HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for all kinds of Live Poultry x Phone 1654 . Gleeckman, ‘Wliverton Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., 7 it you have a of readjustment and retrench- ‘ment will probably follow. The dent man will guard against oe i by saving a substan- " art of his present eon or eereani income. Open a Savings Account with The Bank of Nowa Seats ft ths week nds a ease spel iant eae with hi Doerr bie and a create mstrong last week al eae. ‘mann’. Mr. Mrs. W. J- visit for several week: ambert 1 MILVERTON BEBCr O. W. Huelsm: Acting Mise Hewson, Burnett, Milverton public s having five ou to the Mr. of en route from his see i vere Ce ed jad: See Jobnet sser e Miss Laura ited this 1 ceoked days, visit: few fats Barth's a, a scene and fon Geveiand, Ohio, here they be pala at mae August tenke for collection as I will ie Nias his iuceday for Olipha: spend F toute of wee Ferguson, at his sv ped ES CROSSHILL th Nites. 6 A. et apes Miss Gladys The thes of Re Herron). of Ve spending « | rector yeotton, aad vacation with her fiend, Mrs. ‘Lorne | morly rs Silverton. our is mate, ean Rennie spent Sunday with ue Lake. in and two ing with her children, noth com the thousand ordon Schwindt. 1 seh ndt. of Morni “ol Guelph. Mr and Mrs. Art Reni and Walt London. home of Mr. Albert nih throu igs Ne a . — 0 Z nee igpeele that Here is a true story from the front; | an a ——Dear Ro bert F up out of t ybserved, day last and gave Be pltaag moderate: youth language.” i i an yoount of his work, ree t London and on-inlaw, Mr. J. Velma, of Stratford, spent a few 8 t Sheldon Orr’s and wn Cecil spent Sunday at ye 1 he had been prenaing sch tind *Grosch ‘att on eek to the former son rtew uesday gs test from Harrow, Ms vo rs Bs Harré am of the Methodist church on ‘tend Engeland’s mies teat ‘ce doz at Engeland’s. Bngeland’s sale ends Sat will. be mailed August Beas 2e doz at Engeland’s. asl or Eggs at the Pearl Creamery. every Wednesday and cash ees pala for wool J. Kelterbor pes coma osha sueceeded ng his Primary Theory exam- frood ium Preserving Kettle ‘be “ott, for ash upet o July of eg eal ith her frien i arton, ss ranilene ent visiting a e home of J earee Guenther. remember the Screen Doors and sday| Fly Swaters—We have good line, a. few | See A.C. Clemens. iss Panos On , hapoiee of Hanov. ks wit! over, Mrs. Hosenotlug. scsppapled [her sons nd Fred. spent 8 day in Beri “with Mfr Mrs. A J. Cundic Ren PG Powell, rector of Christ few days to spend reh Sunday next, nt_a few aay, BS ne will be held at the usual hour, pel ff Chicago. ff weeks Wm. Wilker’s of is. mother. Mr. “Julia Hasen- hing warn for ae 1.0. DE in tion with the I, ean obtain ie from me te 4 (rs, “ day ernooh or on and daught E. C. le and daughters, vrifred wae Pibeanee, of Toronto. re spending a pout of weeks at the Hobson and son |home of Mr. F. A. Key: nese allan, Mrs.) Mr. tend their | panied by man, Mr: quested to return socks left on pane, may be jefe at the bis mot! ame ae, ‘nt Ruby and Grinmtred left 0 x by motor for Chesley and South- foton where they will spend sc¥- tata of theleral weeks. succes: < orrespondent from Estevan, Sask. wot. the six that the prospects for a crop entrance eX- West this year are good. e acreage will be much Grace urch, Millbank, pits of Trinity chara h, Chri ete: the evening on’ Sund t ext. : Mr, Corad Lippert. who jrecen aes pas had his Tex canatated at te tra For 1 e rayaes “| at est, mule ’Y denhan . GAL s for the famous Gas ic Vacuum like _buyi fae one at ‘ae you one by the Cle: rio’ ith. Th Vina oun: at pre 8. J. pee repairs on ‘the ee i a ito the G.T.R. station and all pe: are sreauested tor fre thro ‘¢ unless Pe ns for nike to dojso. igging on aterloo street, Se of Knox chee on Wednes Ralph Ls we an ba fap BS in x hibition park ning. The ice a “of a eae es attend the has sever: y. ster George H they will Bi J a pupil of Mr. hi with Rey. ummer cotta Fr. Deacon, k, ; Ireland, pir » please ‘om tne - ms art Cas ae the Stratford cite seholarshir D. il Yellowlees is at present pit Mh ane an 1 remain eee d es vig i) femiy flour manufactured ina care ful and ific yy Weng- d 0: a sede ng manos ‘toned, who y eft th r will find Bim att Aug- neil y. RA. of ees \pit of Burns church in the morning | edi falf|and his Soule in the eveni bs née on island: of Mr. ee, poker ne dt! ae A | roads will be the ib y Will look | holidays, will oceupy the pulpit of apts conarehe The consumption of has been i ae du In the last -fise: ar number eee for consum- d Revenue Depart 11080 097,854. of wl mitered ny and 49,000 heavy cigarettes. of tobacco came or! above ss toring Tt will sulte rat t aed r Cousin he sanipricat ee mach | wi Liberi neko ir at, home a te = al stores"; in 95,368. pounds ler the same head is er " i reat hureh on oe aia 0 ein us nd Mrs. Wm. Orr entert figure of "speectt to describ the, Bri on i. e@ pe cute sure cn a a nan A a il a w “their spacious ram i on foetal cunning to 1 m its hiding pla: ‘The Hae 3 Bowling Club’ has h recently a Dorothy Pugh ngeland and Mi: business meeting _ 12 Ibs, Granulated sees fo Best Coal Oil per gi Jar Rubbers per et : Corn Starch 8 packages for Shredded Wheat, 2 packages for.. Sardines in oil, eos for. Krumbles per pack : : Honey, sa Protea : from | which some athlet see were awe arded rved, which concluded sine: afternoon. The Middlesex Threshermen's Asso- London. re- iighted and ho goes on there nightly 2, Ie is Ss that an amalg: arabe can be pr ted i im which eat Milverton would be able to tura ‘0 or three goo a prevailing the coming saranen. siness claim the ee fon jraten are rot bigh “hot affixing o} ey < HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS local business man calle this condition this week | it do ‘veh mor drug | do nt three searons heir er ise disca PesA pe pusebased Recta ar \th s will net countehanee lay Which is n sechinety in repay “ven it becomes mee a us i Th +E other Some ines a few. daya | se cases “snould older than three yea! G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for Coal = RS J. D. L. @ W. SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRICITE PORTLAND °93 he the vue “tae ast is a dead letter. Goderich 8 01 d an, excellent opportunity ym * Welland, Rehere he pby 11.46 Sey greatest point | h r . When only} h ° bright ‘surface “"A.COOD HABIT The Savin; er sa | wc. sonaren, ings = $3,475,000 Habit is easily ac- Milverton Branch eee in Bs = - Ww. Ed ru “bis | inueor ava he F atta i this Bir to rile Entrance 1 Results" List .of sucess candidates for Entrance Exami yn at Milverton Centre. e aie are arranged in lott: Tenner, Alie> Reid. Swiilion ite id. 4ss—Hazel Finkbeiner, Mary Dun- | chil itter,| | 5 2, ‘an’ oes ¥9 ‘ars wid another little . Alice M at Pugh tenia John gner . Marion Murray. Rose oa Rid- ecln Reibling. “Georgina Zimmermann, LISTOWEL CENTRE elope tale ae Nickel, oho Dick- son. Be: Da’ aaines Sot Metvite Missadane —Alma Master. Har- grenves, ‘at H. re |ing before we got to Brussels.” a rlam Dick, Frieda ar] tolteman, Lorne Blackwell, See hn Boe eS st ella es, Donald. Willia Leibold, Wallace Clifton Faulkner. Mar: 2 Marearet ‘Tindall éhaxise Curtis, Mar M. Von Zuben Sous A Maxwell C Car for $1.00 A payee method ot fens ee ing. oe ds hi n struck w y the Co Lue HL pr : oo Gatario in the expenses ele the Readaucrters ofthe unit Ot unit. ee combatant this of fit Sines oa antl to facilitate its work. ttalion is up to strength the ott il give thi lone of ae Ty {unit * the battalion is r contributions Fag one dollar e: uiting ¢3 it icket ae w one of Beat gcuamuered ntitle the donor to wi i the car. is ge a lottery. or a set |but merely an attempt to zen! public a chance to ise a the recruiting o unit, in a puted fact who tes a dollar to the batta tion | funds mn September 1 of donstians au office, but only ten “uckets are he limited nm ine asked tg x HYMENEAL FORLER—SIEGNER et wedding tek) planes of Wed- A Sie nes: daughter of Mr and Mos. Louis 3 ner, of New Hamburg, bride of Mr. Clayton Borler, ‘son of K. Forler, also short honeymoon. i aitenen in Beacon. + SWAYZE—DAVIS Mrs, Bertha Davi Listowel, Mr. B. W. Swa Guelph. were quietly wedded on. Tuesday afternoon, Ju 1, at the Presbyte: ae manse, ist fowl, by Rev. J. M. Swayze lett, a “a wedding trip ey “Detroit. ¢ bride Wravelting Mo aa inte blue taffeta and whit» their return, Mr. and Mrs, vill reside at Cambria St.. a Births, Marriages and Deaths. DEATH : ewton, on Wednesd “Tey itty Henry Cc. Mee eRe ol : “hs New oe + “OBITUARY | *) progress of HENRY_C_ZOEGER — ted the great serene which would nat vt ie ener hhad| There died a eath the |a well known the late ce extending 0 3 anes int "Zoe in 1880 Ta .. Sahae! act of “1875 Lee came to Newton where he resided ever since. M latte soure> sympathy 0! to the: bereaved family. on ei ednesday nse aber iets Me or te ee village Of ‘Weliesey Wellington wie eons in mr iWellesley and Morn: ‘ on” Saturda: Beqaeht At Wales ty Sul: ~ John. So ars. 7 SSR an eee Be for ay of pintorey Metho- mn ctoria om ford. Monday, aly Bist. Spec att Apa Tove rates, Milverton friend: je. Come along. © ph | said. e m bathing without any clothe lie. a aot a good one te | from the at fathers, became the | came aged | can ss te morsite cold ake, Short Stories Retold. me FULL iT TRAIN Diwan in; Pittsburg ANe: Mulvaney oue day met her friend,-Mrs. Carr, who ihad in her 2 ‘Arab, now. Bridget,” said sh ual ore | “an’ it’s me Thats caboose.” ++ THE PATRIOE ¢ pie d her triends hopin’ ‘tis the eal Belgian neat stumped about Brvssels declaring. ave those e hiding berore they jot—unless you bec The cripple thought it over was sworn in as a German then and there. The chief German. officer Hee him by the hand, saying, “You a German now. As he left ‘the cripple muttered. “Those Belgians gave us a rare hid- +. WHAT seikae ests LAMB DIDN'T iow Charles Lamb had no patience te Some small boys were. en-~ joying a swim when he chanced t pass that Ener in company with a very prim lad; hae % shockin ng, Mr. sh? “to see those tee “ove in peered in their direction. iRereally M-madam,” he stam ea, ‘antl you 6 called my attention to "1 whether ey. Were Tigele yee oe little exile BEAT HIM TO IT Monsieur Bord of get your notis that ae? licens Day cow has expire I wish M’sieur Bord of Helt, se beat you week ago “Much ob! ete—. e+ - A WISE NEGRO A negro was in iu waiting trial on |the charge of stealin, wife oal- 1 him On the way out [alle a her if she had a Tewsir |for J sah.” said the negress “Et im was 5 pully v4 get him a lawyer , but he tells me he ain’t co'se I ain't cal'lating came a voice ve, “you tell dat nigger here to get a lawyer— 00” se NOT RECKLESS Jake Penticoff came to seek aid ‘a haff a sack of flour,” said e get you ate will not ‘sell t and family to the circus! Ob, no.” sald Jake; “I already fot tat safed up. Yas, I got money to to de circus.’ take your > THE oriiiens Sere Spelt marriage groposela Che other evenig,. when by Senator Bene South Carolia: irl, ie meeting h aie he daterenined to said he, Vere pe Imust tell you, ight, Mr. Jones,” interposed pret tty one, “only you must ae. aso te bag: to miss Rs next. a * nse Be that lies near s Smith, wegntinued the di young you aoe her twelfth hor to it— |] 4 nd St Pidebemey it was alleged, was on the a by out, and my family ie col Why yes” was the calm hy See of “Miss Smith, “that. i is, if he o much Tike you.” _— IN THE LONG RUN aed Thompson, of Chicago, was talking at a dinner A tae ae strou bane hd for and that have heen "thrilling j the Windy city “The Sunday clo by, we keep vantoge, nt to ealke_ okt advantage | very hard “tow nd enteen year! it Smith erpwenee sand said in a voice, egy You have the moe have,” said“ ce any ak ie ‘We wore rivals for Minn ‘= ans ‘hand—don’ yu -rememben?— dhe tej joned ae and married ae 5 se ~ stronger asn’t | probably nie Mad-| good le Wallace Mr. Makins gained one, mak~ ing his majority: sixteen, Stratford— Rom > Shakenpes Fe North Easthope— Rennie’ sad vaahip halt Han ane der’s . Milverton Wallace— rae! Nelson ‘8 Ellice— See Ss .. ‘An official of the board of health in| Q'* 1m Boston, says the the /Newton Atwoor Majority for Hay. 567. ae Rev. A. E. Doan, of Monk~ ton, in paheos Collision Doan. anon Monte: and a finimdoe ‘autoist by the Ford ear and 9 * oalaent took pl ion boat wo autoists met, te re road, ¢ Ford “to be taken just at this 1 el ay 15-Year-Old B Boy Suicides was with a Taal of mone regret e LS now ser’ at yy had pen eedine tee ‘Mr. Wm, Eedy, of show any pie easily irritated and On the think you could: may, HER like ° cat bo ops mined “for ee avea beyond the fact that he may have resented a reproof he received for disobedience, THe was di covered in the stable, suspen nde by a by te re Ne? and one dy rik ek faint signs of Nite ik, ‘ak [etter Muavorton he matter to Gorone who deomed “animal eral took place to ey ae ee ae wre ube Crop Prospects _ ne information, mee been ed Acs 1 account. o} re ‘a medium crop. bul “quality. is are: rie abot Ny ‘Ontario. ll sprayed orchards, pertioute aie am