ge of cars that ha ed piace one for Pleasure, will be} in bui ing system ane wash it out thoroughly | senses, meaning “decide”. the a pigs ey ete Apes ee ni "2 re ie you. Eee time. ¥ Stumblingblock—This is an . P| a 6 prower amo ‘ol, obstruction put in the way, er eee ements (et oF. Well fill the radiator to the usual lev a which a man may fall, especially in ted and in. excellent condition.” "A| clean wal h u the the dark. The occasion of falling is larger proportion, however, are put| motor a few minutes in generally taken to be practically the say tn er ngs n| GD Be aE Cote hice et Sta Sey Bees arma tree -| rendered gblock. lod pe winter months, do a eee that there is a new disease called petromortis. This is the safarigae Cig filling the air in ventilated. windows or pipes that provide definite quantities of fresh air at-will. Here is another cool weather vee . Of course you realize freezing trgubles must be forestalled. If you are going to use your car on the| ped with warmer days of wint to be constantly draining the you should ey that tor two q Lvoaeeds or poy and one-half the ize five and . halt wood Phteg or se ear tured. quarts apistate Will Keon radin-| tors from freezing at zero. Ifa cold im and ‘ge sizes respectively. To As it ty de- more effective than the denatured pro- ate. Bd aac ltpaaec: pe oantr caused by | 2 and ther it fk in following such a course. nti-freeze, first di rom time to time to iy ihe nines p to the stren; sired, Perhaps int every fortnight will be suffici- steam. very good results eet ounces of glyce: e can certainly Most of the good motors are equip- systems ag the iment e strainer the top of the tank,—perhaps too, the become slightly tooyes ad- isty yourself that the ‘vaccum if ood running order, it might be that y felgsions! is ‘concerned, is caern for an- other season’s —“Auto” in Farmer's cece Shes PROBLEM OF THE DISABLED SOLDIERS. ‘The Mother Country Advised to Fol- low Canada’s Example. The London Daily Chronicle, leading Liberal journal of perial Capital, gives the most promin- ent place in its issue of Oct. 4'to. remarkable the Im- restoring disabled s and self-supporting sitioneihiyy this article the well-known writer, Mr. J. aren Mills, SoM 80 fst as to suggest Mot! untry in dealing pans this Sachin might fol- Dominion. HUN GREED CAUSED WAR. Frenzy to be Rich Made Germans — Italian Leader Says. yt prove the tremendous German economic Leuzatti, former After peace she tariff barriers the reviyal of business snake in that “induced pean na war by raat P aritfe agitnst Ger2 rags it is the yun soldier is fulfilled ith he is no long- ii ii hen Army. We may learn mu: e admirable system which has eet establise d by the Dominion Govern-| yy an Council, dated June Pri oi, the Canadian Government | formed, at the instance of Sir Robert en, a Mili ospitals ani Convalescent Homi mission, ‘to deal with the provision of hospital ac- commodati ny convales- cent ho I oticers non- et east officers and me! e nadian Arians Fores | jed from the front.” | discharged soldiers would spend a short time for rest and e chief re- nd passes aaa placed at disposal of the Commission. But idea was soon dispelled when it e treatment of the more serious and lengthy seat jeden or even weeks spent sphere of such a home would tend to injure rather than strengthen the physical and moral fibre. On this subject Mr. J. S. McLennan, a member of the commission, said: “We pee aa ‘ing as opidls 9 ‘as may be our ho pitals Safes in the ied the men, their time will a Mfally accupied, al At all these hosutials, eee are held where training entary Se a nattntay oharedted is giv- en in English, rie mecha ,| to Make. Find strong the heart tat a people enriched by forty years wo jterrupt her Fe in order to ob- ain eedier, but problematic | Ith. "1 Tonpatlhhen af hasten her enrich: ment induced Germany gambler’s throw, which has failed. ae Faith in Signs. ‘restonrant keeper hung out this : “Coffee; Such as Mother Used One morning a man entered the cafe, and as the him he inquired, Dainty to the | “Is your « fee really such aa moth | er used to | “It is, ure!” ptiel the waiter, ' convincingly. “Then,” said the man, with a remi- niscent look, “give me a cup of tea.” Key adr “SOLDIER'S HEART” PROBLEM. Ailment ‘Affects Many aS = motion is Chief Cau: ‘A notable ceptroveray ji ro- green’ in British ‘medical arclia or the problem of “the soldier’s heart.” It it seems that many recruits who pass heir medical examinations develop bisiettsial sheaxt trouble ‘before they reach the front. ° One Maj Bradshaw, is quoted as saying that they ought to ‘ednvalided abt of the service. Lesson _ VII.—World’s e these headstrong people wonderment of the world { #ut make the | , S¢"" waiter approached | °r gn: “INTERNATIONAL LESSO. NOVEMBER 12. Temperance Sunday. Rom. 14. 13 to 15. 3. Golden Text.—Rom. 14: 21. Verse: 13. Judge is used that tke figure is change 14. Nothing is unclean of itself may be one of the Spe aes from 0 boast- ed their freedom from pei prejud- ‘So ety Kedmis pee ath but turns them y the great prin- cee ares wales Am persuad- nd} ed convictions, sed all ‘his words, ihe ls, were “in Christ.” as di ights, and Unclean— istinguished wn from a saying made a Pesullerty deep impression, ept, away the distinction 7. 19, wh aives us a solitary commen’ story. We see that the distinction Teer en, ane rofane lie: en- tirely in the soul: an is that in one man weuld be fyee he ge be piety in cea’ and eat prim- rod Bathe you what he a as sinful—the ry referenc offered Is, _Of courde the Denese transcends this applicati In of the “weak” who all novelties! 1 spoken of—The word of- ten rendered blasphemed; it is wider in Greek than in its English trans- literation. The d here is the Christian freedom which raised them above narrow prejudices. Paul tells them it will provoke grievous (and) as it is about an indifferent matter, not a great principle, the avoldance of such i ue Pauile rere references of God" Pea . "the = saying Holy Spirit— The. definite wrtite ‘ts Fahaenteuribe ee rein—The word may be wen in two|> {| Jesus (Jol such be very tender of the prejudices | fear quite honest) misrepresentation. And| bandaging: Pleat the winner of ane tournam a Crisp, Crackling COOKIES and a glass of milk—taste the _ delicious blend , of flavours. ripe pela to the floor, then nly occasionally did I tay a Staak of the clear Hive Ant He ‘accompanied his slight movement of his heavy shoulders as them additional weight. PERSONALITY OF THE GREAT rice Sra Tow ref e, matier of FRENCH LEADER. The measured confidence of Joffre is impressive, For hi JOFFRE A STRONG, UNSELFISH M. y , — of the allies is as.eertain as his ae imer | Very Deliberate, ‘Thoughtful, and Mathematics. Th vel ae so zi rane mee we the planets. are nob. more inevitable Borthwick's Siker, Borthwek wi oy ‘ Pytaithertetnat< 0k an ee | nog Ene tainty of Vicor: at “Teast, is the certitude which rom this deep, taciturn, Many photographs, many _ lively is fing ly. Haig an opportunity to SS We aptitude ne Toe Yorose work. Paul himself has no weak scruples, if he can be sure he is not risking oth- i rr Bear. and foolish wnden strong. men strength must = Byer a The reservation for that which is good is, of course, added to guard against caues where prifelple comes "3. Che ist, or the Christ, Hels mention here. by. his. office, shown by the quotation suatig tran cea vente the orien Waa whieh ad a alag linked with the life of n 2. 17). The ‘speaker in at ae is the oppressed, people of the Jews during some tim ment writers were constantly Paro priating to the Messiah words origin- | ally belonging to Israel in its ae ipect They would know where to stop jin that psalm, which plunges sudden- ge tite tertible ietpreeabione,” nabital |enough, but utterly vetoed by the Spirit of Christ. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Feminine Charms of of Three of the Al- lied Countries’ Wom celebrated of ne Italian writer with his opinion of the women of Her pa "(in all this”), or may matically sefer back to “your good"; instead of maintaining their ‘good thing, should er whom is not ashamed to call brother doin; that hardest | of all prises ‘the blsaling. of Godand men ab o1 Toc cfetr ts follow—Compare Heb. 12, 14. Psa. 84, 14 is the common igina’ ify—As in this Latin| equivalent, the Greek word contains ie Greel e metaphor of an “edifice.” But it is wearing a little, and the idea of “help” and “advantage” is oe The work preparation of a glorious asstins, To risk the success of such a ecause an emancipat- fl bot cobatinata:tetheme® wiltauat| on eating something which the other thinks wrong—how demnable a wick- edness! All. things—See note on| e 14, With offence—The word rendered stumblingblock in, verse 14 example, but his con ia the pai human soul for mitting sin, to es it sin Se Gag tase t Ga 8,13, the Minestot a eaiainic cath: but concentrated eee particular ap plication. It is ‘ord used implies moral Beauv le te grand Many noted physicians have taken part in the discussion, some of them ouble to a new . Sir Jam i guished pivesce! tains, on the and, that “sol- dier’s heart” is ey by either over- secretion or ‘inished secretion of the thyroid gland, conditions desig- nated in medical phraseology as hy- physician, mai duawing, _arit! oe sth ese army ae open to all in. whether they are al ies pie. re- oe «2 their former occupati or not. But, from these home: aig hos- pitals, the men mie are not so able can be sent on, ey pensioned and Mischareed, to technical institutions, agricultural colleges, apis graphy, &c., where they can be ti it new occupations tober their Pir cichei does not He them from following. And that ies not all, for employment is practical- sured to them by the Provincial the Federal Military Hospitals Commission) which have charged panels with the duty of finding work and wages for the sedi Taleb the Cotttalasion is to its be: the physical and , economic well-being bring to bear on him such influ- ences that he may perform for his country a service not less important than those of the firing line, namely, that, instead of being an idle ward of urage, and perseverance in opetoniing’ disabilities. t ean eiiany thing if have_ been | cit f the men, and ‘3 d| the pu 3 summed up He wee of iris ge problem of the an article he contributed to thee gee merican Medicine, thi r, and, agent in the causation of this condi- tion. ae ‘The Insect World. insect world of represents n unlimited Nel life and. activity. ‘The number ‘of insect species is greater by far than of the species of all other living creatures combined. tually all living animals, as well ‘ost plants, supply food for incomputable hordes. ee Predicted Kaiser's face rrotee aa type ies ae only for e Kaiser and we had a system similar to this, a: based upon the same sound principles, established in these islands, the Crow fe fleeing to the United Stat thags 16 * rine ar oppor of the to such ra the ideal is beyond most o flesh and wine here ai ed with idolatry, the “weak” brother | thinking them defiled by:the ponaibil. ity that they might have been offered = idols, While therefore this pass: | e has no direct reference to the m tive is really ident fea, being still tone sideration for the weak “for whom Christ died.” It is an ante ex-| ample of the way. in which the New! though aa ut the principles lai adapt themselves perfectly to conditions un-| dreamed of when the Book was writ- ten. e self-opinionated “strong” loving man must tr: emancipate a conscience of this mor- bid kind, but never must he trample on it. bones real is = at to act in defiance of conscience is sin, even if a thing is no sin in aries a at are strong, ‘al- rights | | As to the Frenchwoman he is less ii he re alike ‘connec \hewitehingly’ beantifal: - She” has ‘small hands: and feet, and large eyes like the Open, windows of a sunburnt | marble palac spettag dark, Shi ia ery weligions, very igndrant oud.” | “Ot the British woman he - say: | “Her hair is like gold; she has heav- | |enly eyes, a aN like complexion, a Ae formed nose, and good She is reserved, ve complimentary. It is thus \ scribes her | pent, a palm and a wie Ge nee | she is not pretty she | She is amiable, a dreadful. cchaties! and generally false. ie aie Rus: ae es sian owe | WAR CLEANS UP SLUMS. ;| Many Homes in English City Wonder- | full Improved. al War and the resultant « industrial | | activity have done miracles in the great ice city of Woolwich, Eng., fue heal afer states in his annual r | Sikes tanita? ae ssepentel ve, | perity in Woolwich, | better furnished, the poviin ‘of bed. |ding is more satisfactory, and the children are better clothed’ With bet. ter financial conditions, many of the homes I almost despaired of, have be- +) come improved, almost beyond belief, ' ‘slum type of human and slum | type of home the surest and quickest o st ve the workmen a good | get tired of Tecpeihe apaiie a tide of difficulties which every day threatens to engulf them.” j RES Sere 4 Even Up. A popular ‘London<clergyman, was once spending a few days-at a coun: try house with some friends. On ae Monday morning he was playing ten- a young man he could usually beat, but for some reason or other the clergyman was not in form and was faring badly. weer games he remarked to his ‘opponent al us simply can’t stand your service to-day! “Then we're quits!” was the cheeky erly. |, “I couldn’t stand yours yes- ae 2 EY bi Much happiness comes from making the ways of life smooth for other peo- e fats a quotation, doés imply that ple. NEWS BY MAIL. FROM IRE- LAND’S SHORES. Happenings in the Emerald Isle of Interest. to Irish- men. Dusky the Chist Secretary for Ireland, has. been making tour of the southern countie At a meeting of “Spe! Bortadown Town Council it was decided to te- open the flax mar! ‘Admiralty hi male dockyards of Ire- land from $6.24 ‘to $7.20, A British dirigible recently arrived over Bay. rowds gathered to watch it manoeuvring. Mr. John Murray, who for a great number of years has held the. position of postmaster in Carlew, has. just re- tired. ef Sctmen prisoner named BABE ‘er, who attempted to éscape from Oldcastle Detention Camp, Go, Meath, was shot sentry ani ites: fi vowertal pernenality: I think, than any other man I cas ‘met, Joffre impressed me as cinema films had familiarized me with | the direct gate, the white moustache, ' oding . sinile the bro of Gen. Joffte, he Meolutaly. devoid ct 1 writes Paul este Maurer ftom the besides aay stot HOR ak hing tn French hi at. the front. “politics. One bee the feeling, They hi iven'me an impression of as it is, that his. successive advances must have been less sought for than ist_ upon hii ths medium height and-inclining to stout- im, and ‘that ie ha E 2 néss. “How eo fhe original com-' accepted them only reluctantly, from pare with the pictures? a sense of ne This ne ahaa Our, aomobies ‘came it. "plished, thé’ sooner ‘he ‘escd from We. followed .. our older Side the public eye, the better, T "Bis it, he will be pleased. ‘Ambitious men, we are told, have more dynamic ‘power than others vel; whose aims are less exalted. But Palle, Tottre are vai oF at with such men ‘théir own desires a trim slender man wit mallgrey come before everything else, Na- moustache, He had the Sar uunty fig- poleon was a, good thing for France, ure of a boy, but his eyes looked old just so long as France's inser ee 3 —old and tire \eoincided with his own. for + “This as the Zettow fs 0 relly does Joe Byery' dunce bf !power: bey work!” on it volt of ambition, is Lor Fran ‘or- himself, if I have Taatebatooa hin he asks nothing. eee TS NSLS 2 in him, ie whispered. aienig t Ln The implication, ane that, Joffre is merely a puppet,.so ito speak, the hands of Gen, Pelle. I have heard 7 several ‘such legends, since the ‘war HIGH JINKS IN GAOL. gan, Some journalists pe- | The plain fact soenrlirane Rete Prisons Which Are First-class Clubs must give you the “inside story,” and | for Criminals. where there is norie, somebody’s in-' "A State Prison Commissioner in the vention quickly ‘supplies, the ‘defici- United States once called the gaols of The Listowel Urban Council taking the necessary — steps = muting the Se el Attendance. Act Florence has been favoring the world | | very jealous, very sensitive, and very \heay “She is a cat and a ser- dl year of Mr, Joseph ‘Atkinson, IP, L., of Crowhill, Co. Armagh. He Europe. Happily, he has had nothing | served for zone the Hamp- | to say about the German woman, but jatiee Regimi he does speak of the feminine charms|* ‘The Local” Be erhewatBodnd Shave -|af three of the Allied countries’ aoneed a Sligo Co. Counéil of ‘their vomen. approval of the scheme dae for He gives the palm to a nation jhe Hentai ae ee is not at war—namely, Spain. | system of direct labor Says: “The Spanish woman i t is understood that pepeeal under consideration for the | closing of several Irish provincial | isons, Waterford and Londonderry being amongst the ulieration front Hal ay Ha dis- Grice dusing & necent w eek was very aie amber ah cr garenes ¢ & iihgla‘dapeonuthe Kigtaat ever membered in the district. mixed. fish, d | 1 a 300-pound catch bes in which were three 25-pound ling, | has been made at Ballycottin by Mr. R. Blair, British Sea Anglers’ Society, | las the result of a day's angling. | The members of V.ALD. through | tio: prenitesty ilmorey, remitted | {the sum of $250 to the Ulster Volun- ;teer Force Hospital fund in Belfafst. The garden plot movement, which lpansgemest in Belfast several years, |a8°, has during the pa ant eat devel- ped at a rapid rate, and there are now fventy, eohatata gardens in the St bea has been endowed in the Throne Room of the Dublin. Castle are | , Kil- | ency. Doubtless Gen. Pelle is a very | his ‘country “club-houses for criminal | able officer, but 1. do.not Haliove Gen. | loafers,” and a few of them certainly | Joffre is his or.anybody’s puppet. justify his” statement. | Second the he oer rison at” Carson” City; in of | is wed the prisoners under his change us in his chart-papered headquar-! ' as poker and pthes cab gant ters. Small, stern, well-built, with 4 ugh aie {piercing black eyes, and a grey tuft, | sity raid in the State of Ne- French style, on his under lip, inmates of the Perry — the cmbodimenc>rue “auciaive! Municipal Prison omnia ned: they’ were'so"vell fed hbk: Chey euiversa ET "the | building’ ‘where ‘the commander from ‘dyspepsia, owing to their lack of |in chief of the French armies stays | exercise, i The men imprisoned for their part |at once elegant a |dignified. It is acral by an abso-) burg, Penn., presented a hte A lute lack of military nonsensé. which-they guyed one another for parts they hid taken heen Tall and Powerful. tion. cavalry | aire, wie was committed to prison in S| mount guard at the door, no soldiers | conseque his financial transac- present arms along the corridors. | tions, entertained his wife to dinner |Doubtless the general is well guard-| in |ed, but he is. peeetaoly guarded unob-|_ At Anothes prison the governor al- [eanirely- hrough a dining-| lowed friends of the inmates to come om where a table was laid for sight | {to stop with him, Ge provided news- or ae fetst menu card lyi papers and good food for the convicts. No splendid nted |face up on the sry ay bespae | Belg also the owner of some trotting Bite Pasa pode rate as | horses, he appvinted ‘ne or two |most before we kne' we them as grooms. ere the great eaaick. At ries, I beta merica is not the only coun- | this unostentatious room must be that/ try of comfortable gaols. If accounts |of the Russian military attache, for | that have appeared are correct, the | the pale were covered with Russian | Japanese do not forget the ssthetic | staff maps. But in my turn I found’ Side of life even in prison, that myself hy king a cordial hand and happy land one house of detention» is leaklag into a pair of blue eyes which pie ae by I recognized. aining ornamental . We ranged ourselves s cali are spacious and well lighted, circle, facin; ffre. He od in with pictures on the walls; there are sont of his flat topped aed shift- reading-rooms and dressing, ae bath Mee Red Cross Hospital from funds sub-| ing his weight from one gaitered leg rooms with hot and cold w scribed by members of. the “St.’John| to the Se was Beso in the! For jinks in gaol fe eat be Ambulance Brigade, Dublin Castle | Uniform of an fficer—black sera to improve on the state of af- Division. 3 jacket and red r' which came to light in Cologne ta meeting of the South West-|Wide black stripes. He wore no. ( ermany) e ago, ath Teachers’ Association it was tetated if epiied tate aetian is not tak- jen to meet the extra cost of living some of She re were confronted with starvati The de: ath hae occurred of Mr. John blin and played a large part in Irish ad- jena life. A motorcycle collided with a cart} ta Baleetoe, Ca Kerry, with the result that ‘allace, a wi nown Lineriek a was kille and, the occupant Pe the cycle car, Mr. Siok was ki ‘ely Gttendaa meeting of the | National School Teachers of Belfast and district was held recently to con- sider the most effective means of. ob- taining an immediate permanent in- crease of salaries, | At a meeting of the West AE ee | ford executive of the U.LL, at Dun- ! garvan resolutions were saceeiea a ing upon the Government to im. mediately release prisoners of the recent rebellion. Sante > Fateh Japan’s Wayside Inns, wayside inn of Japan, unlike The the serai of Western or Central Asia, and the luxuries of Quilts, w! snr the lodger spreads on ¥| the straw-matted floor, are provided for him to sleep on; le, if unsatisfying—is served him in with chopsticks supplied; and common to all and sundry, welcomes him at the end od— of his day’s march, residence weapon, no medal. Only denoted his rank, this, after and should all, the man I mane seen so often thi and yet not. raed rather tall and povectaly baile © ooking at floor. He did | quite seem to ag pected of him. His long sandy lashes were not locked, and teoping over his ears, the left free to visit one another, | somewhat more than the righty gave esse i ease was trouble when this jim an expression of great deliber His cheeks were not especially | 1, they were merely in keeping able prison, according to report. with that large head. Their color high walls surround jt, and the a was good, but not remarkable. “The oners are well ed, ee provided face, with its strong, generous fea- | cigarettes ‘and. wi tures, was calm, and se certain has to be sent Re ot ‘he eonvibtl to ° -—not so much lines or despatched with’ a inkles as incohepieuede dents and| There is also aa iy be a prison in "Cettinje” soy possesses 9 comfort- bey planes such characterize } the Basque (Switzerland) - Provinces oul sculpture. Un-! whose inmate: every mistakably it was the face of By morning t0\ do oa me returning at ighter, yet in a ‘different sense from | night, and jsoner was that of Castelnau. once sortie) ioaehise by way of punishment, Abelaas Unselfish. han In comparison with the latter's} ‘Thoroughly dry the peel swift decisiveness, Joffre seemed slow | orange ora, lemon, and place it in the and meditative. His gaze, as he talk-|tea-caddy. It Wan i ea improve ed, wandered across our faces, then ae the flavor of the te; HREE VITAL facet be 2. ghia iter ating, wit presslon tn stomach aod! pial cnt “iaeaies Mf ie ca Se how tint good alfeaton epans |e od health At all Drugelsts, or direct on rece’ ‘much as the smaller. 60. The large bottle contains three times ae Gf price, SOs. ant $1 1VTED, Craig Street Weat, Meatreal, Ware & Co. |