Write for. Free Sample Packet LAD AY About the Household heed once been much fi is something wr oe anyone "unusual in his manner? Did she see him? Or was there| {i 2 5 2 anyone with him?” THE CABLEMAN J S23 tssresinm ; : he si ein unusually good : ; = spirits. He told -her that his enemy 3 AN EXCITING PRESENT-DAY ROMANCE the “gout hed given him a holiday, nd that he was taking advantage of HE HAS BEEN NAMED THE “FOK- ~ KER KILLER.” BY WEATHERBY CHESNEY She promised she would. + George Guynemer, Successor to Pe- CHAPTER V. (Cont'd) ee out sf am ay see the Smallest movement, and a few ae youl, Garcos eat tate your choice. | “T can tell you that as ue had a very good reason 2fterwards he is cmalbing along a hit ya | y or Green. With he eat sample we will send you an Three years ago I met her often at her #4, yefusing to know Philip Varney 702d three miles away, and seving| Guilbert. | PAVING Ss lon and its wonderful | ather’s house. She wore her hait in {he best reason in the world! He is {8% the out has given him a hol ea /SMAKES a ail then, and Rer frocks Wer®.the son of the man who brought my day! seems impossibe WHEt persone: oe nGen a aa Sh inthe PERFECT ' short, but otherwise she has not al- pain ie must ha And ae y > Ser _ < § ADDRESS :—SALADA, 34 YONGE STREET, TORONTO | gered’ much. Also, T ean deseribe Car-|f*Rer to mui” Bate age he was Sheer ae Sent Pea ne nb Tues see eae GREAD 1 Fington to you, and you can judge phi Varney had said to him. “Miss brave—T know he eit Fr the Beet ee eee muantlonted for yourself if he is the man arrington se'the-deuster of the man ‘i@ Seems an impo. Can 8 snd all Fran oficial communication, kmgw as Page. He is about five fect ho ruined a: ola poverno” man conquer a pain like t) fa exntalae™ is talking of him and seven rather fat, and his skin hangs - ‘back, and ,\¥e%" said Scarborough, ror the: ime a machine monies by a sSebacs dt aviator ular n: for bo! “it. 90 its place. ‘Sud. violent grief might do it—or sharper emotion takes loosely over his cheek bones, a8 though the false dene ee tae He found himself wish- ‘0% that he could have a real doubt ong with one of his! ingers, but I serene mins (To be Continued). t ; quarters lengthwise; season with salt tt" 676 fires occurred in dwelling th and is a3 Tight a Wi | Veal less irae six weeks old should erin never be eate! Successful cnc eveete is the result Seagate hecomes dry and ‘av "waxed seperate ‘esti dah reatia altenga Het ard most nutritious sandwich for the made nee in oem small loaves. : hunary. ens sated soa butter, with, White potatoes or onions will last a filling of choppec Hort e) ee rt Enlish agen Pie. “cover hich |e steny ae ecathd. pitcher rving—with jg axeellatt for beating ej cig of thyme for polling eaten ‘add t pWO Spi it. tl a +h of salt in the stare mer until. tender. One-half It ill prevent th fi = hour Vefore chicken i is done, add one- Sh pear snt aie. trans fume apie half pound becon cut in small pieces. tin can is opened, the con- allces of hasd-stokied eee, cover With can, pethen. a lay joups and salad we until dish proved by the addition of a feprieeling Gupe-ok eance of powdered clove aa vibes. at earl cane To keep old potatoes from turning Satanic cepted Apa es nt Sg a era xethes aiiake tees Yana patio which ey at bi ee eee ith. pastry points cut in the shape) ing muffins, cup cakes, of triangles, and pale » and Serve.’ cookies, oF ae Bartev nherast ie aE egal may be used With dropped, dip your spoon i this dish, but haddock i is ratte: Thre jounds of fish will be required. Have j,¢¢ tai Potatoes baked ee their will always come out dea eset plc be, cut it cna iand to allow the steam of the potato to skins A mgt escape in the cooking. eben eye If there is a bit of cold ham left etaeds one cup soft = cant @ over, chop fine, add an equal quan- ig cul mel tity of mashed potatoes and hold to move Dorks sift rel ee cup cracker} crumbs over fish, replace Fore and | j Serve on ru eae before tl with WI Pe ee is will preven’ ie sulee. from rising over, which spoils ee looks and taste of the best of “boiled egg has been mixed. Or use a ‘vie sauce, ; we. Fire Prevention in the Home. ee as ead at every Carelessness is credited with sev- aawia is - the open window. Of course; ‘‘Crown Brand”? i 7 your. ~ favorité ‘Table Syrup. Tse, you enjoy its delicious, appetizing flavor with Bread, Pancakes and Hot Biscuits But what about “Crown Brand”? in he kitchen ? Do you u ‘ for Gingerbread, Cookies, Cakes, Pies and Sweet . Sauces for all kinds of Puddin gs? lo ae always use it for ahs th in al ese ways. You'll find *‘Crown as Bond” Corn Syrup ants convenient, econo- tical, dependable, g “LILY WHITE’ is just a pate ates Dyce o that is equally good for the table and for candy-1 ‘ASK YOUR GROCER-—IN 2, 5,10 AND 20 POUND TINS. "The: ae Stareh Co. Limited, 7 Arana ¢ on the bottom of baking aut, tents should never be returned to the| of -| come afterwards. Scarborough, watch- with her © fore each spoonful and the batter willl j sticl isfortune usually as ath i int, for se sake of the les.” The hero ® and seems. under the: pert 1 Selected Recipes, enty-fi . quickly, and look sa ha Sg) Ahe manta eapoln 3 : r e hero is popular r the’ p cont 1 ae ipes. : ae tt ea oe ie ‘3 par See hoes oe “ aera i ‘hat §, a ae his side. But he had none; for Princess Released ie sea as the “Fokker Killer,” of young aviator. Following the ied Te tomatoes ia nvhen Mis" Paee played chess y had given him chapter and For brilliancy of action only three "®mo which the French troops have ren. i Ry and pepper, dip in batter and fry ‘n meee is pubes Ieee Oe ade oe ase ‘ahs et “My father had enemies,” Elsa went | compar him; ‘and they here, British’ soldiers, who already becdme: ] ais Salad —F. ‘ibuted to the thr abs fe excuse finger of the right hard was missing, °” Hh ea a aralng the ince aay tofore aed basa regarded as the three a with it, refer to it as ee ‘ | ‘orm cream & an sent me onta Del atest fightin; 1 or Noufchatel cheese into balls of 88° Plss hehe aro fe ot aed Eee: ost frm the iat er see which of his enemies it anaes |S perotts Gactes Gad Came “Der Alte Karl.” | 4 soltitoer gram cea Sadan ee Ay eee be: Soar ea an WRAY | Par. ty eae a | Sora a be eae eee Rejected at First. ‘aid that the German aviators 1 s in mosis of lettuce leaves on individ- Pa oie oe t hae cir hing? he asked °C know,” said. Searborough. Guynemer is serving in the army themes by the iecalinr enceas. ak: @ ual salad plates, garnished with Oe aay hd cet anti ha RE “You know that, too?” cried Elsa. las a voluntecr. He had the utmost ‘atercommunication of information be; 4 ish flower and dressed with mayon- house as out. uae attics and Ms rt er tI ey that ona de ia! “How? difficulty. i ing admitted into the tween. en, have : naise, French dressing or whipped © other ont-of-tie-way’, plapes harbor Mar Fefuses to perform to-night,” sald)” thie cable. inessage.” he answered: | service. fe first presented heeea a gaeeraacee a cream, 4 comulaions eae old dtothes, epee gates bee thes thes ern ‘Danger—cireus. |himself he was rejected by the medi-, ‘Bey call it a A Culinary Seeret.—Delicious pie fasniare, eee See, a Ys how iste Phy een : “Who told you of that? I did not.” tal inspectors on the ground that hei, Je Was stated that during hs re- crust is the pride of one woman's live, all greatly increasing the fire Teed en es ary end’s e-/ sy qrag in the instrument room when did not weigh enough; he was too Cont. Zeppel braid on Paris ( and this ia her recipe for securi Matches left in the pockets of ee eee: thinking the message came through. I knew tall for his weight. Ear na alec aviator had gone up ‘ it: She uses hot water instead of MY easily ignite from friction in|that Monn de la Mar come iro £0 of it when I came to see you vwo (hive, successive times the young astily and pursued the Zeppelin and { cold and the soda and cream LED ele) SOD Ie earings suddenly nights ago, and you told me that no- man then tri ter the army, attacked it at close quarters ‘for an %. tar in the flour, »then she stirs the hot {fm 2 see a hi ened passing pene ee ie a aia vac een une had Banpened, and that you were going to: different parts ‘of the coun. 2°U? ta part of ‘which’ time he, water into it, Melted butter pe lard Sheoual art bese ‘sa Raiieecte dae deals 2 Ta lke to ack not frit ww that you were, try to present himself, and each time WSS Within thirty yards of the ain- is then added this ise ade among: te contents, ‘Defective stove-| with me to-night ae a col ia syoucied dee |he was rejected. Finally he insist- Ship, and desisted from his atiacks on- : 3 and flues, acculations ee aise, things ‘over with you.” emansded. “You | ed on PRB GAT mn through lack o: Elsa herself might ds ay was 2,297,818 cwr. (of 112 at $9,9 ounds) words as though there were a com. mand, a Pin he and she was wait- ig for his Te rose and es quietly: “Tf he has been murdered, I will. ete., in hot air pip in| “Then stay and ‘atk ee Dotter! oa ia jolene ” : , as ig Mes Tae tion grounds, ing id j flammable material too near fornaces Be leks ane ecaiea fete Gaecat Gat enadidions | worth jhe was admitted into the army. Linehsdiuelst stints peer y are constantly causing fires in dwel-|schooner. I'ts a a idang alee? Gate aa | Doon“ hinesa : No a ‘under whic take service wi e is very boyish- looking and was ‘ 4 ses. acer Said Scarborough. | <1 must Cable Company that all messages that twenty-one Years old on last. Decem- tion was Guynemer, and permission little onion and lemon juice. Draii mannan sean cn becom tuntia| et Dace eh ran Be au See sag hour hands, are to. be ber 2 ard is ‘monoplane he Was sought to amounce the name, but : again, roll in flour and ‘saute in hot eile euicemeis ene Leaves eect we a re, Chino as it Tm neoded, Wi treated as secrets. I would not have is both pllob Sanity Sh REDE ns HON Soe ater Rebs cencier a well owned Stag we adincins Raed he 000, 000 for| “Yes,” said V: | spoke: that ae » ify fara: brief purlen te Thad performo? é is n ig dish, garni ae hihed Ww bieyele j Soci Coane had not just told me that you had iad > the rem: SP FISH SHORTAGE IN BRITAIN 4 with floweret of hot boiled ret erode back with Scarborough, ‘They 2 Warning that da was corcing Princess Emmanuel, eat of bringing down six fc a flower. Serve with cream sauce. had their talk out, and by that time 20m the circus company. | Perhap: most on German machines. |The Average ae is More than ‘ Pastis ode mae cups of i wias datesaqac Phil Varney stared even, as it is, I ought to have said of Ree as Im, the ger Rennes of In si mon’ ynemer ha: ubled = . read flour, teaspoonfuls of sugar 1) nothing.” Archduke Frederick, ander-in- eA from private soldier to ser-! purin; : e 1 ig the past year, Canadian fish- : : and % teaspoonful of salt. LSA cya ee aa a sae bine St the cable station. | Next, «I see,” she said, almost with re- ecg eet aI army, geant, has_won the military medal, ing interests ste taken steps to. ‘ : sift well. Work in ‘cre pit oe fat, z sre ie Drow ‘6 ‘Seatbor- sentment, cite your hands are tied.| Who jas been a prisoner of war as ben made Knight of the Legion Ueve the ehortage in Great 3 tableepoontula of butter, then add 2} ay ve up set sad Are they tied so firmly that you ands of the British at Gibrattan, of | Honor and has received the War fish supply arias from the retretlon beaten eggs, and % cu in cee ae ke a sense ; us a apse te is oe. a. a ae) cs has ‘Gaokt can’t fern me now?” has secured her freedom through the Cross with four bars. ch an ac- imposed. by the war on fi ‘oll to % inch in thickness and ies ini aura i acai at ES isa “No; and if they were, I think I) Medium of the King cumulation of honors for one sol- inthe ea. serious 4 ‘brash vit rao htba: col ec. | To cing the enormous drain w! ae A a cs Hea aght should cut ae bonds. How can 1|¢xchange for her, Colonel Gordon, dier is unique in the annals of th character of the shortage is indicated . Spri aie san taxing the financial resources of our , al ar al = scar ensnety rae help you, Elsa?” V.C., one of the heroes of Mons, has present . beste ye States consular re- : or s is the original| People and our country. fe pA eno tis the "You can help me to fin, and pun-|Deen released. The Princess is the ning man’s duties have con- Booth fisheries in A918) Te part the } English recipe. 3 had brought? danger 18h, my father’s murder cousin of King Alfonso, of Spain, ‘sisted in charing enemy ipa eae report ata ea Date Sandwiches.—B and but- seful Hints. Sight Hoe be ivar yee thouek The , She jumped to her doce and tase a ae to her marriage, was in escorting French aeroplan total: quantity of fish other ter is good for a chs taney bu but victim te ; Gatien % him excitedly. She had spoken the ne re Hela ae Christina of yons on bombarding Gepenltsone: mae than shellfish landed in Se in intended for the ite of She was jilted him, married Prince Sal im-Salm some iter years. The ildre: hy ‘ion, old puede had 1 "oxplott indicates his metho the Arch- of opi “He boty his bicycle, and started at y ad once for the Chinelas. As he rode off # a sudden uit see him, and he called out to baie # yw He Finished One. 1 ewt., $14, 45,8 While cribsing up and down the iit, ‘aad 7,267, 828 oy German lines he noted a German ma- and $2.50 in 1913. hort chine which apparently had the in- the catch as fier ed si Sent ‘oe « But you a know yet that it is so.” three girls Bind dubsniat Monaede ia War wos two boys, wh be doing last night, and what the busi- 8 Aosta miiteoe Obie 2 thee caste ‘in haven cred for tention of passing over the amounted to 67 per cent, “No. S a and me sl. bo here soon. I have ‘pot cont, more si a section. Retiring a little, in sonveapendlal value to 1 ler to hide himself from the view of bt Lay average price “was enemy machine which was ‘"A) loubled, he suddenly cut across the penne rete Ret baat hy ness was which made her refuse to perform in the circus.” enforced imo} sheeted ahaa In August, 1914, at the outbreak of the jarger of coming wp, “tyes,” Me an “Then I will tell you all I know.” ey |" CHAPTER VI. cat down again, and she gave|the war, the Prince and Princess res { be ail i ae Im-Saim, were on a hunting tour latter's Tine, of retreat ban 88 0 ® the raeeteates Metelane creo nee ; as Rea BORON ed off his him in quick outline the truth—as she 5 rs “lSiemes ae tar coda ug Be Gh Tele Knew it. She told him what her father|in Africa, They ¢ immediately | opened the bpsiecical aot cna Berio ent of the totale catch in 1918 Elsa swhis adie ‘on the steps wait. had told her—about the conspiracy | interned and later sent to Gibraltar. ‘he Geran fo g % an $3 3a he in 1 u nti and i obleg30 ing for him, nt to her, and took Which had blackened his name and/ Colonel Gordon, who is being ex- cane pene pard baie in the total last y rhe nota Agus 5 tor her hand in his, It was characteristic driven him into exile. spoke of| changed for the Princess, is a close ata tank of the Fokker. An ex- herrings ose ewt, In 1918, | f the pair ae Hs neither sere, the mother who had remained in bed peczier trond” of Ea Kitehener. | Fjosion occurred and fames gino are ae 235 owt, iy tia. 699, 40" ‘owt, Ii ior Sidahe ep eonninl ence land, working up the evidence which ies ae Or che" GeneaAh WnAKIAC 5, with the corresponding values “Pather is lying upstairs, ale dali should prove her husband’s innocence Not uarobeetvak scone sites $6,516,419 and $2,138,176, Dy have vir A ‘0 the whole world; of the two years| LONG SLEEPS. oth... Bu ttitude be © total ery of whitefish, ex- sent for a sat a os sa she and her father had spent from their seats in an ai mts o cianing herrings, mackerel, and other en he is iiot dead!” said Scar- which she and her father bade the Remarkable Case of a Girl Who Slept anguish and _bewiderment. ett. pelagle “ashy landed: during. thaevenn bruh T thoug e: and or ee hax a8 ake achine was ‘iinet down from be- was 1,522,471 owt, as against. 2,495,017 Ae dead. eile ar nae aes et k (ne ca Shae s veritable funeral pyre, ewt, in 1914 and 27 alta in home and face| es vain satel quietly. ies a cruel one, but it had not sin ened chiar: - thera wile aired any work soon rae sear neta she would do it, and the tears would the steps qane her ener had Haken; Hoes company of toothache, , to find out what the and wen ed. m atterwards ns that the warning m at {she fell asleep, and Cala eh me yet; he A eed uu n 1 earned ie th ae waking from ies to 1907, a period line of hardness about her mouth meeting with Mr, Scott in the str of Biro yea he new. brilliant aviator, but ahs siderably Heomhoed watt by. shy have ect Soe CE a er only nourishment cons mag sid forbidden by the censorship. The at home. An Australian pence ace ske aY-' Giation in the officlal communication, companied by his ing es Rae owever, opened the way for making an inspection in the t ay =o f death, Jeorge Guynemer known and honored ue in Gallipoli,” when they came CBR ER UL OSe. "1, throughout France ‘oss a wounded private, who was — Among the hundreds of brilliant cximy hopping his way to the dress- aviators in ae French service scores ing-station, with a bullet in his foot. iste men very highest She When the private saw s pilots, Shehters nil observi Daas Ate him. gen- once in 4. while a malate a eral!” h ‘The officers look- of A Mibaie Arenyanite Although the bravery ur Aus- ralian troops is ey fee all question, ee to menti ies siiaas on’ diseipli hi walk with him down tl fro ie house where on sorrow aay Presently he pointed to d gone, , and wl She became | siempre it a spibd Bear berane a has peculiar quali eiae that put him ed round He "abiagornent to Ae 2G M class. ‘called, inet po the private added, and ich were Pegoud, who lost his as Pie lsppeb oni vl I'm 3 ry year seized with | For a little while ‘alio ual nothing. back all 4 pesca fit of neoitg: On At a Then with a quick movement she drew pate This morning he was carried) ys¢ 1st he grows dull, on the her hand away a corpse. ‘ aS ae, said, “I have a confes- “swe sen be found?) a Ce “B; Merete al ase in ae srcueelcy of reckless bravery; a Bloomin” “tanaavoo now all Yight, who taken pulsonge: by ain’t 12” F | the Germans, and Guilbert, w ing been forced to come a ‘site 3 Swiss territory, fo been interned ite mY Revily Tuinge i: ane centntae 5 there as a pri "Fou don't t say! Boy oF re 7 The little, ibnoplane which Guyne- Stirling —*Sonsinlaw!™ A Stirling—‘“I’ve had another Bee “eu " ge. eve Bir it is our real ni “] pei sa Scarborough. She glanced at him quickly. Ee ee have you known?” she, A contemporary Tene saa an- ounces “Nicholas Hart, slept last year in St. Bai stole Hospital, London, intends to: sleep this year at the Cock and Bottle, in Tittle Britain.” See eae One Result of the War. A. delightful old lady of a_ little i wn in Nebraska was discovered one agen in the act of killing a Ino st tt s so bad w the slightest Pare ave him cat ae Phil Varney told. you that I did not’ —made him forget it, and enabled ‘ou haye found to do what would otherwise have been _ He must have “ tas you peti yw Phil. Varne; an horn him that ri dia. pie you in- impossible for him. scheme of walked there.” it) Scarborough shook his head. | “I ce Mrs. SE | I houge that this time, to si ‘acted lie? “but. he m fey shen it aa ee did ti ‘think feel a dee! ores § There were no panel marks on our gravel and none on the road near the sont % INO? a So os Cais ies, ‘The drizzle of the night be- for ade excuses for me! a that if ye had been a carriage, it} would have left rare Besides he “Well, you ae sen Cae use- ik that bloodshed was an aw- <atustel Duta “She iad out tov aft 2 Rend thi a = dei run. wit log.” ow, “The pine growers daughter!” ex-| as ‘dllin’ z ‘Where’: igh. “The Caldelral ang then I just shut my eyes and] = whack.” 5 lot my ay tee ta wast “ea —— sk take, but she may i| Are you sure y was rome “father she bot met him on the road | and spoke id] to to him.” ee he Shine that anytitnk was wrong’ T mean, was there as ing expect it’s ‘pecause I don’t get things given tome often enough to pesatinesd