Ree ire MY ; ee moa A GOOD MEDICINE [VERDUN FIREMEN | What Does Your Food /NEWS FROM ENGLAND Oa ae ee, ee Soy ‘ATOLS, RISH SPRING! ARE REAL HEROES Cost? You could easily — FOR YOUR NERVES Perle eg sega tote te vat Bee erat ate FOR spend two defigre for Bers NEWS “BY. MgIL ABOUT soaN | BAK. Vaults Guotationse, HW. Dawson, Brampto bs, not get as much re BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. hay tagertaed The se yo or Keep, of the FOR Sar. : pay peiing nutriment as ’ any Jou can que tod seat them Tower of London, said to be the old- we = sgh Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives—| REMAINED IN TOWN TO SAVE IT | yoy get in two Shredded é — on largest, and most interesting part! 5() nae a patie: all notat iGccaivare taens Kaul Thet Gatswe 3 of ‘the whole fortress, will shortly be| outaids ‘city, “Dover “ownsht A Tonic Is All You Need. FROM FLAMES. Theat Biscuits, the food CTE ES Cana i Denea to the ie eu riost | B jachelaor, Chatham, Ont, ae a accordance Not exactly sick—but not feeling —_— that contains all the muscle: Vase ine the policy pieteaead “by the. antuorttles Et a. Pinkie quite wall. That fs the way most De0-| they Worked Dally Uncer Fire and) Making gece yee iN Sikslataer Trade Mase greta year ago, when “the Bloody Rane ‘gotbelte Abe, qr any alagnlne ple feel in the spring, Lasily tir : rheat a A film yersion of “T, rown’ a ed for ins; ion, Now appetite fickle, sometimes headaches, Hid in Cellar During wheat 8) Belo age tear barn TEAS ena Wir ihe'enls att mata oo ‘wal RELY WANTED. ob digestible tone. Two F) Tower haye leared of t and a feeling of depression. Pimple Bar baniwents Shredded Wheat * Bis malts will ie ye peats in eb : h d peti a) fe and a bev field of exe ABS COATMAKER — or eruptions may app on the skin, - e _ Ti ead i od ‘Watters. or there may be twinges of rheum: This is the story of the heroes of ; with milk or cream will make ae the nednGs Bik ten vere the Croy- Petroleum Jelly orang sit open for the siden and ah Ogres Seeman tism or neuralgia, of these in-| Verdun. It will not abound in detail. | 4 complete, perfect meal son pom ‘i matacaoeats, SPaecas A combination of the remedies nade the rel of William IMME dicate that the blood is out of order— | Little is known ai Franee ie : Rimdion in favor of aiallowing Yau doctor prescribes and pur ene Conneror thats ee Witie Tomes | BB. fiat, moo if ang men. at the indoor life of winter has left | knows that some old men lived there— at a cost of not over five [sunday — cinemato entertain- Gold he eibtasl Reba tia eabes was built, thou; eR has error cA {ts mark upon you and may easily |and died—as bravely as any men in ‘cents. A food for young- | ments has been de: rated by the Lon- ccckanbvesa exer area oualy eapee its erection ith AVE ACHR ES | 2X men oy ala 0 develop into more serious trou all the history of France, sters and grown-ups. ‘| don County Council. everywhere. ‘Refuse oub- dr pervungks ihc eer ie ate et “op gtela,., Phong, wie, y! jo not dose yourself with purga-| Senator Humbert told the story ie) treakfast with milk Wonk on London's oir dacieuions SPSea' bookies. oo construction en Dae By te ae jon oot, Teas tives; as so many people do, in the| when he returned to Paris from Ver it for breakfast with mi near Staines, has been topped ‘by the request. i yan. discovered: 200 liam hope that you can put your blood|dun the other day. Because he is a or cream; eat it for luncheon the lage ‘Munitions ich wants the Bat biting pd ME ae t ™ NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, right. Purgatives gallop through the|Senator he had been enabled to visit! with fresh berries or other its ofan ase . ROBIE MAIC paw AND Fi iving | the bel deity. Whathe told has | p13 Ce dlp tp ae Genet ati dhough. ieocieks toe PS ane Oni system and weaken instead of giving | tho Delenguered ety fruits; a perfect meal for |Isle ot Wight contalowsont cae jough it looks loftier, the wre Ws oat useful att ator strength, Any doctor will tell you|been dovetailed in with what others fee in ‘the fnfrmasy are knitting woolen Serer Oe Sit are Tower is oply ninety fect high. | It fs] ofall pualhasagy, Mull, Informatie ieee. What you need! in sping | have Heaed ‘Little news haa leaked the Spring days. seurves for toll B MFG. CO. very strongly built, its walls belng| spplicntion, to Wilson, Publishing Co is a tonic that will make new blood | through the military lines in the man; i ortbtraberland coal owners 1880 Chabot Aves Montreal thee feet to fifteen feet i and build up the nerves. . Wil-| weeks of the battle. In the intense Made in Canada. have “renewed their o} ef oy iM fhicknegs, Pith got its name’ through ‘MISCELLANEOUS, liams’ Pink Pills is the only medicine | interest felt by all in the major even phohen hear eer rele as eh eee that can do this speedily, pasty nd|the old-men who merely lived On| 144, some of them, I am told, have 01 ae ROUEAe ms and cot Fi : The . at Oar A ean restared soveree 7/2 and iene. feving at t home, whole of surely. Every dose of medicine there, doing their duty, were fork heen killed, “One expects courage of | has anno need ‘at 12) 00 od Citih| meee encanta eat AE alteration to it appears to have Are lee tgen bald, "Bend stamp” for Takia’ tiger ‘Vibod.s whikh ‘eloazac the tin. apie tt Meade Seika a the made by Sir Christopher Wren, who partlodiars, =" National “Manufacturing skin, strengthens the appetite tnd) The heroes—the, real heroes—of Laplace SAAS ee ene ee eer tne rar |The French Have a Splendid ‘Trans-| in his work of reatoratiany modernize Sompeny, Sooo makes tired, depressed. men, women | Verdun are the town firemen. Two : e ladies’ committee of the Nor- portation System. nearly all of the windows, Tt is built (chR, TUMORS, LUMPS, Tre. and children bright, active and strong. siviiane ave figured: in previous a Nk War Agriculture Commitiee have| Never in the history of the world te PSE, ee including yenvautig Sar Theme ‘Treatment ans L. R Whitman, Harmony Mills, N.8.| stories. Tt is not Bositively Ienowen SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. many. combatants, such a|main rooms. vided into three, 4a vetore tao tas: Dea says: “As a tonic and itheradeh build- | how this pair sect emain — large number of horses and so great . slightly ‘below the level of me ground, | er T consider Dr. Williams! Pink Pills hind when, every other, man and wo- | Lord Shaughnessy Thinks Canada Has eee quantity of guns massed in sucl eit 4 wonderful, My, whole, system man and child vas eereed by the sol- Many Netieal Rexqurcss: Metropaitan ty ry Dutall “pice: Maeclarade cite Preeneh | ghotevte ce w he of Ger -| critic, Polybe, discussing in the Paris adly run down, ma ae i ch diers to flee from the rain ihe: ene hids couiss inthe opinion of [Vide z ly] eet a é the next is the banqueting floor, then = Bilis caged teal ivan man shells, f them has some}, 1! comes the al apartments, doctor 1 note oe sa Leite! ill-defined occupation which has been | Lord Shapgines i The wanie were eal is motel And How to Feed Then I began Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, | recognized by the soldiers. The ot! shaped area in suantiies heretofore darkness, but they haye been lighted | pmerica's | MAled '5,c?qany paces? aad was soon restored to my old time | once owned a home in Verdun. When undreamed of, even in this in recent years by windows. Pioneer | H. CLA f health. I can most heartily endorse | visitors come to the city se he il the Contra African explorer who die Dog Remedios | 118 cite Ape ney aL A ing waits, smiling, as thou tion, tntil he can gain their attention. “Come with me,” Cae Bie \. id by all pauey dealers or by a me 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The <De Williams’ Medi- on™ ng NOTHING TO E QUAL BA ABY’S OV OWN TABLETS Walton, g February the supplies ash a Bulngaeats market amounte: 9, n the corresponding cn teats viet 12, 473 tons were re- SELDOM SEE Mrs. Li & rs, Lawrence M, Brown, a big knee like this, but your hore cine Co., Brockville, Ont. and-bye ceive .S., writes: “I have used Baby’s sa tical intimation as been rece y Own Tablets for the n years, may: ar Dune oe Ne ee San tial that Warwi mn will shortly nd believe there {s nothing to equal 7 The ma te bono es eng 4 them for little ones. ‘They instantly site siahe the pile of stone which marl e banish constipation and teething trou- A A MODERN SIR PHILIP SYDNEY. | °” econom pe si TRADE MABK Rt pe ee ee ee Bensant Lownan Hesant pales gee PS - a nee ‘ '- 5 the horse. No Brave = of Sergeant Raynes,) "Come in,” he says. “I bid you ipe the baby.” The Tab- gone. Concentrated joyal Horse Artillery. eer This is e.! tal fin i is of Bramshill and Eversle; lets are sold by medicine dealers or drops required at an ap) For centuries the world has ap- the civilians, Teeaoe have for ie AF by mail at 25 cents a box The Dats delivered, Desc crt plauded the deed of Sir Philip inney, soe the appeal to me that the old _iunareda of shopmeeiers in Man- k| Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brock- me “intent for mankind, reduces Painful Swelling, ho the battlefield, spe hen the war began |s to the ville, Ont. ae Os eet La pape getiinrg tt The Canadian Pacific Railway com-| are to close be-| pee i jen the U. 8. A. by ia ea pany has technical schools attached to | fon on Sy Se ps excepts Simple F. YOUNG, PD. F., 616 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Oan, ri days. ine and Absorbine, Jt.. are made In Canada, words, “Thy necessity is greater than ea ib ‘the found their way into the | at a cost of nearly $250,000, “Those twin boys of yours are oa ie a sm mine. y c i. y. erienced in starting | impassable were, it not that the engin-|much alike that I’ don’t ‘see how you ie eee topataaron ie Somat oF Ls atewitbent pe teton gel ical sentoe Alves |Gaaceal ieee awe SPECIALLY MADE ergt. John Crawshaw Raynes of) not be left wi protect C M alkden, n te th “ the Seventy-first Battery, oral Field fire. S hie hnd werve | ities. are ‘a ‘the PIBEGE. mn = ae sondacks tast | mthat's easy enough, When they're | FARM FOOTWEAR ri cata ? ‘ 8 x doe: aie as Es z eir good Lease they answer DELIVERED selfish ir own names, and when they’ve he clastic. slower but| Been in mischief each one answers to To YoU had been congratulated ‘by the ‘Kin : in the name of the other.” $325 six soldier sons, one : were enough for recently awarded ‘a com- Then the Germans attacked Verdun, | if 2 mE. Cain, chairman, of | to ar spe all the details in advance; | y and bring to- her these innumerable i a Old Firemen Remained. a s Tiiiaian Co., Limited irs,—Your MINARD'S LINI- le) ENT is our remedy for sore throat, \colds and all ordinary ailments. ilians—man, woman him quickly and then went ‘ost where the order for action called | im be 01 to time by bulletins whieh | {from i be of great value to mercha Here ta a light welght, durable and! ing the next pause he called two! Jani facturers. 28 well as to stu-| ui a few years a Mente wines projecties’ and) It never fails to relieve and cure comfortable “working Shes spec uunnerd to assist him, and. they bore | ® dents an f $125,000, | medieal supplies, to load them and fin-| promptly. men, ne ree iaborere-call who Fe: ie, 'o carry ie th ‘sh ar aK ——— ally to regulate their spi until it! CHAS. WHOOTEN. quire extre rey an For aber ser 4 t ‘0 ie Ve ‘make ol e ckwork a Port Mulgrave. | aplendit of ot tanned Skowhexan Wwater- ther that has mac Some fed 1¢et sons in tho’ wa ne 8 sweet to these old m in the security of Paris. a he the [Bue they stayed. ‘Their duty ley plain ne anes before ‘them, It was to guard the town. | ‘There are $ Moose Head Brand” now | goes like = She Did Not Heed the : Arata at a ies Danger S Signals wt gE 83 Ps wa’ {sou breaking in vain. ofessor mat er ere bas of the Dutch weekly | at at the mouth of the One or the Other. Pat , Sorr, work is scarce, but. of gota job sd Sunday that brought| e five dollar: | tion of a young o BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CUR- j German rories in Ra who | gendarmes there, it is nthe ED HER DIABETES. major on. the Gen- one | as tees property in Veron that be- és 4 75. Write f ? from Rite eee a ine ts EY Mr. Smith—What; You broke the| | it," Rien ye ee gs Sabbath? Winter footwer Aaa ahcbahatier and ‘every ¢ door ¥| Mrs. ect aict et 1,” he said, McDonald Might Have Saved | eel ALMER O0., Zimitod, is locked. Now and then a 80 shell iz ak-| Pat (apologetically)—Well, sor, ©o., Amit : $a the ati aatey eae gaan ee riiing through ‘the air with } Herself Months of Pain, Sleepless- a Mead ern ae |*ovas wan av us had't’ be broke! | Fredericton, M.S, Canada, : He managed to shake off the effects| that gurgling ness and Anxiety by Using Dodd's Qn the West hobedy: will break | ; for the moment, on Mea be veel sae es ann ike 5 locomudire | bai a apa organization Kidney Pills Earlier. | r i = Sores Eyelids, Visible and Strong. q | being strangled to death in a tunnel— in Cai ich will confer immense jo j buried under the ruins of a house | and falls upon a, house. ‘Then that | bene mie eon Dominion.—Wall Sage ies ee Co., NS.,!y es inflamed by expo- | ic \caneas!"”’ exclaimed ® : » NS.,! 1 ; Goodness!” gentle- that ras brought it dor eee by a shell. use ceases to be. The gendarmes | Street Journal. (Special.)—That Dodd's | is not a general who would dar sects har an coming into a restaurant, and was the first to be rescued of ihe ight walk to the scene in their theatric | Mee Kine Pills will cure Kidney AS \tempt it.” ” Byesits NoSmarting, | even then holding on to his hat from | sree sda tag | blue capes and caps, or bicycle to it} NEW BURGLAR ALARM. ee i hove! needa! el tebtt: beatice-ab thas Gee lowly Sai | “Never mind me,” he said to the! if oe street approach is sufficiently | — ca ur Druggist’s Ste per Bottle. Ma ae Eye |side. “I never saw sucl rescuers, “Get out the other fel-| and brick. |How You May Scare a Hold-up Man ‘| PERMANENT BAN ON RUM. Breese oa a my life.” lows.” ir re- Out of His Wits Me | “Never saw such a wind?” said an- Then, after hi hi nd her first | “ ‘i Pa aving his enauaarabi twa ye Bane Pie er first relief in| Bill Has — Introduced Into. the} 4 man who boasted of having led a| ther. “What a stupid remark! Who to his Battery el an al ; ay eurtared Svcd be ii we cee ssi | blameless life was without relatives,|{yp.0™ * wind? Pray what is it ete | et jong! Dong-ong-ong! | ta but for Dodd's Kidney Pills,” | A bill has Aue ceere into the| and had never been married. “Like,” lied the first speaker; -| Mrs. McDonald states. “The doctor “like to Elva laws oy hat oft” es. ponies bene tor | government's war| Keep Minard’s Lintment in the house , ie feovaree Be Sts aie ncaa rohibition of aleoholic drinks shall) ey Seon 3 : ; y Changed. _ EXPERIMENTS. a little, ineonsplevons ao taking WisTAudIsWiece at alee hataets eee cea ee Noes id Ask for Minard’s'and take no other the No’ al “Before we were married he bought |me a box of candy every time he call- 1, as summari g and five 3 : Vigna, provide peel fire es. then holding a not get a wink of sleep, ate repert Giaiey, Teach ‘Things of Value. |ealiber,ca i oe be made to-morrow. But |“ ns soon as I sta: Dod rodnes alcohol ed.” is i Where one has never made the ex-|the Fait avanriod.tnaat boars: Dive ta gah obber comes into the store or ig hae eee eee His Verdict, periment of leaving off tea or coffee |fire to them, an enemy bite} ees ‘Se igiv ib Scall-overy time 1 ieee you come out with your gn coun- "buy a box of adja pia Rs) mathe Grapa ashy ot I won it, b; Germ n gun. e fired at intervals of ten F , ‘ .,| “Get damages?” la a: pleasant oe sae tonne =| Moneg. ja 6 asn's Wert feignd, vote sodaatel 1 abe itost enough lp out oh tea or coffee troubles. A ma na save. imber of: small wires Heat Donald states that her ear- | sum or for. household purposes, | hi ede sate writ jever they spring up and save whab! jie symptoms were es ih prohibites = “My. wife was a victim of ate - | property they can, and in their turn | 2) ee cath, _azineee, ‘backache acts production of alcohol for tech: con nna nd sent ale enn ness, weak stomach and loss of a make their report. e' ter Rte ais the thor ical or medical purposes is ache lesneny ate eure re tite for years, and although re back u 1 ae 3 Sey these are symptoms of ki digestion Teomerl Motte Seigel'e Syrup, the re sorted to numerous methods for re- for Heacauateers and wait for the store or o! shes as oe Tas mee Feel et ae lief, one of which was a change from | next he fas steps on the rug or the ‘afford eglect. : ND coffee to tea, it was all to no pur-) ae Si Tea ete telco eee eee ee efor these purpes 2 H Wenied Uhelh andl ken Dodi Kidney Pills she would have saved herself months of pain and anxiety. “phe sale of light wines is only al- In cance s the sale pose. ” (Bott Few Fires in Verdun. jurious to many persons, because they | | draw | Soya to hie than bullets, so he may lowed in. towns Oddly snate ere have been very wish himself in’a Verdun trench | well ST TROUBLES $1.00; The large bottle contains threetiaies ITED, Craig contain the subtle, poisonous drug,’ few fires in Atremh owe when tl m is release i YRUP i caffeine.) lie cotnlty ‘built, So ane tik [the i i Ss : , sein je of the alarm is psy. ; : “We knew coffee was causing the roofs are tile and the walls are stone | chologi a well-known scien- THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY. inde ot eine lo tote eerie, te Street West, Montreal. marae trouble, but could not find anything to take its place until we tried Pos- | tum. ‘0 weeks after she/ quit coffee and began using Postum alnioat-all- of her troubles had disap-| truly | he govel that tite fact that rave ee Una “The sale of beer is allowed only in 0 ue live s orade ‘on the renee or rind split with an axe |ing shell produces such a havoc of | Perané: holdup m: he 5 B 2 8 Sy & Es 2 2 é gS i=) & pe a as wondérful: Her nervousness was gone,| the old firemen do their duty ag they ¥en of erie face to face with his delight more in giving of pre-| wines.” : stomach trouble relieved, appetite im-| see it. Sometimes they trundle an éld n your home the discharge of five So ing off debts—Sir pave KK pyernment s, boston fh proved, sais jove all, ae rest ics apparatus through the choked grote and the ringing ot an alarm uh ea the silken string run-| Minister of Finance, in his as B. jstreets. More often and a the pearl chaih of all the factors whl | ‘This sounds lil Se Sea sate cloth will serve the moment’s neon as it all happened so quickly. need. People do not, talk for tte sake of e, day there was improvement, for the Humbert foutd the old men crouch- expressing AD but to maintain ostum was undoubtedly strengthen- | ing in their cellar. Perfectly composed jan opinion for the sake of talking.— ing her. Exerya els us is good| ed they were, as h they were ne ; e fr ae work was due ostum in| used to cities collapsing over inten’ not pave the place coffee.” Name given by|and'a crash came, and a cloud of mor- 3 be cee ee yet eiepeing sa est ‘St that * ; Canadian Postum Co, Windsor, One| tar dust arose.” ‘They plodded out He Et Sine eer ito be abolinked | Against the —and under, oR eeepc koe oe SRG Se eg i eg er aa — —— = En > Es imbs on tl more. must sbe?-well, oiled:> 16¢. ‘and 26ecl dee Rrencli- way: cautioned Hum- | the wanrender PRL Ss ae ean * kgs. ert to keep under cover until they{ © © we we few of us that are not Idle Tears. —this paint lasts, and lasts, and lasts Ramsay's Paints are honest coods-—made 0 oth honest yoatertals by! honest instaking methods. Bq h finish will yoeett irements for which it’ uk Putting | Him Wise. om Traveller—How’s your train ser- vice her St gusyana ain’t killed, “No, my Mrs, did I put all the Marks. kids in aipaetas eal to Biby in the Z pkg: % Instant Postum—a soluble patna dissolves quickly in a cup of hot and returned. Eerie they came back and off the aiepnel helmets ar, ter, and, wit , e? ire whe tio te Be sg ime beverge inane eet Mant meal Town, Naive_Wal they af] ga Gunn wier gas w cnlepeane a Pra aaa taal ‘oir oun ett Se forma are equally delicious and | an aed “end-Eambertsecnake had: happens vertise Sec peelieas vat you and| stretches its dreary lei .| in’ ’e’s alive and a an’ all Courteous service from local a Write for interesting paint literature. (S)) fe for nothin’.” ; ea ahs eee “per ew ed, and settled down to wait for the me Know wr them advertisements exag- AW aes” A. RAMSAY & SON CO. (Established 1842) MONTREAL, Que, or : : é “There’s a Reason” next sh —sold by Grocers They Heda Hoettinve served) ane widkca'a “Lintdiedt Wosh by wivvictnas thought it might get winded before it reached me.” i ‘Minaid’s Iiniment Lumberman’s Friend BRANCHES ar TORON Se AND VANC FOR SALE BY ‘OUVER. tL DEALERS