Ship Prom | as tt uit His Ork oe teen m sender. says: ae With 120 Tons on Board, Seiz- ze cu 260 OF RAW RUBBER, ney Heiande. This is believed to be a deliberate case of attempted blockade running, the officials - ate contending that a steamer fromk Para for New Yor d never have gotten so far off urse. the first seizure madt by the EES of a complete cargo of \ ONTARIO “DR eee UNTIL JUNE, 1919 Prohibition to be Effective September, 16, 1916. 4 patch from Toronto sa’ <prohitine will he put into force i 10 on September, 16 next. The «referendum o: rohibition will ies taken on the first Monday in Jun This means the ba ag Rabie will a is taken the people vote against geil present _ licenseholders will probably get their licenses back; but (aap apis local option i is HOW in “dry.” In a wane | the: attuat’ ‘on will be Jos as ‘t fs at present. ii considering the case of i eaasaholdeek who have long leases on their hands. $10,000," 000 § surscrimep TO E PATRIOTIC FUND. * putticiont to Last ‘Til Estimated. jespal from Ottawa says: More than $10,000,000 Fore nai the Patriotic Fund. This sum is esti- Mated bo last till the end of the first In February, 1916, the total paid to of $525,000, which largest ionth’s Siobussenten since tis war ga r the pee time Ey exceeded e half- inillige mn requisitioned for iach is 23600, 000, HUNGRY IN IN “AN ue AFT ‘UR ‘ER THEIR MEALS. a Food. Scarcity in Germany Grows!" More Serious. A despatch from Copenhagen says: A Dane returned fre Berlin. that the weekly bread allowance for each person is only sufficient for tired daya, On the remaining days they eat potato cakes. There is, how- smt lungry yas an hour later. A aus of beer —_o-—— APPLY een SYSTEM TOM EAT IN GERMANY |, Third of « Pound Per Per Capita Daily is Allowed Outside Berlin. A despatch. f, feat oo will be sen and Saxony on April 15, 5, er. ig consumption of 150 one-third pound), per eet ey Satter éxcept: on two meatless days eac! ia has- “forbidden Lads si Individual mogt cards probably will noe te issued isi fitting the evoply for each esraiien WHAT CARES G GERMANY . HOW SHIPS WERE SUNK? |MAX; THE GOOD SAMARITAN. ll After 1916 it is fa dependents was in the meloebarnead m is the amount a tates | eal at a ies the re: enty- |p) ve cents. The greatest shortage is in| watch, i from Berlin says :— MASTERS — IN AIR FIGHTING 40 German Planes Brought Down During Month of March. A despatch from London says :— French and British aviators brought: down 42 German planes on the Mi front daring March, it was s y in reply to the official Ger- man ani issued Wednesday that only German aeroplanes were lost. Ratan ALLIES Two Good Stories of a Most Intelli- gent wonderfully intelligent, sarae and well-bred collie was Max, the hero Bt fats T. P. O’Connor’s book, “Dog te was different from all other dogs, writes Mrs. O'Connor. His eyes, deep egies thoughtful, kind, intelligent, and, above all, reasonable, ‘e un- forgetable. was dumb, but he spoke continually with those true, ona at eyes, night, after he had been with A & 298 ing and very leven. atace I called ad “whistled; there was no sight or sound of him, the street ‘was empty, and I finally closed @ door with a yery heavy heart. balthongh his collar bore this inscrip- "Max, T. P. O'Connor's friend, svenor Road, that would surely, being ‘aim back, if , I felt disappoin- med so os and it was positively stupid to ¢ jand I dressed, wrote out a description lot Bion, slipped on my waterproof, for Feat man WI KUT-EL-AMARA \ Shee Be SAAD n rf THE WEEK’S DEVELUPMENYS LN THE Wan. The Germans still continue to hammer away at it would seem from the tactics eclont ca by General Joffre Germans are prepared for # week the Germans pamenie a violent ates on the villa; lost Behl and French gave On eae French opened an atti heavy ee bombardment of the posi their second adv rane against Vaux ie eee betw. Brea cariach wed! © Gedeak Bir Perey Lake sent an important despatch to London on Wednesday stating thad early that morn fortified position of ack on tion, ing he had attacked and captured a strongly crate Ths ews shies hope tliat tae Torece: cf. Gea since last December will soon be reli Berey Lake’s forces and the beleaguered in made se able down in the to withdraw some of The ee of Holland and Belgium also i: Germans are learning a lesson from their heavy w capture Holland’s action in rapidly mobilizing her army at tl his troops from other fields and station ade ready for any attack on that part. losses around Verdun, for they troops. id. is being This was kept uy the Meuse they ma that some he French in order ie lead them in seallaet traps. e was a severe fight in Gui ehe guany, up the Gestion thane wok cae @ eateca “illegs d recaptured it and on Tuesday the Germans started a ich thn for several hours, ms in is they were Taio attacl Many other the defences of Verdun, but their progress is siow. of the so-called successes obtained by the On Fri after position and their infantry well en- great persistence these stuck to their ey they withdrew Gok the atta at r now to make separate attacks on certa in place of a general attack on all the dcfonced of the city. on the east side of n Malancoutt and Bethincourt. In tt hrough the m-el-Her ved, as the eapiead position is the last really strong one eral air-raids over the British Isles during the week-end, and some consider- no military damage was obtained. One of the Zeppelins was brought he time she was having a dispute with Germany thera along the moneeitions at one time 4 fr enna below nlstagnenend. which have ee shut up in Kut-el-Amara HAVE You A POLICY IN THE rown Life INSURANCE CO. ? ANOTHER BRITISH VICTORY : “IN THE TIGRIS CAMPAIGN One Division Operates on Each Bank of River, and During Day Five Lines of Trenches Were Taken. A despatch from London says: The|a. following official statement was issued fourth and fifth I on Thursday:— “Aeroplane Nespreatcaaess then re- “General Lake reports that the Ti-| Port Lied SOD, under the command of | Jahi 1 Sir George F. Gor- ringe, who succeeded General Aylmer, attacked the enemy’s entrenched posi- tion at Umm-el-Henna on Wednesday. Our cents had been pushed forward by may saps to within of the eee! ’s position, and the ing battalions of the 13th .m. had dr'ven gii2 Praacisd out of his ositions 6,000 and 12,000 Beds Tenpetivaly from the front trenches ze ae A further at- tack deferred oe “In the right bank, the Sra 1 Division, under General Keary, captured the poeny trenches opposite the Felahie ing th Indeed iday night of last which the German Kk support, of artillery and machine gun fire, 18th Division continued shake yietoelons advance, and by From the Middle West BETWEEN ack successfully repulsed, and any poaliies won was consolidated, 6 PEOPLE MURDERED NEAR SASKATOON Farm Animals Also Shot Down and Buildings Set on Fire. back from Fieneh pestis! small attacks Kut-el- ONTARIO AND BRI- TISH COLUMBIA. between Sir Items From Provinces Where Many Ontario Boys and Girls Are Living. despatch from Saskatoon, Sask., ys: A whole family of six was wip- recruits ed out in the Wakaw district on Wed- has Dutch border. Winnipeg secured 1,876 during eight I got a pes to carry the dog to the Do; me, and Max followed behind, ae the stranger safely shel- pret ae Laas LS ne Grosvenor was fatiqued to ae but His ties ee slept all $1. F ‘Th iceman ee night duty said that at nine ase he had seen Max seat eee he was still weeping ‘alt ping his lick of See 5 er one evening, traveling’ im the under. gro! on. aned more at more as trustingly toward’ him, but thi completely ignored him. Them minion eed ipping by—we w t Sloane Square—when, quite Say tod softly, Max dropped his silky pes ship A despatch ‘from ‘Aristerdam says: »—-Commenting erican en- ies regarding the torpedoing of e steamers Sussex and Englistimacy| Hamburg Nach: ys :—| 0 in Germany cares whether red in ze torpedoed by German si not? They belo Best ess Ee A m rid si |The Spanish Cabinet | so decided to n't | like oe Td bless the tribe.’ jonged to Saectas oats re cae That the enemy eu were SPAIN gaa BN as bout | GERMANY. TO SEIZE COCOA, The Cologne Gazette, a copy of which oS ay ticket vate aca? ace ‘a Miata) ALLIED WARSHIPS y= gu) ae oe eee as sunk on wash the eas | of the eae was cap’ cared. yn the man’s opened newspaper. man turned as find ae dog naling ably in his onYou've eoneiarat ola pace he said, peas hands wit im. - “T ike dogs, but if they, were all se despatch ets says :— instruct the Ambassador at Berlin to! 13 the G e tae 18 t to » TEA AND. COFFEE. oe lespatch from C Copenhagen says: Le pee ived here, lee is governm Be f cocoa, tea and coffee. SINK ENEMY suB. lespatch tromPa Paris eaee A ceri of French is pita pals an- crew] inced Thursd: night. _ Th |—No. 2 GW, No. 8, do., 41¢.; extra hs 1 fedd, 4 No.1 feed, ae in store, Fort Willi an AI re-| freights out a yi 59 to 62c, according to freights os t oe Buel “4 sith outside. bse ines $5.83 80, Tor: tario flow sample, $4.15 to $4.2 0; $4. ae fo a 35, bulk seabed prompt hard, $1.22 ; No. x “Werther 31; 19% 20%; No. 2 Norther Mill real freights—Br: shorts, per ton, $26; middlings, cartons, 2 we No. 2, $2.25 to $2.40. Be: ee to $4.40, the latter fOF Bowes cc 700 Choice aus dehorned, 950 to to $7, fly im ease 1 Hams—Bfedium, 21 22; do, heavy, (Tito: 2Oer alla; 1% to 1865 breaktast bacon, 2 backs, 28 is pa 15%4e, and capes pound, BK Toronto, April 11.—Manitoba Wheat! 1N jo. 2, don A ore, igs No. 8, d ‘ort Willia Manitohe “tate can 430.5 58c; | 50c; merican track, To: rote Ontario o NG: 3 white, ae We 2, $1.50; according to} est Malting, 62 to 638c; ickwheat—69 to 70c, according é 89; 1 commercial, 88 to Mi sejeneads according to sample, 84 to May, $1.19% to ee according to freights outside. te bags, $6.51 Zs, $6; strong bakers’ k, Toront ifeed—Car ioe: ee Mont- Ht 8 er Efe ,Be0d feed four ‘per Das, 60 t Country Produce. Butter—Fresh wae choice, 29 to $7.75 t te ace 25. ic; creamery $7.60; one ee 37e; ais, 33 to 34c._ ew laid, 0 2d4e; do., in’ do., go ee 1de, Combs—No. 1, $2.75 to pelle ms picked. 25; oultry—Chickens, 21 to 22c; fowls,! 1 000 to 19¢; ducks, oe to 22¢; geese, ba Spee, 20c; turkeys, 2! Cheese—Large, 18e; twins, 19%c. ee aos syrup—$1.10 tatoes—Car lots of Ontarib, $1. 0. geaciiiee $10. ig ae 2 soo; sick and to et 85, and New Brunswicks at $1.90 Sha $3.50 t track. — 0 to $ to $1.95 per bag, on _ Provisions.. Baeon ibe; clear, 16% to 7c per e Teed furl % to the to ‘ser com- Montr =e ents, 80 to 81%. eed, Potatoes— $1.80. No. 8, 50 No. 8 to Tic; malting 75 to Canadian corn—Feed, 68 to 0c. Fount Spring wheat bs on track, ues do bags, ‘* iS to ae westerns, Montreal Markets. Apr yellow, 85 to 86c. Canadian Western, il 11. 8 local itor 490; rn—No. 3 yellow, 83%4¢,) a white, 48¢. 8, $6.60; 4 to| strong sae ge 45c; commnuerelal, 48. to 44c, according ss #0: to freights outside, | $5.4 ee eens 18 to inneapolis, uluth, April Ye. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, April 11.—Choice heat steers, $835 to $8.76; butchers’ cat. He, choles, $6.00 to $81 0 $7.85 10; do. "tbs., $7.15 to 8, $8.75 to Sau, 50; calve ;t0 ou 00; do., mei, Fa S80; fed ‘an sample, $1 to $1.30, according to Choicest creamery, mm to 34e; itside, eee reeh, 2 ¢ bag, car lots, $1.75 t United oat a Linseed— agi: $2.18 ton, ee $2. 18%; May, $2. 13; fee ls $2.14, common, butchers’ bulls, choice, sr 25 S $7.50; , $6.85 to $7. {ro agit Dolls et 6 to £5, 15; but Mebeertees in 10 to 60-Ib. tins, cows, sie ice, $6. to $6.50; i Tnediuim, $8.85 common, § $5.25 to $4.50; aa os e er 00; do, 360.00; Se ‘per 8% ees $50, roe to ‘in of Tee hades 0 $4.50; 1a 8, ae lambs, ‘ood to watere: Gelglid ate ies $11. “0. to $11.50; di 1 change local white,| planes and avis t been made, according to stra to the Journal des ment has j arle} Sree ot a Rome ye] seconds, ‘inter patents, cess. rollers, $5.30 to diately employe: = by the Italian army, Roll- | ai hich 18%c; fin- Butter— eres | soecesto Bie. in jute low, 75 to 7c. Oats—! Flour unéhanged. Bran— patie Winter, pea aing to $18.25 to $19.0 n, $1.15%% to to $6: 18 00; dost cher: 255 do., goed, 850 Ibs., 50; Canners and milkers, choice, -y CoM, ani nd $8.50 to 0 $7505 mbs, choice, ¥: 00 choice, $9. |, $10.95; do., _Bhicher steeda|” $8; eapeleh from Paci says: Gugli- No. 2, 52% to oe is ited to make a sensation- 0. 3 to Ble; extra No, feed, 5046 to Ble; No. in th $6.10;) telegraphy researches with great suc- invent No. ", per on, pea lots, $20, 00 ‘to a 0. Cheese! Only Destitute Ones a May Worl inest eee atch from Ottawa says: The mn xs inter 10 be e of 2s Jig a Sake “ably for their work. Some Northern, already been released for service, At espa changed their style of infantry attack, In the fighting on Tuesday last they advanced agains early 12,000 men have been re- his wife, a brother-in-law and. three the French, not in serried ranks, bub in extended formation, making short bounds foi comparatively |eruited in Calga: the various children were murdered, the house small bodies as occasion offered. The French, however, have of late been attaining a superiority of fire, ps, and recruiting is still going burned over their dying bodies, and the Germans got to a position in the attack on Chauffour Wood near Point within fifty fo of the ir animals shot down and left to French. An assault was out of the question. Retirement was equally out of the question, and advanced | It is unlikely that Winnipeg's new perish in the burning buildings. Tho lines of Germans had to lie on the surface of the ground, or in whatever 2 enches they could dig while lying, but | City Hall will be built this ‘summer, crime was discovered when a neighbor all the time under an ‘effective fire of musketry a shrapnel the sore probably $2,000,000, being walking out of his house on-Thursday too gi morning, saw the still-s samiokiiig ruins |feed, 383 No.2 feed, 87%c. Barley | MARCONI INVENTION "Tr Meg bata of deg Sy effects of the fanchure homestead, The Markets of the World |‘ aS 3 No. a or es reject-| FOR USE OF ALLIES. |°2me through Winnipeg si ards crime was evidently committed a veh Fla 1 one day erty during the, Kk, Pte in * wh nds the rifle nWoe $is7% 343,, Wizard of Wireless Has Perfected | bound west. found in the ruins had evidently been Breadstuffs. improvements. Dr. M. B. Se left ie ee with terrible effect. No trace of a last week for gland, havin; tained a lestnaa' commission the anes ial ar is said that "Alberta troops will CHORUS GIRL SOLDIER'S HEIR., go year to Calgary camp, and th: preparations are being made to ac- ~- the murderer has been discovered, ie operation of aero- Legacy of $75,000 Le Left to Fiancee by Officer ite at Front, ough the deat in action at _ Same ti et nes her clothing caught fire. ture of sewer pipe “be commenced within a short it Medicine tions will be imme- a in sive Fi ices distric s pay a yon of the eens work plani for the big d that pot tea Every. lease is taker Calgary pie are beginning |® on Miss Pee! ‘ ed Fe an she is a Naty of Sir Robert Peel, ex- to take a great interest in pork. Many plains that she met Fes Muloch at and selling that commo- | Brighton before the ality on marginal deals at the local tell in Jove. with her © | brokerage offic Reasonably Paid rned alien enemies | ay, EIS SE FREAKY MISSILES. @ such have | Queer Shells ‘That | This War Has Produced. Th The tremendous shells which the] s] huge cannon of the Germans and al- th the air are not only | In the event of my brea I sive et my nS "possessions an tricia Steer’—that, you Sie ff my a wh name. “The witness who attested the will was also killed validity of er | established in the courts. That didn’t them in former |take twenty minutes.” ee a MONOPOLY IN BREAD IN NEW SOUTH tions that civilization would have dreamed ot years. as shell explodes raed seab- ters poisonous gases about among the soldiers, and a breath of it is eoteh to kill a man. cel weeping shells, or lnchagmtory. shells, as the Germans With the object of! gaya:"tin tegitinnl tee Aare is of the oppon-! ents, When the shell bursts it makes ‘by 4 SER of those about flow in great eee ee Dread, in New South Wi quantities prevent seeing ue sights of their rifled, Tt ae bas contains ammoni i le; ‘The Surest Sign. causes intense ie suffered. The mies shell is much similar “The ae ht ,2re going to have a, “How do you know? Been = { LINIMmayr> |, Should be in every ee the STOPS_B! LHEDING 1 i to the capillary vessels, sto) °$ Gaked Udders ping fn, the cea oes cast cat sine 5 ‘in- se musical shell was used, ie: ah