Poultry Wanted HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for all kinds of Live Poultry + S. Gleeckman, Phone 16 r 4 ‘Milverton ————— or Shines ; For All” Scissors and Razors Painter and Decorator Horse Slipere Sharpen: Sharpened. NEUMEIS TER MILVERTON Vol. XXVI—No. 28 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, January 11, 1917 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher War Orders ‘Thepresentindustrial activity war of readjustment and retrench- ment will probably fete) The prudent-man will guard egainst this now by saving a bites tial part of his present pica or increased income. Open a Savings Account ae The Bank of NovaScotia PAID-UP CAPITAL - § 6,600,000 Rauenve FUND... ~ 12,000,000 TOTALRESOU RCESover 100,000,000 bars: aed aoe Acting Manager EES RS Items of Local Interest. Don't forget the ie aie match with Scaforth) on Tuesday, Jan. 16th. ir. John Coutts, of Hamilton, spent a ir ex D. is Se days at his home here this winter ‘sent the New Year's holidays “iiss Nina E. Hone and Mr. Elden J. H, Fischer spent Sunday at Mr. H, Rocs! Pepper, of Stratford, spent |% gw Year Day with Mr. and Mrs 0: Gonton Gropp, of Toronto, he week-' “ea ating: friends in aed “aroned. Mily, F Keres acai Dairym: being held in, Woodstock Mr. an ow Lyons and daughte: nt the week- Jena Sith, friends in Btratford, ev. C, N, Pad of f Carlingford, will supoly the pulpit of Burns Charc erton next Sunday morning a is attending the vention now ening. Mr. Frank Westman and Mrs. man, ie OR and fughter, Wilma, of Detroit, spent a few days last. week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Orr Pte, John “Wyatt, ‘who left Milver- ver go and enlisted wit thd Tist Battalion has been reported killed in action i his home at Strassburg, Sask. Miss Frieda Schmidt, of Brunner, spent the latter part of Jast week {with her cousin, Miss Mary) Schmidt. GADSHILL mma Sutter is spending some or Mis: time ‘a Stratf ers Charle and Robbie Qlilpo | Sunday with their uncle, Mr. em visited syivs ae Mast er ‘red. Wedgewood M. ,- Rop: unday with Mr. Poole. Boe") tain after spending a weeks in hureday with Mr. {ire and Mrs. C, Ropp. [who returned with her and spen' few days a Mra. William ‘Hollatz, | accompanied be her daughter, Mrs. . Henry. Miller, her hom pending several jin id ott, Stratford, ehind. Bring your fellow’s girl anc few Guelph with her parents, “patna trip |250, including all lunches Gar Gorn J ust Arrived At G.T.R. station, Milverton Also alarge quantity of WESTERN OATS . LOW GRADE. . A * SHORTS. $1.15 Bushel 75c bus. $2.70 cwt. $1.70 owt. + $1.85 owt. Pfeffer Milling Go. mn returned from | Pack: © 8 0 Attend Engeland’s Salt pee one Children’ . * Coats Eng wit, 6 Chante of pas C: Schwindt and in at Barr has entered’ the | ‘a Scotia in the capacity Whitewear on sale at Engeland’s. eee joo 5 hegeey boots reduced ia t of good Photographs yar ‘Malcolm Beasbets has been = a rah ff Vancouver, B.C., seni tio Mrs. ©. Seuwinat, of Wellesley, has hurchased Mr. Henry Hoelscher’s house on Maple Mrs. Sea her, uncle, Mr. Pete Irving, who quite ill 202 Milverton, takes day evening. Mr, and i. Ch: Sturned home after 4\ Guelph and 65. doe e one Get itsthrough his post off Revs W. ecu pied the, ‘pulpit of Burns Church Sse tol ah on Sunday Phe aleighing during the past. wee s n |ments, characteristic of the coun |wil be served. Ii for 250. } to the I.0.D.E. for Re | poxposes Riciehe will be at the ous {Store corner at 7.15 sharp, On- Wednesda oon, Dee Miss Stella ‘Squire and pupilé of a 8 zh, at o., were “1 oth programme ingot dnitls; dialogues and reci- given during which Ege ton, ex: News’ Debi rpose! a ges presided, ape eth afternoon session oe o'slock and the e 30 9 ter: we | ssio pees cases eit ‘ped of" aes: ay eler lock, by Mr ‘forninston aan Bf aed are muniday Sebool have at Ficast On |delegsts a prernition: wad Monday. afternoon when the cheek e locomotive -engine Ww! | yar ‘nm power where fi h the d h Bourd of culture will tions wi Rostock on Jan. 15th and on Jan. At Rostock Mr. Gardhouse, of Thist ‘tletown, Maite aie Salmon, frozen s\ White Fish, frozen Jewel Flour, per 24 lb. Good, Brooms.. Gor Best Coal Oil, per BUTTER, PER LB, 38c 12 lbs, Granulated pues for. 5 Jewel Flour; per 98 1b. sack Pink ca per tin sack. EGGS, PER DOZ. 50c J. G. HAMILTON iT. ANTES * Coal Agent for PORTLAND CEMENT : : judging cat He “and heavy, hor Richardson, of Galedo place. in. Me’ mee he addr: Friday evening last the with) se puri rae and a foelscher made a very suit able as after whi eh t it in a social way, the guests, mn 1 pr oe home ‘till tabi! ost. exciting hocl nveh Srltmesied ST MARYS LIME The habit of thrift is worthy of. cultiva- It means comfort and security for those dependent upon you when your tion. earning day, Start a Savings Account at the Bank of Hamilton. Capital Pali $3,476,000 Milverton Br: fe Capital aio": Sononeon NG. sca 01 feta BE THRIFTY capacity is lower than tt is to- Tuesday night -w! ed Milverton by the s ot epee home 4. victoi tursday evening of last we birthday, and read him a vei al spen idiot ven (eae @ |thetr respective homes, spent days in Woodstock this week visiting mstallation of the Officers of Pl: as. Robinson. have spending the New. Year's “hodays with friends in Every man should sign. 6 ppations ma: et ean ay Pal meson, last and preach- ‘ry able and inspiring ser- oe ton but will make sannentns gps amounting to $6. ~ #4 as take 7a ‘Clay: eli ae wiotiity of the Pfeffer Sing Co yao antl. the Fallesieg Baring | ‘Agri- hold live stock conven- with practical demonstrations at at aoe ‘3 ‘At. Listowel wi @ a pes So ‘ion on 0 } er [Hobla d by the abore gentlemen 30 and Mies Gertrude Gray, of ‘Toronto, beautiful umbrel- he evening game en | Barton—At 2nd, P ory address, extolling his merits asa|by m serve: happy throng departed to Hamilton. Me: is your chance to se- —Engeland’s. We will received. , Milver Ripe ton Agric! the meee Pape ‘Lil 0th, ne Dy, en the ate receive who receive promptly, and return them to the aaa office through the letter carrier, or kk for To- here will “morning trains in going east to Eeeaai fon will i the evening. t Th Memoriam. Hie memory of sinetta, wife of pipette Johnston, who died Jan. Sth, 1916, How ‘sad it is to part with drlends, Those whom we dearly 1o¥ Bat What a happy thoaght to ‘@ shall meet above. Know A\ vacant place now in our homie, r ean be filled, lent in the tomb @ forever stilled. Death's isy hand is Poamini Thi As each any et is and leaves. ‘To-morrow, where are Perhinps ‘beyond tat chilly ‘tide 30.-soon musi id | |Po- ear we are in the et cat “health, cS { ©1808 sleep'on, thot dear ones ‘hy troubles are no amo: | And We hope ne day to est thee Ove! ‘hat other shore ‘hich We would not call her aol sgeta 0 this world of care: me | er work is finished on this earthy nd éhe rests sdfely-over there. —Her Sister, posctcerse Seek caey Address and. Presentation Mrs, ©. Siegner and Mréi George ire yed to the ladies by the wh bie os wv bets of church, Milverton, Jan, 8, 1917. To Mrs, George This facilitated the Lutheran > church Dear ete We, mémbers’ of the Ladies’ Aid ot the Lutheran chureh, of Mil- e these many you Will henocforth’ continue in: your and to express our love nd. gratitude towards you oul to accept these table linens an cite om? | of labor for. many. ¥ may He bestow Tis’ bleaship upon you and your familie Births, Marriezes and Deaths. a BIRTHS. a e-|Duench—At Milverton, on Thursday C gis an 4th, 1917, neh, a Salvaged tcAuipertan: on. Monday. Jan, 8th, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs, R Salvadge, Mr. and Mrs, es Anderson—, Anderson, Atwe Jan. 1917, Teabal ‘atrulners A eibeed wife of Daniel Barton, aged 64 years 8. on Wednesday, day, Di relict of the late Joh Cranston, of Ima, in her 89th -y te Mrs, Alex. McMillan is at . present visiting with her sister, Mrs, Rankin Mitchell. nnual meeting of the church next Tuesday afternoon patches of Field to eure iat Asner or suit at sale prices in ve"a supply of cement 5a the fall and winter. st & N. time |*he 2. in going. ee to b é Goderich will arrive about rag eer ten a respects the spas te was far from tae see ge making trai Days May Come and Days May go But the Mud Stays Here Forever. 0th 1 |The Family Circle From. Milverton ‘Still BIEEOED: Seaford, England, Dec. 21, 1916. st, still: muck-mixing and times absorbing a little moisture which there seems to be an Boner (Servioe penned a little e time, I suppose near the trencbed Hat lt Just about expresses our feelings here; “It isn’t the foe that we fear; Tt isn’t the bullets that whine; It isn’t the snipers who seek ‘fo nip our young hopes in the bud: No, it isn’t the guns, And it isn’t tha Huns— It’s the mud, mud, mud. ho, disagreeable weather is’ natur- ally affecting, to a considerable extent ae is taxed to oper ing: With the eee uke of Gordon H ty good a seriou: that country. Fosabiy the cub reporter of the Her- got wires crossed, for in some 3 'the > fit men being rént dine trenches, Tn vogue dp ass I ng battalions 5] abundance rn ani e Milverton Council 8th, “1917. met — this lverton, Jan, Milverton Coancil-elect 00 am. in tl th y anne! ine host and hostess Ritter, of the Grand Cen- ral anoil fedumed adjourned session Publio Library, grant, $50.00; on, weighing stone, F, Wiederhola, weighing stone, sr Charles Welker, hauling water “and 00; B, & N. Planiag Mill Co., posts; ete $15.42) D up to Dee, 31, 70; cannaiga® Patriotio Fund, a maths ‘ohn Jacobs, 3 1-3 s_ stone, $19: 35; Moses Ropp, 1% cords stone, $13. ater a Weqaell. alipnseled wise ffairs pertaining to the best inter- ¢ Corporation, Connell ad- oe De SEE Railway Time Chldgea: Clerk. The new time cards on the: G.7.R a. OP.R. wil the. “tsa service although there vil SEAFORTH vs. MILVERTON C.jof certain units. soo! ugh Hart ae been honored | ti ‘TUES. JAN. 16): Into. these, other sar je necessary but in uncouth language it ed rot. Take HOCREY Beek No enanges siege 4.25) p.m. infor tinued uelph, will be discon- rains ied! ing ns ho ee 8.30 A oe Charge President the British n Friday. night iscovered, Velieved to have been been inaugurated -by ermans, to pu m |down the British if at attempted to jets, Mi pe in the to-day will tell you e lost more sleep over enlisting than oa ie has since signing I'sea there is still a “strong appeal |] for recruits but is it not high time to cease such acts of folly hea “Your Man on the Job.” pet hats eSo Northern Ontario’ Car Stratford | Beacon. stra- a m. se Morginion Council held at - on Monday 8a pe all j ory is but an incident, and mince they have been to, celebrate opens sloomily, but uunned by another inant election.” ponuioine a et us stand be- neath the jlorious flag and God. will seo us through,” ¢ ta be hoped that he will NEWT! Tas. of station, vis- ited last week with friends her gi er Brostoa, rayer meeting nye evening, Jan. 11th, in te all, x Mrs, Stewart Saeki Be a inopntee called on Mr, and olidays. with her parents, left on tee day to resume her duties at Brow! Brae. n Encampment of Oddfellows were iimesed at their » Joho Rei 2nd of Tent, Fred. La: Beate SERS ae RRS Sa Mrs Colin Kerr, who has been: suf- tim: -|fering for some ment at the Stratford hospital. It is return great- ly improved in health, STRAYED air. of white ducks strayed onto lace of Israel Wilhelm, Poole, but e has since left. Owner, may have ain by paying expenses, 2-4. |. Goderi in tahoe nt ih /HARGRAVE, Millbank, et 4 {oe vood {Newton, Jan, 8th, 1917, WANTED Tailors, Tailoresses and_ girls power sewing machines, Good wages. steady, work’ guarant all yeas The Colonial Knitting ai for drop a ¢ Milverton, stating number for sale and lowest cash’ price wanted ich Organ, piano case, 11 stops, conditio! ALTER A Kitchen. Cabinet (new). Also 160-eue Cyphers Incubator and hove used 1 year, Apply to JAS. HENDBR- BON, ‘Mlivertow Oat, . ment silo construction outfit or eal Planta For ther particulars cnr o DANIEE NAFZIGER, Poole, On 10. bushels of 0.A.C, 72. 200 bushels een ‘Hamilton at Se {re ed Oats. ‘Aub ERS, Milvert W.B, STRU' TH- NOTICE 1 “First oleae repairing and horse shoes i at M. . Wagler's, Jan. 8th, man.. Prices avons: Millbank, ‘irst-olass shoeing wien er the ist, of January. 1917, the will only be ti geist every prey. Me Ages ther notice, WM. ‘FINK & SO) fornington, Bettany sihiesante Jan, 18th, at 3.00 Christian Santon obty pa. ‘The annual meeting of the Donegal Cheese and Butter Co., L’t'd., will be at ceiving Rnditora" Report aa trans noting any business ‘Ww which may come “eaEHgON” VIP IND, See’y. 8. COWAN, ‘Treasurer. CARD OF THANKS Ree and Mrs. Jas, Graham desire to hank the many friends who so hur- te edly came to their. assistance on Mornington Tp. | Officers the Inaugural meeting of the Newton. following officers lerk, D. Delmar south, uw itors; Samuel Rinkead a Tomuhip Eapinsels B, ‘Di, palton: wht Townshi’ Solicitor, G. G. MoPherson. pe De = Brat friedas gathered at x MoGillawes on Monday arket shelter, f Mr. Aiox afternoon, Jan. 18t ath. Gates to the Bresbyfortal meeting in . Marys will give their report. da} t the home Time Extended ‘ing to the news of the don. (oF “deserters from overseas Pe pekans bad ate it ates hes “crrenged om of fare a on-third to any plac e vari- e ear will visit Mitenell verton, Tavis- took, Neusta is and ills ma ti the idmne until ti Janae 15th. Packages of good American Parch- ment label Cons Dairy Butter,” 400 sheets ¢ for sale al a ‘office for $100. inet afternoon to save their house ire, Mr/ Christian Yost a family de- sire to eee the fri he and “neigh-: bors for their kindness and 8) during the ‘laeas and after the deat of their beloved wife and’ mother, ‘7_|To the electors of Milverton: pase te ey my hearty ae T will try and do w! power to give Cr Silage the ‘bart government possi Yours "tele uel Petrie. | To the electors of Milverton; ee a Gentlemen; bass piemed to you my sincer? ? eet a mya abil out, Seige ous Plotter