Milverton Sun, 13 Jul 1916, p. 5

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~ ELMA COUNCIL rea by-lay cera John Boner re eas TRIBUTE TO CANADIANS. .L. i } : “es pulls council of of the tow Mars ae Coates — Im aa that 4 ; 3 zo _. Buffalo Express There seems te bene ch confusio flte canna tiioe ena to oe ioe tee ; echt e seal of pine pease Re pinupdcratanding pyc i Willa tenders for the construction of the Neatly 688} fone-bas Pl core ane lias thiGiereae i Picipe PRS ed, | fem. whj res eat Hack ae eats ; nas The Loran Baitlend R ime F 0 aquiry of a himber ee Mantes of ‘the lane mecti el de ata teal in | the that mutes of ‘the last meeting were | ders to, i "tl : : vale ‘ rend. approved and signed by the yi Bi slate nds and ilitie 801 se the Haokney of th mo Senne: Reeve and Clerk. f 0 s ‘ ie A notice was read from the Cou County be accompanied with a marked i ? ‘ cienk that the amount to, be cheawe for $100, ? Telephone |¢ ‘jin Elma the” Y| Moved by Coates ~Illman — that CH AM BE RLAIN'S the’ penn ne Sent i inh Book. 4 $14,801.20 ; toe Sea il peeve cg re acoroore arts have been engaged has contained N OOK. ~ ——<_-_|from the’ ontario Municipal Associa- on Saturday, July 22nd, a . BLETS’:. fevotd of allan dagenne a "or ae pros by "eteoions a - i \ ales, who ji ° ni i enonen LOCHHEAD, Clerk. ight the ans have known | D ee Lerested ralepayer with a copy of th thet ie was a fight and not ‘a play = y : y= at i The eo By- as FS a A % . @q Copy for the next Teepe Dietary ; finally passed and the ‘Ri ol N- COUNCIL munition prea loses on the above dat é : Clerk aes at ret and attach the! Council met June 26th. Members {action be taken by this Council p: ‘eto. i i 3 A ss S _- pperporaas ual thesetan | Sa gla {Minutes of last meeting |” accounts amounting to $3039 wre lation the Norfolk trotter played an “impor- @ Order your ghar now, so that Toseh oat : fee, carried;| Paid. when meeting o|in every muni y ire ie | tant Broo n ‘the: production: of Bhales your name will be in the new issue! of $660.00 a: paymen' iia Wik sagpnpuyys r ahh eran nist 186 at th witbin thi ee Bee waseeut dig aan tee con at : ; rain Improvement | construction of the Healy Drai incial fi e Report changes required to our Local - Jas per the Engineer's certificate. Sardine to See plans San MARVIN LEAKE, Clerk he pri ire marshall. F tisk Bhales:-seguirea his hastcoiatt : ‘| Moved by (Vallance—Snith ~ thas | Roger, 0.1.8, for the sun o 3e°s086.00 |. SESS oie RIS Manager to-day. No. he ‘Township of |be accepted, contractor to give satis : = i factory wanna ana comelet COMPOSITION OF THE CANADIAN loner betore the lat of November, 1010 ARMY That George Leonhardt be paid $50.00 — t The Canadian army is made up of 78,635 Canadians, 170,955 British and d ment of Militia ‘up to "Beh, 29th, 5 Vea a Court o The Church of England naturally CANADA'S UNSELFISHNESS A MORE GLORIOUS PAGH Maitland Drain Improvement By-|the Clerk be ene to no Ieads all otheva under theseconditions ent — < 1916. contractors of the N. aay ae and | wil a total representation in up to February 29th | ¢; Toronto Globe. a é The Montreal News. one Court of Revision on the Logan | the MeNaught Drai ce nee ;Canadian army lanada entered the war eluates ‘The end of the war will be the be-}Maitland Drain Tpmavensnt Pm a ° s r te of. the e Council ard to enlis : ginning of a still more glorious page 1} me: igions ea patiguelities in the history ib Sat Empire. There ws will be an Im Conference of | cot i yme} thi Ses Ril be Denominatio: Church of England. some ‘Kind--but ite deliberations will|as follows ;—Wm. elly & Co.,|now be 11 | 114,688; ts, 18,418; Presby- | Bru, not be. eae Sateen ive as they hav. . 8 " Roll for ‘th year 1916, terians, 63,146 ; Roman Catholics, 3. il i 9.00; Patri icholson. fe 1 }That By-Law No. 5 a e | 836 5 Biptists and Congregationalists, einai $1,995.00. vil in By-Law as v 10) 525; Jew! 343; Other tions, 13,1953 vrotal 268,111. en Sith — that |Court of Revision said By-Law] Canadian an french Canadian, tory ever go to war from motives as | ages. i ion ss aaa oie. Ae ae ch — 48 - eager and British. possessions, itrabl clea or of selfish pur- ied i a Z sihers a sking for 2 stunietpa rainage of July, at the Township Ha 170 ther Racbaaiitien 13,621; es sably cle beica te be accepted and that the Cicrk pre-|and that the Clerk serve each in- Total 263,111, - At the Kingston District of the Sie church, the tn give, ebated ioners had last year given two bushels oats under ses! will deliver en oration on the need of [e¥i getting more young men to enter the ministr: Sg THE COW —— Little es we the debt a WILL FILL NO ee ORDERS _ When the Ratario Te nee ans into force. Gaiam will not bi those f In 1493. swhen ‘Calusits made his oa the boc #0 boo! the dru, led" pada: tines whieh but B li th M ll i G test mountain ranges to new hom -| were phoned i in Ontario, ‘in yond. ‘ the future, the’ board's : > 4 > Truly, the cow, is man’s ERE est | Totlowed and it will be up to the pro- _ wind, drouths. and fession to get the printed matter out floods may come, destroy Ds | a fro! 's h into the their own expens Sema mah 4 se 5 f 4 5 ips THE WESTERN FAIR UT our cpinion would not be of any particular importance to you if it ds, and is she not, foster-n ; eo did not coincide with the facts. We only want you to look the market ' ildren all over this world of en Publis gcc ace saneak ee over carefully. Then we absolutely know that you will agree with us. Haat Satin oh | mi be’ better patro an In the first ¢ Elace there is the remarkable Maxwell engine. No four cylinder rotor of its cize has more “pep” or go to it regardless of the price of the car it drives. [t will climb hills on high gear in a manner that will _ astonish you. It is quiet and works day in and day out with a sound, business- ~ Tike hum that is good to hear. a Wen Ne esa Any engineer will compliment the design ae the an. And tiene Bee IS sneer? whe =e not engineers cannot fail to note its simplicity and staunch constru The ignsing of standard hotel le. an tion. As for whet it is made of, we can truthfully say that better mistovinl : shiet etn msi of i 2 n | BA donlibetion ‘phonls beatae we cannot be bought. E tne Ontario "Reperanee Act Thes| a intarmation, oy epletion ae ‘The: operation of the car is eon licity itself—the brakes are ase i Es oni baie e springs are long and flexibl e axles are strong and the steering noe like the rest of the Sho aet is built to stand the most severe service car may ever have to face, wherever or however it is u : Then if you consider looks important, and most. ees do, you will not find a more attractive car than the Maxwell at anywhere near the price. And it comes to you fully equi with all the attachments you will Srar Meant or need; elect: tric starter pay rare hts, demountable rims, one man top, self-ventilating, rain-vision windshield, etc. All for $850 (five poseenges : touring car) or $830 (two p passenger roadster). We know = can’t beat it. : . We are agents tor Touring Car 5650: ; Roadster $830 ae ; : f from ‘thelr leases, F. 0. B. WINDSOR, ONT. cS Bae te Z s oe Casa Eavieyed. : ie : z f a 191 ker fron}} = at_ ver reason able seas sings i ae cat y ‘ id ; | Grahi and pri ces. ile Hate {RS poet oe Hunt Coxon, : seerersatsts ive on, ont.

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