Milverton Sun, 25 Jan 1917, p. 8

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FA GH SIrSIar RE ee TREMENDOUS AVING POSSIBILITIES A cut price sale, an old price sale, a January sale, and an inventory This will make a bigger combination of bar- gains than you will ever have the chance of again. The prices offered on many of the lines are bigger bargains than you'll ever see again and the prices offered on all the lines are to a certainty a saving of 50 per ent on what will have to be asked when our present stock is exhaust- ed. We have the largest stock that has ever been in our store, bought when prices were far below the present standard, $0 we are offering uw THIS All prices in our large Advertisement in Last Week’s Sun good until the last day of the sale. Keep week’s “Sun” for refer- ence as to prices until the last day of this sale. your copy of last sale all rolled into one. for spring, we stock, At sale Ladies’ and Children’s Coats at Sweeping Reductions EVERY COAT IN THE STORE GREATLY REDUCED 1 Rack of Ladies’ Coats $3.90 CHILDREN’S COAT $1.99 up to $6.49, worth $3 to $10. See our splendid assortment of Coats. It you could see the values wholesale houses are offering in Suits isposing of every suit in t less than to-day’ would haye no trouble in le prices hele aed are pare at wholesale price—your opportunity—don’t Men’s and Boy’ MEN'S WEAR s Winter Coats, Men’s and. Boy’s Suits, Men’s Fur ihe I Hee + OF OUTSTANDING MERIT Coats, Men’s Fur Collared Coats, this quadruple-sale because we know that it pays us to give the bar- gains we con give, having g bought so far ahead. goods at old prices, a sale of a It’s a sale of staple 1 odd lines in stock at cut rates on the old prices; a January sale to clear out all winter goods, and an inven- tory sale to reduce stock before stock-taking — we did this a year ago and this year has been the biggest in all our history — we’re doing it again with a bigger stock and a better stock than we have eve: fore. Stock up now while goods are cheap and the oppportunity lasts. GREAT SALE CONTINUES UNTIL THE END OF JANUARY r had be- Ladies’ Drawers Ladids’ Underskirts. Ladies’ Corset Cove: DRESS GOODS, In fact, everything on sale at Big Reductions. Ladies’ and Children’s Whitewear at Big Reductions Better cotton in every garment than we can buy this season, SILKS, LINENS, With the price of wool, it will Pay You to buy your Sweater Coat Now. 15 MINK MARMOT MUFFS $2.99 EACH 19 to a3 Ladies’ Gowns -39c to 2.29 9c to Ladies’ ee 29c to 2.29 :19¢ to 4 Middie: 30c to 99c CORSETS Underwear, AT BIG SAVINGS Overalls, Men’s and Boy’s Sweater Coats MWS aS eS SS SS SSeS rleze ENGELAND & SON, The Cash Store, Milverton oe fella W. D. WEIR’S LIST OF j Properties For Sale! LISBON Ada Nickel, of pve! 4 epending a week with her si MILBANK NEWS 15 Warns Farmers notto to Plant ‘Fe ed” Oat: ts Plant | | Femail Suffryje Millbank >| BIG REDUCTION IN MEN’S SUIT- SSS SsSeSEneass| $900—Will buy Annonymous, INGS AND OVERCOATING From now until Feb. 15th I will offer a number of Suitings ge Oyercoating at COST PRICE. ch the Femail Suffryjet. rs “ad @ num Toe Misses T, Harron and) L, Crummer ne se ed branch of the Cesta Siiiveane are ai up with: i" realune and Rev, ©. 0, Pherrill left on nie AS 7° aged ure is advising armers AE ei 008 eontartab le these dayu-oMr d Kneisel, of | ‘as delegates to the the use of Extra No. 1 feed peer ON a diame dwel, Mitehener, spent Sunday at his home ‘convention at St. Marys this w eed purposes unless germin-| Heer sui ts eae nddition ji, here-—-Mrs. Joba Koeh a: ‘hte! ert ere was no service in cither of ation tests are first de, The bul- ga ee Feet water, 4 Ela, were visitors in Milverton for /our churches on Sunday nigh ng issued explains that the term | Find out ALE AGE bah so ML Bah: a few days ‘last wee! rs. |to the. stormy weather.—Mr. Aiken, |‘‘feed” in official grades of oats, as No | Grex) ‘Alex, Robertson attended the Turner lot Orange vi "11 feed oats impli t the oats hi ve | nderson wedding at Brunner—Miss Je eF'2 ast been or are otherwise ee e St., noe see me if you want to myer or ell ere: dwelling or farm. It COMMERCIAL NEW... oye Streicher is at her home Satter | we ing several months in Stratford. ise: on Saturday. iepaite a number horse buyers are around thes ued days, —Messrs of. th sy hauling br with whigh they intend to balk nee houses in the summer. HAMPSTEAD ing to the impassable Siren ies omen’s Ins' it vir, |Newdale, Many y nd ke pentes at Stratford last week.— W. Hamilton, a ‘Thedfo: ord, eek,—The Morningto | vention held i 0 thureh Sea Tuesday aftertioon an ng Ww attended considering t a ma~ a ee endl erminate sat- rades can be relied give satisfactory germina- tion, says th Government bulletin, “cOULD. NOT, ‘STAND UP RAIGHT” ie Jan. “About a year anes was. cut fering from’ dread Jame back and “hips, 50 that I Soma Hot. stand np sreigh by spells. A friend told me about FORTHEML KIDNEYS EE they helped me im- mele hi faken about 12 bores. SA cape gsr since) ours, eas Hees 0. rr, B00, & box, or 6 boxes stor $2.00. ‘Sample free if you write NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL OF CANADA, LIMITED, | oronto, Ont. New Jewelry Store In Monkton MR. W. FR, ANK has opened with stock. Strict attention given repairing of all kinds, HANSON'S OLD STAND Tis sed ane men can’t maik good lav BY ite m are aroun doun \To Hos of toyl and slaivery; Re Thet nun who wares a goun cone ne os e at Hoi phate oak from off thare nex. It Fg ba aa thet “She is roks cols tha wurld !” If thet a aate att the. Sstaim On men, whose hain thay kurled Wen se were yung and went. to 2 like so mutch doe het ehay ud mold in a) war Thay wished the boys to ero. We Adam started, all elone Til Muther Eve caim roun. She tuk the hoam id oe his hans, And saw that he Or think, and skratoht his hed, pete went all rite, til wun fine day Eve ase a strole Sort ‘the plaice To sed he diden shurk His job, becos she wos afrade He'd dropp his tools and trott To spooni with all the perty, gals ‘Who lived on the nex ploft. And as she went she spyed a tree Whose frute luked mitey grand She staired, but new she musten’t sutch, And then she sed, “My land !" With thet ole Nick be ag oe his hed the, x SCZ “My deer, dist helm yerselt ‘to wot you like om enny tree thats hear.” 5 25 at hom Mrs, Jas, MaCallums | 56.00 Se eee eerernte SPetceret spent |en! by Mr/ Otter, of Toronto, also Rey 38 -rn|Bean, of Milverton, and Rev. a few days last week in the northern . on. Sart of the county. in her official |Stewart, of North Morningto ‘rhe Hogs liveweight... 18 25 capacity as District President of the ts were not as maveesbie as other Butcher Cattle «: 6 00 8 00 Women's Institute.—A joint mecting | localities visited b: EO! rr, Potatoes per ba; 215 215 of akes} Hampstead | Adolph, of Gowanstown, was aie pres Lard. 1 | 18 Women’s Institutes will be held in jent at tha afternoon session.the Sn. 6 6 Shakespeare on Tuesday, Jan. 30th, in nual meeting of Knox churel Cen 19 95 conjunction with the Farmers’ Board |held in the basement preetie sense of Agriculture The demonstration 00 Thursday of last week. Owing to 19 19 car sent by the Ontario Government the stormy day the attendance was 1818 win a Shakespear day Small, The seit of the year was| 1220 «16 api Chas attending the meetings will Bone over, avid Mecorntal wen 18 «18 al ve an Soper ity of viewing | appelnted treasurer 0 on Eee i | 5 6 the exhibits of the car. ‘ tne al 86-36 es Sota of -tppréelation was tendere i Penta RE ‘m. x for his very. efficient eS KINGWOOD worl during the past sumbeb oi years | Mr.’and Mrs. Ropp, of Ellice, spent tsnager ola Of Me aah Notice to Creditors Teac Nae enecaciad creat | TS omen ‘Unstitutewith'mest at +P . on jBanday with her daughter, Mrs, W. the ome ot Saga hegre 8 Int the matter of the the Estate of Robert | he ednesday, Jan. 17th, / Rol) Call, Favorite Allied Leaders; there occurred a very interesting in- 5 bene 3 igs page a Mune in vaienteg, when ona jor the Poet SS aetna On rie eotasen young girls. of our town, namely aoe iit b ICE is he te given pursuant Miss Hermina Eydt, second youngest teevene Bos ne eet to the Trustee, Act that all creditors 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. rew | rene ave wordlally invited” whethe! and others Having claims against the |Eydt, was united in marriage to i saoribere or not. Everybody: weleome | Person or esti ‘obert Hanna, late Oliver Heinz of Bamberg. The ree nie bootal. will be held in the: par-| of "the "Township of Ellice, in the )py couple are spending their Byaby: ish hall of Grace church on Friday | Count; Perth, farmer, deceased )moon it ito, The best wishes | evening, . 26th. Proceeds to “be! died on or about the 2ith, day of of ‘th community go with them for a|Geyoted to the Red Cross Fund.—The | November, 1916, are required on or’ y wedded life.—Mi achat carhast piven: in Behnicra before the 10th day of February, A.D. | Belle Fleming, of Poole, visited @ few Het Siaweod. Gn Yriday’ evening, by 1917, to send in to the undersigned |days with her sister, Mrs. Duncan |¢he’ Millbank’ A.Y. Merger Kersh, Laat Dev uecess, A considerable sum of mon- the nature hes the a securities, if any, held by An id he Be take notice that on Sti last mentioned exeo and. exetu- ieee shall ae be liable for the ee 3 Or rh part thereof so distr’ ate rson of whose Ate have had notice at the | time disteibut ated a Itlverton, this 17th day ee GRA’ Mrs, B. Westman visited friends in ratford on Friday.—Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Smith, of Plumis, Aea.y spe! spendi Myrt! re with a eg at Britton.—Mrs. Hol- I~ mes is.‘at “present visiting her sister, Mrs. nies vRebriag#ilte- Mrs Boyne nd daughter, of Florence, Best are visting the former's mother, Mrs. ea ee fs It is against the law tov provide of January, jgnels. friend with liquor, eve “but g day,” as two of our Foun seated = nen Ba No 1, townsmen, who ‘have left a few hairs lrabth in the clutches of the law, cam test xperience has I iquor Hann, ; Rixecutrice, «| BAPerenee hat eeoreed is worse By W. by War, Milverton. than useless,—Elmira Signet. A ladies of the Linwood Institute. [is seriously ill ey bejng raised for Red Cross work. Thosd givi oncert were tender- ed) the Sin dest hospitality, being serv- ed with 4 delicious Jung! at the close of the performance fe w of <4 BRUNNER s. Jas. Clarke spent the sag) Mire, Harry Turner left on ‘Tuesday to spend a few weeks with friends in ‘oodstock.—Miss. E, Sch was called to ther home in Drayton to at- tem Yedside of her mother, who The salary of Rev. rtin, pastor of Knox church, Stratford, wa3 recently advanced from - $2,800 to $3,000, WINTER TOU Be: a heeee, ides now in one rida, Geor RETURN LIMIT MAY 31, 1917 Liberal Stop-Overs Allowed For full informetos B, WoRNNg IN ‘Union Station, ‘oronto, Ont. PvE Seiwa ca asia H.C. BAIRD, Phone No. 1, Local Agent He shuk the tree with all his ae ie hed no moddern Japp. She es a bite and thot it nice then en blu shed for shaim, She oe ’ must bite a. peace Then he wil cahaie the blaim.” Now ever since thet, fatel ne Most everythings gone ron, sir caulyicts turn roun and say— mexf the blaim, belong.” Thare’s falta on both sides. Yes, m But I wil bet a grot ae hewman, lav Stig hot inkrease sy lettin wimmen voat. by This subject makes me swet so mutch, My inl You'll heer from me nex At rie aa oak: fice reed the |; One roll of Blue Serge, regular $26.00 for .......$21.5 Brown and Grey Suitings at ; Overcoating your choice for. d behind what we sell, ing we ask you to-compare our values, come and see J. M. FLEISCHHAUER, Milverton Our own make—and we stan $16.00 to 19.50 Before buy- Pianos and Organs One Pir Rosewood Piano, P endid opportunity for any piano for beginners. Seven Octaves, Over-strung Base, anyone, wh looking for Ar aliew eel -aneatce paid on this piano if you wish to aiken ‘a more expensive instrument One Heintzman & Oo. Upri Mahogany Case, has only in price on this laptrument of qui hnt“Piano, Louis nd Carving. Slightly used in room Tt is in splendid condition, One. Aes & Ca, Upri: Mahogany Case, with Ha duced One ie cae Hee Au By. Front, Mouse Pes bestot hape. ht Piano, Ionic Design, Handsome en ui mi usa ‘at concerts. Big reduction XV Design, oentihal Will sell at a pee ae an, Golden Oak Case, Beautiful Carved ‘als, thoroughly overhauled and i oe eed Octave Goderich Organ, Polished Walnut Case, eleven. sand swells, eight sets reeds. Mouse One aH Octave Bell Organ, Piano Cased, stops, full length swinging music desk. M proof in every respect. a rang Finish, eleven rn in every respect One hee Octave Thomas Organ, Golden Oak, Beautiful Design. es ength music desk, omecing, at a very low pri One 35 ah best toned instruments ¥ A Dozen Good Or; a rp all in first class pead as being thoroughly overhauled. YE OLDE old on low monthly paym: FIRME OF HEINTZMAN & CO. 38 Ontario St. ‘ED - STRATFORD HEINTZMAN & CO, Please write me to-day anthatente advertised in ‘Tl ing further particulars on io Mitveston Sun.

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