: : Cts SS SSS SSS SEes) Dver $50,000.00 worth of Goods Red bl 2. Saturday, July 22nd Remember, Engeland’s Big Sale Ends on Over. $50,000.00 worth of bl Red 4 oods SUITS from $5.00 to $18.99 Prints & Dress Goods Great Saving in Dress Goods. Over $7,000 worth of Dress Goods to select from. All Below To-days Wholesale Prices 5,000 yards to select from in blues, blacks, greys, butcher blues, lilacs, whites and reds. We have 30 Suits and 40 Coats (all this season’s stock) at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Regular from $10 to $30 3 CORSET COVERS at 19¢ to 79c......reg. 25c to $1.00 DRAWERS at (9c to 79c.......... UNDERSKIRTS at 39c to $2.29... reg. 25c to $1.00 ++. feg. 50¢ to $3.50 “Whitewear Sale’ COATS from $5.00 to $13.49 A GREAT SAVING ON ALL LADIES’ SUITS AND COATS IN STOCK Regular from $7.50 to $20 The amount of Dress Silks we have sold during the past six days goes to show that people appreciate the Great Savings made possible by this big sale Goods at Less Than To-day's Wholesale Prices. Ladies’ Black Sateen, Moire and Silk Underskirts from 39c to $3.49, regular 50c to $5.00. 59 NIGHT GOWNS at 39¢ to $3.19....... WAISTS at 39¢ to $3.49 occ... seesnene POR. 75 to $5.00 CHILDREN’S DRESSES 25c to 1.49 .reg. 35c to $2.00 reg. 50c to $4.50 This sale comes just a time when the demand is heaviest and your needs in Whitewear seasonable. All lines at BIG REDUCTIONS. ALL LADIES’ AND MEN’S RAINCOATS AT BIG SAVINGS Table Linens, Curtain Material, Towels, Sheeting, Circular Pillow Cottons, all Reduced. Bedspreads 89c to $3.49, reg. $1.25 to $5. WASH GOODS AT BIG REDUCTIONS, 9c Yard up. CONGOLAM ART RUGS, similar material to Lenoleum. Made up in rug designs. Size 2 x 3 yds. reg. $6, for $4.29. 3.x 3% yds. reg. $10, for $7.49. 3x 4 yds. reg. $12, for $9.49 mh aS]. ].] hb Shear Saturday, July 22nd, is the Last Day of our Big Sale [eye] (eI) S4Jai IS FS StS ]SbS]beSES haeEs he rh Sey TE |RSS) [o}fo] <a) lan SS SSS SS EG) FOR _S/ SALE ace banana PILOTS MAX | ENGLISH HACKNEY TROTTING ISR SAM AND THE “TELEGRAM” TO $10,000 PRIZE is a Acetylene Gas St Machine. 20 lights. — Ison ¢ isnot t betwen Sir iad ae a short time, ES be sold With 25,000 tes chee The peas offered by Walter Winans |S20 Mi eeinon ae ain, Al ply KEL-|him on to victory, Eddie Rickenback- | exp nerican_ horseman. BORN, Milverton, Ont. er, newly-crowned king of speedway the {ackney in Engle =— ora: drove. hie Maxwell. ‘rao- |® mi 30 or better, ha 50 miles at the Sheepshead|by the Hackn: re, B FOR SALE eedway oa Saturday, May|Mary. by Middleton i (ogra: 8th, distancing the field, and cov-|Lady by Ga eigtinder field of seventeen acres of stand: |ering the course in 93 minutes, at | gee. cing” ing mixe: hey avery heavy crop, will| seconds, an average of 96.42 miles |M ve. sire of Fo ¢ sold by the acre or in lump. Apply |to the hour. once owned hy we mi e to 8. H. PUGH, Milverton, “Rick” is an American boy and he | Bittsbure, Pa.. forted ohicn as 1 drove a made-in-America car so his a nciaee in 1905, and. exporte ed | things that victory was a popular one. As a re- 908, The Telegram, never WANTED Sult of his skill and daring and the 5 May or Burton Ques Mary |trying to interview dependability of the Maxwell engine, |trotted a mile in 3.18%. She was bil- Ships hot ood servant ae sisi for general the Metropolitan trophy is his and|led to start a on ‘tay Beh, aan ae oe pee house work in family of three. - G he carried off the chief prize of |effort to beat this n k, but was; men ‘to interview in agen to: capable ai or full pare | $10,060, tuable to moke the attempt. due to | that episode—oneito do the pated tloulare apply. to 3 idle Jules DeVinge, in a French ‘De-|ohill, It is understood that as she re- [and me other as a witness. an lage. was second ,and Ira Vail, driv-|covers a new trial ade, The | possible affadavit-maker care Bank of Nova Beotia, Berlin, lage e " i owner of Burton Queer recent-| On this occasion Sir Sam was the = ly dr her 30 days on|centre of a group of more or l.ss a pleasure driv England, | notable men military and civilian. Notice to Creditors Re Estate of Joseph Near. deceased. ant 2 PLANTS ARE OFTEN ARMED Fisclsc: if uasavy TRS Geek UAE TOs | clnced wae shown by the magnificent ssi ait Chapter 121, Section 56 R.S.0., that] Wav in the Maxwell carried) get. ota Fact al! persens having claims against tho| him to victory in the Sheepshead Bay | 9 ey eae erent estace of Joseph Near, Inte of ‘the | contest. pikge vr urisklersaud-vorut Township of Elma. in the County of| Although he (has been identified | SPS | e paoe le Seeee tt Perth. yooman who died on or about| with automobile mace hes yaaa “first dtdevieat a1 shall have receive J re pasa eae. gor: e. i. Pay Crd e, Of ene eee ee candt ite othe cha tee ctannedute: the man, in the County] fl so to speak, Many plants the twenty- 5 bat year. he won the reptiles in arming them- 29th da event run on the with venen he: ares thy istribute the é Sioux City. He deadly apr! ade. or pele hs series iy Sie eliate vomica. Less destructively mong th: | had bis most successful season ta datejinelined are those plants which are of which we notice a Om ere Womb best go motor d Segue Res eocaplets. che 800 clo i ‘Wheat, new, $1 00 $1 a wRickenbacker. Berne ane sold ee Gone Onions, ares iss Butter Ee Peas _** Wlour, Jewel per ewt... Ha son, the ‘Indianapolis race magnates. | proving that t! {and endurance. Ss protected by their, disair ‘I figwort. sitive animal the goat, will touch i 4 Advertise in the Sun! his mare has both speed The common buttercup ene, 18; enerally eee Trips Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays Georgian Bay Algonquin Park French Riv ha Lakes Magenctawan River Temagami, ie Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on sale f from certain, te stations in Ontario Hberal si Muskoka Express ‘Toronto 12.01 p.m. daily ex- ey Sunday, and 2,05,a.m. daily, for ka wharf. Connections are Muskoka w hart for Muskoka Leavy daily except made: ‘nt Get the Sun Office. your butter paper printed at STONE FOR "ORUSH view Reeve yerton, WANTED HING, Councillors of Mil- daily for eae Yor. points” on of Bays. Equipment the finest, Pull particulars and tickets from ihe (. BAIRD, Phone No. 1, Local Agent RAND TRUNK Sv'srem Hotel on the morning of E y The newspaper wait ei chance and finally got the Minister apart from the othe: Sir Sam ed keenly at the trio of seri gram men began to ask “What paper are you from?” asked the General, eee Canadian Press.” was th» answ "Yes and what else?” “Oh, I’m from the Canadian Press neral.” ‘And you’re on the Telegram staff, too?” 1 as the admission, “Good Tarai Bia Sir Sam curt- Meee ‘The other Telegram man made an effort to start a discussion on the Ross rifle, “Good niorning,” said Sir Sam.agsin Then he walked aside with the porter from another daily and tall fo him for ten minutes, em THE : WESTERN FAIR —-- Tendon, Ont., The ama: Sept. 8th, to 16th. tion from the Seoretaty A. ‘Me Hu Specials in Shoes! Some Men’s Oxfords in gun metal, patent and tan, geenlar $3.50 to $5.00, for........ Successor to R. Miller $2 Girl’s White Canvas, leath- er soles, regular price $1.00 to $1.40, at per pair......... L. F. MORRICE - MILVERTON, Now is the time to buy shoes. Prices are advanc- ing and you get present stock at less than Factory Prices. 7 3C ONT, DEPENDENCE _ON coe hich was encouraged by protection and a long period of bor- ‘or public works, is, perhaps further developed by ual’ f states the war. The state is to provide markets and even. of $ proposes, to transpor market goods that good will result. ate gives to one it mu state’s berefactions and loss: ag V intorm- we ondon, Ontani THE STATE Toronto Weekly: Sun disposition. to dependence productive, rable. bat: mot ante What number of changes have re- ch | Se LEAL a Western Fair SEE LONDON, ONTARIO —— New Process Building. SEPT. 8th to 16th, 1916 WESTERN ONTARIO'S POPULAR EXHIBITION ART, hig AGRICULTURE AND AMUSEMENTS INE COMBINATION AT LONDON’S EXHIBITION Two Speed Events Daily FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT A Real Live Program of Attractions Twice Daily Every Building Pull of Exhibits SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all infrormation from Secretary W. J. REID, President, A. M, HUNT, Secretary Ae ana aa LN