“Tt isn’t much,” he said. may be the clue we want.” * “To the murderer?” - suk, to the diamonds, ‘ache’ look: uncommonly like the end of the word cache, | end the rest tells where the ‘Used in Millions of Tea Pots Daily—Every Leaf is Pure Every infusion is alike delicious "SALA before this idiot’s 1 there ig suother 7 possibile” said Varney. “Mrs. ington’s name is Rachel, is not a C that has gone, but an R “But it if Useful Hints and s 2neral Informa- rion for the Busy Housewife . About the Hou<e sz THEY CANNOT HOLD OUT MUCH LONGER. Perhaps ie and ae Salads. A Changed Tone is Noticed Regard- |eleaned by rubbing with a wet, soapy rag dipped in powdered bath-brick, a ue stone may have eareed a Spanish Salad.—Bana: % cup| pe. 2 man’s last Tessage to his wife aetiats,’ lettuce, Garaaine, Cut the| Polich with a soft alotivce perrspnese ing the Possibility of q That hate "Hora bananas into as lees pone to fill ace th eet . a ae i Victory. “Well go and see Davia.” gay case mix| being slowly $0 the boil. This gives : both toge fer, Select ee white leaves! pitt: flavor than when made with| .The end of the war is perhaps in Black, Green) so .ted Packets onl ran of lettuce and arrange on plate with Petter flavor than when made. wit a or Mixed ve the fait mixture inthe middle Bea. si POI NRE oh dates be in “If you want my opinion,” alti Mr. son the Mee ith a weadeduay a good idea to wash dates = ~ — Davis, when he had heard wi Scar- of “cayenne "Beppe aut a ane fore caine tl them for any purpose. Put borough haa to tell him, where ia is a salad when Ke Shomintass. coleadar Abe dip them up woman in in boiling water two or in THE CABLEMAN AN EXCITING PRESENT-DAY ROMANCE : BY WEATHERBY CHESNEY to look ther,” she said, "Well, yes, in smu “T b-“ove it is n to frequent remaix of mine. true, too.” Muriel frowned “J don’t m the that leas ty toalepies has it be summoned a ‘ a somewhat cae mata —(Cond’t). jed that lage SY pan ea had bee 3o the Ci Corregidor at w Portuguese es lying woman had anything to do with a: she insisted. Be may ‘No? But you accomplices. The peasantry have : roan T shall se ne ue f firm belief that the last hand which Mr. Pe touchesa dying man, is in the law of eden land presumed to be the are earth and tones, with a scurfy incrus- lie SERBS in one tation of white upon them. 1. instance left a mai ‘in| jeira it: Gav aie ehliway, fai tew oa ‘oim = of Ecieay, to lie unaided through the’ p: © reheating and able t eae dared to give him hing could be done till he came ledge of het subject. fates coesla-teeadie ill ner eanis the time she was oes this i i E aineat sonrioat in its simpli t this Azorean peasant explained, she had had n that he vetitying by the observatio: er aes on the at them fa'a dense column, ‘evpand- ing into a canopy, and twisted in ientaneeed Sra cut over the aia ‘took pride in explaining, toothed edge of the cra' d risen superior to this fear. “It reminds me of ie pictire of the “a Ho ed to carry him,” genic in the Arabian Nights, rising in proud! a es fro is len jar,” said vo “helped ? Var t's the ae oes alon “Suiphuretted hydrogen, ac- he said) ") str rongly; therefore she was aes | Tou ca peo: eae If ther tae erate oh pees the question, fee | orite faeaie ata not tea alone at first, but I went oo a had ever made her see i borough, ‘there generally isa Hes ee Gasa Davis, which is near here. perfectly frank, no one had ever mount vi alia The va- and summons aire ‘the hor Day tiled, except her father, and his cal arbon ne iS be- carried the dead man Fi Senhor cart, whic h sraite d at the sat Si the her out, He seoing her eves lose their temper, jndignauions 0 saying What We cate serous.” “Does this often happen ? ie Cavreedtor: ten; . but ‘ haven't had ie piety nt ihe body was to be ve folly and Heueal yo © only aba to What i is he saying?” asked Varney,' the good deeds that are done in was standing by in English. was right. almost 2 | “He is claiming to be a hero be. proud of his fa natieal ite pentane ared to touch a corp: Varney did not know spr arouen and to the man mee ee was part ded: Was hat the pine-apple does ine esate mean? jed Py. ea th father and daughter; Bids you see anything wich sug- | seque! the tte of 7 maize-husk § donkey ‘quietly ai ae ven who was standing be- tablespoonsful of galeting and 1 cup| dreai in small pieces. that’s what you ‘always say, fa- mous wet e to Muriel,” he admitted, ace the turn out the jelly on the centre and Generally put a stir 014 se why you should suppose cranberry jelly, using the usual recipe, vill find thats chopped and bianched nuts, prinelpally t dis! and 1 green pepper sive gether pst the sey using the e was Hiepotinty and made ap by the violence coarse blade. Dis: fourteen had of elena over the be and when li- ads no opportunity of mold, up the opinions which she held helpings of Ric a cul ful of rice in the usual or + Davis? efforts were aietly aimed at drawing a ely, saute a one ee: ef: nuts, chop- opposed her for the sake ped small. Arrange som: y leaves 0! ntly ating about the filled of usually Spri inkle en h eae over the aap art absurdly hot or ae thoreuadly chilled. mat d + of the Yaily atin at beets, etuffe quinta, and was enjoy- the rice until quite t con- leave to get oa cold. he was inclined to be angry in the centre of the Fruit Salads, Dissolve ‘T% heaping! # epesomie! T ‘0 preserve patent. nate shoes |and noone clean with a rag dipped; “ milk, then polish Heo ie of This prevents the leather sug in 1 pint of boil- tiv dis- are only servant: ae have tried in vain to eeiliog the il- lusion of ees tory. “The lightninglike Sail on whi havi mil velvet. cup of Resta piers all Felorped from ns ead king. When cool, pour into| cdl oF ax paper and pt with col on the polished stiffen, When read; lettuce on the to} api Helfferich, they dec! fd glove under the material to| ed they would hold out to the end. Bat ¢ button is sewn. ‘The cloth the, m will never tear away if this is don Sempnbanan atcotgitMesenear! for cleansing dirty alters of alt im-| tions they have imposed on purities, A solution should be pass-|man people, they must some d aed Habre the filter until it comes ee bat head as pink as when it was pou! iesecots: gu auinasen tate: ng and dleahing is dampened and laid egisters when the furnace is sithen mayonnaise or whipped) ream round, Is Graabaes Jelly Salad.—Make a et. beginnii when cook but nat set, sy Uberal ran of add a oay to end ha Now they want with Fre nch | mays Serve Would Quit, But Can't. Salad Jelly — oY e Colo; oun Gazette recently de- es, 1 cuew 1 small onion; add 1 pimento| Lp, and run all to- or petroleum pour milk and they will be put out immediately, for the milk forms an emulsion with the ay oil, and so prevents the fire from fore them, resisting their offers as 1 srreading, |well as their tak t is a good idea to tack apiece of | Whom they county to aid t white oil jcloth-on the wall back of each ToPe, cannot even find tr chy itchen tables, as otherwise it to resist the Russian torre: nt soon become discolored |greasy, a result that is almost S voldablaceehbewine ENS toward Bagdad to join _| To get dust_out of crevices in es the British Mesopotamia, The ashes, baseboards, aes thd expedition is a vanished real “The great scheme of Von Tirpitz, sabmering “war and were stopped by the allies Add % at Salonica, and Roumania rises be- 2 teas ane coo! id the vegetabl er into a batt tay aa Ch acghy and pile age “individual Lake Van, and lett and Nut “Salad. —Wash and boil A hidden store Se dit| cayand youreattoxts; ‘for a cloth cannot reach all She corn Ke a tes esl. fe puntlech oes Nites aici ee together 3 . | Banas | mall. e crisp, fres brealing witl ater, and) Hedrick down the oll hich 3 vith 2 scave a toon, a ‘ make — exee'lent! latest. mena: sortie. s with enamel to! of Prussia has just when cover! commani t T with some pretty | What of Liebknecht? secure to the go on and serve either while the rice is still taken personal —One cupful rice, e8Es, d olives, oil dr Japanese Salad tt hard-boiled SA De, t draw gument permitting When putting axay|him to promise the Reichstag the ap: oer laying them in the| Proaching end of the war. Whab lies be able. to invent 10. snaseee orse by sei ribbon: To fre = can, fill a flower and, and keep it Po! ish od arrange on soa nies NOW WAKING UP to tion manntactiny ment it h being | tio: | fearful, awaits weit impatience thels of paint the top and low- Hochseeflotte, ei which Prince Hey the GREEN SHORES. Interest to All True Irish- since ee turning from a and died in a field near bl A series of shooting paises fi “ar committed it the way. Sadied ‘with shot: The Goveconaer ”dslcatin in Fethar 0 be esti to Dublin for The will of Ada Rehan, American Kas ha dispose: tate of more than $1 of a ata: pakeondl property” inceaaden $875,000. At a meeting of the e Board’s, workshops. Homan was won by Mr, with ‘m the action of of Edueation in notifying the, agers of National schools must hi an hlone, funeral, gare fell err a meeting of Athy Urban Coun- cil a resolution was adopted viewing alari the Board =o Erin’s Green Isle | News BY MAIL FROM IRELAND'S ~| Happenings in the Emerald Isle of men, The salmon Salina. at New 38 ing of the season has district Ae Four farmers? houses were taken over all the six distilleries in ‘Treland for 38 manufac ip: the “Tish- 25,000 in realty ° Dublin Port ploughing competi. jullahead William nae tha average aan of hig property. Presently the man bent gested how dead man met his at that wink. For Muriel Davis was! g pe of the lettuce, choosing that iwi 50 punts: down and lifted a Senin, sen steaming death?” |very: pretty: h is of fresh, tender green. Slice wnife- “box; plunge the blades "ane, nd the | will rgereaga The ace Wiel Will During the past Seasofi extraordin- sack from “I don't suspect you,” said Searbor- ‘ar oo ane ” he said, “that there the hard- Poet eggs and put in circles sand. The sand keeps them cl pedealniy ee pe cbnae ak as they 8t¥ Prices have been Obtained in “What's he ing? a arasney asked. |ough, rather impatiently. “I only is at the bottom of most of round # ernating unless used for anything ucid t z) dia litle philesage tiabe as ssian (north of Ireland marke home- “Ckokiing,” said ‘Scarborough. “That| want to Oe las oa saw. You say the, ay ised that are done inthe with ‘irelae “of the nd stuffed will need litle ees Sia: saving ba litte lle oe ae x an tthe, ‘rénenk Cake sack is full of red inp beans. They| yo ae | world, I am ready to agree with Season the “at Ede very, both knives and lab i ee i fe culdeh Hea boon eee e most profitable crops Bis Dou ular food here; you'll see| gleam as into the man’s eye.| “And Muriel will agree w and pour over. et a tight ring off a finger, Krupp guns ei ha bee i iii the pee Leeann hia Moca sacks of ee in every provision shop, He iesitated "moment, and then he sun think Salad.—Cooked fish, an-|thread a needle with a long end of | to bom! ard fromm Dalals. she coast 6b) Goa in ey Deigada.' said cun) ‘ellow,” rdines, pears oiled egg,| strong cotton—a short ateedle is the England? And what will Herr Von Bown Joint Oomrnittes use: tor thls |Bethmann-Hollweg answer to the im- cook sera in See Cal-; “Lam * man, Senhor. they a A poor deira ° Lats Varney. it hot en-| man mit ‘afford to keep his eyes so Spat ieroensts dieses ix & JOH in foc best to arp le ea es Of the needle under the ring placable ‘Liebknecht-and to all will every piece of mischief is done, tuce, onnaise. dressing. Arrange the eye ic oun for that.” jwide open as richer men may. I say/and always will teeth ae “of the the Face in the bowl, flake the fish faved the palm oi the hand, ool bknechts, whew x eS, a . ‘A few eereen Belay mbailing point. va T saw nothing.’ Golde: nee ane J ay m’t say that) (which should _ ureterably be white)| the thread through a few incl road ore 4 re wil eee e ; al Put your hand i arborough put his hand in his|the same sta mayn’t ob-| and pile it up in the center. Cut the, twine the long end of the cotton tight-| that oa ell theae. servile, angi, No, thanks. "it tale your word posket and pulled out a milreis note. |tain on the biter ue “too!” he added anchovies ae Rikaseie te re i Si eae is atl |g ell oe A “J an es tI eg rd 1k Bes e hold of the s for it. That's the cheapest kind of eran bee seid | query: iste UElaver ig aie aes ee eae snd shores The thread —pressing| themselves disgraced by their long whatesale cooking I ever heard of,” |"Were your eyes quite shut? tre mound of fish, | eds to be cheap in a coun-| “No, “sont ‘or, not quite,” said . the that ees in this case ing a few capers. Cut the pi servility.” 5 try where sixpence is a good day’s! Azo [sai id Searborough. "He knew the an) | toes. into regular ar ake ate put it from the fing a i wage,” id ‘ough. “Fortan-| “What did you see ?” } den all discussion at the Cas: ‘a ring round the fish mound; cover —— Within Reason. ately, it is cheap. ‘The lupin grows! “I saw that the fingers of the dead Davis, and Sane told him that, i if yall with a thick mayonnaise, Gamish| — FRENCH aa uNEGEME siue, |, Mistress—Jane, didn’t you hear the like d; steeping: in the sea pick- man’s right hand were tightly closed. any useful information, ' with capers and a few pieces of the les the beans; and the Caldeira ees where was something in the hand. I Eoaerecee nad Sauter atid har churiped: Gera fad’ Trousers. Abandoned and” Com: “New Servant—Yes, them. Our friend there probably opened the fingers gently. It was|to be kept to the “Aspie Salad-—Pot in a saucepan plete Change Effected. fete -Thied pry: MEME ¥ogT cames here every day. Tes his ioe only a flat stone with some scratches} “Yes,” si Davi ‘and: one-half cipa of water, saa seeahaice Wo euseR Ha eared ll? “Then he mn something on i Father means that he has the same sabtaapnontill of chopped Sone 09! and. mucosdding Is tah anh: changing| New Servant—Deed, mum, I ate WiGaeat enpencd yestentay,” a0 “Have you got the stone?” jreason that he usually has,” opined| tablespoonful of chopped celery, -® tho uniforms of the various hranches ¢xDectin’ nobody to call gested Varney. “Ask You) “Sim, Senhor. It is a thing of no! Muriel. “You know how prejudiced slice of onion, sprig of ariley aus of the army from tho bright colora Must be somebody to see Southelt ik Portugu: e. I keep it to oad me ofthe he Dissolve one table-: which made soldiers so conspicuous; mum ! man had slung his sack across tragic cae ci gnich Gasiiel tik” Geaiercugiininde” © slight move- Tae eetractin's Hale pine Scevinus, wate to alihd ca that router he donkey's: back, znd seated himself mornin poor bean -seller’s life is | ment ot sera enehs an on the top of it. eat was Pi hot Uneventfu, eras noted it He e grave ta once. nd wet one mars he Iaeerad find it el Bay it. from you,” eae ri right; "he said, an- rolit his i alo borough. ring Bierce nough’s glance. “Mur. ar urged his ae towards the nar- The. ial, our levity is rebuked, and I think K votween the walls of ook. pum Sach approached him and the man, with the real {Politeness of ¢ Islanders, jum ” said Scar- man ag ti Wendl ito “hata! we deserve it. I say that thereis a woman in this case, because I saw her “Five,” he said insinuatingls. cgraes \ sik teacallee _Broduced the stor” | ground and gave it as h na £ hat 8; uligrsss" he said. was cove! to have Scarborough returned his gr white Sestation caused by gout, avs news surp) and asked whether cs ra honed any- the Calderin water, and thing of a dea ing been, marks on it where something had been before, ani found there this ei | writ en in pencil. ag t half a day’s! gout , sonhor, jf," was th te anewer Cle rubbing in the pocket of a peasant’s ther oan was ¥F who iaself, an ‘Then he went on to descri at were si episode wich eotable earnestness and thste preservation to the fact that they did not ealth of dramatic gesture. The} were in the hollows of the stone’s finding of a dead man was an event in. s1 hetace is life, and he had the pirate sic is it?” said Varn ability to make the most of hi a message, but this fool has | in the occurrence. abba mort of it out. Can you make} sense oi Be “examined the stone closely. “ache N. dri rip | was all Hunt Seaahtiod of the writing. peer from his ‘ised him; for he een told that the bad. He went out, the _Phenomenon for UL ceed in giving this e a the | distance, he could) 4, it get 0 him. ani was ee as “to ‘or he the hand in ‘eo but that was all. (To 6 patie ued). He shouted, ut slid, minutely and comprehensively, Probably the. est way to of what he had thought. He explain- quick is to go get rich EVERYTHING NEW _ FRES! URE Ask ‘jour dealer or write RENNIE'S — TORONTO there were had called at the Chinelas a few hours | a; ALe0 AT MONTREAL WINNIPEG — VANCOUVER poeta tebe Davis} of boilin; Be hour and strain in the hot li se on to explain that last T tion, beeauae: thou: ak he sais can ot Ree aes fi got a wave of | knife ‘A broken cloth peg makes an excel- ler pocket across the bottom is the best. Fea, 50. Bae it will never fade. hander and ake it to drain in tha cher \ Ber? ee Pathe — | hia Inflammation, Chimney ‘soot from a chinney w No Kick Coming. | vents severe catiohe wood is burned, if put into a pitcher} Mabel—So, you asked papa ces oA cations. Just put a few and boiling water poured over it, willihand ? Did he give you any « drops on the painful make a good drink for house pl uo ve emer ? | spot ain dis. Date and see se ormting = ; veal —Well, no,but he oc appears. Bo oe oe iy ene dank Eine en res ae ee theese e meat) coming. ee ee chops, Togethers Hie a little salt Tae longer i Aeeaeey being used) it) ashed i water, and. Whe fake his name es 2 ary ebb ed with a “tl olive oil. or: Ral Ana gi diseases of the Horse panes, arpa speed- Every member amily should ape to eke ewe is pees something having’ them by Using SpchataDiaterapes ony air his own bed as son: as he gets ai te could call his own ! Bt doxes often cure one of — of a chair, and opening the win- dows to the rest. wearers comparatively incomspicuous, s a Paris despatch. Quotati “My husband is so literar, claimed Mrs. Nurich, “Really “Yes; "he's always Stee up his broker to get quotations e question of a change from the for at least an bright red trousers Put § to a less brilliant shade SEB considered Lalor the war, none was made, pi because the ers: hee re lf elatine in cold water ee the the! that it wi from their a erisblntee a eel Spit ment made by rieulture stating that certai ain grant will be grant m Seetea Cue Piano Would Say. she she “claims that can make ea,” say, alse. 4 e- only glen) nd the ue. losses before the battle of the Marne convinced the military authori-} s thi | the jelly that was left, a eee rst citvord it roughly with a wet) their old but the ulk of the ‘armies adopted the new} T STI Ne Mx a tand life-savi jue uniforms. Use nt. A Clerical Submarine. te Chasoh service was over, and three, ith a large’ prominent m of the congrega-| GO CURES Baikal Mine Uaadiee abaene Net the sermon, | “7 tell you,” said the first, ents astically, “Dr, Blank can ‘certainly e deeper, into the truth than any, nt window wed bed-ticking apron A A little ox gall in water will ¢ open a wet umbrella to dry it down with an old soft silk 4 ce e pees man, “and, der longer. id the third, “and come up. bath or basin, shi es,” oes biiveld be a he: Can tay ea a a Je a Dt Why bear those pains Sloan’s Liniment ? aie bottle will vince you that a comb will last pulled Yo Somethins. —— twill find << She—I can’t see why, because a) jwoman marries a man, she should ete., over th it by turning sheets, Always keep your temper; it’s) worth more to you than to anybody Bins oF copper may Be “easily! cigs, “gatserhat ever Pink Bye, Shipping _ Fever, Zptzootic the announce- the Department of Age ‘or the ph sat wi peryestd school withdra Dew Giese alatea tines ie sTrensuty consents to the continuance of these ts. i, panes played for you ? the rel aoe bet if it spoke it would man you have played me TI excuse some people have’ for marrying is that the woman wants home and the man wants a servant. «