} ernment would save y in the midst of a hat ype the inmates of prisons to fight. calml, and announc- pie ee Asay is B: | He 1 master Minaya’s Liniment Cur ee Plumes Are All the me May— a temne. ae cannot am not. a enough to be your Sire George—What pede dear. You are an angel! Colds, &, ervant’ probably had earned and elon slices to keep him and | ‘his family members” in luxury for itis eat af tate days. - { are keen to see the sights. They wander in the crowded bazaars |like small boys at a circus. One ‘ommy saw a-mule for the first not be happy a who had only $1,250 a ean and aeathane tie price they are! ‘Whatever kind: of an“dnimal’ is na he asked. min’ _ idiot! Don’t ' you the possess, When rebukes men ore reply cheer- fully that they will b sun vwas_on his ‘way to the “go dow! di fae hi ae lay and buy-: aoa That is almost nadian should go di te mia of February |auieed atae, but a tiny obaacle ae a it | mot Ist; if he is in ea ee par- | which man Meal Co., Toronto nm eles Mn aD caved bareels for the troops oo bit ing i Auckland New. suet) a Ma: i pou eee an ae could New Lady Tupper Yife of Sir Charles Stewart Tupper, of Winnipeg, who becomes Lady \ Tupper i aoe the death of Sir Charles Tu ‘Tupper, was Miss. 3 argaret "Beters pen it te paving a commission inf the Cameron Highlanders, See MAKING STEEL RAILS. Description of the Process They Go Through. The rail mill presents many pic- tures that appeal strongly to lovers of the picturesque, Under ordinary cir- cumstances the great strands of each half as long as a city slide back « aiid eo smoothly enough letwoat thecal cher are stretching them and toes them int ny turn one these cables of fire off the beaten tok ani twist it into a hopeless tangle or wind has [it like a squinnitg snake around some | for WO Cer unfortinate. workma jen- tury Maga athe. ling process has ger paialetel, le pisos tron n, says the laverstlerlibeb nan shunt eaddontyinee ge tion. When the rail has been scouted and holes have been drilled in it, it is |ready to start for any pare of the world. The evolution of -|beams or sheets from the ie steel slabs Ja gained tho ich determine the f mately assumed by the steel in thelr hes. + WHO IS DR. JACKSON ? dietetics, and diseases of the ut the formula for Rain eal, comp< seeaat ris) shes | 6 meal is’ made by Ro: veka ECLIPSES FRIGHTEN ARMIES. Soldiers | Have Always Been Rather Superstitious. sants about, the ‘rom. parce pn a nae an \—the lem of e always been rather anata and even in the remote times of Alexan- der the Great's macch on Babylon an celia of the moon threatened to de- roy his army. Well disciplined oe He were, the Greek troops becam seized ith peer one eas an Ay n half minded t te But Aleta anth ereat ceremony, 1 discipline was restor MAORI RECRUITS. The Heartiest rane in the British my. r close Catia you of the ha- ft f the men it in train- for appears that the inherited, almost Ss a source vot wonder to his pale "The ‘camp eats are admittedly ent in their way, one warri¢ bottles of SS Ty, a Bek of et foe ian merry and bright, for “physi aril at ning. half-past. six in the”mors a ceed eae] Minara’s Ziniment Cures Diphtheria. Is -| Prussian, snd acre; the r years he taught food shemistey, on e ix _ about 50,000 a whole wheat and rye, with deodorized a inetd explaustio nto the Rus- | ME pea Throw ‘Away Your Eye-Glasses! haaeias A Free Prescription "You Can Have Filled and Use atHome ou wear glasses ? Are you He, ‘eve: -strain of other: eye: weaknesses Hf so, you Will be glad to eae, ‘at there P nope F you. whose eyes were fat sy they have had th ch the iba Be of this Fesel Ove ‘man ere 0 without f water any ald’ pain dreadtully; reel it was dike a. “airacle ‘to 4, used it says he hazy with or without this’ preserlption who atmosphere seeuted eve Sble to strengthen ‘thelr spared. the trouble and expense getting glass oe tronbie ‘of many de: Scriptiony ully, eneditted | by following. the simple rules Preseript Toit: Go to aay active dug and get ay bottle of Bon-Opto. bottle arop Sue Bon Opto: tablet wd wilowr to istive With thts liquid, bathe the eyes t 8 dally. should 2 nate Your. eyes Mahe fr the netie, 18. too. late. ind might have been saved if they waa cared da s Drug Serna Dy mal dtanae a selst PIGEONS IN WARFARE. Were Used Extensively During the Boer War. It is not generally Few ait all oe armies and navie: the world all back. on affcial Pres, neceseard, and that the birds belong- have their ped up in Tadyemit winged obengers carried severa ace from that gallant vies: oe the who were slowly fighting their way to his relief. The first war in which pigeons were used as messe1 neste ae thes, Franc the rried ate into and of fag Paris. post Svan voetdutis hed at Tor ‘ours, aa right through the siege regular mails were oe between Paris and Tours by pigeo Ta a 5 Miles of Electric W: e. Through the United States and ,000 poles are needed an- for ‘yenewals and new lin Wellistorked Sere ee which are the best manag | world, diss only a0 Paes the| poles now standing would | thus represent all the timber growing | more than 130,000 a ada considerably less an 100 poles are cut to the acre, so that nearly 10,000 acres of eres ae been cuit | to obtain the poles now in use, and acres are at ov ear to furnish the ae for sr That means cutting at the ra’ ae 100 acres a day. | | was cured of painful goitre by MINARD’ 'S LINIMENT, i meat McMULIN, ee ats Sct Inflammation MINARD'S, LINIMENT. tas W. A. JOHNSON. year vai of Facial Neuralgia by INARD'S: pi Reta Parkdale, Ont. J. H. BAILEY. by Nine churches In England are Ba: ed in honor of St, David, of Wal ‘Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows Lot of Difference. Lawyer (to witness)—Did y. y that an incompetent. man aula es as wal oe anybody! ness: I said an inn-experi- enced man a MOTHER i i : SE IGEL’ | SYRUP | The proof of Mother Seigel’s {Syrup i is in the taking. That is why former ae whose ped. by I 'eellent for stomach, liver and [bowel troubles. Thanks to Mother Seigel’s Syrup, they are now strong and well. 4 1S EXCELLENT FOR If you are afflicted by Indi- _gestion or other disorders of the Rene liver and bowels take Seryeta Syrup regularly TY Seeds to lits beneficial influence ‘felt. |Then note the improvement a your appetite, your strength, your general condition. 5 AEADACHES, BILIOUSHESS CONSTIPATION | Lepliloer oobolile of Syrup MS ‘is ‘three ee wus Wi: ie ARMS — ALL Grain, Dairy rant to. "pays wr Brampton, 01 London town; der Zeppeleen Vhat d nee ae HK Bont down, I am von bold shky- pilot, I do der Var Lord's vill; Some prettee Engleesh Meaitied Und der leetle ri kill, Hoch! Hoch! eae to Wilson Publi pany, 78 Went Adelaide St "Poronto, FOR SALE. : EBWFOUNDLAND PUPPIB! «Sale from pedigreed stoc} pure-bred Pe ‘ittens. pets, Bure to, attract attenition, Bilfespie, “Avboisrora, LON ‘o me it vas der great bik fun PMc CELT To hide above der clouds, s Und tink how many Engleesh dead Cen Ce tea peeireer mes mu t ir home Gniment ii “ou wraniph ih seule te before baat late, Dr. Bellman’ Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. {TRAPPERS oe Iam so happy di effer in der vars. Und what I likes oe ae dest — n ting you vill aj vite” I drops boms spon yak ead You cannot punish.m It makes mein zides mit laughter Ship toRogers, shpli ful Pralusinesshen Novgamminaoes Watton commi exe run a Lous, GOLD Write me for Special Information on i CONSOLIDATED — de Mi INE: aeimlrae (1923 tr ao ity look down from der shky, are d dink: der speshul constables chmesace a, sie “Vake up, England!” ery. |1 come like thief in dead a night, GOLD der red-eyed s Ven sinks d Uinlsden yates eared say I vas von pirate Hun. |-@ Bat nicht eare T for ee you tink of 2 in der age fe are frights. Imake you Der latest ¢ ting | in -vell, -vell, I vill DOG "DISEASES ny—I tink so--vin shal If England vins- ! America’s Pioneer V.S. Dog Remedies Clyde Foster Be ania Answers. ne Met SS ais bee hie Ye ee Marine J INE, ind to restore feddened and made Sore recom- mend Murine Suecess, talk 108e whoa: there ie no Preser your Druggist 50. Bye Book “Murine ready for T Eves for Eve Tr Comfort. Write Murine Eye Ron ind 3 ‘while others perhape eulo ‘an ah tntal print th opnonttion: toto fea Murine, Just hand and you have a Complete Pica. ‘Dropper ~! ry {tin your Eyer and in Baby bles “No opmarting ust for Book of the ‘The Spirit of America at fon Magnitude and Cheerfuin AMERICAN PLAN EUROPEAN PLAN ‘D.S. White, Pres. J. W. Mott, Mgr. many. Waheee The jellyfish: enta-by wrapping it- self round its food and absorbing it. | n may have ae ideals Minard’s beac Cures Di | and til ay a low- cut go Borrowed — umbrellas the shadow of suspicion. rings were used as money ye cast Tron the ancient Brito: FREE TO HOUSEWIVES A big combined recipes. 88 page size Household. Aceor Calendar and Recipe Book 9x12 Inches, nt containing nuphrone of the best and latest HOW TO GET YOUR © ie Select eleven of en ponteard g qirselt wf Bo ous &tper's reus to the frst firm on the address to tte second frm on ‘the list and so on. 8 dese of this, babe Will show another list of firms to 8 further 1st of names snd adarenn a your postedrda te dug-etons sain ten Canadian Shretged Wheat Go, N Christle Brown & Co., Teron c ‘Tig Co Ta Poranto Mayle! ry nat Milling, Cow Toronto, Co, nt Standard 1 & Fonice Cor” Woodstock, Ont. Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited, Montreal writ “Falls, Ont. Ltd, Galt, Ont, Go, , Preston, Ont. M4, ual are, C0. & mall ton. Revillon Freres 134 McGILL STREET, MONTREAL are manufaeturers and can pay you best prices for furs of all kinds. Send for our price list. Christmas music---- and — entertainment during long winter months. ‘Victrola WV. $21 — With 16 ten- ne lout sided Victor Record: so pataettong ae Es see You can have both if you own a Victrola. Music seats for ents, if ‘Watrede One Victron, 33550 to $400, will overcome the ateb afresh social happiness, that moments fe long winter hours, and kindle ai ~ ment it raven The Victrola will play all your fa mee “songs and instrumental music. They are té be found in the list of over 6,000 Victor Records, including _ standard and popular music on ten-inch, double- sided records. at 90 cents for two selections, — "Any of “His Masuer's Voice" dealers will ze het them. It there 4s, not one in your vieinity notity e will seq. 601 Lenoir Street, ‘eee sb In Byser TOwM Hes one a