Milverton Sun, 13 Jul 1916, p. 3

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of her enemy that at peace ashing him but breathing ane : 4 Lazy A 2 : strong enough for a new o> | = rege eat es Eaahing ; - dably ratonger aggression shat ifshe| DPI . m hall ny iv tempor ee | the oe Soldiers Allow ‘Themselves to Be |sopped ae or int ba pest cn Mk emia, reste en It will put the ‘ laughtere ; pant Seg : ‘liver out of busin é a +f ees is i JOHN BULL'S REMARKABLE FIN-| and then Ciena: ~ ie “LErreR aiuee' IN soctale os Seana eS Ve : ANCIAL POSITION. goes out of business. Get IST NEWSPAPER, — : ree centers” GPa any ih steels the mother heart to the horror. ‘ a. the health habit by ‘eating pal eee ddéd eae noe of he battle & nd, | V ther countries. = e Wheat Biscuit, _ with new frantic efforts on the part of | England, for instance she 1d ae Lending to Russia, France, Italy and | sat Biscuit, Four Women Went to ait Because the Germans to break our defenee. | social principle that “ one should k ae We rettete the ideal hot-wea ‘ood, | ¥ Be Sr ey cee nme means CAME OF, | INGTON Sebi, an Supporting Poe. | a usar aloes the e hey feos ary oi princip! ite oe 4 man is fetie Belgium. brain-making, - muscle-buil Se a n the sui ecretly ac- | sonally responsible to God for all : ; , ui = J ‘cumulated ‘aa ee ths eh sgained thi swimner self cannot be | People Who Complain of This Trouble mia sh ey re ai ing material than beefste: ane ann sae ers the af a er i 31 Py 0! inion’ Cor- SRE 3 nd attehipts o compel shiathonmsigon me soalty Aye thin poration, who has just | aa in the | O1 €8E8- “The tasty, delicious ‘wives ne lense ne ohb, sere at ‘ slight to his honor, whether from his | Blooded. [Caitben Beater aie i — explana- | CZISP A baked wheat Tver inthe large market hall i ‘on,our side, A neutral gent-| equals or his betters, should be tolera- | ‘Tp 6 cial conditions of che ES late joy and stomach | kd - = ‘who has just come 2 Tet Wear s story, “His Private Hecate conte Be aa per ON ee pA He Sere S tietaiytos ote supplies the poeta “the le are nize the fact that thin blood is, the pe ae 2 mi of nutrim : rt. ¢ rs trouble, but it is outbreak of whe gmnatlest® bulk, od rie aaa act “chin, impure blood is the. set 1 lish farmer resolutely demands as his | common eause of stomach trouble : it on. bli use keeps the bowels healthy | potatoes for a long time. “ i eee right an apology from ae sauee affects AHB-divetici fckly, Th out | ad LY | Ps ng time. One of them , algok 7 Howe far "vameyeds trom this sees on Very aie. ig | one-halé ‘of what it; was active.” For ‘predltast ee n ee thene was fi ital cian, Oe rita pete eAeL ee i 2 * with milk or cream, or s frig ¢er a ‘one. te: uimited ‘Write for — h proud and individualistic ‘dea io the for daily cont tact were constantly | Hun conception of heirarch; in- t aft the = le of Wa mea. ween find | excitan sit TH} pd Bie Gs ‘speaking of the coming coup as if no|cidents of Zabern have ugh us : Pies set pita was £48.| 9 Mad arate realy eultas; | speiten, eneucked ty dos of le four : doubt of success-could be entertained, | Was it not in connection with, these | state oh nechingult hore {C i ins ade in Canada |women, gave her a box on the etr.| yr avreBIRMANEER noun, weiten “Andre: Chavelltone ii Country Fine euiher of the Ritter: hone pets not ae a pete in After hours of waitin ‘without being | rhe tite and fates he Maker: ye stead: fe Nothing; sald. say" friand-"WHo| Cabinet sald ie Fa ene aaa appetite, the ges: | pared with the income of he Basen é = a bout 80 | Boving ‘Hyarmulio Re Hsngineering. Cow ad learned to know them well, was ; i a @ |rich, red blood. Dr. ‘Willia: ie eye ceomreneniec: ees ebiet, 3120. tegr ACROSS THE BORDER sous at thal —— more significant than: their reticence | same footing as that of a costermon- | pj aU IGa tice eer eee abt ipa ue On):the «street, ANTED—HELP “FOR WOOLEN ag to Verdun during the last weeks gers? Gord austen aiitnedvend this anriched hisodl| Sei ego ieee ae pecan edits pte te Meier Renton. Goat wasen: belt a one iousand millions: yun - bh to eclin= 5 ot his iz stay with them. The subject] What Germans Call Heroism [strengthens weak nerves, stimulates ing isued since ee en tod ue:| WHAT IS GOING: ON OVER IN ea, and were arrsied.. One of them tian eet ent aaieady mings. for : ob dey: aint Ieibed thath ny Body cand. soul.” they elGng to bee capable and awakens the normal | capita ; so thai THE STATES. mi f =) ~ give attacks, in which their men come ‘Beir Kaiser. He knows what he edn |@7 me fie Tear deere "Botan is not aNd tel shoulders tay teil tn: hard nant 2 ids, ‘The first sitzn of im-| of the equivalent debt at the end of —_ eapdlySnerensing heaps under the mn fire with | 2" ealth is gn improved appe- |the Napoleonic War. fire. of our machine-guns, \ If one had she cls ig evident Chrcaphene to f i 1e-guns. A Creditor Nation. s us alae not heed: from the Russian wide 28 g. 5 vata Non Gnd abe whi eat Condensed for Busy pidrom. (he: cluten® Ea sain. well as from our front of German jaf in. At) es not dist Be Te ra baceie SuCu ee Domne ne nina. tat Readers a ales Be prisoners who were taken still smell-| Verdun. i march in continuous ae ress you, an se youare| England is financing France, anh I. seven weeks’ imprisonment. 'The| P who, confonsed. to i ind li dead | ton vigorous instead of irrit-| Russia and Serbia in the present war,| All the showd at the 5 ae peniten- oa rematved taat-the palsninee towns ihe ano et b heaps of those that went before shen 88 is is proved by | and f eerste | Wis entire charge of |tiary, at Fra very lenient one for so grave pplication, to against the fire that mows them do sa Harris, Gerard a Belgi ‘The money so employed is|stroyed by aa in offence. pany, 78 West Adelaide S 010 bd ‘eaned t to these eaistigng so that Eng-| Fifteen hunhdred sree pment in A Meal Soup Breakfast. MISCELLANEOUS, Hutaartodeceouliean bane Ae eroism. Our own 18 AZO. was seized with a severe |Tand is anu largely a creditor naoe, uth Dakota havi ace d to enlist E - to admire most ; the blind, absolute hey know is ne i The War Committee for Coffée and |/IWiasdalonsHudsons Ni Boone devotadness of Mapedtoncas ter theta< eerie! : ion PT SO seomaes to toa SHE Fi ROdR| tein. at this advanced period. of the| ‘Thirty Chinese citizens of Tuscon, |e tal sudconted that; ax fete a y terapee (of thoae: Breach (© bes or turn 2. lead’y | war is most remarkable. The mar-| Ariz, have formed a company of a . g C01 ere\ supposed to Have | Ass in which those Sahib are behind |S“ pat sete las A on the | kets are all buoyant, the mi home guards as a protection Mzaiiet = ae : School 1s registe ‘Por Tull informe na {Push those..who are in front without fe led _a lot o! eaten on sales of stocks is being Merigan: ae al | ation anpiy fo the Superintendent feeling the immediate wisi. I wi al fe s tee a they reach = proper the United States. will 7 SPitiew thee Reve Lane ae ii Gene wacene anstariden iat evel as regards the value of money vield 125,000 divorces, “the pita Mecmasale anes ang Hee curious passivity, ofthe jaheer ‘spirit | jome pert but they ana fe to-day (due to war conditions), there | Moody, of Chicago, told Presisent Tittle Pooks of satvivore ar iwelsten, [of obedience that often gocs with Germ ee eae cor nearly, two a tremendous amount of money for | Wilson, at Washington. with What is Iete of machine-grms, sen ace prota oe en On ee a Devcanient large part of the| Twelve Brooklyn physicians are t wet Loh the castodlive eine Reach onthe, and by that time my stomach | money. wheiehy England is financing be prosecuted as a result of a recent GL OEE Mceeat is soe “thet ne od ne stiad-—-anit (9 [Sens THEE oc mene FNS herself and other nations is the pro-| crusade for alleged negligence in re- THe Gave ee Gdieticane ener: 7" ren a rine ales N ceeds of the sale of Ameriean securi- porting births of children within ten iE waste as sometimes happens, pays [i Was wasted to a skeleton and elk ies, made be anluale Reliets: to tits Strength of the German. —however so little a ee eee aa ay ing Chicago ee ee ee TOHONTO GALT WORKS, ‘All the essential difference betw In: Champagne some of our aviators user it i . the army quart 7 s i = Wo a the to peoples is to fe sen afyea noticed hia the German ine day evenirlg on the way to church ith rt is derived from the enormous | master ther ee PapRtHy Sa apble bE og a —— bio (aldaueee ele evi ‘Theat a safe distance from our my intended husband I was taken with | amount of profit being made Sy manv- | 1, 809) 000 ous of meat for the hh ‘i vou CAN'T Our OUT A Menieheacs aaeten aie seine ate ‘vit ur gun’ |a bad spell on the street, He took me|facturers of war supplies. ‘Then a-_| a |It is a problem, and if the potatoes | 9) 5 Th bh atthe mation teh of he alii f tye dite etore qihere tie clerk Ged | caw rae sectrioiion inipoded bycive | 10 hie will sé prokated: John Binex, (Ol “r Helping supe suuld- ni tone | og Spavin or Thoroughpin mee theit achievement in air Seve 0 i jen UP something to take and my intended |Government on the investment of Bri-|x retired. Baltimore fnancier, who sey Oe eee eed oe But. you ‘ean:elesh them OF poomiptly woth + experience age, ete Latest Happenings in Big Republic |¢ f this re and of lib- | Slingsby Mte.. Con Ltd. Brantford, Ont m by the ee of a tninale nearly as unobtainable and fat.” The writer pro- e thrown wholesale into the furnace, |™ he cardia tor lok Hnveinut yet baad ite, I pound of bacon in my house. : as after searching seven hours for | wife managed to secure two} and at work the an same time, not blister school of tactics, p : which; leaning-on national psychology, ane trenahinas ute of ue Pills, pone Laney continued | would otherwise find investment a-| Miss Rose Pitonof, of oven, favours the ordre disperse and leaves i n ve Chem WH NEY armel om of | broad, |Mass., was married to Dr. Frede as possible to the judgment Lh! one of the t moo ae tet 3! a ae Benefits of Advertising |Weene, a dentist of Somerville. (Phe |be an exact copy of a ucdeey orien te ee . | saved his life in Marblehead waters | [pe cate Paeich iobyriathe the other re-|Pils are flow my standby and T tell all ange as it may sound, an! ject fall, pacteel hetd.*thek Fc ouutig ie Gertban detente in teqne| =Y Arenas wast at they did fo for me | enormous portion of the money raised fe Ean board Ee one of the charge of the b it. i a Sate ou eat deal Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills oe oe been | of the New York Central main line | wih ave closed ogee to tam j aes from any dealer in medicine oF by mail due | ising. For the first time g¢ Tyons, No, over which trains | iy ml the tiger under foot |eiiad iin anh acecratly want ea ener 2t eoecumet or six boxes for |in history the British Government has | carryinlg the Massachusetts National certainly. not require it, as she is sek ik hae gw a ee Haast’ auio for spel ne deat Genta, sae 50 from The rs Williams’ Medicine ee use of the gratuitous service of | Guard were | pounds lighter, But there are sigs “a Pk ® * yi mili ans Bldg:, Met Ta : ¥ sorblae and Absorble, Marne before the dead were buried | Soldiers had been set by their leaders Fe a aie SOO gon e leading advertising men,| Reports were current that Frank A.| Saris ove peu ot bau ge a es Se ae mada a Camb told me that even in death this dif-|t0 the stupendous extra task of dig- — G aap ae poten stiet ee New York (Foun eeeae all spss aes ference between the temper of the | Sing two complete networks of trench- : “es ress, and William CG. Reick, own 7 ev nn} eee pe ee Oe rere rlacs of iapmaniieniy vo: | (OBS: SMUTS CONRUPST 1 Ee as tadoptel by used the same of the Sun, are contemplating a mer-| {yer bea an Toronto Fat Stook Show dead, he said, were scattered here and | hearsing a possible attack. To those Btls Rouse to well’ Mek godawand (See a ee we had. By ri Union Btook “Yards, Toronto Tree ke napbioe inva cematcid (ahia| Who know what such work means and Usambara Described as the Gem of thy have secede fee goods and Five million dollars was added f Hace A DECEMBER Sth and 9th, 1916 was at the beginning of the war, when the aveful drudgery of it the fact is German East Africa. ge Ley hase SROEAE OE tae ee ee the he French army #till wore the tradi- amazing. Withemstal, the capital of the Us- ee -year Treasury bonds has been sold | paaae be and manfactre Sotia fue red trousers) : ihe , Germans L The Curtain Fire. 1 Highland: oceupii to the working classes. The lowest | fain, field and. seige can ie inanimate ee de chavs sho! ener: nd |denomination of these bonds is £1,] Private Ciiftora ease fae F, of Sihith ls sold4s adverticed for 15= 60. Sonics bane ora The s more significant. An officer who had | .o, ; 1 port, Tanga, it would appear that |for which amount the investor obtains | Cr ehbor leave from his post in the | the whole of this region, the most set- hc company, walled. 150 miles ee sausages : fi ‘ i tr hrough the woods b Cad 5 s Ferocious. five year, which represents nearly rotest, against the promiscous | » i Pa de repress hem you killed the thicker they came months ago, a certain length of that | ish, 6% annually. os ee eu ae de ies Ra one aipereckene in Feet a tate Saat le both sidés e usual « 2 e 7 52 % 2 a1 : Poche respo! were like opts ape healthy climate, picturesque It is calculated that 70% of the ceo oak oe ‘ ami ribe| gd reapers becdouiaxs As far as fem whether I shall require anti-fat | ‘atment this year. My wife will, Union Kock Yards, Toronto known Ant: they andaiiban eae. of ants. . . tack i al i war revenue is contributed by payer 2 eal 3 i " ‘ lAmerican Institute of Homoeopathy of wild women who hi | Hun Gatsention of Hlerachy of 3 erlcan netttate, Ut omtOPO SE | a oad cecaniiaalt ese’ 4 Sea ind ns The other and no less important vhen i erro, aged 18, son of | tener. ould + z Sy) o/o Wilson Publishing C element in their pichcion is, of | comes to increase the ranges iupeder yoo eater ‘i es 30% A Sh aasei nadie: 1s malsters general agent of the| “They couldn't,” w thks er | Te aaettg ee TRE, goat course, their absolute and mechanical | to avoid killing your own le lay it pi somes: siFhe entice tamation, Norfoile soe bet Railway at} ‘That. was what made them wil ee sa Seipline mich puts the | they sprrench ne pace 8 Ste creat- Sui i sere and indirect, last year i teeters les Eenthbs Bay mitted suicide | —&$ —@—__——_ into the feadery ing at. the sa curtain fire | well-built towns, and e . {about £350,000,000. when Mise "Bertha Pfeister refused to like a Paes en thousand 0 be ee ‘cuts off ne spoaitttin from pos- | tts European popul Seria: ae Patek 3,000| “Of the £5,000,000 daily war ex- elope with him. million horse-power, or AS man- sible reinforcements. As long as vthe wrdered east and west’ by and penditures of England about 40% i A Flat-Dweller’s Stratagem. ‘rommel Feuer ” i Semi T fell from a building and aslhat i led at his |“ ‘Trommel Feuer” is over them the | schub2covered steppés, north by open back to the country in wages GERMAN SOLDIERS 23 HOMESICK. what doctor called a very bad| Mrs, X.—“Bothered with time- that direction. assailed party remain buried in their | eountr: south by dense. jungle, i i tained ankle, and told i must | wasting Sie ate you? Why don’t ~ es, but as soon as the ra the highlan oasis in the | abi is mont d to Write — Letters From the Front mn it for three weeks. I got) you try my plai changed and they heai Is | wi .. Extending southeast and | Alli i i er in Melancholy Tones. MINARD'S LINIMENT and in-six|, Mrs 9 What is your plan?” ¢| bursting in their rear they know that | no; vary in rf that ‘of the’ Pie 7 . days I was out to work again. I think Mrs, c= BY, nm the bell le onslaueht i is coming, and, leaping | breadth from 1 to 45 mi i unt is ai 1 i ate 3 Be, Zeitung” remarks |i¢ the best Liniment mi rings rise tbruptly 1,500 feet to 1,700 feet e1 i ARCHIE EB. LAUNDRY, fore mer tah tl at naben. from the surrounding plain, and the Set eee i German Imonton, | to someone yn’ be eet 7 Felavwebels), an idea very Aifterent particu i ne nes vale, dep ‘es gia de: : in ir} narrow, through” alice rt turesaue torrents, and the fe hile, und in simply oe: “So sorry, but I'm ben Honachatts tones, giving viel going on The man getting his hair cut no- ad relatives the Saosin that the rs Mrs. Y—“But suppose it’s some- writer is sad, and filling the hearts of on those at home with uneasiness. aa his eyes fixed on his master at. ef ss investigation, Surprised. 1 The Hie: |the enemy ing. ha He af the-whi aw ed f tethae been | 1a ae fellow a member of this % ‘ is as. “ice nee that,” said the customer. pial that the writers of these let- | ¢h oa i What s. || cess about a saa canal were x ms. ter: aoeaiaa raat wl Sone very fond of watching | then, : e Wi ail the south-western valleys was chosen eut hair. ers are simply France Will Not suas as a Government Post Named Wil- wat ain't that, sir,” cbete the! sickness. They are re ting of their P -_ Tve het in hon f the Kaiser, it | barber. “You see, sometimes I make} homes. They do not wish to make’ 7 aa neat eae in nto a considerable town, |2 mistake and snip off a “iiséle: bit of | those-at homte’sad or chesney thai, go | ABE To Be ed: z to know that or ab = mak 2 pit tag pulbtle‘and’ potrate buildings. | a customer's ear.” in vurdh See 0 sia SS Keep Minard’s Téntment in the house Pe their eyes, and il. they _take| ARMY GROWS POTATOES. \ area 3 talk, they see the friendly faces e ene fal | Redd—An automobile is so. differ wives; patent, friends, they see ‘rench pee dic ss - the sunshine round their homes, and ate on aoe stronger lines. But Bea = os Between | ent from a horse. longing for the old ie t they kn t their men are meri f Huts. Greene—Why, of cout eaheeray er them. It is this that f miatie in in theit hands ; er do not | The aimy has aes igrow vts| “You see, a horse goes faster when | Uhatioy aver their surroundings, an Behera ah Spe own pi es. _ Instructions have been he’s going LE, than when going | this “shadow finds its expression in rigueur ye for the cube ot Meebiie an the fur- sent, or from the | away from hom: , | their letters ; ace, a furnace where both arm ei Office co ‘Well, Goesn't an automobile?” fa pitnetter’ be fact, says the “ Kol the “Qh, no; you see, an’ @utomobile ‘of! ” they do know what they. re Toate: says a story from British, army | ten has to, bé towed home.” i be ee writ. | = ing a Chance. wideand Dyn headquarters. ten and sealed # ‘they for What: evidence Ed i : _ Military sd ee ae very large | : ea ont “, aa tuey onde? late pigmand os tiarns vom bit driven. All in fist a ; hen they nae home, why | Girl—What miseaal TE ell can Hf frm omy class coniion, Would be om. at 1e sb lana is only home-siclmes ‘|sold together or separate- ee sighted ache ly; also alot of shaf epee On ue ae Sie

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