3 s Main Street bela the oftee by noom Monday, ‘ENWOOD TOPICS Mi rome, of Toronto, is spending a Mastin -at her home here. J. eip paid a flying visit oe to Clifford on Wetnesd nesday. The Sis Printing sige Mr. L. A. Hi Hetwice ay"! a visitor in MILVERTON, iS Nie and aes: hag ARH PUBL! EVERY ‘THURSD. ey omer Subse ear, $1.00; six monte Oc, ia advance, Subacribers ii are ars will pes to pee aan $2.80 derzcen ge) days Hig Jacob ‘pinch, of Eire! renewed foci scaaintsnest in our | on Wed- seri cha ace Changes for contract advertisements must eens PETA thos ‘lachs underwent a ¥ oe eid the Guelph St. Joseph’ MARIS ant Propet, eptiautie a Eriday. “We wish him speedy recovery. Mr. Frank | Runstedler, of Miss Violet Edwards, of Milverton, spent the week-end with Miss Libbie a + Our mailing lista are gaily ee ee erts ‘oocepied the -pulplt. in nk *\the Lutheran church at Hamburg on mG “ id + Sunday. = le ors to + ‘ Remember the big show in Schum- 4 (ainesary ee hee mae S|mer’s hall, on Thursday night, Oct. Ske a curetally eee 26th, Uncle Tom's abn, ‘ regpa eo ealy ear sgh TOS of Listowel, spent the a : bicgntes 8 with hi , Mrs. Bundy, who is % receiving +| With hisor her paper promptly should + | + + + : Milliner, Dr. Richard Milliner, who for the $3 rast ‘year has been Veterinary, Sur- lesley, isted, and ve Sa overseas = = ge01 BusinessCards|" : Dr. M. C. Tindale, L.D.S. Honor graduate Toronto University. CROWN and BRIDGE WORK a specialty "Phone No. 38. Office: Over Bank of Nova Scotia. ira. eats Sam Spahr left on Monday to pend a few days with*his sister. in Witshoner Mr. er has moved his household ‘ettecta into the house for- home Medical eral months in the peat West. ae Mrs, Sheckeney, it. Agat Dr. P. L. Tye spent the week-end vith Hex daceh. ter, Mrs, Alber Offic Hours: PupLic DRvo Storr, MitveRToN 0 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m, sunday with a A. ones We Or Bundy spent Monday in| Mrs. an wi St.|per thomas, spent Sunday with his par-|cav: eee Soe new: Mrs. Wm, Gilmer their son, Lieut “Gilm [Busclliers, j oo Mis: ina Hons, of a few an at her ho R. Exski jays in Hamaiton and Mit Alma Wynn, the week-end at her e ban’s 22nd, for quite days with her sister, Bel i 12th in Teeswater. A large number of umber of local in with friends in atone at pire of Stratford spent ten a meeting of the cil a Elma on Saturday and’ to 8 p. was a visitor “ia |Win. Toronto on Tuesday, o bow Mr. Arthur Sanders nent Sunday at his home in Wellesle H.B. Morphy, K.C. Mr. David Beggs entered a conte: st Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL, Vv N chp Tig: REN ERTON, ATWOOP car for the agent selling. the mo laget: Saatowel, "mativerti wire duringathe contest. Mr. Beggs loney to Loan, worked hard and found his wor successful. Last week he received word that he was the prize winner F. R, Blewett, K.C. car. congratulate Mr. We Beggs on ls good work, irs. Solicitor for the Bank of : x the Bank of Toronto, ns purchased e : Office : Gordon Block Fish. formerly owned Rie ee Mr. Charles Fullerton sa sae . SoS RS ORD ONTARIO Crooks.) Mrs, Beggs will have the |ttr, belle, with | pastor! place Femodeled in the sprin ich |friends in the vi ae hope and Bt. Andrews con- i ~_ {will greatly add to the appearance off = = Ly 2 at fendered his. resigna- Harding, Owens & Goodwin | Main’ street. {Son ‘and i : expected he preach Barristers, Solicitors, &c. nother oid resident of this locality Waeoan | ewell sermon in near bare % 2 ssed away on Thursday, October z erved é Gordon Block,- STRATFORD, oT. |foth, in the person of Mrs, William| Miss Margaret Broughton, of Mil- is on Sunday when} Money to Loan, fahn, at the age of 66 years, 7 months Coe is Bigeye a weel Be with her rs re one new member added to 4 h lays. Deceased, who was a argare : R.; Ranorsa:, W; oc OwnKe®-w.2, eoonwin een mate tie late Andrew ‘Lips, | Mr. ‘Merton Scott is poe on Sunday will be observed in hi orth | around our bare is Mr. Wm. be Bela has disposed of | Veterinary. J. W. Barr, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, nto. we extend our sincere sympathy. Treais all diseases of domesticated animals All calls promptly attended to. Secleties. Milverton poses ys 478 AM WP, Meets every Monday evening on or before Fall moomavers month a thelr hall vi ine brethren alw: ies cis G. A. Barth, i r, Secy Silver Star Lodge No. 202 New Ha ; 2 rips Petersburg; Mr. Oscar Justus — Meets every Friday night at 7.30 in thei i : s. John all Over Bahk of Hamilton." |mother, Waterloo; fr. and Mrs, Jo Visiting brethren always welcome ae N. McGuire, |W. K.Loth, | J. H. Brown, ree NO; cs Planetey.: Res ety. Notary Public. GLENALLAN Miss Lulu Dyttle has returned to i ia |her home after spending a week with W. D. Weir, - Notary Public |irr.rscie Johnston waeegres oh lr naa aoa Mr .and Mrs. Se. Schneider vis- ited with friends near Créekbank on ote ay. Conveyancer, Pend vetis ciartincaes drawn and fis! made. e clerk, Office: Weir block, 0 over Bank of Nova Scotia A E Chalets, Notary Public ” -yancer, of Marriage Licenses peta ore ane ppding Aaapls ies P. for an hie of Perth, Real estate by and sold. a ar choice farms for immediate MONKTON, Evelyn Mewhinney and visited with Mr. and Adam’s, on the 4th, on Minnie Ni Fad madi Sun: a “ne Franklin has returned of months Sessa htiag Gitean are at pest the guests of their uncle, . Alex. ‘ol cetina. Miss Garnett Cookman has returned home after visiting for some time ONTARIO Neissa.M FEERT with friends in Milton, Clarkson and ‘Albert Martin sient Benard) elson Merrick, - tion meas ts at ii ni Soe Watetob- Wellington and P wei ag Mr, Wim. Dechert is spending a few sae award Holzsebuh | p tol ape tae ore days ents, week in Formosa, spent Pa with Mr. and Mr -| Estimates given on gales of farms Wim. Watson, of the 6th, was | Beatty. and farm ‘ks. cue rea of her sister, Mrs, Ida ae Edward Scott, of Tralee, renew- tne fl ees pobareaa tien had Steenson on M oe la, ed old acquaintances on the line re- ie “priv ts ast Sunday morning o! Office) next to Hank of Nova Scotia, Linwood |" hire J. Armstrong visited with Mrs. |eently. hearing ev. Dr. Wm. Minifie, seer Bessie Johnson on Monday afternoon | Mtr. Jolm A. Mewhinney has pur- who has lately been to the fron: bt Mrs af ila MoLatghiin hie retarn-|chased a fine new Ford touring car, Where he spent two years among the ed after visiting a q of Me MMobert Lyttle for some time, The Queens Hotel Best accommodation for sari oe tray: ye EE ol lle Bad eh ~ ROSTOCK Two large Sample Rooms, Missionary Services were held in “ono. F, PAULI, Prop., + Milverton, Ont, were elected; Pres., Vice-Pres,, John Koehne; Sec.-Treas. Julius Misses Ida’ Hartmier and Cora of Milverton, spent Wed- cone pyening With Miss Mina Hart- mier There will. be no school ‘Thursday a Frida; owing ‘Teachers? Gouvention being held in Stratford on those Mr. AN Zulauf, of Stratford, is sat Me jome ‘oOoD pending usiness ae Se in line and get on of our nifty suits. 1 Fit and _- workmanship always guaranteed, +: ; aret’ Hammond apent othe vagk-ong ott be Alex. Boman is “spending a || few" “hays with her eats irs. W: ea ots cote sie nee Tt ‘was of Nori mandy. is vise cousin, Miss ae y ‘oR decided Pe te the maniging nob! a 8rd line to eir Haar a “sore ‘mrculas iter oe One hundred and treaty eight. men were rejected in uce ee es it their trek epiteacd: but e Me won't Mrs. A. MeDonald, "ot ‘Elmira, spent | Eater ee Gordon house on Main St. ruden, his Peek Miss pegs Heid Miss Margaret Brou, day at Fernbank, around Done; Mr. Dooi: foore and Mr. H. Schneide: ie RUM handy: Raids ings are 50) Mr spent a ‘a day at Miss Edna Mr. his sister, Mr. and Mrs. L, F. ter Leo Ranaha with Master Mel Ivin hn y wi need a Sanday at the: hom F.. McDonald. ited with friends at St. weel <raemer spe} Friday November Stock an mile west of Macton. auctioneer, aa aoe Keres, of Toronto spent Q f her father and nother, and cies Young Coulter. a vor are people go with them Miss. aythe Hammond. apent a few n. Faulkner, of the Hamilton Bank staff, spent Sunday with friends ening being spen' Thursday after spending a few days it Toronto. Mr. Samuel Love spent Priday and Mrs, Arthur “Decbles eh returned Goose and duck roasts are enjoyed! 1 , of Donegal, s; at Mr, Wm. lah, are visiting friends at k r has conga Mr! J.T. Rei Lf) see, shed. fi y to. report the of (of Tittle Sally ivresh a speedy recov: ij. 5 ‘obert ‘Soott: apent Sukday: at . Mr. Wm. Miss Elva Scott spent Sunday’ with Rei | Alex alartin Siok s pe with | | pene SUAANY Feit d Mrs. #. C, Knoblau iss Johanva Kraemer is Mr. ree Mrs. Martin Linseman Mrs. George Logel called on her m. Girodat, Dray’ en eamesapeaelin - MAR Les SALE REGISTER eek at the Mr ag hat er, of. the asl eek with frien here a arate of people from here r cae home from seek Western Prov. ces, Heni Str G “days. of risks A the geen with their son, srnTonees spent aes 8 tee a few d Galt thi one to their of Alma, spent a number were r, Mrs. Graham '—Mrs. oung people of " th i ians undoub’ | do no more, y | treatment is in music and) teachers intend am’s_Vegetabl TH. hil, Je the Change ont foe eee with ould es medicine, Teannot namtece it enough for it saved my life and kept me from the Insan¢ penta St, Englewood, lil, petted ait aes steadily and coul ‘ten Gas th herbs a, com) eae exists it .) pays 10. Serita the Lydia E.. on Ee Medicine Co.,. eam ‘or special free advi: goin ick | ‘Ada, Gundare with IN, 5657 S. tedly did yet eeia | 28 0 ony, Fa ‘ a ie me con ni tne ie -doctor’s care, Bo having had ne. while filling ist we which Eteatty Engoeea: the pi | |for plow, rdson. eg/ann aces Stratford “Hartmier, of Rostock spent the ‘weekend with Miss Ottley Hichardso Rev, F, Richardson, of | Stratford was a visitor at the home of a an a ary on Mon dhughter, Miss Violet, of Stratford, spent a few nd Mrs. ‘core Verner Miss Myrtle Henry spent a few days with Miss Eva Henry, of Strat- nat pinal a Patho in eesyis E. CROSSHILL ‘Mr. Robert Hooey has disposed of is property to Dir. Blias, Playford. « and Mrs, Peter and * | family attended the Huras—Rose wed- ae ee and far’ Municipal Coun- ena ates heli Sen Wr a yaeen attr was give | The Women’s has rented bag ee ee of Mr. Arthur and her friend, | ghton, spent a nt Wm. Reid’s, id’s, | daueh nt Sunday at his r uncle, 501 Mr hones Reid, or Bxaadon: ares ay an eit: Lirocas ait to the illness t.. But hope for Reid’s, 8th | “a! ie" to oe er Decgmber 15th. =o nstrong and Mr. ach, Hesson,. |. visiting a/ irs, E. soe nt Sunday Bdusee m, of Leb- yi (h Mr, and Mrs | an the sufferings of jand asked for help. mnded veered ig eae reali Clements lust | of her son, Mr. of Hesson nt ened near) oa. oe “Stes of type, it the 1916—Farm ey MPSTEAD — wr. Alex. siti pneres Mr: x. BS hy ter whleb a short programme be preeanae will ed to be present on ac Hart ena Deseo gown of white silk crepe de chene, a le a sister, Miss Bi ‘hey were tnattendé bride partook of a r points, y will take up. thelr thi | | NORTH MORNINGTON | Mr. fom Waddell and Mr. | Wedding ‘Stationery The Sun offise’1 tite. a splendid stock e finest Phas of wedding ir samp neighbors of Mr. t gathered at theit kespeare, and presented Mr. m Alex, MeGillawee noon, The district ric e in the person of took tives of th the bride, who | Congratulations -|who are left to mou: t |of tie of our oldest residents, name- ae ied = his old he 16th. Mr, Hastings was and spent all his life here till a few terioo, He rn the loss of @ sband and brother. rry to report the illness ly; Mr. R. Prid Mrs. 0. DONEGAL Jackson and dau s, of Stra’ jing ot the Home of Bi Miss L, Thor spent Sunday at Miss B. Joh Ge eee Misess Scott. Chaplain Minifie, of London, Eng ghter and pent Pine wi ith her friends, -}land, occupied tbs pulpit of the f | Methodist Pann here i Sunday last. His a acai was the in- terests of the Belgium Relief Fund. Are You Insured WE CANADIAN ORDER OP wife cost. minimum G.Spencer,C.R. Investigate it e N. Zimmermana, hes for a trip to On their} CENTRAL ap ONT. many erienda aft- | Jewett. “De recently De! the home of th:| he Miss mers, of —Donegi of months at fave an address the Belgian peopl: people re- and about $160.00 Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments. D. A. McLACHLAN, ~~ Principal RAILWA’ RAND TRUNK 2¥'stem HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS Round trip tickets to points in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, via ng and ‘Transeont- sale each tuesday intil Oct, Suet inclusive, at low fares. Through eee a helated net to WINNIPEt yer leaving Tefoato, Ls ey gis f change 7 cars, via ‘Beanscont- ental Row! siiuide LIMIT, TWO trie Exclusive of date of sale, Final re- turn limit on all tickets, December 81. Berth reservations and full particulars all Grand Trunk Cn hor: weuger Agent, Toronter Ont Ss pts “Sweater Coats Le Saito Deal Store’’ Have you Seen our big stock of — {BEST KNIT” Sweaters. Best of Scotch yarn ply is.used in thes sweaters, Heavy Wool Socks 'y the largest stock of , Wool Socks in Mil- toon Prices range from 25¢ up air, socks were all as before the advance in price, We Carry the “Hawe’s” Hats for Men Special saucer brims in all the leading shades. See stock a Another shipment of these celebrated Corsets. We make a pale corset: ip to $8.00 per pair. women say: “She i wears the Right hing Price : 25¢ With 15¢ Certificate FREE. ARRON HEBER SAS Es have their horse put in the barn FREE! FREE ! e (whole or *grond) per ite Tonstoddies Makes 8490 01..050 Red Seal‘Pomato Catan per bottle’ Highest Price Paid for Dressed Poultry We want all kinds of Dressed Poultry not later than Seen axe ening. Must be well starved and free Rag feathers. Pri gic d: this week : Ducks 16c lb, Geese 16c lb. Chicks We Ib. Fowl ei ray W. K. LOTH| MILVERTON — Ls isrepresi Rock or of Jewelry, head ay ; (fp. H. pee i Jeweler and Optician H.C. BAIRD, Phone No. 1, Local Agent ble to Fall Suits and | Overcoats— it <returne1 last | me fs the brug & hs beat 50. & 2.50. led with kidneys and I 2 te 15, at ABE ‘Montreal. Were much better. Important news for all who are concerned pe eaee buying a esis Fall Se “or Overcoat. 11 Nees arta ind at your amoney; Our moti is honest busi- is fair ling toevery sao go 1s at as lowe JM. iguana lies? and Men’s Tai ON’ - Lad! MILVERTON, =. - mer SL San aa I em = EE OUR DISPLAY OF look th ough our store =e vole ; Ese