caee ven a FROM How Paris Vie A despatch from Paris ph Com-| shelters and Lae ieee aut of the in Fr Bekins @ and Newcastle, and refusal lesperate customary rapid tl assault to wrest Le Morte Homme, infantry, plete repulse of a second d day had claimed gounterat ture, At the War Office these state-| ee Prince’s army. ments were denounced as absoiuveiy | rible slaughter exacted falne twenty spon to cope wi ‘fal | day With the soniar cg countering ‘Thursday’s assault French critics , Sa Telleve tt aise the third Batt ferdun has passed its crest. Although 0 mistaking | ced say that its cumulative t was far’less than that of head struggles ab Douamont ih ‘the nae bea Le Mort doubt, and it can be admitted now that cal country fashion Homme the ergy of saxitic drive bas been lacking. was the arti ire muc inexcusably, done, their best to destroy the Fre: DIS Choc BLING ows theeitesat a Result of the Second Repulse on Deas. possession of Deas Man hill and the repulse of ‘all French French, ad French had a time to reo rpool camp, 26 miles from their lines. Even the suscsnes sydney, oheing much the largest and in the that had been won wee not follows net impor rt one in the is up. iefly affect There mav. be seen pee see in this pie at- the Wenge, short-comin; ant a general exhau: the abuses which spring from an un gen- tle of for significant gains. s have the deepeies tion. and fury of the ora attempt, elan in the tr AMUSING EXPERIENCES. Acstralian “Troop” Are Short on Discipline. ee military a are having increasingly difficult task in pre- terving g discipline See he Austra- GERMA.] EXHAUSTION, ° Man Hill. ie of athe ‘eaks by soldiers, resulting in the berning of tents, the stoning of eek fruit shons and oyster saloons g forward of among soldiers en masse to pay their there was see in which Le on a State-owned railroads. pre: ith the ter- pared nation Bane suddenly called with the mobilization, 3 at Douamont an ‘anx, evel preparation of volunteer of | the German commanders have resitat- of instances of pe at. Li tack: onstantly fewer Pool, especially those from the “bush! a with a consequent loss of vigor and could troops. lems Indeed it would be difficult to de- ef- low in Austral! i the scribe the eera 9 eae: in Paris. “rookie” wishing to ask a question of and oe is-no long cert an officer who was about Is 01 al ya bout the fate of ‘the battle. The last ahead of him, whistled loudly in typi- and then yelled the even in high roars there were mis- “Hey!” The officer patel believ- Not givings, that the great fortress could ed thab he was wan! 8 withstand the 42 Soci Krupps portant business, walled rapidly back ged ae the terrible skodas has been aeone to the man who had side. The big gun has been met ai “TI say, old chap,” he aur began, nch | Aonagieced by men and other guns, Propping himself against a post, “I im- Markets of the World Breadstuffs. Toronto, Mar. ry —Manitoba wheat $1.06: anitoba oats—No. No. 3, do., 41¢; extra No. 1 aah Alc nee 1 feed, 40¢, in store, Fort rene corn—No, 3 yellow, track Toronto. madian corn—Feed, track Toronto. Ontario ats—No. 3 whit to freights outsi Ontario teat Ne 2 Nea? car Tot, $1 to $ Hi clal, 91 H 2, do. No, 3, do, 98 to 95e; ae to 88, according to freights uta ing Peas—No. 2, $1.60; accordi rey $1 to $1.30, according freights outside. y—Malting, Baile 60 to 62c; side. uckwl ignaie Re Gnaeean 2 e to 69c, comdig to ome outsi Rye—No. eather 85 to 8 rejected, accor aaa sample, ee Et Pre to freights Butalde. its, os. 30, $4.25, “bull” seaboard, mer ad =Car Tot, per ton, $26; aa feed flour, $1.60: to” $1.7 Country Produce. putts + Preah dairy, 28 to 31¢; renee 0 25e; variewld prints, to 860; solids, 82 t Nowid Ps to 80c; do., in ay ei Rae) 81 to Beai for pen Birk Pout txy—Chickens, 19 to 20c; fowls, cows 15 bo 16c; ducks, to 20c; 18 to 20¢; turkeys, ES) 25e, Cheese—Large, 19¢; twins 19%c. Potatoes—Car af quoted at $1.70 to $1.7 and Brunswicks at $1.80 to i: “90 per Dae on traci " Seed: Prices Steady. | a. are Wholesalers are selling to the coun. | S107 IN RNC CLOSED | ‘#8ttophes. aid: a log try trade:—No, 1 red clover, cwt., $26 f the many cases which Dr. Mey-|ity of the German leaders to $28; No. 2 do. $24.50 to $25.50; Disorders Occur on ers took under his special treatment . 8 do., $24; No. 1 alsike, ewt., $21 tia the peoenn something live ashint-wave tia deat to $22; No. 2 do., $18 to $19; No. 8 r too far prostrated to pay any at- do., $16; No. 1 alfalfa, ewt., $25 to _ A despatch from Milan, Italy, says: tanith to his voice. Hypnotis: pi ‘No. 2d an cos 3 do., $19; Reports from Budapest state that dis- was impossible, bi Winnipeg Grain, ‘baker were closed. The Mayor tele-|ing apparently insane men respond least the equal of the bold. honed to Budapest asking for flour|to hypnotic suggestion. st sea igor in any age or country, | bla: ‘ = HERA from om St. John’s, Nad, four surgeons 1 seas eS bier har and was told that none could be sup- 2. weyers Sport that 26 ne cent. e must prove by’ making) With fh the gallery Peat ys to the ‘Gea « RS te open« army service list would be per $1.05%; No. Ce as: $1.08%; No, Plied. It is feared riots will follow.|of the cases seem to be completely| the marae war Toan an. unqualified, man ae Se ae end OR ing "the Colonial Legislature on Thur: gee ae tt che ee ah , oi 4 NN 3am? Disorders have broken out at Talac| cured. Men have gained their rapes, success, that the financial strength | cupies Cake day announced his - intention to en- ‘ish army al ront, particular. \_ ee. 5, ey, No. & oa on the Roumanian frontier. “A mob| thei ae si jonny tea aie pees ty unbroken a eres ely. ae ‘What a ste ae to vley force strictly the newly iehactie pro- a as pcre ob sacha sae + extra No 395%; No. 1. b8Ke into the warehouses, smashed diced toning of aout eee upon them,’ hibition law which goes into effect at es ish in keeping 9%; extra No. 1 feed, 39%c; No, as) solely by the induced trai ght 8 ee GSther Ne a a ae Bot the ae sir nd clamored for put into their min Dr. ae A CENT A MILE. one ie sie Ge ‘he el = oo the present year ‘he ‘inden: z . “ . liers were called out to| Distinct improvement was shown E ras Se from rone praise et wea ley. . —No. 8, 60es No. 4, bie; rejected, restore 0} i : cent. of the concussion pe Canadian Railways Have Agreed on been on the wateh for them 4 See vecord of the coleriy's naval and mi 30 DEATHS 1 IN: BELGRA! Sie Brat “ incN, LN-W.C, ae Po that they did not surpr PROM ASIATIC: CHOLERA: "$2.02 1, 99%. bpreaige tims were benefited by the magical Rate for U.S. Farm Laborers. itor ‘tie ghtest Dy ov yeagcuies, ate forces woui he announced. that fies Wa Z No Truck With Germany. thought surgery. = A despatch from Montreal say: jing movement. with the tools, th ‘forces wollld ‘be-jnereased, | A despatch feuis London Bayar ake. eal Markets, A despatch from Manches| - rstood in transportation San Laber. jee cholera has broken oub at Bel- Montreal, Mar. 3 fad-lland, saya’ The cliction at eaten ae Ses Hinianie jigs stat ihe. CanaAlAn Salheaye Vaveldawt one FOR ol he cos pet bet loarnea #t2de, according to an Athens des- n Western, No. 2, 50% to Sie; ae the Manchester Chamber.of Com- d to the request of the Canadian. Herein gallery at the end where it} The repre ereing at the hone patch to the Exchang graph, "48% to 49¢; No. jets 3 Se ey sa Pres oe ene resulted in the tch from mLemiengage Ene ovement. 6 grant the rate of a com ee eh Dur eeereiios a Ae oes number White they COmPany. _ Fifty eases have been te- : , r out o} to 48¢; No, 8 local white, 46% to 47c; No, 4 local white, 4544 to 46e, Barl —Man. feed, 66c; malting, 75 to 7c. 38, $1. 04%, in’ "store, Fort Wi, 42 12 to le; ta prepare ae to 42c, eae mmer= oS 1, ‘eed, 57 to 6c, according to freights out. jute bage, i strong Balore dir inte delivered Sas $00 to $10 bag, at $8 4, 10" i $4.40, the latter 37. 95, vate a 30s 50 Ae ne geese, bulls from $5.50 to ira 8, cars. ere a ‘i 50, aed lambs $11. 15 ss $12 All are ee rollapned a due to tthe othy, ewt., $12 to $14; No, tess is ree painfully Bee 2 40; $10 bo $11; No 38 eg $9.50 to = sonny, Hung $10. rigee Mann aiaing heat patches tyou shouldn’t slouch Gh way first << 80; seconds, $6.10; strong | nen seni! ait ye inter patents, choice, hang you satan’ ben t angi yet, but $6. 20; Hoey egtters in the future that $5. 80; do,, bags, $2.65 to $2.75. Roll- heroes apeking Goa Omics yet 0 should stand at attention.” $2. san Shorts —Middlings, $28 to ay Moul- per ton, The recruit eyed the officer critical- ly and then marked; “Well, you're going to take it I won’t bother aking you any questions.” ecruit digging a wench aes Peter h by an officer who ed not to have his sword belt Pe Hard at it?” a officer asked. “My oath, mate,” e man’s re- ply. “But while you're here, sergeant, can you tell a aap twe ing around. from another ? “Well, to start with,” said the ficer, “I’m not a sergeant.” “No?” Me lay—No. 3 car ne, Pay to $20, 50. United cant — s0c,| Minneapolis, Mar. | May—$1.11% ; ty $1. i ‘No. 8 yel- its—No. 8 white, 42 nchanged; shtp- a $18.25 to *s mea 74,062 bbls. $18. \ Duluth, Mar. 1 hard, $1.18%; rthern, $1.11% to $1. ‘ons No, 2 Nala $1.06% to $1.10%. Mnaeed—Closs: —Cash, May and July, $2. per - iva ee of- M3 ‘marm: onse, Aurea lade being the cant word, on account of the frequency of that ration, ap- ied to the privates at the camp by the privates themselves. Live Stock Mavhote. Toronto, Mar. eavy steers, $8.10 to $8.50; nee cattle, aes are $7.75 to $8. 10; do., good, | pl $7. 0 $7.60; do., medium, $6.75 to . $75 oh common, $6.30 to $6.60; 5. os butchers? bulls, choice, $8: 50 to $7.50; ;do., good bulls, $5.85 to $6.25; me ASTONISHING CURES. ” HE ce Is the Newest Cure for “Shell Shock,” Surgery is helpless to-aid scores of 0 the allied troops who are brought ers back to the hospitals mentally inca- eee a milkers, | Pacitated. se men are not wound- choice, each, #75 to $0; do., common |¢4, have lost no blood, but. they ne and medium, ae 5 to $60; ae 0; 0; tight ewes, $8.50 t sheep, heavy, $6 to § 4 faite ‘and culls, $3.00 to $4.50; yearl. | of the soldiers have wrecke ing ea $7 to $7.75; lambs, choice, | Yous. systems apparently beyond all 13; calves, medi oice, | repair. to eee however, | ee called upon A wa 'rencl AT WAR CONFERENCE, General Joffre. r conference i G reported to be in progress on the ee Fr estern front Head ries rters. Great pee: is repr Co by Sir Dowels of hypnotism, the mysti niaeh CS e mind, and has made some as- iar cures through its apene Major C. 8. Meyers, M Diz and R. S., one of the leading saigatie sh in- to $10.55: do, ed off cars, 84 i 90 to $11; or Rb $1.15 to “20, fe, De pacts, Mar, 21.—Choice steers | F- 8.255 mon at a these shell- ase mt ecin ie e current issue of the eh Xe d pais ' 7.25 per 100 int —those suffering) ~ $11.10 $11.35 100 on shythmie spasmodic n movement, ighedsoffc sh total amnesi stup torn and rent) A despatch ewt. es, 8 to 10c per Ib. an arte impact of the tor aa med aise aid a 4% te 6% fox |air at the time of the explosion, other grades. of scles and i cae | Kaemp ; der those conditions yet con- | ¢ ing 70, 000 inserts was Stone deafness and stupor. or.flour. All| were accomplished in the way of mak- A despa Perot Nicholas’ has appro} the commission of inquiry, e “hsing evidence of alleged illegal © acts of former ho are definitely committed to the Policy | gj ley of no ive trade with Germany after the war. BULGARS ARE BUTCHERING THE They Are Officially roe sed of Massacres Thoroug- ; out the Invaded Region. i ry despatch from Paris says: The ' désitan Press Bureau has issued a re- tee of atrocities Pasi life in S& age m the eae 2 by pars: on a Serbian population i ‘in the jerbia j wiped out throug aa partment with a the arraignment on oF ry Seamanuible for the i ussian! Lat ls Reuter’s eae cor- respondei CONQUERED SERBIANS Water ae ESCAPED Rio eee ARE TO BE Bug aes | Gity Cou stan citizens A pret apt Paris says: The Mi ‘ar has fannbaneed that vandalism, es aoe were wale ‘committee. Hy destroyed to bonfires for _| ribald aoldiery, aa also bie on ae iv popu. Massacring: 1 the scores. ae Bitolji the Silat 4 of the population, particularly the priests | countr: intel ni and | ora ordered to march oot guard to | FRENCH WAR M fia. " COMPELLED TO. RESIGN t the K: ne of | | “They never arrived - their osten-|_ 2 sible destination. They were massa-| A despatch from om Pacis says: een ered to the last man en route. The n Bulgarians shanallvon admit that an order to go to ee is tantamount to a death warrant. is eneral Charles Roque} a é thas: ee rarainted to succeed him. _ the President of Reightay Pave German Navy. the opening of the German Reich ~/cent a mile in Canada for Ami f vet ie Oe tearm laberers) whe. ais expected: to, with eheddites all the A “cITy “cour |. ee DISMISSES ALL GERMANS. hatte fly in- the air, some of th A eenneen from sin. Ota wa says:. The; employ. tea vole BOW? ber of Germans in the pay in France; Russia Belgium the LAUDS =PROUD FLEEI Hage IN KIEL CANAL from London says: "ot the Reichtag, istic tribute to the abil ir sail- erican | Sommitte of the Ottawa! as. voted to. dismiss all} of German: nationality The motion earri ied 2. There are a num- of the “IKAISER WILL SELL CASTLES FOR CASH A despatch front Rome says: Press despatehes zenie from Ridieanand| guess hymn, aiser has ordered the is castles in order to contribute the proceeds to the” new German war loan. tri Soe as No, Claud, a ae is simpleton. m imple fe. n't i sarily ly because he lives Bate by |i Gen, ‘ilnay, aide-de-camp to the fold, Toler’ reveale. 66: Bit cee here | don, Russian Emperor; ha. of the general staf, and Serbia y Premier Eats BLOWING TOPS.OFF. ~—-BILIS AT FRONT INTERESTING TIMES IN THE TRENCHES. French Travelers Find German Gal- lery Near and Blast Follows. The mining operations on some sec- tions of the French front resemble vast railroad ee cling _ enterprises. All along the slope of hills where the epee ue to Lhe pe a8 poe eAieay are aes it off to be used a the paris of new eee Tine iques give only slight iaieedine of the object of all this activity. means de- as 3 8 foe Serene have been oc- summit, excepting ith mete) iota advance its that are annihilated at intervals, aia here it cient before an issue can be reach- This Sioneling has been going on nel to a into a German underground galler; if they fore mine ie ready, it is a “camouflet” or a small blast, That is set off by the ad- versary that locates the other fel- low first. It is quickly done with an qneumatic tool, that bores a hole in the direction from which comes the the adversary’ lery. neumatic a. pneumatic pick, kept working by air of the The tects of the Argonne e el, and of the hill is being still nina pat fied by these tunneling and mining operations. A practical miner in private te the work i lee at the same time: “The sappers are digging, shoveling e of them ae ; he has git ee soil under his pick; two or three strokes, and his instinct of an is a hole under the galler again, the Bus oe ae td tee there is n but. See blasting cave exists mall strokes, ee. ii "precaution, the sap) “/ the openings, ae aie ty hl -hims adorn, into the hol n¢ Vit. enemy, upon ie Ader no one ¢o | mine is onthe vy: ood game Uj ; | While contin to Tori in the Sralght 0 deceive the advers- men are at their signal is given; the fuse; in an instant the ek tt is safe to raise a much ied to fire. - hole ore some of, them in parts.” | Porrud ay oneal TED: AE R WITH GERMANY Teuton piniereste at fees will Be ~ Looked After by Spain. A de as fon ‘Paris he al f the city all Wednesday night, play. the Marseillaise and the Port accompanied by cheer-| © aba feigned uae armies vince Alphonse cf Bra- gan’ nd eur ‘has offered his ser- (KAISER RETIRES VON TIRPITZ DEMANDS FLEET fi Thursday, March 16.—A despatch patch that A Admiral von Ca to the Exchange Telegraph ees London, from Copenhagen, say: Wolff Bureau, the German maetote 2 ficial news agency, announces that | with the Kaiser. The Emperd Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz, German |Prince Henry object to the fleet Minister of the Navy, has ak and activity, | Admiralty successor. Tirpitz is said to be due o a “FARM WORK FOR VBTERANS, is necessary to blow the top off the| shi y | Brom: of thing ithe iy in thi: tne" * agieaion all turned toward gall te Blasting is sometimes done also se be comtpressots brought up to the Perit ei ect |each colony for topped and the enemy’s operations| At 8 AIM AT BAGDAD — FROM THE NORTH rom Russians in @ Virtual Co-operation With the British at Kut. patch from Petrograd says: troops in Persia are now $10,000,000 to Be Par to Aid Sol- _ diers adopted a finn will be grant ¢ who will be in iintoe oe: the a mae Hae Verney is chairman ot ta the. confiitts appointed by the ‘he Board sident of tl math ae ns “being as tone sug- t in the Mesopotam! tions gests that eee colonies bala be as ses allies. i mice managed o: ines, and Before the Russian penetra tien the small ee San be rather through the mountain pas: on the basis of tenancy than owner- Kermanshah region it was Lgunstally ae jheld that the chief aim of the Rus- wane principal recommendations in-| cit operations on the extrem ern front was, lain and ame State should find the see for all, to crush German influ- money for training auealies) men. nd ambitions in Pebsia, and igorous campaign should aay the most visionary critics be undertaken in favor of land settle- conceived the possibility of Russia’s ment at home, the committee bane: successfully traversing the Persian ing that the pneu has far better mountain provinces and assuming an aa ee id pepereant role in Mesopotamian af- of ‘Agree shout have power to acqui for the settlement of ex-ser © mel “The eg: news, however, of the ie Russians in working e tural board any large farms which come in Turkey, shows that the Russians are hand before they are relet | it. in a pot t no man should be allowed to tial threats fey Mesopotamia into agdad and Mosul, ae vay of Bulent and Sehna, to threaten efi Russian e ‘forces at Kermanshah and make a the ad |, free of cost, any st the! further Russian advance Pakaayee itary hutments which are not re- ae for military purposes athe the vex xpert guidance should be provid |r ec and an agricultural or horticul- Hl instructor, A depot should be established in the collection and dis- posal of produce, and a store for the sale of the Poelhem ents BESIEGED SEVEN YEARS. ony ‘by frontal eens athe ave advanced through i bt one of the difficult passes of ‘the mountains separating them from Mesopotamia, ATTACK TREBIZOND FROM THREE SIDES Landeo ‘Once Dedicate to “Divine peice e period a church at Con- Constantinople a er ch to Reinforcements Under Cover of the Fleet. Risen Association 0 1 heaved; and ane ap. oat h is entirely unhea: m. en forty yen to the caught Sir is at 5 ee says bands paraded the streets | ae ley ec Stan’. things natchelly aus a Teachers at. University Hall’ in. Lone A despatch from Rome says: Ac- ~ cording to information received here eat a diplomatic source in Petro- d the Haakinae ae attacking the outskirts of Trel the Turkish stronghold on the Black Sea, The as- '/ sault is being mi on three sides, from the ‘nortl i pa with the guns of the Russian fleet, om the east and south by land. Large Rus- sian reinforcements are continuing to \d east of peace, eer the pro- [Referring to the time, centuries kK, when Constantinople was and the walls ark of Lis declared to be ib has. b for many years came upon Const inople, and it was captured by Moslems, and had been held ever sine by Ragan NEWFOUNDLA [A INCREASE CONTINGENT! Government i | Ambassador Pa; Wake “Tas aes have the a daily and thirty deaths a host called us attention of his gue: suffering from a shortage of ene » ‘A sians, and sanitary conditions are © SMG friend, Wake cris ae a hes ancient timopioee, PR Ree acai and added men, I have wound PRET YE cio “ewer ight Zor more Se ae eee ouvetone! Tne ithful orator came tha en, ” ae sue lator « ‘the close of] hie : people pressed = iotwward ts ied him’ b by the hands. cee] their congratulations |< ¢ 5 | with a smiling face, but his ¢ re g For the: Defénée. x oe : earain cian who lingered in , the accused, was eXplaining 5 lecturer pressed the court how he came to be | ihcash hy hoon about him at ex oods. a lot of hehe hy said one of his fi amining the clo day clock!” Jim, aN you,” he said to that the clos an inspiration to me. T am ‘| ad au never changed your, arnest - le during m; iy lecture.” sid the: mans aes “eon 't flat ecount; T have | ma arms, 1e epsciad he hee pate fas’ ito me, an’ Ah was s * hung fas’) ne ee re could nual pine man Johnson im. hit leggo ol” mi Wh shuts : suspishus.” artiage is an eye salye that vices to the Portuguese Government. stores the sight of blind ee: zi ie teks