Milverton Sun, 13 Jul 1916, p. 2

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CHAPTER XIX—(Gont) “The the weather ot Scrat travel,’ as he isa Soot,” said: Var kerhe Evallty Gt women fy tern} er F lH the subject,” said Muriel, “Neithe We Roots ieeeeialis eucceetlol Kirk ae got it through auld “densa Knox, as he called hi I hour for a Later in the day:they came across- the Sige in the millage of Fur- nas. tis d lonkey was waiting for him outstle the door of the inn, and Tbe te man who had interested him uch. °° Now? said Varney, when he had ‘come to this point, “he’s our man, isn’t Azorean peasant you meet is ri one venta?” ae aay told him,.and at the end Varn “Well, if Seiatin' 's enemy who is/ tana : the samé person; he’s a pretty. Tey fighter. But will the dates ae ” said Scarborough, “You met the; morning. But if he did get about the ti ere Jike that, Idon’t see where we e to put our hands on his shoulder, coy you said.” “In the: Furnas district,” , Said Var- ney, oe go back there, “Wh; eas for some reason, that’s where-he thinks the stones are, or he wouldn’t be pottering about there on his donkey, Mona met Carrington, you Bie RE 6 it’s a likely enough place. lies has that letter now, we ean have to be energetic. night?” “Yes, from midnight till sight » “Then I shall have take first} ich in the country. I’ll go a have it, pennty made them light, so df Gillies and his donkey are | in eyidence in the morning, Ishall_be ready for them, “Right,” said Scarborough doce join. and j. you, du nig for fib | the day watches, if you w' nights. It won't matter about my be-| _ing sleepy in the instrument room coming}: the How “about you, though? “Oh, T shall be all right,’ ” said Var- _ ney. “I'll start now, and you had better go back the Chinelas and | ® see that the fal aré all right. il Id send ames: there's: another thing; any you ride or the) Scr e|the whole over to join mé to-morrow, es the ny and stop at “Then, I'll be off, and keep your eyes on Mr‘ rs, arr ton. We've rather left her oub of the ing- let 0 \getous ing fe Tusband’s letter to be stolen from her, she had let the best card in e slip gc of her hands, r despised her arrington was m<¢ at: that moment, when s it coped that she was Whale ih of the gam lis CHAPTER XxX. + What did, you. find out in. =i Are you on duty to- a _ | irresis' Tf} nearly nine: o’clock when a, SenriosT rode up,the gravel path tal the clcinn eacthe eC iank aetaral ¢ hai Sehtiled shoe m Elsa, ABevialtitp "the vente in the north road, and the ride pera 1 hie in the fight, instead of tacitly putting obstacles in the way, the te that now the Inistinderstanding ‘between them was closer | understanding would follow would have been enough to cow balance the fatigue of even greater exertions. He hoped to be able get an) hour’s sleep yet, before he had to be: e instrument-room; hali said, aC must see that the girls were a He found them together drawing-room and tl His swith. the oes ff considerably since a ¢ Mona’s sunny nature had.m a cldnee that ‘was making artificial, and h re offering ct friendship. nad broken| tive caine had set w D2 g ‘them, sitting P! mity ab ei oligo sly meant to be friends, ry di foils to each other—Elsa’s the deli- cate, dainty d iv the eg a rich blossom of the Mother ‘las gone’ to bed. with # he stuch o sald Elsa, “and: Mona is {going t "Seger noted with pleasure nob Miss hatches happened??? jsnaine Mona caught his meaning at once. KOh" she said, “we've bednWtrotigh |g a battle together since was saw you. Ate went into it. yan, antd we came o1 it Bisa and Mona. “Very,” against ~| against: at oth: “No,” said Esa, “against mother.” know, and she was utterly routed. She objectel to my presence in the-house, for oe the- ee bowl is Be highly / ‘sweeten: a ‘power. ed that I ‘houtan t, and they fought it t pale fragile little girl vie! na ae nations with a organized forces of. the enemy, and drive the ‘v: vietory, home. I think Mrs. Carrington’s probably we was in the let- 2” cried Scarbor- it contained a reminjled: her ine she went to an ‘Anst t ieee straight ut. the rae in et cone id tov op’ a Gr ‘until she sete) next mor bout eleven ., find reckoning, but she’s a factor that will » haven’t spent such an iste half hay col Don’t her] time.’ qo3 7 t{ hands, but that fe wend convey a Pe ibaa, (ant 106 of ¥ hap-| 1 hav 2 ry | they wn |needn’t have paiereb eppisatocink! with me for the night.”)_ he asked} j ge Miss ae as vf yu Dressel?” i red. a whom as ithe ‘batile?” Not . - acting the propagation and d ment of headache is. ae least that is the only | school: e| tion so deeply that no ates of time b the plan r 38 fea 4 vents ferbesigtie? anc cd f eet of pein ou out de the 1 natal f e rislciousl oe ss | much mort | can Jams wi! Jellies th an es LIMITED, ‘THE CANADA en 0. re the Ring-Rock, a by sles hotel she sae him hi Satee lee ll that, inst ead of ae, eee te her folly, she abuses FE) The un- qeconeblen ess of fala oF also one of the things I took the liberty of point- ing a pe her. “01 in what grounds does she blame| you? ” Scarborough asked Elsa. “Because I hid ee ae ne at Bish Ring-Rock at all,” ie" fe toni out fee r said he dared not put that beat at ae letter, ple out wu 41 esnEo Knowledge to her in some other wa: y- ll, so you are,” sai? Scarbor- ough, smiling. Hlsa sprang to her ‘The scratched scone!” claimed. “Blue—N. drip!” “Bxactly)” said ae urs she —ex- “By hadn’t been tampered with? “No” eae p fi a unlocked the desk and took the “But, after all, it’s unin- she sai ‘What. doe: —N. drip’ mean?” i t tayen't an idea,” said Scarbor- jough. “But if we had the full text, im including the worlds that that idoit of a _Will you give me the stone kee “ote “alee e—blue- ae! tablespoo) prc | oranges, elght a | the last time seal. well. iM faaat Baoage eRe some of its brown covering on them. It all helps to col- In the af i well, en. 0 it in a stiffly whippe ue oft ie eet ane if ole Wheat obi: spoonfuls aie so pu sauce- elon and gen to the flat thie pans 85 eta a mod-| isage crit: ~ Grav with poultry, veal and “Peach Cream to. aiesnoonfas SNE le -umually selightiy cthioen6hs Pour off. the “Gripping A pee ee water, one-half cuy boiling water, one leoving & Tittle: betiind: gates iat “4 Stand 8 pan over the fre or ake into it about a beasp and stir Saal Soke the dripping ane it b agood brown color; but do not Ralloe it to burn, stock and boil the’ tin well. sentle than tepid ip su atin in Fe cial dissolye in boiling water. it and ee, stir until tuistare one to thicker and e whip from the cream. with ils of apricots or peaches, pour in cream mixture. Chill, Saher with beaten cream and halves Then rapil ani strain into a hot tureen, Household Hints. Y pneeanleint arma Two pineap- seh 0 Use a elothespin for serapine: pants ples. one basket. apricots, the pineapples, wa Boma fect lunch, i ieee to bake. _Cheese soup is much more ee let simmer ‘until fruit ds” cleer sa jelly substance, When cold reckoned aves! eliSlesome" tin Galshe pomiey , | bread, s a cloth. ae sterilized bot- s prepared. these put tee hut do not’ All "Galt to ‘the top, then cover lightly. Place a cloth in- ¢ bottom o: half full of water. ee ‘Asparagus prepardd as usual on but- tered Oar and with grated cheese ered ogee i te ofS pleasant change. ‘ashed summer squash should al- ways have a@ pinch of sugar stirred in r.| with the butter, pepper and salt used for seasoning. prilliant polish may be given to fixt nami ton or they will break. si process for three successive days, and! coe ce six | green jum ina pint of lye and wash the Traee ht ss articles th j cet | bean-seller rubbed out with Bie bes ta id) en’t a doubt Carri wants, | “Wel ie now,” said Mona approvingly | “I think that’s sense, and I’m surpris: neo ie and I didn’t a of it. know it seems to me rather a pret-| The man n whe stole the; be » because i geen the scratched Eee we have he scratched stone, but it’s no use to ly that they were surely a i le fee sertehed stone, dee tien ie dleniptike eippd 8 004 abteerce staying undisturbed, wh Scie a oaeee tae eee what we were going to-do with them (hed we got them sy : Fe “| GERMANS TAUGHT TO HATE US. jee Reconciliation After War Condemned | By Our Enemies. n-German “Taegliscke Run- the | ich Instead of obeying this “most Serictle instruction” teachers are spon the ideals contained in it. “The; Siteate sour 7 ae ae aus of all the Srritved nations ! moles, they are pro- feailng jn their peraiciols ‘uider- ground work.” the following Prohibition cfainlale ERHioos RS IHS Iperial-Governsent st Frankfurt-on- I Ode Recently there have become’ miai fest certain tendencies amor(z teach- ing staffs and pupils towards counter: | elop- of/ hatred against view to ture the resonellia ion the idea out in th ost important Take care that the terrible ee and experiences a the very. recent past -and the ie imprinted on ‘the eines oe the of gepaecaly them.’ Preparedn ness. oS “Tompkins was ule “to stop| over teh stat small country Aor om by one- ‘boy the pee afforded, colored “J am ei there’s a Pie. te in| ase mented ym p- e demanding that we should oe The. ‘Taoglische,” however, quotes | val ‘inging | j night; Do | brine, add ai she: Poitier ingredients ' pencil. but peppers; after cooking ten pus utes sod the Peppers, chopped when Let This relish will vie order, ease will be. Aaa 0 keep whoa seating | To make asofa pillow that will Apple ; ght sores use ond t as fluffy two with ae feathers, use ay article of food is pealy use up, ugh. cotton that as tho stuffed me CU are and core heated idan oven, Tt will not.Beek or get hard if it has been heated en- cream. Pe minntes, arrange salen in atte od: baling: dish vo inches apart, Siap. gover adil bake util appleure \tender, Be cet pe at Shale dish;_ Baill They. Are, Mock aeeleaaideThi Gen: mu fuel GEL, Bil covdtios ap-| chat jam, pour s around] crit angls FOU BCRORS soareine — putt over them rom or brandy. ight and a jo wl ENGLISH FOREST AREAS. ipposed. pice Man; ete who dare not visit-| wy jed Great Britain suppos |little woodland in the ci eoantee eal is natural to think of the Uni Kingdom as cleared of timebr and cul- tivated like a garden. ee and. Weles, according to arecent forest 'e the core, and| ranches of “the Petia Gomi Cover there are nearly 2,000,000 acres Yet forest, and large areas of uncultivat- spe ae a res im |ed land on which itis the intention to and when nearly eae put one- ee cultivate a growth o! Ther Sethe wigae When this | 276 it-is itera 21500. Onn aabea at boils add Date oes of the sugary afforestable land. in: England and and continue ae way unt the, sugar is use hemeoiinee to boil slowly ubeillthe color is either tient or dark, as you p pat ee thewen ttle mhinpel: cream. wives aid chopped nuts to jam in fil- Preserved Qitince sos and quar- ales, Of ests are held for_park.and estate pi poses, The area of, Re aE , England and is only 65,766 res, made up bed ofthe historical ace a will keep fully perfect. will bel fouryi more tender oe thes soaked in the syrup. Watch the first month to see if there is ae sign of ferment-| Paris Paper Attacks the Sentence tion. I so, heat by setting stone jar Imposed Upon Him. ter until thoronghtly scalded. i 0 year: m cooking quince one may add egal parts of sweet aple, which makes a1 excellent. preserve. > : POILU REFUSED TREATMENT. ‘s’ im- th Be “treatment Can You Make Gravy? com! The Paris Temps, ‘in It is really amazing how many fair- ; saitsnial, points out that ly good cooks fail in the simple art at judges dealt with the soldier a§ if he making, who, instead, ee e service an x roan books, inflieting ull enalty provided by the sete eee syoeld= to: ether disobedience. The «edi de- ‘add immeasurably to the 8 eect ae ety f on the par er, or Dlg of 8 7 es juice from the’ they t i iertncteny tome te consider one meat which runs, out in the course of ®ase in all its bearings. Tt is cooking, so it is a very valuable part. missible for = patient refit 16 sub- ‘of the food and shoul not be wasted ; mit to a treatment both painful and ‘on any account | dan; gerous, or a eonnaed -efus- To make these ices really nice, ing to submit to an operation, to be seasoning must be added, and in some ‘lssed_ as ce net of ordinary instances a slight thickening is cor- oes. e right one @ human rect. to dispose of his avy for ro: G st beef, aattol ane should} way to ta or id th Canadia ian te ber. “Values. | According to a recent Commerce Re- the port the values of the various classes ee timber produced in pint ie ies ae as follows: paiee es, $67, 500,000; “Treo pulpwos the tin into a cle )500,000 ;- cross: $95 a. ne that quare timber exported, 09, | hot i 300; ey + $22,000; mining $500,000; Triseellaneeas ex- miscellancous are wom ‘pe jobs in 0 up|") ing Skim away any surplus fat, add pepper and salt, {ny spiel chet salttca tp Be eam puffs take twenty- five min- an Peppers can be stuffed with almost a ttl any thing that is well seasoned and |r betin P, 0 , | berry i vhttle yum or ge) zd ie been torn in bits and thoroughly | Mi a course most of the British for- i for if 1916 1916 All trades. . see 309,200 375,900 Under this cateohy the main i tt s75, = ae ve trad Chemical it per- | B ||SEVEN MILLION AT WORK IN 5 _ BRITAIN Now. 375, 000 zis Places a ane ‘Who e Been Calle _ War. tt is estimated that ets mbar of en now working in war and peace Great Britain cacti 7,000,- ae erie a London correspondent. is mpie noticeable in sa appearan: nest hey outhfal ae ein dle aged clvilian, and next month will Hee ea will sia vonly’, the mater ee ‘weakling eAGlons ae withdrawal of men from eile commercial are trainin; dairy hands, rland this other counties milk- ing 1s being dont ‘ore they go to Women are rae the spaniiry a everalls ig and odeweihupita }étore the war it ‘ised to be said that ry Jill, ‘are becoming mo) require their native grace or car- “Napoleon Favored Trousers. ais - eae te man, the proverb ; a Stapsloon found that it made the woman, and that putting her into trousers made ‘ ee of difference to her work and st 0 encourage scu- . ane attire be wiak after all, ought ate account of herself as her absent mate, Many thousands of women and girls Y|are serving the nation as munition workers, The Ministry of Munitions sous every case thoroughly, plac- the workers not only ae to ioneeiay fitness and likely to lead after the war. Many of the women enga ged are art students, ripselane, el and rate of payment. $5 a week as a minimum, dnd fit worl ers are soon able to earn $15 to $20 week by piece work. The Ministry of Munitions has es. tablished nearly seventy free training centres throughout the country, and at these centres learners are prepared for the lighter varieties of munition ork. ewly organized Air Veen shige arious Govern: ment offices, in of- fices gen a ROE thousands of y women are now struggling with’ stacks of official documents. Ein, ployments for Women. The withdrawal rence of a staple industries to muniti | and various other ‘avenues of employ- ment has led the H meet the introduction of female lal The es and trades dealt with in this far are: china and a woodworking, pottery a brick, ns in wi in subsea of male labor is - a ows per ler this creases are as follows : Dec. in- April 1915 1916 ieipecting Gee 70,300 9,6 Panes, ‘printing trades 22, 0 «+ ew dbf oon aie . 27, 7000 , even by young girls |}, school, The same |; Reliable English opinion is inclined] to adopt ma: in munition fa hay 5 Aerie service with ;- | talion, Moncton. ~ |W re tneresse ft arenes ee “india rubber, wool, cgt- 00 | son. 0 an and cieax® plays.” Fron, i Ocean Shore BITS OF NEWS: FRoM TH MARITIME PROVINCES. ; 1 of Interest From Lapped By Waves of the 3 Stans oS Ay. Placed © — Items New Brunswick has“ almost 2,000 automobiles now, By pearat y Pane last week the mins “Puttle’ ‘8 lantber ‘mill © N.By was completely destroyed ir, . McOusple, oral at it, for mi Peter's, ee a The current revenue for St. John’s a Se ios 000 behind what it w: last Ww. “Ruthe rford, npected eltizen of Spa Avatae dent ot rors id, N.B., died at age 0: Lingley, a lifelong reale t the Ne tot indland fishermen are ae erring Pr ae at the poor ae fro) fish’ ro gewld Roy Scot n, is dead as > Seale an ein sing’ ‘a quantity of turp Fire did cons} Late damage in a building of the onsumers’ Sack Sup- ply Company at St. John’s, N.B. Malcolm Mer usracn tat an aged P.E.I, n, has been sentenced to die Sept. 7th 4 tor fe murder ot his is vite: e steamer ahs, bound se Montreal with 8,000 tons of went ashore at Point Platte, fas Higuson Islay r J. P. Edwards, late of Lon- has been appointed inspec- tor of taxation iki ove Scotia, with headquarters at Hi e Knights of poate of St, John honored three of their members —Lieuts. Cronin, Dever and Grannan ntine, and the whic! med ee Marden Orth and canis was bi ly burned. The antimony mines ie disappeared from his es was ieune sete his mee ving ae goals goes son of Mr. al . C. Carruthers, has enlisted for the 145th Bat- ird and last son of i ie to enlist in “the service of his country. GERMAN cp ‘SHORTAGE. Fear aie Will Be Made Excuse eep Captives Hungry. bone alarm exists over the possible consequences to British-prig- oners of war in Germany because of rts of food shortelge re- Ceived from sources penecally oeees ed as relial While he waa unablé'to givele d finite confirmation Uo nd Robert Trade, discussing the reported food men from, ,Shortage ii in Germany, sai “T am so impressed by the reports che he necessary foo their. war prisoners. action would produce a terrible storm eos sbitier tn history. Silk From Sawdust. Making artificial silk from sawdust directly rom’ Nwood is, increasing by ps and bounds. Originally its use was in the manufacture of braids and.trimmings, but recently the manu- facture of hose es artificial silk has industi ‘tal Other uses ies artificial Silk are wov- en goods of all kinds, linings, tape- stries, nes neckties, ribbons, sweater coat ti five ‘and_one-hal million pounds of artificial silk are use annually in the United States, a ae oo ee eet The Wherefore. ° : “Plubdub’s hone seems badiy neg- interested in pri- rt ca pire polis 15,500, avs posts [. re A Free Prescription You Can Have] Filled and Use at it Home. philadelphla, Pa, Do you wear re \you-a victim pF yp ig or of wi B. 7 wou fa ae tia as to be ‘epar si a ee Gi: ae My A ialt two to: i aoe right ftom the st ‘othe: tog you, ge i) att bind. sight cared for thelist fate: Matty. capelcenty) ‘been saved tf they hat in time. a:

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