Gn | LINWOOD TOPICS | 7 5 G ”” Chamberl: wee ° ° 1 teatime eee | Christmas Preparation Week coughs and colds and their children Miss Viola Beggs arrived home on have croup and whooping cough, teats tise after spending afew days Most everyone knows me. I have ||’ "airs, 31 t the i been sctig om Boive: eachotkie for [see ot Broderick, Fea teri : bes ran = peree tea. for Christmas, Our stock is now very complete. See for our BAe UE poco alvvage: olecranon cele 06 Ber Beat : ie isplay. fe are ee: for eee Christmas trade in our history. We are s » | |chicken stolen on Friday night las ready to meet all prices and do a little better in most cases. Look through our stock ee f | |The sneak thief who perpetrated such ‘ pa. eur. sec acs for W never taik-ta their, hour ob 1 eee ast has aor an ‘atom of we are sure to please you. | Stags common decency ingrained in his Thave helped young mothers whose | | dirty carcass. babies were choking with croup, and || ot west last week in the person of been the comfort of parents whose Mr. Charles Hackett, of Bangough. children tramp to school through the} [tS acc the last to. be called to the wet winter weather. Many a cold 5 and afiack of bronchitis Ihave warded ||. Mrs. A; N. Rink spent. the week: off, and thousands I have helped Quite a number from here took in through the anxious moments of whooping cough. Ihave come to the ||Gienallan spent Saturday with Mr. . David Beggs. aid of mothers and’ fathers when they Nese eg Koehler, ot sratestes, : ad coldeaud sntlucnza. aud have<| lependicg a tor: ( M - ° S ’ We Have a Nice Selection of Ladies’ Coats Compare the finish of our coats with some you have seen also the stylish appearance. We have See ee Cloths $19 79 left, reg. $20.00 to $25.00, while they last t acs 18 CHILDREN’S COATS LEFT, all ts go at 10 per cent. off Our Big Silk and Dress Goods Department Is in splendid shape. Now is the time to select your Xmas wants. i i eat ee arnt W. “Granay”’ Chamberlala bens Dank es aes galbering: |) Ree Parte cpent Bunty’ x ‘om bronchitis an a. the former’s home here. < Piece hedy inoet varied Ge ywh Mrs. Scholl, of Monkton, spent A Guessing Contest the week-end with her daughter. penn, ob rich and the poor, in Aces ae the shape Mrs. Norman Behlocgel. " A number of our customers have asked us this question “‘Why low don't forget Granny” C amberlain! . You will see me IS Gan cline af Dresden woe don’t you have a Guessing Contest ?’” Guests contests are often now, for I am going to tell you of my experience and spen nding a vacation at the home of illegal. We do not want to break the law — and that is the what can be done in your home with Bee reason we have no guessing contest, “Rosie Meyer. of Berlin. is spending a vacation at her home Wear Stanfield’s Unshrinkable Underwear This is the only place es can buy Stanfield’s Celebrated Underwear tur stock will be sold at the OLD PRICE as long as the present hamberlain’s Cough Remed ett net t. af Alla Se ent Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy = [3 2:01, surge, ax d: y. IF Ae 5: Choon ber basir ‘Mrs. Alex. Rennie and Mrs. Se- Qjourw ee a —Guengy cord spent a few days of Taal eek in_Listowel. supply lasts, therefor me say—buy now. rs. ‘Pearson fand daughte 5 PP VS RES ROM . London, are spendin, exes tee ¢ 5 I f the former's mother, M rs. R. . Fish rocer . = fake "E Boves and inter en y Specials for this week | now pects, New Raisins | Gtocery Specials for this week ig Jaays with their sister in Wiarton. Breaktfe t Coffee,"1 Ib. tins, at per tin. 25¢ New Currants Sredles Raisins per lb New Suitings and |) | The ‘recruiting mectiog held tn the Corn Flakes per box se es : ce ae . town hall It on Friday renin at ie I 1b. Smoking Tobacco for. S 25¢ New Shelled Nuts 3 cans Sterling Salmon ‘for Overcoatin Ss Messrs. Chas. Ppeaace and ©, Mul- Sarre ray oe) Mr, : 1 Ib. Fig Sandwich for. e 15c_| New Figs, - New Dates | 2 packages Toasted Wheat F) Cranial igt a sce Chieftain Oatmeal 6 Ibs for 25¢ be EADDINUDT BETO ROIS ae prow a aturda; cS; & x d Gentlemen who have a ake pegs a reaupae is visiting with}, = w hf , re ; eS careful regard for their | isnds af Berl. om here attend-|G. Leonard and Fr apswer- atch for Our Big Ad. Next Week. Bring us Your Poultry we pay the High Price Ly puneetenre mand find ]{ ed a concert at Wellesley Friday even |°4 the ot to § AS ee ane an advantge to in- |} ing last. peas ite spare: spc our Stings | ca iacon nm wae wae nel comin peor! | WR A TH: ,t : 2 gt Overcoatings. red ag clerk in Mr. R- B Hamil-| fa few days with a friend mour| 8 r) ® Arcade 8 liverton s onths in the post office | bUre We have a large stock } left on Monday for Toronto where | Mr and Mrs. Stephen Due: ane. iia Bot btack and blue serges a position. Pity eae Sunday with Mr. i i ‘a M a 1s ted a | 9° = aT = — SRY and cheviots, brown and Se eee a eee edes|, BEX. and Drs, Allan MeLaushlin, of "4 rey worsted, with no i ‘Tralee. spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. grey worsted, : choo! } Reports advance in price. Mrs. R. Patterson is visiting fhe Carona | week ‘with ce. Jobin robull, 8r..| ye ee othe ee bat wish bet ate ao hi ° \ 1 avou FAST {Bear Milvert efte! i 3 e following is the report of 8,8. We guarentee you BAEZ iis, Simon Wewings’ was 2 Ja speedy recovery. No. 6, Mornington. for the month of Bl color, ‘perfect fit, prop- }}! xt Tistowel Friday list. | Mr. and Mrs. James Ogram —an- November ;— er style, and first-class . 3 hern, Mrs. Ring and,2 nee “the engagement of theironly Iv on Erler, M, Meadows. B syorkmanship. rs. A. Beggs. of Linwood, fi and i iughter, Minnie, to Mr. Roy Calder. Ue Watso st Coriciok’s on day| the wedding to take place in Dec- {. Dowd, H. Waddell, FOR EN q f See ag BER: si ae ih —R. Moore, af Place your order now. a | concert is to be held in} Jr, IL—Rvelyn. Reid, I. Meadows. Si | - Rutherford has moved on the Separat school Macton, Dee. 17./S. Henry A. Erler, Elmer Reid. o farm recently purchased from|®t 8.15 p.m. The program will con- aS ae Waddell. leischhauer Mr. M. Wagler known as the old po of plata ipat i th Bogus School] First Class—Harold Robinson, a rs nspector.” in which the young. peo- ne Clas . Erler, G. Gray, ed Mane Tatton PN ee rm as pened up ale wll ae the eilren wl oko) Waaael Dy Watsons M¢PHERSON 's. a af, seer - ONTARIO eae shop in part of cranes Norman | Part x after eera No. on Rall, 15. Ratz’s stor e and the evening. Ad- Mae? ra Tittle Teacher Mr. Win, Reid has opened uphiv| mission 10 and 15. cents flour and feed store in the property Fleise! a = ee ee wee is from a d Mrs. John At ai: sviait I Wanted Now J. la Saat fry, eh, Aerrite Sait | ++ eae following is the report of ana one or more examin Reliable Salesman to act as agent in ee Sr, ilson Cor | Perth County, 5 “The bazaar held by the ladies of | ME aaa phy "Joe Lambert. of EL Dia sone, a Baith PAY WEEKLY Knox church in Ritter’s hall 0M) ima. spent Saturday and Sunday at| Jr. IV fae oD ‘exclusive territory and Will. Lambert's. Sr. Itl—Lydia “tbrecht 87, Amos Bertha Tabbert and Miss rent 7. Jacob Kuepfer 71, spent Sunday afternoon in —Christ Kuepfer 70, Gordon vi . me 37 3 | Mr. Fred. Mui attended the 1—Mary Corry 83 Agnes Se. on 1, Noah -Kaspter. 68. Henry pe “GET TI 1E HITC day. | Corry mira | Mitchell x. mad church union the result being as ers. for 22; against ager 6; against 16; # 4 Sis Roth 83, | ae PELHAM N NURSERY 0. “ hg tiie: vote | gpent, the’ otk end with. ae friend. bee pie —Barbara Roth Reu- : eronto, one. Mil1911 was: ne bere or oes soege| Mr. Robert Allingham of Fernbank Primer—Eli Albrecht, Lizzie Klock << Vou could not give =_ wees Be OD th i tort ia ah against 10; eld-) sont Saturdav with his brother, -Mr.|™', ee ae b 9 1 . Tanner, Teacher. [Mes dn cist hag Just reste Wesley Alinghi wna anugh. nie Pana = any member of your family word from his younges jter Verna oes ; — ae 2 ; Resige. of Beresford nC 4 3fe,QaaAt tise Suncay vith espa niin wil 9 <i : a oe this Xmas which would be . going to sell a ave and en-|" “Masters Milton Allinghar- ae Uist for overseas service at o} 8 | Allinghar’ atid Jn Rubber _ ies ucts tring ih ney Bt Mt cae tor ima Yo) Beh Most Gt, taura Kon “more useful than a pair of ———_—__——_ the Brandon seaccaut, and has shear a» sae High School there. 518, aay 533. the voice of Field Mo~ aneh:| Misses Gibson a a Roe. of Elmira, abel “Herr 99. Vaily Mr. “) spent the week- a) with their friend 2 mevillie Quipp 526, oe Season ©:|Miss Edna Lav Rei Gordon Reis 414, i nin if Cc oc ey oes aes! TOpD a Premier} St: 8rd—Albert Becker 359. Alvin . . a iehn Heszat) brother Gh ErsmleslGaipp Gs Harry Reis G10, Tica The Joys of skating are never known until hockey shoes with the ® Men's Heavy Rubbers, Sith 8, Otto iealbricteen i Ee) Lightning Hitch are use Sponsor & Spartman Cl : Mawille Kerr 00 Andrew Sehmiat| They are strong and durable, support the ankle and equal to the de- agecin ant Fa. -40 pair. uU ing ates ot: Set torinds Hels 180 Frieda mands of Canada’s National Game. eit Redmann 2.2 7 Poppert 432 Reuben Taylor 374, Gar- ps 5 enen With The Sun. ald Capling (77. cconp 90 Th : < : Messrs. F, Bulm tinger ne Gropp and J. Huber apent. idsbacdag i toe Christie Nafsige + 291, Willie Becker e ; Cit . ee 75] 383, Milton Becker 234, Violet Reis Twin ilton Becker iolet Rei e ; Boy's and Youth's Rub- Mr. and Mrs, George Mantz, mei $30 Fred, Schmidt 316; John. Kerr $ ‘9 Shoeman bers at prices from— ]}Berlin, and Mr, and airs, Jacob "Herle Weekly Star, 4. and daughter, Miss Sylvia. of Heidel R. ©. Brogden. Teacher. $1.25 to $1.75. Gang fwerd plaitarecet che hone of sa ee es ee BURNS - Mr, Fred. Lackner on t the NEWTON J et | Rage OF ise | eet ae ae a vere tll Grpeam Wanted! gallon, in 5 gallon lots [| Club at Elmira last Priday nial Miss Lillie Yost is home for a few |sister Doroth: att visiting, with Mrs. George. Dorscht. of Bamburg. days. jeans in Listow. 14¢ per. gallon. is visting her pirents here. * 0 | Airs. Mitchell. sr.. is at present vis, Edmuni nd ney. of the 110th ee eS ‘ Ptr vee pckner hud the iting with friends at” Guelph . in “| Battation, Stratford, spent the week- Ws Sill IROL laa: Meceetnee i i end under the parental roof. ‘e will pay the Hig! larket Price for Cream misfortune to break his collar bone other eastern points. i te last week while sleigh riding. His We are pleased to hear that bolton Be ast week while s he { friends wish him a speedy recovery. {ter Roderick Jack is getting along Cand GupeLiancened : JOHN REIS. JR Mr. Luke Forwell, of Berlin, call- nicely after his fall in the elevator. | 8 ie ’ ‘3 ed on his uncle here last Saturday. Mr. George Kirkland returned | Britton spent last week at "River: Yours fora P I Cc 3 BRUNNER Mr. Fred, Baechler left on Satur- a fon. a three months’ trip to ‘the | Side hae cients harsenian Square ear reamery, patients 4 day for Gi where he has secur- est. A é PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE it fob in a blackamith shop. Our teacher Mr. Hut shison 8 ana | Brighten: the" home Mtr. ‘and. Mra rs = F.C. Lackner, Mrs!‘ scholars will hold their n. . Be. eorge Forwell, and Miss jarbara 75 |annual Christmas entertainment — on), Saaias babs wie ees ine = | Hinsberger motored to Berlin’ on] «; « Ee § | Eriday evening, Deo, 17h oor /aey. laste, Saeco MORNINGTON COUNCIL hee rg journal ‘rom a report of the installati it. : i Mr. J. 8. Watson who has been Mrs. Philip Conrad napent iertiouee to Can. the Masonic lodge at Haileybury we 1 ae, RAND TRUNK Asem Bettie with friends at Erbsv «uw Atlan subscribers "4 59 [notice that Mr. W. J. Attig. former-|spending the past, year with bis] The council held their regular mon i - Mr rge Dorscht and ee ‘An-| ““. The¥outh's Companion, 3:25 |ly of Newton, af att y a AEE Abbie te ihe Went ba Sidr seck uy si oh for December on Mon- ‘TRACK thony Denti nd little daughters has been elected Worshipful Master zy y ithe 6th tn, Donley’s: halle Newton. Z pe aes ‘ape epee Raith aL Athortn were. visitors tol © mails tof aoe ta nee toeomce | fat, the ‘enaulng. four: “Phe LEM. Mr.| ,Mr. and Mrs. D. Henry attended! Ail the members were A sacs oa icago ‘Berlin on Saturday. 1 ¥ ae Lockii 8 of the) the rr Ye eee Btcattord. «| mngeed of the previobs ameeting were M if) “s ge ieton pe pore eubieationy lodge as a token of the loa ge's anpres aN of “Btratfor “lread and adopted, By-law No. 478 ‘oronto-Montreal § KINGWOOD ‘or example; station of the work accomplished by|short time ag for the Hunter Drain was — final bela ‘Train Service a eth _ |@he Sun and Daily Mail and Empire.....$3.75 ee See me oe term as waste, pre-| The reault of the vote on church! nagsed, “The clerk was instructed to a 7 Equipment the finest on all trai } Ye ‘The Canadian Farm ($1.85 less $1.00) 0.85, Mr Attig with a Past | union in North Mornington church |pyepare by-law to distribute the sur- - ; } e a number from here took in| yy -Three Papers rs Re en ee ;| plus on all municipal drains concern. the concert and box social in Welles- fide poy 5 ev. Mr, Gazley, o! Wellesley, wil ed and also to forward a letter of WINTER TOURS fey, on Friday night and report. the| Remittances by postal noté oF express ortler occupy the pulpit in North Morning-|¢ondolence to Mr. John Kocher. and ‘ ? ‘best ever. ‘at our risk. Address— £ GOTHAM ton: church next Sabbath both morn- family who haye sustained the, loss of lo See ee Mr. Mel vin Hammond, has return- MALCOLM MacBETH, ing, and: evening. a’son and brother. A by-law distrib- 4 soa eee ee ES CALIFORNIA ‘ed home after_spending the: summer Publisher ofthe Sun, | Quite a number attended the jae cea Juting the surplus on the Mucller--|| CANADIAN PACIFIC : mecotte neat <i E a F ’ iverton, Ont | yiotie concert at Mr. a Alex: ae RTBURG paeer drain was finally passed and Full particwlars from— ‘< And All Pact Cana Poate, F Ford, os sya der's on Monday. Nov: ARTB' e treasurer was instructed to pay||F. L. Crawford, - gent Texas, New Orlean woul at Sethe nme ah ee mecmencmnrcrmerrerne Tur meee, | tn ih gt ay a pte SERe fhe parties interested. thelr portion |f or write Mc, Morphy, D.P.Ax Toronto it Tick le. « * ford, spen: e bre -en Fea e surplus. ton ‘fares, Cholee, sates Mr. ‘Henry Kelly visited on Sun- CENTRAL Hones, Ehgoetz and|° ‘The clerk was authorized to sell the : Over privileges allow day Srigtenn Gmc Busi Coll large number from here attend-|son mr Katt visited friends In Detroit |debentures for the Gernhelder Drain : Tauiverbiryasrvive willbe aaa tt usiness Col ege a hate fawel Fa'r on. Friday, Dee [last week. jissued under by-law No. 469. A by- Full Particulars and berth reservat- Zion church on Sunday. Dec. 12th Stratford, Ont. 8rd. Mrs. George Becker and Mrs. Ro¥| Jaw appointing a ti dS of fe om application to Agents. Rev. ‘Mr. Stewatt, of North “Morn: ge Miss Jessie Corry spent Sunday) Henry and son Braden spent Tap Bu Pen cten thu tee ace ENROL NOW ieetanninenan, Phone 1, Local Agt. | ington vill have sage. of beth ser with her’ paren earkend with the former's parents 1910 aria’. tinially basis eoaien E — at the — vices io a.m. Se ete ae ee oe eee di ii a 3 Mr. Gazley will “ake 3 Mir Stewart's fi get individual attention 9 War, oe a ‘fhe esters ball pas oy Mrs Bred. Harlot pobut {sill pie ‘of orders, were ised which LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE charge at North Mornington. uadS are placed in portions, We are |{[at Donegal on Friday night. 5 e_week-end with their son Henry. “statement forthe year. ‘The council |, ‘Thorough Courses taught by Com- A maiden at college named Breeze,| As hence see dpplcatonawe quince guest | seers Tobago (aig a reas |adjourned to meet again on the 15th petent Teachers. x ‘Weighed dows aM yeas of changes have re- jongur free ay enter any, time Send |{!fortune to be badly hurt while oper-| Mr. Samuel Henry of Stratford, | dae ‘of December ‘at’ ten o'sl ook to csdadnaiaient Collapse from oy) couray Peetmane oe one tailing Hsts|| | 12298 ating the litter carrier, spent_a few days of last week with finish tho business of the yea! For partiew Said the doctor, ” SC Ratogel RUeeilar e Gespal oc he Nash McLACHLAN, ~~ Principal Jas han. has completed| Mr. Roy Henry. q EDWING. MATTHEWS, Principat examine their label and see that it bis ‘trips on the milk Se the] Miss Sarah Riehl. of Downie, spent William Waddell, You are killing jourselt by denrées! corresponds with their receipt. EDominion cheese Bactor fast week at her parental home. Clerk of Mornington. 3