{ “ing from its “Paris correspondent: A despatch from | nee ‘The | mor - Daily Telegraph publishes ‘the Filion: “i “e ally true have had private information indirect- | hay ete now ess man, — and says positively, Germ: es Germany ‘can scarcely vg id out: ISH ARMY [POOR ‘WORLD CROP SHOUTS PEACE FOR THE PAST YEAR Army Has Absolute Confidence | 18 ieee : amacie ‘Show in Early Defeat of Cen- Decreased Wheat Yield of tral Powers. 25 Per Cent. A apis from the British EP lespatch from Rom ‘The Breadetusts. ‘Never has the Britis al iegeeeataeal Institute o Agricul ture xed Non " pent eet ee rae Deen so mee to fight; why should soe iinet continue a indicate | No. 3,4 its! ae) vient 8h a we talk of crops. is now| track, Bay ports crop trading 4¢ ee can n safely give that as the able tor. the bs ents through new we erdlanftoba Mee ine a ee acl British orm -anavwer to, all” peace | reports uxt atueton Me Ae forecas 8 | nacmnericaa Cork—No, & yellow, no sell lared a staff general on Wed- of| Argentine wheat crop is estimated a nesda; va response to the question of 4 a % Rete Fonts one-half that of what he and his men thought of President Wilson’s note. note was variously commented ustralia’s wheat rop is cone ee men. The teal at Ase O00) 000 bushels, which is fow shad] Der cent. better than the yearly aver- influences eatied in including him to believe | this was an opportune moment to patos action was regarded as world’s eighteen most im- many’s road and enabling her Sate Canada, to ae the second step in her peace|and all Europe the plot: sehenbersp ia placed Sentiment at the front is unondi- at 2,600,000,000. bushels. which i tionally against peace now. Every| per cent. less than for 1915 indication points to much worse condi- aL tions in German; any he world even Raipetias chy a cosas bani tirallied are daily pang ‘stated to wage a successful off ‘The British, who are little given to demonstrativeness, are unanimou: estimated total | SL Pasa SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. Causes of Ignition of Barne Without Contact With Flame. nhs of Asust, Sep- ber uring the mon’ ivalsPeorars-undee présstire of dresatlles’ eathielng-atfeneth. pad, + anf Mera oe WILSON’S PEACE MOVE cee Lu Provincial ae een hates mn 11 cas ety was impossible to find the ca 8 were assign- eply. to the," spontaneous fires, which break out in barns where hay is Be : ‘ot only in reply to, the original Ger-| man peace overture, but.also in reply |° . to President. Wilso shgue © gee Pat i rms confidently |® to the United States, ‘hus atord ta \eeeds dlowly the results are Biaekened the President an opport ic/and charred masses which are occa -| tis Wiles for A couridential posted: sionally found in interior of along the same lines. 's. possible | Stacks, manure ee etc. With the at some 8S it be made in| Tight degree of moisture present and this way, but unless ali the Washin uufficiency of air to-provide the bac- ton. diplo ‘are mistaken there is (teria with the necessary oxy; set is e for ete) Terie on.terms now. ah incisal 40,000 AMERICANS > be IN THE BRITISH ARMY A despatch from London says :— te, aoe of the Pratt ina SaRan moist condition. The most obvious preventive is to, nd lives for liberty and humanity, putting these above as ra else in the pe aur rat sorgusuys sare cured 5 ‘wor! ider - “My. public work and other| Sially should care. be. taken eal asons prevent my acting on the sug- Ive ‘erent eae spear - but there are qualified writ-| (vm Po Ahrens eas the letter may appeal, at nt more. rapidly. few years ago the so.” There are said to erieans-in the Brit- + ding Mhode inthe Cat! Bk ion in led were exceptionally , § e and i case ‘investigated alfalfa. adian division. ede SI 50,000 ARMENIANS STARVING. ed ov loads ‘ll prevent fermentation. Ven- tilate the barns well. =e All of These eae Now in Vici ofl j A sae oe a York - says: __ Fifty thousan: yorted enians starving in the ciciiy of ‘Aleppo, | ARMING OF MERCHANT SHIPS. ah Oke (308 num- | 0: eh ies from spontaneous com- |" This | is an exterior view of Dun, own ten officers and ninety, men. convalescent hom: Where North Sea Heroes. es Lost Vigor. Mgavel, the beautiful mountain residence of the Duke es Ham, which the wher has converted into a hospital for naval officers The hospital stands 800 feet up in the Ayrshire hills and is ra oe aS: for a and men recovering from their wi commodates all Federal Govert abe |amer cc ength is eas waning, while that of R ae a te, continually growing, pro Sree is feeling that her e plete es . Hear 3 and oe Ae is the for all her |” wrong ona 8 and "oltons ‘of the} moral law. As of her stre eee th she ela oie, so now, feeling her weakness near, she sud- denly offers to enter upon peace aie = tiations before her military talent is exhaus app) aie aed bey Markets of the World Ontario nominal; according to fre! out Ontario wheat “New car lot, $1.65, to $1.67; 3 do., $1.63 to #185, Speording ¢o Trelghis outside 2:42.40, according to frelghts ere owing to embargo, No. 3, oe “Winter, per outside. Barley —Malting, $1.16 to $1.18, cording to frelghts suiaice juckwheat — $1. according t ac- $1,32 to $1.38, according freights outside, Manitoba. flour— bags, $9.40; 2nd do... $8.90: : onto, first patents, in Jute strong: | sample, $6.80 to $6.90, in bags, sag nt ronto, prompt shipment. Millfeed—Car lots — Deliv aa tats 1 freights, nore e cluded, ton, $32; shorts, 3 good feed per bag, ae to os Ha: fay-g No. D. per ton, $13 to 313.50; No. 2, do, 0 $11, track, A reeeieat lots, per ton, $9.50 to $10, track Toronto. Site Produce—Wholesale. Butter— dairy, choice, 41 to 4c; | | greamery ae to 48c; solids, 44 to sh Hggs—No. 4 storage, 40. to tier stor 42 t ew-lald., in to) se, § |, Honey—White clover, 24-Ib, tins, 13 o 5- ai ting, 13 to. Whe: 10-1b. 124 to 12de; buckw! Co om honey eight d 30 to | oe Ca ceren Ee he are, quoted. to as fol- * lured meat Long clear bacon, 18 to | 1Sfc per Ib to 18 ear bellies, 18 a, 3 212 to | pounds {on an. 2. te Wester sie 644 No. “Manitoba to $1.32, Wasa paconta, fies bak eed, a anitoba Spring 5 seconds, oF strong patents, choles, § to. $8.80; do. straight 2. Bac; No. 8 C. tee No. 1 feed, tie. Bart No. bs 8c; resected, 70 y J \ganbiy No 3 OW -| Unitea States Minky: [ene a assis No, 1 'Novthiorn, $1 No, 2 Northern, ($1,714 to ‘orn—No, 3 y ellos 872 ‘to Bate, is PPE eed Batts fasod $2.83 meee Bese: “Jai ‘perember, ive Stock Markets. Toronto, Heit cattle, 40 to Asi ewes, iatic T ‘esul a recent x ) he: 5.75 mporary suspension of vet appro-| Dangers of New hah of Larger es 5 cae H Ey 2 priations, according to a cablegrai U-Boats, 0.80 Sy eA from American Ambassador Blkns;| THe naval correspondent of the Lon- Hey “to 812 b0;"do avelged received through the State Depart-/don ‘Times urges that~all-merchani ae pie = Washington, and made public | men ts =e ae ae that heavier guns| My Me ge T fy cpanel re m Thursday night by the Am-| pe wu: extent guns were ary $8; butchers’ cows, 4550 to Sal ian ani or @ last in- | ganners' bu 60; canners' cows raise, “committe for Armenian and} yse ye 4 saree year, prin-| anne pbulls Haha As 8 w8 Dy * Serbian reli cipally for ships engaged in»Govern-| éaives, SiO; lambs,” site. to. $19.80; pag work, but the guns provided in| Sheep $9; select hogs, $12.50 to $18.50. GREAT BRITISH nost every instane e 0! all ro ali MEAT PURCHASE A despatch from Washin; —The British Government insufficient protection” the experience of captains was in. many in- stances submarines would not risk an ta mn says: prices will be paid than the i} secs ARMY ING: DEMOBILIZED, Dominions’ low wa- J despatch doin London says: The} ters, the matter has become Bd dpa Foreign Office has. received . = ices smi that the Greek Government is carry- ing out its promise to demobize hed ek army, cquemak Hert satisfactorily, the advices ind! exports” 0 longer sufficient protection, as we the new U-boats carry guns gvhich have a sere ae erie 11,000 to 12,000 yards, elma tren, eae at tet Se pS ards. U-boats can, ther stay out of Victoria Crosses are cast ‘rom can-| range a ae i “the Sprolaciaiie opie vee wie : a! ae C and feniyes for 1917, with GERMANS MUST TURN 1 is ALL THEIR OLD ‘SHOES And Can See Secure Two New Pairs ing the Year 1917. ak Reuter despatch from Amster- London says that the latest n papers cone tha. Tat | Counell’s regulations rej et, ling shoes They prescribe that two pairs of so-called “shoes de. tune will be sold on the turning 1e new articles will 8 allowed Cay reigotgtl tickets. ASRS SS the man who during a political discussion. tem} Chisw | : Teddington Weir. 10 to | to be {© asked by the labor representatives to | ci Mos i{ Acton’s public i “We always lose our patience with can’t keep his per | 1,000,000 TURKS IN THE FIELD _ HALF OF THEM IN THE CAUCASUS The Remainder are Scattered Nowhere in Great Force, With 60,000 on Tigris. A despatch from London says: In the course of an article on operations in the East, ~ Times’ military cor- sernonden ‘Out of 50 et 55 Turkish divisions Smyrna, sees and on front. general situ sn in the Caucasus and Armenia) e' tres, and the rest scattered n in great strength. are-engaged south of Smyrn ‘ning Dece Cale ae Sto7in aah! 5or6 e Austria and Dobrudja, 5 in Syria, 3 in Mesopotamia, 3 in Persia, 2 each in the Dardanelles, Constantinople, fi in ee Hi that half the Turkish army is engaged in thea- | me P my to divisions ghore thi eae by rire Tighe nd rob- loyers, assistance of the! nea o a worth of jewellery and military authorities. Copies of the} s9g cas Arbeiter-Zeitung, rgan of the e VoD Ohio, Sheet and she i ‘ting a e time she is crea’ ie nae ewtion I < che false im about the _stren 1 roads. of her : = oe zing her tem| a be Subrattiea to a yote 1B ovel e Rumanians, oes so aks experience in the conduct of warfare.” Hi mode! se Bd AUSTRIAN goers SUFFER. battle cruise! A thief te a tray with ainmonas aaa a toxelery store in in, When ‘lerk’s back wé rice vaithough the clerk gave ses a thief | escaped with opty: waived at arareed Described by Socialist Or- an as Practical Serfdom. pence workingmen h duced toa condition of, practical aan Deesik! Feldman, a shoe merchant ot ew York, yee yh d home from his store after ing hours, ae “NEWS FROM ENGLAND TEUTONS WIN SEWS BY MAIL ABOUT tOR% BULL AND HIS PEOPLE Occurrences In the Land That Reigns Fallen to the Invaders. Suprema ta the Commer A despatch from London. says: ial World. net of the Teutonic allies apparel te fast closing in upon Braila, Women in p in road-tar spraying at| jmania's sl and grain centre; cad sent, $3250 to oke Newington has Sarat, relatively the same distance to is SAniane ‘Committee for Relief in | the east, while the guns of tl Belgium. brudja army are still hammering Sea lamperns haye recently been aught in cel pots in the Thames at ; on the ae bank Danube, omnonite rai A wing is to be placed to Dovei es timnik court Cottage Hospital.as a coud {to Captain Fryatt Th curfew pell is being rung at be of, the town, while ‘eutonic Vigan every evening as a warning for | Danube’ army captured seal forth |eseaped military service by aire cso, th amship com: nts. .d villages, according to the Berlin| s for a small amount of war in New oo but could not dis- ie sree di at I agr t has been reached by ecember aes rings es 8, me prisoners and 27 ching guns ve been capture ete | club for Dominicn troops. Eastbourne Guardians are recom: |mending poor people to buy clogs in- | stead of boots for their children. re Mrs. Hanah Anker, the oldest fish- | monger in England, ee just died Ae Peterborough at the age of 96. RAILROAD GENIUS. MODAN sow titore AEEACE poration of South Shields for utilizing the eS parks as veg! ee gardens: Burnley Weavers’ elation paid | | $7056 ean 208 olaims for death bene] bait = beh “ men kifled in the war. | es, involving an an- 7 aE $26,005, are recom. {sponsible for tl employes of Newcastle | ae ae used by our troops coer e | Sir Erie Geddes, Director-General Military Railways. Sir Eric Geddes, who inted Direct | Railways, in which cap: has been “orporation Two Manchester city councillor: t aeat railway men whose r tion with the construction of roads | ae in Frai | ‘There are, at the lowest estimate, 50,000 disabled soldiers discharged from the military hospitals as unfitted \for further service. The total number of fatal accidents in the Royal Flying Corps, military wing, in the last rela mnettiets 82, ance. ir Eric, oth is a Scotsman, faalieaied at Edinburgh Academy. was intended f pes ae preliminay the United States, in tie: Ka his first Esta ay experience, an 1896 “a joined the Baltimore & Railws Five 4 years later yy meu still a ng Gallery has been cor See military authori aia ror | ong although arkable Because of the increasing pri a Liverpool City Council te te stablish a municipal supply. ea The “fetch your own loaf” system, | by which the constimer gets the loaf tien clone, the Rohilkund line. eturni England in 1905, cent cheaper, is pene reyes by} ne many South Londen, bi patie Commercial Agent been placed under cultivation as allot- | post a man o} perience is.re-} grave suital s ments and have been let out by the ‘quired, f - bast its numerous fune-by the office mentioned. The crosses | army Ser Svan: 1 Wve mien Tes council for the production of “war ; tions are hing of trade | are made of oiled English oak, and aré sent in Tood supplies. | ments opieeting the interests”of ft fails guaranteed to last f . ON) Pranee eve ag aa eae Sobel of. There are now 2800 old boys ef St,| WAYS, and suggesting means” of © | pauls ey 1 serving coutagin; | The roll ans fic. ae Prunes Saree mitiat ee Manager of the comp: | pany, a position | been in hand now for a month, s eve. nowadays, and pad her | en ‘Tribunal passed a reso- pend ie ae until bie pupeininient ready about 300 of the: ~ immoral carry out their duties in an admi iuion to the, effect iat & movement ae ve been erected. As burials. have | manner it is open to question whether a oueaiiand om og Bae ead Trau-knigliled Ina hater wince up and down Abe aauneiene ‘hiked “roman worker ata | businesses owned by. single qoeuard | year, and is a Lieutenant-Colonel of jit has been. necessary to make many eom to the speed attained ” exe als called to the colors. the ane aga Railway Staff Corps, ete as to location of. graves; pefichioed male sorters. : ' — ‘eover, as cemeteries and church- — Rear-Admiral Stuart, ont unyertes pie oes a ne of of ne Jusland | tent ea ch tee oe "presented to Grimsby ‘Treneh Chicken Soup: The English peitiet 3 boys in find With Pleasur: anc oe fai lady customers very hard. to et Cane say that. My goods seem |i eminent. satisfaction.” Lee a Sirias ve out about fi ns of 5-DAY BA as originally written. The ceni m 0] Important Rumanian Town Has t the bridgehea of the War Office. Petrograd admits that the meerns h 0 was fitty cents, are ed |R z R ‘or a lot worth $11,000 was fifty cents, Pr tees gall bark opt a Mot tained State protection, and the bene: trom the Bowery secondhand dealers Jorg | fits of special war legislation, al-| He then left the whole lot in a Chinese Mi School has been | but says elsewhere the abe were| trough thei? wotk had nothing: to-do. ; a andy tern cary Gaie to 2 X eae wro m W | commander a by the War Office as a ES! with heavy eee Sth the “ris |v Ehie "aati * Berlin, | ¥ tor <cmarl ee ue : ‘y he te- Aken e crganiztion en is anot other of on arkab ave volunteered for service in con- | business initiative is being utilized 13 Governi ited States that he gained ak Gene. we have | the Northeastern Railway, For this great ig and developing new sources 911 he became Deputy ttievatt urs. en coax the ea away fron the saucepan and serve the van Hats mon stock, and 1% on the United States has the right to ct the use of the Panama Canal idhott reference to any foreign na- The nity thai ciecatinn da rauch, weaneasghap insta, ee aie She tind, Fave or Wusbla; and wate lve| jenr and turned into i ‘ost pens 9 ny or. “e" ungary. | office. ot make use of the ma-|"'Sing Sing Prison-was plunged Into complaints, Heel by “short circuited” wire eto 4 1500 unguarded prisoners, ieee made to, the military eephesantativel oY a saptinl a etus mnaepned 4S me ‘now controls all important under- | tiefr celia and ‘olosed the doors. ‘The men who complain are | fire trom the-electric wires was extin- army. guished by guards and prisoners to- y speakers showed how the svs-| | oer “| tem of spa control was turned:ti account by el arat admitted iamonds Washingto1 ‘oree, ~ 19; of them stealing $25,000 ane of di a ste: | ae. Seta ibgcleass oF gio: is under arrest at London, England, of | j char a with fortune telling. ma- d in scandal~! psychic Rents, that front health conditions we coming very | has ei chat means, and owns & bad, and that iors in particu-| theatre in Paris, {t is said. /} lar was increasing. 1 of a MAIL FOR THE FRONT. Pastis sets CANADIANS" GRAVES. Ten ee Letters Also Many Par- ~ is Every Week. Tt seems almost. incredible something like 10,000,000 letters and arcels are sent every week to ‘i Marked in “English sancti by| Crosses of ‘eae The identification and markin, every grave of a ni was who dies in England who die in. England are ,at least, to Have the hohgr af having thelr Inst kay esting place marked by the erection | ; of the small wo, eross whi ich i is SO familiar in gi eects ‘ies, of Rando pene France. These mem ly of a temporary ee Xu ca é mes present time they uneabiedly ‘e was | count as more worthy d spect than the costly hee "3 . | stonemasons. Ohio longer is in ‘the x tenes i All letters, no matter whether they nd’s End, John o'Groat’s ee _his é & 4 = ES = z z 3 3 a zg H possible, it “cemeteries _ 2 Englan made up into mails: various one ee as France, 1d of er parts « ° “the world to | ace en-/ the top, just above the crossbar, ist word “Canada,” and on crossb the man’s name, with his unit’ and ante of decease below. The nore has] these-is also done in London, before they ca be sent to their various des peter! > he are under CLERGYMAN COMM: DERS. ° a8 Sekine Resin, ant Divines: he to be ol « the erection of the mem | Hospital. ele fae + ee eas REM ‘a ids, and t1¥ prefer to erect memorial o eee, Sr amust elves, litt Mors Than iy Bava ive levices e ao cry to do aaa wie eel iments nimanded ‘by, s Ryval (triumphantly)—I sup-| published bal ial peopl ig stinple. ended Ganayten: eLdeat Col. 1 reford of fie nov Je neve told you he once pro-| from one cats eee will tell clearly thelr, “hte. Sjacet Lond ee ee : Dy i an deoie! pap story. Dicer Fiancee—No; he me ea! ‘of white paper aod a REN USPC * and- to| there were a number of tates a his| a Jeet. oe, au draw from memory | 2: ithe Draw bade: transported from second in life he was ashi ty of, but I didn’t a fe oe ofahen, Then rae of a line regiment to his p' of shin wt a in| ae ‘t = a ae a ay