The Milverton Sun EVERY THURSDAY MORNING pune ne Printing as URSCRIPTION RATES Jone veo, $1; six months. mentie, 26 cents B arrests willbe tablets pay 1.00 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES t cents igertonte peri tion will bechar wine for Grst insertion and ine 1oF each subsequent inter. arged for all transient adver. ‘Advertisements without epecifc directions ML be Inserted un" torbld and charged ac- # for contract advertisements must bein the office by noon Mondar Attention. MALCOLM M. Publishes ‘BETH. id Proprieto Tl sho BusinessCards... DR.M. CTINDALE, L.D.S. (Successor to Dr, Lederman) Boxor Gnancarn Toronto University C10} id Bridge ale fl Office: Over Metropolitaa Bank, Milverton "PI 38, Medic: ¥. PARKER, M.D. P. L, TYE, MUD, DRS. PARKER & TYE RCE + PUBLIC DR DRUG 80 STORE, MILVERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 2 0 4 o'clock p. m,, and 7 to 8 o'clock p. 1. ‘oat Hospi al, Mooretelds Eng. Onis Knox Chur: H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, - Nota: Cor woe 5. a of LisTOW ks: ope Homi Uns ek eees| F, R, BLEWETT, K.C. Solicitor tor the Bank of Toronto ne: 2, 5U center three ‘Subscribers | mile: |terms of the dollar ee baepene at- NOTES AND COMMENTS | ‘The colossal 42-centimetre (16%4- inch) are used ox a Germans: in the effort to batter down the ae fenses of Verden, is ye of the most rmidable machines of ecoiucn The gun weighs nearly e than The Fashions lees Shall I Wear ene all~predictions true the suns fupsage ene ia i most eco- one for From his solemn oath and blow up the mon- ster. t a creature of men’s hands an m the misap- lern_ science to the fuels ea ‘When the average fort ee endure but. shot, and a is a rubbish heap after the gun is fired twice, what hop irected is w Spbiey ca een eae ae posts until they die. Profestor Irving mane of Yale University, from the coldly detached pecliy, arueble-vodied<aannt. 1x wosth $4,000. But who can translate into tached by a mother child? To ihe taut “oneiier the: blinking: ii ae is only an infant, “with no lan- chal Se aie eae But to the mother he is an a a O14 A Middy Suit of Linen. | A good supply of sniart linen blouses, vor, in fact the colored. w: seems have reformed. ete eer now. de- eference over the piain|v en much of their space to the dis- a marked de; a ‘ination of information about the ae than to to be taking white waist to is something \about:a_softly.tinted blouse ga pe any ‘The reason Chine, Georgette, or of the new is apparent—big subject; while the wash orga comynet sate a tailored ! railroads are also helping in the de- arly half a ton a distance of 14 nomical the family with icultu- les’ and more, It requires the ser-_ daughters, setting: sever, Bpore Siretly tail lUPat Mine eee ot ahtts ER aed pepe vices of 200 men to handle the wea- clothes from dawn till dusic, and «fter for morning or sports wear are us- traffic possibilities of the farm, Even pon, and it is discharged from a dis- or mops e pit bread jg.” vally smart and aes 3 7a e, bankers, manufacturers, merchants . eal Bass te ie rene cial and the tailored su dressy and others in the cities have taken a r resides being decidedly ae acl wear, oe tint ee Uae is sie favor-|hand in the great gam commerce, money-saving, this s be ite. umber of at-!and are using their influence for the Aah oes ie - comforting hd cont fortable +0 feng, tractive may Meade, dor ell Goris highent: poasiblaesatament ad ace radius of a a mer ear, 'ten-| velopment of agriculture throughout fait miles. The foundations, 26 feet mS Ji Ba many ee moments sal es these are ee of the sa es ae land. There are wonderful possi- in depth, are mined throughout, so be eihe ae fa ae ne festa and color as the skirt, thereby bilities in store e farmer, and nec fared cag Sad eh m Unistall can eam ston, ue ag 9 Soupises copia coupes in Nis ingepaniient ghana 1 is. risl ure, may ful i i aateal ts wear with various skirte,| all ee counts Denver, Feb. 27, ea ‘THE SUNDAY | LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MARCH 26. Attractive oe In compliai with cree, that sport cclbehing ge supremely | forest. ne hat shops Fass eae | ‘tl attractive, a) por as oe a bit of oF ornament By. ie chicl rs of ue ie as clones, are, |The Great Multitude—Review. Gold- ea spi ore ats, but en Text: Revelation hem} Milans and hand- sewn ee She ong otthee ae tu An- ie Bible effective Scien ure deals w braids, in white or a soft and with individuala, It faces the color, contin with hemp or Milan. !need of the cr ae and a the single sth ite as pend ra sae ith men in the m: Bond St., Toront, yoni KEEPING “BOYS” “AND “GIRLS ON Pe yet is also wide THE FARM. e ancient prophet mpassion of God or over the | ie thinks of the) needs of the sone "ife of Jerus- tion, and the corresponding decrtace in rural pena cen Set eck, mus n fac ‘A Prestiinked my dee: ie coll son, is any man who isn’t married!” ae age with open Seat and was J The funniest pictures now seen in’ jing relationship. e farm offers above | By Chas M. Bice; Denver, Colo. |hetpleas children and the dumb beasts! It ming m t great city of h, “six- serious question how to retain the Score thousand that knew not their boys and girls on the old farm ht hand over their left, and also prevent their hegira to the city. much cattle. is shows e | the tenet inkvense’in, urban Spopdin veer Of God eS ate tears stream down his face walk, ai formed the top of it ie all-leaved smilax with e said, and he had heal finished speaking when the doorbell went | “ting-a- ling. | aa » shouted. % hope it’s Harold. all the eat ony, it is the most heautifut ining ever saw made with blocks!” mothe tal tie er. soon ake it, better cee said Wilbur. ‘oudly. “May I have the em) ny oe out. 2 your ee bass at top speed, but came back et Another half give lone, and slowly, with only a card that the portan had’ bron ght. “Hs sla nodded, “Why it’s for you, my boy, from|hour went jour cousins in the East!” said his ty. Took” the boy eried ire other, and then she read it aloud. | full ‘I wish yor here now,” ran Thi time there was a pretty f the card. “We have ave snow. Paul|round the little house. BEN front, b oy and I go coasting dow every |the covered wal gate, id like | straight rain, ils everyone's fam and | gai gloomily out of the ; : e trees,” Wil- “Are thefe any new roses out?” his bur said proud .s | mother asked. LY, 0 0 ly. course!” cried his mother, has little yel« |low seed balls just Tike Naud renee them, There are ae Jerusalem cherry th The shiny braids are much in vogue son] wrestling y esti ny eat striped o1 ; e’s a whole | a tot eon green ne like pe or- for early tailored wear, in black or closes, not wath a "few |wheelbarrowful, I’m sure. And, |an; 00. it fun you wees had colors, trimmed with flowers or rib- chosen individuals or a pueda ‘peosle mother, the wind has blown down a/in ‘hing it all ‘outl” = Patent leather and varnished ifted to eternal blessedness, but of a|long vin our pretty smilax, cousins in the Bast have foliage is most effective for trimming great multitude winning through to|Tight across the path.” ane and flowers?” Wilbur sera these glazed hats. the Eternal City, One of the greatest | hy, useful eyes you have!”| “To play with in winter? Oh, These patterns may be obtained at’ needs Christianity is that its his mother ansy Che “Let us put on When their mother wants smilax Tor your local Metall dear or from the preachers and teachers should learn|0Ur raincoats and go out. their birthday cake she has to buy it McCall Company, Department W., 70 |" While Wilbur held the basket, his | at se. Your cousins see reen! | mother snipped off big, flagrant roses, | flowers only at pai “Why do flowers grow here in win- not there, where they live?” sur- prise, she threw it round his neck like aw wi re: When they had come back to , Suddenly Wilbur ow | ki what I agate to a Abi Started for [his own ro o | Tacqulittiorhlle haciendo asta what I tell you, to send to my cousins? "Then Vil print my namé he bottor on — Hi 2. A communit; religion, ‘The Ies-] with his blocks, which he s ean ou eIRATFORD, 8 sport skirt or two, with a chie sport | of “the most eter Droblem it as sid tot the aeiae at Goa cha| Sethe’ rates before’ the ‘chasumulatees| see oe i ba ie waemn is, Sroableeg€ : aE aes a bes iment = story of the arama com-'plaée. For a whole hour he was busy} This was ‘the Be cs cards eae Veterin: knows and lay down the price and | Solved during the daylight hours; af- aGatain tite - he cities if # ie pres munity religion. The little ees but very still. Then he told his mo-| Dear Cousins. glad you aro W. BARR, Veter e what happens. He will find ‘hat ter, ft is @ simple matter to select aon oportion of those who flock 0. of the disciples is enlarged into a com- | ther to having fun with Soe home Milverton, Gradaate of Onncio paseen | the light of life, aid ‘ love that ne-| dainty ape ohne eee oe eeics the: cttick tah eve donee $0 monwealth working out their ¢o ieen| Sow. Wilbur had more than a hun-| day. coat. going to a1) College, Tor Troateall dissare | VoF dies, are not for one ot the “exquisite: Mater eres ey ot life together; then comes the story! !area Blocks of many different shapes.|pick up. a basketful of “sweet, juic ry ge, peice eatsall gre now in favor, and don it-in perfect| er? is a question which soidenle: 0 - P . at ’ of domesticated ani panes economics are already seriously ¢ f os a ig out, Sisters far Of them he had built a pretty hou ie Hee ihe, ee ui . . LIFE IN IN THE TRON L LAND. idering. cities and gathering in other peoples;! with many Stent before it, On top of it | fornia best, r all. ‘bar. suite Charming Effects. gine census reports show that the host of witnesses, heroes, and he put a roof garden made of pink|—Youth’s Companion. German Police Are ite Continually Raid- e been gradually SES barely a majority of the rural com- ™ Bre us the pai ate unseen nel eee = — . in; oaebee to the vivid reds, it 33 they. ng to the company. No’ dag. Dueling: Hocset IR ee Gl the Se ee poral, their '@¥” comes the vision of the great result PUSH AND GO. Lond St, Leonards was tho son on of ratety Moniee ee ay by day the Berne “paewacht”|ling plaids and stripes which blend have made slight gains, while a third pred delete se ah ns te Pr me ary belore full moon every month in their the organ of Swiss OcrACYs | so effectively and harmoniously with | of the counties have 1 considerabl wi the life of see: uel fill the’ How Some Rotor: Men Started in z apecea Weirs Bog heir | tells what is ly ag it en arene oe ne Sener D ear se aenatinta jte help his father to shave customers | It is a true saying that “ fe. wa Germany. ithe ey de ae ae has | summer fields, the mountains and the looks to the farms for ibs living. Ythe the tough places shall have been mad <i bs ncaa eee Sead re country, i shore, where some of ur are fortunate ple and the crooked places| The late Professor Herkomer, w —-*-— political activity of the lice Cane: £6 decamn the susie Chick i straight, when in the justice and painted the portraits of half the aris-| PHOTOS OF KIN FOR TROOPS. “First of all, everybody suspected | © Siu ene kee: prvi d to spend al nev righteousness of the common life all tocracy, started in life ae a humbl per aN Latge,” se," No, oe, x of pate revolutionary tendencies is Dagtine Be a sh together shall see the glory of capacity in a nigger tro French Admire the British Y.MLC.A, very riday ni io iat free upon day and night. 1um= Lord revealed. The tie e| of | Th s Lipton began men Pl: 3 in their hall over Bank o} - | Am the sare of the new overt i! sir oma: ipton a lan. . ing brethren alwa: “i ih pe Teper which sg rome ge ‘ate are many of silk jersey, vont the la our ee he sip ply the salva-' as an erran cate in a grocer’s shop,| jy. spate sf tha BAiak Soon » MaGulre, N. G3... epecetnure. arena longer. s Sint OR ESRURPMNG Ee agriculture was the one in. Hn of souls, but the redemption of at eae a week, JMB to leave blank spaces, where passages : the world en's Christian Association, by rown, R, Bec, Be eee hinve Meokeaupneeaak iow, Aislin sills These suits are dustry which will never have a “bread PNR eet eer hone Edis ose inventions have re-| Naish Es inbet gern oe fe ta under a apesiall n made with coat of plain color,| tine,” and yet it is a a saloreble gant 1 ai Ney Huck haf hin ola? manee started. life sell-| Sy oplied whenever possible to any — fal Baga pecially | Cmerald green, for instance,worn with thee. net only the young people on bile pili Sumpey. hey been. Saini, ing newspapers on the train, and was soldier asking for them, is de- W. D. WEIR, Notary Public, Aue| sitiiale were cent: fran the faeces | smart, short skirt of black and white| focking. to the ties, but parents are ine only of the individual, Tt is truly, {eesrwards a telegraph a oe | Beleaheah th aiirtion ithe Baris tioneer for the County of Perth and pol hea hola Hate But eve ven these | StiPe cream serge too,| also going. ‘This is true in Canada, Said that Jesus has cing him. | ip pes ‘Masibas who aa ine-eun Figaro, i gs B stn ortga; wh an javits made. scarlet, emerald, or bright blue. l@; when your beautiful city of Toronto ‘ bare-footed lad in the back- Village Clack. Onice ta whe ote ais fatteruard’ sale order Stuttgart is | k a ar, was a bare-fo tro over the Metropolitan Bank, oe | flooded with: detectives; whowdlte e- | Felte bi ele See colstes nae had less Bee 80,000 people, while it fa his aan to the crowd and, Woods of New England sixty years Tei ne British plan it does nob belted the material silk | now of a little less than ha ' : ‘ago. As a lad he worked a lathe in if = ier in the trenches is ————— | sent in num! ab ah ecting.' jersey coats and sport coats of other yee crowd’s relationship to hi e280, As 4 hi Rees if a soldier i A. CHALMERS, Monkton, Oat,, No-|These are. dissolved on the slightest Tpateriale will bo worn swith all types|” mi'lion. 7 Tee NEG Gane Ae tha rowd] a coach-builder’s shop, the machinery my a atic ops Public, Conve: ayers; Issuer of Mar. arctan a nd all the names of persons heme sees epee ia ain Forty-two per éent. of the ari from-hia Ute We chanotc leave ‘hifi Of wht urned by a water-wheel. | i¢ ee sel themselves ara” -ste0 Legrete Nir eer eerreahe eee eer age meeting taken the popularity of the plain blouse and of Canada (and the same is true here) in the jail after the slum has robbed| Lord Reading, the Lord Chief Jus-| poor to,have them taken, The asso- aitetneden tne latsadlave Ree ski is ed edison Lapa at tette his life of strength and surrounded! tice of England, went to sea, as a boy, elation has a staff of photographers” vie tLe a UBMMEMIRS ES latest heroic’ depb-of tractive tnbitviilea sited show just! oe Don cent. of the farms were ™ it with evil. We cannot take him out before the mast, «His maiden, speect | for the purpose and ‘he aid of the the tgart was the arrest Tato quite sine t they the hands of tenants, and in T Way of the crowd. We must change the| wa the captain when all Baten Hs as wel ocrats, ‘The police eyed per ee ere DO oe are al eyelet tw to This will hands Fimtinied against the bad food. aire ite gc ie ese eo : not take sibility away. see in- a have. tenants, haye moved; to the town sivas it will increase it. It etait Land ‘Chanesiors have often| Little Marios Mamma, what or city, bubicertainl . Hale t let them escape by saying it was been of humble origin. Lord Eldon|a es Mother—A spinster, my numberof them have, and the propor- Mok TEL Shem acape Uy, Saying twas es his brother, Lord Stowell, were dear, e-a woman to be. envied ‘they sl tion is growing rapidly and steadily. ‘work to change the conditions that| the sons of a coal-fitter in Neweastle. don’t tell your father T wnid 20.” new of the affair and denos Many farmbca inthe Viet realizing Eee cae en Boe CEEN'S HOTEL, ‘Mitverton, ~ Ont; [poling ste: atten “happen the lure of luxury in the city, "pon 4. Body and Soul. There is no des- a “ ion resent di die bert accommodation for, commeris chien are “suddenly ‘or Phe lated fe nf the average farm, cubs of the Holy, City by the pro- he Strain Upon Faith. rooms, Only the choicest of Wines, Lt | {ei ene ae eee blane to sest, the stun: /Phets and seers which does not spe- 5 1 _ e are making pla et e - 3 ‘ quors and Cigars at the bar, Good Warm food of Gein uni sere aia ton. Thay ropose fo arovse | nev Cal declare ‘that the physienl} table: ae F. Pauli, Proprietor then liberated withou 4 needs of life are met. lay , A —— | tion. Their anxious ae ene are never perce in ru cation ae ag one ue again that there She a no sant} Days Which Witness the Greatest Struggle in Lands of the JHE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin | warned and no excuse is ever given cae centie creeuieatiorsy, Keme " {and no complai -ilizati ays syecial atténton to Commercial m. The children are being EACLE ea fa, levine that G Highest Civilization Hace, Splendid sample rooms, . Best y th Siow Already their efforts are being fe This 1 Heledaroo naaite,, Sttved vat: the bar onan housands donleltiony for _Sivestigation lately made in t eee Coe Goa s.-A whole row of pes was howe that, in. 20 communities t shepbert meet “Now. faith is the substance of|darkness there be He ix bound to . ee = |examined because a ead i “States in. whieh onanized elfort cep od thinga’ hoped for, the evidencs of jcome to the ligh that a_lea siete bein distributed a check the drift of vaune pts preps és reat ee Bee abe Oe ve eak erence uf Jesus Bie bee the number lea oF ‘4 ing vist ah ee in aries sa times be- ne ee : Se Te te ee emt, sat AE GED pee THEY cudteons te ahs. ORE day T heard a man who eanse somehow we feel that in Mim |in Thikeleni. Slyhenalts a est less than the “number veported in | to meet them a yhen they ae their EyeAEhonee aes ago canal on: hwemen % “ One who spas Toxsaty st the miners in ‘consequence " io ity of Gi 2 of OR inner faith, jatever we may i 3 ROHL by the Government shifient: of brea AG Bika es oat hunger and se have| carnation of vigorous: faith, but to igo assion and hate, whatever oo Aupleduttec a ke fey et eee | ofall ¢ coneerning the pre centres with the-correspondin aL i carexenioged anda as tee; day tals a poor, vicious pessimis: ier ra “a may the 3i made. “daeob V. Mayer, Manauer 3 sent state of affa ia advantages and greater vonortuites, rovided:: For Gav peetiatate built hers asaviiea wochah lend idly! 6 wwe know w that behind the fin tbls way the re- foesthe: scully, of reine athe SERtuEe upon rth, Their dreams’ hud foun when the response is quick, but who! nd “alow ah a; that wate 36n tual ror ress tones It mbodied' cannot lead what they call a eae ath Chane le a ‘a fajth hah voting it al i ui e il because y. a ast ata Man is ered ee than his. sor. | “hsb peceerious Suiranl, fundamentally weak in faith, They !error and ignorance and sir : “In all big stations ahd tramway te crest be rh kward looking men. The} We Come Back From Oak sine Are You Insured [termini there are many police and, S a ies sy bas hear removed. If my 0 permanently help are the)... ignorant aquandering ol on a ‘ ae in th ths chureh to-day es much about a who permanetnly believe.. The back tron ha enale: and rie Hi CANADIAN ORDER OF | nee Se en Hehuanel ot ite body os the prophets men who believe are the men who'<° ‘ PORESTERS he policy. of progte it would have i Feit A frcmn’ al sth a vavarn the 4 | naa sf would RANE 8 moro, ope. Thep-arashapetil besauds. HOF) aces, vas gma de to a tigate i iv vey of the so the struggle, no! ibe bin ; gi 2 ti al a ECS Pi Sinan mia, = ne ehDs x tien giving t 1 gos; ae oe They Pion the burden of the word, os aah ss art hose i: i young mel entive to s ody a SI . <i jhome snd Duele down to har wvork al Cee raat Week Seto th. Arr o etre team batile rian has found his faith in a 30 = pag ; | oma and surge Spirit, is Poly to steengthe me iiet_ the Bo a ae mes ay who had lost it in other an = ss =. -|Socialist party have noticed eae the body to streng' Cram, the English historian, declared | ooo a. times. Evidently, fro * selves being © photographed in the| ts I the Gubluasthelece to bes ineyitable: struggle i #42 | streets. oa a ha — Jnfien aera Sie uit ae Gabel lec at geste sain wn faith | Peeinning of the worl, ian cc amt R. See ion that all the a 7021-7011 sient x 3 ne rd 2 each to ct x ee. vite has all the dead draj [not inherit our ee F isor ate a | {ened Géssnanected: Socialists: it them both into the ideal life. An A rhea oe Nat ne FISH &CO, (ie { in Ce i Skirt. main entrance gate in the | ed, If a A Hall heir to knowledge, to facts, to our opened by the ete Lately Plain Coat and Striped Skirt. Sweat wend. when a Pauaé something evangelint yecently a tata omen easter paniemntiee) however, possessions, but ot eaeaasl LINWOOD ee eee ereencne ale cont be worn quite as much a3 im) jike this, “John Stanley “and Sons, |'§ huni: »” “| that there is a court of last resort, Ii must learn, Fand- versations on the telephone and. us- i obs fon | Pel shall I feed him?” The answer |seasons past, more perhaps, a3 th a-deel Githite che soul Howeval “hued |amentaily it is all a qu tion of what —— dns thiacwicank tOcmnceeialn che on * , both. For the second development ie 5 4 different members Of th ate more fascinating than for many a Be ur community life we a that| be to prove the authority of faith in! we are in the inner hea: us at ents cial Democratic party.” ee Sages Bais both shall be ‘done together by. the| Words, it is hard to prove it in terms is the reason why faith is seh depend: i ‘economical notion. of life. Faith never was faith that) ent on outward things, Coal, Cement and Lime RCA Oe eee ame group. When the politicians $ ; ate 3 : i — aE Sport Blouses. only “aire looking after the needs of rested only on what is seen. We mienj cess and. ptospadiy and oxy alg Motar Stain, Ete. secret {8 y of cut, - combined with the 0: the body-—air, water, light, food, and| Who fling wut beyond the|and congenial fellowship : Sete ale ee asin ‘esl n, Yoile, or-|and even the cities, are recognizing | yore, and the preachers only’ are| Stars, to sata MeeONn all lait are|under soft conditions. Heaven does ‘ very “dise | gand: tab silk is the oti for the] this fact, hence the change in the at- J \ after the needs of the spirit,|not going to limit our senorita Sp ate run the world on an seh hour Grain, Flour and Feed sees aie she is. She éven ae See rclae of the summer blouses, | titude and in public sentiment gener- | 5 ea comes disaster in church and|things that lie this side the | day, with Jong vacations. ‘The great- i 2 i pare {fhe eloset doors “before, to wear Sith tailored sult sport coat, ally towards the farmer is marked |‘ Hee Tie nine co thes toch ioe tha alauping” wemmaliige agai hal generally falten below and Furniture opening thet lor separate One of the pret-[and suggestive. Even the comic pa-| "1°" gas ob the body, and the needs| to things beyond. Likewise we carry their own plans, The most satisfac- pee eee ———— raawagy Y | tiest. seen this 8 nm was fashioned | pers -have ceased to caricature the ie body are the needs of the spice within our souls something ie sige ary mag. is nok a ptestony ot im- A my—"Pa wh: a Free- of a pale pins es te having|farmer and have eliminat a dd communi ram es at last the ati of God. larger ane cee Atove Goois Constantly Hept on Hand | pao ie " of white, Te{ great extent the “hayseed” joke, a Ge tien anther ee who is true to himself, and AR AD Seaees Po eUmren Gs , can miss God. Out of whatever, cel Harrower. os Sh od