Milverton Sun, 11 Jan 1917, p. 4

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Misses a r, of | gah ed fn ds Thi aero Te Tad re ae gait asa. Mel ind lia Dungey oe at peas visiting her cousins, the M E ichmi arty spent ales, weeks their Tespeotiv Misses. reut dnd Wingeteler dete Jast eee for Strat. * they have obtained.’ pos: iene 7 a ana Mrs, Albert Knechtel, of te: Mi ie 5 ion for officers of the Evan- lay School was héld on reer resulted as i lana, Henry TaN jchmidt ae Clara Eg- ‘A TWIST OF THE WRIST — farms THE ROLL No. knife, scissors or straight _An energetic wanter nig Yécatiey to sow sumples. and Solicit orders from bo aie ‘Handsomely. bo ‘hooks sti to occupa~ tions age, Maslee tee iiages can canvass, when ful Weosataer & will be furnished. Ahi dab WALL pee Wedding bells are ringing around our burg. Ate. and Mrs. Jos, Hayes spent Sun- i Sunday in Elmira, Mr. Bareags in Listo evinine to her hom: in ‘Toronto on Saturda; ‘iss Lue! > with bey fathes in Gue ing. Donald, principal of our school bic he os this week in Toronto. spent the? week: eid recently received from Mrs. M. Bink- | Wi inkeard; the. following) supplied the patches and the ladies quilted them. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Harloff Sunday- ed wich Mr, and Mrs, John Buuck, of a Becker attended ° ing at Bociolia, Miss Melinda | ahs y visited at tl home of her uncle, Mr. Henry Schmidt near Rostock, recently. iss Lavina Harloff, be Stratford. spent the week-end with her parents, and Mrs. Fred Harlo! Mr. $28 Mrs. George Becker speat 3 last week with Shakes- purse-in- | 4 spent a w days recently at her parental home. Mro, Robert Henry and daughter, Bigs Mabel. spent with Mr. d Mrs. D. J. Kubryvilie. SPR MIE a0 Wie iat ob ranma nities tion, lespatches of Sir Do pine Haig, is Hugh Hart, of the Medical staff, of Mr. Wm. Hart, of North East- mith, tion Ficla- Marshal Capt. so? ARE;THE BEST VALUE x [the week-end wi conday. . Wm, Oakley of fewacelas spent ith Eva MeDermaid, of Palmerston, has ‘taken charge of the school on the E. _ Kennedy. left on Tuesday Miss Sadie Letson, of West Mont- rose, spent the week-end with Miss Annie Burnett. Joha Friedman at- Brantford on los. Runstedler. of the 9th line is spending a ae oe vacation with his mother in Toro Educational Tield Da ay Services will o|bd held in e Methodist church on Sunday. fe a Mr. J. Reid and Mise Cassie Baker ber of the sports of our e how oie game in - Elmira ct to nday hunting hogs 0 be a scarce a Dierlam and daughter, of Listowel are. spending days at of the former's mother, who| v are doing boys of | the 118th Bat- y after spending num! jowever, were rejected, being o'clock, under the auspices of the Wo- men’s Institute. Proceeds for Red Cros: pi RRR aero DONEGAL Someday You Will Buy a Talking Machine | | When that time arrives be sure a deciding upon your purchase. sik gladly send. a, Grafonola ia House off appro ready own a ane ma- putter ‘ay Columbia records. cau any machine, ‘and are Phat meranes made. y BSc. up Kk to hear “Be British”” and "“Cana- ns might a8 ret !" (R, 2801) J. E. WEIR ~ Columbia esol and Pay, es ea en Doreas McCourt has returned to hee duties at White Plains, N.Y. Mr. Howard aces is ue bright smile these ii @ ladies of the Patriotio "Society held a very successful tea on, Friday last. Miss Pearl Barton, of Peffers, spent lar with her friend, Miss Alice fed at the home of Mr. Sam McCourt last wee! Quite a pubes attended the fu eral-of the late Mrs. Daniel Barton, on imhursday, ae Mr cand Mra. A. Sherbarat, of Monkton, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, H. McCou: Wo are sorry to report the ‘illness of Miss Jennie Sst But we wish for al speedy recov _ Miss Ollie MeCourt; of po hy WINTER TOURS. SPECIAL fares now in effect to Florid: Fs sree 5 eases hens and the West Indies. ~ RETURN LIMIT MAY 31, 191 a = - Liberal Stop-Overs Allowed For full ees write to: Cc. EB. HORNIN DPA, ‘Unton Beaton ‘ bite | n C. BAIRD, Phone No. 1, Local Agent | casted St gn » CROSSHILL abe funeral of the ee o died at Mrs. © om Sunday school work er ladies’ organizations, sehen manifested b; eautital floral wreaths and sprays a ‘by [a tock. The | conduc ted by ‘Wellesley, ang Rev, Rae, af Union’ tted en ane ax Mieraddin's anc sister, Crooisenks an eee relatives on s je pae pee see for his home as aa: ton inesday. ts D. tend ane Was. Presbyterial at Bi a Loule: Voll ahd shildiren “spent | and Mrs, Touts Voit spent last | POW lachs. “spent Tuesday | 7am arly and rife Bae a few I relatives in our : ‘w days with her sister of ‘our local butcher, was |Committe * nS y! xa Fake Seelhoff, of London, vis- on! n- | in’ particulars of 7 Rev. Sarawalte al Totvate | ‘ A Fie iy 3s College. as ‘iss Alle ace dns boon enengea| » teach eee on the Wats ie Manitata in Hammond’s this wee! Mr. Wa. ¢ RcoaeeS, “of. Rossburn, ; ., 1S Mis: We Sank Melee who has” spe ast three months visiting pote S ews legal tes appointe: ited ti Knox church Jnsement of Mr. D. B. Grieve a Miss |, Ricontet the funeral « the} Mr: nlee, of oe soastonie: Bi le attending the. funer- al of the late Mrs. Brownlee, of Wood: stook, which took place _ The at Morningdale rth: hssannty: Mins P. M. He expects to Fetura Ereile ue Boe ancetne v YES. of ee church held ed annual busin meeting on Mon- The followi ng officers were Mof. Alice Clark and ‘Bella ce LISBON Mr. Herman Ruthig is at present visiting Mr. a day at the home of Mr. Wm. Becker here. Messrs. Walter Koch and Charlie Hohl made a business trip'to Galt last r. and Mrs, Eph Koch were the ae of Mr. and Mrs, Jacoh Weber rs, Andrew Gerstahes t the" home of srs, George Neumeister and Johu chi hmidt were ee visitors at New oe on orge Stretcher left for Bright will: spend a a ith Mr. and Mrs. eae Weit- re nd Mrs. R. Battenberg, spent Friday eveniag at . and Mrs, George John Schmidt and family, . Wellesley, were the guests of Mr. id Mrs. George Neumeister Listen ! It won't do you. an ounce of “good ia re: for yourself that we will sell Here is your opportunity to buy goods which | months, We want you to come to this sale. ug ds will, no doubt READ THE’ RICE 6 Ladies’ Coats—Half Price Regular $25.00 for 53 18.00 for Children’s Coats Half Price Furs! Furs! All Furs Reduced to Less Than Whol Marmot Scarfs, reg. $18.00, for oi 50 G3 “ e 00, 9.50 fe “ « S 15 A few Muffs left a’ reduction. 1 set Black Persian Paw, reg. $25, for. 2 Men’s Fur Collared Coats for: 1 Men’s Fur Collared Coat fo: | 8 doz. regular 2,00 to 2.50, for Dress Goode: 250 pi es Dress Goods at al at 950 yhick: cost $1.15. en unbhl ater the sale. ices, Serges " lar 10.00 foro. TA. Novhange oe i. : Aries ae eens ~ Prints Alllight prints. Indi go. ines 8 6 $1. io Lene to-day $1.75 for Regular lc for.. White only, size 12 x 4 for... Boys Suits ‘We will have on Sale 15 Boy’s Sui 10 14 years, Reg. $4.50 to 6,00 for. Youth’s Suits : Bloomer Pants, Reg. 85,00 to 7.50 for. 4.50 Long Reg. $8, 10.00 for ‘Boy's Bloomer Pants all reduced: tn pi ee Fancy Sateens 6 pieces Fancy Sateens worth 25e per yard to-day, for 15¢ Wool Underwear. We are going out of all Wool Underwear except Stanfields. We have some extra Yburgains in Penman's and McKay's, regular 1,50 per garment, for Overalls and Smocks > Pei eabody’ 's Pants, regular $2.50 for.. Peabody's Black Panta, = $1.7 a £0 MeKuy’s Big Ovgrall reg. § Lined Smocks, reg. $1,75 for. Negligee Shirts 4 doz. regular 75c to 1.00 for ..... Barren 48c Mackinaw Coats 6 Mackinaw Ooats, reg. $6.00 for. Caps All Fall or Winter Caps at. Men’s Hats Wool Skirts Ladies’ and Misses’ Wool Skixts $1.25 to 1.50 Grocery Specials Wool Scarfs 13 Ibs. Mere Sugar for Regular 1.45, sale price -$1.10 Men’s Overcoats 5 Men’ Black Beaver, large collax, regular $16.00, sale price Mon : 3G gular ale pri Oitiey Mates Cuanosta I sanae proportion 8 Boy's Overcoats with velvet collar, gular 7.00, sale pr Sweater Coats We have a few Swagter Coats left, also Pull Overs which go on sale at 20% off Men’s Wool Socks Big Bargains in Men’s Heavy Wool Socks These Prices are for Cash or Produce Only Don’t stay at home and wonder why, as. these tremendous bargains may pass you sy, de thank you for your past patronage. We do not claim to have the biggest stock, but we do claim that b’ can buy goods cheaper than those who do not. : ; og ATTEND THIS ne AND SAV MONEY, os iF WM. K. LOTH, - Milverton Frederick Borden, for fifteea Mr. friends Mr, | with ‘ps Notice to Creditors Bs atc Estate of Joven ‘Wagler, de- “NOTION is hereby given seed to the Trustee Aci? that all creditors and others having cl ited on of their si their full addresses ‘and descriptions f tt he securities, if john, eee ven Os Mr. i ate, Mooratiel latter's avery. fale, f press st Sees rphy, K.C., Listowel. Miss Lavin: with friends sae Listow f Hes. aan), epent Biturday vat the “homieat John Li Mr. sa Tine} spent Sunday wit Re Beatt, ae or Mr, Gtenailan, Mile a Mrs, Wa. ag ADH See, Shir- Dei Censor at Kitchener aie ersare ice toro Set ating the sie ‘tha: dios, Cassel spent Saturday with at Hessoi DORKING | | ot Listowel, spent Kesamer spent san isnas at 2 Moser ‘spent Saturday. el. our sports “spent Saturday insemé and ies Robert Beatty, of ihe and Mrs, Bugene Stemmler vis- eBetiarday ae Mr. and Mrs. esso! 3, Wellingt ‘on heb of t the home.of Mr. Leeann as May sepenteastew! dayat at the: yparents, Mr, and Mrs. M. ‘ich, are. spending a sks ‘with the former's narents, hae oe r of secret ie i” Kitohener at prese! $ situ: atts ated © they will scrutin- ports and, eae — ae TO INV ESTORS THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO. TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVEST! ‘MENT MAY PURCHASE Ot ‘PAR - DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE IE soak an SUMS. OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF pce repayable eae Ses ot! : rest. payable halt-y Ist Oct be ¥ sige (free of resin iy sata Paints Es, pane} ine anne it i _ the rate of five p yum sings the date of purchase, sof ike aie on have the ee ‘of'surrenduing of cash, ab pay- any ee ech sno-in NIN oe othe hee ite —) ahha sioak aretor ee only e A ete sf one-qui of one per cont will be allowed to ree ands sto pee i bn ‘allot nents ade it oe raieres hich bear the ir stamp. Mac lee ay to a Deputy Minister of

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