CANADIAN LOSSES SMALL IN RECENT COUNTER-ATTACK Germans Had Planned to Renew Assault Same Day, but Were Forestalled. A despatch from London Says:, The | piece of work the Canadian guns play- ians at Zillebeke, says the night was wet, cold and dis- n by saaptise and mete complete- a Sarena Two e guns | heavy, but the Canadians got through were ca) pera Cpeisouers state that|under cover ot men s had planned a further advanced two in open order down- wards and southwards into Biel oe Deattiins! Our continual - bom! stores they had Ea ten hase previous-|ment prevented the enemy ae ly preckeaiy inta in, Phillip Gibbs ae a It was a great | Th int of. pride with the Canadians to Fechoture the lost ground. Saeielyes, ir losses were not heavy eatitee-attack, In the pelea tas THE ANTI-GERMAN LEAGUE GROWS =: hot THE ENTIRE BRITISH EMPIRE IS IN portant betas Beit efit ni re ntcans Dare of Racge 1 cant et eeneay'< peuie ployers 2 bass labor, or by other suitable ae ceateheh ‘the sale of all such Ger- is as can be sens equally well its British soi “To prohibit the ae ‘of land and ouse property 5 ‘0 nds of the with enemy aliens, and to repatriate at the end of the war 2 who have been interned. e the No lg to Cina a list. of | Carma firms which enemy aliens a a sonautae interest.” Ask for Legislation. Admitting that many of its aims are impossible of attainment in the absence of legislation, the union has carried it: mercial war agate _|Germany into parliament. It is the renee for =e Lene Title sar jing. Thes ervice Fran- on 0 | Chise bill, the ‘Naturalization bill, and |the Alien Labor bill. The object of | the first is to obtain “adequate repre- Also Spain, Venezuela and Argentina Rally to Great Trade Movement. e Anti-German Union, an organ- ization of Englis dustrial interests, rman goods so long 1 repeal the existing na- tralzaion laws and prohibit the rl, shear large | ange of names of aliens. The third, Georges Carpentier, Famous French Pugilist, and Lieut. Navarre, Who Has Shot Down 16 German Aeroplanes. Georges Carpentier, the famous French pugilist, and Lieutenant ee varre, the “Fokker killer,” ype has just brought down his sixteenth Ger war’ e airmen anding in front of Nayarre’s machine, ‘and i it will be noted that the ienenit has tied around his nec! talisman, ut, Navarre is a popular idol and favorite, the German aeros being quite a record for one He is tannilienly known as the “Fokker Killer,” the nickname be- ing quite a distinction. Carpentier is now a trained aviator and skillful pilot, and’can mancuvre his machine in the air as well as any other pilot (Look for This Emblem in the Dealer’s Window Sign no purchase pay T the request of the teadlng: sania: Ae and dealers of the Dominion, the Securities Corporation has ) Canadian’ office in the National Trust Buildings ‘Montreal. Pe epee Spel ah ie be aed sie of credit, i proprieties, and offers ‘Sonoda te ‘responsible iworthy persons ae cn ete rd to maintain cars; but desire credit in their pr The Guarani Pan ea i om annoying direct and simple ess. transaction} one aye forthe Ser Sefety, fer ll ae » for; the Buyer— ae ‘us without d taken care of ae The. paved Plan is applicable“in the purchase foe tnumber of the best known cars, produi prs etasoronse 3 ‘established concems who maintain Ganecinn service 1 zations adequate to meet he eae demands of dian A description of the Guarant aranty | ‘Plan seit and a a list" of the; it iE ‘ Gocal Der fos sent, upon’ tequest, but see ‘your, Guaranty Securities Corporation, National Trust 5, Wad in the flying corps, if enacted into law, will make the em- | ployment of German labor _ practi- eally Proh ve ctir the union are 0 means ean = the question ee It Son ahyan in England have voluntar- teeta ae re sta nited | 4 ily sane in the protection of the mpttling the. United | toi. eam: German raiders and spies, li Ravaeitent vie: latter Have been oun: | victed in the last few months through [setoraealaes obtained by these Agent and turned over to the Government authori embership rolls of the union include P thaasanda of En; rel is] pe weren: ork fluence to all of the British dominions and dependencies in the Empire., Dominions and Neutrals. The bulletin announces that the * union has aroused widespread interest | They are traine in India, the membership there in-| hand and sent into the field wee eluding thousands of merchants and /|the nation in what ii Tare also engag fund which is intended to be used LONDON-BERLIN FOOD PRICES. Markets of t the World | No. ecgording fo. ‘iecights outside ‘She. 85 to cording t to frees, outside, to Barley— Rording ts frelghin oncnide: or nt fa the perpetuation of the organization. | san gows, Choice, $8 to $8. $5.90 to $6.60; cancers & $4.80; sheep. $6 to matters, Re so 10. 39: # een 8. mactecta: $11.60 arias s. gh ind eet lots, $10.50 by dis oro ELIGIBLE TEACHE MUST NOW ENLIST. ret aa, wteacke Bay ‘Dor! tanita Cina Cc. au pig Now inal, 1 feed, feed site on. grits say ports, erate on yellow, 28¢. 8) A despatch from Calgary says: The nite, 48 to 49¢,| Calgary School decided ‘on | Tuesday night not to re-engage apy 240, N88 ts 9 a 3 do.,|members of its staff at the close ot fe, Nominal. | their engagement, June 30th, who are unmarried, On $1.70; acocord- ‘i eto $1580, according | \; 65 G60; according 8. “sam ple, * sf3 fre eights eatette: Spire 3 A y the chief recruiting officer for the inal, |Province are to be judges of their ights outsl “commercial. 84 to 95c, ac-| eligibility. igeraia ee END COLLISIONS, 4 N DARKNESS OR FOG. ac: fi Patents, in jute) nut mb: Manitoba. Hour Pirst So: $6.70; d paten' rite jsivone Sakere'’ in rat A despatch fom Lonidon says: An- nouncement was made on Wednesday illiam Marconi will bring out r ton, Nd -| AUSTRIAN LOSSES Original Austrian Force Has le: aetna prevails observers of the ne’ | the catalogue of the su Generals Brussilot d | by no means complete. It is estimated tha tl manian “berde®- alow yotat” 900,000; bf nearly +half the orig Great satiitection Ty felt ab the Tantaae aeak the Kovel, Vladimir-Volynski, Czernowitz an Kolomea. NUMBER 300,000 Been Reduced to 300,000. despatch from Bobeomra says: among Russian offensive along the jouthern section of the battle line oe ecesses won b; tchitsky Fe A and Let # the ‘Teutonic losses along, the ‘ront from the Pripet ‘inal effectives. re- the whole ee ‘west- establishm: MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA From the Middle West BETWEEN ONTARIO AND BRI. TISH COLUMBIA. ~ Items From Provinces Where Many Ontario Boys and Girls Are Living. : Galatry. police younded up a gang of auto Webnee “she “replacing mén in the banks at Edm There are ae Prospects for a fair average crop in Mai ery man in the city of Regina will be asked to join some unit. The Saskatoon School Board may be asked to educate a number of sol- diers. P. I, Toft, Regina, is being held on Ie charge of making seditious ubter- . Approaching the Hundred Million. Mark. In presenting to the Shareholders the 53rd Annual Statement the | Merchants Bank of Canada, the Gen" ekg Manager expressed the policy of — e Bank during the War as one of ive First”—-maintaining a very ergency or/ development in eles "akiee of world Wide financial certainty, ment for the year ending April 29th, A. Rounding, a well-known | 1916, shows how fully ue policy has. the union rebels been established in all of the large cities, and commerce thoroughly organized to continue its trade war cn erman. British South Africa also has joined the union with a rush, 12,000 fe having been reeruited in a single y at Johannesburg, abnoaic to the was not intended | | nock- | Me pcotina have volunteered to join ‘ he pice tts and agents of the waited ent to these neutral coun- oe some of its aim: - and objects as annotinced in the ic don bulletin: Aims and Objects. areetoeniane ape English People er Off. The jae test chars store chea} rexcentlenelly low, and only good for the following Thursday and Saturday, in the order in arn they appear in Wertheim re titee 8, per pound bin (Wert- jridge) 18c; canned | nen i Aes id), (Wert: eese “To foster mational ideals and to heim) 56c, “(Beltridge).. "06 to 280; Keep, alive the patriotic spirit of pe bie defend British freedom, rights. rie seca against German Aaggres- 90c; ducks, ve fight against German cea " ee ety Snagelal, industrial, and fe. rn omer the folly of granting _ Peace on terms so easy as to make it s fear for the German again fo dis- _ turb the peace of Enrope and the work | RO advocate that all German pro- | Ble; No.4 5 | malting, 1 Spring the fon best, ae $2.72, (Self- | & _ $1 bo ‘owls, medium, to OW. (Wert © $2; jelf- vii ge) 780 to ve A; ; roast a of beef, | (Wertheim im) 3! bon (Selr- ridge) 28c; gee satis Lie (Wert ‘ heim) Bie, (Selfridge) 18c; > isprin cabbage, (Wertheim) Le per pain (Selfridge) 4e to 6c; red cabbage, 6, jWeriaey 18¢ per Boum, de to 6e each; white cal (Wertheim) 90. peebeatae (Selfridge) he '4e to Ge each; parsley, bunch, (Wert- | ety throughout ee Empire shall be heim), 8c, (Selfridge) fae ora inges, securit as compensating , seni subjects for losses caused by. 2de ‘fe8e. 2: ito remove from public offices and honors or titles all tiie s of German origin and sympathie: “To dieeueR ze $50; if wae le, pre- vent the employment of German lal ie courte Yy, cith ifs "208, (Sel A_ promising ee on ean A~ breaks his Brant: i dozen, (Wertheim) (Sel ; figs, pound, eee ee eee te Bisa (sutideo } a ae sewing, (Wertheim) 28¢ ridge’ mie Otee young -men often French leg 2 Also Netted 130 Paes Repulsed in the Vosges. | aD = Pcie aay, “French took the offensive caakiee nor /Fort-de Soave on ee right baie Two attacks dertak Wore Hridge) be iH ‘ t ces S348? barrels, eae e ¢ hokee, 00 age nok mr ton, S84" $26%/ shortly a new deviee which shou faldalings, per ton, #85 put an end to danger of collisions be- jour Bisb to si t0. |tween ships in darkness or fog. It is | described as a simple anirivencs. eas- | noice, 26) ily installed, which will be op erated to. $16; “terion: Ja Wome: (from the bridge of a ship. —New-lald, 26 to 27c; do., in Gar-| for, WOMEN OF NETHERLANDS DE! te to $4.50, the latter Se; twin Guapntth: dean oe ondans bya? *| wunavedh of Dutch women wend t the Prime Minister on Wednesday. to lemand that measures be taken to en- able the wondng classes. to obtain od by having prices reduced. The ee Premier eramtest to receive a deputa- brea . The women then in. went to the house of the Burgomaster, Potatoes firm: Ontarios $1.85, and Brunewicks at $2.18 ‘per ‘dag: westerns, | 95. | d £ Ao Hacks, ‘olat caeeure The; 5 Ft eo TF Go'thaes ombouna Mt CoewtaN LOSS AT VER ntrenl Markets. Sane 30-—Corn, American A despatch hana Paria says: Fig. 54 ie Re! ures compiled from reports Teta the French War (ice the bee Monties), a 5: Batley, the Germans since ur Manitoba: the mo beste, $US oa tidety Stun sin ee cb , or approxi- Winter “patents, ehatee: | eesti 0 Sage. Ron tially “demolished.” ‘These are oe 5.06 e five months since Verdun battles have been raging: 00 to $6. 5.60; do., bac olled oats, barrels, Of D2 8, 90 Ibs, $2.2 Ry paines. 33. ton, se, eitenbas ory onde, 28 to 28ke. Bi Hy NO MORE GERMANS : ON LONDON EXCHANGE, 3 ne i Bele cet he to 30e; Ne t ate le aa ag ate “Potatoes, per bax, , A despatch from ie ue ‘says: ‘the ommeree on Thursd a i ign. oe An Aniipying Pr tice Ae g debe Jadge:Campbdlh Flournoy; formerly : $1198 Noo} 4 ti Oats: a $ was Ne a horseback tour throu; she.” Riou ‘tmohan An, heats qn ts North man rode ; to.$ = im. As they | a tim ; rack’ down aierech and join SEO to $1: in ae along side, by ter be plowin’ sy cawn, said; “but I jest pechallg oly like I 20. —Chotee, cae had to ride down to seal FR Them pesky tellers ¢ aoe thar, a eat 04, | have fotched ip 8 Inaalt agin me and Ba I got to go see about it ie ee, mi E : the lawsuit about?” Inguir- ae ‘my fath “tot arty cholee foe 2 to : fotched hit up Agee ms, on ‘account of the MAND CHEAPER FOOD, ‘DUN , DURING FIVE MONTHS. Me vement. genes Verdun haye |; sions, i; -mately 780,\ 000 an ether completely | 4, of Kentucky but now “of Wonitegton: ri Matin that the . They licious gossip. ] ing the x etllss the deduction eo the | Russian official statement that the ate tire line of the ‘Soipe is now oceu- pied by the Russi: The ie ebeinitatoy? Eb the ectsene cork is e Si jive utlced:forsthe. ina of trians in the most intensive sort of firing for several weeks. NEW RUSSIAN SHE! ACME OF DESTRUCTIVENESS, despatch bon L London says: The 8 ‘ele- | of aakat ny has enlisted with the apt. Beeina aon died of pneumonia in land, ae Jennings, 15 years old, was plist by a runaway horse at Hast Kil. Capt. Frank Gane, former professor in Manitoba College, has been killed in agg H. “6 ft. and” Brunt, a giant 203 pega. F. B. Lang, Edmonton, killed herself “and cays anilien while in a sismenial state, | 1. Lang and officers of the, # oath’ “Battalion gave a dinner dance in'Saskatoon ‘ast week. Mrs. Morin, Prince Albert, wins gt over Windsor Hotel for $3,800, b damages for roe seizure. ‘The body of W. peg, was found in the ruins Stovel printing establishment | credible quantities. sults are seen in the o! ficial pulleting, the nature of the new shel what I have heard I should dee ‘it admits of no effective defeniva reply. The Universities of Russia have been employed ps tnelve months vying wit! nother in| for some Moeclatve form o! ( all ; ective shell. ! at 4 — | : BONAR LAW'S STATEMENT i PLEASES THE FRENCH. The e aA weabaish thom Paris. ease greatest interest has ror here by Bonar ail etenaat pletely in accor “ th and is prepared to ox ee. ch Headquarters Staff ate my the oe ‘The tover rom the outset the military author, ities here have insisted that i anti-British rumors as idle or W jonar Law’s statem will Le far to reassure tl them. atters i my. killin’? ¢ oe 100-007 ig heavy ke co ‘| a omebody ae fo Meat isi a set a ane cd at it? meflun when rnoy 1 te au iontrent 3 10, au mpd es th | the object fe litigat an indictm: sling inne if the; anil! es pe NO wear ie RUSSIANS | 8 corthone i toon in oo EAC! OF pon’ | meat: four days in each ae ic ing to a Reuter de: spatch from P. mas < Nothing can be said, of course, about st ow are te. Nat Ru a me [214th “asatche san ae Kitty Cross, a foariee-yerol girl of Hartney, Man., ) for it the Belgian Relief from free-will of stantial increa: i . Dollars, and stadia to $96,361,8 ‘This doos not include any mortgages, — wee overdue debts and real estate, ‘ferings. ae "BBs, Calgary, was fined $50 and its for shipping uninspected horse. Thi at His first onviatign under new algary for two. years, schaxgenies a German spy. Edgar "Bedard, sa Lethbridge, ioe the C.P.R. $25,000 for been or can be duapiiabaly pra into tg have reached a total of $40,- carried out. 's which are increase of over Lule 160,486—an He Three-Quarter Millions from tho! ee good showing of a ‘year | Annual Report Shows Assets! strong position injeash and imme-, st available regources, ready for A study of the’Bank’s Annual State- - | | Ey this policy of keeping well pres pared and entrenched, the Merchants — Bank of Canada has favorably im- pressed the depositing public ab homo. and abroad, and deposits have grown in aie twel lve months covered by tho tement by the considerable sum of Ten Millions, reaching a total of $72, ui 7,029.15. These deposits reflect a Cairns, Winni- ; Measure of confidence on the part of hs the | the publie which has been very grati- fying to the proprietary of the Bank, Total pekin also show a very sub-, of over Ten Mill er than Bank Premises, total only. Another ae a wreek | between be hase institutions. a Dulin and Dauntless, | Official bills — both military a civic: ughing istory. published Peeaiaig aking geonan', at Tyndal, M: Thos. Hewitt, a bachelor, of Sas! toon, el shot and killed ii be eorge ‘Taylor, who at Peat demented since Be Bic ys eat at t of vaccination tote” nd phy- Pe state +] not as eth abl stand opt tions: as_ in’ Mrs, we "ube id “her 18-year- old er Erma were found mur- es in i 3 Mine at § 1 Lake, 35 miles enora. There motive for the , ime. s A reunion of vete rans of oe Bresent ye ar met last week at the Rowlads of the tae nak ; he | Pte. F. J. m1 tation, who ig president of the Saske- ted eterans’ Soci talion, ran Bafta. and vats or ce ts during a pete be. ae a. |Nerted tails i ca cash, cues ercial loans ds main poner generously to patriotic and Bet Co ‘08s. t ri home at tie Olympia gorogeta, om) The feeling of the ‘unds, SES Set and essed at the Ani of quiet ae pW is ‘ASEMENT Rien Sere! | ri Fra Falke, Calgary, who served esr 47 or less than 2/5 of one Per Battin. three months, is! cent, of the total assets. S| year of such solid progress will bring — has |the Merchants Bank of Canada, well in- | into the class of Hundred Million Dol- Hs dreeaaaae yok : ‘net ‘pas al fell off aii ‘e sain 2, s ith th ‘ bors of 11 to. 8 wand trom the