MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE LOOK New Spring Goods! We are passing into stock, now, a big assortment of Spring Goods that were bought ahead and shipped out before the New Year to escape the extreme advance in price. Goods bought early are reliable colors and can be guaranteed fast dye, which cannot be said of all new dyes used at present time. Buy your spring sewing now, while prices are practically same as last year. Your interests are our interests. We al- ways try to protect cur customers. WEBER & BETTGER Buy a Victrola for the Home. <The easiest way to make things pleasant for all the folks and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy. Come in and we will play your favorite music for you and explain our easy terms, Victrolas from $20 to $100 J. E. WEIR MILVERTON Winter Suitings and Overcoatings Itis now time to order your Winter Suit or Over- whether you buy or not, No trouble to show you the goods— O. DUFFIEL Monkton, The Up-to-date eos Ontario AUCTION SALE JE ame OF emcee ELRY “Bary Wednesday and weanis Evening se Until | Stock is Sold Out. Commences Saturday Ey’ $., Jan. ia AT Bioo, O'CLOCK. EBONY GOODS, Etc. — “CLOCKS, protien CUT GLASS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS _ “COME AND GET YOUR PICK AT YOUR OWN PRICE. MONKTON BRIEFS haar Thomas Gibson, of Elm; busy last week in the aischisae is duties in the south of the Mrs, Fred Anticknap have ets up residence on the 13th wa farm formerly owned by t Tate William BH Picts Horn, who has under the Sethe with an Ja grippe is now convalescent we a glad to report. The entertainment given under the auspices of the Literary Society in the Music hall, Atwood, afternoon train from Goderich londav next and ‘thereafter un- til further notice will arrive here at en p.m. 5 p.m. mry Ronnenberg and Mrs wa m. Bailey returned from Stratford after being there some days. Mrs. Jas. Parrott returned to her was accompanied her sis Ke who wile Es nd a few with her. Bauman of Fi a al ay re- purchased feet ooenh jonnst ton is heving them loaded and shipped to Rlmira, Monkton Methodist church, March 26th. Services sat Monkton 11.00 a.m. see invitation Je exten ‘orship wit A quiet feantie took niaser Methodist in the holy bonds of mat. tae ve ian Nelson Ward M. ch pattie putin feleamed va tr hi side on 5 o} Logan. We wish them much hap- piness. Mr .an ile Bell, ene ending a time with Mr, will Hallway. employ liam Anticknap and Hohert Howland jointed the oe re wee the defence of home and em Mer. William “MoClory's auétion sale lay was well attended, Mr. vAyaiatvoue: wielded. the: hat- an inst. ae ie tawe at Ms Ss Mabel Ham- mond. S yeu fale rue Wr th ‘oul 0. Pring you in direct purchasers, L 0. L. No. 1,999. ait ence eS ey meeting in their Monday henna ere ad- r degree: fre visiting brethren, the new wly ini ed brethren and several members, sof the local order. mn Hodge. e serious babes ee for hernia. He ti finderstand making splendid pros ited towards meee a Mr. M. E. Bettger Bae Bape en bai rer sees: scree! spring men uy, supply his cus- asoline. Mr. Peter Francis Kenny, kora has enlisted with the ot Kin- 110th of the ust Bauer, app eeaient re ae Cc. Ellacott; ec’y., George A, Goll treasurer, Mt ‘i . Be’ Paice teases “Hey Golightly Ef a. evilson d F. W. strong. iss. Jessie ‘Golightly is tae pene .e home of Mr, A. Ros: on ae indy ian gees! at the home fr aie Brought of Mr. oughton, son Ata a if atont e of the Toronto onkton. on Tuesday, Mar 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bettger. Bie the last snow Rope ae id, t, inmaster on this Thos. Nettctstel wae Sey nee a plea y zone Steinbach, 0 ha e ivertias ae ae nese of ss She George thank- ed those Dresentin a few well ccted word ~|To Mr. George Richardson. Dear’ friend ;— It is with pieasure we have amet here this evening to enjoy a socia) ve t this oppor of deavoring to show» you ina small way how much and tary | Mornington 2 he George Peebles, of | m ings 4 asked for his release owing to having en appointed Chaplain of the 110th Perth Battal Mr. ae Raszman n, of Williams a me there on Tues- ing ; er, Henry, was at his bedside when he passed away r = nry Ronnen- Her ‘left on Wed- nesday cierto attend the fun- eral, oer took train as far as Dur- am and drove the remainder of. the News of the death of Miss Mary Joy. formerly of the 1th of Logan well-known in Monkton and vic- inity was received here with profound regret. Miss Joy resided near the village with aged pa: until 2 nee ebringvil is at Cie ae the guest ty “Mrs. Nor- man J, gatewe a G. A. Golightly ¢ et |. Merry. field. of the e t village assembled at the ir sistel rr. Mr. n the sick it. A Tare occurrence when five sisters sat Be a tea-table to-gether. Veber & Bettger will hav afotes car of bulk s: th at the Moni ton station about April 6th Ki leave your order for same. ton. asier ased to porte ee Bent 10) of the is sees al Le to go about the tches, The ladies of Monklod and vicinity th. are cordially invi te to attend Mr. and Mrs. A, Fleming, of near ee ae at the Mrs. ay rot ae her friend non Bere of Miss Wellesley ent with friends her®. mehl left for Berlin spending _ mnaitle at her hom. Salvadge pore his fam- |i, He “Milverton last weel Margsret Mica “left for rd on a lay of last week she nds learning idress- Ay. nt evenin; gent at t ee of MEL And Bens Ww. ‘riday eveni a Vth, when Mr. George Richardson who has enlisted with pe 7 0th Bat- talion, was presented a wrist we peas ae the following dees . The d: by art by neighbors appreciate the step you have take serve our ssf Sountry by enlisting for ov. s duty. the earnest wish of all that you ma be spared to return to your e up your’ 3 light agi ship we ask you to accept this watch, Signed on behalf ef the community. Be Dew W. 1. Chalmers. the presentation had peer made, several of the soldiers, who a companied hace ing a mimber of patriotia selecti ning Wr spent in games ic being sup- and Stock was buckiea on Miracle. those who seem hopelessly ill. Harrisburg, ing my work a! eco in the house Yosr, 611 Water St., Albert Lea, Penn.— All women are invited cine Co., Lynn, Mass., f Ne evens he Hardly ae to Move. alone. as there Ss none like Three Doctors pera Her Up. “Your medicine has hel) When I was a gi Women‘Once Jnwalids Now in Good Health Through Use of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Say it is Household Necessity. Doctor Called it a All women ought to know the wonderful effects of - taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound even on Here are three actual cases: “When I Cy Sema and eal from female weakness becat Penn.— I would n ane re; write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Meai- ‘or apecial advice,—it will be in the ho neu st ce ts WELLESLEY COUNCIL 1 met in Township hall Mo! ag: aM March Coun at 6th, a " peaiddent Ae td ppealed cies (financial for his ais aan zh er. ys “motion a of the he fore Tt was moved 8. Meyer. sec. by F. Lackner, that Lonis K. Weber be appointed to act on Said Board as aaa and that the Clerk notify eber of said appoint- eppointing pathmaster: 1) mena 4 first and second ‘time. by F. Lackner, seo. by fey that ‘the Mu . ag a8 im of $31.50, sis the balance ats: on villages for the year 1915.—Car Moved by Fr ee seconded by J.8. Meyer. that the lowing amounts be paid to the hereafter named persons and that the Reeve issue his orders in payment thereof nomely The "Municipal World, supplies seals of thei nthly issue $5.75; John Wray t n 5.8 U ‘de. spreading gravel, $4 50; Hahn, ra corn ee 00 * in, $34.81, Monday the a 10 A Stes acm. RES a, tech and Re r. F, sBoauianian) Clerk. a ERS Waddell--J ewitt Wednesday. a Ps teed the eighth. wedting bel h om on gine shi eir only daughter, ‘ale Mildred, Bitte the fe hes oh! a Norman Waddell, of to the ELMA COUNCIL The mu stpal coune! ship of E ima met in thy all woes om Satin of the town- griealtural y, March the manta Scott; Depu Councilors. ident ya Reeve. William eting were aed: ty” the ead from 5 Department ‘of Agriaultur ages elm: otic re the applications ret Joseph Guy and Angus ighea have Tex and annexe Ss. said _ applications h—lman— us Sp the of Bikson to" Thee lot ee: ‘ eae A Tone His in's wedding march played by &. Bennett. Whos, Ellacott, John Me- eles Henry Seelhoff, and William strut 1 Pairs dkekbers: = Harold Peter: W. MoCormick. John n, Jas, | D' Mitchell, Richard Coghlin, Pearls and ‘shi mn Chapman, J, Johnsto} carried. “ bouquet ah Set Hymers, Alex, Buchan es Miss Alba John- ay, Samual Hiles, David t Lambert, Wilson Scott and. Inglis an Moved by Vallance—Smith—that: the council do now adjourn to meet n at the Ru hay ithe hall, a on Satur . April 8th, at o'clock for general business, George Lochhed, Clerk. At ten . Ms Groom, sang “Oh Fair, Oh Sweet Holy” in good ve Nonaetnlitione: rests r of fifty partook of a e groom's gift — ENROL NOW — at the — LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE ‘Thorough Courses taught by Com- etent Teachers, For particulars address DWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principa was a beautiful near gold ieee pre oe ibid ite” necessary change. nders were than ope pprskeseitn ollow: for the ues of $2.41 . at: the sum: floor managers. selections were supplied by Mr. Wan er seventy friends and neighbors were present and thorough- vening, Recruiting A Meetings Three reeiuiting meetings will be beld in Mornington township nex week viz nday, AS wton. March 28th, Mr. March 30th, at hurch, Rev. A.C. at Donley's hall, Thos. Hutchison, chairman. * Thureday. Norsh ‘man. rsday, March 30th, at Ritter’s man. speakers at Newton and North l_be Major Monteith enchy. being wounded in the latter battle io akers at ean vill be Capt, Sanderson ant C, tkinson Whe clay Seek fants firet contingent and was wounded at Blood Street ae Belgium the latter part of last : A good pr eae atta me being pre- pared for each a are invited to attend these meet ks at The Sun office. agentsfor theAppleford make w! Woodset of “the Mait- nted Mrs. ‘T. H. MeKay’s aa ae already taken ‘posses- fonkton Women’s Patriotic Mel eir big “Donnybrook were ever ‘present ai e i jours aighed up 21 gallons ects J. Wilson acted | =i to patriotic ferguson attend the held r. Marys EALAN aAlscmea ss gene i Thu: an hall. Millbank, Rey, W. Moffat, chair- r 19 fais satisfactory security. es ee eave your order for counter check is considered the best on the market. brs Por 2 Tohh Hamilton. . | Hurst, Alex. Pete r )Gray. Howard eke et d by Vallance—Smit ae: henna of Tose h MeDon file. ia gt Reeve tract pesneees and igned in relation then Moved by Coates that the ‘collector's roll._ba accepted that the collector be credited ing balance of salary in full as ce 15. leetor for 1! Coates—Smith—that Path iter: dkeepers 1 Fence Wiggin were then appo'nte meron, dford, Ezra Kneehtel, ee Hewitt, Gents A. Hamilton. ieKeever, 8 Thotns Shearer, leman, Thos, yb Wavy, Walter Wi Tughen, Wm. Si Mt John McCauley. Samuel “Corry. ton. John Huth ford. tug ohn ierfor ih MeCourt Re austen! Chex rice oi Tas. David Harron. Day’ Struthers. eee Ronnenbery. J+s. Ho?- man, John M Near, Ban Matthews ‘ar. Ingl ; ‘Robt Thos. nett. ANhy usa ti: Moi George Gordon. Roy “colignts. Wane fam/lton. ol pemiiscraets ‘A palates nen tod eee es Peet drain qooofdin ng to A post card address below, with eon pane ddress onLYon the ot a fectly formed tomato, the Byron Pink is ene large, and atta The flesh is well send for our catalogue a The Catalogue tells about the other valuable Premiums which we give wi aed & Hunter Seep Co., ey ieee Ontario, CANADA firm, and the flavor delicious wer and a heavy forcing. You are going to buy seeds anyway; then you mi ree premium for Ttis an ‘deat tomato ight just yourself. ry cropper. and get this free every order. othy aa at lowest possil Our Anoual Clearing Sale was a Great Success—= evhave a few more bargains left toe we willjsell ee off at icur RATES. Call in and pick them up. Our stock of Grass Seeds of all. kinds is complete have the best grades of Red Clover, Alsike and’ tim. q ang we would ie you to buy Now, | ‘Stock 1 “Better geta eee on trial, le prices. Grass Seed is : ang "Hardware geste + ie M. E. BETTGER & CO. Teoma Broree Cleland,” ote Bioweet