e bay “betwee penises SS a ‘tein butvose of the storm cloud darkened our near- aler sky, The water of the harbor grew CHAPTER XVIIT.—(Cont'd.) ptNot,at alt" said Varney, unblush i te ken it his friend wi him—"'¥e got tle easy bher’s money « a fill "the bile 4 energetic foun er, on a partnérship basi Ther nothing eae about that; it’s sis. do you think of it?” : “When is the wedding?” was Sear- borough’s answer. ‘eak. spot,” “We haven't . settled that eae ‘cass we didn’t feel justified in ibhout conmileuig. Muriel on the. wil? ject first. I'm pretty sure. she likes me, but shi prejudices, which # I haven't’ dared to ask her yet, and Davis ‘inks _ T had bettetr wait a {Me has swallowed his "prejudices, it Att “Oh, he hadn’t any, Curiously en- That's down in our agree- “You've got an \ agreement already! “Yes, in black and white, Now, | about you, old coe your! ing coring, ott don’t know,” sail Scarborough. | “Like you, I haven't dared to ask yet. That’s our venta, I think. They had'arrived at the ioe) which Mona had desi the open ant tabyenae von counter “When's wey one leaning in pictur-| esque attitudes against the red the apes and smoking maize- husk cigar k on a bit “Don’t go in yet. They went on afew yards, and then Varney said: ee I ane met your Seoteh- ae . describe him Searl pirouse gave him the ia tion which Mon: Varney came in, ants came across him during the time he was Carrington’ clerk, I sup- sail Varney, pose “No, I've met him in fe island, was your speaking oi nox while ago that made me think of won't waste oe in It) a it. k for him. thing in your pocket,’ in case there’s x row?" : y fists,” said Scarborough. and: jeder tee nartine you day’ ani, to-do with me, of course; but 1 “I don't believe a the slight- ‘est risk,” said Searboro “And if there is, weve est to take it? Rieke you are! Com CHAPTER XX. ‘© young men went into the xh eilitiaten. discussion, which tS between the proprie- en, who were leaning er A counter, was ro off si lenly. at their” wisig ts Var ie es watch “the eet, in case the inn liad some oth ‘it, which ey a they were seeking ight think to make use 0! ddenly.. aecnorpuel went to the ey and ot Porneuees: i me ewehich ‘ona roan tad been "ota Syed "One 2 the RS = Imughed, ay the ai “You've aug your said. | b e's got to pelo a lot of wine ‘ ‘brought these for him to see. kn :| the ilar of the fd him; the senor S808 that E hads! fe Ido not "know m myself.” Scarborough stepped back from the Bee door, and came biede to the rao. “Tt would be to your profit to know?” he asked ene gly. “Certainly, senhor, I should present | stomach, and would n hao and beans sao we do, 's | chickens meat oe daily,” caniplatiad Gia pedeao, Aral: f ly. amused him. learn ological Scotchman * Saar hoppogiertprendattia alealeclé to that the. was something of n epicure, and refused odorous salt lupin he d them thing, but it indicated thab Andrew | Gillies was a man of some force 0: pam er. ;. “We also are-anxious to find him,” he a on the defrauded and indign- “Take us upstairs and elie us his room. - Gertatnty, Senhor. It is just as he left it” was almost exactly as. lescribed it, bare save for a 001 Mona, had »|a litter of books on the table, and a {pile of noes newspapers on a chair iby the window. pees iS alenaabiewtl oe. Mise uk Tait on the ton the was a long ue cloak, ‘and near it on another chair was sake stiff hoo 15 carborough turned to the padrao. “Did Be things belong to Senhor a d 7" “Senhor Bernardo was interested in |the national costume, and the padrona y do not yw why they have not bee moved.” “How many days is it sinee he ask- ed for them? “Seven or eight, senhor: d to Var ney, and Agr erie eas ded |" “The cap ote and eapello?” sal the man, laughi | would have ee saiecheti he shit ad.” said Scar- led “Yes, Seuhor.” “Well enough to be mistaken oe native of the islands?” genhor, not well enough is my converse. clever, however, ae very s008 he was able to speak ese without making | it sound ik e Shanish; but no, not as well as a native of the islands.” Scarborough fodded, and then, held his courtesy, and, “Many thanks for said. “You have your Senhor padrao,” he said . hope sm pri cee one The wed, with the natural a iettiuctive tite pe in all politeness Whe is st the chance,’ said “But Ihave come 4 improve itance, u tell me)! cee Shemaed his shoulders, “D oubtiess ; you have a reason for re- "he said q Bee Scarborough, Tau nih " When they were es — street again ‘and on their way to Montagu’s | house, Scarborough os to Varney: acesiehs f cae aid Varney. “ “How and when “The day before papteniay ‘ave, A Trost and the-loafer who hal Janghed = agains” mney time it Poee "i Iandlord-who. a, arnt said can go up ‘ou like, t ee ik we HOMERS Dat “But ends of his?” s! Twas there with Mariel and her father.” perch a of the country, ina blue see with a maize tight trousers; ant ,| trawlers. | 80 close that men could step from one d|a hundred of them, perhaps, or rather | 2 mt eae the water a greab wave helped me more than you know, and! The horr alert ae featial black. I dre 8: us, a. few words only, ‘hing us - ey simple thing, which certainly, here and now, our faces Salievad? which it were well 0 ing al bs be-continued.) sie BK 9 SY A NAVAL CHURCH SERVICE. Pen Picture of Sunday Ceremony on a British S eoae Kingstown harbor was filled with nate boats at anchor, writes a con- |rol og to.--the.. Cornhill. Magazine; ou in the days a ee these were | ach moun’ on her foredeck and pers out to trawl ie torus-from the s that oe Ho ag lightning flashed in a sharp zig- in zag against the cloud. “TELEPHONE” CURES THIRST. ie F tee " or | French Soldier Confeaaen and Penalty submarine that feel yr vent turing to the sur- cour’ at c the “ont. mong |p Siane offices eaking with a ae 5 tnely kindly inca, to the rn, ied: deck to the other. Their high-built bows rose with a sort of threat ative | the moorin; UoYS. ‘rom the tal foremasts the wires of their alegre | phie installation sloped*sharply aft. The ni phoned. I phone.” “Tf you confess, you will only have half the penalty.” r ell, then, yes, my Colonel, I did telephone.” e| All the court laughed and a nominal sentence was pronounced. The civilian should not media: that, the use of a telephone is in the Frenchsrmiy, To telephone,” i army slang is to bore a little hole in ae ‘ot wine, to fit a rubber of them, and four great torpedo-tubes, ready to swing oub to port or star- board. =Our launch slipped alongside. We mo a narrow, steep ladder. e commander ae and. greeted my us with an api \a-full barre e, “We used — state a-niee-ladder,” ee thexeto- and apply the aaah to he said, “like a yacht’s; but when the ' the other nd war broke out, it had to go.” Then, y companion, “If you're ready, T'll muster the ship's com- =F caachek tof Rave. The eighteenth century is remar able for the rapid development of the carriage indus as Uuring this period that the ee on ar on | orna\ pany. The ship's company were muster the companies of both ships. The men, nt | courts in d heautiful is which space stretched the long gray barrel ghee that belonging to the built in 1696, and ee ship's fighting gear draped with} 5... Saiae: is shaped wi niture of the style of Lou order was given, very quietly, with none of the sharp sinceaty vigor om with which soldiers speal Tidgiie Gans eas TOS POE Te of” ‘on the centre of the roof. is a lar ‘The men stood bareheaded. A flag,|imperial crown. red and white, was broken out at the foremast head. From one of the two tall spires that dominated the town came the sound of church bells sum- moning the townsfolk, peaceful peo- ple, to their prayers, Our padre ade i was, “Rock ieee Ge telaiers aga Gallen both oe ai His both seem to sing it with sales a4 Nig a8 Bes = had no band to h 0 lead us. The ae ae pitched she vars note for us, The men’s voices caught it. There passed Unconscious Joker. es the case was about no one seemed to know exactly. The law-| mixed nd was presently asl “You must answer the question,” said the judge sternly. he fiigeter witl about and ind, SH aodt ati wondeted. “ne. feea’ before me were boys’ faces. have surprised me to ae t—but, your. oe T have gross income. in it's all net,” ara y years of age among fices| bun we eS ups and the on! An Irishman going through a stre ast the men and saw that over the i” London was penis ae siBonred anelees of a hatchway there hung a scone, one ee oe Pat, A Bald peace a. incre ahcotsinctier fands| ° was crested with he remark: “May “Now, now, admit that you tele- tw “No, my Colonel, I did not tele- - = themselves were pretty well ly; up. Then an important witness entered) happens. a 8 uni hymn, tell the court the. total of his gross | Scrape and slice them, an "Me refused; the eounsel appealed to) BLES dee ol et | Spice. tion for the Busy Housewife Marmalades, Preserves, Pickles. Pear Marmalade— sugar to every pi pound of fruit. Put th rs ina saucepan together zis a little of the ar/l add the rest of the sugar; stir un- and then simmer until of the fariopeabatld a ist enoug) sugar with which to lowi one ‘ani of Skim carefully ee isa until a Tit, a dropped into cold water hardens immediately. Put he sais mires and the syrup together cook until it just comes ae boi aL ae not allow it actually to boil, and put immediately into over the fo von finely granulated sugar ai note Figs Be ae 8 e ther ‘ich put of limd (for 50 teolaackecn teste cider te ae 0 lwigh the pears, then allow 12 oancen!,. oil | Lid cupfuls wth. * Jag- | til See mislesiallowsion to! | ¢ fruit the: time that it is at tte lowest price, and bey ‘enough to | The best way to cut a ipecoele ms move the. fate or blossom part} then cut through the fruit from to) ,to stem. Divide into quarters. Ro- ‘move the core; then cut into cubes or hr Pineapple payee is good. Use f sifted flour, into which yu have cat for wespaonials of bak- he powder ani teaspoonful of it, Add a tablespoonfal of lard rani} two tablespoonfuls of butter; chop | until “the. shortening fi 1m i ry Pinca pan. until-done. iscui it by quicgkly drawing a clean Suk hite thread’ across the top between lad nels of the plums and boil one frit pL Gee Fs Butte i! each age top and the bottom. Betis well, add powdered sugar t me" | upper piece, then add. shredded fresh ng one-half pint of water to every Ink thick, sterilized jars, dust 4.) canned pineapple; sprinkle again with powdered sugar. Put whipped p; garnish with Pineap) is a novel recipe. aie of old sponge cake a half- Shape them round or dia- mond to give variety, B ith butter, dregde with sugar and brown lightly in the oven. Cool, then | pour chopped pineapple and whipped /eream over rve: with a strawberry on the Pineapple igen cane is an English Pare and remove the eyes from the pineapples; eut in small cubes and silver fork; weigh the its leave them for about 12 hours, then | *¢4 th take them out and wash them clean. n-| cool fil were one-half tehetontal of earl of soda, and one-half teaspoonsful |; a alts let the figs po me in this ian id off. out when characteristic. oe he fur=) €n one pound of sugar! Jy 10 ake |more than the weight of fruit, make syrup ont a iayibeletieniord & claw fie tll \the fruit is quite clear. | Pickled Beets—Wash very care ful-| taking care not to break the skin,| ay all the calo® will sone Sousie Gae | Boil fo them stand until perfectly cold. pour | them He 8 in which a few pepper- | | viously i d. y, and see that melipeovaced with vid Pickled Cauliflower. = ten the} cauliflower and break it up into small pie; it will trew tee with salt, and ciou: anshernen, and;leave them from 4 tsto Drain them well, pack made of grey linen weiss on cross and cover with cold stitch desi pieces. 2 to 24 hours be-| tween plates. them with salt, vinegar, previously boiled up with The caulii j Put in the eet i ickled Cheeni —Choose ssmal] over delicious salad i marmalade flavor if des sire pple custani is another fayor- jesdeseens 8G pineapple with a silver fork, or shred ‘0 small Add a ne of auger, and a good boiled “| custard, the eggs. to. apple with this and. brown delicately. ee and sprii ated almonds over top. Things Worth Apu: “|b Half a pepper minced fine will fla- el vor an omelet. Overdone food is as bad for the « r an hour, ani let estive as underdon ples penanan spilchive: ‘ixture, Don’t forget that split peas make are a th he = bets are sa (orange hull makes a most attractive \d jessert. Add a little oe to the rhubarb e less tart and of deli- Ss Charming foot: covers are e lid shou’ not in be ee a ‘Ing. flower can be quickly pot in which dumplin: old | Parboiled in salt and water before it is ay, are apt to be heavy “the “ta is = a age find the za, taken off before they are done. When scalding Mes milk for tage cheese, a any not boiling; if Doing water is used x het ae ae a candle | ots. cord of the fact that this ship had been in one great fight. Of all the rest that she had done, of lesser bat- tles, of long vigils, of manifold perils, ' there was no note at all. And the races of these who had done'and borne such great things were the faces of boys still, simple, joyous, confident. | e ‘or of war had not cowed te | and never would e hymn was finished. . We Prayed, work.” standing with heads bowed. The voice! Office Boy—“I f the padre Bees os us, asking the I’m only just whistling.’ protection and is the | PSS s m Pai all; Commoi radox. | 4 ia switele bills have a queer way r f di pie ho Reppeuets to te ie Doe r m that’ time on’t be much of a torchlight proces- sion. | ae see Too Busy. aenron as loyer—“Thomas, I h you wouldnt amie at your 7 eee ShipE. for dying, for the wounded, for #! wv do you medn ithe wore she-etpteacts. heer the We sang again. I saw that Howth | f morc they expand.” Head, far away to the north of us, ~ GERMANY’S HEROIC HAUSFRAU ke ain't working, sir; water until they turn quite wunting them twice a day jth yellow, the water sand rest ese ecu sere = poure ing over the cucumbers. aia eLvatat pomrer Wea ene When the water is almost cold, boil it bers again. this process un. til the cennibane ee a good g and a perce plate to os in the st When well, pour the following pickle oyer parchm white wine vinegar al half an ounce of blacl for five minutes, then use Bo t. Pickled Walnuts-—Gather ae before the shells begin ie form. i m, prick wit needle and put oe ina dere cr or basin. Make cnough brine to cov- arcs ewine @-ausra ote pound of salt, to each Aas i water, hen Taree to dry in the sun until they ae aS Have ready some dry, w’ ; fvidke walnuts, and- fill with - vi gar eo cme? been boiled Srevionaly. with: Pineapple Dishes. s ‘There is no more Aaa a weather fruit _ Pineapple. Fruits are a welcome time, but particularly so aftei up again and pn a over the cucum- be i and b them sud tie down with bladders or ck in na sieve fot a ee of salt; boil this all togeth- | ¢, e ab any) the cheese will be lumpy and hard. When turnips are young, wach ther to keep shordustly, and. cakcwitieone Seeing The rind will ae as tender as of the tum Good flour adhene to the hand, and ed-off water and pour it nee when pressed lightly remains in Le, Leave them and shows the imprint of the lines of the skin of the hand. ‘A veh: soup, with whole wheat table. or itter, a ver jad, makes an “excellent cubdaliah oe way to keep mattresses them have slips of their, ome covered: with ronbleathed Thee Ain snags greén, drain them "™usli pop corn successfully, first put ash cold water over kernels will be large oe pickle—To each usr: of ‘flaky. a eet PEARLS OF TRUTH. Bes trust Bs the first. secret of suc- ers ehiving, i tiok breathing} it iq.acts the wal- ing—-Rousseau. e n may live fools, but fools they asps are caught by honey an bY vines Old Pro ay the Nest alerahs "fig ste mas shave life in the soul—J. F. is the name for God in the ant hearts of little children. — that covers the face 0 of y the hand of mer- ads Rous never springs out 0 of vil it is developed to its highest by i pottles, three sere fill them i caisanod with Wil —Ruskin. these | taxat ¢/ taining is out Pot the question. “ERIS FINANCE: THE SOCIALISTS. DRGE: A TAX. ON CAPITAL, British System, Is Praised As Less Bardensome Than Teuten Method. Dr, Helfferich, the German financial, secretary, some. time: ago-laid stress. on the. advantages,of ee erman finance as compared with British eneerat but some critics, even in y, have since realized that.it is a ti sighted ,_ policy. to. raise texebion mabe @ balance get, while the palbana expenditure of | the war remains to-he covered entire- — ly. by» Joans, writes a-London corres: pndent, In fact Vorwaerts. goes so far a to express preference, by implication, for the British system of finance and. 7 journal says: ample no other country has yet been ‘able to emulate.” s a significant fact that the name it is not properly a tax on profits, Tax on Capital Since the outbreak of the war vio- * lent struggle has been in progress in "the Reichstag between. the Govern- ment and the Social Democratic and Labor parties. The latter have urged that the capital and industry of the becgiey) while the Government par- ties next favored indirect taxes, main- that further direct, taxation In urging that the tax on war pro- fits should be xenee the Socialists maintain that undue mpeenlek is shown for the Petareste of the pertied agrarion classes. th clare the empire to be bankrupt, as all idea of any adequate war indemnity must he abandoned, In financial matters. Austria and Hungary bate ee SaaS Ae ee ample o! n the fourth Austrian war “igh tie was a de parture from the policy adopted in the cases of se ee reals a sions. The latest tw forms, a long and a baits penba’ Ioah: Bs Austeien Loan. , As in man; e pawning meth- ods Beet ihe Bipead freely in ged tria. In the Neuve Freie Presse. the borrowing facilities ae been and explained. “It. states tl 1,000 kronen at Tah forty mee ee cost 925. kro erson wishing to eveaieg this scot can borrow 750 kronen on the Is which are to be issued to him, so Hager he need only find ‘175 kronen in cash, and does not even require to pledge older securi- ties.” The fourth Hungarian set was issued in the form of a per short period loan, as with the a ne and third loans, but the Government has aimed at securing the bulk of the small subscriptions to the perpetual 1 n. The Austrian war profits tax is cted to yield 300,000,000 to 50,00! “3 O00 ieronen th three years. Howe’ the President of the Association a Austrian ea eee writing in the Neue Freie Presse, expressed the opinion that the actual results of the tax, especially as regards the profits of industrial would provide a “big disappointment” for the Government. Its Present Coler. “Say,” said the landlord tothe s2n- ant who was two months shy with his nt, “when am I bal see the color of ? replied the par ro, “The color ju is an invisible gree Not Necessary. Lady of the House—say, you clean the fish? Dinah—Law, no missus! Why show rd: Ah clean dat fish? H his life in de wattah oA SiS ea Dinah, did ff a man owes you always ready to laugh at -your weak criticisms. | You will like its Fine Granulation cone lib all ~ Buy your sugar in these neat 2 or 5b. ‘cartons, which you can place ee on your pantry shelves. ‘Just cut off the oor Pu ~~ out t the sugay as you need ; I, leavy meats seasoned arborough | iooked at him sharpl; ly, sauces of the wii “He iy you sionert? he asked | = ao has vent a: «Sim, senha a month’s rent of ny things. ir_gen- stion, iets its pepsin-like. qualities. ey ine fresh ee may be made! at Sueur | can} a cat gies “which they 5 made the ping mee say | ‘deny : ‘That a isn't what = pretends : Ym te k to aS “The _ The Oficial: Haus! ee