Milverton Sun, 12 Oct 1916, p. 8

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. MORNINGTON COUNCIL cil met in the township hall, on Monday, October 2nd, with all mbers present, The minutes cot Chee urnyuiaa ritetlug varesrende paige SSS SESsEea foie) foie) adopted. Orders were issued for the following cle er i ia Ewa ‘ 5 amounts; wishing. to continue their examination 0 work are requested to go to her.hom2 at Millban! Me Barry Luts spent, the: holiday in Flmira-—Mr_ and Sirs, Herb Kettle Huston | Johnston we 00, sheep kill~ From the Standpoint of Style, Comfort, Health - WEAR THE GOSSARD LACE-FRONT CORSET In the front lacing Gossard you have a corset which is the accept- ed standard of fashion leaders — eR SS] Sb eS b Sb Sr Sires) ARE -THE BEST VALUE # day with by —Misse: Someday You Will Buy mea and Loretta Dillson of Toronto nt the week-end at 1, A, Heiml a Talking Machine OTE Rania iene More ‘When that time arrives be sure aay “in Listowel,Mes Hr G. Fitzgerald 0 eomne to us and spent the week-end in ‘Toroi GOSSARD BRASSIERES Are the natural complement of Gossard Corsets made of finest the Coliinbia, and Mrs, Wm. Du ington, on strat sicians, We ‘will be pleased to : ° if deciding pon your purchase, foray spent -Bonday with their ‘pars have the opportunity to fit you Quality: spieterielay. “pecs sgetin ere,—Mr. Ed Burnett, of Toron- chee tGabedtd,** Suited to yout med—a brassiere that assures the Weill gladly send a. Grafonola to, spent the holiday at his home here holes phew acy niet es most correct form without any up Re eapeties ‘on approval. —Fowl is going to drop in price as particular figure. undue restraint. : Teg S aliedig owns Bae ma. {2 number from here attended a shoot- ghine, ¢ity, Columbia records. ing mateh at St. Jatoba ake? ey Tuachine, and are {Biving and brought home aaite a - : — md Mrs, John Paul, ‘o the best records made. Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, John 85c. w Bish.—Mrs. Frank Ament spent the Ask to hear ‘“Macushla” and i 8; 6. Schwindt $98.35, feared contract |ff| “Mother Machree.” (A. 1857) | 4, Site, Sorty fo report that Mr n boundary south ; Jas, McKee $110.35, : Ait Wray ts on the slek “lite. Ws el ery.—Mr. Jai gravel to pathmasters and graye cea J. E. WEIR Kenty, of Kitchener, spent Friday Columbia Grafonola and Record lat his home here.—Mr. Anthony Heim- ler. ¥ MILVERTON, - ~ ONT, ‘ole A. teas tle = eae Seen Re Fe 2 v cous, of Stratfor ‘spent the holi i, soul J.B. Campbell $4.00, plank to 7 with a friend in our burg.—Mr. ‘ ‘The council adjourned to meet agen === Clare sith fe Toronto, spent the : on the first Monday in October HESSON lee tra tet empire pad .—Mr. elph, cit re Mr. Herbert Helm, of Stratford. | spent Sindy uth axtrighe our we i ith his parents |burg.—Mr. John Friedman spent Mon- COMMUNICATION ea . Joseph Helm.—Mr. Jas, | day ix ater.—Mr, and Mrs. Asi the 110th Battalion, is about. to a take its last, leave ford and erth) County, prior to ite. eae Wear . indsor Fire ied) by his fiaughter, visi parents, Mr, and Mrs, Michael Stemw |ilton, spent a few days with Mr. and peepee et ade yi9y wes.<-Miss Johanna Mrs. M. Farrell.—Mrs. J, W. Collins er- CORSETS Lhey Lace In Front the county we represent. One's emotions, at a time like this, are per= ps too deep, ng permit of giving er home heré,—Mis: x A . utterance to the deep gratitude and | K spent the heartfelt thanks, ich fills our er parents here—Mr. hearts. I trust e up to y, of Markham, spent a few our Pott. ane, be in very truth “The friends here.—Miss .Ada . Pride Hs For Autumn Wear are on Display Here THOS re ‘DELAMERE, 0.0. i10th 08. Bn, O.E.F. Really a splendid assemblage they form, embracing all the most ap- proved new styles and truthfully reflecting the trend of Fall fashions. = "KINGWOOD WANTED y Kerr; of Baden; is spend- eae These are models of unusual charm and distinctiveness, and in- Jean few days with ier Nae Sapte! eae spection will convince every woman conversant with correct-current fash- . STONE FOR ORUSHING Thi rorrest spent. Bunday:*. with {! nd many ions that these garments are exceptionally attractive, both in mode and in 2S gg tg Coumeiliors of Mil friends in Moorefield,—Mr. David Yost iven up those price, Choice, too, is remarkably wide. i: | mt Sunday i home uupreme sacrifice A good second hand box stove, Suit-|2¢e->Mr. and Mrs. Karl Forler and nt at we some ish Goats — Swagger new styles in elegant Han: able for Township hall, Apply to |S02), Russel, of Kitchener, spent t plush coats. ‘Some are ape trimmed, others with contrasting shades of THOS. DEWAR, Reeve, ‘Tp, of Morn- ingrtet Pee coe are Joseph rni it v t all, of California, paid a flying visit ery community is plush—$18.00 and up. fo his brat erinlaw, ‘ir. Wm. 8 it sees pro h Golored Madras—In brown, green, blue, white and ecru Fran ° . sisited: Toronto: cud Nisgare, wine 28 | Toss 0 “of its : = 45 and 50 inch widths. Used for curtains, for side hangings, etc., at per Rostock Cider Mill ortipanied by kis ilece, ‘Misy Plosence {97 es in erson of Pte, Adam yard--25c up to $1.50. Breeborn as far as “Toronio,~—Mys |rookshanks, who. was killed in aetion SER sak Bebeats St Cebankill sapent renches: in Prence:-on Sep! crims, Marquisettes and Voiles—White, ivory and ecru, on Mon- Sunday. at her home here. irs Tas, (25th. 17 1 parents and fom plain hemstitched, set-in insertion and lace borders. A very extensive a there |B eturned on Friday last news antil range to select from at 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c yard. t ey have the Sen Rly saa eee Rachlin bs Seopa. and relatives in ARE 5 : : oegt Ss ee ‘Adam was S k f d B S fr. lngaey. Cate, “9 sure eee Large Stock of Men’s and Boy's Suits his parents,—Miss Margaret Hammond brough up in tim cat Binet church, f Poole, spent a couple of days last UB iOeHE: Our stock of Men’s and Boy’s Suits is by far the largest we have rere BE ee gaworth Baas ever shown, Immense assortment to choose from Per Sq Ra tee : Satie See the nobby Broadway Suits for men at $10, $12.50 to $25.00. : 6 ntario’ ricultural College a overse: es feiaitaes hae Pdeats wocondine to . : and went Inta a Great value in Boy’s Suits in Scotch Tweed and Serge $3.95 to $12 : 55) tha records in the hands of the De- re. 5, rs ‘ 73 Danae! ok Ractioaltare, a svoridsre- hae been eae ‘all i ie tim All the Gorrect New Hat, Gap and Glove Sty! 4 5 o0|coFd beating hen, For some years | Below is 4 letter from me friend and men’s fall wear are included in our immense collection, the choice range wa now. the poultry braueh at the col- oe embracing hundreds of smart models. 8000} tege has been specializing upon the France, ek 18th. 3 wy breed of poultry age for cee and |Dear Mr, and Mrs. Crookshanks n’s Raincoats—$5,00 coats for $3.95 ; $7.50 coats $5.00 a a6 30 vinen tihek. sal: y fad news {6 tell yon Others at $7.50 to $16.50. j 6.50 16th of Be ptember. wand all the snipers ‘ 175 a 4 16 6 5 E, 29 3 18 members in the 18th. pattalion very 3 our together ever Her de- since we lande d ta Tarces and I miss MHS SS SaaS ]S 2] 4h] 6212 be )eeat) world record, since to the time of her | Battalion. { am sorry to say T was 39 |regularly as clock work. Feanee—and thon to lose him, ‘They fo! eS FS Ss SpSsusssF _ 8 jody oul 8 be ‘ied tht just where he’ was killed, ' i We} took his ring off his finger and me of his personal things to send = = re = rave W. Jone: s everything be-!rora, spent the holiday Bt thelr ree Lockig in thelr new home in Water- HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS TO plication to any Grand Trunk Tidket dre Of The [2] ing m to send on to| nective homes here.—Mi Ani oo. Before leaving, Mrs. Lockie wa: a fice, Grand = Trunl oifio ONE NIGHT ST A TFO D ONE NIGHT a hope you receive them safe- |Ratten, “or the Stratiord Collegiate, |presented with a beautiful cut glass WESTERN CANADA Rallway is the shortest ond quickest ONLY ONLY ly. K wish this dreadful war would |spent the week-end at his home here.| pitcher and well worded address by] The Grand Trunk Railway System | route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon ; again send you my|"wiss Mabel Berger, of New Ham-|the members of the Ladies’ Aid of lissue round trip Homeseckers’ tickets |and Edmonton, with smooth roadbed, . r derpest sympathy. Sincerely burg, is visiting her friend, Miss|Knox church, Millbank, of which she|at very low fares from stations in |clectric ehted. sleepin paras ‘hough Corp. R, N. Siddle. Marie Wingfelder.—The dance’ given/has been treasurer for a number of |Canada to points in Manitoba, Sas- | the newest, mi einen wea Pee ‘i A! memorial service’ will be held in |in Wingefelder’s hall on Friday night |years.—Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. katchewan and Alberta, each Tuesday rapidly Berean section of Western ‘ re ons ohare on October 15th |was well attended, All report having |ner are the proud possesso: : luntil October Slat inclusive, via North | Canada. memory of the late|spent an enjoyable time.—Miss Etta|Ford car.—The friends of Mrs. W. J.|Bay, Cochrane and Transcontinental | Before deciding on your trip ask ik Mt, Crookshanks. enlisted with Wingefelder, of Josephsburg, spent |Zoeger will sympathize with her in|Route, or yia Chicago, St, Paul and/Grand Trunk Agents to fuentes: fall : the’ 18th Overseas Battslon,cA num, |the holiday at her home here..Rally | the loss she stistained by the death /Duluth, and are good retiring. two particulars, or write OG, EB. Horning, r young people attended the {Day Services will be held in the Evan-\of her father,—Mfr. months from date of iss District Passenger Agent, Toronto, 3 District Epworth Li Convention |gelical church here on Sunday. ‘arnbull and Mr, Rough toorlat; sleeRi ee aniica : at Kitchener, on Thanksgiving Day. |Special programme i fa Belg prepasted tored: to Waterloo, where Mrs, Turn-Joperated each Tuesday for Winnipeg, ; 7 ‘The family of the late Mrs, Goetz |for the ing.— Mrs. Jack jbull remained a few leaving Toronto 10.45. fg via Trans- FOR SALE, 4 Linwood wish to express (Helr Ganka |Renberg, of atsattora, “pent Sunday | gues at 8. continental ‘route without change. aa and appreciation for kindness (ind |with friends in and around Rostock |Drummond, of ; in tourist sleepers may ergs mie, ot any eae intros Ab Sympathy “chow in their bercsve-|cMisses Lillie and Annle Hoffman {her daughter, Mrs, H. Milne fo oe ene tan Whigs tl ape aie RA Ohio ter tntormation and Pte. KE, Linder, of (Milverton, |few weeks.—Mr, an les Tes eT BET Hd spent Sunday in\ Rostock.—Mr, and|Donley and son, Jack, ai SS = SSN Se Mrs. Fred Sylvester and family jila, spent Sunday with ROSTOCK Miss Melinda Zulauf, Stratford, | Middleton, in St. Jacobs.—Congratula- : spent Sunday at the home of Mr.|tions are extended to Mr. a 18 Mr, and Mrs, Mose Hidt, of Burn-|Sohn Zulaut-Mr. and Mrs. P. H, Bas: | Willie Davidson by sthetr ven tort i friends.—Pte, Lorne Barr and Miss Tessie th last week with their par- , jents « —-= VIN WZ : “No more Dyspepsia for Us!” Ptes. A. Rudow, C. Boeckner and N, Roese, of the 118th Battalion, were week-end visitors in the village. » oat a Exctabed s - = f Mr. Henry Reibling Mrs. * J.f oy Se ty . r an r. and Mrs, H. and fam- \ F RI D AY Oc I Kreuter’ spent a few days with ‘Mrs, lily motored to Galt on Saturday, whero FOR SALE ’ ©. Sheifley, at Kitchener.—Mr. and Mrs.|they spent the day with — friends.— Berne Stock, of are visiting | Ser the home of M ir] da gt. George Blegner and Pte. Thos.| | House and two lots and other eon- SEATS NOW ON SALE. vi ; a i Bee Swaine ene zs - 2 ; : friend, Miss Ot Ri son, d on the G,T, R. s, . I\near. Sebringville,-Misses Laura and lat’ Mra. 0. Yoat's '5— =r Chas. Attig | which has always been drawing a sat- PRICES id 25, 50, 75, $1.00 and $1.50 Frieda Yundt, of Stratford, spent a|spent Thanksgiving at his old home. |isfactory revenue. For further. par- few days at their home here.—Messrs |—Mrs. Lockie and family left Tues-|ticulars apply to ie J. PETERS, R.R, \Anarew and Laverne Zulauf, of Strat-!day of last week to join Mr. J. 8. 8-4, pd pat

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