AN “EVER-INCREASIN CAUSED B oe h blookade, The Berliner Zeitung ont is difficult to imagine that things - could grow. worse just now some crowning disaster. The masses are hungry all day, long, any. articles of food having reached i price wholly beyond the reach of the king cl: oa Hun- le- and prives them of all joy in xajetieleas without. PING the the importance of the question in ie bearing on the future of the Gert in the pe ‘of in the se ntime we are | informed that the militery authorities have forbidden meetings convened to discuss the dearness of living.” MEETING OF THE EX- PERIMENTAL UNION : HONEY IS A VALUABLE NA- TURAL RESOURCE. . Farmers Saved the Country—Triumph of the “O. A. C. No. 72”'* Oat. Two cases illustrating the unusual ee Loses Through Rot. x. J. E. How climatic conditions, he point- ed out, ae main cause was epidemic psy be est disease-resisting v: bert of good quality a nation, especially in view of the “act! witt gave a few | fh a oe a featles regarding the might be partly attri-/? {Markets of the World TISH BLOCKADE Breadstotts. y BRI | BL f ene Jan. ie Sie tae ee 1 $1.19%; No. 2 ENS ri $1. ae ‘No! Berlin Papers Admit That the People There Are Ee Nortiiern, $1.18%, in store, Fort Hungry All Day Long” “Waniteba oats No. 2 CW. AB4%es bas No. 8 C.W., 41%; extra No, 1 feed, |41%e; No.'1 feed, 40%c, in store, a Fort William. ‘A despatch from London says: De-| though alt ie bell Se) are ging =o American com Np. 3 yellow, new, asserti made in. the| flags wave. ¢, on oye ‘oronto. ee ee si wie a ate fel ake ead wan, Tooking like Pap eee nce aon ‘yellow, “oli, bd 4 flowers. oe extent to which the fall nominal, on te k,- mto. in the-b } Oni oats—] white, 40 to ugh according ware of ae some 94c ie Sts oud tone according to sample; feed’ wheat, 80 n_to 85e, according to freights outside. eas—No, 2, per car lots, $1.80; $1.7 Barley —Malting barley, 51, to 62c; al arley, 08 to Se, according ten outsi si Buck Pubes lots, | Hg to 78¢, ac- cording to freights o1 commer ie 88 to a8) estelecteds 10 nitoba flour—First patents, age, $6.80; second patents, 9.80; strong bakers’, s, $6.10, " Toront jute bi Bran, per: toni anddlings, ton; good feed’ flour, $1.60 2. on; bio | per try Produce, Butter—Fresh dai 24 to 25 ic. profits that. may be made from the ahk Bi tube thal glints con | ges Stora, 30 ito Ble per dozen; {keeping of ‘bees were cited by Mr.! mausyitieon Hie GAEL pons sees, 35 to 84e; new-laid, 40 to 48¢ Morley Pettit, Provincial Aplarist, n above the ground till the tops die|“Worc%" p 10 to 60 Ib, as canoe beatae at. the rae = dota ith, Botdenux mixture, !45 eee coe NG est oat ‘ing at the Ontario sading a poison to combat the ravages “Recall College, Guelph. One of the potato beetle.” Beane $4, aie was a young undergraduate of Spring hice 17 to 18¢; ~ ‘of honey, ine the eaker also pointed out the bus’ Th e Spl * other side of this HEC eared failures due to to poor crop, and winter turieg. 1 in ev case: resulp of careless handlin; Tons of Food Dain. “A valuable natural resource,” con- eee Mr. ae “Gs the honey which is produ mmer by the mil- fiona of denies blooming on the f farms of Ontario. This honey not only satis- any bees are kept under unprofitable eee for lack of skillful managems as of — eel: words, yeas ‘the Sadeusiee of capital ‘or the graduates “These men,” -he- said, in where their fathers did: fifty years m-unimproved farm, witl and “machinery. If. they able!to make use of their education, instead of wasting it on:scrub cattle and run-down soil.” . ipecme also favored the idea of B.S.A. going out to manage. one- biiriancie acre farms as a business proposition. Warmers Saved the Country, Farmers by producing a econ crop last year saved this. country ym a vere financial depression, said the! President of the union, Mr. Herbert is opinion io were a little favored#he German and Briton agri- culturist alike, ‘triumph of O.A.C. No. 72. “Tt ss abt “4 a that alee ~the-«t An 1915 fo. 72” {pe oat, fae a yield Ce the dee “of qo. | * bushels be acre, its nearest auc tor, ‘Ameritan Banner,’ yielding 92.8 hushels)" said Professor Zavitz, in re- vie ‘¢ results of co-operative ex- periments in agriculture carried*on at the college and on more than 4,000 farms Hageebens: Ontario. eatest value of this work,”} contitited the Pr il the individual experiments carried out hi Senne nes FRENCH OCCUPY CORFU. Are Preparing for t the Arrival There! f Serbian Troops. A despatch from London says: on the Greek Island of Corfu for mae visional . oceupation, according’ t an arrival of ‘Sorbian tro} | the OWA. c. whose bees during the sum- mer vacation Broduced 000 evr is bo | street of Schaerbeck, ne French detachment has been, Tanded | Mi Li “lites Province. Sweet eke and Con. Te sf as at the | thorough tech considered it ylequal'to any other clover in the ee os te digestible proteins. ee aseren using it on Bencee lends oetpeacticalip say lacs Rrneresgiher clovelas fants ueee rain to fail. Some men from actual experi- ence favored it for pasturing and weed smothering. On a farm in ern Ontario, according to one of these men, two bullocks to the-acre could be run on f it all season after it! once got a start of eighteen inches. ‘Talk on Farm Management. Angle, a successful manager ing more than methods which assis‘ you to obtain greater profits,” he said. “The business end of. farming Bae changed from simple teaching in ow grandfather’s-time to complex Bob lems of buying and selling and the iring of labor. Biainoke and study how tu aste time into valuable labor,” was the pith of his addr ees PROTESTS AGAINST GERMAN BRIGAN DAGE. A despatch from om Paris says: Havre correspondent of the Journal telegraphs that the Belgian ti Government is about to lodge a pro- test with nettral Governments against ithe new ley} 40,000,- 000 francs monthly, in addition to last ‘year’s tax of 480,000,000 francs. ; Belgian | SAYS, The Petit meet’ needs y of ee tion or to pay the adninistenoe- of oe terettory in “e question. The new igian tax is said to be far in excess of the amount needed for these pur- joses, SPY WHO DENOUNG: ED ‘H- CAVELL SHOT A de: aie trode London says: who denounced cher ‘liens, after a almost foun ny to lade; ee 18e; 9 Hts and New Brunswicke” per bag, on track, Provisions. ea long clear, 16% 7 Ib, in case lots, Hi to ia \to 28c; backs, plain, 24 to less backs, es | lard, 14 12%c, 0 18%6¢; do., heavy, 1 25e; bon are to compound, 12 to Montreal oe Montreal, Jan. Corn, lean Nov 2 yellow, 88% to Ble, Canaan Western, No. 2, ; B04 ee Hie Sick rere 45 to ags, $2.75 Rolled sats ‘barrels, r bags, 9 , $2.45 to $24, : $30, + westerns, 18% tones finest casterns, 18, to. i8he, Butt choicest creamery, 353 seconds, 324% |to 48c; selected, 383 No . 2’stock, 28¢. Po anise a a lots, 0 $1.80. stock, Wi ea Span: Winnipeg, Jan. quota- tions:—No. 1 ee a nye No. 2 Northern, $1. ifiee, Nou3 Northern, peas according to sample, $1.25 to to 90c; to 80c, according to $26 per airy, 28 to 31¢; in- Se; creamery prints, 36 nd heavy yield. |to 3%; solids, 32 to 84 uot- at 16%c} seared. is t to 15e; rolls, 16 to 16%4c; breakfast bacon, 21 in Germanihan ne- 14tec; Ameri- By way of variety, when trenches in France, British off nd do; i DO fy BRITISH MAJOR’S DOG-CART, jer. are off duty, some miles behind the jarness—races” “Withreal.“d0g=- ‘he picture shows the champion of one regiment and his VY Ras pp rtey ROP! pice fact ae aes Londong say: the vAusthi sesnerate attackgeby- he thee the attacks eyerywher, the. lent, on, the na ussians eee egpih He pa Spee of tha city of Dwinsk,):) Phe! German: War RUSSIAN ROLLER’ IN “MOTION. ALONG BESSARABIAN FRONT Se fcahold i movements until they are reaiclloh weeks | the Stripa. attlé Tine; Mar- e great railr ee als vo al Serna ston Leased “ewe on essarabian frontier, bat claims) Lonton Sait Mail enrich adhe that the es are ener- Petiograd cose Atal iil ¢ itz, de gxad.cone: 3 ers have been takén in the re- ‘oontubatilan ac the eaten, tlefield: ™ HUN CAPTIVES LIVE WELL! @ For Complaint. srmitted to inspect he quarters German prisoners: of war.- is is one of the largest camps, et Se dak has a Ai to B8c. “Bigs “frosiie a kitchen, which is en Te by the pri- 0. 30c¢! soner: ‘The ration consists of half a pound o} -lbeef--and. mutton of “good quality! daily, ‘with potatoés;: Avhite bread,’ soup, seasonable green aR eae and plenty of OES ‘ome of the p: ailor and “boot shops 3,400 at Dorchester Have No Cause FIVE ALLIED SHELLS. London, Jan, 1 spirit-of- 0 French Sena from tront, “the correspondents int ervigy « swith an_unnai iP oticer, peace Psieian and eutiat Pere and n,,Pflanzer and Count von Both- e is a great |part than. eight. The f iz 18, enr winners, wa, gave a lining: som one Ene ‘come ‘intd: idual bein, st herd, je is read by th acin| positio: where "outniunn i" ‘the’ Geitians, ne outnumber them in both field and ayy, eet and our. ‘weappng, are igeide of ‘Th was set fi Dairy Herd Competition? CGH "HEA_ competition” repre cei the! largest qtantity’ a HY Cone; 6s 806 pounds. | ‘ollowing’ 22,000 records of these he illustrate indivi e “Importance of lim h by WESTERN ONTARIO DAIRYMEN MEET CANADA TO REPLENISH EU- E'S DAIRY HERDS. Will Be Big Demand After the War For Dairy Products — and Meat, When hostilities cease a great de- mand for dairy products, st and meat products will follow; de- pleted European herds must be re-|of plenished, and Canada is one of the |Cor live tion of Western Ontario in their re- forty-ninth annual conven- .- Marys.last week. chops Set a Standard... nt Robert Myrick of his opening addres: # increased ueddaptian® of the year and the high prices, Sener ae: greti ting the eens of the’ tories to set some st arymght. receive, a erates that had. nae cream and milk ~per-eow-from herds of not’ les cles Sarnia,..,furnish nm their herd of eighteen, hebween vice May and November, 7,175 pow “cow;-0e C. Har! eare, Listowel, 7 “Of dairy “records~at™ n ay the” Daity of ‘the office, ‘and.from a few. dh Rout go records. sion jal rec The mile algal ‘at $4; pig etter eareice odiict One} 4: ing worth c erd within ten. miles ‘shd ng | that one cow ii e as much mpi Ree Tapa herd: there is a prejudice on, | rt of the factories see | si ain both British and ,of milking machines, and bee: e -west | troul expressing ™ conviction of the allied Gen- in’ the e Secretary, 7 The solutions in which lime to ten gal o Sng ‘fe announcement” of | aSicon. ier ee; Mr. ©. F. Besides a: great number | has chargé Ottax}5; of Killed Were, gbgndoned ‘on he drat- ting address owt ae hat ste dual cows petits : profit hat, “et handling’ at the machines, the subject of “Héw.ta get From Erin’s Green Isle NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRELAND'S, GREEN SHORES. Happenings in the Emerald Isle of, Interest to All True eee men, our ed cote in Ulster are still re- very high prices for their flax, ne tthe: Cizeine flax market less than 50 tons offered for sale brought $50,- occurred at the age 6 ig the Munster Winter As-- sizes at Cork, Mr. Justice Dodd stated aot ere ba! a falling off in the of Peperted cases, 134, as, a 158 last yea At a meeting ee tha Dublin Bork and D Board a report on the pay Sicekeodds tte weed the he einer which wa 320,000, eerie pitas given to et ‘youre: civilian inthe Ariny Pay it “Islatic é’and “Linenhall re! umber = sed Li i Re ‘the last couple” at passin mu Wms: Cedaghi Hi ydeale, has..volunteered for § with’ ‘the ‘East Lancashire Ri the game regiment i in which in Wockwood, 73 Hee Ls, ‘arnett, | Abbe: we pig Saectte G3 situat tea of Crosshave, four ile from Kea a | ara : ate their place, and the sailing jw Be sat and: heist aoe fi cd fifth oye Pied student: mail ‘Y, in itt, en adini ing ii pa men in mil ry) of owled; supposed $2 sale 1 hard, 1.18%; No. 4, $1.09%; No. 5) Sorérs worl fect Wel cdi Prof. Harcourt. f'| foie Noi Goines feet Bitee.| where Shey ae the unifor alist ‘3 an we one wttiont F depleting Guelph, aid she dap dataeere of the Oats—No. 2 C.WyGdaae; NO.8 GWi ootwearsof their cont tee GE Otake SWE 40%e; extra No. 1 feed, 40%; No. 1 work ‘$1.50 a weck isp: : tion, iat a feed, BB%e; No. 2 feed, B8%40. |B _eight armed | Wisp “ine of once whenever Wel the close. He explained the’ elute) “hi ‘vl Halle Weta in é eae oN jos th, ae Path 5c. 5 ngebous rubbish bat the | Teasons why it was neeesitity{ tN Ap ft brbéid Paci ere a noted hat ¢ Be rounded with barbed wire fences. ‘The ef e ee are fhe-eam, seh ie we dase ts era eee ay toe end thatits akan list the rca pan po commissioned officers. se advi ime, Bue ehere TS MNch els CT T Ls sr RA to! rest. inne Se ‘eho ee ) 23205} 4+a40) 3 Ele CY biter a ee ae sath $1. ay CH Yi is Bs Bae iI 1 2BY jie 5 fo 1 : ee ian | Re Rien $Le ret Gente 2 56, to. ®. soe: Mey: $2.40;_July, || ENEMY’S LOSSES ENORMOUS oN De Peemocist fader their ysl éndi mobs. rey the: ‘battlefield the Frane ae to Heplace spent ee as Com] on mander): . uitforitxifor ‘tel ee nae to-Gei armiés on 1 the Branch on ‘acéardin; ling: At Grernowits Ternopa prisoners, the Buk: ‘xont sP6BI. uiry “om “the sine Committee as_to what would be the els, Edith Cavell, "the ‘English nurse, was bane at Brussels some time o the Germans has been $s found Brus with ne bullet praands tary prison at Brussels. —— SOCIALIST ( OPPOSITION INCREASING DAILY A despateh from Lc Fandon says: The ‘tion to the an creasing daily, of) ation: silt fe ee 5 $8; on cs7 ua nty $7.50, ce a lower grades at ee: ts in ene seas na, to $7, the oppo: that ae | aly he re $5,.25 to oe shee st meet “ind are Be a ovis ae =50 re a plarletes * 8 wotinded numbered 100,000. aa ae 4 Nei of Eat jum, 36° to = caer to § e dium, *$5.25 to 7. $4 to $4.50; feeder; Oe 50; stockers, 7 $75 2 ie | iny Boe iia ecout $6.50, 125; sheep, | 0, backs ae 00 8, $7 chi 0 § noe “B05 shoes, fed ae rad ge.25 989. : 5, $3350 to $8. per ewe. arie lambs, sold. sold at. Segre and and Quebec ee _,| thirty-three years? nd | Which wer ht inlaw. ac il tral seat 1d by zdeff. Tn’ two ee a had to deal with a. leg that Bi by @ woud} in thé with an arm eines had beert} our thir Hallas paralyzed. ecm a 27 Relatives in the Hit Ly s,.,of Cambridge, | ha cae ‘officer of ama. a Eiger warrant service, thirty of i ty. cio Wi 6 Facts nephews, and thr All but, three have. et ae just i Chevatd? i adquarter: es cht sure eae of direction in “mith |° ae e - become the command ‘of | ey council: the es, Se will be held at) TISH wantiee 1s 15 PERICENT, MONTHLY) oreting ein omar f 6 leon be'app lied 4 raat cabs ar 8 per cent. creel Aik to 81 per employed w Sa ae Be tus now ‘as wide as before th lis téue of thé metals, chemicals, sti adepression. ‘ions in the pen samasiy at. 1 pe er‘\iaid transportation O1 ther pee are mi e soil, and he was sede food’! made recently by tie effect aa the creation of the new post French minister of labor as pu ublished tin, shoWs Weary Improve: strial cong 1794 factor rae "ll tid last oe eran of the total, Theasumbe: He men felitita. ah se ear). bui ent. of Us jest tri ae operations” are’ continue to only: tate of Bsc normal, gomipaeed aie guano Psa found it i Aes 1 espe eee fr, Mx. Collis. omens, cor aay gael aed och tig Yous. "Thes Hae take coat See ¥e- “ac Jieved_from..duty.because of wounds, y “report. teh outbreak of crease in dr this mat EP Saya, “chat war there hasbeen iS ankenness among woment!j of "1 afe"tor rely ter it is nots reads regnated vith ae = : pregnated, wit aningr ‘alsalt: « Hem ss present 1% oe nti. ss the Si ba ha 0 he i i mi a] fe alt sa. eee here.) vprantical 10 Little atl is is en the feat! eUldibe eaten whole i stingy then boiling ir dio ‘Sugar, thus making ut fe breading te bait ee ora mil a Bround™to fi and to ie ao Pa of ‘he Stata thei !bi Le nde it emith/protein and mineral -salts—indispl ane for body | ing: ia is sry half wa- you may it hat br tion, an “Nest of = Unearthed wale ToERE SES) Po auNes hrought $6.75, te and buck Ducks “and t a ‘4 aes ots of sper Pe 5 eighed off. wo but who afterwards recover and re- the-fyon; (i ry tit time wl ct himself by acti ti rye hie o 22, lent)—What-aretturn to so ‘O ay fe tieea fe judgment. he gets mad. A despatch from London says: | recent induguration/of a censorship) upon both outgoing and imeoming| , American mails has already produced | .¢5 ae according to officials, for the Saree a a eee espionage plot, re desta eamly. justified the! : / ‘The | organizat necessary to carr in eH be wide-! American ‘ranch He) aoe 3 x: daties and oy there is. to spend es. “ine ares is 0} 0 Einall aero =e Vi e inicioe issued | W’ tical e #3 retaining much ation of if 2 as re see tater thietle many by vabi y one rou Hollan idiot! * “bleachers,” and other fa Privileg ee fi a itch to tomiaceye r’s ‘Telegrat hal ae ORY. from Petrograd says th: Turkish submarine Leg had gr ane fenders inst su ne§s amon; number tion. for the | has fall 14,0465 \in ead of, chargii ew geal ease, The mee of aun oom 16,149 in 1018-14, to e year under ee . SS pak aes ‘al endo ‘ent hha T'would iota peor fin | And tide ie “Yes; she charged me two do