ees: et Suites Scarfs. are the most practical for the deli- The Milverton Sun Now + is upon us and the|cate trimmings and fabries they are ‘Sten season. i galctes has begun, we find abe fab Vel vets xeon oe is 4 And. Monkton ourselves scurrying about, here and| Clothes are of course the standar 2% PUBLABHRD HEALTH . anette and. brim- | materials, practical and rich in effect; Fashion Hints regen’ tuaspay Manone ming over with happ; ieepenatict of | but many beautifully colored, novelts sr ffi the Coninigedentivittea where: 91a any pratt showing = seas uneseedn: - Cage merry hours, oblivious | ##ence in thei quisite embroi i lea Printing ne ont ees Sree fine and tho fama porobetiee of let, may be found: Eeyotian novelties Gossip About the Styles. Main Street, Milverton, On' It thing to: convince the this Melon date oe for the | alo, n failmg in. beauty, offer|, Everything Russian is decidedly in nF ordinary Sat that there is 1 3 th emzcves for coat and wrap of maid | ‘Me front line of fashion. VBSCRIPTION RATES 1. [ever present questio ress. ee kere eile Cove year, $1: s1x months, 00 cents; thres| GANEEr hour fast occasional: |" “There are numbers of dainty silks | and matron this seaso! ioe Se oe ene fponthe, 26 cents, in advance, | Sat voce eat ly. It is even difficult to make. aime and sheer fabrics, such as 01 ust not pole. footwear, spired ‘ihe sama and coat fashions of * : arrears w ja y ge Zepllag vt fasting a nal gros de Londres, soft satins, chiffons, | slippers, Stocking: and the “under-' 5.4 Beason STG. aise Sot Stave Phil's Robbers He felt a Lae ut a ‘ped and CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES mratlgre ss ; on Bah: oe ‘ates nets, and novelty brocades which are | mysteries evening aac show the Russian influence. Now the| One crisp morning: in n Octaher Phil ‘i first impulse way at Year 6Mos. 3 Mos. Mos nen ayaa Mae a lahetes Chatmingly suited to dance and din- fae alinpern 4 mA on pee ate Me Russian hat is quite the thing as col, | Started on a long acrors the fast as he could bat he sis up hig 79 Me ae 3 | 0 peeing: as ene: ee etn the HEE frocks. Gro: Londres comes. in ae her comes to blue our noses. | field to the woods Ase the Neel nin to stay and hear more if he 20012 eee hoe te ccarsc thes don't, Plain and striped, combining often two Feats Teather a jeweled “eke, Ahat most unique is of Hudson | Pa pian EAE Ett onlyw cee saw wun al 8 Bc. a ypatient:w sen oer ene eu ae most delicate pastel shades. |and_blacle ipbers scome nee aa shaped like the tsako. It isone| When he had crossed the field and a me to him, and after a little time, sernirner ine foreach, subsequent toeer. Ee ie oe soft satins and taffetas are par- GE Sonsini Prastically- in-|of the few startling things of thig| was elit aa over the fence into the | Which seemed very long, he made hid tion willbecharged for ail transient adver. | one fast = wen ne i ees ticularly effective, under the web-like | lined. The stockings generally match ae conservative fashion season. Pasture, he looked toward the woods way back to the top of the slope ad rertisements without specific atrections | fromm bang Baa et " tunics now modish. Although many the frock in tone, or are of. white. ere is a small patent leather visor and saw smoke rising the quickly and as quietly as he could. whicinserted un‘tlforbid and charged ac- Hag uatice si a ‘ecially dan- | Prefer the wet simple frock, he old satin peubaletie, Scorn. in front and black braid is suspended trees. In the still, frosty air the The snapping of a twig seemed to him Ghanges for contract advertisements must | ut feeree oa pa whe are ae delight in the swaying ‘ie ein ed and lau e days of fror three pdints of the edge of the Smoke rose far above the tree tops, | as loud as the report of a gun, but the bein the office by noon Monday. eesti eee fox are yutfles and erilley antl the eel ng of |hoops and ees are among Dat nae Oooh He: nerniibted oper the tent6on a bn AGRO EBAH RHE tan head attention: rab Tgoaie ig ta all spate ou bes eile faes “i! taffetas, panniers of the very daintiest and most es 8 ae feathers directly in front. started boldly toward the woods. As out of sight of the group round the baa reper eer remarkably happy results. thus far fabri puffed, shirred, and|of evening accesso: hey -are-of |. Small hate teniainsin favo sm the he neared the edge ti the timber he fire he hastened home across the btayads ow tie fase cores Anda pleated, quainily mimicking crestions | satin, chi net, frilled, oF fur-| flowered toque is having great popu-| Saw ‘that the smoke came from a fields. betes. Patients in the very advanced |°! ‘ecades ago. These are carelessly eed fail one tes catches a larity. ‘Usually the hat Iteelt is of fret he ay catch she blaze of aj n he reached home at last, \ ir leeting glimpse ot em. white plush, and id fire through the undergrowth. Mak-’ breathles: id big-eyed, his father BusinessCards stage of the disease, weak emaciated thn snd thnks of thm only a = Pi ne flowers E ind fre through the undergrowth, Mak- breathless and big-y DR.M.C.TINDALE, L.DS. Office: Over Metropolitan Bank, Milverton 'P. 88. ¥. PARKER, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE FICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'cioc! J. R, FORSTER, Eye, Ear, Ear, foods wD Fi se and Throat only. Hon! Opthalmio and Aural Insti- tal, Office Wat tatloo St. Knex Chureh, Btrattord, Phot H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, - Notary Public, - Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. seg LISTOWKL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD Omces: distort oney to Loa: F, R. BLEWETT, K.C, Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Office : Gordon Block STRATFORD, ONTARIO 3. BARR, Veterinary Sur, ese Gradiate of Ont ee a ltd MILVERTON LODGE, No. 478, #, & A.M., G.R.C., Milverton, ects every Monday évening on ct before ‘ull eit ballin ren alwa: bh aah i ee ine rk W. J. as Nay eh en Ww 1, “Silver Star ‘iday night at 7.80 in pha. hall ie Bank ot f Ham : ites, Rit ,brewiren wi peo . tome, N. MoGui a .L ¥, Secy,, J. H. Brown, Reo.” __Netary Public. jew sain ee for imm P.L, TYE, M.D, | new in the Medical Sciences. One his points is this: The diabetic, in- stead of being at his best when fat, is and ri mn coma in diabeti Baier cages starr phcte are now applying the fast~ rence with the most gratifying success. ease diabetes may Be said 0 have iat its terrors, for it may n trotted in the great majority or gee jed—and here is the crux of the Ly ‘ Incidentally, we cannot forget this fas saving many human. lives once deem- ea s ‘el, y animal experimentation before it was given to the medical profession. Health Hints. Oil of sassafras, applied full strength, is excellent for chilblains. r nfuls of lime water in a glass of water, taken twice a day—morning and night—will sweet- en an acid stomach. When nothing better is at hand, a raw potato will relieve the pain of burn. Later ‘the wound should be oe ei ihe sweet oil. hair up tightly; it bulbs of the , it dries xcess males is one of the most wholesome foods. Chil- dren that are end ea supplied with utter do not require to be doctored bis aoe had oil, owhich | is well, as the heaper. Consump Deon oe ares should uch butter as th digest without take rise to bilious- ne! The care of the teeth is ofte: el est t of ate «chiffons, gauzes al Evening Wrap with Throw Scarf. caught up and held in place by tiny clusters -atitovebudsjor-pethaps a #in- le ilower of lace, gold silvel Metallic Grtiamaudashive Seppiaceed finishes. s the frame is to the picture, so is evening wear; endless ideas may be aye Ee, are oe 8 ed AR a and won- | Oriental fabr ions of Houris and derfully, patterned pedi y pare eauties in mind. One quilling of chiffon matching the taf- is with the sleeveless gown; it may elaritar baa Pek Aue | ferred to as essential to good health, be-draped in most becoming ways. er, an een quite clearly estab-| charming example of this was brough ‘Atfida, lished that there is a direct connection | to my attention the other ing. ge rr the Weir Sra between condition of h or} 'The dress was of canary colored taf- over the Manopatitos Bank, s is and ape eatth of the possessor. | feta made with at mn Selicrared Ts ps asa eae eee ————. | Decayed teeth or diseased gums m: in which alernatiog i gores w A. a See Monkton, Ont., e se joison circulating | canary taffeta and satin of a delicate ae Monae ee the Coa "Mar throughout the system. It may hap-|}lue, roa was rounded at the page 5 sane soy {| pen in this way: A series of canals,| ower edge and finished with » narrow known as lymphatic tissue, connects e GRAND, CENTRAL HOTEL, Mi Mil: verton, ‘accor jemi tra ‘ahi bling, Bert! brane pte of liquors aoe ‘ol ay C itter, Proprietor, * a vs QUEEN'S nore, Mil Tle beds Lede tack biases Ont, Nps odation fal ‘Two sere vellers and eont id Cig Habien Gearge re Pee mene THE Serpe “HOUSE, Berlin condition, microbes or ger collec! the s and teeth. When thoy become so ni s erpopu- the lymphatic canals, where they get busy feveloping sapere in the body. HOW, Saeeinne KILL. Concussion Bursts the Blood Vessels and Arteries. it will be recalled that on the mor- of silk, buds and flowers, | ,, ed 4. sparingly make most effective finishes. | 7 the dainty, filmy searf to the frock for | oa, ce “he many effective uses of the scarf | very effective part of the chooses well eae and ite danger of costume; ‘these atterns can be obtained at your Call Company, Department *W,” 70 Bond eerie pede: 0, Ontario. THE SUNDAY LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, DECEMBER 12. Lesson XI. — Jehovah Yearns Over Backsliding Israel, Hos. 11: 1-11. Golden Text: Hos. 11. 4. 1. The paves of Israel (Ver: Verse 1. My oor aaa Keays and Fans a all powerful n: tions with p aut Coepenae which rat cou Bee ote God passed over and called puny Toaa shen yer bechild ta be tis son (compare John 1, 12-13; 1 John 8). Ou mt ES ee hem froi isery in Egy pt to thet well a in Palestin 2. The more they went ae them— Israel was favored grit the! beat ee ou instruet ther Bet th rare Rae aYe tare wayward gy encati was too prodigal tortie. 3. them on my arms—As a loving iat aed tet s disobedient hild. hey. that itt up the yoke— he a team of bul- ieaabieet ys kind driver. Israel | is pictured not as “wanton youn ttle are not aise = ‘om be- | ‘ian, ‘but See No jZman can to me oe a entherd raw him, | ople are Bene a Y backslid- : “trom” tees dhs) hat kind- | such, will not area Stern- ath Chr in n ler. ilestiline js necessai k cor the Rad dring age al Gil (Verses 8-11). 8. How shall I give thee w sea’s optimism, born of his faith and up?—Ho- | aie ue let him see God casting off. God’s mercy“is exhaust- Rae No sin of mah can Sa it aa as it up. Admah . s Zel Pee aeons cities of the ae “Dent, 29. 2 9. I will not execute the fi feet of mine anger Justice will be tem- pared with m Iw mer fie mpi themtar<awall | They will finally weary of their way- wardness, they will lash of their enemie transgressors will God. al return fs the DISHES FAVORED BY RULERS. Said Czar of raat Czar Nicholas local McCall deste 6 or from The Mc- bi God's. Roane | fro “I Could Eat Codlings Twice a Day,” , | ti woods above the gully| At first his father listened serious- and be able to ook down into it from | jy. ‘Then ae ave twinkled and he among the trees on the crest, egan to ji At last. he was able ep over | 4 om “ ge. Only a few rods away he! Rabiner e ct cae Lon alf a dozen strange men seated | /7aid they would not like that. dia bi: ing fre.” They were ent Why?” asked Phil. “What-do you ing, talking and laughing a8 they ate. es stats “Tramps!” thought Phil at once, “They are surveyors,” aed his fi If he could only hear what they thes, ot laughing. “They are work- were saying! k serub pine ne. on the route of the mew “slectrie ing Russian “eae him and the group of m : USSIAN * 9, ept part down th . ealane five velvet toque, and velvet muff, all the, until at last he could catch, now| That was all; but he was xd that skunk trimmed, of the red. At any and then, a word or two of their con- | his father did not “peal 0 he mat rate it is a newer color than purple | yorsation, dion wheit Shey tnnexy? or Russian green. “Such words as “village,” “tough | and at gine er ‘ier wile his job,” and “to-night” were things that mo ther was wondering. What made he heard. him he was thi inking what is g of robbers!” he thought at | might Sa rene! if the men zeal: once, They are-plbining, ti been Jy‘hod bot ROSDSta a HR hic into iecbank ay Oke village to-night, | the village bank by learning annie or into one of the stores!” | their plans—Youth’s Companion, eri: said Phil. The present fashion for the Rus- meat as imponsibility for a hea to approach a deaf cat ne The Snare ot workers in copper teh Erte giving it. warning, ma mines are immune from typhoid. his may be attributed to the extrem Nearly all the ‘inamtare in Asia- pit eth of the cat’s feet peas ; ing the slightest tremor of thi und. THE FIELD OF SCIENCE. and aasperided neck. Fish-Eating Cattle. ‘eg 200 years: before they melt entirely away. instance, made in Russian fashio In the Tanagra robes the most| The reindeer has been known to pull} The use of fish as food for cattle is beautiful tones of pink, yellow, green | 200 POnOR: at ten miles an hour for/an idea more naval than. agreeable. or blue satin are used; ring velvet is a | twelve hour According to Nature, hor oe a oe 4 good material also, as it drapes like al ‘he eal rliest designs used for china | common practice in varior piece of chiffon. Metal laces in long,|at Worcester are believe ide ow have the world. In Shetland and Toland, searflike a and drop skirts add| been copied from the nie the farmers feed dry salt fish to cat- plese: e draping is always in| Swedish school childre: Eee the] tle, sheep, hi ruidance of their te achers annually weet about 600, 000 t whe teadiecutiaa sian Canet Be am ight once to demand a Bpasiay Subject cConemied 6teatt the huge crabs found on Ascension Island are each a foot in| in nat? THey have boesieabee ota aes | tong. Greek- ay lines, | Tt ie often difficult to tell whether | | ce the Rus- | cial cattle, kept for siaalAy 2 | lage festivals in noon dance frocks are more decollete and of thin material like the evening frock. to make z AE A Her 's experiments, two cock eae wih se saint steal rabbits From tasks holes: |bts. of ethos cnie pea er ire, dateee x teed eat diet and ni diet respectively aie dee holie cea am ied Genes eta grows ae richest opium |The animals took a little time to ge' \iwhich TaHtek “Waa fof = countries. moduct is ee used to the fish, but they ate it readily smal distance vith shirring termin.|8lely in. the inntiigcree torsancr nough. At the end of six months the [ating he: bottom/of. this Bias: and is not the quality used for | fish-fed heifers showed an average in- paokie crease in weight of fifty-four pounds, The orange was originally a pear-|as against seventy pounds for the nor saved fruit about the size of the|mally fed animals, wild cherry. Its evolution is eliaved ‘terccattin lobs tobe uae 1,200 years of cultivation. omen of Mexico eth in titehed Beast Band oe the waist- |tine and ho! e side fronts a | second and shorter se jam. The front of the jacket has no peplum, the body | part slightly crossing and mi d- sua cts eal a lea neaaniar ah each side. The fancy |, f tabeioetean Monstrous Names. use fireflies ae ane spades are Tape tie’ thentain. Mile [7 Dee ahapay setae evar nciey a ‘4 ors r an nglish chil must sure! be a | hacked with’ self tisterio). othe eatige| fuze bags and put them in thee har 2 eee ce i i i of an unfortunate born at [and the facing of the front’ are. of |°T, ‘elt elothing. ‘Then, until they em again, they keep them in| 1882, on whom her parents bestowed a Fe aa ek eats Bago little wire cages and feed them on{sAame for every letter of Use AIDES d by inserting an oval piece setae ot sugar cane, says the London Chronicle: Anna of the same ribbon into the lower part wobra Dest diclaw nonstate neha cena Diana Emily Panny jaf si sleeves. A cord holds the full-| ,, CPtte ahi Ptah Ttis probe|Gertrude Hypatia Inez Jane Kate | the slseuae at the wrist, the | sity a native ‘of tropical ‘Antsy and vane “aude Nora~ es ret mee the | cult Havin alos ate, two of the most important until it comes nobia | cotton: prodhcts’ take;cthely. “names The Rev, Ralph Lyot nt “ollmace | ki-eolored eabereine anit hail [Soe cAratictoweae cenuhtientom Mo. SUN age ey snctha pergon mer | the short jacket made almost straight, ful and" calica. fi Calicut. It names. He_bapti | The single-| Sr reatieas tr ‘ont is ae quires plenty of moisture: and jut hie “ase ae Lyulph Yderallo odin |down with six button: e fullness i tl hat | Nestor aaa Lyonel Toedmag Hugh a keen sense of | Ereh a Orme Crom It is al-| well Nevil asia Pldutaganne of the side fronts is slightly eather ed {at the height of. the mn. There is a ere slit pocket: at bss A they se feeling in their teetepens, Ss insertions at the bottom, held ae se the < ‘wo plaits are r ue hs _y * saree a lo «wnat Whither Are We Drifting ? — es The Mind Looks Out Upon a World of Harmony and Asks the A PRINCE'S CHILLY DIP. Question, “ Whence ?” za las of Rus — oe seca rae en to Commercial | row of the battle of the Marne return fish of any kind. feist is pet Dane Sprang Into the Sea on a Bitterly ean Fie ta amaPle rooms, | Best | combatants related strange stories of tial to dried codiish seasoned with « Cold Day. : Ra rt Fae goon Wa. Wir °P, ar |the aspect of certain rman un pepper and gi Even better the “There is but one pot the Father, | can penetrate and upward to the far- + le 2 ae gihled icoise Dee id: bean’ hikes tall coatings repare aa Prince feats of Prissia ‘ts an ar- whom are all things.’”—I. Cor pi es a of the telescope’s piercing instantaneous that the bodies remain- anole He fe late | dent says Pearson's meee, thians, viii, 6. { hence all this wondrous @ posture, some shoul- Brssidentsea but te 4 ts “enon among | beauty of design? Is the power which read a rifle, other ae a Ph es “E could cat ‘ings je a day.” |Jackets as a great martinet, and the oe A Jewish spbtosanidh once valengy fashions in beauty the microscopic PUBLIC NOTICE! ade to the Aca- + and King Ait qos wethag: than love him. The fol-/ through the streets of cultured Ath- | atom and holds in check the opposing M#8.¢ a ae cee cay of nee M. Reno Rinses as- saa <8 Spain ey 4 sedllinena? tor lowing story ft typical sis his paettiods; Yens read pee public, ata Bila toxets of unnumbered ie lds here> au ids of fing a atand @|serts that the phenomena were due to sweet things, such as whipped cream, |8"4 shows that, a ie S strange inscription, “To the Unknown j sult of =m uitous —cireum- Shing the efficacy of the ‘Brench explosives. chocalaté acd Lake se under his command to put 8p God.” |: stances? The logical mind cannot ac- nd Ap i Within a fifteen yards’ radius of the he favorite aekas of the Queen of | With ote et of rms hs is The centuries have passed. Urged cept such a thought, but, following point wire Bie shalt explodes the dis- Holland are English roast beef and | mes above “roughin; iat onward by the native impuls Tis efonce (hs ee pe Nett placement of the air is so intense bistgon. being pian hak Senetreiea eva seat 81 ‘ ric cl tu to gator d ee Sten jum of pressure any cases the national dish re es Ba. eae xe. yt fe board i: of natural phenomena a js- usin our school days, namely, or nm the érior of Gane of the king or emperor of the | W@"ship in the North Sea, Ses bee corse truths before which ig Which is. true in every step up to in- 4eleb | human Ba cus contained in /}particular country. King oe made Em. | 22ve the order, “All han bathe! feverence’ and” awe. Toca finity is true at infinity also.” Are You Insured bee gs hie erccnl amaan ie manuel ‘of ‘Italy declares is. great ibsmee 9 biiveely sold day as ee shrouded in myster ny and super. _ baseoual and Eternal. distension of the blood vessels and liking for polenta, the meal stition have heen disclosed and made intelligence therefore runs THE CANADIAN ORDER OF arteries, and, ultimately bursting porridge, which. he oS as regularly celtently “staat ‘tht ane Rare 3 ae to his will. The elements | ait ae nature and’ 46 ‘the. sum tect TES THES offers protec. Hg organs, pe sudden oats isthe poorest peasant. He also likes | cers he sree at "Wither ae Pro- | have been robbed of vie hacen ‘and substance of gue fia of sane minimum costs fuvertinge tM Te TE Se athe roast chicken giblets with calves’ ee Spent Paune bees ae the earth yields \ture’s iaws, it must have existed be- imate PANIETeiecee Th ate which often show-| brains and artichokes. latent forces, stars once teas samioveri pene nature, whose Jaws it made. Not CrSpencer,C.R. N,Zimmermana,R.S 3) ed the heart and liver greatly distend- i although fully clothed, sprang over | " re. * Teeter ited piineliond anternil: hemor: ees ie a ners ee the ves a side, Bras Bet save igh Bee iy hy ‘aa ab: brougtl Ser tabi eld i ees ha; ‘ tance in the icy water, and ret ae ages. = Rein ae fond of calves’ tongue in tqieke dlbelc SAolpuleg shook ieee nara Loh ing ah re st Tptare for ea reais vane He ineltigence + te Not Deceased. The Czar of Russia, however, does | £0 NS Ss these wonderful laacoeres antes Hence, Prong th a extent ai xe Si * It viar, repare complishments in na |infinite intelligence resence FI H sate Tomes eee st nee ee eee turgeon roe, which is the daily dis Heartless Men. _|many shrines of sefence and philoso-| of a Universal mind in nabure and oe ST Fehnaan the homptal, where they treat feta bodice. Over this striking skirt | of the Russian peasantry. Inst. “Some men have no hearts,” said phy still bear that same inscription, | proving this intelligence to 5 ed him so well uch | hung: ie of, canary colored chif-|i8 unusually fond of certain Russian| the tramp. “I’ve been Lee ae that “To the Unknown God.” sonal and rata faith leaves human LINWOOD averse to the croapeet “of ding iis: Hon, while a wonderfully tinted scarf, ei Nl soups called borscht’ and | feller I am so dead broke that Great Questions of the Age. __ | teasonin, farthest bound and, ; Clediass charged te cured. ith d tones of canary color | *schi. have to sleep outdoors.” + ce; mounting now in loftier flight, finds d One day the doctor was taking his|and blue, was draped around the| ‘The late Pope is said to have lived] “Didn't that fetch him?” asked the 7 ne is pre~ eminently a scientific the absolute, unconditional cause of : we Dealerin ,,., me Late be mi vi mple diet, as simple as| other: Ha oul soled | es ultimate | 1 tem, oe and while Tommy had} shoulders in a wing-like arrangement, | 0" 2 very easy jall things in the Christian’s God. Coal, Cem { tha tinct er in his mph he givin the effect of sleeves ate the that of the poorest tradesman, In| “Nav. He ee me he'was a-doin!faet of matter and of man and, une (Here reason finds her norma} comple- oes ent and Lime doctor moved o and havpened {6 fae eee The ends were| the morning he drank a cup of coffee,| the same thing, and had Ray ‘the ae te penetrate th mysteries which ‘tion in faith, and faith worships a “Motar Stain, Etc. tain bis Bade cH polled teeduakiros | nated ibeecis: Sa the aaa qui fe {at noon he ee ‘6 nes soup and | doctor for tellin him fovdo “ka Va futares, ene ey oe) revealed and a reasonable God. Here Bin PR meter out of his mouth and popped it| as one would use the regular Show His: favorite: food swas; the resist je longing, “Whit et the Ch sexta Giitenibdly’ “ahr . i f hot tea, raplieiigat at bear ae i, at Italian national dish, polenta. Review. are the great questions of the age. bieovtiian all) is bart at the foot of & Grain, Flour and Feed the uo Ag of the medico’s esting “practic Pes The —_ t+ ‘Your mustn't comment impelitely Not\only “Whence came we? Ke but. the cross in token that his search is ing. aut eyes’ of those who Seneca aati enced. uu might be Lee That lady is|#!80 “Whither are we drifting? | dene, cries See “T know. in and Furniture the GheenopiGe eis nemwcand odie “Their Sones singe Ces ae philanthropist | Looking’more carefully into the whom I have believed, and am per- — Tommy ‘and then Keak. at re ther-| In our quest for evening’ necessi- ence ” domain of nature we sorts ae or-!suaded that He is able to keep that Goods Constantly Kept on Hand sped: man, you're not dead, but you ought to be!” ties, the all enveloping coat m be forgot with roomy tue te sleeves at all, » “The amateur strategists who said the war wouldn’t last a yea T can look just as' der and intelligences Tt i s if I try hard only in visible setae {ao Santa as far as ut; against that » Witlient day.”-—Rey, the microscope Carter, DD. . cross as she enough.” / und-not which I have committed unto Him -