ii William, : gz American corn—No. 8 yellow, ae Stock Markets. 8 88%c, track Toronto, k Feb. Choice heavy i Canadian corn—Feed, 74 to 5c, [atest a 60 to $7.75; butchers’ cat- le track ‘Toron’ tle, apie $7.40 to $7.60; do., good, q Ontario oats—No. 8 white, 44 to I$1 Zz 3 do., medium, $6.15 4 4Be; ie teal fo to 44c, according $6.6! common, $5 to $5.65; to freights ou! [iniheos” bulls, one $6.50 to $7; a Ontario eae Winter » Bo0d bulls, $5.75 to $6.10; do., car lot, -§1.10 ee 12; Bes bulls, $4.50 to $5; butchers? ; slightly sprouted and tough, aoe co choice, $6.75 ‘ $7; do, good, WEST. SALE CAM ring to the operations in the Camer- |) eons region of West Africa was is: | sued Boraday, night: “A ceived information from Gen. Aymer- ich that the French haye closed the AFRICAN CAMPAIGN ENDS German Commander Succeeded in Escapin ever, Into Spanish Territory EROONS CONQUERED g, How- miles to traverse to close the ‘rom a sea. ‘The German commandant, rman, succeeded in making his Lescape int Spanish Sen S Markets: of the World % Breadstuffs, le aoa Feb, 22.-Manitoba wheat | © —New No. 1 Northern, $1,' 26% ; | No. 2 Northern, $1.2446; No. 3 North:! No. 8 C.W. ; No. 1 feed, 425.c; No, 1 feed, 41%c, in store Fort| ing to sample, $1.06 to $1.10; wheat, yellow, 4 fs oe Be. ie “iiaher at $5.20. Other s unchanged. Shipments, 55,892 Bran, $19 to Dai Feb. 20. Wheat No. 1 $1.34%; No. Northern, aM, No, 2° Northern, $1.28%. s Linsest Cash, §2. $2.34; May, $2.86; July, $2.36%4. ($5.85 to $6.10; do., medium, $5.10 British itnea in the yards. gy Pee - PILSEN @ VIENNA i \ AEDITERRANEAN ©: sy, ue Novy Y) mel onan THE WEEK’ ae more activity on the ‘y of Ypres and carried the front line trenches along a hes ee changed hands many times and, in fact, this section of the front is said to have e past week a e_ trenc! S DEVELOPMENTS IN THE W. Western front for some time past. AR. e Germans attacked the front of something like 800 to $5.05; do, common, $4 to $4.60; Lecce en front. Part of the ground has been regained. The Canadians participated in the rae +1. to $104; feed ascortng ea good, $6.25 to oe ie 005) Sighting and are said to have rep sed all attacks with comparatively slight ba & ‘Be according to frig s outside, [ers, 700 to 90 0 lis, ie: 10 to $6. 15; outstanding feature of the ws this hee however, has been the capture by the Russians of the y 2 0; Mas, accord. |eanners’ and ‘cutters, $8.95" to $4. fortress of Exgerum, together with Fonléihing dike runs and immense supplies, "The position was taken i : : ilkers, ms y frontal attack after a five days’ siege. This © is the most impor recent development in war ing te sample $1.28 Baldacci se she, en each, S18 #100; doy operations, “The Russians are reported io be southward with a view to cutting off the retreating Turk- @ Barley—Malting, 64 to 66c; fee 360; aprittvey abe $100; light British reinforcements are on their way to meet the British relief expedition in Mesopotamia, 57 to bo, aceordig to eights “on lomen $7.28 to $B shosp, henry, gt Gains weandlnaithe heletgeed BUEN foros eee Ante reported to be successfully holding the A t a to $6; do., bucks, ta 50;| Position oe to have ample supplies for some time to come { ur—Winter, according to|$5-25 to $6.25, while butcher cows sump, eg $4.80, track Toronto; |S0ld at $4.75 to $6.50, and bulls $4.80 10 $4.90, wea aboard, prompt ship-| brought from $5.50 to $7 p Packers to $4.75 per ewt. Small lots Bu ckwheat—Nominal, 77 to according to freights outside. jute bags, $6.70; strong bakers’, in 7 jute bags, $6.60, Toronto, 01 Mood Car lots, delivered Mont- real “freights—Bran, per ton, $25; baie: per ton, $25 to $26; middlings, n, $27; good féed flour, per bag, | 2! i. "6 to $1.85. Cpintey Produce. Butter—Iresh dairy, 27 to 80c; in- ferior, 28 to 26e; psn prints, 84 to 86¢; solids, 82 to Eggs—Storage, 26 tp per doz.; anlane 82 t 0 ices, in 10 to 60- 1b, tins, 1B to 12%; comb, No. 1, §3; 0 $7.75; lambs,| ie as to ens’ ia has taken a position very threats ase = attempt to keep that country Be 1, but as soon as ia against invasion it e Rumani: ituation on other fronts is aes changed. suai including another raid o1 ie East coast of Britain and an allied more favorable to the ee Al seems probable that Seecere will throw in her lot She ne suit to gain by an attack on Bulgaria and her assistance would do much to turn the scale in the eo dermany. has resorted to troops in such a position t with the Allies, in get her There has been considerable activity on. the ae t of air attack by air on Strumni ere seems to be a general feeling that big events are impending, but their nature and Seawind’ are not yet apparent. eigh- | 5, off cars, but as high as $11.10 was paid for some lots of long-run stock. pee BIG HANDS. What They a Said to Indicate in fan. Most people seem.to object to big- ness, as applied to features of the body—big fect, big ears, big mouth, particularly. ith si ators hav .|MONTENEGRINS R ISE AGAINST ILL-USAGE People Goaded Into R Reyolt by Brutali- of Austrian Soldiery. A despatch from Rome says: The lurazzo correspondent of the Idea Masts telegraphs that the tenegrins in # Gusinge districts, goaded by the ill- Mon- the Vasoyevici, Plavo and trians, have revolt- 0 Seutari eS reinforcements. ie Mancdetins, thanks to arms and mu- Teper mais they. ad hidden, con- ey entered i ass the ean adds, the A d. it. quanti- hag Va pe vn TS As a rule, thé man who has a taste |tity “of pecisione reald cite me Foultey-Spring ehlekens, 17. to|for scion has a big. hand, and a mediately, bu. as soon as the tere a0; Sang 16 to see ducks, to} bony He carries it loosely’ on A ‘ory was occupied they carried off the a, litle that remained and the population "Ghoas tare, 19¢; Se igen 19%c. | true that mere be: does not ofter eek Soe ete aes ey Potatoos—Car lots of Ontarios|go'with the very highest character. is seeking to control the movement by seen ih $1.75 to $1.80, and New| The man who possesses this large, hanging all the leaders and the situ- angular, knobbly, capacious ind nev~ peigsants ‘ Montreal Markets. Montreal, Feb, Came per ico ur—Manitoba Spring wheat patent ‘frsts, $7.30; A se $6.80; st bakers’, $6. 60; wicks at $1.90 to $2 per'bag, er et ne so — tnstend of being knobbly and angular belongs to quite another kind of per- sori have never aliondd him hand is not only large, but ooth and inclined to be fat, it You will see that kind of hand be- ation appeared serious ae to sum- ton more troops from Mati WINS MILITARY CR CROSS. Young ce ie Also Been Men- ed in Despatches. of Ceptate Dajtsen, oeastnbay: Ingle Yonging to the wwellscontanted person | has received the military cross for inte: acta x eholoe $6.70; | opposite to you at a pub ePatiiker: distinguished service ip. ihe field and ssi Yollers, $6 to $6. 10; do! who is amet calling for he. Ming liee has ben mentioned in despatches.. He Laie, £2.85 to ss 95, Rolled oats—|and scanning the menu, for fedr he| has been naga in ie vil engineer a A s., $5.85; Pour a es, Ibs., $2.55.! may be {naavectantty missing some-| corps, and through, Mons, sy $24, rts, $26. aiding, thing good. Ypres and othien battles. He has re- hah ge me $31 to $33. Hay! ‘The big, smooth hand is capacious, | cen appointed instructor of one er ton, car lots, $20 y It is apt to ie pereewes It is the | fortification ia in Chatham, Eng- $20.50, i pat Finest westerns,| hand of Mamm land. He is a uate of Kingston 18% to 19¢; finest easterns, 18% to Military Collage 18%4c. - Butter—Choicest creamery, "Te; No. = stock, 2h. to. 24e. Fotatoes—Por Wag, | Were Never Before So Prosperous So car lots, $1, 80 to, Merchants Report. A despatch from London says; “In| Mt Winnipeg G Grain. Winnipeg, Feb. 22—Cash’ quota- tions:—-Wheat jo. ALL BRITISH WORKERS my forty zeae! experienc never known a time ape ced is the testimony of: HAVE MONEY TO SPEND end much fi eae about among the | will at— July, tree. spenders. Most > >: jfactured. Hi imony is support- We Atihe; Medeete: it ines jed by the Jewelers, merchants anc No. 2 fe ed, B9%c. Barley—No. 8 | variety and moving picture theatres beh: Man ter ‘ rete B734e, | the neighborhood. They all say the be “Plax. 1 NW C. | Wor cores never so prosperous, or 7 A ~*~) spent thir money so freely—exce; sorlouy Ne. 2 OW, oT, that they don’t call on pawnbrokers ay . {as they us . In this district the: A ws ited Btsteg: MARIS ix ig4 axle 0007 yabsan-addt pita employed Minneapolis, ike —Whe: in munition work ane } a of them are the ot ailcbecs, snd receive separa- Se Se GERMANY HAS SPENT A despatch from London says: The Chancellor of the Exch: c that the British national debt at the ent of December, 1915, were about She ,000, of 1916, £300,920, 00. ‘VWO-YEAR SENTENCE rt Benjamin Coulter, nineteen years of $7,500,000,000 ON WAR |' equer, Reginald enna, announced on’ Wednesday of the financial year, March 31, be £2,200,000,000. Germany's ar. to 000 and for the first quarter ‘ance between |. e | YOUNG MARRIED MEN RE NEXT IN ORDER; Britain to Bring Pressure to Bear on} Them to Join the Colors. Young married men who have not en. tion of the War-Office, which is con- sidering the question a bringing pres- | sure to bear upon em to induce them the aoe All single! men who attested under the Earl of | on Ss pian. have been called up, and he Compulsory Military Service Act onolls all other bachelors, of military ried men who attested under the Derby alga will next be called to arms. Most of them are men between 80 and 40 years. | There ate large numbers. of. married men~below years of age who ae not Soren the appeal to take up arms, and the ia | authorities are searching for a method to bring them into oe ONE MAN IN ae IN MANITOBA ENLISTED Total ea in District Sine rted is About 47, fi, patch from Winnipeg say: A ee from Chatlettetown, aceonmeg i the chur compiled iS E.L, says: Capta’ late We ednesday morning recruiting in this ice. e igures given out show that for the} fet fifteen days of February 2,771 ta joined the colors. ‘This brings the total number of men raised in this district since the beginning of the war to approximately 47,500, Sean Efficient and Skilful. A despatch from London says: age who have not been exempted. Mar- | he War | Daily Ne’ in; | GREAT BRITAIN WOM. Sentenced to Death, But Given Penal Servitude Instead. A despatch from Landon:s says: wi The |case of 2 woman spy who was re- listed are soon to receive the atten. | cently sentenced: to death, but whose | silver for metal teapots, are rollin, | sentence was commuted to penal set jaupide for life, was announced it | State for Home Affairs. The woman \the ‘ome Secretar: ed. | ys as reg but the sentence | learne was Her activities were | Jays after her arrival | road Ne correspond- was eae erupted in the interval vata as time ae her arrest. She not a nial eo first ae since the beviininy of the war, it was stated, that a woman had ss given a severe a prison sentence in Britain for espionage. eee gees HEAVY BULGAR LOSSES ‘A despatch from London says: ws has received the follow= R. Mackenzie, ite “A neutral rt 'e requisitioned all, sup- They are dichearten- sian Feprisals, sist bos near future, cea BUTTER. SCARCE. A despatch from Ber! ines of the Megeeaae 4 in Great- er Berlin held a conference on Tues- i George Paish, the great finane- declares that England is efit Spirited len ayetatace that her resources have now been mersgpenioed Minh he gevled of dia# ruption may be taken as a thing of |} the past. | Po A DESERTER despatch lane ‘rom Montreal says: more} the day over the uniform: disturbance of troduce butter ca: aa similar in their apical, to bre e i the war, be allowed each person has not yet | been determined, 4 2 5 es: Be ee ES gz co 5 s WAY: th SPY SPARED This is the | mi IN BALKAN CAMPAIGN i and tired of the war, and fear Rus | f | 7 CANADIANS WERE K : | IN RECENT GERMAN ATTACK Enemy Got Into Our Trenches at Many Points— ‘They Are Still There “A Sesiateh from Ottawa says: Gen, gently taken to the dug-outs, since m Hughes stated in the Hou: not seem to have delivered. In the ose to which it was taken the estimated value of the furniture in the tite. was con- siderably ie than the price paid for the instrum Young mechs are buying m torcycles, often ae “ BRITISH LABOR WORKMEN ARE MAKING MORE MONEY THAN EVER. . The wives * the munition workers eee their Asie ¢ men, who in the past have been able to buy only the ae clothes, are now bias costumes costing and n £5, guinea hats, and Srendiva = Pp Comparatively Few are Saying or In- vesting Their Overplus of Wealth. “Munitions” has come to be a magic o word among the workers of Seffield two years a; O~ but a few; to-day it! is continually in the mouths of the m™ 3 upon the labor of the ™! te:-ame- almost: to: sand= [day, says a Sheffield, England, letter, Still, find. it difficult to aya ie on ofder9 now pouring in. Another munitions,” and it is said locally that 17 i8 the purchase of elaborately- iat mounted waabvellas: «A Working stare almost incredible scale, and the rami. | Sid had cost 45s. by teen ag fications of munition work are be-|™#% “Jack’s on munitio wildering. —-~* OFFICIALLY “KILLED.” 4 BZ 5 ae & 7 Ee Be E am Be S 8 5 EA leave for other employment because the bricks made in the yar ae used ta line furnaces of simament i 5 ; furniees Of he erdat a nstances.of People Who Have Read fis the pial cater one city | eir Own Death Notices. . ; : War always brings out curious situ- which repaired 'ations in more Wi is manu- which most folk would The men ai now producing cartridge boxes. Quite. recently thei | Rolling Tujlla: high otis Tolled nickel mabeher y, there arrived at his 's how: ne in Richmond, Surrey, ca lve soldier, who simply sent his cee and copper for the materials of relations delirious with aos that he | w Scores of firms are. tackli ral homecomi ee which a year ago was never or ty i thin their calculations and n} But what made this case even more tounding was that this very same - soldier was posted as “killed” dur- here is activity and new en- ing the Boer War. | terprise all directed upon thes one end Quartermaster-Ser | —munitions. Workers Not rae ea fal gal Trades unable to contribute to the one wrastop oe French deapatche business of the war have been largely § <td of deni en, The young and fit ‘went to the army months ago. eS Horted “killed, oe wee Hom lady: ee have found that. even a laborer’s job oven seriously wounded eee in the armament, shops gives them When the “den E Pecan pea came back, m South Attica all alive, his own memorial tablet was there staring him .in the face, much to his and Sei amusement! ‘ew people, indeed, can claim the unique distinction of possessing a pare for poet Fey funeral! _ » Apart |), from the local supply of labor thea ands of workers have come d, in due course, a tieket, of makina to my o7 sy s no, Vice” held in St, Paul's ethan his mate in other towns |, Hl wite? tra The ort ett among as artisans are an_ adeq oa of their ee nee aces sib Diemane Partridge was making: © famous astro! e war Joan or "4 we oh th bast understood by their cl ee ere ins, m the sale of his aoa eran ste Star ts with, ite hing province, § every year. a reasoned appeal might secure Sr thinwnd ab the gullibility ne so he esaemined to stop it, One year, therefore, he him: . 1 aoe almanac, imes ond | their means, are at last able to re- baths ‘{alize their ambitions. Buying Luxuries, eath of Mr. Johi § bid CS $1.80 to $1.84; No.!2 Nor- ton allowanses from the Sovgenaieny ' thern, $1.26 Ag $1.31, h _Corn—No, 8! which increases’ their incor ae slated and thé 5th Universities | overseas, was seritenced to | LIVELY BRUSH ‘WITH GERMANS IN EAST “AST AFRICAN CAMPAIGN Reconnaissance in Fone cane Cairted: Out Against Sal- alta Hill to Spe Enemy’s Position : 2 ‘ m London says: The hill was found to be somes held, andthe main German eserves were - | ascertained to bi any St. Vincent de Parl Penetentiary | two years. eek is married. NEWF ‘OUNDLAND W: ILL . UB ee its CONTINGENT Sailors Are Much in Demand for uxiliary Work. A des) snatch rou ae ks ‘8, New- foundland 5 com~ /plement of aelatere ca med aS ae- lve war service comp! Thursday ees ae far 1,200 loralk reservists 00 soldiers have been enlisted ead sent to England. “Our oe net ae 172, of whom 189 were in the se md South rues brigades which haa “their first ence in bush ‘fi othe branch railway ia now been he to Se 2% miles from Sa- officer : commanding in East Africa e 12th a an a stam vasried’s bagainst ‘ ta Bill €) oes locate the pee po- and ascertain | his strength. The is in most human bein a Title sett than the fish. ' The misguided young man salary of $9 QUARTERS. girl that cannot cook, hands hi large-and juic, lemon. GHTING AT CLOSE Freneh: engaged ie soass to donee ee in one of the Souenee aoe ” at all. Nobody believed him Partridge at last gave up th to convines people he wasn't; ~ % “Ts it a good ’un?” enquired the man. “It is a goed instrument for. the “ ae dealer said. “Can’sta | ni ‘ up to ahr ’ouse?” came the |“ ‘dead, pen asin “Yes, when it is pai the m: pun note, and we'll orn trest rahnd } gp; The next jorning the | », balance was paid and the piano 2 tead 2” HUNDRED NEW Hepes ‘A despatch from Geneva says; cae new type, and is pomey a aos : Journal de Geneva tt Ger-|her subniarine ‘campaign with: ‘many ee built 100 saris. la | vigor, 2 a